path: root/src/spdk/test/vhost/lvol/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/spdk/test/vhost/lvol/')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/spdk/test/vhost/lvol/ b/src/spdk/test/vhost/lvol/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fba38e059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spdk/test/vhost/lvol/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+testdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
+rootdir=$(readlink -f $testdir/../../..)
+source $rootdir/test/common/
+source $rootdir/test/vhost/
+source $rootdir/scripts/
+rpc_py="$rootdir/scripts/ -s $(get_vhost_dir 0)/rpc.sock"
+function usage() {
+ [[ -n $2 ]] && (
+ echo "$2"
+ echo ""
+ )
+ echo "Shortcut script for doing automated test"
+ echo "Usage: $(basename $1) [OPTIONS]"
+ echo
+ echo "-h, --help Print help and exit"
+ echo " --fio-bin=PATH Path to FIO binary.;"
+ echo " --vm-count=INT Virtual machines to use in test;"
+ echo " Each VM will get one lvol bdev on each NVMe."
+ echo " Default: 1"
+ echo " --max-disks=INT Maximum number of NVMe drives to use in test."
+ echo " Default: will use all available NVMes."
+ echo " --ctrl-type=TYPE Controller type to use for test:"
+ echo " spdk_vhost_scsi - use spdk vhost scsi"
+ echo " spdk_vhost_blk - use spdk vhost block"
+ echo " --nested-lvol If enabled will create additional lvol bdev"
+ echo " on each NVMe for use as base device for next"
+ echo " lvol store and lvol bdevs."
+ echo " (NVMe->lvol_store->lvol_bdev->lvol_store->lvol_bdev)"
+ echo " Default: False"
+ echo " --thin-provisioning Create lvol bdevs thin provisioned instead of"
+ echo " allocating space up front"
+ echo " --distribute-cores Use custom config file and run vhost controllers"
+ echo " on different CPU cores instead of single core."
+ echo " Default: False"
+ echo "-x set -x for script debug"
+ echo " --multi-os Run tests on different os types in VMs"
+ echo " Default: False"
+ exit 0
+function clean_lvol_cfg() {
+ notice "Removing nested lvol bdevs"
+ for lvol_bdev in "${nest_lvol_bdevs[@]}"; do
+ $rpc_py bdev_lvol_delete $lvol_bdev
+ notice "nested lvol bdev $lvol_bdev removed"
+ done
+ notice "Removing nested lvol stores"
+ for lvol_store in "${nest_lvol_stores[@]}"; do
+ $rpc_py bdev_lvol_delete_lvstore -u $lvol_store
+ notice "nested lvol store $lvol_store removed"
+ done
+ notice "Removing lvol bdevs"
+ for lvol_bdev in "${lvol_bdevs[@]}"; do
+ $rpc_py bdev_lvol_delete $lvol_bdev
+ notice "lvol bdev $lvol_bdev removed"
+ done
+ notice "Removing lvol stores"
+ for lvol_store in "${lvol_stores[@]}"; do
+ $rpc_py bdev_lvol_delete_lvstore -u $lvol_store
+ notice "lvol store $lvol_store removed"
+ done
+while getopts 'xh-:' optchar; do
+ case "$optchar" in
+ -)
+ case "$OPTARG" in
+ help) usage $0 ;;
+ fio-bin=*) fio_bin="--fio-bin=${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
+ vm-count=*) vm_count="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
+ max-disks=*) max_disks="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
+ ctrl-type=*) ctrl_type="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
+ nested-lvol) nested_lvol=true ;;
+ distribute-cores) distribute_cores=true ;;
+ thin-provisioning) thin=" -t " ;;
+ multi-os) multi_os=true ;;
+ *) usage $0 "Invalid argument '$OPTARG'" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ h) usage $0 ;;
+ x)
+ set -x
+ x="-x"
+ ;;
+ *) usage $0 "Invalid argument '$OPTARG'" ;;
+ esac
+notice "Get NVMe disks:"
+if [[ -z $max_disks ]]; then
+ max_disks=${#nvmes[@]}
+if ((${#nvmes[@]} < max_disks)); then
+ fail "Number of NVMe drives (${#nvmes[@]}) is lower than number of requested disks for test ($max_disks)"
+if $distribute_cores; then
+ # FIXME: this need to be handled entirely in
+ source $testdir/autotest.config
+trap 'error_exit "${FUNCNAME}" "${LINENO}"' SIGTERM SIGABRT ERR
+notice "running SPDK vhost"
+vhost_run 0
+notice "..."
+trap 'clean_lvol_cfg; error_exit "${FUNCNAME}" "${LINENO}"' SIGTERM SIGABRT ERR
+# On each NVMe create one lvol store
+for ((i = 0; i < max_disks; i++)); do
+ # Create base lvol store on NVMe
+ notice "Creating lvol store on device Nvme${i}n1"
+ ls_guid=$($rpc_py bdev_lvol_create_lvstore Nvme${i}n1 lvs_$i -c 4194304)
+ lvol_stores+=("$ls_guid")
+ if $nested_lvol; then
+ free_mb=$(get_lvs_free_mb "$ls_guid")
+ size=$((free_mb / (vm_count + 1)))
+ notice "Creating lvol bdev on lvol store: $ls_guid"
+ lb_name=$($rpc_py bdev_lvol_create -u $ls_guid lbd_nest $size $thin)
+ notice "Creating nested lvol store on lvol bdev: $lb_name"
+ nest_ls_guid=$($rpc_py bdev_lvol_create_lvstore $lb_name lvs_n_$i -c 4194304)
+ nest_lvol_stores+=("$nest_ls_guid")
+ for ((j = 0; j < vm_count; j++)); do
+ notice "Creating nested lvol bdev for VM $i on lvol store $nest_ls_guid"
+ free_mb=$(get_lvs_free_mb "$nest_ls_guid")
+ nest_size=$((free_mb / (vm_count - j)))
+ lb_name=$($rpc_py bdev_lvol_create -u $nest_ls_guid lbd_vm_$j $nest_size $thin)
+ nest_lvol_bdevs+=("$lb_name")
+ done
+ fi
+ # Create base lvol bdevs
+ for ((j = 0; j < vm_count; j++)); do
+ notice "Creating lvol bdev for VM $i on lvol store $ls_guid"
+ free_mb=$(get_lvs_free_mb "$ls_guid")
+ size=$((free_mb / (vm_count - j)))
+ lb_name=$($rpc_py bdev_lvol_create -u $ls_guid lbd_vm_$j $size $thin)
+ lvol_bdevs+=("$lb_name")
+ done
+bdev_info=$($rpc_py bdev_get_bdevs)
+notice "Configuration after initial set-up:"
+$rpc_py bdev_lvol_get_lvstores
+echo "$bdev_info"
+# Set up VMs
+for ((i = 0; i < vm_count; i++)); do
+ vm="vm_$i"
+ # Get all lvol bdevs associated with this VM number
+ bdevs=$(jq -r "map(select(.aliases[] | contains(\"$vm\")) | \
+ .aliases[]) | join(\" \")" <<< "$bdev_info")
+ bdevs=($bdevs)
+ setup_cmd="vm_setup --disk-type=$ctrl_type --force=$i"
+ if [[ $i%2 -ne 0 ]] && [[ $multi_os ]]; then
+ setup_cmd+=" --os=/home/sys_sgsw/spdk_vhost_CentOS_vm_image.qcow2"
+ else
+ setup_cmd+=" --os=$VM_IMAGE"
+ fi
+ # Create single SCSI controller or multiple BLK controllers for this VM
+ if $distribute_cores; then
+ mask="VM_${i}_qemu_mask"
+ mask_arg="--cpumask ${!mask}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "$ctrl_type" == "spdk_vhost_scsi" ]]; then
+ $rpc_py vhost_create_scsi_controller naa.0.$i $mask_arg
+ for ((j = 0; j < ${#bdevs[@]}; j++)); do
+ $rpc_py vhost_scsi_controller_add_target naa.0.$i $j ${bdevs[$j]}
+ done
+ setup_cmd+=" --disks=0"
+ elif [[ "$ctrl_type" == "spdk_vhost_blk" ]]; then
+ disk=""
+ for ((j = 0; j < ${#bdevs[@]}; j++)); do
+ $rpc_py vhost_create_blk_controller naa.$j.$i ${bdevs[$j]} $mask_arg
+ disk+="${j}:"
+ done
+ disk="${disk::-1}"
+ setup_cmd+=" --disks=$disk"
+ fi
+ $setup_cmd
+ used_vms+=" $i"
+$rpc_py vhost_get_controllers
+# Run VMs
+vm_run $used_vms
+vm_wait_for_boot 300 $used_vms
+# Get disk names from VMs and run FIO traffic
+for vm_num in $used_vms; do
+ qemu_mask_param="VM_${vm_num}_qemu_mask"
+ host_name="VM-$vm_num-${!qemu_mask_param}"
+ vm_exec $vm_num "hostname $host_name"
+ vm_start_fio_server $fio_bin $vm_num
+ if [[ "$ctrl_type" == "spdk_vhost_scsi" ]]; then
+ vm_check_scsi_location $vm_num
+ elif [[ "$ctrl_type" == "spdk_vhost_blk" ]]; then
+ vm_check_blk_location $vm_num
+ fi
+ fio_disks+=" --vm=${vm_num}$(printf ':/dev/%s' $SCSI_DISK)"
+if [[ $RUN_NIGHTLY -eq 1 ]]; then
+ job_file="default_integrity_nightly.job"
+ job_file="default_integrity.job"
+# Run FIO traffic
+run_fio $fio_bin --job-file=$rootdir/test/vhost/common/fio_jobs/$job_file --out="$VHOST_DIR/fio_results" $fio_disks
+notice "Shutting down virtual machines..."
+sleep 2
+notice "Cleaning up vhost - remove LUNs, controllers, lvol bdevs and lvol stores"
+if [[ "$ctrl_type" == "spdk_vhost_scsi" ]]; then
+ for ((i = 0; i < vm_count; i++)); do
+ notice "Removing devices from vhost SCSI controller naa.0.$i"
+ for ((j = 0; j < ${#bdevs[@]}; j++)); do
+ $rpc_py vhost_scsi_controller_remove_target naa.0.$i $j
+ notice "Removed device $j"
+ done
+ notice "Removing vhost SCSI controller naa.0.$i"
+ $rpc_py vhost_delete_controller naa.0.$i
+ done
+elif [[ "$ctrl_type" == "spdk_vhost_blk" ]]; then
+ for ((i = 0; i < vm_count; i++)); do
+ for ((j = 0; j < ${#bdevs[@]}; j++)); do
+ notice "Removing vhost BLK controller naa.$j.$i"
+ $rpc_py vhost_delete_controller naa.$j.$i
+ notice "Removed naa.$j.$i"
+ done
+ done
+$rpc_py bdev_lvol_get_lvstores
+$rpc_py bdev_get_bdevs
+$rpc_py vhost_get_controllers
+notice "Shutting down SPDK vhost app..."
+vhost_kill 0