path: root/third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/ b/third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f78e4838fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+import io
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from textwrap import indent, wrap
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast
+from .fastjsonschema_exceptions import JsonSchemaValueException
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ "must be named by propertyName definition": "keys must be named by",
+ "one of contains definition": "at least one item that matches",
+ " same as const definition:": "",
+ "only specified items": "only items matching the definition",
+ "must not be empty",
+ "is always invalid",
+ "must not be there",
+_NEED_DETAILS = {"anyOf", "oneOf", "anyOf", "contains", "propertyNames", "not", "items"}
+_CAMEL_CASE_SPLITTER = re.compile(r"\W+|([A-Z][^A-Z\W]*)")
+_IDENTIFIER = re.compile(r"^[\w_]+$", re.I)
+ "object": "table",
+ "property": "key",
+ "properties": "keys",
+ "property names": "keys",
+class ValidationError(JsonSchemaValueException):
+ """Report violations of a given JSON schema.
+ This class extends :exc:`~fastjsonschema.JsonSchemaValueException`
+ by adding the following properties:
+ - ``summary``: an improved version of the ``JsonSchemaValueException`` error message
+ with only the necessary information)
+ - ``details``: more contextual information about the error like the failing schema
+ itself and the value that violates the schema.
+ Depending on the level of the verbosity of the ``logging`` configuration
+ the exception message will be only ``summary`` (default) or a combination of
+ ``summary`` and ``details`` (when the logging level is set to :obj:`logging.DEBUG`).
+ """
+ summary = ""
+ details = ""
+ _original_message = ""
+ @classmethod
+ def _from_jsonschema(cls, ex: JsonSchemaValueException):
+ formatter = _ErrorFormatting(ex)
+ obj = cls(str(formatter), ex.value,, ex.definition, ex.rule)
+ debug_code = os.getenv("JSONSCHEMA_DEBUG_CODE_GENERATION", "false").lower()
+ if debug_code != "false": # pragma: no cover
+ obj.__cause__, obj.__traceback__ = ex.__cause__, ex.__traceback__
+ obj._original_message = ex.message
+ obj.summary = formatter.summary
+ obj.details = formatter.details
+ return obj
+def detailed_errors():
+ try:
+ yield
+ except JsonSchemaValueException as ex:
+ raise ValidationError._from_jsonschema(ex) from None
+class _ErrorFormatting:
+ def __init__(self, ex: JsonSchemaValueException):
+ self.ex = ex
+ = f"`{self._simplify_name(}`"
+ self._original_message = self.ex.message.replace(,
+ self._summary = ""
+ self._details = ""
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ if _logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG and self.details:
+ return f"{self.summary}\n\n{self.details}"
+ return self.summary
+ @property
+ def summary(self) -> str:
+ if not self._summary:
+ self._summary = self._expand_summary()
+ return self._summary
+ @property
+ def details(self) -> str:
+ if not self._details:
+ self._details = self._expand_details()
+ return self._details
+ def _simplify_name(self, name):
+ x = len("data.")
+ return name[x:] if name.startswith("data.") else name
+ def _expand_summary(self):
+ msg = self._original_message
+ for bad, repl in _MESSAGE_REPLACEMENTS.items():
+ msg = msg.replace(bad, repl)
+ if any(substring in msg for substring in _SKIP_DETAILS):
+ return msg
+ schema = self.ex.rule_definition
+ if self.ex.rule in _NEED_DETAILS and schema:
+ summary = _SummaryWriter(_TOML_JARGON)
+ return f"{msg}:\n\n{indent(summary(schema), ' ')}"
+ return msg
+ def _expand_details(self) -> str:
+ optional = []
+ desc_lines = self.ex.definition.pop("$$description", [])
+ desc = self.ex.definition.pop("description", None) or " ".join(desc_lines)
+ if desc:
+ description = "\n".join(
+ wrap(
+ desc,
+ width=80,
+ initial_indent=" ",
+ subsequent_indent=" ",
+ break_long_words=False,
+ )
+ )
+ optional.append(f"DESCRIPTION:\n{description}")
+ schema = json.dumps(self.ex.definition, indent=4)
+ value = json.dumps(self.ex.value, indent=4)
+ defaults = [
+ f"GIVEN VALUE:\n{indent(value, ' ')}",
+ f"OFFENDING RULE: {self.ex.rule!r}",
+ f"DEFINITION:\n{indent(schema, ' ')}",
+ ]
+ return "\n\n".join(optional + defaults)
+class _SummaryWriter:
+ _IGNORE = {"description", "default", "title", "examples"}
+ def __init__(self, jargon: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None):
+ self.jargon: Dict[str, str] = jargon or {}
+ # Clarify confusing terms
+ self._terms = {
+ "anyOf": "at least one of the following",
+ "oneOf": "exactly one of the following",
+ "allOf": "all of the following",
+ "not": "(*NOT* the following)",
+ "prefixItems": f"{self._jargon('items')} (in order)",
+ "items": "items",
+ "contains": "contains at least one of",
+ "propertyNames": (
+ f"non-predefined acceptable {self._jargon('property names')}"
+ ),
+ "patternProperties": f"{self._jargon('properties')} named via pattern",
+ "const": "predefined value",
+ "enum": "one of",
+ }
+ # Attributes that indicate that the definition is easy and can be done
+ # inline (e.g. string and number)
+ self._guess_inline_defs = [
+ "enum",
+ "const",
+ "maxLength",
+ "minLength",
+ "pattern",
+ "format",
+ "minimum",
+ "maximum",
+ "exclusiveMinimum",
+ "exclusiveMaximum",
+ "multipleOf",
+ ]
+ def _jargon(self, term: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
+ if isinstance(term, list):
+ return [self.jargon.get(t, t) for t in term]
+ return self.jargon.get(term, term)
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ schema: Union[dict, List[dict]],
+ prefix: str = "",
+ *,
+ _path: Sequence[str] = (),
+ ) -> str:
+ if isinstance(schema, list):
+ return self._handle_list(schema, prefix, _path)
+ filtered = self._filter_unecessary(schema, _path)
+ simple = self._handle_simple_dict(filtered, _path)
+ if simple:
+ return f"{prefix}{simple}"
+ child_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, " ")
+ item_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, "- ")
+ indent = len(prefix) * " "
+ with io.StringIO() as buffer:
+ for i, (key, value) in enumerate(filtered.items()):
+ child_path = [*_path, key]
+ line_prefix = prefix if i == 0 else indent
+ buffer.write(f"{line_prefix}{self._label(child_path)}:")
+ # ^ just the first item should receive the complete prefix
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ filtered = self._filter_unecessary(value, child_path)
+ simple = self._handle_simple_dict(filtered, child_path)
+ buffer.write(
+ f" {simple}"
+ if simple
+ else f"\n{self(value, child_prefix, _path=child_path)}"
+ )
+ elif isinstance(value, list) and (
+ key != "type" or self._is_property(child_path)
+ ):
+ children = self._handle_list(value, item_prefix, child_path)
+ sep = " " if children.startswith("[") else "\n"
+ buffer.write(f"{sep}{children}")
+ else:
+ buffer.write(f" {self._value(value, child_path)}\n")
+ return buffer.getvalue()
+ def _is_unecessary(self, path: Sequence[str]) -> bool:
+ if self._is_property(path) or not path: # empty path => instruction @ root
+ return False
+ key = path[-1]
+ return any(key.startswith(k) for k in "$_") or key in self._IGNORE
+ def _filter_unecessary(self, schema: dict, path: Sequence[str]):
+ return {
+ key: value
+ for key, value in schema.items()
+ if not self._is_unecessary([*path, key])
+ }
+ def _handle_simple_dict(self, value: dict, path: Sequence[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+ inline = any(p in value for p in self._guess_inline_defs)
+ simple = not any(isinstance(v, (list, dict)) for v in value.values())
+ if inline or simple:
+ return f"{{{', '.join(self._inline_attrs(value, path))}}}\n"
+ return None
+ def _handle_list(
+ self, schemas: list, prefix: str = "", path: Sequence[str] = ()
+ ) -> str:
+ if self._is_unecessary(path):
+ return ""
+ repr_ = repr(schemas)
+ if all(not isinstance(e, (dict, list)) for e in schemas) and len(repr_) < 60:
+ return f"{repr_}\n"
+ item_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, "- ")
+ return "".join(
+ self(v, item_prefix, _path=[*path, f"[{i}]"]) for i, v in enumerate(schemas)
+ )
+ def _is_property(self, path: Sequence[str]):
+ """Check if the given path can correspond to an arbitrarily named property"""
+ counter = 0
+ for key in path[-2::-1]:
+ if key not in {"properties", "patternProperties"}:
+ break
+ counter += 1
+ # If the counter if even, the path correspond to a JSON Schema keyword
+ # otherwise it can be any arbitrary string naming a property
+ return counter % 2 == 1
+ def _label(self, path: Sequence[str]) -> str:
+ *parents, key = path
+ if not self._is_property(path):
+ norm_key = _separate_terms(key)
+ return self._terms.get(key) or " ".join(self._jargon(norm_key))
+ if parents[-1] == "patternProperties":
+ return f"(regex {key!r})"
+ return repr(key) # property name
+ def _value(self, value: Any, path: Sequence[str]) -> str:
+ if path[-1] == "type" and not self._is_property(path):
+ type_ = self._jargon(value)
+ return (
+ f"[{', '.join(type_)}]" if isinstance(value, list) else cast(str, type_)
+ )
+ return repr(value)
+ def _inline_attrs(self, schema: dict, path: Sequence[str]) -> Iterator[str]:
+ for key, value in schema.items():
+ child_path = [*path, key]
+ yield f"{self._label(child_path)}: {self._value(value, child_path)}"
+ def _child_prefix(self, parent_prefix: str, child_prefix: str) -> str:
+ return len(parent_prefix) * " " + child_prefix
+def _separate_terms(word: str) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ >>> _separate_terms("FooBar-foo")
+ ['foo', 'bar', 'foo']
+ """
+ return [w.lower() for w in _CAMEL_CASE_SPLITTER.split(word) if w]