path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/validation_test.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/validation_test.ts')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/validation_test.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/validation_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad6d030251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/api/validation/validation_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+import {
+ ValidBindableResource,
+ BindableResource,
+ kMaxQueryCount,
+ ShaderStageKey,
+} from '../../capability_info.js';
+import { GPUTest, ResourceState } from '../../gpu_test.js';
+ * Base fixture for WebGPU validation tests.
+ */
+export class ValidationTest extends GPUTest {
+ /**
+ * Create a GPUTexture in the specified state.
+ * A `descriptor` may optionally be passed, which is used when `state` is not `'invalid'`.
+ */
+ createTextureWithState(
+ state: ResourceState,
+ descriptor?: Readonly<GPUTextureDescriptor>
+ ): GPUTexture {
+ descriptor = descriptor ?? {
+ size: { width: 1, height: 1, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage:
+ GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC |
+ GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST |
+ };
+ switch (state) {
+ case 'valid':
+ return this.trackForCleanup(this.device.createTexture(descriptor));
+ case 'invalid':
+ return this.getErrorTexture();
+ case 'destroyed': {
+ const texture = this.device.createTexture(descriptor);
+ texture.destroy();
+ return texture;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a GPUTexture in the specified state. A `descriptor` may optionally be passed;
+ * if `state` is `'invalid'`, it will be modified to add an invalid combination of usages.
+ */
+ createBufferWithState(
+ state: ResourceState,
+ descriptor?: Readonly<GPUBufferDescriptor>
+ ): GPUBuffer {
+ descriptor = descriptor ?? {
+ size: 4,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX,
+ };
+ switch (state) {
+ case 'valid':
+ return this.trackForCleanup(this.device.createBuffer(descriptor));
+ case 'invalid': {
+ // Make the buffer invalid because of an invalid combination of usages but keep the
+ // descriptor passed as much as possible (for mappedAtCreation and friends).
+ this.device.pushErrorScope('validation');
+ const buffer = this.device.createBuffer({
+ ...descriptor,
+ usage: descriptor.usage | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ void this.device.popErrorScope();
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ case 'destroyed': {
+ const buffer = this.device.createBuffer(descriptor);
+ buffer.destroy();
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a GPUQuerySet in the specified state.
+ * A `descriptor` may optionally be passed, which is used when `state` is not `'invalid'`.
+ */
+ createQuerySetWithState(
+ state: ResourceState,
+ desc?: Readonly<GPUQuerySetDescriptor>
+ ): GPUQuerySet {
+ const descriptor = { type: 'occlusion' as const, count: 2, ...desc };
+ switch (state) {
+ case 'valid':
+ return this.trackForCleanup(this.device.createQuerySet(descriptor));
+ case 'invalid': {
+ // Make the queryset invalid because of the count out of bounds.
+ descriptor.count = kMaxQueryCount + 1;
+ return this.expectGPUError('validation', () => this.device.createQuerySet(descriptor));
+ }
+ case 'destroyed': {
+ const queryset = this.device.createQuerySet(descriptor);
+ queryset.destroy();
+ return queryset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Create an arbitrarily-sized GPUBuffer with the STORAGE usage. */
+ getStorageBuffer(): GPUBuffer {
+ return this.trackForCleanup(
+ this.device.createBuffer({ size: 1024, usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE })
+ );
+ }
+ /** Create an arbitrarily-sized GPUBuffer with the UNIFORM usage. */
+ getUniformBuffer(): GPUBuffer {
+ return this.trackForCleanup(
+ this.device.createBuffer({ size: 1024, usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM })
+ );
+ }
+ /** Return an invalid GPUBuffer. */
+ getErrorBuffer(): GPUBuffer {
+ return this.createBufferWithState('invalid');
+ }
+ /** Return an invalid GPUSampler. */
+ getErrorSampler(): GPUSampler {
+ this.device.pushErrorScope('validation');
+ const sampler = this.device.createSampler({ lodMinClamp: -1 });
+ void this.device.popErrorScope();
+ return sampler;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an arbitrarily-configured GPUTexture with the `TEXTURE_BINDING` usage and specified
+ * sampleCount. The `RENDER_ATTACHMENT` usage will also be specified if sampleCount > 1 as is
+ * required by WebGPU SPEC.
+ */
+ getSampledTexture(sampleCount: number = 1): GPUTexture {
+ const usage =
+ sampleCount > 1
+ return this.trackForCleanup(
+ this.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: 16, height: 16, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage,
+ sampleCount,
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ /** Return an arbitrarily-configured GPUTexture with the `STORAGE_BINDING` usage. */
+ getStorageTexture(): GPUTexture {
+ return this.trackForCleanup(
+ this.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: 16, height: 16, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING,
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ /** Return an arbitrarily-configured GPUTexture with the `RENDER_ATTACHMENT` usage. */
+ getRenderTexture(sampleCount: number = 1): GPUTexture {
+ return this.trackForCleanup(
+ this.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: 16, height: 16, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT,
+ sampleCount,
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ /** Return an invalid GPUTexture. */
+ getErrorTexture(): GPUTexture {
+ this.device.pushErrorScope('validation');
+ const texture = this.device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: 0, height: 0, depthOrArrayLayers: 0 },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING,
+ });
+ void this.device.popErrorScope();
+ return texture;
+ }
+ /** Return an invalid GPUTextureView (created from an invalid GPUTexture). */
+ getErrorTextureView(): GPUTextureView {
+ this.device.pushErrorScope('validation');
+ const view = this.getErrorTexture().createView();
+ void this.device.popErrorScope();
+ return view;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an arbitrary object of the specified {@link webgpu/capability_info!BindableResource} type
+ * (e.g. `'errorBuf'`, `'nonFiltSamp'`, `sampledTexMS`, etc.)
+ */
+ getBindingResource(bindingType: BindableResource): GPUBindingResource {
+ switch (bindingType) {
+ case 'errorBuf':
+ return { buffer: this.getErrorBuffer() };
+ case 'errorSamp':
+ return this.getErrorSampler();
+ case 'errorTex':
+ return this.getErrorTextureView();
+ case 'uniformBuf':
+ return { buffer: this.getUniformBuffer() };
+ case 'storageBuf':
+ return { buffer: this.getStorageBuffer() };
+ case 'filtSamp':
+ return this.device.createSampler({ minFilter: 'linear' });
+ case 'nonFiltSamp':
+ return this.device.createSampler();
+ case 'compareSamp':
+ return this.device.createSampler({ compare: 'never' });
+ case 'sampledTex':
+ return this.getSampledTexture(1).createView();
+ case 'sampledTexMS':
+ return this.getSampledTexture(4).createView();
+ case 'storageTex':
+ return this.getStorageTexture().createView();
+ }
+ }
+ /** Create an arbitrarily-sized GPUBuffer with the STORAGE usage from mismatched device. */
+ getDeviceMismatchedStorageBuffer(): GPUBuffer {
+ return this.trackForCleanup(
+ this.mismatchedDevice.createBuffer({ size: 4, usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE })
+ );
+ }
+ /** Create an arbitrarily-sized GPUBuffer with the UNIFORM usage from mismatched device. */
+ getDeviceMismatchedUniformBuffer(): GPUBuffer {
+ return this.trackForCleanup(
+ this.mismatchedDevice.createBuffer({ size: 4, usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM })
+ );
+ }
+ /** Return a GPUTexture with descriptor from mismatched device. */
+ getDeviceMismatchedTexture(descriptor: GPUTextureDescriptor): GPUTexture {
+ return this.trackForCleanup(this.mismatchedDevice.createTexture(descriptor));
+ }
+ /** Return an arbitrarily-configured GPUTexture with the `SAMPLED` usage from mismatched device. */
+ getDeviceMismatchedSampledTexture(sampleCount: number = 1): GPUTexture {
+ return this.getDeviceMismatchedTexture({
+ size: { width: 4, height: 4, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING,
+ sampleCount,
+ });
+ }
+ /** Return an arbitrarily-configured GPUTexture with the `STORAGE` usage from mismatched device. */
+ getDeviceMismatchedStorageTexture(): GPUTexture {
+ return this.getDeviceMismatchedTexture({
+ size: { width: 4, height: 4, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING,
+ });
+ }
+ /** Return an arbitrarily-configured GPUTexture with the `RENDER_ATTACHMENT` usage from mismatched device. */
+ getDeviceMismatchedRenderTexture(sampleCount: number = 1): GPUTexture {
+ return this.getDeviceMismatchedTexture({
+ size: { width: 4, height: 4, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT,
+ sampleCount,
+ });
+ }
+ getDeviceMismatchedBindingResource(bindingType: ValidBindableResource): GPUBindingResource {
+ switch (bindingType) {
+ case 'uniformBuf':
+ return { buffer: this.getDeviceMismatchedStorageBuffer() };
+ case 'storageBuf':
+ return { buffer: this.getDeviceMismatchedUniformBuffer() };
+ case 'filtSamp':
+ return this.mismatchedDevice.createSampler({ minFilter: 'linear' });
+ case 'nonFiltSamp':
+ return this.mismatchedDevice.createSampler();
+ case 'compareSamp':
+ return this.mismatchedDevice.createSampler({ compare: 'never' });
+ case 'sampledTex':
+ return this.getDeviceMismatchedSampledTexture(1).createView();
+ case 'sampledTexMS':
+ return this.getDeviceMismatchedSampledTexture(4).createView();
+ case 'storageTex':
+ return this.getDeviceMismatchedStorageTexture().createView();
+ }
+ }
+ /** Return a no-op shader code snippet for the specified shader stage. */
+ getNoOpShaderCode(stage: ShaderStageKey): string {
+ switch (stage) {
+ case 'VERTEX':
+ return `
+ @vertex fn main() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {
+ return vec4<f32>();
+ }
+ `;
+ case 'FRAGMENT':
+ return `@fragment fn main() {}`;
+ case 'COMPUTE':
+ return `@compute @workgroup_size(1) fn main() {}`;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Create a GPURenderPipeline in the specified state. */
+ createRenderPipelineWithState(state: 'valid' | 'invalid'): GPURenderPipeline {
+ return state === 'valid' ? this.createNoOpRenderPipeline() : this.createErrorRenderPipeline();
+ }
+ /** Return a GPURenderPipeline with default options and no-op vertex and fragment shaders. */
+ createNoOpRenderPipeline(
+ layout: GPUPipelineLayout | GPUAutoLayoutMode = 'auto'
+ ): GPURenderPipeline {
+ return this.device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout,
+ vertex: {
+ module: this.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: this.getNoOpShaderCode('VERTEX'),
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: this.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: this.getNoOpShaderCode('FRAGMENT'),
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ targets: [{ format: 'rgba8unorm', writeMask: 0 }],
+ },
+ primitive: { topology: 'triangle-list' },
+ });
+ }
+ /** Return an invalid GPURenderPipeline. */
+ createErrorRenderPipeline(): GPURenderPipeline {
+ this.device.pushErrorScope('validation');
+ const pipeline = this.device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: {
+ module: this.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: '',
+ }),
+ entryPoint: '',
+ },
+ });
+ void this.device.popErrorScope();
+ return pipeline;
+ }
+ /** Return a GPUComputePipeline with a no-op shader. */
+ createNoOpComputePipeline(
+ layout: GPUPipelineLayout | GPUAutoLayoutMode = 'auto'
+ ): GPUComputePipeline {
+ return this.device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout,
+ compute: {
+ module: this.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: this.getNoOpShaderCode('COMPUTE'),
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ /** Return an invalid GPUComputePipeline. */
+ createErrorComputePipeline(): GPUComputePipeline {
+ this.device.pushErrorScope('validation');
+ const pipeline = this.device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ compute: {
+ module: this.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: '',
+ }),
+ entryPoint: '',
+ },
+ });
+ void this.device.popErrorScope();
+ return pipeline;
+ }
+ /** Return an invalid GPUShaderModule. */
+ createInvalidShaderModule(): GPUShaderModule {
+ this.device.pushErrorScope('validation');
+ const code = 'deadbeaf'; // Something make no sense
+ const shaderModule = this.device.createShaderModule({ code });
+ void this.device.popErrorScope();
+ return shaderModule;
+ }
+ /** Helper for testing createRenderPipeline(Async) validation */
+ doCreateRenderPipelineTest(
+ isAsync: boolean,
+ _success: boolean,
+ descriptor: GPURenderPipelineDescriptor,
+ errorTypeName: 'OperationError' | 'TypeError' = 'OperationError'
+ ) {
+ if (isAsync) {
+ if (_success) {
+ this.shouldResolve(this.device.createRenderPipelineAsync(descriptor));
+ } else {
+ this.shouldReject(errorTypeName, this.device.createRenderPipelineAsync(descriptor));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (errorTypeName === 'OperationError') {
+ this.expectValidationError(() => {
+ this.device.createRenderPipeline(descriptor);
+ }, !_success);
+ } else {
+ this.shouldThrow(_success ? false : errorTypeName, () => {
+ this.device.createRenderPipeline(descriptor);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Helper for testing createComputePipeline(Async) validation */
+ doCreateComputePipelineTest(
+ isAsync: boolean,
+ _success: boolean,
+ descriptor: GPUComputePipelineDescriptor,
+ errorTypeName: 'OperationError' | 'TypeError' = 'OperationError'
+ ) {
+ if (isAsync) {
+ if (_success) {
+ this.shouldResolve(this.device.createComputePipelineAsync(descriptor));
+ } else {
+ this.shouldReject(errorTypeName, this.device.createComputePipelineAsync(descriptor));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (errorTypeName === 'OperationError') {
+ this.expectValidationError(() => {
+ this.device.createComputePipeline(descriptor);
+ }, !_success);
+ } else {
+ this.shouldThrow(_success ? false : errorTypeName, () => {
+ this.device.createComputePipeline(descriptor);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }