path: root/tests/generators/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/generators/')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/generators/ b/tests/generators/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0e9cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/generators/
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# all in 512 bytes blocks (including binary hdr (4KiB))
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE=32 # 16 KiB
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE_32K=64 # 32 KiB
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE_64K=128 # 64 KiB
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE_128K=256 # 128 KiB
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE_256K=512 # 256 KiB
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE_512K=1024 # 512 KiB
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE_1M=2048 # 1 MiB
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE_2M=4096 # 2 MiB
+LUKS2_HDR_SIZE_4M=8192 # 4 MiB
+[ -z "$srcdir" ] && srcdir="."
+# to be set by individual generator
+repeat_str() {
+ printf "$1"'%.0s' $(eval "echo {1.."$(($2))"}");
+function strindex()
+ local x="${1%%$2*}"
+ [[ $x = $1 ]] && echo -1 || echo ${#x}
+function test_img_name()
+ local str=$(basename $1)
+ str=${str#generate-}
+ str=${}
+ echo $str
+# read primary bin hdr
+# 1:from 2:to
+function read_luks2_bin_hdr0()
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 bs=512 count=$LUKS2_BIN_HDR_SIZE
+# read primary json area
+# 1:from 2:to 3:[json only size (defaults to 12KiB)]
+function read_luks2_json0()
+ local _js=${4:-$LUKS2_JSON_SIZE}
+ local _js=$((_js*512/4096))
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 bs=4096 skip=1 count=$_js
+# read secondary bin hdr
+# 1:from 2:to 3:[metadata size (defaults to 16KiB)]
+function read_luks2_bin_hdr1()
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 skip=${3:-$LUKS2_HDR_SIZE} bs=512 count=$LUKS2_BIN_HDR_SIZE
+# read secondary json area
+# 1:from 2:to 3:[json only size (defaults to 12KiB)]
+function read_luks2_json1()
+ local _js=${3:-$LUKS2_JSON_SIZE}
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 bs=512 skip=$((2*LUKS2_BIN_HDR_SIZE+_js)) count=$_js
+# read primary metadata area (bin + json)
+# 1:from 2:to 3:[metadata size (defaults to 16KiB)]
+function read_luks2_hdr_area0()
+ local _as=${3:-$LUKS2_HDR_SIZE}
+ local _as=$((_as*512))
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 bs=$_as count=1
+# read secondary metadata area (bin + json)
+# 1:from 2:to 3:[metadata size (defaults to 16KiB)]
+function read_luks2_hdr_area1()
+ local _as=${3:-$LUKS2_HDR_SIZE}
+ local _as=$((_as*512))
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 bs=$_as skip=1 count=1
+# write secondary bin hdr
+# 1:from 2:to 3:[metadata size (defaults to 16KiB)]
+function write_luks2_bin_hdr1()
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 bs=512 seek=${3:-$LUKS2_HDR_SIZE} count=$LUKS2_BIN_HDR_SIZE conv=notrunc
+# write primary metadata area (bin + json)
+# 1:from 2:to 3:[metadata size (defaults to 16KiB)]
+function write_luks2_hdr0()
+ local _as=${3:-$LUKS2_HDR_SIZE}
+ local _as=$((_as*512))
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 bs=$_as count=1 conv=notrunc
+# write secondary metadata area (bin + json)
+# 1:from 2:to 3:[metadata size (defaults to 16KiB)]
+function write_luks2_hdr1()
+ local _as=${3:-$LUKS2_HDR_SIZE}
+ local _as=$((_as*512))
+ _dd if=$1 of=$2 bs=$_as seek=1 count=1 conv=notrunc
+# write json (includes padding)
+# 1:json_string 2:to 3:[json size (defaults to 12KiB)]
+function write_luks2_json()
+ local _js=${3:-$LUKS2_JSON_SIZE}
+ local len=${#1}
+ echo -n -E "$1" > $2
+ truncate -s $((_js*512)) $2
+function kill_bin_hdr()
+ printf "VACUUM" | _dd of=$1 bs=1 conv=notrunc
+function erase_checksum()
+ _dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 bs=1 seek=$(printf %d $LUKS2_BIN_HDR_CHKS_OFFSET) count=$LUKS2_BIN_HDR_CHKS_LENGTH conv=notrunc
+function read_sha256_checksum()
+ _dd if=$1 bs=1 skip=$(printf %d $LUKS2_BIN_HDR_CHKS_OFFSET) count=32 | xxd -c 32 -p
+# 1 - string with checksum
+function write_checksum()
+ test $# -eq 2 || return 1
+ test $((${#1}/2)) -le $LUKS2_BIN_HDR_CHKS_LENGTH || { echo "too long"; return 1; }
+ echo $1 | xxd -r -p | _dd of=$2 bs=1 seek=$(printf %d $LUKS2_BIN_HDR_CHKS_OFFSET) conv=notrunc
+function calc_sha256_checksum_file()
+ sha256sum $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1
+function calc_sha256_checksum_stdin()
+ sha256sum - | cut -d ' ' -f 1
+# merge bin hdr with json to form metadata area
+# 1:bin_hdr 2:json 3:to 4:[json size (defaults to 12KiB)]
+function merge_bin_hdr_with_json()
+ local _js=${4:-$LUKS2_JSON_SIZE}
+ local _js=$((_js*512/4096))
+ _dd if=$1 of=$3 bs=4096 count=1
+ _dd if=$2 of=$3 bs=4096 seek=1 count=$_js
+function _dd()
+ dd $@ status=none
+function write_bin_hdr_size() {
+ printf '%016x' $2 | xxd -r -p -l 16 | _dd of=$1 bs=8 count=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc
+function write_bin_hdr_offset() {
+ printf '%016x' $2 | xxd -r -p -l 16 | _dd of=$1 bs=8 count=1 seek=32 conv=notrunc
+# generic header helpers
+# $TMPDIR/json0 - JSON hdr1
+# $TMPDIR/json1 - JSON hdr2
+# $TMPDIR/hdr0 - bin hdr1
+# $TMPDIR/hdr1 - bin hdr2
+# 1:target_dir 2:source_image
+function lib_prepare()
+ test $# -eq 2 || exit 1
+ TGT_IMG=$1/$(test_img_name $0)
+ SRC_IMG=$2
+ # wipe checksums
+ CHKS0=0
+ CHKS1=0
+ test -d $TMPDIR || mkdir $TMPDIR
+ read_luks2_json0 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/json0
+ read_luks2_json1 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/json1
+ read_luks2_bin_hdr0 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/hdr0
+ read_luks2_bin_hdr1 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/hdr1
+function lib_cleanup()
+ rm -f $TMPDIR/*
+ rm -fd $TMPDIR
+function lib_mangle_json_hdr0()
+ local mda_sz=${1:-}
+ local jsn_sz=${2:-}
+ local kill_hdr=${3:-}
+ merge_bin_hdr_with_json $TMPDIR/hdr0 $TMPDIR/json0 $TMPDIR/area0 $jsn_sz
+ erase_checksum $TMPDIR/area0
+ CHKS0=$(calc_sha256_checksum_file $TMPDIR/area0)
+ write_checksum $CHKS0 $TMPDIR/area0
+ test -n "$kill_hdr" && kill_bin_hdr $TMPDIR/area0
+ write_luks2_hdr0 $TMPDIR/area0 $TGT_IMG $mda_sz
+function lib_mangle_json_hdr1()
+ local mda_sz=${1:-}
+ local jsn_sz=${2:-}
+ local kill_hdr=${3:-}
+ merge_bin_hdr_with_json $TMPDIR/hdr1 $TMPDIR/json1 $TMPDIR/area1 $jsn_sz
+ erase_checksum $TMPDIR/area1
+ CHKS1=$(calc_sha256_checksum_file $TMPDIR/area1)
+ write_checksum $CHKS1 $TMPDIR/area1
+ test -n "$kill_hdr" && kill_bin_hdr $TMPDIR/area1
+ write_luks2_hdr1 $TMPDIR/area1 $TGT_IMG $mda_sz
+function lib_mangle_json_hdr0_kill_hdr1()
+ lib_mangle_json_hdr0
+ kill_bin_hdr $TMPDIR/hdr1
+ write_luks2_hdr1 $TMPDIR/hdr1 $TGT_IMG
+function lib_hdr0_killed()
+ local mda_sz=${1:-}
+ read_luks2_bin_hdr0 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/hdr_res0 $mda_sz
+ local str_res0=$(head -c 6 $TMPDIR/hdr_res0)
+ test "$str_res0" = "VACUUM"
+function lib_hdr1_killed()
+ local mda_sz=${1:-}
+ read_luks2_bin_hdr1 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/hdr_res1 $mda_sz
+ local str_res1=$(head -c 6 $TMPDIR/hdr_res1)
+ test "$str_res1" = "VACUUM"
+function lib_hdr0_checksum()
+ local chks_res0=$(read_sha256_checksum $TGT_IMG)
+ test "$CHKS0" = "$chks_res0"
+function lib_hdr1_checksum()
+ read_luks2_bin_hdr1 $TGT_IMG $TMPDIR/hdr_res1
+ local chks_res1=$(read_sha256_checksum $TMPDIR/hdr_res1)
+ test "$CHKS1" = "$chks_res1"