path: root/l10n-cy/browser/browser/protections.ftl
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 19:33:14 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 19:33:14 +0000
commit36d22d82aa202bb199967e9512281e9a53db42c9 (patch)
tree105e8c98ddea1c1e4784a60a5a6410fa416be2de /l10n-cy/browser/browser/protections.ftl
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 115.7.0esr.upstream/115.7.0esrupstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-cy/browser/browser/protections.ftl')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-cy/browser/browser/protections.ftl b/l10n-cy/browser/browser/protections.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5858e9acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-cy/browser/browser/protections.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of tracking events blocked.
+graph-week-summary =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] Mae { -brand-short-name } wedi rhwystro { $count } tracwyr yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf
+ [one] Mae { -brand-short-name } wedi rhwystro { $count } traciwr yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf
+ [two] Mae { -brand-short-name } wedi rhwystro { $count } draciwr yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf
+ [few] Mae { -brand-short-name } wedi rhwystro { $count } traciwr yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf
+ [many] Mae { -brand-short-name } wedi rhwystro { $count } traciwr yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf
+ *[other] Mae { -brand-short-name } wedi rhwystro { $count } traciwr yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of tracking events blocked.
+# $earliestDate (Number) - Unix timestamp in ms, representing a date. The
+# earliest date recorded in the database.
+graph-total-tracker-summary =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] <b>{ $count }</b> tracwyr wedi eu rhwystro ers{ DATETIME($earliestDate, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ [one] <b>{ $count }</b> traciwr wedi ei rwystro ers{ DATETIME($earliestDate, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ [two] <b>{ $count }</b> draciwr wedi eu rwystro ers{ DATETIME($earliestDate, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ [few] <b>{ $count }</b> traciwr wedi eu rwystro ers{ DATETIME($earliestDate, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ [many] <b>{ $count }</b> thraciwr wedi eu rwystro ers{ DATETIME($earliestDate, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ *[other] <b>{ $count }</b> traciwr wedi eu rwystro ers{ DATETIME($earliestDate, day: "numeric", month: "long", year: "numeric") }
+ }
+# Text displayed instead of the graph when in Private Mode
+graph-private-window = Mae { -brand-short-name } yn parhau i rwystro tracwyr mewn Ffenestri Preifat, ond nid yw'n cadw cofnod o'r hyn gafodd ei rwystro.
+# Weekly summary of the graph when the graph is empty in Private Mode
+graph-week-summary-private-window = Tracwyr rhwystrodd { -brand-short-name } yr wythnos hon
+protection-report-webpage-title = Bwrdd Gwaith Diogelwch
+protection-report-page-content-title = Bwrdd Gwaith Diogelwch
+# This message shows when all privacy protections are turned off, which is why we use the word "can", Firefox is able to protect your privacy, but it is currently not.
+protection-report-page-summary = Gall { -brand-short-name } ddiogelu eich preifatrwydd y tu ôl i'r llenni wrth i chi bori. Mae hwn yn grynodeb wedi'i bersonoli o'r diogelwch hynny, gan gynnwys offer i reoli eich diogelwch ar-lein.
+# This message shows when at least some protections are turned on, we are more assertive compared to the message above, Firefox is actively protecting you.
+protection-report-page-summary-default = Mae { -brand-short-name } yn diogelu eich preifatrwydd y tu ôl i'r llenni wrth i chi bori. Mae hwn yn grynodeb wedi'i bersonoli o'r diogelwch hynny, gan gynnwys offer i reoli'ch diogelwch ar-lein.
+protection-report-settings-link = Rheoli eich gosodiadau preifatrwydd a diogelwch
+etp-card-title-always = Diogelwch Uwch Rhag Tracio: Ymlaen Drwy'r Amser
+etp-card-title-custom-not-blocking = Diogelwch Uwch Rhag Tracio: I FFWRDD
+etp-card-content-description = Mae { -brand-short-name } yn atal cwmnïau rhag eich dilyn yn gyfrinachol o amgylch y we, yn awtomatig.
+protection-report-etp-card-content-custom-not-blocking = Mae'r holl ddiogelu wedi'u diffodd ar hyn o bryd. Dewiswch pa dracwyr i'w rhwystro trwy reoli eich gosodiadau diogelu { -brand-short-name }.
+protection-report-manage-protections = Rheoli gosodiadau
+# This string is used to label the X axis of a graph. Other days of the week are generated via Intl.DateTimeFormat,
+# capitalization for this string should match the output for your locale.
+graph-today = Heddiw
+# This string is used to describe the graph for screenreader users.
+graph-legend-description = Graff sy'n cynnwys cyfanswm nifer pob math o draciwr gafodd ei rwystro yr wythnos hon.
+social-tab-title = Tracwyr Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol
+social-tab-contant = Mae rhwydweithiau cymdeithasol yn gosod tracwyr ar wefannau eraill i ddilyn yr hyn rydych chi'n ei wneud, ei weld, a'i wylio ar-lein. Mae hyn yn caniatáu i gwmnïau cyfryngau cymdeithasol ddysgu rhagor amdanoch chi y tu hwnt i'r hyn rydych chi'n ei rannu ar eich proffiliau cyfryngau cymdeithasol. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Darllen rhagor</a>
+cookie-tab-title = Cwcis Tracio Traws-Gwefan
+cookie-tab-content = Mae'r cwcis hyn yn eich dilyn o wefan i wefan i gasglu data am yr hyn rydych chi'n ei wneud ar-lein. Mae nhw'n cael eu gosod gan drydydd partïon fel hysbysebwyr a chwmnïau dadansoddeg. Mae rhwystro cwcis tracio traws-safle yn lleihau'r nifer o hysbysebion sy'n eich dilyn. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Darllen rhagor</a>
+tracker-tab-title = Tracio Cynnwys
+tracker-tab-description = Gall gwefannau lwytho hysbysebion allanol, fideos a chynnwys eraill sy'n cynnwys cod tracio. Gall rhwystro cynnwys tracio helpu gwefannau i lwytho'n gynt, ond efallai na fydd rhai botymau, ffurflenni a meysydd mewngofnodi'n gweithio. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Darllen rhagor</a>
+fingerprinter-tab-title = Bysbrintwyr
+fingerprinter-tab-content = Mae bysbrintwyr yn casglu gosodiadau o'ch porwr a'ch cyfrifiadur i greu proffil ohonoch. Gan ddefnyddio'r olion bys digidol hwn, mae nhw'n gallu'ch tracio ar draws gwahanol wefannau. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Darllen rhagor</a>
+cryptominer-tab-title = Cryptogloddwyr
+cryptominer-tab-content = Mae cryptogloddwyr yn defnyddio pŵer cyfrifiadurol eich system i gloddio arian digidol. Mae sgriptiau cryptogloddio yn gwagio eich batri, arafu eich cyfrifiadur, a gall gynyddu eich bil trydan. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Darllen rhagor</a>
+protections-close-button2 =
+ .aria-label = Cau
+ .title = Cau
+mobile-app-title = Rhwystrwch dracwyr hysbysebion ar draws rhagor o ddyfeisiau
+mobile-app-card-content = Defnyddiwch y porwr symudol gydag diogelwch mewnol rhag tracio gan hysbysebion.
+mobile-app-links = Porwr { -brand-product-name } ar gyfer <a data-l10n-name="android-mobile-inline-link">Android</a> a <a data-l10n-name="ios-mobile-inline-link">iOS</a>
+lockwise-title = Peidiwch byth ag anghofio cyfrinair eto
+passwords-title-logged-in = Rheoli'ch cyfrineiriau
+passwords-header-content = Mae { -brand-product-name } yn cadw'ch cyfrineiriau yn ddiogel yn eich porwr.
+lockwise-header-content-logged-in = Cadwch a chydweddwch eich cyfrineiriau'n ddiogel i'ch holl ddyfeisiau.
+protection-report-passwords-save-passwords-button = Cadw Cyfrineiriau
+ .title = Cadw Cyfrineiriau
+protection-report-passwords-manage-passwords-button = Rheoli cyfrineiriau
+ .title = Rheoli cyfrineiriau
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of passwords exposed in data breaches.
+lockwise-scanned-text-breached-logins =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] Efallai bod { $count } cyfrineiriau wedi cael eu hamlygu mewn tor-data.
+ [one] Efallai bod i 1 cyfrinair wedi cael ei amlygu mewn tor-data.
+ [two] Efallai bod { $count } gyfrinair wedi cael eu hamlygu mewn tor-data.
+ [few] Efallai bod { $count } cyfrinair wedi cael eu hamlygu mewn tor-data.
+ [many] Efallai bod { $count } chyfrinair wedi cael eu hamlygu mewn tor-data.
+ *[other] Efallai bod { $count } cyfrinair wedi cael eu hamlygu mewn tor-data.
+ }
+# While English doesn't use the number in the plural form, you can add $count to your language
+# if needed for grammatical reasons.
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of passwords stored in Lockwise.
+lockwise-scanned-text-no-breached-logins =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] Mae'ch cyfrineiriau'n cael eu cadw'n ddiogel.
+ [one] Mae 1 cyfrinair yn cael ei gadw'n ddiogel.
+ [two] Mae'ch cyfrineiriau'n cael eu cadw'n ddiogel.
+ [few] Mae'ch cyfrineiriau'n cael eu cadw'n ddiogel.
+ [many] Mae'ch cyfrineiriau'n cael eu cadw'n ddiogel.
+ *[other] Mae'ch cyfrineiriau'n cael eu cadw'n ddiogel.
+ }
+lockwise-how-it-works-link = Sut mae'n gweithio
+monitor-title = Bod yn effro i dor-data.
+monitor-link = Sut mae'n gweithio
+monitor-header-content-no-account = Edrychwch ar { -monitor-brand-name } i weld a ydych chi wedi bod yn rhan o dor-data a chael rhybuddion am dor-data newydd.
+monitor-header-content-signed-in = Mae { -monitor-brand-name } yn eich rhybuddio os yw'ch manylion wedi ymddangos mewn tor-data hysbys
+monitor-sign-up-link = Cofrestrwch am Rybuddion Tor-data
+ .title = Cofrestrwch am rybuddion tor-data ar { -monitor-brand-name }
+auto-scan = Wedi'u sganio'n awtomatig heddiw
+monitor-emails-tooltip =
+ .title = Gweld cyfeiriadau e-bost wedi'u monitro ar { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+monitor-breaches-tooltip =
+ .title = Gweld tor-data hysbys ar { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+monitor-passwords-tooltip =
+ .title = Gweld cyfrineiriau wedi'u datgelu ar { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of email addresses being monitored. Don’t add $count to
+# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-monitored-emails =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] Cyfeiriadau e-bost yn cael eu monitro
+ [one] Cyfeiriad e-bost yn cael ei fonitro
+ [two] Gyfeiriad e-bost yn cael eu monitro
+ [few] Cyfeiriad e-bost yn cael eu monitro
+ [many] Chyfeiriad e-bost yn cael eu monitro
+ *[other] Cyfeiriad e-bost yn cael eu monitro
+ }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of known data breaches. Don’t add $count to
+# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-known-breaches-found =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] Tor-data hysbys wedi amlygu eich manylion
+ [one] Tor-data hysbys wedi amlygu eich manylion
+ [two] Dor-data hysbys wedi amlygu eich manylion
+ [few] Tor-data hysbys wedi amlygu eich manylion
+ [many] Thor-data hysbys wedi amlygu eich manylion
+ *[other] Tor-data hysbys wedi amlygu eich manylion
+ }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of known data breaches that are marked as resolved by the user. Don’t add $count
+# to your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-known-breaches-resolved =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] Tor-data hysbys wedi'u nodi fel wedi'u datrys
+ [one] Tor-data hysbys wedi'i nodi fel wedi'i ddatrys
+ [two] Dor-data hysbys wedi'u nodi fel wedi'u datrys
+ [few] Tor-data hysbys wedi'u nodi fel wedi'u datrys
+ [many] Thor-data hysbys wedi'u nodi fel wedi'u datrys
+ *[other] Tor-data hysbys wedi'u nodi fel wedi'u datrys
+ }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of exposed passwords. Don’t add $count to
+# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-exposed-passwords-found =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] Cyfrineiriau wedi'u hamlygu ym mhob tor-data
+ [one] Cyfrinair wedi'i amlygu ym mhob tor-data
+ [two] Cyfrinair wedi'u hamlygu ym mhob tor-data
+ [few] Cyfrinair wedi'u hamlygu ym mhob tor-data
+ [many] Chyfrinair wedi'u hamlygu ym mhob tor-data
+ *[other] Cyfrinair wedi'u hamlygu ym mhob tor-data
+ }
+# This string is displayed after a large numeral that indicates the total number
+# of exposed passwords that are marked as resolved by the user. Don’t add $count
+# to your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
+info-exposed-passwords-resolved =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] Cyfrineiriau wedi'u hamlygu mewn tor-data heb eu datrys
+ [one] Cyfrinair wedi'i amlygu mewn tor-data heb ei ddatrys
+ [two] Gyfrinair wedi'u hamlygu mewn tor-data heb eu datrys
+ [few] Cyfrinair wedi'u hamlygu mewn tor-data heb eu datrys
+ [many] Chyfrinair wedi'u hamlygu mewn tor-data heb eu datrys
+ *[other] Cyfrinair wedi'u hamlygu mewn tor-data heb eu datrys
+ }
+monitor-no-breaches-title = Newyddion da!
+monitor-no-breaches-description = Nid oes gennych unrhyw dor-data hysbys. Os bydd hynny'n newid, byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi.
+monitor-view-report-link = Gweld yr Adroddiad
+ .title = Datrys tor-data ar { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+monitor-breaches-unresolved-title = Datrys eich tor-data
+monitor-breaches-unresolved-description = Ar ôl adolygu manylion tor-data a chymryd camau i ddiogelu eich manylion, gallwch nodi fod eich tor-data wedi'u datrys.
+monitor-manage-breaches-link = Rheoli Tor-data
+ .title = Rheoli tor-data ar { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+monitor-breaches-resolved-title = Da! Rydych wedi datrys pob achos o dor-data hysbys.
+monitor-breaches-resolved-description = Os bydd eich e-bost yn ymddangos mewn unrhyw dor-data newydd, byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi.
+# Variables:
+# $numBreachesResolved (Number) - Number of breaches marked as resolved by the user on Monitor.
+# $numBreaches (Number) - Number of breaches in which a user's data was involved, detected by Monitor.
+monitor-partial-breaches-title =
+ { $numBreaches ->
+ [zero] { $numBreachesResolved } allan o { $numBreaches } tor-data wedi'u marcio fel wedi'u datrys
+ [one] { $numBreachesResolved } allan o { $numBreaches } tor-data wedi'i farcio fel wedi'i ddatrys
+ [two] { $numBreachesResolved } allan o { $numBreaches } tor-data wedi'u marcio fel wedi'u datrys
+ [few] { $numBreachesResolved } allan o { $numBreaches } tor-data wedi'u marcio fel wedi'u datrys
+ [many] { $numBreachesResolved } allan o { $numBreaches } tor-data wedi'u marcio fel wedi'u datrys
+ *[other] { $numBreachesResolved } allan o { $numBreaches } tor-data wedi'u marcio fel wedi'u datrys
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $percentageResolved (Number) - Percentage of breaches marked as resolved by a user on Monitor.
+monitor-partial-breaches-percentage = { $percentageResolved }% wedi'u cwblhau
+monitor-partial-breaches-motivation-title-start = Dechrau da!
+monitor-partial-breaches-motivation-title-middle = Daliwch ati!
+monitor-partial-breaches-motivation-title-end = Bron wedi ei wneud! Daliwch ati.
+monitor-partial-breaches-motivation-description = Datryswch weddill eich tor-data ar { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+monitor-resolve-breaches-link = Datrys Tor-data
+ .title = Datrys tor-data ar { -monitor-brand-short-name }
+## The title attribute is used to display the type of protection.
+## The aria-label is spoken by screen readers to make the visual graph accessible to blind users.
+## Variables:
+## $count (Number) - Number of specific trackers
+## $percentage (Number) - Percentage this type of tracker contributes to the whole graph
+bar-tooltip-social =
+ .title = Tracwyr Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] { $count } tracwyr cyfryngau cymdeithasol ({ $percentage }%)
+ [one] { $count } traciwr cyfryngau cymdeithasol ({ $percentage }%)
+ [two] { $count } draciwr cyfryngau cymdeithasol ({ $percentage }%)
+ [few] { $count } traciwr cyfryngau cymdeithasol ({ $percentage }%)
+ [many] { $count } traciwr cyfryngau cymdeithasol ({ $percentage }%)
+ *[other] { $count } traciwr cyfryngau cymdeithasol ({ $percentage }%)
+ }
+bar-tooltip-cookie =
+ .title = Cwcis Tracio Traws-Gwefan
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] { $count } cwcis tracio traws-gwefan ({ $percentage }%)
+ [one] { $count } cwci tracio traws-gwefan ({ $percentage }%)
+ [two] { $count } gwci tracio traws-gwefan ({ $percentage }%)
+ [few] { $count } cwci tracio traws-gwefan ({ $percentage }%)
+ [many] { $count } cwci tracio traws-gwefan ({ $percentage }%)
+ *[other] { $count } cwci tracio traws-gwefan ({ $percentage }%)
+ }
+bar-tooltip-tracker =
+ .title = Cynnwys Tracio
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] { $count } cynnwys tracio ({ $percentage }%)
+ [one] { $count } cynnwys tracio ({ $percentage }%)
+ [two] { $count } cynnwys tracio ({ $percentage }%)
+ [few] { $count } cynnwys tracio ({ $percentage }%)
+ [many] { $count } cynnwys tracio ({ $percentage }%)
+ *[other] { $count } cynnwys tracio ({ $percentage }%)
+ }
+bar-tooltip-fingerprinter =
+ .title = Bysbrintwyr
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] { $count } bysbrintwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ [one] { $count } bysbrintwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ [two] { $count } bysbrintwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ [few] { $count } bysbrintwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ [many] { $count } bysbrintwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ *[other] { $count } bysbrintwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ }
+bar-tooltip-cryptominer =
+ .title = Cryptogloddwyr
+ .aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [zero] { $count } cryptogloddwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ [one] { $count } cryptogloddwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ [two] { $count } cryptogloddwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ [few] { $count } cryptogloddwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ [many] { $count } cryptogloddwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ *[other] { $count } cryptogloddwyr ({ $percentage }%)
+ }