path: root/toolkit/components/bitsdownload/bits_client/src/in_process/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/bitsdownload/bits_client/src/in_process/')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/bitsdownload/bits_client/src/in_process/ b/toolkit/components/bitsdownload/bits_client/src/in_process/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7f6869167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/bitsdownload/bits_client/src/in_process/
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+use std::cmp;
+use std::collections::{hash_map, HashMap};
+use std::ffi;
+use std::path;
+use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex, Weak};
+use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+use bits::{
+ BackgroundCopyManager, BitsJob, BitsJobPriority, BitsProxyUsage, BG_S_PARTIAL_COMPLETE, E_FAIL,
+use guid_win::Guid;
+use bits_protocol::*;
+use super::Error;
+// This is a macro in order to use the NotFound and GetJob variants from whatever enum is in scope.
+macro_rules! get_job {
+ ($bcm:ident, $guid:expr, $name:expr) => {{
+ $bcm = BackgroundCopyManager::connect().map_err(|e| {
+ ConnectBcm(HResultMessage {
+ hr: e.code(),
+ message: e.to_string(),
+ })
+ })?;
+ $bcm.find_job_by_guid_and_name($guid, $name)
+ .map_err(|e| GetJob($crate::in_process::format_error(&$bcm, e)))?
+ .ok_or(NotFound)?
+ }};
+fn format_error(bcm: &BackgroundCopyManager, error: comedy::HResult) -> HResultMessage {
+ let bits_description = bcm.get_error_description(error.code()).ok();
+ HResultMessage {
+ hr: error.code(),
+ message: if let Some(desc) = bits_description {
+ format!("{}: {}", error, desc)
+ } else {
+ format!("{}", error)
+ },
+ }
+// The in-process client uses direct BITS calls via the `bits` crate.
+// See the corresponding functions in BitsClient.
+pub struct InProcessClient {
+ job_name: ffi::OsString,
+ save_path_prefix: path::PathBuf,
+ monitors: HashMap<Guid, InProcessMonitorControl>,
+impl InProcessClient {
+ pub fn new(
+ job_name: ffi::OsString,
+ save_path_prefix: ffi::OsString,
+ ) -> Result<InProcessClient, Error> {
+ Ok(InProcessClient {
+ job_name,
+ save_path_prefix: path::PathBuf::from(save_path_prefix),
+ monitors: HashMap::new(),
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn start_job(
+ &mut self,
+ url: ffi::OsString,
+ save_path: ffi::OsString,
+ proxy_usage: BitsProxyUsage,
+ no_progress_timeout_secs: u32,
+ monitor_interval_millis: u32,
+ ) -> Result<(StartJobSuccess, InProcessMonitor), StartJobFailure> {
+ use StartJobFailure::*;
+ let full_path = self.save_path_prefix.join(save_path);
+ // Verify that `full_path` is under the directory called `save_path_prefix`.
+ {
+ let canonical_prefix = self.save_path_prefix.canonicalize().map_err(|e| {
+ ArgumentValidation(format!("save_path_prefix.canonicalize(): {}", e))
+ })?;
+ // Full path minus file name, canonicalize() fails with nonexistent files, but the
+ // parent directory ought to exist.
+ let canonical_full_path = full_path
+ .parent()
+ .ok_or_else(|| ArgumentValidation("full_path.parent(): None".into()))?
+ .canonicalize()
+ .map_err(|e| {
+ ArgumentValidation(format!("full_path.parent().canonicalize(): {}", e))
+ })?;
+ if !canonical_full_path.starts_with(&canonical_prefix) {
+ return Err(ArgumentValidation(format!(
+ "{:?} is not within {:?}",
+ canonical_full_path, canonical_prefix
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Should the job be explicitly cleaned up if this fn can't return success?
+ // If the job is dropped before `AddFile` succeeds, I think it automatically gets
+ // deleted from the queue. There is only one fallible call after that (`Resume`).
+ let bcm = BackgroundCopyManager::connect().map_err(|e| {
+ ConnectBcm(HResultMessage {
+ hr: e.code(),
+ message: e.to_string(),
+ })
+ })?;
+ let mut job = bcm
+ .create_job(&self.job_name)
+ .map_err(|e| Create(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ let guid = job.guid().map_err(|e| OtherBITS(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ (|| {
+ job.set_proxy_usage(proxy_usage)?;
+ job.set_minimum_retry_delay(60)?;
+ job.set_no_progress_timeout(no_progress_timeout_secs)?;
+ job.set_redirect_report()?;
+ job.set_priority(BitsJobPriority::Foreground)?;
+ Ok(())
+ })()
+ .map_err(|e| ApplySettings(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ let (client, control) = InProcessMonitor::new(&mut job, monitor_interval_millis)
+ .map_err(|e| OtherBITS(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ job.add_file(&url, &full_path.into_os_string())
+ .map_err(|e| AddFile(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ job.resume().map_err(|e| Resume(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ self.monitors.insert(guid.clone(), control);
+ Ok((StartJobSuccess { guid }, client))
+ }
+ pub fn monitor_job(
+ &mut self,
+ guid: Guid,
+ interval_millis: u32,
+ ) -> Result<InProcessMonitor, MonitorJobFailure> {
+ use MonitorJobFailure::*;
+ // Stop any preexisting monitor for the same guid.
+ let _ = self.stop_update(guid.clone());
+ let bcm;
+ let (client, control) =
+ InProcessMonitor::new(&mut get_job!(bcm, &guid, &self.job_name), interval_millis)
+ .map_err(|e| OtherBITS(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ self.monitors.insert(guid, control);
+ Ok(client)
+ }
+ pub fn suspend_job(&mut self, guid: Guid) -> Result<(), SuspendJobFailure> {
+ use SuspendJobFailure::*;
+ let bcm;
+ get_job!(bcm, &guid, &self.job_name)
+ .suspend()
+ .map_err(|e| SuspendJob(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn resume_job(&mut self, guid: Guid) -> Result<(), ResumeJobFailure> {
+ use ResumeJobFailure::*;
+ let bcm;
+ get_job!(bcm, &guid, &self.job_name)
+ .resume()
+ .map_err(|e| ResumeJob(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn set_job_priority(
+ &mut self,
+ guid: Guid,
+ foreground: bool,
+ ) -> Result<(), SetJobPriorityFailure> {
+ use SetJobPriorityFailure::*;
+ let priority = if foreground {
+ BitsJobPriority::Foreground
+ } else {
+ BitsJobPriority::Normal
+ };
+ let bcm;
+ get_job!(bcm, &guid, &self.job_name)
+ .set_priority(priority)
+ .map_err(|e| ApplySettings(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn set_no_progress_timeout(
+ &mut self,
+ guid: Guid,
+ timeout_secs: u32,
+ ) -> Result<(), SetNoProgressTimeoutFailure> {
+ use SetNoProgressTimeoutFailure::*;
+ let bcm;
+ get_job!(bcm, &guid, &self.job_name)
+ .set_no_progress_timeout(timeout_secs)
+ .map_err(|e| ApplySettings(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn get_monitor_control_sender(&mut self, guid: Guid) -> Option<Arc<ControlPair>> {
+ if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(occ) = self.monitors.entry(guid) {
+ if let Some(sender) = occ.get().0.upgrade() {
+ Some(sender)
+ } else {
+ // Remove dangling Weak
+ occ.remove_entry();
+ None
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_update_interval(
+ &mut self,
+ guid: Guid,
+ interval_millis: u32,
+ ) -> Result<(), SetUpdateIntervalFailure> {
+ use SetUpdateIntervalFailure::*;
+ if let Some(sender) = self.get_monitor_control_sender(guid) {
+ let mut s = sender.1.lock().unwrap();
+ s.interval_millis = interval_millis;
+ sender.0.notify_all();
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(NotFound)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn stop_update(&mut self, guid: Guid) -> Result<(), SetUpdateIntervalFailure> {
+ use SetUpdateIntervalFailure::*;
+ if let Some(sender) = self.get_monitor_control_sender(guid) {
+ sender.1.lock().unwrap().shutdown = true;
+ sender.0.notify_all();
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(NotFound)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn complete_job(&mut self, guid: Guid) -> Result<(), CompleteJobFailure> {
+ use CompleteJobFailure::*;
+ let bcm;
+ get_job!(bcm, &guid, &self.job_name)
+ .complete()
+ .map_err(|e| CompleteJob(format_error(&bcm, e)))
+ .and_then(|hr| {
+ if hr == BG_S_PARTIAL_COMPLETE as i32 {
+ Err(PartialComplete)
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ })?;
+ let _ = self.stop_update(guid);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn cancel_job(&mut self, guid: Guid) -> Result<(), CancelJobFailure> {
+ use CancelJobFailure::*;
+ let bcm;
+ get_job!(bcm, &guid, &self.job_name)
+ .cancel()
+ .map_err(|e| CancelJob(format_error(&bcm, e)))?;
+ let _ = self.stop_update(guid);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+// InProcessMonitor can be used on any thread, and `ControlPair` can be synchronously modified to
+// control a blocked `get_status` call from another thread.
+pub struct InProcessMonitor {
+ vars: Arc<ControlPair>,
+ guid: Guid,
+ last_status_time: Option<Instant>,
+ last_url: Option<ffi::OsString>,
+// The `Condvar` is notified when `InProcessMonitorVars` changes.
+type ControlPair = (Condvar, Mutex<InProcessMonitorVars>);
+struct InProcessMonitorControl(Weak<ControlPair>);
+// RefUnwindSafe is not impl'd for Condvar but likely should be,
+// see
+impl std::panic::RefUnwindSafe for InProcessMonitorControl {}
+struct InProcessMonitorVars {
+ interval_millis: u32,
+ notified: bool,
+ shutdown: bool,
+impl InProcessMonitor {
+ fn new(
+ job: &mut BitsJob,
+ interval_millis: u32,
+ ) -> Result<(InProcessMonitor, InProcessMonitorControl), comedy::HResult> {
+ let guid = job.guid()?;
+ let vars = Arc::new((
+ Condvar::new(),
+ Mutex::new(InProcessMonitorVars {
+ interval_millis,
+ notified: false,
+ shutdown: false,
+ }),
+ ));
+ let transferred_control = InProcessMonitorControl(Arc::downgrade(&vars));
+ let transferred_cb = Box::new(move || {
+ if let Some(control) = transferred_control.0.upgrade() {
+ if let Ok(mut vars) = control.1.lock() {
+ vars.notified = true;
+ control.0.notify_all();
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ }
+ Err(E_FAIL)
+ });
+ let error_control = InProcessMonitorControl(Arc::downgrade(&vars));
+ let error_cb = Box::new(move || {
+ if let Some(control) = error_control.0.upgrade() {
+ if let Ok(mut vars) = control.1.lock() {
+ vars.notified = true;
+ control.0.notify_all();
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ }
+ Err(E_FAIL)
+ });
+ // Note: These callbacks are never explicitly cleared. They will be freed when the
+ // job is deleted from BITS, and they will be cleared if an attempt is made to call them
+ // when they are no longer valid (e.g. after the process exits). This is done mostly for
+ // simplicity and should be safe.
+ job.register_callbacks(Some(transferred_cb), Some(error_cb), None)?;
+ let control = InProcessMonitorControl(Arc::downgrade(&vars));
+ let monitor = InProcessMonitor {
+ guid,
+ vars,
+ last_status_time: None,
+ last_url: None,
+ };
+ Ok((monitor, control))
+ }
+ pub fn get_status(
+ &mut self,
+ timeout_millis: u32,
+ ) -> Result<Result<JobStatus, HResultMessage>, Error> {
+ let timeout = Duration::from_millis(u64::from(timeout_millis));
+ let started = Instant::now();
+ let timeout_end = started + timeout;
+ {
+ let mut s = self.vars.1.lock().unwrap();
+ loop {
+ let wait_start = Instant::now();
+ if s.shutdown {
+ // Disconnected, immediately return error.
+ // Note: Shutdown takes priority over simultaneous notification.
+ return Err(Error::NotConnected);
+ }
+ if wait_start >= timeout_end {
+ // Timed out, immediately return timeout error.
+ // This should not normally happen with the in-process monitor, but the
+ // monitor interval could be longer than the timeout.
+ s.shutdown = true;
+ return Err(Error::Timeout);
+ }
+ // Get the interval every pass through the loop, in case it has changed.
+ let interval = Duration::from_millis(u64::from(s.interval_millis));
+ let wait_until = self
+ .last_status_time
+ .map(|last_status_time| cmp::min(last_status_time + interval, timeout_end));
+ if s.notified {
+ // Notified, exit loop to get status.
+ s.notified = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if wait_until.is_none() {
+ // First status report, no waiting, exit loop to get status.
+ break;
+ }
+ let wait_until = wait_until.unwrap();
+ if wait_until <= wait_start {
+ // No time left to wait. This can't be due to timeout because
+ // `wait_until <= wait_start < timeout_end`.
+ // Status report due, exit loop to get status.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Wait.
+ // Do not attempt to recover from poisoned Mutex.
+ s = self
+ .vars
+ .0
+ .wait_timeout(s, wait_until - wait_start)
+ .unwrap()
+ .0;
+ // Mutex re-acquired, loop.
+ }
+ }
+ // No error yet, start getting status now.
+ self.last_status_time = Some(Instant::now());
+ let bcm = match BackgroundCopyManager::connect() {
+ Ok(bcm) => bcm,
+ Err(e) => {
+ // On any error, disconnect.
+ self.vars.1.lock().unwrap().shutdown = true;
+ // Errors below can use the BCM to do `format_error()`, but this one just gets the
+ // basic `comedy::HResult` treatment.
+ return Ok(Err(HResultMessage {
+ hr: e.code(),
+ message: format!("{}", e),
+ }));
+ }
+ };
+ Ok((|| {
+ let mut job = bcm.get_job_by_guid(&self.guid)?;
+ let status = job.get_status()?;
+ let url = job.get_first_file()?.get_remote_name()?;
+ Ok(JobStatus {
+ state: status.state,
+ progress: status.progress,
+ error_count: status.error_count,
+ error:|e| JobError {
+ context: e.context,
+ context_str: e.context_str,
+ error: HResultMessage {
+ hr: e.error,
+ message: e.error_str,
+ },
+ }),
+ times: status.times,
+ url: if self.last_url.is_some() && *self.last_url.as_ref().unwrap() == url {
+ None
+ } else {
+ self.last_url = Some(url);
+ self.last_url.clone()
+ },
+ })
+ })()
+ .map_err(|e| {
+ // On any error, disconnect.
+ self.vars.1.lock().unwrap().shutdown = true;
+ format_error(&bcm, e)
+ }))
+ }
+mod tests;