path: root/src/spdk/dpdk/doc/guides/nics/memif.rst
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ Copyright(c) 2018-2019 Cisco Systems, Inc.
+Memif Poll Mode Driver
+Shared memory packet interface (memif) PMD allows for DPDK and any other client
+using memif (DPDK, VPP, libmemif) to communicate using shared memory. Memif is
+Linux only.
+The created device transmits packets in a raw format. It can be used with
+Ethernet mode, IP mode, or Punt/Inject. At this moment, only Ethernet mode is
+supported in DPDK memif implementation.
+Memif works in two roles: master and slave. Slave connects to master over an
+existing socket. It is also a producer of shared memory file and initializes
+the shared memory. Each interface can be connected to one peer interface
+at same time. The peer interface is identified by id parameter. Master
+creates the socket and listens for any slave connection requests. The socket
+may already exist on the system. Be sure to remove any such sockets, if you
+are creating a master interface, or you will see an "Address already in use"
+error. Function ``rte_pmd_memif_remove()``, which removes memif interface,
+will also remove a listener socket, if it is not being used by any other
+The method to enable one or more interfaces is to use the
+``--vdev=net_memif0`` option on the DPDK application command line. Each
+``--vdev=net_memif1`` option given will create an interface named net_memif0,
+net_memif1, and so on. Memif uses unix domain socket to transmit control
+messages. Each memif has a unique id per socket. This id is used to identify
+peer interface. If you are connecting multiple
+interfaces using same socket, be sure to specify unique ids ``id=0``, ``id=1``,
+etc. Note that if you assign a socket to a master interface it becomes a
+listener socket. Listener socket can not be used by a slave interface on same
+.. csv-table:: **Memif configuration options**
+ :header: "Option", "Description", "Default", "Valid value"
+ "id=0", "Used to identify peer interface", "0", "uint32_t"
+ "role=master", "Set memif role", "slave", "master|slave"
+ "bsize=1024", "Size of single packet buffer", "2048", "uint16_t"
+ "rsize=11", "Log2 of ring size. If rsize is 10, actual ring size is 1024", "10", "1-14"
+ "socket=/tmp/memif.sock", "Socket filename", "/tmp/memif.sock", "string len 108"
+ "mac=01:23:45:ab:cd:ef", "Mac address", "01:ab:23:cd:45:ef", ""
+ "secret=abc123", "Secret is an optional security option, which if specified, must be matched by peer", "", "string len 24"
+ "zero-copy=yes", "Enable/disable zero-copy slave mode. Only relevant to slave, requires '--single-file-segments' eal argument", "no", "yes|no"
+**Connection establishment**
+In order to create memif connection, two memif interfaces, each in separate
+process, are needed. One interface in ``master`` role and other in
+``slave`` role. It is not possible to connect two interfaces in a single
+process. Each interface can be connected to one interface at same time,
+identified by matching id parameter.
+Memif driver uses unix domain socket to exchange required information between
+memif interfaces. Socket file path is specified at interface creation see
+*Memif configuration options* table above. If socket is used by ``master``
+interface, it's marked as listener socket (in scope of current process) and
+listens to connection requests from other processes. One socket can be used by
+multiple interfaces. One process can have ``slave`` and ``master`` interfaces
+at the same time, provided each role is assigned unique socket.
+For detailed information on memif control messages, see: net/memif/memif.h.
+Slave interface attempts to make a connection on assigned socket. Process
+listening on this socket will extract the connection request and create a new
+connected socket (control channel). Then it sends the 'hello' message
+(``MEMIF_MSG_TYPE_HELLO``), containing configuration boundaries. Slave interface
+adjusts its configuration accordingly, and sends 'init' message
+(``MEMIF_MSG_TYPE_INIT``). This message among others contains interface id. Driver
+uses this id to find master interface, and assigns the control channel to this
+interface. If such interface is found, 'ack' message (``MEMIF_MSG_TYPE_ACK``) is
+sent. Slave interface sends 'add region' message (``MEMIF_MSG_TYPE_ADD_REGION``) for
+every region allocated. Master responds to each of these messages with 'ack'
+message. Same behavior applies to rings. Slave sends 'add ring' message
+(``MEMIF_MSG_TYPE_ADD_RING``) for every initialized ring. Master again responds to
+each message with 'ack' message. To finalize the connection, slave interface
+sends 'connect' message (``MEMIF_MSG_TYPE_CONNECT``). Upon receiving this message
+master maps regions to its address space, initializes rings and responds with
+'connected' message (``MEMIF_MSG_TYPE_CONNECTED``). Disconnect
+(``MEMIF_MSG_TYPE_DISCONNECT``) can be sent by both master and slave interfaces at
+any time, due to driver error or if the interface is being deleted.
+- net/memif/memif.h *- control messages definitions*
+- net/memif/memif_socket.h
+- net/memif/memif_socket.c
+Shared memory
+**Shared memory format**
+Slave is producer and master is consumer. Memory regions, are mapped shared memory files,
+created by memif slave and provided to master at connection establishment.
+Regions contain rings and buffers. Rings and buffers can also be separated into multiple
+regions. For no-zero-copy, rings and buffers are stored inside single memory
+region to reduce the number of opened files.
+region n (no-zero-copy):
+| Rings | Buffers |
+| S2M rings | M2S rings | packet buffer 0 | . | pb ((1 << pmd->run.log2_ring_size)*(s2m + m2s))-1 |
+S2M OR M2S Rings:
+| ring 0 | ring 1 | ring num_s2m_rings - 1|
+ring 0:
+| ring header | (1 << pmd->run.log2_ring_size) * desc |
+Descriptors are assigned packet buffers in order of rings creation. If we have one ring
+in each direction and ring size is 1024, then first 1024 buffers will belong to S2M ring and
+last 1024 will belong to M2S ring. In case of zero-copy, buffers are dequeued and
+enqueued as needed.
+**Descriptor format**
+|Quad|6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3|3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1|1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+|Word|3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2|1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |6|5| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |0|
+|0 |length |region |flags |
+|1 |metadata |offset |
+| |6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3|3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+| |3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2|1| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |0|
+**Flags field - flags (Quad Word 0, bits 0:15)**
+|Bits |Name |Functionality |
+|0 |MEMIF_DESC_FLAG_NEXT|Is chained buffer. When set, the packet is divided into multiple buffers. May not be contiguous.|
+**Region index - region (Quad Word 0, 16:31)**
+Index of memory region, the buffer is located in.
+**Data length - length (Quad Word 0, 32:63)**
+Length of transmitted/received data.
+**Data Offset - offset (Quad Word 1, 0:31)**
+Data start offset from memory region address. *.regions[desc->region].addr + desc->offset*
+**Metadata - metadata (Quad Word 1, 32:63)**
+Buffer metadata.
+- net/memif/memif.h *- descriptor and ring definitions*
+- net/memif/rte_eth_memif.c *- eth_memif_rx() eth_memif_tx()*
+Zero-copy slave
+Zero-copy slave can be enabled with memif configuration option 'zero-copy=yes'. This option
+is only relevant to slave and requires eal argument '--single-file-segments'.
+This limitation is in place, because it is too expensive to identify memseg
+for each packet buffer, resulting in worse performance than with zero-copy disabled.
+With single file segments we can calculate offset from the beginning of the file
+for each packet buffer.
+**Shared memory format**
+Region 0 is created by memif driver and contains rings. Slave interface exposes DPDK memory (memseg).
+Instead of using memfd_create() to create new shared file, existing memsegs are used.
+Master interface functions the same as with zero-copy disabled.
+region 0:
+| Rings |
+| S2M rings | M2S rings |
+region n:
+| Buffers |
+|memseg |
+Buffers are dequeued and enqueued as needed. Offset descriptor field is calculated at tx.
+Only single file segments mode (EAL option --single-file-segments) is supported, as calculating
+offset from multiple segments is too expensive.
+Example: testpmd
+In this example we run two instances of testpmd application and transmit packets over memif.
+First create ``master`` interface::
+ #./build/app/testpmd -l 0-1 --proc-type=primary --file-prefix=pmd1 --vdev=net_memif,role=master -- -i
+Now create ``slave`` interface (master must be already running so the slave will connect)::
+ #./build/app/testpmd -l 2-3 --proc-type=primary --file-prefix=pmd2 --vdev=net_memif -- -i
+You can also enable ``zero-copy`` on ``slave`` interface::
+ #./build/app/testpmd -l 2-3 --proc-type=primary --file-prefix=pmd2 --vdev=net_memif,zero-copy=yes --single-file-segments -- -i
+Start forwarding packets::
+ Slave:
+ testpmd> start
+ Master:
+ testpmd> start tx_first
+Show status::
+ testpmd> show port stats 0
+For more details on testpmd please refer to :doc:`../testpmd_app_ug/index`.
+Example: testpmd and VPP
+For information on how to get and run VPP please see `<>`_.
+Start VPP in interactive mode (should be by default). Create memif master interface in VPP::
+ vpp# create interface memif id 0 master no-zero-copy
+ vpp# set interface state memif0/0 up
+ vpp# set interface ip address memif0/0
+To see socket filename use show memif command::
+ vpp# show memif
+ sockets
+ id listener filename
+ 0 yes (1) /run/vpp/memif.sock
+ ...
+Now create memif interface by running testpmd with these command line options::
+ #./testpmd --vdev=net_memif,socket=/run/vpp/memif.sock -- -i
+Testpmd should now create memif slave interface and try to connect to master.
+In testpmd set forward option to icmpecho and start forwarding::
+ testpmd> set fwd icmpecho
+ testpmd> start
+Send ping from VPP::
+ vpp# ping
+ 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=36.2918 ms
+ 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=23.3927 ms
+ 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=24.2975 ms
+ 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=254 time=17.7049 ms
+Example: testpmd memif loopback
+In this example we will create 2 memif ports connected into loopback.
+The situation is analogous to cross connecting 2 ports of the NIC by cable.
+To set the loopback, just use the same socket and id with different roles::
+ #./testpmd --vdev=net_memif0,role=master,id=0 --vdev=net_memif1,role=slave,id=0 -- -i
+Then start the communication::
+ testpmd> start tx_first
+Finally we can check port stats to see the traffic::
+ testpmd> show port stats all
+ testpmd> show port stats all