path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/expression/expression.ts
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1 files changed, 1137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/expression/expression.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/expression/expression.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46f06a2c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/expression/expression.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1137 @@
+import { globalTestConfig } from '../../../../common/framework/test_config.js';
+import { assert } from '../../../../common/util/util.js';
+import { GPUTest } from '../../../gpu_test.js';
+import { compare, Comparator, anyOf } from '../../../util/compare.js';
+import {
+ ScalarType,
+ Scalar,
+ Type,
+ TypeVec,
+ TypeU32,
+ Value,
+ Vector,
+ VectorType,
+ f32,
+ u32,
+ i32,
+} from '../../../util/conversion.js';
+import {
+ BinaryToInterval,
+ F32Interval,
+ PointToInterval,
+ PointToVector,
+ TernaryToInterval,
+ VectorPairToInterval,
+ VectorPairToVector,
+ VectorToInterval,
+ VectorToVector,
+} from '../../../util/f32_interval.js';
+import { cartesianProduct, quantizeToF32, quantizeToU32 } from '../../../util/math.js';
+export type Expectation = Value | F32Interval | F32Interval[] | Comparator;
+/** Is this expectation actually a Comparator */
+function isComparator(e: Expectation): boolean {
+ return !(
+ e instanceof F32Interval ||
+ e instanceof Scalar ||
+ e instanceof Vector ||
+ e instanceof Array
+ );
+/** Helper for converting Values to Comparators */
+export function toComparator(input: Expectation): Comparator {
+ if (!isComparator(input)) {
+ return got => compare(got, input as Value);
+ }
+ return input as Comparator;
+/** Case is a single expression test case. */
+export type Case = {
+ // The input value(s)
+ input: Value | Array<Value>;
+ // The expected result, or function to check the result
+ expected: Expectation;
+/** CaseList is a list of Cases */
+export type CaseList = Array<Case>;
+/** The input value source */
+export type InputSource =
+ | 'const' // Shader creation time constant values (@const)
+ | 'uniform' // Uniform buffer
+ | 'storage_r' // Read-only storage buffer
+ | 'storage_rw'; // Read-write storage buffer
+/** All possible input sources */
+export const allInputSources: InputSource[] = ['const', 'uniform', 'storage_r', 'storage_rw'];
+/** Configuration for running a expression test */
+export type Config = {
+ // Where the input values are read from
+ inputSource: InputSource;
+ // If defined, scalar test cases will be packed into vectors of the given
+ // width, which must be 2, 3 or 4.
+ // Requires that all parameters of the expression overload are of a scalar
+ // type, and the return type of the expression overload is also a scalar type.
+ // If the number of test cases is not a multiple of the vector width, then the
+ // last scalar value is repeated to fill the last vector value.
+ vectorize?: number;
+// Helper for returning the WGSL storage type for the given Type.
+function storageType(ty: Type): Type {
+ if (ty instanceof ScalarType) {
+ if (ty.kind === 'bool') {
+ return TypeU32;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ty instanceof VectorType) {
+ return TypeVec(ty.width, storageType(ty.elementType) as ScalarType);
+ }
+ return ty;
+// Helper for converting a value of the type 'ty' from the storage type.
+function fromStorage(ty: Type, expr: string): string {
+ if (ty instanceof ScalarType) {
+ if (ty.kind === 'bool') {
+ return `${expr} != 0u`;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ty instanceof VectorType) {
+ if (ty.elementType.kind === 'bool') {
+ return `${expr} != vec${ty.width}<u32>(0u)`;
+ }
+ }
+ return expr;
+// Helper for converting a value of the type 'ty' to the storage type.
+function toStorage(ty: Type, expr: string): string {
+ if (ty instanceof ScalarType) {
+ if (ty.kind === 'bool') {
+ return `select(0u, 1u, ${expr})`;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ty instanceof VectorType) {
+ if (ty.elementType.kind === 'bool') {
+ return `select(vec${ty.width}<u32>(0u), vec${ty.width}<u32>(1u), ${expr})`;
+ }
+ }
+ return expr;
+// Currently all values are packed into buffers of 16 byte strides
+const kValueStride = 16;
+// ExpressionBuilder returns the WGSL used to test an expression.
+export interface ExpressionBuilder {
+ (values: Array<string>): string;
+// A Pipeline is a map of WGSL shader source to a built pipeline
+type PipelineCache = Map<String, GPUComputePipeline>;
+ * Searches for an entry with the given key, adding and returning the result of calling
+ * @p create if the entry was not found.
+ * @param map the cache map
+ * @param key the entry's key
+ * @param create the function used to construct a value, if not found in the cache
+ * @returns the value, either fetched from the cache, or newly built.
+ */
+function getOrCreate<K, V>(map: Map<K, V>, key: K, create: () => V) {
+ const existing = map.get(key);
+ if (existing !== undefined) {
+ return existing;
+ }
+ const value = create();
+ map.set(key, value);
+ return value;
+ * Runs the list of expression tests, possibly splitting the tests into multiple
+ * dispatches to keep the input data within the buffer binding limits.
+ * run() will pack the scalar test cases into smaller set of vectorized tests
+ * if `cfg.vectorize` is defined.
+ * @param t the GPUTest
+ * @param expressionBuilder the expression builder function
+ * @param parameterTypes the list of expression parameter types
+ * @param returnType the return type for the expression overload
+ * @param cfg test configuration values
+ * @param cases list of test cases
+ */
+export async function run(
+ t: GPUTest,
+ expressionBuilder: ExpressionBuilder,
+ parameterTypes: Array<Type>,
+ returnType: Type,
+ cfg: Config = { inputSource: 'storage_r' },
+ cases: CaseList
+) {
+ // If the 'vectorize' config option was provided, pack the cases into vectors.
+ if (cfg.vectorize !== undefined) {
+ const packed = packScalarsToVector(parameterTypes, returnType, cases, cfg.vectorize);
+ cases = packed.cases;
+ parameterTypes = packed.parameterTypes;
+ returnType = packed.returnType;
+ }
+ // The size of the input buffer may exceed the maximum buffer binding size,
+ // so chunk the tests up into batches that fit into the limits. We also split
+ // the cases into smaller batches to help with shader compilation performance.
+ const casesPerBatch = (function () {
+ switch (cfg.inputSource) {
+ case 'const':
+ // Some drivers are slow to optimize shaders with many constant values,
+ // or statements. 32 is an empirically picked number of cases that works
+ // well for most drivers.
+ return 32;
+ case 'uniform':
+ // Some drivers are slow to build pipelines with large uniform buffers.
+ // 2k appears to be a sweet-spot when benchmarking.
+ return Math.floor(
+ Math.min(1024 * 2, t.device.limits.maxUniformBufferBindingSize) /
+ (parameterTypes.length * kValueStride)
+ );
+ case 'storage_r':
+ case 'storage_rw':
+ return Math.floor(
+ t.device.limits.maxStorageBufferBindingSize / (parameterTypes.length * kValueStride)
+ );
+ }
+ })();
+ // A cache to hold built shader pipelines.
+ const pipelineCache = new Map<String, GPUComputePipeline>();
+ // Submit all the cases in batches, each in a separate error scope.
+ const checkResults: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < cases.length; i += casesPerBatch) {
+ const batchCases = cases.slice(i, Math.min(i + casesPerBatch, cases.length));
+ t.device.pushErrorScope('validation');
+ const checkBatch = submitBatch(
+ t,
+ expressionBuilder,
+ parameterTypes,
+ returnType,
+ batchCases,
+ cfg.inputSource,
+ pipelineCache
+ );
+ checkResults.push(
+ // Check GPU validation (shader compilation, pipeline creation, etc) before checking the batch results.
+ t.device.popErrorScope().then(error => {
+ if (error === null) {
+ checkBatch();
+ } else {
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ // Check the results
+ await Promise.all(checkResults);
+ * Submits the list of expression tests. The input data must fit within the
+ * buffer binding limits of the given inputSource.
+ * @param t the GPUTest
+ * @param expressionBuilder the expression builder function
+ * @param parameterTypes the list of expression parameter types
+ * @param returnType the return type for the expression overload
+ * @param cases list of test cases that fit within the binding limits of the device
+ * @param inputSource the source of the input values
+ * @param pipelineCache the cache of compute pipelines, shared between batches
+ * @returns a function that checks the results are as expected
+ */
+function submitBatch(
+ t: GPUTest,
+ expressionBuilder: ExpressionBuilder,
+ parameterTypes: Array<Type>,
+ returnType: Type,
+ cases: CaseList,
+ inputSource: InputSource,
+ pipelineCache: PipelineCache
+): () => void {
+ // Construct a buffer to hold the results of the expression tests
+ const outputBufferSize = cases.length * kValueStride;
+ const outputBuffer = t.device.createBuffer({
+ size: outputBufferSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE,
+ });
+ const [pipeline, group] = buildPipeline(
+ t,
+ expressionBuilder,
+ parameterTypes,
+ returnType,
+ cases,
+ inputSource,
+ outputBuffer,
+ pipelineCache
+ );
+ const encoder = t.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ const pass = encoder.beginComputePass();
+ pass.setPipeline(pipeline);
+ pass.setBindGroup(0, group);
+ pass.dispatchWorkgroups(1);
+ pass.end();
+ // Heartbeat to ensure CTS runners know we're alive.
+ globalTestConfig.testHeartbeatCallback();
+ t.queue.submit([encoder.finish()]);
+ // Return a function that can check the results of the shader
+ return () => {
+ const checkExpectation = (outputData: Uint8Array) => {
+ // Read the outputs from the output buffer
+ const outputs = new Array<Value>(cases.length);
+ for (let i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {
+ outputs[i] =, i * kValueStride);
+ }
+ // The list of expectation failures
+ const errs: string[] = [];
+ // For each case...
+ for (let caseIdx = 0; caseIdx < cases.length; caseIdx++) {
+ const c = cases[caseIdx];
+ const got = outputs[caseIdx];
+ const cmp = toComparator(c.expected)(got);
+ if (!cmp.matched) {
+ errs.push(`(${c.input instanceof Array ? c.input.join(', ') : c.input})
+ returned: ${}
+ expected: ${cmp.expected}`);
+ }
+ }
+ return errs.length > 0 ? new Error(errs.join('\n\n')) : undefined;
+ };
+ // Heartbeat to ensure CTS runners know we're alive.
+ globalTestConfig.testHeartbeatCallback();
+ t.expectGPUBufferValuesPassCheck(outputBuffer, checkExpectation, {
+ type: Uint8Array,
+ typedLength: outputBufferSize,
+ });
+ };
+ * @param v either an array of T or a single element of type T
+ * @param i the value index to
+ * @returns the i'th value of v, if v is an array, otherwise v (i must be 0)
+ */
+function ith<T>(v: T | T[], i: number): T {
+ if (v instanceof Array) {
+ assert(i < v.length);
+ return v[i];
+ }
+ assert(i === 0);
+ return v;
+ * Constructs and returns a GPUComputePipeline and GPUBindGroup for running a
+ * batch of test cases. If a pre-created pipeline can be found in
+ * @p pipelineCache, then this may be returned instead of creating a new
+ * pipeline.
+ * @param t the GPUTest
+ * @param expressionBuilder the expression builder function
+ * @param parameterTypes the list of expression parameter types
+ * @param returnType the return type for the expression overload
+ * @param cases list of test cases that fit within the binding limits of the device
+ * @param inputSource the source of the input values
+ * @param outputBuffer the buffer that will hold the output values of the tests
+ * @param pipelineCache the cache of compute pipelines, shared between batches
+ */
+function buildPipeline(
+ t: GPUTest,
+ expressionBuilder: ExpressionBuilder,
+ parameterTypes: Array<Type>,
+ returnType: Type,
+ cases: CaseList,
+ inputSource: InputSource,
+ outputBuffer: GPUBuffer,
+ pipelineCache: PipelineCache
+): [GPUComputePipeline, GPUBindGroup] {
+ // wgsl declaration of output buffer and binding
+ const wgslStorageType = storageType(returnType);
+ const wgslOutputs = `
+struct Output {
+ @size(${kValueStride}) value : ${wgslStorageType}
+@group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> outputs : array<Output, ${cases.length}>;
+ switch (inputSource) {
+ case 'const': {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Input values are constant values in the WGSL shader
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ const wgslValues = => {
+ const args =, i) => `(${ith(c.input, i).wgsl()})`);
+ return `${toStorage(returnType, expressionBuilder(args))}`;
+ });
+ const wgslBody = globalTestConfig.unrollConstEvalLoops
+ ?, i) => `outputs[${i}].value = values[${i}];`).join('\n ')
+ : `for (var i = 0u; i < ${cases.length}; i++) {
+ outputs[i].value = values[i];
+ }`;
+ // the full WGSL shader source
+ const source = `
+const values = array<${wgslStorageType}, ${cases.length}>(
+ ${wgslValues.join(',\n ')}
+@compute @workgroup_size(1)
+fn main() {
+ ${wgslBody}
+ // build the shader module
+ const module = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: source });
+ // build the pipeline
+ const pipeline = t.device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ compute: { module, entryPoint: 'main' },
+ });
+ // build the bind group
+ const group = t.device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
+ entries: [{ binding: 0, resource: { buffer: outputBuffer } }],
+ });
+ return [pipeline, group];
+ }
+ case 'uniform':
+ case 'storage_r':
+ case 'storage_rw': {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Input values come from a uniform or storage buffer
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // returns the WGSL expression to load the ith parameter of the given type from the input buffer
+ const paramExpr = (ty: Type, i: number) => fromStorage(ty, `inputs[i].param${i}`);
+ // resolves to the expression that calls the builtin
+ const expr = toStorage(returnType, expressionBuilder(;
+ // input binding var<...> declaration
+ const wgslInputVar = (function () {
+ switch (inputSource) {
+ case 'storage_r':
+ return 'var<storage, read>';
+ case 'storage_rw':
+ return 'var<storage, read_write>';
+ case 'uniform':
+ return 'var<uniform>';
+ }
+ })();
+ // the full WGSL shader source
+ const source = `
+struct Input {
+ .map((ty, i) => ` @size(${kValueStride}) param${i} : ${storageType(ty)},`)
+ .join('\n')}
+@group(0) @binding(1)
+${wgslInputVar} inputs : array<Input, ${cases.length}>;
+@compute @workgroup_size(1)
+fn main() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < ${cases.length}; i++) {
+ outputs[i].value = ${expr};
+ }
+ // size in bytes of the input buffer
+ const inputSize = cases.length * parameterTypes.length * kValueStride;
+ // Holds all the parameter values for all cases
+ const inputData = new Uint8Array(inputSize);
+ // Pack all the input parameter values into the inputData buffer
+ {
+ const caseStride = kValueStride * parameterTypes.length;
+ for (let caseIdx = 0; caseIdx < cases.length; caseIdx++) {
+ const caseBase = caseIdx * caseStride;
+ for (let paramIdx = 0; paramIdx < parameterTypes.length; paramIdx++) {
+ const offset = caseBase + paramIdx * kValueStride;
+ const params = cases[caseIdx].input;
+ if (params instanceof Array) {
+ params[paramIdx].copyTo(inputData, offset);
+ } else {
+ params.copyTo(inputData, offset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // build the compute pipeline, if the shader hasn't been compiled already.
+ const pipeline = getOrCreate(pipelineCache, source, () => {
+ // build the shader module
+ const module = t.device.createShaderModule({ code: source });
+ // build the pipeline
+ return t.device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ compute: { module, entryPoint: 'main' },
+ });
+ });
+ // build the input buffer
+ const inputBuffer = t.makeBufferWithContents(
+ inputData,
+ GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC |
+ (inputSource === 'uniform' ? GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM : GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE)
+ );
+ // build the bind group
+ const group = t.device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: outputBuffer } },
+ { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: inputBuffer } },
+ ],
+ });
+ return [pipeline, group];
+ }
+ }
+ * Packs a list of scalar test cases into a smaller list of vector cases.
+ * Requires that all parameters of the expression overload are of a scalar type,
+ * and the return type of the expression overload is also a scalar type.
+ * If `cases.length` is not a multiple of `vectorWidth`, then the last scalar
+ * test case value is repeated to fill the vector value.
+ */
+function packScalarsToVector(
+ parameterTypes: Array<Type>,
+ returnType: Type,
+ cases: CaseList,
+ vectorWidth: number
+): { cases: CaseList; parameterTypes: Array<Type>; returnType: Type } {
+ // Validate that the parameters and return type are all vectorizable
+ for (let i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
+ const ty = parameterTypes[i];
+ if (!(ty instanceof ScalarType)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `packScalarsToVector() can only be used on scalar parameter types, but the ${i}'th parameter type is a ${ty}'`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(returnType instanceof ScalarType)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `packScalarsToVector() can only be used with a scalar return type, but the return type is a ${returnType}'`
+ );
+ }
+ const packedCases: Array<Case> = [];
+ const packedParameterTypes = => TypeVec(vectorWidth, p as ScalarType));
+ const packedReturnType = new VectorType(vectorWidth, returnType);
+ const clampCaseIdx = (idx: number) => Math.min(idx, cases.length - 1);
+ let caseIdx = 0;
+ while (caseIdx < cases.length) {
+ // Construct the vectorized inputs from the scalar cases
+ const packedInputs = new Array<Vector>(parameterTypes.length);
+ for (let paramIdx = 0; paramIdx < parameterTypes.length; paramIdx++) {
+ const inputElements = new Array<Scalar>(vectorWidth);
+ for (let i = 0; i < vectorWidth; i++) {
+ const input = cases[clampCaseIdx(caseIdx + i)].input;
+ inputElements[i] = (input instanceof Array ? input[paramIdx] : input) as Scalar;
+ }
+ packedInputs[paramIdx] = new Vector(inputElements);
+ }
+ // Gather the comparators for the packed cases
+ const comparators = new Array<Comparator>(vectorWidth);
+ for (let i = 0; i < vectorWidth; i++) {
+ comparators[i] = toComparator(cases[clampCaseIdx(caseIdx + i)].expected);
+ }
+ const packedComparator = (got: Value) => {
+ let matched = true;
+ const gElements = new Array<string>(vectorWidth);
+ const eElements = new Array<string>(vectorWidth);
+ for (let i = 0; i < vectorWidth; i++) {
+ const d = comparators[i]((got as Vector).elements[i]);
+ matched = matched && d.matched;
+ gElements[i] =;
+ eElements[i] = d.expected;
+ }
+ return {
+ matched,
+ got: `${packedReturnType}(${gElements.join(', ')})`,
+ expected: `${packedReturnType}(${eElements.join(', ')})`,
+ };
+ };
+ // Append the new packed case
+ packedCases.push({ input: packedInputs, expected: packedComparator });
+ caseIdx += vectorWidth;
+ }
+ return {
+ cases: packedCases,
+ parameterTypes: packedParameterTypes,
+ returnType: packedReturnType,
+ };
+ * Indicates bounds that acceptance intervals need to be within to avoid inputs
+ * being filtered out. This is used for const-eval tests, since going OOB will
+ * cause a validation error not an execution error.
+ */
+export type IntervalFilter =
+ | 'f32-only' // Expected to be f32 finite
+ | 'unfiltered'; // No expectations
+ * @returns a Case for the param and unary interval generator provided
+ * The Case will use use an interval comparator for matching results.
+ * @param param the param to pass in
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for an
+ * unary operation
+ */
+function makeUnaryToF32IntervalCase(
+ param: number,
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: PointToInterval[]
+): Case | undefined {
+ param = quantizeToF32(param);
+ const intervals = => o(param));
+ if (filter === 'f32-only' && intervals.some(i => !i.isFinite())) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return { input: [f32(param)], expected: anyOf(...intervals) };
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param params array of inputs to try
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for an
+ * unary operation
+ */
+export function generateUnaryToF32IntervalCases(
+ params: number[],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: PointToInterval[]
+): Case[] {
+ return params.reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const c = makeUnaryToF32IntervalCase(e, filter, ...ops);
+ if (c !== undefined) {
+ cases.push(c);
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * @returns a Case for the params and binary interval generator provided
+ * The Case will use use an interval comparator for matching results.
+ * @param param0 the first param or left hand side to pass in
+ * @param param1 the second param or rhs hand side to pass in
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for a
+ * binary operation
+ */
+function makeBinaryToF32IntervalCase(
+ param0: number,
+ param1: number,
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: BinaryToInterval[]
+): Case | undefined {
+ param0 = quantizeToF32(param0);
+ param1 = quantizeToF32(param1);
+ const intervals = => o(param0, param1));
+ if (filter === 'f32-only' && intervals.some(i => !i.isFinite())) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return { input: [f32(param0), f32(param1)], expected: anyOf(...intervals) };
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param param0s array of inputs to try for the first param
+ * @param param1s array of inputs to try for the second param
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for a
+ * binary operation
+ */
+export function generateBinaryToF32IntervalCases(
+ param0s: number[],
+ param1s: number[],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: BinaryToInterval[]
+): Case[] {
+ return cartesianProduct(param0s, param1s).reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const c = makeBinaryToF32IntervalCase(e[0], e[1], filter, ...ops);
+ if (c !== undefined) {
+ cases.push(c);
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * @returns a Case for the params and ternary interval generator provided
+ * The Case will use use an interval comparator for matching results.
+ * @param param0 the first param to pass in
+ * @param param1 the second param to pass in
+ * @param param2 the third param to pass in
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for a
+ * ternary operation.
+ */
+function makeTernaryToF32IntervalCase(
+ param0: number,
+ param1: number,
+ param2: number,
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: TernaryToInterval[]
+): Case | undefined {
+ param0 = quantizeToF32(param0);
+ param1 = quantizeToF32(param1);
+ param2 = quantizeToF32(param2);
+ const intervals = => o(param0, param1, param2));
+ if (filter === 'f32-only' && intervals.some(i => !i.isFinite())) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ input: [f32(param0), f32(param1), f32(param2)],
+ expected: anyOf(...intervals),
+ };
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param param0s array of inputs to try for the first param
+ * @param param1s array of inputs to try for the second param
+ * @param param2s array of inputs to try for the third param
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for a
+ * ternary operation.
+ */
+export function generateTernaryToF32IntervalCases(
+ param0s: number[],
+ param1s: number[],
+ param2s: number[],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: TernaryToInterval[]
+): Case[] {
+ return cartesianProduct(param0s, param1s, param2s).reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const c = makeTernaryToF32IntervalCase(e[0], e[1], e[2], filter, ...ops);
+ if (c !== undefined) {
+ cases.push(c);
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * @returns a Case for the param and vector interval generator provided
+ * @param param the param to pass in
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for a
+ * vector.
+ */
+function makeVectorToF32IntervalCase(
+ param: number[],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: VectorToInterval[]
+): Case | undefined {
+ param =;
+ const param_f32 =;
+ const intervals = => o(param));
+ if (filter === 'f32-only' && intervals.some(i => !i.isFinite())) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ input: [new Vector(param_f32)],
+ expected: anyOf(...intervals),
+ };
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param params array of inputs to try
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for a
+ * vector.
+ */
+export function generateVectorToF32IntervalCases(
+ params: number[][],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: VectorToInterval[]
+): Case[] {
+ return params.reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const c = makeVectorToF32IntervalCase(e, filter, ...ops);
+ if (c !== undefined) {
+ cases.push(c);
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * @returns a Case for the params and vector pair interval generator provided
+ * @param param0 the first param to pass in
+ * @param param1 the second param to pass in
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for a
+ * pair of vectors.
+ */
+function makeVectorPairToF32IntervalCase(
+ param0: number[],
+ param1: number[],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: VectorPairToInterval[]
+): Case | undefined {
+ param0 =;
+ param1 =;
+ const param0_f32 =;
+ const param1_f32 =;
+ const intervals = => o(param0, param1));
+ if (filter === 'f32-only' && intervals.some(i => !i.isFinite())) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ input: [new Vector(param0_f32), new Vector(param1_f32)],
+ expected: anyOf(...intervals),
+ };
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param param0s array of inputs to try for the first input
+ * @param param1s array of inputs to try for the second input
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance interval for a
+ * pair of vectors.
+ */
+export function generateVectorPairToF32IntervalCases(
+ param0s: number[][],
+ param1s: number[][],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: VectorPairToInterval[]
+): Case[] {
+ return cartesianProduct(param0s, param1s).reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const c = makeVectorPairToF32IntervalCase(e[0], e[1], filter, ...ops);
+ if (c !== undefined) {
+ cases.push(c);
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * @returns a Case for the param and vector of intervals generator provided
+ * @param param the param to pass in
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an vector of acceptance
+ * intervals for a vector.
+ */
+function makeVectorToVectorCase(
+ param: number[],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: VectorToVector[]
+): Case | undefined {
+ param =;
+ const param_f32 =;
+ const vectors = => o(param));
+ if (filter === 'f32-only' && vectors.some(v => !v.every(e => e.isFinite()))) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ input: [new Vector(param_f32)],
+ expected: anyOf(...vectors),
+ };
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param params array of inputs to try
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an vector of acceptance
+ * intervals for a vector.
+ */
+export function generateVectorToVectorCases(
+ params: number[][],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: VectorToVector[]
+): Case[] {
+ return params.reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const c = makeVectorToVectorCase(e, filter, ...ops);
+ if (c !== undefined) {
+ cases.push(c);
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * @returns a Case for the params and vector of intervals generator provided
+ * @param param0 the first param to pass in
+ * @param param1 the second param to pass in
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an vector of acceptance
+ * intervals for a pair of vectors.
+ */
+function makeVectorPairToVectorCase(
+ param0: number[],
+ param1: number[],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: VectorPairToVector[]
+): Case | undefined {
+ param0 =;
+ param1 =;
+ const param0_f32 =;
+ const param1_f32 =;
+ const vectors = => o(param0, param1));
+ if (filter === 'f32-only' && vectors.some(v => !v.every(e => e.isFinite()))) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ input: [new Vector(param0_f32), new Vector(param1_f32)],
+ expected: anyOf(...vectors),
+ };
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param param0s array of inputs to try for the first input
+ * @param param1s array of inputs to try for the second input
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an vector of acceptance
+ * intervals for a pair of vectors.
+ */
+export function generateVectorPairToVectorCases(
+ param0s: number[][],
+ param1s: number[][],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: VectorPairToVector[]
+): Case[] {
+ return cartesianProduct(param0s, param1s).reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const c = makeVectorPairToVectorCase(e[0], e[1], filter, ...ops);
+ if (c !== undefined) {
+ cases.push(c);
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * @returns a Case for the param and vector of intervals generator provided
+ * The input is treated as an unsigned int.
+ * @param param the param to pass in
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance
+ * interval for an unsigned int.
+ */
+function makeU32ToVectorCase(
+ param: number,
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: PointToVector[]
+): Case | undefined {
+ param = Math.trunc(param);
+ const param_u32 = u32(param);
+ const vectors = => o(param));
+ if (filter === 'f32-only' && vectors.some(v => !v.every(e => e.isFinite()))) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ input: param_u32,
+ expected: anyOf(...vectors),
+ };
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * The input is treated as an unsigned int.
+ * @param params array of inputs to try
+ * @param filter what interval filtering to apply
+ * @param ops callbacks that implement generating an acceptance
+ * interval for an unsigned int.
+ */
+export function generateU32ToVectorCases(
+ params: number[],
+ filter: IntervalFilter,
+ ...ops: PointToVector[]
+): Case[] {
+ return params.reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const c = makeU32ToVectorCase(e, filter, ...ops);
+ if (c !== undefined) {
+ cases.push(c);
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * A function that performs a binary operation on x and y, and returns the expected
+ * result, or undefined if the operation is invalid for the given inputs.
+ */
+export interface BinaryToI32Op {
+ (x: number, y: number): number | undefined;
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param param0s array of inputs to try for the first param
+ * @param param1s array of inputs to try for the second param
+ * @param op callback called on each pair of inputs to produce each case
+ */
+export function generateBinaryToI32Cases(
+ params0s: number[],
+ params1s: number[],
+ op: BinaryToI32Op
+) {
+ return cartesianProduct(params0s, params1s).reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const expected = op(e[0], e[1]);
+ if (expected !== undefined) {
+ cases.push({ input: [i32(e[0]), i32(e[1])], expected: i32(expected) });
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+export interface BinaryToU32Op {
+ (x: number, y: number): number | undefined;
+ * @returns an array of Cases for operations over a range of inputs
+ * @param param0s array of inputs to try for the first param
+ * @param param1s array of inputs to try for the second param
+ * @param op callback called on each pair of inputs to produce each case
+ */
+export function generateBinaryToU32Cases(
+ params0s: number[],
+ params1s: number[],
+ op: BinaryToU32Op
+) {
+ return cartesianProduct(params0s, params1s).reduce((cases, e) => {
+ const expected = op(e[0], e[1]);
+ if (expected !== undefined) {
+ cases.push({ input: [u32(e[0]), u32(e[1])], expected: u32(expected) });
+ }
+ return cases;
+ }, new Array<Case>());
+ * A function that performs a binary operation on x and y, and returns the expected
+ * result.
+ */
+export interface BinaryOp {
+ (x: number, y: number): number;
+ * @returns a Case for the input params with op applied
+ * @param scalar scalar param
+ * @param vector vector param (2, 3, or 4 elements)
+ * @param op the op to apply to scalar and vector
+ */
+function makeU32VectorBinaryToVectorCase(scalar: number, vector: number[], op: BinaryOp): Case {
+ scalar = quantizeToU32(scalar);
+ vector =;
+ const result = new Vector( => u32(op(scalar, v))));
+ return {
+ input: [u32(scalar), new Vector(],
+ expected: result,
+ };
+ * @returns array of Case for the input params with op applied
+ * @param scalars array of scalar params
+ * @param vectors array of vector params (2, 3, or 4 elements)
+ * @param op he op to apply to each pair of scalar and vector
+ */
+export function generateU32VectorBinaryToVectorCases(
+ scalars: number[],
+ vectors: number[][],
+ op: BinaryOp
+): Case[] {
+ return scalars.flatMap(s => {
+ return => {
+ return makeU32VectorBinaryToVectorCase(s, v, op);
+ });
+ });
+ * @returns a Case for the input params with op applied
+ * @param vector vector param (2, 3, or 4 elements)
+ * @param scalar scalar param
+ * @param op the op to apply to vector and scalar
+ */
+function makeVectorU32BinaryToVectorCase(vector: number[], scalar: number, op: BinaryOp): Case {
+ vector =;
+ scalar = quantizeToU32(scalar);
+ const result = new Vector( => u32(op(v, scalar))));
+ return {
+ input: [new Vector(, u32(scalar)],
+ expected: result,
+ };
+ * @returns array of Case for the input params with op applied
+ * @param vectors array of vector params (2, 3, or 4 elements)
+ * @param scalars array of scalar params
+ * @param op he op to apply to each pair of vector and scalar
+ */
+export function generateVectorU32BinaryToVectorCases(
+ vectors: number[][],
+ scalars: number[],
+ op: BinaryOp
+): Case[] {
+ return scalars.flatMap(s => {
+ return => {
+ return makeVectorU32BinaryToVectorCase(v, s, op);
+ });
+ });