path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/resource_init/texture_zero.spec.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/resource_init/texture_zero.spec.ts')
1 files changed, 645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/resource_init/texture_zero.spec.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/resource_init/texture_zero.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdb383ad65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/operation/resource_init/texture_zero.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+export const description = `
+Test uninitialized textures are initialized to zero when read.
+- test by sampling depth/stencil [1]
+- test by copying out of stencil [2]
+- test compressed texture formats [3]
+// MAINTENANCE_TODO: This is a test file, it probably shouldn't export anything.
+// Everything that's exported should be moved to another file.
+import { TestCaseRecorder, TestParams } from '../../../../common/framework/fixture.js';
+import {
+ kUnitCaseParamsBuilder,
+ ParamTypeOf,
+} from '../../../../common/framework/params_builder.js';
+import { makeTestGroup } from '../../../../common/framework/test_group.js';
+import { assert, unreachable } from '../../../../common/util/util.js';
+import {
+ kTextureFormatInfo,
+ kTextureAspects,
+ kUncompressedTextureFormats,
+ EncodableTextureFormat,
+ UncompressedTextureFormat,
+ textureDimensionAndFormatCompatible,
+ kTextureDimensions,
+} from '../../../capability_info.js';
+import { GPUConst } from '../../../constants.js';
+import { GPUTest, GPUTestSubcaseBatchState } from '../../../gpu_test.js';
+import { virtualMipSize } from '../../../util/texture/base.js';
+import { createTextureUploadBuffer } from '../../../util/texture/layout.js';
+import { BeginEndRange, SubresourceRange } from '../../../util/texture/subresource.js';
+import { PerTexelComponent, kTexelRepresentationInfo } from '../../../util/texture/texel_data.js';
+export enum UninitializeMethod {
+ Creation = 'Creation', // The texture was just created. It is uninitialized.
+ StoreOpClear = 'StoreOpClear', // The texture was rendered to with GPUStoreOp "clear"
+const kUninitializeMethods = Object.keys(UninitializeMethod) as UninitializeMethod[];
+export const enum ReadMethod {
+ Sample = 'Sample', // The texture is sampled from
+ CopyToBuffer = 'CopyToBuffer', // The texture is copied to a buffer
+ CopyToTexture = 'CopyToTexture', // The texture is copied to another texture
+ DepthTest = 'DepthTest', // The texture is read as a depth buffer
+ StencilTest = 'StencilTest', // The texture is read as a stencil buffer
+ ColorBlending = 'ColorBlending', // Read the texture by blending as a color attachment
+ Storage = 'Storage', // Read the texture as a storage texture
+// Test with these mip level counts
+type MipLevels = 1 | 5;
+const kMipLevelCounts: MipLevels[] = [1, 5];
+// For each mip level count, define the mip ranges to leave uninitialized.
+const kUninitializedMipRangesToTest: { [k in MipLevels]: BeginEndRange[] } = {
+ 1: [{ begin: 0, end: 1 }], // Test the only mip
+ 5: [
+ { begin: 0, end: 2 },
+ { begin: 3, end: 4 },
+ ], // Test a range and a single mip
+// Test with these sample counts.
+const kSampleCounts: number[] = [1, 4];
+// Test with these layer counts.
+type LayerCounts = 1 | 7;
+// For each layer count, define the layers to leave uninitialized.
+const kUninitializedLayerRangesToTest: { [k in LayerCounts]: BeginEndRange[] } = {
+ 1: [{ begin: 0, end: 1 }], // Test the only layer
+ 7: [
+ { begin: 2, end: 4 },
+ { begin: 6, end: 7 },
+ ], // Test a range and a single layer
+// Enums to abstract over color / depth / stencil values in textures. Depending on the texture format,
+// the data for each value may have a different representation. These enums are converted to a
+// representation such that their values can be compared. ex.) An integer is needed to upload to an
+// unsigned normalized format, but its value is read as a float in the shader.
+export const enum InitializedState {
+ Canary, // Set on initialized subresources. It should stay the same. On discarded resources, we should observe zero.
+ Zero, // We check that uninitialized subresources are in this state when read back.
+const initializedStateAsFloat = {
+ [InitializedState.Zero]: 0,
+ [InitializedState.Canary]: 1,
+const initializedStateAsUint = {
+ [InitializedState.Zero]: 0,
+ [InitializedState.Canary]: 1,
+const initializedStateAsSint = {
+ [InitializedState.Zero]: 0,
+ [InitializedState.Canary]: -1,
+function initializedStateAsColor(
+ state: InitializedState,
+ format: GPUTextureFormat
+): [number, number, number, number] {
+ let value;
+ if (format.indexOf('uint') !== -1) {
+ value = initializedStateAsUint[state];
+ } else if (format.indexOf('sint') !== -1) {
+ value = initializedStateAsSint[state];
+ } else {
+ value = initializedStateAsFloat[state];
+ }
+ return [value, value, value, value];
+const initializedStateAsDepth = {
+ [InitializedState.Zero]: 0,
+ [InitializedState.Canary]: 0.8,
+const initializedStateAsStencil = {
+ [InitializedState.Zero]: 0,
+ [InitializedState.Canary]: 42,
+function getRequiredTextureUsage(
+ format: UncompressedTextureFormat,
+ sampleCount: number,
+ uninitializeMethod: UninitializeMethod,
+ readMethod: ReadMethod
+): GPUTextureUsageFlags {
+ let usage: GPUTextureUsageFlags = GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_DST;
+ switch (uninitializeMethod) {
+ case UninitializeMethod.Creation:
+ break;
+ case UninitializeMethod.StoreOpClear:
+ usage |= GPUConst.TextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ unreachable();
+ }
+ switch (readMethod) {
+ case ReadMethod.CopyToBuffer:
+ case ReadMethod.CopyToTexture:
+ usage |= GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_SRC;
+ break;
+ case ReadMethod.Sample:
+ usage |= GPUConst.TextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING;
+ break;
+ case ReadMethod.Storage:
+ usage |= GPUConst.TextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING;
+ break;
+ case ReadMethod.DepthTest:
+ case ReadMethod.StencilTest:
+ case ReadMethod.ColorBlending:
+ usage |= GPUConst.TextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ unreachable();
+ }
+ if (sampleCount > 1) {
+ // Copies to multisampled textures are not allowed. We need OutputAttachment to initialize
+ // canary data in multisampled textures.
+ usage |= GPUConst.TextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT;
+ }
+ if (!kTextureFormatInfo[format].copyDst) {
+ // Copies are not possible. We need OutputAttachment to initialize
+ // canary data.
+ assert(kTextureFormatInfo[format].renderable);
+ usage |= GPUConst.TextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT;
+ }
+ return usage;
+export class TextureZeroInitTest extends GPUTest {
+ readonly stateToTexelComponents: { [k in InitializedState]: PerTexelComponent<number> };
+ private p: TextureZeroParams;
+ constructor(sharedState: GPUTestSubcaseBatchState, rec: TestCaseRecorder, params: TestParams) {
+ super(sharedState, rec, params);
+ this.p = params as TextureZeroParams;
+ const stateToTexelComponents = (state: InitializedState) => {
+ const [R, G, B, A] = initializedStateAsColor(state, this.p.format);
+ return {
+ R,
+ G,
+ B,
+ A,
+ Depth: initializedStateAsDepth[state],
+ Stencil: initializedStateAsStencil[state],
+ };
+ };
+ this.stateToTexelComponents = {
+ [InitializedState.Zero]: stateToTexelComponents(InitializedState.Zero),
+ [InitializedState.Canary]: stateToTexelComponents(InitializedState.Canary),
+ };
+ }
+ get textureWidth(): number {
+ let width = 1 << this.p.mipLevelCount;
+ if (this.p.nonPowerOfTwo) {
+ width = 2 * width - 1;
+ }
+ return width;
+ }
+ get textureHeight(): number {
+ if (this.p.dimension === '1d') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ let height = 1 << this.p.mipLevelCount;
+ if (this.p.nonPowerOfTwo) {
+ height = 2 * height - 1;
+ }
+ return height;
+ }
+ get textureDepth(): number {
+ return this.p.dimension === '3d' ? 11 : 1;
+ }
+ get textureDepthOrArrayLayers(): number {
+ return this.p.dimension === '2d' ? this.p.layerCount : this.textureDepth;
+ }
+ // Used to iterate subresources and check that their uninitialized contents are zero when accessed
+ *iterateUninitializedSubresources(): Generator<SubresourceRange> {
+ for (const mipRange of kUninitializedMipRangesToTest[this.p.mipLevelCount]) {
+ for (const layerRange of kUninitializedLayerRangesToTest[this.p.layerCount]) {
+ yield new SubresourceRange({ mipRange, layerRange });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Used to iterate and initialize other subresources not checked for zero-initialization.
+ // Zero-initialization of uninitialized subresources should not have side effects on already
+ // initialized subresources.
+ *iterateInitializedSubresources(): Generator<SubresourceRange> {
+ const uninitialized: boolean[][] = new Array(this.p.mipLevelCount);
+ for (let level = 0; level < uninitialized.length; ++level) {
+ uninitialized[level] = new Array(this.p.layerCount);
+ }
+ for (const subresources of this.iterateUninitializedSubresources()) {
+ for (const { level, layer } of subresources.each()) {
+ uninitialized[level][layer] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let level = 0; level < uninitialized.length; ++level) {
+ for (let layer = 0; layer < uninitialized[level].length; ++layer) {
+ if (!uninitialized[level][layer]) {
+ yield new SubresourceRange({
+ mipRange: { begin: level, count: 1 },
+ layerRange: { begin: layer, count: 1 },
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *generateTextureViewDescriptorsForRendering(
+ aspect: GPUTextureAspect,
+ subresourceRange?: SubresourceRange
+ ): Generator<GPUTextureViewDescriptor> {
+ const viewDescriptor: GPUTextureViewDescriptor = {
+ dimension: '2d',
+ aspect,
+ };
+ if (subresourceRange === undefined) {
+ return viewDescriptor;
+ }
+ for (const { level, layer } of subresourceRange.each()) {
+ yield {
+ ...viewDescriptor,
+ baseMipLevel: level,
+ mipLevelCount: 1,
+ baseArrayLayer: layer,
+ arrayLayerCount: 1,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ private initializeWithStoreOp(
+ state: InitializedState,
+ texture: GPUTexture,
+ subresourceRange?: SubresourceRange
+ ): void {
+ const commandEncoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ commandEncoder.pushDebugGroup('initializeWithStoreOp');
+ for (const viewDescriptor of this.generateTextureViewDescriptorsForRendering(
+ 'all',
+ subresourceRange
+ )) {
+ if (kTextureFormatInfo[this.p.format].color) {
+ commandEncoder
+ .beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: texture.createView(viewDescriptor),
+ storeOp: 'store',
+ clearValue: initializedStateAsColor(state, this.p.format),
+ loadOp: 'clear',
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ .end();
+ } else {
+ const depthStencilAttachment: GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment = {
+ view: texture.createView(viewDescriptor),
+ };
+ if (kTextureFormatInfo[this.p.format].depth) {
+ depthStencilAttachment.depthClearValue = initializedStateAsDepth[state];
+ depthStencilAttachment.depthLoadOp = 'clear';
+ depthStencilAttachment.depthStoreOp = 'store';
+ }
+ if (kTextureFormatInfo[this.p.format].stencil) {
+ depthStencilAttachment.stencilClearValue = initializedStateAsStencil[state];
+ depthStencilAttachment.stencilLoadOp = 'clear';
+ depthStencilAttachment.stencilStoreOp = 'store';
+ }
+ commandEncoder
+ .beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [],
+ depthStencilAttachment,
+ })
+ .end();
+ }
+ }
+ commandEncoder.popDebugGroup();
+ this.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]);
+ }
+ private initializeWithCopy(
+ texture: GPUTexture,
+ state: InitializedState,
+ subresourceRange: SubresourceRange
+ ): void {
+ assert(this.p.format in kTextureFormatInfo);
+ const format = this.p.format as EncodableTextureFormat;
+ const firstSubresource = subresourceRange.each().next().value;
+ assert(typeof firstSubresource !== 'undefined');
+ const [largestWidth, largestHeight, largestDepth] = virtualMipSize(
+ this.p.dimension,
+ [this.textureWidth, this.textureHeight, this.textureDepth],
+ firstSubresource.level
+ );
+ const rep = kTexelRepresentationInfo[format];
+ const texelData = new Uint8Array(rep.pack(rep.encode(this.stateToTexelComponents[state])));
+ const { buffer, bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage } = createTextureUploadBuffer(
+ texelData,
+ this.device,
+ format,
+ this.p.dimension,
+ [largestWidth, largestHeight, largestDepth]
+ );
+ const commandEncoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ for (const { level, layer } of subresourceRange.each()) {
+ const [width, height, depth] = virtualMipSize(
+ this.p.dimension,
+ [this.textureWidth, this.textureHeight, this.textureDepth],
+ level
+ );
+ commandEncoder.copyBufferToTexture(
+ {
+ buffer,
+ bytesPerRow,
+ rowsPerImage,
+ },
+ { texture, mipLevel: level, origin: { x: 0, y: 0, z: layer } },
+ { width, height, depthOrArrayLayers: depth }
+ );
+ }
+ this.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]);
+ buffer.destroy();
+ }
+ initializeTexture(
+ texture: GPUTexture,
+ state: InitializedState,
+ subresourceRange: SubresourceRange
+ ): void {
+ if (this.p.sampleCount > 1 || !kTextureFormatInfo[this.p.format].copyDst) {
+ // Copies to multisampled textures not yet specified.
+ // Use a storeOp for now.
+ assert(kTextureFormatInfo[this.p.format].renderable);
+ this.initializeWithStoreOp(state, texture, subresourceRange);
+ } else {
+ this.initializeWithCopy(texture, state, subresourceRange);
+ }
+ }
+ discardTexture(texture: GPUTexture, subresourceRange: SubresourceRange): void {
+ const commandEncoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ commandEncoder.pushDebugGroup('discardTexture');
+ for (const desc of this.generateTextureViewDescriptorsForRendering('all', subresourceRange)) {
+ if (kTextureFormatInfo[this.p.format].color) {
+ commandEncoder
+ .beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: texture.createView(desc),
+ storeOp: 'discard',
+ loadOp: 'load',
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ .end();
+ } else {
+ const depthStencilAttachment: GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment = {
+ view: texture.createView(desc),
+ };
+ if (kTextureFormatInfo[this.p.format].depth) {
+ depthStencilAttachment.depthLoadOp = 'load';
+ depthStencilAttachment.depthStoreOp = 'discard';
+ }
+ if (kTextureFormatInfo[this.p.format].stencil) {
+ depthStencilAttachment.stencilLoadOp = 'load';
+ depthStencilAttachment.stencilStoreOp = 'discard';
+ }
+ commandEncoder
+ .beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [],
+ depthStencilAttachment,
+ })
+ .end();
+ }
+ }
+ commandEncoder.popDebugGroup();
+ this.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]);
+ }
+const kTestParams = kUnitCaseParamsBuilder
+ .combine('dimension', kTextureDimensions)
+ .combine('readMethod', [
+ ReadMethod.CopyToBuffer,
+ ReadMethod.CopyToTexture,
+ ReadMethod.Sample,
+ ReadMethod.DepthTest,
+ ReadMethod.StencilTest,
+ ])
+ // [3] compressed formats
+ .combine('format', kUncompressedTextureFormats)
+ .filter(({ dimension, format }) => textureDimensionAndFormatCompatible(dimension, format))
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combine('aspect', kTextureAspects)
+ .unless(({ readMethod, format, aspect }) => {
+ const info = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ return (
+ (readMethod === ReadMethod.DepthTest && (!info.depth || aspect === 'stencil-only')) ||
+ (readMethod === ReadMethod.StencilTest && (!info.stencil || aspect === 'depth-only')) ||
+ (readMethod === ReadMethod.ColorBlending && !info.color) ||
+ // [1]: Test with depth/stencil sampling
+ (readMethod === ReadMethod.Sample && (info.depth || info.stencil)) ||
+ (aspect === 'depth-only' && !info.depth) ||
+ (aspect === 'stencil-only' && !info.stencil) ||
+ (aspect === 'all' && info.depth && info.stencil) ||
+ // Cannot copy from a packed depth format.
+ // [2]: Test copying out of the stencil aspect.
+ ((readMethod === ReadMethod.CopyToBuffer || readMethod === ReadMethod.CopyToTexture) &&
+ (format === 'depth24plus' || format === 'depth24plus-stencil8'))
+ );
+ })
+ .combine('mipLevelCount', kMipLevelCounts)
+ // 1D texture can only have a single mip level
+ .unless(p => p.dimension === '1d' && p.mipLevelCount !== 1)
+ .combine('sampleCount', kSampleCounts)
+ .unless(
+ ({ readMethod, sampleCount }) =>
+ // We can only read from multisampled textures by sampling.
+ sampleCount > 1 &&
+ (readMethod === ReadMethod.CopyToBuffer || readMethod === ReadMethod.CopyToTexture)
+ )
+ // Multisampled textures may only have one mip
+ .unless(({ sampleCount, mipLevelCount }) => sampleCount > 1 && mipLevelCount > 1)
+ .combine('uninitializeMethod', kUninitializeMethods)
+ .unless(({ dimension, readMethod, uninitializeMethod, format, sampleCount }) => {
+ const formatInfo = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ return (
+ dimension !== '2d' &&
+ (sampleCount > 1 ||
+ formatInfo.depth ||
+ formatInfo.stencil ||
+ readMethod === ReadMethod.DepthTest ||
+ readMethod === ReadMethod.StencilTest ||
+ readMethod === ReadMethod.ColorBlending ||
+ uninitializeMethod === UninitializeMethod.StoreOpClear)
+ );
+ })
+ .expandWithParams(function* ({ dimension }) {
+ switch (dimension) {
+ case '2d':
+ yield { layerCount: 1 as LayerCounts };
+ yield { layerCount: 7 as LayerCounts };
+ break;
+ case '1d':
+ case '3d':
+ yield { layerCount: 1 as LayerCounts };
+ break;
+ }
+ })
+ // Multisampled 3D / 2D array textures not supported.
+ .unless(({ sampleCount, layerCount }) => sampleCount > 1 && layerCount > 1)
+ .unless(({ format, sampleCount, uninitializeMethod, readMethod }) => {
+ const usage = getRequiredTextureUsage(format, sampleCount, uninitializeMethod, readMethod);
+ const info = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ return (
+ ((usage & GPUConst.TextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT) !== 0 && !info.renderable) ||
+ ((usage & GPUConst.TextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING) !== 0 && ! ||
+ (sampleCount > 1 && !info.multisample)
+ );
+ })
+ .combine('nonPowerOfTwo', [false, true])
+ .combine('canaryOnCreation', [false, true])
+ .filter(({ canaryOnCreation, format }) => {
+ // We can only initialize the texture if it's encodable or renderable.
+ const canInitialize = format in kTextureFormatInfo || kTextureFormatInfo[format].renderable;
+ // Filter out cases where we want canary values but can't initialize.
+ return !canaryOnCreation || canInitialize;
+ });
+type TextureZeroParams = ParamTypeOf<typeof kTestParams>;
+export type CheckContents = (
+ t: TextureZeroInitTest,
+ params: TextureZeroParams,
+ texture: GPUTexture,
+ state: InitializedState,
+ subresourceRange: SubresourceRange
+) => void;
+import { checkContentsByBufferCopy, checkContentsByTextureCopy } from './check_texture/by_copy.js';
+import {
+ checkContentsByDepthTest,
+ checkContentsByStencilTest,
+} from './check_texture/by_ds_test.js';
+import { checkContentsBySampling } from './check_texture/by_sampling.js';
+const checkContentsImpl: { [k in ReadMethod]: CheckContents } = {
+ Sample: checkContentsBySampling,
+ CopyToBuffer: checkContentsByBufferCopy,
+ CopyToTexture: checkContentsByTextureCopy,
+ DepthTest: checkContentsByDepthTest,
+ StencilTest: checkContentsByStencilTest,
+ ColorBlending: t => t.skip('Not implemented'),
+ Storage: t => t.skip('Not implemented'),
+export const g = makeTestGroup(TextureZeroInitTest);
+ .params(kTestParams)
+ .beforeAllSubcases(t => {
+ t.selectDeviceOrSkipTestCase(kTextureFormatInfo[t.params.format].feature);
+ })
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const usage = getRequiredTextureUsage(
+ t.params.format,
+ t.params.sampleCount,
+ t.params.uninitializeMethod,
+ t.params.readMethod
+ );
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ size: [t.textureWidth, t.textureHeight, t.textureDepthOrArrayLayers],
+ format: t.params.format,
+ dimension: t.params.dimension,
+ usage,
+ mipLevelCount: t.params.mipLevelCount,
+ sampleCount: t.params.sampleCount,
+ });
+ t.trackForCleanup(texture);
+ if (t.params.canaryOnCreation) {
+ // Initialize some subresources with canary values
+ for (const subresourceRange of t.iterateInitializedSubresources()) {
+ t.initializeTexture(texture, InitializedState.Canary, subresourceRange);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (t.params.uninitializeMethod) {
+ case UninitializeMethod.Creation:
+ break;
+ case UninitializeMethod.StoreOpClear:
+ // Initialize the rest of the resources.
+ for (const subresourceRange of t.iterateUninitializedSubresources()) {
+ t.initializeTexture(texture, InitializedState.Canary, subresourceRange);
+ }
+ // Then use a store op to discard their contents.
+ for (const subresourceRange of t.iterateUninitializedSubresources()) {
+ t.discardTexture(texture, subresourceRange);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ unreachable();
+ }
+ // Check that all uninitialized resources are zero.
+ for (const subresourceRange of t.iterateUninitializedSubresources()) {
+ checkContentsImpl[t.params.readMethod](
+ t,
+ t.params,
+ texture,
+ InitializedState.Zero,
+ subresourceRange
+ );
+ }
+ if (t.params.canaryOnCreation) {
+ // Check the all other resources are unchanged.
+ for (const subresourceRange of t.iterateInitializedSubresources()) {
+ checkContentsImpl[t.params.readMethod](
+ t,
+ t.params,
+ texture,
+ InitializedState.Canary,
+ subresourceRange
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ });