path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/render_pipeline/culling_tests.spec.ts
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1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/render_pipeline/culling_tests.spec.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/render_pipeline/culling_tests.spec.ts
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index 0000000000..521cf7b208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/render_pipeline/culling_tests.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+export const description = `Test culling and rasterization state.
+Test coverage:
+Test all culling combinations of GPUFrontFace and GPUCullMode show the correct output.
+Use 2 triangles with different winding orders:
+- Test that the counter-clock wise triangle has correct output for:
+ - All FrontFaces (ccw, cw)
+ - All CullModes (none, front, back)
+ - All depth stencil attachment types (none, depth24plus, depth32float, depth24plus-stencil8)
+ - Some primitive topologies (triangle-list, TODO: triangle-strip)
+- Test that the clock wise triangle has correct output for:
+ - All FrontFaces (ccw, cw)
+ - All CullModes (none, front, back)
+ - All depth stencil attachment types (none, depth24plus, depth32float, depth24plus-stencil8)
+ - Some primitive topologies (triangle-list, TODO: triangle-strip)
+import { makeTestGroup } from '../../../../common/framework/test_group.js';
+import { kTextureFormatInfo } from '../../../capability_info.js';
+import { GPUTest } from '../../../gpu_test.js';
+function faceIsCulled(face: 'cw' | 'ccw', frontFace: GPUFrontFace, cullMode: GPUCullMode): boolean {
+ return cullMode !== 'none' && (frontFace === face) === (cullMode === 'front');
+function faceColor(face: 'cw' | 'ccw', frontFace: GPUFrontFace, cullMode: GPUCullMode): Uint8Array {
+ // front facing color is green, non front facing is red, background is blue
+ const isCulled = faceIsCulled(face, frontFace, cullMode);
+ if (!isCulled && face === frontFace) {
+ return new Uint8Array([0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff]);
+ } else if (isCulled) {
+ return new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff]);
+ } else {
+ return new Uint8Array([0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff]);
+ }
+export const g = makeTestGroup(GPUTest);
+ .desc(
+ `
+TODO: test triangle-strip as well [1]
+TODO: check the contents of the depth and stencil outputs [2]
+ )
+ .params(
+ u =>
+ u
+ .combine('frontFace', ['ccw', 'cw'] as const)
+ .combine('cullMode', ['none', 'front', 'back'] as const)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('depthStencilFormat', [
+ null,
+ 'depth24plus',
+ 'depth32float',
+ 'depth24plus-stencil8',
+ ] as const)
+ .combine('primitiveTopology', ['triangle-list'] as const) // [1]
+ )
+ .fn(t => {
+ const size = 4;
+ const format = 'rgba8unorm';
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: size, height: size, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format,
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ let depthTexture: GPUTexture | undefined = undefined;
+ let depthStencilAttachment: GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment | undefined = undefined;
+ if (t.params.depthStencilFormat) {
+ depthTexture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: size, height: size, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format: t.params.depthStencilFormat,
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT,
+ });
+ depthStencilAttachment = {
+ view: depthTexture.createView(),
+ depthClearValue: 1.0,
+ depthLoadOp: 'clear',
+ depthStoreOp: 'store',
+ };
+ if (t.params.depthStencilFormat && kTextureFormatInfo[t.params.depthStencilFormat].stencil) {
+ depthStencilAttachment.stencilClearValue = 0;
+ depthStencilAttachment.stencilLoadOp = 'clear';
+ depthStencilAttachment.stencilStoreOp = 'store';
+ }
+ }
+ const encoder = t.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: texture.createView(),
+ clearValue: { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 },
+ loadOp: 'clear',
+ storeOp: 'store',
+ },
+ ],
+ depthStencilAttachment,
+ });
+ // Draw two triangles with different winding orders:
+ // 1. The top-left one is counterclockwise (CCW)
+ // 2. The bottom-right one is clockwise (CW)
+ pass.setPipeline(
+ t.device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: {
+ module: t.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: `
+ @vertex fn main(
+ @builtin(vertex_index) VertexIndex : u32
+ ) -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
+ var pos : array<vec2<f32>, 6> = array<vec2<f32>, 6>(
+ vec2<f32>(-1.0, 1.0),
+ vec2<f32>(-1.0, 0.0),
+ vec2<f32>( 0.0, 1.0),
+ vec2<f32>( 0.0, -1.0),
+ vec2<f32>( 1.0, 0.0),
+ vec2<f32>( 1.0, -1.0));
+ return vec4<f32>(pos[VertexIndex], 0.0, 1.0);
+ }`,
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: t.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: `
+ @fragment fn main(
+ @builtin(front_facing) FrontFacing : bool
+ ) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
+ var color : vec4<f32>;
+ if (FrontFacing) {
+ color = vec4<f32>(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ } else {
+ color = vec4<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ return color;
+ }`,
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ targets: [{ format }],
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: t.params.primitiveTopology,
+ frontFace: t.params.frontFace,
+ cullMode: t.params.cullMode,
+ },
+ depthStencil: depthTexture
+ ? { format: t.params.depthStencilFormat as GPUTextureFormat }
+ : undefined,
+ })
+ );
+ pass.draw(6, 1, 0, 0);
+ pass.end();
+ t.device.queue.submit([encoder.finish()]);
+ // front facing color is green, non front facing is red, background is blue
+ const kCCWTriangleTopLeftColor = faceColor('ccw', t.params.frontFace, t.params.cullMode);
+ t.expectSinglePixelIn2DTexture(
+ texture,
+ format,
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { exp: kCCWTriangleTopLeftColor }
+ );
+ const kCWTriangleBottomRightColor = faceColor('cw', t.params.frontFace, t.params.cullMode);
+ t.expectSinglePixelIn2DTexture(
+ texture,
+ format,
+ { x: size - 1, y: size - 1 },
+ { exp: kCWTriangleBottomRightColor }
+ );
+ // [2]: check the contents of the depth and stencil outputs
+ });