path: root/l10n-sl/toolkit/chrome/global
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-sl/toolkit/chrome/global')
17 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..aa9ff422d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/toolkit/chrome/global/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (title): keep "Shield" in English. See
+# for more information
+title = Raziskave Shield
+removeButton = Odstrani
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (activeStudiesList): Title above a list of active studies
+activeStudiesList = Raziskave v teku
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (activeStudiesList): Title above a list of completed studies
+completedStudiesList = Končane raziskave
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (activeStatus): Displayed for an active study
+activeStatus = V teku
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (completeStatus): Displayed for a study that is already complete
+completeStatus = Dokončana
+updateButtonWin = Spremeni možnosti
+updateButtonUnix = Spremeni nastavitve
+learnMore = Več o tem
+noStudies = Sodelovali niste še v nobeni raziskavi.
+disabledList = To je seznam raziskav, v katerih ste sodelovali. Namestila se ne bo nobena nova raziskava.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (enabledList): %S is brandShortName (e.g. Firefox)
+enabledList = Kaj je to? %S lahko občasno namešča ali izvaja raziskave.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (preferenceStudyDescription) $1%S will be replaced with the
+# name of a preference (such as "stream.improvesearch.topSiteSearchShortcuts")
+# and $2%S will be replaced with the value of that preference. Both values will
+# be formatted differently than the surrounding text.
+preferenceStudyDescription = Ta raziskava nastavi %1$S na %2$S.
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index 0000000000..105e0ff25c
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarkKeywordSearch): This is the title of autocomplete
+# entries that are bookmark keyword searches. %1$S will be replaced with the
+# domain name of the bookmark, and %2$S will be replaced with the keyword
+# search text that the user is typing. %2$S will not be empty.
+bookmarkKeywordSearch = %1$S: %2$S
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index 0000000000..26b09a1f0e
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+formPostSecureToInsecureWarning.title = Varnostno opozorilo
+formPostSecureToInsecureWarning.message = Podatki, ki ste jih vnesli na to stran, bodo poslani preko nezaščitene povezave, zato bodo izpostavljeni tretjim osebam.\n\nSte prepričani, da želite poslati te podatke?
+formPostSecureToInsecureWarning.continue = Nadaljuj
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index 0000000000..4161468c3c
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE - %S is brandFullName
+PromptUsernameAndPassword3=Zahtevana je overitev – %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE - %S is brandFullName
+PromptPassword3=Zahtevano je geslo – %S
+OK=V redu
+DontSave=Ne s&hrani
+ScriptDlgGenericHeading=[Aplikacija v JavaScriptu]
+ScriptDlgHeading=Stran na naslovu %S:
+ScriptDlgNullPrincipalHeading=Stran sporoča:
+ScriptDialogLabel=Tej strani prepreči ustvarjanje novih pogovornih oken
+ScriptDialogLabelNullPrincipal=Ne dovoli temu spletnemu mestu, da ponovno vpraša
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ScriptDialogLabelContentPrincipal):
+# %S is either the domain and port of the site prompting, or the name of
+# an add-on prompting.
+ScriptDialogLabelContentPrincipal=Ne dovoli %S, da ponovno vpraša
+ScriptDialogPreventTitle=Nastavitev potrditvenega okna
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (EnterLoginForRealm3, EnterLoginForProxy3):
+# %1 is an untrusted string provided by a remote server. It could try to
+# take advantage of sentence structure in order to mislead the user (see
+# bug 244273). %1 should be integrated into the translated sentences as
+# little as possible. %2 is the url of the site being accessed.
+EnterLoginForRealm3=%2$S zahteva uporabniško ime in geslo. Sporočilo strani: “%1$S”
+EnterLoginForProxy3=Posrednik %2$S zahteva uporabniško ime in geslo. Sporočilo strani: "%1$S"
+EnterUserPasswordFor2=%1$S zahteva uporabniško ime in geslo.
+EnterUserPasswordForCrossOrigin2=%1$S zahteva uporabniško ime in geslo. OPOZORILO: geslo ne bo poslano strani, na kateri se nahajate!
+EnterPasswordFor=Vnesite geslo za %1$S na %2$S
+EnterCredentials=Spletno mesto zahteva, da se prijavite.
+# %S is the username for which a password is requested.
+EnterPasswordOnlyFor=Spletno mesto zahteva, da se prijavite kot %S.
+# %S is the domain of the site being accessed.
+EnterCredentialsCrossOrigin=Spletno mesto zahteva, da se prijavite. Pozor, vaše prijavne podatke bo prejelo spletno mesto %S, ne to, na katerem se nahajate.
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index 0000000000..c6543ac80e
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# context menu strings
+SaveImageTitle=Shrani sliko
+SaveMediaTitle=Shrani predstavnost
+SaveVideoTitle=Shrani video
+SaveAudioTitle=Shrani zvok
+SaveLinkTitle=Shrani kot
+WebPageCompleteFilter=Celotna spletna stran
+WebPageHTMLOnlyFilter=Spletna stran, le HTML
+WebPageXHTMLOnlyFilter=Spletna stran, le XHTML
+WebPageSVGOnlyFilter=Spletna stran, le SVG
+WebPageXMLOnlyFilter=Spletna stran, le XML
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (UntitledSaveFileName):
+# This is the default filename used when saving a file if a filename could
+# not be determined or if a filename was invalid. A period and file
+# extension may be appended to this string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (filesFolder):
+# This is the name of the folder that is created parallel to a HTML file
+# when it is saved "With Images". The %S section is replaced with the
+# leaf name of the file being saved (minus extension).
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index 0000000000..0ebc2bed81
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+button-accept=V redu
+button-disclosure=Dodatne informacije
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index 0000000000..caa72f42c6
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (uninstall.confirmation.title) %S is the name of the extension which is about to be uninstalled.
+uninstall.confirmation.title = Odstrani %S
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (uninstall.confirmation.message) %S is the name of the extension which is about to be uninstalled.
+uninstall.confirmation.message = Razširitev “%S” zahteva svojo odstranitev. Kaj želite storiti?
+uninstall.confirmation.button-0.label = Odstrani
+uninstall.confirmation.button-1.label = Pusti nameščeno
+saveaspdf.saveasdialog.title = Shrani kot
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (newTabControlled.message2) %S is the icon and name of the extension which updated the New Tab page.
+newTabControlled.message2 = Razširitev %S je zamenjala stran novega zavihka.
+newTabControlled.learnMore = Več o tem
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (homepageControlled.message) %S is the icon and name of the extension which updated the homepage.
+homepageControlled.message = Razširitev %S je zamenjala domačo stran in stran, ki se odpre v novih oknih.
+homepageControlled.learnMore = Več o tem
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (tabHideControlled.message) %1$S is the icon and name of the extension which hid tabs, %2$S is the icon of the all tabs button.
+tabHideControlled.message = Razširitev %1$S skriva nekatere vaše zavihke. Do vseh zavihkov lahko še vedno dostopate z %2$S.
+tabHideControlled.learnMore = Več o tem
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index 0000000000..2b3c602c68
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# OSX only. Default menu label when there is no xul menubar.
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The extensions to which these descriptions refer
+# now live in toolkit/content/
+allTitle=Vse datoteke
+htmlTitle=Datoteke HTML
+textTitle=Datoteke z besedilom
+imageTitle=Datoteke s slikami
+xmlTitle=Datoteke XML
+xulTitle=Datoteke XUL
+audioTitle=Zvočne datoteke
+videoTitle=Datoteke z videom
+pdfTitle=Datoteke PDF
+formatLabel=Shrani kot:
+selectedFileNotReadableError=Izbrana datoteka nima dovoljenja za branje
diff --git a/l10n-sl/toolkit/chrome/global/intl.css b/l10n-sl/toolkit/chrome/global/intl.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f54eb367d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-sl/toolkit/chrome/global/intl.css
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+ * This file contains all localizable skin settings such as
+ * font, layout, and geometry
+ */
+window {
+ font: 3mm tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;
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index 0000000000..95b9a52b68
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (intl.accept_languages):
+# This is a comma-separated list of valid BCP 47 language tags.
+# Begin with the value of 'general.useragent.locale'. Next, include language
+# tags for other languages that you expect most users of your locale to be
+# able to speak, so that their browsing experience degrades gracefully if
+# content is not available in their primary language.
+# It is recommended that you include "en-US, en" at the end of the list as a
+# last resort. However, if you know that users of your locale would prefer a
+# different variety of English, or if they are not likely to understand
+# English at all, you may opt to include a different English language tag, or
+# to exclude English altogether.
+# For example, the Breton [br] locale might consider including French and
+# British English in their list, since those languages are commonly spoken in
+# the same area as Breton:
+# intl.accept_languages=br, fr-FR, fr, en-GB, en
+intl.accept_languages=sl, en-gb, en
+# This preference controls the initial setting of the language drop-down menu
+# in the Content > Fonts & Colors > Advanced preference panel.
+# Set it to the value of one of the menuitems in the "selectLangs" menulist in
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluralRule): Pick the appropriate plural rule for your
+# language. This will determine how many plural forms of a word you will need
+# to provide and in what order.
+# See:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (intl.menuitems.alwaysappendaccesskeys, intl.menuitems.insertseparatorbeforeaccesskeys):
+# Valid values are: true, false, <empty string>
+# Missing preference or empty value equals false.
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index 0000000000..cf2fcaeb9a
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the application's labels for keys on the keyboard.
+# If you decide to translate this file, you should translate it based on
+# the prevelant kind of keyboard for your target user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : There are two types of keys, those w/ text on their labels
+# and those w/ glyphs.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : VK_<…> represents a key on the keyboard.
+# For more information please see bugzilla bug 90888.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the application's labels for keys on the keyboard.
+# If you decide to translate this file, you should translate it based on
+# the prevalent kind of keyboard for your target user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : There are two types of keys, those w/ text on their labels
+# and those w/ glyphs.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : VK_<…> represents a key on the keyboard.
+# For more information please see bugzilla bug 90888.
+# F1..F10 should probably not be translated unless there are keyboards that actually have other labels
+# F11..F20 might be something else, but are really keyboard specific and not region/language specific
+# there are actually two different F11/F12 keys, I don't know which one these labels represent.
+# eg, F13..F20 on a sparc keyboard are labeled Props, Again .. Find, Cut
+# sparc also has Stop, Again and F11/F12. VK_F11/VK_F12 probably map to Stop/Again
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : BLOCK Do not translate the next block
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : BLOCK end do not translate block
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : BLOCK GLYPHS, DO translate this block
+VK_UP=Puščica gor
+VK_DOWN=Puščica dol
+VK_LEFT=Puščica levo
+VK_RIGHT=Puščica desno
+# Enter, backspace, and Tab might have both glyphs and text
+# if the keyboards usually have a glyph,
+# if there is a meaningful translation,
+# or if keyboards are localized
+# then translate them or insert the appropriate glyph
+# otherwise you should probably just translate the glyph regions
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : BLOCK typing state keys
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# "Listen, which allows users to listen to Firefox reading the text,
+# instead of having to read it themselves." This is the name
+# of the feature and it is the label for the popup button.
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for the listen command
+listen-label = Poslušaj (%S)
+back = Nazaj
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for the start command
+start-label = Začni (%S)
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for the stop command
+stop-label = Ustavi (%S)
+# Keyboard shortcut to toggle the narrate feature
+narrate-key-shortcut = P
+forward = Naprej
+speed = Hitrost
+selectvoicelabel = Glas:
+# Default voice is determined by the language of the document.
+defaultvoice = Privzeto
+# Voice name and language.
+# eg. David (English)
+voiceLabel = %S (%S)
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These strings are used in the native GTK, Mac and Windows print dialogs.
+# GTK titles:
+# Mac titles:
+pageHeadersTitleMac=Glava strani:
+pageFootersTitleMac=Noga strani:
+# Windows titles:
+# TRANSLATOR NOTE: For radio button labels and check button labels, an underscore _
+# before a character will turn that character into an accesskey in the GTK dialog.
+# e.g. "_As laid out" will make A the accesskey.
+# In the Windows labels, use an ampersand (&).
+# On Mac, underscores will be stripped.
+shrinkToFit=S_krči na širino strani
+selectionOnly=Natisni sam_o izbrano
+printBGOptions=Natisni ozadja
+printBGColors=Natisni _barve ozadja
+printBGImages=Natisni _slike ozadja
+headerFooter=Glava in noga
+center=V sredini
+headerFooterPage=Stran #
+headerFooterPageTotal=Stran # od #
+headerFooterCustom=Po meri …
+customHeaderFooterPrompt=Vnesite besedilo glave in noge
+summarySelectionOnlyTitle=Natisni izbrano
+summaryShrinkToFitTitle=Skrči, da ustreza
+summaryPrintBGColorsTitle=Natisni barve ozadja
+summaryPrintBGImagesTitle=Natisni slike ozadja
+summaryHeaderTitle=Glave strani
+summaryFooterTitle=Noge strani
+summaryNAValue=Ni določeno
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: These strings are used for profile reset.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (resetUnusedProfile.message): %S is brandShortName.
+resetUnusedProfile.message=Že nekaj časa niste zagnali %Sa. Ga želite očistiti navlake, da bo deloval kot nov? In mimogrede: dobrodošli nazaj!
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (resetUninstalled.message): %S is brandShortName.
+resetUninstalled.message=Kaže, da je %S nameščen na novo. Želite, da ga počistimo in bo deloval kot nov?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (refreshProfile.resetButton.label): %S is brandShortName.
+refreshProfile.resetButton.label=Osveži %S …
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+goToLineTitle = Pojdi v vrstico
+goToLineText = Vnesite številko vrstice
+invalidInputTitle = Neveljaven vnos
+invalidInputText = Vnesena številka vrstice je neveljavna.
+outOfRangeTitle = Vrstica ni najdena
+outOfRangeText = Zahtevane vrstice ni mogoče najti.
+viewSelectionSourceTitle = Izvorna koda DOM izbora
+context_goToLine_label = Pojdi v vrstico …
+context_goToLine_accesskey = V
+context_wrapLongLines_label = Prelomi dolge vrstice
+context_highlightSyntax_label = Označevanje skladnje
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+default-first-title=%S: Pozdravljeni
+default-last-title=%S: Končano