path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/build/chromeos/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/build/chromeos/')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/build/chromeos/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/chromeos/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0fa3a511e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/chromeos/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env vpython3
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import six
+# The following non-std imports are fetched via vpython. See the list at
+# //.vpython
+import mock # pylint: disable=import-error
+from parameterized import parameterized # pylint: disable=import-error
+import test_runner
+ "name": "login.Chrome",
+ "errors": None,
+ "start": "2020-01-01T15:41:30.799228462-08:00",
+ "end": "2020-01-01T15:41:53.318914698-08:00",
+ "skipReason": ""
+class TestRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.mock_rdb = mock.patch.object(
+ test_runner.result_sink, 'TryInitClient', return_value=None)
+ self.mock_rdb.start()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+ self.mock_rdb.stop()
+ def safeAssertItemsEqual(self, list1, list2):
+ """A Py3 safe version of assertItemsEqual.
+ See
+ """
+ if six.PY3:
+ self.assertSetEqual(set(list1), set(list2))
+ else:
+ self.assertCountEqual(list1, list2)
+class TastTests(TestRunnerTest):
+ def get_common_tast_args(self, use_vm):
+ return [
+ 'script_name',
+ 'tast',
+ '--suite-name=chrome_all_tast_tests',
+ '--board=eve',
+ '--flash',
+ '--path-to-outdir=out_eve/Release',
+ '--logs-dir=%s' % self._tmp_dir,
+ '--use-vm' if use_vm else '--device=localhost:2222',
+ ]
+ def get_common_tast_expectations(self, use_vm, is_lacros=False):
+ expectation = [
+ test_runner.CROS_RUN_TEST_PATH,
+ '--board',
+ 'eve',
+ '--cache-dir',
+ test_runner.DEFAULT_CROS_CACHE,
+ '--results-dest-dir',
+ '%s/system_logs' % self._tmp_dir,
+ '--flash',
+ '--build-dir',
+ 'out_eve/Release',
+ '--results-dir',
+ self._tmp_dir,
+ '--tast-total-shards=1',
+ '--tast-shard-index=0',
+ ]
+ expectation.extend(['--start', '--copy-on-write']
+ if use_vm else ['--device', 'localhost:2222'])
+ for p in test_runner.SYSTEM_LOG_LOCATIONS:
+ expectation.extend(['--results-src', p])
+ if not is_lacros:
+ expectation += [
+ '--mount',
+ '--deploy',
+ '--nostrip',
+ ]
+ return expectation
+ def test_tast_gtest_filter(self):
+ """Tests running tast tests with a gtest-style filter."""
+ with open(os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, 'streamed_results.jsonl'), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(_TAST_TEST_RESULTS_JSON, f)
+ args = self.get_common_tast_args(False) + [
+ '--attr-expr=( "group:mainline" && "dep:chrome" && !informational)',
+ '--gtest_filter=login.Chrome:ui.WindowControl',
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', args),\
+ mock.patch.object(test_runner.subprocess, 'Popen') as mock_popen:
+ mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 0
+ test_runner.main()
+ # The gtest filter should cause the Tast expr to be replaced with a list
+ # of the tests in the filter.
+ expected_cmd = self.get_common_tast_expectations(False) + [
+ '--tast=("name:login.Chrome" || "name:ui.WindowControl")'
+ ]
+ self.safeAssertItemsEqual(expected_cmd, mock_popen.call_args[0][0])
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ [True],
+ [False],
+ ])
+ def test_tast_attr_expr(self, use_vm):
+ """Tests running a tast tests specified by an attribute expression."""
+ with open(os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, 'streamed_results.jsonl'), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(_TAST_TEST_RESULTS_JSON, f)
+ args = self.get_common_tast_args(use_vm) + [
+ '--attr-expr=( "group:mainline" && "dep:chrome" && !informational)',
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', args),\
+ mock.patch.object(test_runner.subprocess, 'Popen') as mock_popen:
+ mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 0
+ test_runner.main()
+ expected_cmd = self.get_common_tast_expectations(use_vm) + [
+ '--tast=( "group:mainline" && "dep:chrome" && !informational)',
+ ]
+ self.safeAssertItemsEqual(expected_cmd, mock_popen.call_args[0][0])
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ [True],
+ [False],
+ ])
+ def test_tast_lacros(self, use_vm):
+ """Tests running a tast tests for Lacros."""
+ with open(os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, 'streamed_results.jsonl'), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(_TAST_TEST_RESULTS_JSON, f)
+ args = self.get_common_tast_args(use_vm) + [
+ '-t=lacros.Basic',
+ '--deploy-lacros',
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', args),\
+ mock.patch.object(test_runner.subprocess, 'Popen') as mock_popen:
+ mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 0
+ test_runner.main()
+ expected_cmd = self.get_common_tast_expectations(
+ use_vm, is_lacros=True) + [
+ '--tast',
+ 'lacros.Basic',
+ '--deploy-lacros',
+ '--lacros-launcher-script',
+ ]
+ self.safeAssertItemsEqual(expected_cmd, mock_popen.call_args[0][0])
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ [True],
+ [False],
+ ])
+ def test_tast_with_vars(self, use_vm):
+ """Tests running a tast tests with runtime variables."""
+ with open(os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, 'streamed_results.jsonl'), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(_TAST_TEST_RESULTS_JSON, f)
+ args = self.get_common_tast_args(use_vm) + [
+ '-t=login.Chrome',
+ '--tast-var=key=value',
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', args),\
+ mock.patch.object(test_runner.subprocess, 'Popen') as mock_popen:
+ mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 0
+ test_runner.main()
+ expected_cmd = self.get_common_tast_expectations(use_vm) + [
+ '--tast', 'login.Chrome', '--tast-var', 'key=value'
+ ]
+ self.safeAssertItemsEqual(expected_cmd, mock_popen.call_args[0][0])
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ [True],
+ [False],
+ ])
+ def test_tast(self, use_vm):
+ """Tests running a tast tests."""
+ with open(os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, 'streamed_results.jsonl'), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(_TAST_TEST_RESULTS_JSON, f)
+ args = self.get_common_tast_args(use_vm) + [
+ '-t=login.Chrome',
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', args),\
+ mock.patch.object(test_runner.subprocess, 'Popen') as mock_popen:
+ mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 0
+ test_runner.main()
+ expected_cmd = self.get_common_tast_expectations(use_vm) + [
+ '--tast', 'login.Chrome'
+ ]
+ self.safeAssertItemsEqual(expected_cmd, mock_popen.call_args[0][0])
+class GTestTest(TestRunnerTest):
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ [True],
+ [False],
+ ])
+ def test_gtest(self, use_vm):
+ """Tests running a gtest."""
+ fd_mock = mock.mock_open()
+ args = [
+ 'script_name',
+ 'gtest',
+ '--test-exe=out_eve/Release/base_unittests',
+ '--board=eve',
+ '--path-to-outdir=out_eve/Release',
+ '--use-vm' if use_vm else '--device=localhost:2222',
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', args),\
+ mock.patch.object(test_runner.subprocess, 'Popen') as mock_popen,\
+ mock.patch.object(os, 'fdopen', fd_mock),\
+ mock.patch.object(os, 'remove') as mock_remove,\
+ mock.patch.object(tempfile, 'mkstemp',
+ return_value=(3, 'out_eve/Release/')),\
+ mock.patch.object(os, 'fchmod'):
+ mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 0
+ test_runner.main()
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_popen.call_count)
+ expected_cmd = [
+ test_runner.CROS_RUN_TEST_PATH, '--board', 'eve', '--cache-dir',
+ test_runner.DEFAULT_CROS_CACHE, '--as-chronos', '--remote-cmd',
+ '--cwd', 'out_eve/Release', '--files',
+ 'out_eve/Release/'
+ ]
+ expected_cmd.extend(['--start', '--copy-on-write']
+ if use_vm else ['--device', 'localhost:2222'])
+ expected_cmd.extend(['--', './'])
+ self.safeAssertItemsEqual(expected_cmd, mock_popen.call_args[0][0])
+ fd_mock().write.assert_called_once_with(
+ '#!/bin/sh\nexport HOME=/usr/local/tmp\n'
+ 'export TMPDIR=/usr/local/tmp\n'
+ 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./out_eve/Release/base_unittests '
+ '--test-launcher-shard-index=0 --test-launcher-total-shards=1\n')
+ mock_remove.assert_called_once_with('out_eve/Release/')
+ def test_gtest_with_vpython(self):
+ """Tests building a gtest with --vpython-dir."""
+ args = mock.MagicMock()
+ args.test_exe = 'base_unittests'
+ args.test_launcher_summary_output = None
+ args.trace_dir = None
+ args.runtime_deps_path = None
+ args.path_to_outdir = self._tmp_dir
+ args.vpython_dir = self._tmp_dir
+ args.logs_dir = self._tmp_dir
+ # With vpython_dir initially empty, the test_runner should error out
+ # due to missing vpython binaries.
+ gtest = test_runner.GTestTest(args, None)
+ with self.assertRaises(test_runner.TestFormatError):
+ gtest.build_test_command()
+ # Create the two expected tools, and the test should be ready to run.
+ with open(os.path.join(args.vpython_dir, 'vpython3'), 'w'):
+ pass # Just touch the file.
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(args.vpython_dir, 'bin'))
+ with open(os.path.join(args.vpython_dir, 'bin', 'python3'), 'w'):
+ pass
+ gtest = test_runner.GTestTest(args, None)
+ gtest.build_test_command()
+class HostCmdTests(TestRunnerTest):
+ @parameterized.expand([
+ [True],
+ [False],
+ ])
+ def test_host_cmd(self, is_lacros):
+ args = [
+ 'script_name',
+ 'host-cmd',
+ '--board=eve',
+ '--flash',
+ '--path-to-outdir=out/Release',
+ '--device=localhost:2222',
+ ]
+ if is_lacros:
+ args += ['--deploy-lacros']
+ else:
+ args += ['--deploy-chrome']
+ args += [
+ '--',
+ 'fake_cmd',
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', args),\
+ mock.patch.object(test_runner.subprocess, 'Popen') as mock_popen:
+ mock_popen.return_value.returncode = 0
+ test_runner.main()
+ expected_cmd = [
+ test_runner.CROS_RUN_TEST_PATH,
+ '--board',
+ 'eve',
+ '--cache-dir',
+ test_runner.DEFAULT_CROS_CACHE,
+ '--flash',
+ '--device',
+ 'localhost:2222',
+ '--build-dir',
+ os.path.join(test_runner.CHROMIUM_SRC_PATH, 'out/Release'),
+ '--host-cmd',
+ ]
+ if is_lacros:
+ expected_cmd += [
+ '--deploy-lacros',
+ '--lacros-launcher-script',
+ ]
+ else:
+ expected_cmd += ['--mount', '--nostrip', '--deploy']
+ expected_cmd += [
+ '--',
+ 'fake_cmd',
+ ]
+ self.safeAssertItemsEqual(expected_cmd, mock_popen.call_args[0][0])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()