path: root/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/rgw/rgw-bucket-form/rgw-bucket-form.component.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/rgw/rgw-bucket-form/rgw-bucket-form.component.html')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/rgw/rgw-bucket-form/rgw-bucket-form.component.html b/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/rgw/rgw-bucket-form/rgw-bucket-form.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bad80a7f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src/app/ceph/rgw/rgw-bucket-form/rgw-bucket-form.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+<div class="cd-col-form"
+ *cdFormLoading="loading">
+ <form name="bucketForm"
+ #frm="ngForm"
+ [formGroup]="bucketForm"
+ novalidate>
+ <div class="card">
+ <div i18n="form title"
+ class="card-header">{{ action | titlecase }} {{ resource | upperFirst }}</div>
+ <div class="card-body">
+ <!-- Id -->
+ <div class="form-group row"
+ *ngIf="editing">
+ <label i18n
+ class="cd-col-form-label"
+ for="id">Id</label>
+ <div class="cd-col-form-input">
+ <input id="id"
+ name="id"
+ class="form-control"
+ type="text"
+ formControlName="id"
+ readonly>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Name -->
+ <div class="form-group row">
+ <label class="cd-col-form-label"
+ [ngClass]="{required: !editing}"
+ for="bid"
+ i18n>Name</label>
+ <div class="cd-col-form-input">
+ <input id="bid"
+ name="bid"
+ class="form-control"
+ type="text"
+ i18n-placeholder
+ placeholder="Name..."
+ formControlName="bid"
+ [readonly]="editing"
+ [autofocus]="!editing">
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('bid', frm, 'required')"
+ i18n>This field is required.</span>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('bid', frm, 'bucketNameInvalid')"
+ i18n>Bucket names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods and hyphens.</span>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('bid', frm, 'bucketNameNotAllowed')"
+ i18n>The chosen name is already in use.</span>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('bid', frm, 'containsUpperCase')"
+ i18n>Bucket names must not contain uppercase characters or underscores.</span>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('bid', frm, 'lowerCaseOrNumber')"
+ i18n>Each label must start and end with a lowercase letter or a number.</span>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('bid', frm, 'ipAddress')"
+ i18n>Bucket names cannot be formatted as IP address.</span>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('bid', frm, 'onlyLowerCaseAndNumbers')"
+ i18n>Bucket labels cannot be empty and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens.</span>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('bid', frm, 'shouldBeInRange')"
+ i18n>Bucket names must be 3 to 63 characters long.</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Owner -->
+ <div class="form-group row">
+ <label class="cd-col-form-label required"
+ for="owner"
+ i18n>Owner</label>
+ <div class="cd-col-form-input">
+ <select id="owner"
+ name="owner"
+ class="form-control"
+ formControlName="owner"
+ [autofocus]="editing">
+ <option i18n
+ *ngIf="owners === null"
+ [ngValue]="null">Loading...</option>
+ <option i18n
+ *ngIf="owners !== null"
+ [ngValue]="null">-- Select a user --</option>
+ <option *ngFor="let owner of owners"
+ [value]="owner">{{ owner }}</option>
+ </select>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('owner', frm, 'required')"
+ i18n>This field is required.</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Placement target -->
+ <div class="form-group row">
+ <label class="cd-col-form-label"
+ [ngClass]="{required: !editing}"
+ for="placement-target"
+ i18n>Placement target</label>
+ <div class="cd-col-form-input">
+ <ng-template #placementTargetSelect>
+ <select id="placement-target"
+ name="placement-target"
+ formControlName="placement-target"
+ class="form-control">
+ <option i18n
+ *ngIf="placementTargets === null"
+ [ngValue]="null">Loading...</option>
+ <option i18n
+ *ngIf="placementTargets !== null"
+ [ngValue]="null">-- Select a placement target --</option>
+ <option *ngFor="let placementTarget of placementTargets"
+ [value]="">{{ placementTarget.description }}</option>
+ </select>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('placement-target', frm, 'required')"
+ i18n>This field is required.</span>
+ </ng-template>
+ <ng-container *ngIf="editing; else placementTargetSelect">
+ <input id="placement-target"
+ name="placement-target"
+ formControlName="placement-target"
+ class="form-control"
+ type="text"
+ readonly>
+ </ng-container>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Versioning -->
+ <fieldset *ngIf="editing">
+ <legend class="cd-header"
+ i18n>Versioning</legend>
+ <div class="form-group row">
+ <div class="cd-col-form-offset">
+ <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox"
+ class="custom-control-input"
+ id="versioning"
+ name="versioning"
+ formControlName="versioning"
+ (change)="setMfaDeleteValidators()">
+ <label class="custom-control-label"
+ for="versioning"
+ i18n>Enabled</label>
+ <cd-helper>
+ <span i18n>Enables versioning for the objects in the bucket.</span>
+ </cd-helper>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ <!-- Multi-Factor Authentication -->
+ <fieldset *ngIf="editing">
+ <!-- MFA Delete -->
+ <legend class="cd-header"
+ i18n>Multi-Factor Authentication</legend>
+ <div class="form-group row">
+ <div class="cd-col-form-offset">
+ <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox"
+ class="custom-control-input"
+ id="mfa-delete"
+ name="mfa-delete"
+ formControlName="mfa-delete"
+ (change)="setMfaDeleteValidators()">
+ <label class="custom-control-label"
+ for="mfa-delete"
+ i18n>Delete enabled</label>
+ <cd-helper>
+ <span i18n>Enables MFA (multi-factor authentication) Delete, which requires additional authentication for changing the bucket versioning state.</span>
+ </cd-helper>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div *ngIf="areMfaCredentialsRequired()"
+ class="form-group row">
+ <label i18n
+ class="cd-col-form-label"
+ for="mfa-token-serial">Token Serial Number</label>
+ <div class="cd-col-form-input">
+ <input type="text"
+ id="mfa-token-serial"
+ name="mfa-token-serial"
+ formControlName="mfa-token-serial"
+ class="form-control">
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('mfa-token-serial', frm, 'required')"
+ i18n>This field is required.</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div *ngIf="areMfaCredentialsRequired()"
+ class="form-group row">
+ <label i18n
+ class="cd-col-form-label"
+ for="mfa-token-pin">Token PIN</label>
+ <div class="cd-col-form-input">
+ <input type="text"
+ id="mfa-token-pin"
+ name="mfa-token-pin"
+ formControlName="mfa-token-pin"
+ class="form-control">
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('mfa-token-pin', frm, 'required')"
+ i18n>This field is required.</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ <!-- Locking -->
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend class="cd-header"
+ i18n>Locking</legend>
+ <!-- Locking enabled -->
+ <div class="form-group row">
+ <div class="cd-col-form-offset">
+ <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
+ <input class="custom-control-input"
+ id="lock_enabled"
+ formControlName="lock_enabled"
+ type="checkbox">
+ <label class="custom-control-label"
+ for="lock_enabled"
+ i18n>Enabled</label>
+ <cd-helper>
+ <span i18n>Enables locking for the objects in the bucket. Locking can only be enabled while creating a bucket.</span>
+ </cd-helper>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Locking mode -->
+ <div *ngIf="bucketForm.getValue('lock_enabled')"
+ class="form-group row">
+ <label class="cd-col-form-label"
+ for="lock_mode"
+ i18n>Mode</label>
+ <div class="cd-col-form-input">
+ <select class="form-control"
+ formControlName="lock_mode"
+ name="lock_mode"
+ id="lock_mode">
+ <option i18n
+ value="COMPLIANCE">Compliance</option>
+ <option i18n
+ value="GOVERNANCE">Governance</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Retention period (days) -->
+ <div *ngIf="bucketForm.getValue('lock_enabled')"
+ class="form-group row">
+ <label class="cd-col-form-label"
+ for="lock_retention_period_days">
+ <ng-container i18n>Days</ng-container>
+ <cd-helper i18n>The number of days that you want to specify for the default retention period that will be applied to new objects placed in this bucket.</cd-helper>
+ </label>
+ <div class="cd-col-form-input">
+ <input class="form-control"
+ type="number"
+ id="lock_retention_period_days"
+ formControlName="lock_retention_period_days"
+ min="0">
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('lock_retention_period_days', frm, 'pattern')"
+ i18n>The entered value must be a positive integer.</span>
+ <span class="invalid-feedback"
+ *ngIf="bucketForm.showError('lock_retention_period_days', frm, 'lockDays')"
+ i18n>Retention Days must be a positive integer.</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ </div>
+ <div class="card-footer">
+ <cd-form-button-panel (submitActionEvent)="submit()"
+ [form]="bucketForm"
+ [submitText]="(action | titlecase) + ' ' + (resource | upperFirst)"
+ wrappingClass="text-right"></cd-form-button-panel>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </form>