path: root/third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/')
1 files changed, 2497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/ b/third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14e223d6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/naga/src/front/glsl/
@@ -0,0 +1,2497 @@
+use super::{
+ ast::{
+ BuiltinVariations, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionKind, Overload, ParameterInfo,
+ ParameterQualifier,
+ },
+ context::Context,
+ Error, ErrorKind, Frontend, Result,
+use crate::{
+ BinaryOperator, Block, Constant, DerivativeAxis as Axis, DerivativeControl as Ctrl, Expression,
+ Handle, ImageClass, ImageDimension as Dim, ImageQuery, MathFunction, Module,
+ RelationalFunction, SampleLevel, ScalarKind as Sk, Span, Type, TypeInner, UnaryOperator,
+ VectorSize,
+impl crate::ScalarKind {
+ const fn dummy_storage_format(&self) -> crate::StorageFormat {
+ match *self {
+ Sk::Sint => crate::StorageFormat::R16Sint,
+ Sk::Uint => crate::StorageFormat::R16Uint,
+ _ => crate::StorageFormat::R16Float,
+ }
+ }
+impl Module {
+ /// Helper function, to create a function prototype for a builtin
+ fn add_builtin(&mut self, args: Vec<TypeInner>, builtin: MacroCall) -> Overload {
+ let mut parameters = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
+ let mut parameters_info = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
+ for arg in args {
+ parameters.push(self.types.insert(
+ Type {
+ name: None,
+ inner: arg,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ ));
+ parameters_info.push(ParameterInfo {
+ qualifier: ParameterQualifier::In,
+ depth: false,
+ });
+ }
+ Overload {
+ parameters,
+ parameters_info,
+ kind: FunctionKind::Macro(builtin),
+ defined: false,
+ internal: true,
+ void: false,
+ }
+ }
+const fn make_coords_arg(number_of_components: usize, kind: Sk) -> TypeInner {
+ let width = 4;
+ match number_of_components {
+ 1 => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ _ => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size: match number_of_components {
+ 2 => VectorSize::Bi,
+ 3 => VectorSize::Tri,
+ _ => VectorSize::Quad,
+ },
+ kind,
+ width,
+ },
+ }
+/// Inject builtins into the declaration
+/// This is done to not add a large startup cost and not increase memory
+/// usage if it isn't needed.
+pub fn inject_builtin(
+ declaration: &mut FunctionDeclaration,
+ module: &mut Module,
+ name: &str,
+ mut variations: BuiltinVariations,
+) {
+ log::trace!(
+ "{} variations: {:?} {:?}",
+ name,
+ variations,
+ declaration.variations
+ );
+ // Don't regeneate variations
+ variations.remove(declaration.variations);
+ declaration.variations |= variations;
+ if variations.contains(BuiltinVariations::STANDARD) {
+ inject_standard_builtins(declaration, module, name)
+ }
+ if variations.contains(BuiltinVariations::DOUBLE) {
+ inject_double_builtin(declaration, module, name)
+ }
+ let width = 4;
+ match name {
+ "texture"
+ | "textureGrad"
+ | "textureGradOffset"
+ | "textureLod"
+ | "textureLodOffset"
+ | "textureOffset"
+ | "textureProj"
+ | "textureProjGrad"
+ | "textureProjGradOffset"
+ | "textureProjLod"
+ | "textureProjLodOffset"
+ | "textureProjOffset" => {
+ let f = |kind, dim, arrayed, multi, shadow| {
+ for bits in 0..=0b11 {
+ let variant = bits & 0b1 != 0;
+ let bias = bits & 0b10 != 0;
+ let (proj, offset, level_type) = match name {
+ // texture(gsampler, gvec P, [float bias]);
+ "texture" => (false, false, TextureLevelType::None),
+ // textureGrad(gsampler, gvec P, gvec dPdx, gvec dPdy);
+ "textureGrad" => (false, false, TextureLevelType::Grad),
+ // textureGradOffset(gsampler, gvec P, gvec dPdx, gvec dPdy, ivec offset);
+ "textureGradOffset" => (false, true, TextureLevelType::Grad),
+ // textureLod(gsampler, gvec P, float lod);
+ "textureLod" => (false, false, TextureLevelType::Lod),
+ // textureLodOffset(gsampler, gvec P, float lod, ivec offset);
+ "textureLodOffset" => (false, true, TextureLevelType::Lod),
+ // textureOffset(gsampler, gvec+1 P, ivec offset, [float bias]);
+ "textureOffset" => (false, true, TextureLevelType::None),
+ // textureProj(gsampler, gvec+1 P, [float bias]);
+ "textureProj" => (true, false, TextureLevelType::None),
+ // textureProjGrad(gsampler, gvec+1 P, gvec dPdx, gvec dPdy);
+ "textureProjGrad" => (true, false, TextureLevelType::Grad),
+ // textureProjGradOffset(gsampler, gvec+1 P, gvec dPdx, gvec dPdy, ivec offset);
+ "textureProjGradOffset" => (true, true, TextureLevelType::Grad),
+ // textureProjLod(gsampler, gvec+1 P, float lod);
+ "textureProjLod" => (true, false, TextureLevelType::Lod),
+ // textureProjLodOffset(gsampler, gvec+1 P, gvec dPdx, gvec dPdy, ivec offset);
+ "textureProjLodOffset" => (true, true, TextureLevelType::Lod),
+ // textureProjOffset(gsampler, gvec+1 P, ivec offset, [float bias]);
+ "textureProjOffset" => (true, true, TextureLevelType::None),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let builtin = MacroCall::Texture {
+ proj,
+ offset,
+ shadow,
+ level_type,
+ };
+ // Parse out the variant settings.
+ let grad = level_type == TextureLevelType::Grad;
+ let lod = level_type == TextureLevelType::Lod;
+ let supports_variant = proj && !shadow;
+ if variant && !supports_variant {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if bias && !matches!(level_type, TextureLevelType::None) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Proj doesn't work with arrayed or Cube
+ if proj && (arrayed || dim == Dim::Cube) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // texture operations with offset are not supported for cube maps
+ if dim == Dim::Cube && offset {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // sampler2DArrayShadow can't be used in textureLod or in texture with bias
+ if (lod || bias) && arrayed && shadow && dim == Dim::D2 {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // TODO: glsl supports using bias with depth samplers but naga doesn't
+ if bias && shadow {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let class = match shadow {
+ true => ImageClass::Depth { multi },
+ false => ImageClass::Sampled { kind, multi },
+ };
+ let image = TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class,
+ };
+ let num_coords_from_dim = image_dims_to_coords_size(dim).min(3);
+ let mut num_coords = num_coords_from_dim;
+ if shadow && proj {
+ num_coords = 4;
+ } else if dim == Dim::D1 && shadow {
+ num_coords = 3;
+ } else if shadow {
+ num_coords += 1;
+ } else if proj {
+ if variant && num_coords == 4 {
+ // Normal form already has 4 components, no need to have a variant form.
+ continue;
+ } else if variant {
+ num_coords = 4;
+ } else {
+ num_coords += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if !(dim == Dim::D1 && shadow) {
+ num_coords += arrayed as usize;
+ }
+ // Special case: texture(gsamplerCubeArrayShadow) kicks the shadow compare ref to a separate argument,
+ // since it would otherwise take five arguments. It also can't take a bias, nor can it be proj/grad/lod/offset
+ // (presumably because nobody asked for it, and implementation complexity?)
+ if num_coords >= 5 {
+ if lod || grad || offset || proj || bias {
+ continue;
+ }
+ debug_assert!(dim == Dim::Cube && shadow && arrayed);
+ }
+ debug_assert!(num_coords <= 5);
+ let vector = make_coords_arg(num_coords, Sk::Float);
+ let mut args = vec![image, vector];
+ if num_coords == 5 {
+ args.push(TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ });
+ }
+ match level_type {
+ TextureLevelType::Lod => {
+ args.push(TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ });
+ }
+ TextureLevelType::Grad => {
+ args.push(make_coords_arg(num_coords_from_dim, Sk::Float));
+ args.push(make_coords_arg(num_coords_from_dim, Sk::Float));
+ }
+ TextureLevelType::None => {}
+ };
+ if offset {
+ args.push(make_coords_arg(num_coords_from_dim, Sk::Sint));
+ }
+ if bias {
+ args.push(TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ });
+ }
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, builtin));
+ }
+ };
+ texture_args_generator(TextureArgsOptions::SHADOW | variations.into(), f)
+ }
+ "textureSize" => {
+ let f = |kind, dim, arrayed, multi, shadow| {
+ let class = match shadow {
+ true => ImageClass::Depth { multi },
+ false => ImageClass::Sampled { kind, multi },
+ };
+ let image = TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class,
+ };
+ let mut args = vec![image];
+ if !multi {
+ args.push(TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ })
+ }
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::TextureSize { arrayed }))
+ };
+ texture_args_generator(
+ TextureArgsOptions::SHADOW | TextureArgsOptions::MULTI | variations.into(),
+ f,
+ )
+ }
+ "texelFetch" | "texelFetchOffset" => {
+ let offset = "texelFetchOffset" == name;
+ let f = |kind, dim, arrayed, multi, _shadow| {
+ // Cube images aren't supported
+ if let Dim::Cube = dim {
+ return;
+ }
+ let image = TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class: ImageClass::Sampled { kind, multi },
+ };
+ let dim_value = image_dims_to_coords_size(dim);
+ let coordinates = make_coords_arg(dim_value + arrayed as usize, Sk::Sint);
+ let mut args = vec![
+ image,
+ coordinates,
+ TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ ];
+ if offset {
+ args.push(make_coords_arg(dim_value, Sk::Sint));
+ }
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::ImageLoad { multi }))
+ };
+ // Don't generate shadow images since they aren't supported
+ texture_args_generator(TextureArgsOptions::MULTI | variations.into(), f)
+ }
+ "imageSize" => {
+ let f = |kind: Sk, dim, arrayed, _, _| {
+ // Naga doesn't support cube images and it's usefulness
+ // is questionable, so they won't be supported for now
+ if dim == Dim::Cube {
+ return;
+ }
+ let image = TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class: ImageClass::Storage {
+ format: kind.dummy_storage_format(),
+ access: crate::StorageAccess::empty(),
+ },
+ };
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(vec![image], MacroCall::TextureSize { arrayed }))
+ };
+ texture_args_generator(variations.into(), f)
+ }
+ "imageLoad" => {
+ let f = |kind: Sk, dim, arrayed, _, _| {
+ // Naga doesn't support cube images and it's usefulness
+ // is questionable, so they won't be supported for now
+ if dim == Dim::Cube {
+ return;
+ }
+ let image = TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class: ImageClass::Storage {
+ format: kind.dummy_storage_format(),
+ access: crate::StorageAccess::LOAD,
+ },
+ };
+ let dim_value = image_dims_to_coords_size(dim);
+ let mut coord_size = dim_value + arrayed as usize;
+ // > Every OpenGL API call that operates on cubemap array
+ // > textures takes layer-faces, not array layers
+ //
+ // So this means that imageCubeArray only takes a three component
+ // vector coordinate and the third component is a layer index.
+ if Dim::Cube == dim && arrayed {
+ coord_size = 3
+ }
+ let coordinates = make_coords_arg(coord_size, Sk::Sint);
+ let args = vec![image, coordinates];
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::ImageLoad { multi: false }))
+ };
+ // Don't generate shadow nor multisampled images since they aren't supported
+ texture_args_generator(variations.into(), f)
+ }
+ "imageStore" => {
+ let f = |kind: Sk, dim, arrayed, _, _| {
+ // Naga doesn't support cube images and it's usefulness
+ // is questionable, so they won't be supported for now
+ if dim == Dim::Cube {
+ return;
+ }
+ let image = TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class: ImageClass::Storage {
+ format: kind.dummy_storage_format(),
+ access: crate::StorageAccess::STORE,
+ },
+ };
+ let dim_value = image_dims_to_coords_size(dim);
+ let mut coord_size = dim_value + arrayed as usize;
+ // > Every OpenGL API call that operates on cubemap array
+ // > textures takes layer-faces, not array layers
+ //
+ // So this means that imageCubeArray only takes a three component
+ // vector coordinate and the third component is a layer index.
+ if Dim::Cube == dim && arrayed {
+ coord_size = 3
+ }
+ let coordinates = make_coords_arg(coord_size, Sk::Sint);
+ let args = vec![
+ image,
+ coordinates,
+ TypeInner::Vector {
+ size: VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind,
+ width,
+ },
+ ];
+ let mut overload = module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::ImageStore);
+ overload.void = true;
+ declaration.overloads.push(overload)
+ };
+ // Don't generate shadow nor multisampled images since they aren't supported
+ texture_args_generator(variations.into(), f)
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+/// Injects the builtins into declaration that don't need any special variations
+fn inject_standard_builtins(
+ declaration: &mut FunctionDeclaration,
+ module: &mut Module,
+ name: &str,
+) {
+ let width = 4;
+ match name {
+ "sampler1D" | "sampler1DArray" | "sampler2D" | "sampler2DArray" | "sampler2DMS"
+ | "sampler2DMSArray" | "sampler3D" | "samplerCube" | "samplerCubeArray" => {
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ vec![
+ TypeInner::Image {
+ dim: match name {
+ "sampler1D" | "sampler1DArray" => Dim::D1,
+ "sampler2D" | "sampler2DArray" | "sampler2DMS" | "sampler2DMSArray" => {
+ Dim::D2
+ }
+ "sampler3D" => Dim::D3,
+ _ => Dim::Cube,
+ },
+ arrayed: matches!(
+ name,
+ "sampler1DArray"
+ | "sampler2DArray"
+ | "sampler2DMSArray"
+ | "samplerCubeArray"
+ ),
+ class: ImageClass::Sampled {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ multi: matches!(name, "sampler2DMS" | "sampler2DMSArray"),
+ },
+ },
+ TypeInner::Sampler { comparison: false },
+ ],
+ MacroCall::Sampler,
+ ))
+ }
+ "sampler1DShadow"
+ | "sampler1DArrayShadow"
+ | "sampler2DShadow"
+ | "sampler2DArrayShadow"
+ | "samplerCubeShadow"
+ | "samplerCubeArrayShadow" => {
+ let dim = match name {
+ "sampler1DShadow" | "sampler1DArrayShadow" => Dim::D1,
+ "sampler2DShadow" | "sampler2DArrayShadow" => Dim::D2,
+ _ => Dim::Cube,
+ };
+ let arrayed = matches!(
+ name,
+ "sampler1DArrayShadow" | "sampler2DArrayShadow" | "samplerCubeArrayShadow"
+ );
+ for i in 0..2 {
+ let ty = TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class: match i {
+ 0 => ImageClass::Sampled {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ multi: false,
+ },
+ _ => ImageClass::Depth { multi: false },
+ },
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ vec![ty, TypeInner::Sampler { comparison: true }],
+ MacroCall::SamplerShadow,
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "sin" | "exp" | "exp2" | "sinh" | "cos" | "cosh" | "tan" | "tanh" | "acos" | "asin"
+ | "log" | "log2" | "radians" | "degrees" | "asinh" | "acosh" | "atanh"
+ | "floatBitsToInt" | "floatBitsToUint" | "dFdx" | "dFdxFine" | "dFdxCoarse" | "dFdy"
+ | "dFdyFine" | "dFdyCoarse" | "fwidth" | "fwidthFine" | "fwidthCoarse" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let kind = Sk::Float;
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ vec![match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ }],
+ match name {
+ "sin" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Sin),
+ "exp" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Exp),
+ "exp2" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Exp2),
+ "sinh" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Sinh),
+ "cos" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Cos),
+ "cosh" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Cosh),
+ "tan" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Tan),
+ "tanh" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Tanh),
+ "acos" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Acos),
+ "asin" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Asin),
+ "log" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Log),
+ "log2" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Log2),
+ "asinh" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Asinh),
+ "acosh" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Acosh),
+ "atanh" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Atanh),
+ "radians" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Radians),
+ "degrees" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Degrees),
+ "floatBitsToInt" => MacroCall::BitCast(Sk::Sint),
+ "floatBitsToUint" => MacroCall::BitCast(Sk::Uint),
+ "dFdxCoarse" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::X, Ctrl::Coarse),
+ "dFdyCoarse" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::Y, Ctrl::Coarse),
+ "fwidthCoarse" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::Width, Ctrl::Coarse),
+ "dFdxFine" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::X, Ctrl::Fine),
+ "dFdyFine" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::Y, Ctrl::Fine),
+ "fwidthFine" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::Width, Ctrl::Fine),
+ "dFdx" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::X, Ctrl::None),
+ "dFdy" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::Y, Ctrl::None),
+ "fwidth" => MacroCall::Derivate(Axis::Width, Ctrl::None),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "intBitsToFloat" | "uintBitsToFloat" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let kind = match name {
+ "intBitsToFloat" => Sk::Sint,
+ _ => Sk::Uint,
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ vec![match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ }],
+ MacroCall::BitCast(Sk::Float),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "pow" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let kind = Sk::Float;
+ let ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(
+ module
+ .add_builtin(vec![ty(), ty()], MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Pow)),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ "abs" | "sign" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ // bit 2 - float/sint
+ for bits in 0..0b1000 {
+ let size = match bits & 0b11 {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let kind = match bits >> 2 {
+ 0b0 => Sk::Float,
+ _ => Sk::Sint,
+ };
+ let args = vec![match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ }];
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ args,
+ MacroCall::MathFunction(match name {
+ "abs" => MathFunction::Abs,
+ "sign" => MathFunction::Sign,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "bitCount" | "bitfieldReverse" | "bitfieldExtract" | "bitfieldInsert" | "findLSB"
+ | "findMSB" => {
+ let fun = match name {
+ "bitCount" => MathFunction::CountOneBits,
+ "bitfieldReverse" => MathFunction::ReverseBits,
+ "bitfieldExtract" => MathFunction::ExtractBits,
+ "bitfieldInsert" => MathFunction::InsertBits,
+ "findLSB" => MathFunction::FindLsb,
+ "findMSB" => MathFunction::FindMsb,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let mc = match fun {
+ MathFunction::ExtractBits => MacroCall::BitfieldExtract,
+ MathFunction::InsertBits => MacroCall::BitfieldInsert,
+ _ => MacroCall::MathFunction(fun),
+ };
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 - int/uint
+ // bit 1 through 2 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b1000 {
+ let kind = match bits & 0b1 {
+ 0b0 => Sk::Sint,
+ _ => Sk::Uint,
+ };
+ let size = match bits >> 1 {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ };
+ let mut args = vec![ty()];
+ match fun {
+ MathFunction::ExtractBits => {
+ args.push(TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width: 4,
+ });
+ args.push(TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width: 4,
+ });
+ }
+ MathFunction::InsertBits => {
+ args.push(ty());
+ args.push(TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width: 4,
+ });
+ args.push(TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width: 4,
+ });
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ // we need to cast the return type of findLsb / findMsb
+ let mc = if kind == Sk::Uint {
+ match mc {
+ MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::FindLsb) => MacroCall::FindLsbUint,
+ MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::FindMsb) => MacroCall::FindMsbUint,
+ mc => mc,
+ }
+ } else {
+ mc
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, mc))
+ }
+ }
+ "packSnorm4x8" | "packUnorm4x8" | "packSnorm2x16" | "packUnorm2x16" | "packHalf2x16" => {
+ let fun = match name {
+ "packSnorm4x8" => MathFunction::Pack4x8snorm,
+ "packUnorm4x8" => MathFunction::Pack4x8unorm,
+ "packSnorm2x16" => MathFunction::Pack2x16unorm,
+ "packUnorm2x16" => MathFunction::Pack2x16snorm,
+ "packHalf2x16" => MathFunction::Pack2x16float,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let ty = match fun {
+ MathFunction::Pack4x8snorm | MathFunction::Pack4x8unorm => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size: crate::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: 4,
+ },
+ MathFunction::Pack2x16unorm
+ | MathFunction::Pack2x16snorm
+ | MathFunction::Pack2x16float => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size: crate::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: 4,
+ },
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let args = vec![ty];
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::MathFunction(fun)));
+ }
+ "unpackSnorm4x8" | "unpackUnorm4x8" | "unpackSnorm2x16" | "unpackUnorm2x16"
+ | "unpackHalf2x16" => {
+ let fun = match name {
+ "unpackSnorm4x8" => MathFunction::Unpack4x8snorm,
+ "unpackUnorm4x8" => MathFunction::Unpack4x8unorm,
+ "unpackSnorm2x16" => MathFunction::Unpack2x16snorm,
+ "unpackUnorm2x16" => MathFunction::Unpack2x16unorm,
+ "unpackHalf2x16" => MathFunction::Unpack2x16float,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let args = vec![TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width: 4,
+ }];
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::MathFunction(fun)));
+ }
+ "atan" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 - atan/atan2
+ // bit 1 through 2 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b1000 {
+ let fun = match bits & 0b1 {
+ 0b0 => MathFunction::Atan,
+ _ => MathFunction::Atan2,
+ };
+ let size = match bits >> 1 {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let kind = Sk::Float;
+ let ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ };
+ let mut args = vec![ty()];
+ if fun == MathFunction::Atan2 {
+ args.push(ty())
+ }
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::MathFunction(fun)))
+ }
+ }
+ "all" | "any" | "not" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b11 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => VectorSize::Bi,
+ 0b01 => VectorSize::Tri,
+ _ => VectorSize::Quad,
+ };
+ let args = vec![TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: Sk::Bool,
+ width: crate::BOOL_WIDTH,
+ }];
+ let fun = match name {
+ "all" => MacroCall::Relational(RelationalFunction::All),
+ "any" => MacroCall::Relational(RelationalFunction::Any),
+ "not" => MacroCall::Unary(UnaryOperator::Not),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "lessThan" | "greaterThan" | "lessThanEqual" | "greaterThanEqual" => {
+ for bits in 0..0b1001 {
+ let (size, kind) = match bits {
+ 0b0000 => (VectorSize::Bi, Sk::Float),
+ 0b0001 => (VectorSize::Tri, Sk::Float),
+ 0b0010 => (VectorSize::Quad, Sk::Float),
+ 0b0011 => (VectorSize::Bi, Sk::Sint),
+ 0b0100 => (VectorSize::Tri, Sk::Sint),
+ 0b0101 => (VectorSize::Quad, Sk::Sint),
+ 0b0110 => (VectorSize::Bi, Sk::Uint),
+ 0b0111 => (VectorSize::Tri, Sk::Uint),
+ _ => (VectorSize::Quad, Sk::Uint),
+ };
+ let ty = || TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width };
+ let args = vec![ty(), ty()];
+ let fun = MacroCall::Binary(match name {
+ "lessThan" => BinaryOperator::Less,
+ "greaterThan" => BinaryOperator::Greater,
+ "lessThanEqual" => BinaryOperator::LessEqual,
+ "greaterThanEqual" => BinaryOperator::GreaterEqual,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ });
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "equal" | "notEqual" => {
+ for bits in 0..0b1100 {
+ let (size, kind) = match bits {
+ 0b0000 => (VectorSize::Bi, Sk::Float),
+ 0b0001 => (VectorSize::Tri, Sk::Float),
+ 0b0010 => (VectorSize::Quad, Sk::Float),
+ 0b0011 => (VectorSize::Bi, Sk::Sint),
+ 0b0100 => (VectorSize::Tri, Sk::Sint),
+ 0b0101 => (VectorSize::Quad, Sk::Sint),
+ 0b0110 => (VectorSize::Bi, Sk::Uint),
+ 0b0111 => (VectorSize::Tri, Sk::Uint),
+ 0b1000 => (VectorSize::Quad, Sk::Uint),
+ 0b1001 => (VectorSize::Bi, Sk::Bool),
+ 0b1010 => (VectorSize::Tri, Sk::Bool),
+ _ => (VectorSize::Quad, Sk::Bool),
+ };
+ let width = if let Sk::Bool = kind {
+ crate::BOOL_WIDTH
+ } else {
+ width
+ };
+ let ty = || TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width };
+ let args = vec![ty(), ty()];
+ let fun = MacroCall::Binary(match name {
+ "equal" => BinaryOperator::Equal,
+ "notEqual" => BinaryOperator::NotEqual,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ });
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "min" | "max" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - scalar kind
+ // bit 2 through 4 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b11100 {
+ let kind = match bits & 0b11 {
+ 0b00 => Sk::Float,
+ 0b01 => Sk::Sint,
+ 0b10 => Sk::Uint,
+ _ => continue,
+ };
+ let (size, second_size) = match bits >> 2 {
+ 0b000 => (None, None),
+ 0b001 => (Some(VectorSize::Bi), None),
+ 0b010 => (Some(VectorSize::Tri), None),
+ 0b011 => (Some(VectorSize::Quad), None),
+ 0b100 => (Some(VectorSize::Bi), Some(VectorSize::Bi)),
+ 0b101 => (Some(VectorSize::Tri), Some(VectorSize::Tri)),
+ _ => (Some(VectorSize::Quad), Some(VectorSize::Quad)),
+ };
+ let args = vec![
+ match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ },
+ match second_size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ },
+ ];
+ let fun = match name {
+ "max" => MacroCall::Splatted(MathFunction::Max, size, 1),
+ "min" => MacroCall::Splatted(MathFunction::Min, size, 1),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "mix" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ // bit 2 through 4 - types
+ //
+ // 0b10011 is the last element since splatted single elements
+ // were already added
+ for bits in 0..0b10011 {
+ let size = match bits & 0b11 {
+ 0b00 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ let (kind, splatted, boolean) = match bits >> 2 {
+ 0b000 => (Sk::Sint, false, true),
+ 0b001 => (Sk::Uint, false, true),
+ 0b010 => (Sk::Float, false, true),
+ 0b011 => (Sk::Float, false, false),
+ _ => (Sk::Float, true, false),
+ };
+ let ty = |kind, width| match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ };
+ let args = vec![
+ ty(kind, width),
+ ty(kind, width),
+ match (boolean, splatted) {
+ (true, _) => ty(Sk::Bool, crate::BOOL_WIDTH),
+ (_, false) => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ _ => ty(kind, width),
+ },
+ ];
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ args,
+ match boolean {
+ true => MacroCall::MixBoolean,
+ false => MacroCall::Splatted(MathFunction::Mix, size, 2),
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "clamp" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - float/int/uint
+ // bit 2 through 3 - dims
+ // bit 4 - splatted
+ //
+ // 0b11010 is the last element since splatted single elements
+ // were already added
+ for bits in 0..0b11011 {
+ let kind = match bits & 0b11 {
+ 0b00 => Sk::Float,
+ 0b01 => Sk::Sint,
+ 0b10 => Sk::Uint,
+ _ => continue,
+ };
+ let size = match (bits >> 2) & 0b11 {
+ 0b00 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ let splatted = bits & 0b10000 == 0b10000;
+ let base_ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ };
+ let limit_ty = || match splatted {
+ true => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ false => base_ty(),
+ };
+ let args = vec![base_ty(), limit_ty(), limit_ty()];
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::Clamp(size)))
+ }
+ }
+ "barrier" => declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(Vec::new(), MacroCall::Barrier)),
+ // Add common builtins with floats
+ _ => inject_common_builtin(declaration, module, name, 4),
+ }
+/// Injects the builtins into declaration that need doubles
+fn inject_double_builtin(declaration: &mut FunctionDeclaration, module: &mut Module, name: &str) {
+ let width = 8;
+ match name {
+ "abs" | "sign" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let kind = Sk::Float;
+ let args = vec![match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ }];
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ args,
+ MacroCall::MathFunction(match name {
+ "abs" => MathFunction::Abs,
+ "sign" => MathFunction::Sign,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "min" | "max" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 2 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b111 {
+ let (size, second_size) = match bits {
+ 0b000 => (None, None),
+ 0b001 => (Some(VectorSize::Bi), None),
+ 0b010 => (Some(VectorSize::Tri), None),
+ 0b011 => (Some(VectorSize::Quad), None),
+ 0b100 => (Some(VectorSize::Bi), Some(VectorSize::Bi)),
+ 0b101 => (Some(VectorSize::Tri), Some(VectorSize::Tri)),
+ _ => (Some(VectorSize::Quad), Some(VectorSize::Quad)),
+ };
+ let kind = Sk::Float;
+ let args = vec![
+ match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ },
+ match second_size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ },
+ ];
+ let fun = match name {
+ "max" => MacroCall::Splatted(MathFunction::Max, size, 1),
+ "min" => MacroCall::Splatted(MathFunction::Min, size, 1),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "mix" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ // bit 2 through 3 - splatted/boolean
+ //
+ // 0b1010 is the last element since splatted with single elements
+ // is equal to normal single elements
+ for bits in 0..0b1011 {
+ let size = match bits & 0b11 {
+ 0b00 => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ let kind = Sk::Float;
+ let (splatted, boolean) = match bits >> 2 {
+ 0b00 => (false, false),
+ 0b01 => (false, true),
+ _ => (true, false),
+ };
+ let ty = |kind, width| match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ };
+ let args = vec![
+ ty(kind, width),
+ ty(kind, width),
+ match (boolean, splatted) {
+ (true, _) => ty(Sk::Bool, crate::BOOL_WIDTH),
+ (_, false) => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ _ => ty(kind, width),
+ },
+ ];
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ args,
+ match boolean {
+ true => MacroCall::MixBoolean,
+ false => MacroCall::Splatted(MathFunction::Mix, size, 2),
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "clamp" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ // bit 2 - splatted
+ //
+ // 0b110 is the last element since splatted with single elements
+ // is equal to normal single elements
+ for bits in 0..0b111 {
+ let kind = Sk::Float;
+ let size = match bits & 0b11 {
+ 0b00 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ let splatted = bits & 0b100 == 0b100;
+ let base_ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ };
+ let limit_ty = || match splatted {
+ true => TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width },
+ false => base_ty(),
+ };
+ let args = vec![base_ty(), limit_ty(), limit_ty()];
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::Clamp(size)))
+ }
+ }
+ "lessThan" | "greaterThan" | "lessThanEqual" | "greaterThanEqual" | "equal"
+ | "notEqual" => {
+ for bits in 0..0b11 {
+ let (size, kind) = match bits {
+ 0b00 => (VectorSize::Bi, Sk::Float),
+ 0b01 => (VectorSize::Tri, Sk::Float),
+ _ => (VectorSize::Quad, Sk::Float),
+ };
+ let ty = || TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width };
+ let args = vec![ty(), ty()];
+ let fun = MacroCall::Binary(match name {
+ "lessThan" => BinaryOperator::Less,
+ "greaterThan" => BinaryOperator::Greater,
+ "lessThanEqual" => BinaryOperator::LessEqual,
+ "greaterThanEqual" => BinaryOperator::GreaterEqual,
+ "equal" => BinaryOperator::Equal,
+ "notEqual" => BinaryOperator::NotEqual,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ });
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ // Add common builtins with doubles
+ _ => inject_common_builtin(declaration, module, name, 8),
+ }
+/// Injects the builtins into declaration that can used either float or doubles
+fn inject_common_builtin(
+ declaration: &mut FunctionDeclaration,
+ module: &mut Module,
+ name: &str,
+ float_width: crate::Bytes,
+) {
+ match name {
+ "ceil" | "round" | "roundEven" | "floor" | "fract" | "trunc" | "sqrt" | "inversesqrt"
+ | "normalize" | "length" | "isinf" | "isnan" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let args = vec![match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ }];
+ let fun = match name {
+ "ceil" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Ceil),
+ "round" | "roundEven" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Round),
+ "floor" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Floor),
+ "fract" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Fract),
+ "trunc" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Trunc),
+ "sqrt" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Sqrt),
+ "inversesqrt" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::InverseSqrt),
+ "normalize" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Normalize),
+ "length" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Length),
+ "isinf" => MacroCall::Relational(RelationalFunction::IsInf),
+ "isnan" => MacroCall::Relational(RelationalFunction::IsNan),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "dot" | "reflect" | "distance" | "ldexp" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ };
+ let fun = match name {
+ "dot" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Dot),
+ "reflect" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Reflect),
+ "distance" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Distance),
+ "ldexp" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Ldexp),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(vec![ty(), ty()], fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "transpose" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 3 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b1001 {
+ let (rows, columns) = match bits {
+ 0b0000 => (VectorSize::Bi, VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b0001 => (VectorSize::Bi, VectorSize::Tri),
+ 0b0010 => (VectorSize::Bi, VectorSize::Quad),
+ 0b0011 => (VectorSize::Tri, VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b0100 => (VectorSize::Tri, VectorSize::Tri),
+ 0b0101 => (VectorSize::Tri, VectorSize::Quad),
+ 0b0110 => (VectorSize::Quad, VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b0111 => (VectorSize::Quad, VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => (VectorSize::Quad, VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ vec![TypeInner::Matrix {
+ columns,
+ rows,
+ width: float_width,
+ }],
+ MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Transpose),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "inverse" | "determinant" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b11 {
+ let (rows, columns) = match bits {
+ 0b00 => (VectorSize::Bi, VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b01 => (VectorSize::Tri, VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => (VectorSize::Quad, VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let args = vec![TypeInner::Matrix {
+ columns,
+ rows,
+ width: float_width,
+ }];
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ args,
+ MacroCall::MathFunction(match name {
+ "inverse" => MathFunction::Inverse,
+ "determinant" => MathFunction::Determinant,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ "mod" | "step" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 2 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b111 {
+ let (size, second_size) = match bits {
+ 0b000 => (None, None),
+ 0b001 => (Some(VectorSize::Bi), None),
+ 0b010 => (Some(VectorSize::Tri), None),
+ 0b011 => (Some(VectorSize::Quad), None),
+ 0b100 => (Some(VectorSize::Bi), Some(VectorSize::Bi)),
+ 0b101 => (Some(VectorSize::Tri), Some(VectorSize::Tri)),
+ _ => (Some(VectorSize::Quad), Some(VectorSize::Quad)),
+ };
+ let mut args = Vec::with_capacity(2);
+ let step = name == "step";
+ for i in 0..2 {
+ let maybe_size = match i == step as u32 {
+ true => size,
+ false => second_size,
+ };
+ args.push(match maybe_size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ let fun = match name {
+ "mod" => MacroCall::Mod(size),
+ "step" => MacroCall::Splatted(MathFunction::Step, size, 0),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "modf" | "frexp" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let ty = module.types.insert(
+ Type {
+ name: None,
+ inner: match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ );
+ let parameters = vec![ty, ty];
+ let fun = match name {
+ "modf" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Modf),
+ "frexp" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Frexp),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(Overload {
+ parameters,
+ parameters_info: vec![
+ ParameterInfo {
+ qualifier: ParameterQualifier::In,
+ depth: false,
+ },
+ ParameterInfo {
+ qualifier: ParameterQualifier::Out,
+ depth: false,
+ },
+ ],
+ kind: FunctionKind::Macro(fun),
+ defined: false,
+ internal: true,
+ void: false,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ "cross" => {
+ let args = vec![
+ TypeInner::Vector {
+ size: VectorSize::Tri,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ TypeInner::Vector {
+ size: VectorSize::Tri,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ ];
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Cross)))
+ }
+ "outerProduct" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 3 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b1001 {
+ let (size1, size2) = match bits {
+ 0b0000 => (VectorSize::Bi, VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b0001 => (VectorSize::Bi, VectorSize::Tri),
+ 0b0010 => (VectorSize::Bi, VectorSize::Quad),
+ 0b0011 => (VectorSize::Tri, VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b0100 => (VectorSize::Tri, VectorSize::Tri),
+ 0b0101 => (VectorSize::Tri, VectorSize::Quad),
+ 0b0110 => (VectorSize::Quad, VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b0111 => (VectorSize::Quad, VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => (VectorSize::Quad, VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let args = vec![
+ TypeInner::Vector {
+ size: size1,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ TypeInner::Vector {
+ size: size2,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ ];
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Outer)))
+ }
+ }
+ "faceforward" | "fma" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ };
+ let args = vec![ty(), ty(), ty()];
+ let fun = match name {
+ "faceforward" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::FaceForward),
+ "fma" => MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Fma),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(args, fun))
+ }
+ }
+ "refract" => {
+ // bits layout
+ // bit 0 through 1 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b100 {
+ let size = match bits {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ let ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ };
+ let args = vec![
+ ty(),
+ ty(),
+ TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: 4,
+ },
+ ];
+ declaration
+ .overloads
+ .push(module.add_builtin(args, MacroCall::MathFunction(MathFunction::Refract)))
+ }
+ }
+ "smoothstep" => {
+ // bit 0 - splatted
+ // bit 1 through 2 - dims
+ for bits in 0..0b1000 {
+ let splatted = bits & 0b1 == 0b1;
+ let size = match bits >> 1 {
+ 0b00 => None,
+ 0b01 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ 0b10 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ _ => Some(VectorSize::Quad),
+ };
+ if splatted && size.is_none() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let base_ty = || match size {
+ Some(size) => TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ None => TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ };
+ let ty = || match splatted {
+ true => TypeInner::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width: float_width,
+ },
+ false => base_ty(),
+ };
+ declaration.overloads.push(module.add_builtin(
+ vec![ty(), ty(), base_ty()],
+ MacroCall::SmoothStep { splatted: size },
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ // The function isn't a builtin or we don't yet support it
+ _ => {}
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub enum TextureLevelType {
+ None,
+ Lod,
+ Grad,
+/// A compiler defined builtin function
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub enum MacroCall {
+ Sampler,
+ SamplerShadow,
+ Texture {
+ proj: bool,
+ offset: bool,
+ shadow: bool,
+ level_type: TextureLevelType,
+ },
+ TextureSize {
+ arrayed: bool,
+ },
+ ImageLoad {
+ multi: bool,
+ },
+ ImageStore,
+ MathFunction(MathFunction),
+ FindLsbUint,
+ FindMsbUint,
+ BitfieldExtract,
+ BitfieldInsert,
+ Relational(RelationalFunction),
+ Unary(UnaryOperator),
+ Binary(BinaryOperator),
+ Mod(Option<VectorSize>),
+ Splatted(MathFunction, Option<VectorSize>, usize),
+ MixBoolean,
+ Clamp(Option<VectorSize>),
+ BitCast(Sk),
+ Derivate(Axis, Ctrl),
+ Barrier,
+ /// SmoothStep needs a separate variant because it might need it's inputs
+ /// to be splatted depending on the overload
+ SmoothStep {
+ /// The size of the splat operation if some
+ splatted: Option<VectorSize>,
+ },
+impl MacroCall {
+ /// Adds the necessary expressions and statements to the passed body and
+ /// finally returns the final expression with the correct result
+ pub fn call(
+ &self,
+ frontend: &mut Frontend,
+ ctx: &mut Context,
+ body: &mut Block,
+ args: &mut [Handle<Expression>],
+ meta: Span,
+ ) -> Result<Option<Handle<Expression>>> {
+ Ok(Some(match *self {
+ MacroCall::Sampler => {
+ ctx.samplers.insert(args[0], args[1]);
+ args[0]
+ }
+ MacroCall::SamplerShadow => {
+ sampled_to_depth(
+ &mut frontend.module,
+ ctx,
+ args[0],
+ meta,
+ &mut frontend.errors,
+ );
+ frontend.invalidate_expression(ctx, args[0], meta)?;
+ ctx.samplers.insert(args[0], args[1]);
+ args[0]
+ }
+ MacroCall::Texture {
+ proj,
+ offset,
+ shadow,
+ level_type,
+ } => {
+ let mut coords = args[1];
+ if proj {
+ let size = match *frontend.resolve_type(ctx, coords, meta)? {
+ TypeInner::Vector { size, .. } => size,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let mut right = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::AccessIndex {
+ base: coords,
+ index: size as u32 - 1,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ let left = if let VectorSize::Bi = size {
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::AccessIndex {
+ base: coords,
+ index: 0,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ } else {
+ let size = match size {
+ VectorSize::Tri => VectorSize::Bi,
+ _ => VectorSize::Tri,
+ };
+ right = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Splat { size, value: right },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ ctx.vector_resize(size, coords, Span::default(), body)
+ };
+ coords = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Binary {
+ op: BinaryOperator::Divide,
+ left,
+ right,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ }
+ let extra = args.get(2).copied();
+ let comps =
+ frontend.coordinate_components(ctx, args[0], coords, extra, meta, body)?;
+ let mut num_args = 2;
+ if comps.used_extra {
+ num_args += 1;
+ };
+ // Parse out explicit texture level.
+ let mut level = match level_type {
+ TextureLevelType::None => SampleLevel::Auto,
+ TextureLevelType::Lod => {
+ num_args += 1;
+ if shadow {
+ log::warn!("Assuming LOD {:?} is zero", args[2],);
+ SampleLevel::Zero
+ } else {
+ SampleLevel::Exact(args[2])
+ }
+ }
+ TextureLevelType::Grad => {
+ num_args += 2;
+ if shadow {
+ log::warn!(
+ "Assuming gradients {:?} and {:?} are not greater than 1",
+ args[2],
+ args[3],
+ );
+ SampleLevel::Zero
+ } else {
+ SampleLevel::Gradient {
+ x: args[2],
+ y: args[3],
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let texture_offset = match offset {
+ true => {
+ let offset_arg = args[num_args];
+ num_args += 1;
+ match frontend.solve_constant(ctx, offset_arg, meta) {
+ Ok(v) => Some(v),
+ Err(e) => {
+ frontend.errors.push(e);
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ false => None,
+ };
+ // Now go back and look for optional bias arg (if available)
+ if let TextureLevelType::None = level_type {
+ level = args
+ .get(num_args)
+ .copied()
+ .map_or(SampleLevel::Auto, SampleLevel::Bias);
+ }
+ texture_call(ctx, args[0], level, comps, texture_offset, body, meta)?
+ }
+ MacroCall::TextureSize { arrayed } => {
+ let mut expr = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::ImageQuery {
+ image: args[0],
+ query: ImageQuery::Size {
+ level: args.get(1).copied(),
+ },
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ if arrayed {
+ let mut components = Vec::with_capacity(4);
+ let size = match *frontend.resolve_type(ctx, expr, meta)? {
+ TypeInner::Vector { size: ori_size, .. } => {
+ for index in 0..(ori_size as u32) {
+ components.push(ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::AccessIndex { base: expr, index },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ))
+ }
+ match ori_size {
+ VectorSize::Bi => VectorSize::Tri,
+ _ => VectorSize::Quad,
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ components.push(expr);
+ VectorSize::Bi
+ }
+ };
+ components.push(ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::ImageQuery {
+ image: args[0],
+ query: ImageQuery::NumLayers,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ));
+ let ty = frontend.module.types.insert(
+ Type {
+ name: None,
+ inner: TypeInner::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: crate::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width: 4,
+ },
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ );
+ expr = ctx.add_expression(Expression::Compose { components, ty }, meta, body)
+ }
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::As {
+ expr,
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ convert: Some(4),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ MacroCall::ImageLoad { multi } => {
+ let comps =
+ frontend.coordinate_components(ctx, args[0], args[1], None, meta, body)?;
+ let (sample, level) = match (multi, args.get(2)) {
+ (_, None) => (None, None),
+ (true, Some(&arg)) => (Some(arg), None),
+ (false, Some(&arg)) => (None, Some(arg)),
+ };
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::ImageLoad {
+ image: args[0],
+ coordinate: comps.coordinate,
+ array_index: comps.array_index,
+ sample,
+ level,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ MacroCall::ImageStore => {
+ let comps =
+ frontend.coordinate_components(ctx, args[0], args[1], None, meta, body)?;
+ ctx.emit_restart(body);
+ body.push(
+ crate::Statement::ImageStore {
+ image: args[0],
+ coordinate: comps.coordinate,
+ array_index: comps.array_index,
+ value: args[2],
+ },
+ meta,
+ );
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ MacroCall::MathFunction(fun) => ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Math {
+ fun,
+ arg: args[0],
+ arg1: args.get(1).copied(),
+ arg2: args.get(2).copied(),
+ arg3: args.get(3).copied(),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ),
+ mc @ (MacroCall::FindLsbUint | MacroCall::FindMsbUint) => {
+ let fun = match mc {
+ MacroCall::FindLsbUint => MathFunction::FindLsb,
+ MacroCall::FindMsbUint => MathFunction::FindMsb,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let res = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Math {
+ fun,
+ arg: args[0],
+ arg1: None,
+ arg2: None,
+ arg3: None,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::As {
+ expr: res,
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ convert: Some(4),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ MacroCall::BitfieldInsert => {
+ let conv_arg_2 = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::As {
+ expr: args[2],
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ convert: Some(4),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ let conv_arg_3 = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::As {
+ expr: args[3],
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ convert: Some(4),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Math {
+ fun: MathFunction::InsertBits,
+ arg: args[0],
+ arg1: Some(args[1]),
+ arg2: Some(conv_arg_2),
+ arg3: Some(conv_arg_3),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ MacroCall::BitfieldExtract => {
+ let conv_arg_1 = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::As {
+ expr: args[1],
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ convert: Some(4),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ let conv_arg_2 = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::As {
+ expr: args[2],
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ convert: Some(4),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Math {
+ fun: MathFunction::ExtractBits,
+ arg: args[0],
+ arg1: Some(conv_arg_1),
+ arg2: Some(conv_arg_2),
+ arg3: None,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ MacroCall::Relational(fun) => ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Relational {
+ fun,
+ argument: args[0],
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ),
+ MacroCall::Unary(op) => ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Unary { op, expr: args[0] },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ),
+ MacroCall::Binary(op) => ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Binary {
+ op,
+ left: args[0],
+ right: args[1],
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ),
+ MacroCall::Mod(size) => {
+ ctx.implicit_splat(frontend, &mut args[1], meta, size)?;
+ // x - y * floor(x / y)
+ let div = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Binary {
+ op: BinaryOperator::Divide,
+ left: args[0],
+ right: args[1],
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ let floor = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Math {
+ fun: MathFunction::Floor,
+ arg: div,
+ arg1: None,
+ arg2: None,
+ arg3: None,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ let mult = ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Binary {
+ op: BinaryOperator::Multiply,
+ left: floor,
+ right: args[1],
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ );
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Binary {
+ op: BinaryOperator::Subtract,
+ left: args[0],
+ right: mult,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ MacroCall::Splatted(fun, size, i) => {
+ ctx.implicit_splat(frontend, &mut args[i], meta, size)?;
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Math {
+ fun,
+ arg: args[0],
+ arg1: args.get(1).copied(),
+ arg2: args.get(2).copied(),
+ arg3: args.get(3).copied(),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ MacroCall::MixBoolean => ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Select {
+ condition: args[2],
+ accept: args[1],
+ reject: args[0],
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ),
+ MacroCall::Clamp(size) => {
+ ctx.implicit_splat(frontend, &mut args[1], meta, size)?;
+ ctx.implicit_splat(frontend, &mut args[2], meta, size)?;
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Math {
+ fun: MathFunction::Clamp,
+ arg: args[0],
+ arg1: args.get(1).copied(),
+ arg2: args.get(2).copied(),
+ arg3: args.get(3).copied(),
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ MacroCall::BitCast(kind) => ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::As {
+ expr: args[0],
+ kind,
+ convert: None,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ),
+ MacroCall::Derivate(axis, ctrl) => ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Derivative {
+ axis,
+ ctrl,
+ expr: args[0],
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ),
+ MacroCall::Barrier => {
+ ctx.emit_restart(body);
+ body.push(crate::Statement::Barrier(crate::Barrier::all()), meta);
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ MacroCall::SmoothStep { splatted } => {
+ ctx.implicit_splat(frontend, &mut args[0], meta, splatted)?;
+ ctx.implicit_splat(frontend, &mut args[1], meta, splatted)?;
+ ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::Math {
+ fun: MathFunction::SmoothStep,
+ arg: args[0],
+ arg1: args.get(1).copied(),
+ arg2: args.get(2).copied(),
+ arg3: None,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ )
+ }
+ }))
+ }
+fn texture_call(
+ ctx: &mut Context,
+ image: Handle<Expression>,
+ level: SampleLevel,
+ comps: CoordComponents,
+ offset: Option<Handle<Constant>>,
+ body: &mut Block,
+ meta: Span,
+) -> Result<Handle<Expression>> {
+ if let Some(sampler) = ctx.samplers.get(&image).copied() {
+ let mut array_index = comps.array_index;
+ if let Some(ref mut array_index_expr) = array_index {
+ ctx.conversion(array_index_expr, meta, Sk::Sint, 4)?;
+ }
+ Ok(ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::ImageSample {
+ image,
+ sampler,
+ gather: None, //TODO
+ coordinate: comps.coordinate,
+ array_index,
+ offset,
+ level,
+ depth_ref: comps.depth_ref,
+ },
+ meta,
+ body,
+ ))
+ } else {
+ Err(Error {
+ kind: ErrorKind::SemanticError("Bad call".into()),
+ meta,
+ })
+ }
+/// Helper struct for texture calls with the separate components from the vector argument
+/// Obtained by calling [`coordinate_components`](Frontend::coordinate_components)
+struct CoordComponents {
+ coordinate: Handle<Expression>,
+ depth_ref: Option<Handle<Expression>>,
+ array_index: Option<Handle<Expression>>,
+ used_extra: bool,
+impl Frontend {
+ /// Helper function for texture calls, splits the vector argument into it's components
+ fn coordinate_components(
+ &mut self,
+ ctx: &mut Context,
+ image: Handle<Expression>,
+ coord: Handle<Expression>,
+ extra: Option<Handle<Expression>>,
+ meta: Span,
+ body: &mut Block,
+ ) -> Result<CoordComponents> {
+ if let TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class,
+ } = *self.resolve_type(ctx, image, meta)?
+ {
+ let image_size = match dim {
+ Dim::D1 => None,
+ Dim::D2 => Some(VectorSize::Bi),
+ Dim::D3 => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ Dim::Cube => Some(VectorSize::Tri),
+ };
+ let coord_size = match *self.resolve_type(ctx, coord, meta)? {
+ TypeInner::Vector { size, .. } => Some(size),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ let (shadow, storage) = match class {
+ ImageClass::Depth { .. } => (true, false),
+ ImageClass::Storage { .. } => (false, true),
+ ImageClass::Sampled { .. } => (false, false),
+ };
+ let coordinate = match (image_size, coord_size) {
+ (Some(size), Some(coord_s)) if size != coord_s => {
+ ctx.vector_resize(size, coord, Span::default(), body)
+ }
+ (None, Some(_)) => ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::AccessIndex {
+ base: coord,
+ index: 0,
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ),
+ _ => coord,
+ };
+ let mut coord_index = image_size.map_or(1, |s| s as u32);
+ let array_index = if arrayed && !(storage && dim == Dim::Cube) {
+ let index = coord_index;
+ coord_index += 1;
+ Some(ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::AccessIndex { base: coord, index },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let mut used_extra = false;
+ let depth_ref = match shadow {
+ true => {
+ let index = coord_index;
+ if index == 4 {
+ used_extra = true;
+ extra
+ } else {
+ Some(ctx.add_expression(
+ Expression::AccessIndex { base: coord, index },
+ Span::default(),
+ body,
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ false => None,
+ };
+ Ok(CoordComponents {
+ coordinate,
+ depth_ref,
+ array_index,
+ used_extra,
+ })
+ } else {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ kind: ErrorKind::SemanticError("Type is not an image".into()),
+ meta,
+ });
+ Ok(CoordComponents {
+ coordinate: coord,
+ depth_ref: None,
+ array_index: None,
+ used_extra: false,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+/// Helper function to cast a expression holding a sampled image to a
+/// depth image.
+pub fn sampled_to_depth(
+ module: &mut Module,
+ ctx: &mut Context,
+ image: Handle<Expression>,
+ meta: Span,
+ errors: &mut Vec<Error>,
+) {
+ // Get the a mutable type handle of the underlying image storage
+ let ty = match ctx[image] {
+ Expression::GlobalVariable(handle) => &mut module.global_variables.get_mut(handle).ty,
+ Expression::FunctionArgument(i) => {
+ // Mark the function argument as carrying a depth texture
+ ctx.parameters_info[i as usize].depth = true;
+ // NOTE: We need to later also change the parameter type
+ &mut ctx.arguments[i as usize].ty
+ }
+ _ => {
+ // Only globals and function arguments are allowed to carry an image
+ return errors.push(Error {
+ kind: ErrorKind::SemanticError("Not a valid texture expression".into()),
+ meta,
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ match module.types[*ty].inner {
+ // Update the image class to depth in case it already isn't
+ TypeInner::Image {
+ class,
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ } => match class {
+ ImageClass::Sampled { multi, .. } => {
+ *ty = module.types.insert(
+ Type {
+ name: None,
+ inner: TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class: ImageClass::Depth { multi },
+ },
+ },
+ Span::default(),
+ )
+ }
+ ImageClass::Depth { .. } => {}
+ // Other image classes aren't allowed to be transformed to depth
+ ImageClass::Storage { .. } => errors.push(Error {
+ kind: ErrorKind::SemanticError("Not a texture".into()),
+ meta,
+ }),
+ },
+ _ => errors.push(Error {
+ kind: ErrorKind::SemanticError("Not a texture".into()),
+ meta,
+ }),
+ };
+ // Copy the handle to allow borrowing the `ctx` again
+ let ty = *ty;
+ // If the image was passed through a function argument we also need to change
+ // the corresponding parameter
+ if let Expression::FunctionArgument(i) = ctx[image] {
+ ctx.parameters[i as usize] = ty;
+ }
+bitflags::bitflags! {
+ /// Influences the operation `texture_args_generator`
+ struct TextureArgsOptions: u32 {
+ /// Generates multisampled variants of images
+ const MULTI = 1 << 0;
+ /// Generates shadow variants of images
+ const SHADOW = 1 << 1;
+ /// Generates standard images
+ const STANDARD = 1 << 2;
+ /// Generates cube arrayed images
+ const CUBE_ARRAY = 1 << 3;
+ /// Generates cube arrayed images
+ const D2_MULTI_ARRAY = 1 << 4;
+ }
+impl From<BuiltinVariations> for TextureArgsOptions {
+ fn from(variations: BuiltinVariations) -> Self {
+ let mut options = TextureArgsOptions::empty();
+ if variations.contains(BuiltinVariations::STANDARD) {
+ options |= TextureArgsOptions::STANDARD
+ }
+ if variations.contains(BuiltinVariations::CUBE_TEXTURES_ARRAY) {
+ options |= TextureArgsOptions::CUBE_ARRAY
+ }
+ if variations.contains(BuiltinVariations::D2_MULTI_TEXTURES_ARRAY) {
+ options |= TextureArgsOptions::D2_MULTI_ARRAY
+ }
+ options
+ }
+/// Helper function to generate the image components for texture/image builtins
+/// Calls the passed function `f` with:
+/// ```text
+/// f(ScalarKind, ImageDimension, arrayed, multi, shadow)
+/// ```
+/// `options` controls extra image variants generation like multisampling and depth,
+/// see the struct documentation
+fn texture_args_generator(
+ options: TextureArgsOptions,
+ mut f: impl FnMut(crate::ScalarKind, Dim, bool, bool, bool),
+) {
+ for kind in [Sk::Float, Sk::Uint, Sk::Sint].iter().copied() {
+ for dim in [Dim::D1, Dim::D2, Dim::D3, Dim::Cube].iter().copied() {
+ for arrayed in [false, true].iter().copied() {
+ if dim == Dim::Cube && arrayed {
+ if !options.contains(TextureArgsOptions::CUBE_ARRAY) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if Dim::D2 == dim
+ && options.contains(TextureArgsOptions::MULTI)
+ && arrayed
+ && options.contains(TextureArgsOptions::D2_MULTI_ARRAY)
+ {
+ // multisampling for sampler2DMSArray
+ f(kind, dim, arrayed, true, false);
+ } else if !options.contains(TextureArgsOptions::STANDARD) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ f(kind, dim, arrayed, false, false);
+ // 3D images can't be neither arrayed nor shadow
+ // so we break out early, this way arrayed will always
+ // be false and we won't hit the shadow branch
+ if let Dim::D3 = dim {
+ break;
+ }
+ if Dim::D2 == dim && options.contains(TextureArgsOptions::MULTI) && !arrayed {
+ // multisampling
+ f(kind, dim, arrayed, true, false);
+ }
+ if Sk::Float == kind && options.contains(TextureArgsOptions::SHADOW) {
+ // shadow
+ f(kind, dim, arrayed, false, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Helper functions used to convert from a image dimension into a integer representing the
+/// number of components needed for the coordinates vector (1 means scalar instead of vector)
+const fn image_dims_to_coords_size(dim: Dim) -> usize {
+ match dim {
+ Dim::D1 => 1,
+ Dim::D2 => 2,
+ _ => 3,
+ }