path: root/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:06:44 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:06:44 +0000
commited5640d8b587fbcfed7dd7967f3de04b37a76f26 (patch)
tree7a5f7c6c9d02226d7471cb3cc8fbbf631b415303 /testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 4:7.4.7.upstream/4%7.4.7upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/ b/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c56e9f144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+# with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+# ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+# License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at .
+import pyuno
+import uno
+import unittest
+import exceptions
+import types
+def suite(ctx):
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testErrors",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testBaseTypes",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testOutparam",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testStruct",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testType",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testEnum",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testBool",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testChar",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testUnicode",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testConstant",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testExceptions",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testInterface",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testByteSequence",ctx))
+ suite.addTest(TestCase("testInvoke",ctx))
+ return suite
+def equalsEps( a,b,eps ):
+ if a - eps <= b and a+eps >= b:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def assign( rData, bBool, cChar, nByte, nShort, nUShort, nLong, nULong, nHyper,\
+ nUHyper, fFloat, fDouble, eEnum, rStr, xTest, rAny ):
+ rData.Bool = bBool;
+ rData.Char = cChar;
+ rData.Byte = nByte;
+ rData.Short = nShort;
+ rData.UShort = nUShort;
+ rData.Long = nLong;
+ rData.ULong = nULong;
+ rData.Hyper = nHyper;
+ rData.UHyper = nUHyper;
+ rData.Float = fFloat;
+ rData.Double = fDouble;
+ rData.Enum = eEnum;
+ rData.String = rStr;
+ rData.Interface = xTest;
+ rData.Any = rAny;
+class PythonTransporter:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ pass
+ def transportAny( self, arg ):
+ return arg
+class TestCase( unittest.TestCase):
+ def __init__(self,method,ctx):
+ unittest.TestCase.__init__(self,method)
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ def setUp(self):
+ # the testcomponent from the testtools project
+ self.tobj = self.ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
+ '' , self.ctx )
+ self.tobj.Bool = 1
+ self.tobj.Char = 'h'
+ self.tobj.Byte = 43
+ self.tobj.Short = -42
+ self.tobj.UShort = 44
+ self.tobj.Long = 42
+ self.tobj.ULong = 41
+ self.tobj.Hyper = 46
+ self.tobj.UHyper = 47
+ self.tobj.Float = 4.3
+ self.tobj.Double = 4.2
+ self.tobj.Enum = 4
+ self.tobj.String = "yabadabadoo"
+ self.tobj.Interface = self.ctx
+ self.tobj.Any = self.tobj.String
+ mystruct = uno.createUnoStruct( "test.testtools.bridgetest.TestData" )
+ assign( mystruct, 1, 'h', 43, -42,44,42,41,46,47,4.3,4.2,4,"yabadabadoo",self.ctx,"yabadabadoo")
+ self.tobj.Struct = mystruct
+ self.testElement = uno.createUnoStruct( "test.testtools.bridgetest.TestElement" )
+ self.testElement.String = "foo"
+ self.testElement2 = uno.createUnoStruct( "test.testtools.bridgetest.TestElement" )
+ self.testElement2.String = "42"
+ self.tobj.Sequence = (self.testElement,self.testElement2)
+ def testBaseTypes(self):
+ self.failUnless( 42 == self.tobj.Long , "Long attribute" )
+ self.failUnless( 41 == self.tobj.ULong , "ULong attribute" )
+ self.failUnless( 43 == self.tobj.Byte , "Byte attribute" )
+ self.failUnless( 44 == self.tobj.UShort , "UShort attribute" )
+ self.failUnless( -42 == self.tobj.Short , "Short attribute" )
+ self.failUnless( 46 == self.tobj.Hyper , "Hyper attribute" )
+ self.failUnless( 47 == self.tobj.UHyper , "UHyper attribute" )
+ self.failUnless( self.tobj.Bool , "Bool attribute2" )
+ self.failUnless( "yabadabadoo" == self.tobj.String , "String attribute" )
+ self.failUnless( self.tobj.Sequence[0] == self.testElement , "Sequence test")
+ self.failUnless( self.tobj.Sequence[1] == self.testElement2 , "Sequence2 test")
+ self.failUnless( equalsEps( 4.3,self.tobj.Float,0.0001) , "float test" )
+ self.failUnless( 4.2 == self.tobj.Double , "double test" )
+ self.failUnless( self.ctx == self.tobj.Interface ,
+ "object identity test with C++ object" )
+ self.failUnless( not self.ctx == self.tobj , "object not identical test " )
+ self.failUnless( 42 == self.tobj.transportAny( 42 ), "transportAny long" )
+ self.failUnless( "woo, this is python" == self.tobj.transportAny( "woo, this is python" ), \
+ "string roundtrip via any test" )
+ def testEnum( self ):
+ e1 = uno.Enum( "" , "LONG" )
+ e2 = uno.Enum( "" , "LONG" )
+ e3 = uno.Enum( "" , "UNSIGNED_LONG" )
+ e4 = uno.Enum( "test.testtools.bridgetest.TestEnum" , "TWO" )
+ self.failUnless( e1 == e2 , "equal enum test" )
+ self.failUnless( not (e1 == e3) , "different enums test" )
+ self.failUnless( self.tobj.transportAny( e3 ) == e3, "enum roundtrip test" )
+ self.tobj.Enum = e4
+ self.failUnless( e4 == self.tobj.Enum , "enum assignment failed" )
+ def testType(self ):
+ t1 = uno.getTypeByName( "" )
+ t2 = uno.getTypeByName( "" )
+ t3 = uno.getTypeByName( "" )
+ self.failUnless( t1.typeClass == \
+ uno.Enum( "", "INTERFACE" ), "typeclass of type test" )
+ self.failUnless( t3.typeClass == \
+ uno.Enum( "", "STRUCT" ), "typeclass of type test")
+ self.failUnless( t1 == t2 , "equal type test" )
+ self.failUnless( t1 == t2 , "equal type test" )
+ self.failUnless( t1 == self.tobj.transportAny( t1 ), "type roundtrip test" )
+ def testBool( self ):
+ self.failUnless( uno.Bool(1) , "uno.Bool true test" )
+ self.failUnless( not uno.Bool(0) , "uno.Bool false test" )
+ self.failUnless( uno.Bool( "true") , "uno.Bool true1 test" )
+ self.failUnless( not uno.Bool( "false") , "uno.Bool true1 test" )
+ self.tobj.Bool = uno.Bool(1)
+ self.failUnless( self.tobj.Bool , "bool true attribute test" )
+ self.tobj.Bool = uno.Bool(0)
+ self.failUnless( not self.tobj.Bool , "bool true attribute test" )
+ # new boolean semantic
+ self.failUnless( id( self.tobj.transportAny( True ) ) == id(True) , "boolean preserve test")
+ self.failUnless( id( self.tobj.transportAny( False ) ) == id(False) , "boolean preserve test" )
+ self.failUnless( id( self.tobj.transportAny(1) ) != id( True ), "boolean preserve test" )
+ self.failUnless( id( self.tobj.transportAny(0) ) != id( False ), "boolean preserve test" )
+ def testChar( self ):
+ self.tobj.Char = uno.Char( u'h' )
+ self.failUnless( self.tobj.Char == uno.Char( u'h' ), "char type test" )
+ self.failUnless( isinstance( self.tobj.transportAny( uno.Char(u'h') ),uno.Char),"char preserve test" )
+ def testStruct( self ):
+ mystruct = uno.createUnoStruct( "test.testtools.bridgetest.TestData" )
+ assign( mystruct, 1, 'h', 43, -42,44,42,41,46,47,4.3,4.2,4,"yabadabadoo",self.ctx,"yabadabadoo")
+ self.tobj.Struct = mystruct
+ aSecondStruct = self.tobj.Struct
+ self.failUnless( self.tobj.Struct == mystruct, "struct roundtrip for equality test" )
+ self.failUnless( aSecondStruct == mystruct, "struct roundtrip for equality test2" )
+ aSecondStruct.Short = 720
+ self.failUnless( not aSecondStruct == mystruct , "different structs equality test" )
+ self.failUnless( not self.ctx == mystruct , "object is not equal to struct test" )
+ self.failUnless( mystruct == self.tobj.transportAny( mystruct ), "struct roundtrip with any test" )
+ my2ndstruct = uno.createUnoStruct( "test.testtools.bridgetest.TestData", \
+ 1, 'h', 43, -42,44,42,41,46,47,4.3,4.2,4,"yabadabadoo",self.ctx,"yabadabadoo",())
+ self.failUnless( my2ndstruct == mystruct, "struct non-default ctor test" )
+ def testUnicode( self ):
+ uni = u'\0148'
+ self.tobj.String = uni
+ self.failUnless( uni == self.tobj.String )
+ self.tobj.String = u'dubidu'
+ self.failUnless( u'dubidu' == self.tobj.String , "unicode comparison test")
+ self.failUnless( 'dubidu' == self.tobj.String , "unicode vs. string comparison test" )
+ def testConstant( self ):
+ self.failUnless( uno.getConstantByName( "" ) == 4,\
+ "constant retrieval test" )
+ def testExceptions( self ):
+ unoExc = uno.getClass( "" )
+ ioExc = uno.getClass( "" )
+ dispExc = uno.getClass( "" )
+ wasHere = 0
+ try:
+ raise ioExc( "huhuh" , self.tobj )
+ except unoExc , instance:
+ wasHere = 1
+ self.failUnless( wasHere , "exception test 1" )
+ wasHere = 0
+ try:
+ raise ioExc
+ except ioExc:
+ wasHere = 1
+ else:
+ self.failUnless( wasHere, "exception test 2" )
+ wasHere = 0
+ try:
+ raise dispExc
+ except ioExc:
+ pass
+ except unoExc:
+ wasHere = 1
+ self.failUnless(wasHere, "exception test 3")
+ illegalArg = uno.getClass( "" )
+ wasHere = 0
+ try:
+ self.tobj.raiseException( 1 , "foo" , self.tobj )
+ self.failUnless( 0 , "exception test 5a" )
+ except ioExc:
+ self.failUnless( 0 , "exception test 5b" )
+ except illegalArg, i:
+ self.failUnless( 1 == i.ArgumentPosition , "exception member test" )
+ self.failUnless( "foo" == i.Message , "exception member test 2 " )
+ wasHere = 1
+ else:
+ self.failUnless( 0, "except test 5c" )
+ self.failUnless( wasHere, "illegal argument exception test failed" )
+ def testInterface(self):
+ clazz = uno.getClass( "" )
+ self.failUnless( "" == clazz.__pyunointerface__ )
+ self.failUnless( issubclass( clazz, uno.getClass( "" ) ) )
+ self.tobj.Interface = None
+ def testOutparam( self):
+ # outparameter
+ struct, mybool,mychar,mybyte,myshort,myushort,mylong,myulong,myhyper,myuhyper,myfloat, \
+ mydouble,myenum,mystring,myinterface,myany,myseq,my2ndstruct = self.tobj.getValues( \
+ None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None, \
+ None,None,None,None,None,None,None)
+ self.failUnless(struct == self.tobj.Struct, "outparam 1 test")
+ self.failUnless(self.tobj.Bool, "outparam 2 test")
+ self.failUnless(mychar == self.tobj.Char, "outparam 3 test")
+ self.failUnless(mybyte == self.tobj.Byte, "outparam 4 test")
+ self.failUnless(myshort == self.tobj.Short, "outparam 5 test")
+ self.failUnless(myushort == self.tobj.UShort, "outparam 6 test")
+ self.failUnless(mylong == self.tobj.Long, "outparam 7 test")
+ self.failUnless(myulong == self.tobj.ULong, "outparam 8 test")
+ self.failUnless(myhyper == self.tobj.Hyper, "outparam 9 test")
+ self.failUnless(myuhyper == self.tobj.UHyper, "outparam 10 test")
+ self.failUnless(myfloat == self.tobj.Float, "outparam 11 test")
+ self.failUnless(mydouble == self.tobj.Double, "outparam 12 test")
+ self.failUnless(myenum == self.tobj.Enum, "outparam 13 test")
+ self.failUnless(mystring == self.tobj.String, "outparam 14 test")
+ self.failUnless(myinterface == self.tobj.Interface, "outparam 15 test")
+ self.failUnless(myany == self.tobj.Any, "outparam 16 test")
+ self.failUnless(myseq == self.tobj.Sequence, "outparam 17 test")
+ self.failUnless(my2ndstruct == struct, "outparam 18 test")
+# should work, debug on windows, why not
+# struct, mybool,mychar,mybyte,myshort,myushort,mylong,myulong,myhyper,myuhyper,myfloat,\
+# mydouble,myenum,mystring,myinterface,myany,myseq,my2ndstruct = self.tobj.setValues2( \
+# mybool,mychar,mybyte,myshort,myushort,mylong,myulong,myhyper,myuhyper,myfloat,\
+# mydouble,myenum,mystring,myinterface,myany,myseq,my2ndstruct)
+# self.failUnless(struct == self.tobj.Struct, "outparam 1 test")
+# self.failUnless( mybool and self.tobj.Bool, "outparam 2 test")
+# self.failUnless(mychar == self.tobj.Char, "outparam 3 test")
+# self.failUnless(mybyte == self.tobj.Byte, "outparam 4 test")
+# self.failUnless(myshort == self.tobj.Short, "outparam 5 test")
+# self.failUnless(myushort == self.tobj.UShort, "outparam 6 test")
+# self.failUnless(mylong == self.tobj.Long, "outparam 7 test")
+# self.failUnless(myulong == self.tobj.ULong, "outparam 8 test")
+# self.failUnless(myhyper == self.tobj.Hyper, "outparam 9 test")
+# self.failUnless(myuhyper == self.tobj.UHyper, "outparam 10 test")
+# self.failUnless(myfloat == self.tobj.Float, "outparam 11 test")
+# self.failUnless(mydouble == self.tobj.Double, "outparam 12 test")
+# self.failUnless(myenum == self.tobj.Enum, "outparam 13 test")
+# self.failUnless(mystring == self.tobj.String, "outparam 14 test")
+# self.failUnless(myinterface == self.tobj.Interface, "outparam 15 test")
+# self.failUnless(myany == self.tobj.Any, "outparam 16 test")
+# self.failUnless(myseq == self.tobj.Sequence, "outparam 17 test")
+# self.failUnless(my2ndstruct == struct, "outparam 18 test")
+ def testErrors( self ):
+ wasHere = 0
+ try:
+ self.tobj.a = 5
+"attribute a shouldn't exist")
+ except AttributeError:
+ wasHere = 1
+ except IllegalArgumentException:
+ wasHere = 1
+ self.failUnless( wasHere, "wrong attribute test" )
+ IllegalArgumentException = uno.getClass("" )
+ RuntimeException = uno.getClass("" )
+# TODO: Remove this once it is done
+# wrong number of arguments bug !?
+ self.failUnlessRaises( IllegalArgumentException, self.tobj.transportAny, 42, 43 )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( IllegalArgumentException, self.tobj.transportAny )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( RuntimeException, uno.getClass, "a.b" )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( RuntimeException, uno.getClass, "" )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( RuntimeException, uno.Enum, "a" , "b" )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( RuntimeException, uno.Enum, "" , "b" )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( RuntimeException, uno.Enum, "" , "b" )
+ tcInterface =uno.Enum( "" , "INTERFACE" )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( RuntimeException, uno.Type, "a", tcInterface )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( RuntimeException, uno.Type, "", tcInterface )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( (RuntimeException,exceptions.RuntimeError), uno.getTypeByName, "a" )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( (RuntimeException), uno.getConstantByName, "a" )
+ self.failUnlessRaises( (RuntimeException), uno.getConstantByName, "" )
+ def testByteSequence( self ):
+ s = uno.ByteSequence( b"ab" )
+ self.failUnless( s == uno.ByteSequence( b"ab" ) )
+ self.failUnless( uno.ByteSequence( b"abc" ) == s + uno.ByteSequence( b"c" ) )
+ self.failUnless( uno.ByteSequence( b"abc" ) == s + "c" )
+ self.failUnless( s + "c" == "abc" )
+ self.failUnless( s == uno.ByteSequence( s ) )
+ self.failUnless( s[0] == 'a' )
+ self.failUnless( s[1] == 'b' )
+ def testInvoke( self ):
+ self.failUnless( 5 == uno.invoke( self.tobj , "transportAny" , (uno.Any("byte", 5),) ) )
+ self.failUnless( 5 == uno.invoke(
+ PythonTransporter(), "transportAny" , (uno.Any( "byte", 5 ),) ) )
+ t = uno.getTypeByName( "long" )
+ mystruct = uno.createUnoStruct(
+ "", "foo",0,uno.Any(t,2),0 )
+ mystruct.Value = uno.Any(t, 1)