path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/memory_model/memory_model_setup.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/memory_model/memory_model_setup.ts')
1 files changed, 1049 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/memory_model/memory_model_setup.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/memory_model/memory_model_setup.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c26f8fde29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/shader/execution/memory_model/memory_model_setup.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1049 @@
+import { GPUTest } from '../../../gpu_test';
+import { checkElementsPassPredicate } from '../../../util/check_contents.js';
+/* All buffer sizes are counted in units of 4-byte words. */
+/* Parameter values are set heuristically, typically by a time-intensive search. */
+export type MemoryModelTestParams = {
+ /* Number of invocations per workgroup. The workgroups are 1-dimensional. */
+ workgroupSize: number;
+ /** The number of workgroups to assign to running the test. */
+ testingWorkgroups: number;
+ /**
+ * Run no more than this many workgroups. Must be >= the number of testing workgroups. Non-testing workgroups are used
+ * to stress other memory locations.
+ */
+ maxWorkgroups: number;
+ /** The percentage of iterations to shuffle the workgroup ids. */
+ shufflePct: number;
+ /** The percentage of iterations to run the bounded spin-loop barrier. */
+ barrierPct: number;
+ /** The percentage of iterations to run memory stress using non-testing workgroups. */
+ memStressPct: number;
+ /** The number of iterations to run the memory stress pattern. */
+ memStressIterations: number;
+ /** The percentage of iterations the first instruction in the stress pattern should be a store. */
+ memStressStoreFirstPct: number;
+ /** The percentage of iterations the second instruction in the stress pattern should be a store. */
+ memStressStoreSecondPct: number;
+ /** The percentage of iterations for testing threads to run stress before running the test. */
+ preStressPct: number;
+ /** Same as for memStressIterations. */
+ preStressIterations: number;
+ /** The percentage of iterations the first instruction in the pre-stress pattern should be a store. */
+ preStressStoreFirstPct: number;
+ /** The percentage of iterations the second instruction in the pre-stress pattern should be a store. */
+ preStressStoreSecondPct: number;
+ /** The size of the scratch memory region, used for stressing threads. */
+ scratchMemorySize: number;
+ /** The size of each block of memory stressing threads access. */
+ stressLineSize: number;
+ /** The number of blocks of memory to assign stressing threads to. */
+ stressTargetLines: number;
+ /** How non-testing threads are assigned to stressing locations. 100 means all iterations use a round robin approach, 0 means all use a chunking approach. */
+ stressStrategyBalancePct: number;
+ /** Used to permute thread ids within a workgroup, so more random pairings are created between threads coordinating on a test. */
+ permuteFirst: number;
+ /** Used to create distance between memory locations used in a test. Set this to 1 for memory that should be aliased. */
+ permuteSecond: number;
+ /** The distance (in number of 4 byte intervals) between any two memory locations used for testing. */
+ memStride: number;
+ /** For tests that access one memory location, but use dynamic addresses to avoid compiler optimization, aliased memory should be set to true. */
+ aliasedMemory: boolean;
+ /** The number of possible behaviors that a test can have. */
+ numBehaviors: number;
+/** The number of memory locations accessed by a test. Currently, only tests with up to 2 memory locations are supported. */
+const numMemLocations = 2;
+/** The number of read outputs per test that need to be analyzed in the result aggregation shader. Currently, only tests with up to 2 read outputs are supported. */
+const numReadOutputs = 2;
+/** Represents a device buffer and a utility buffer for resetting memory and copying parameters. */
+type BufferWithSource = {
+ /** Buffer used by shader code. */
+ deviceBuf: GPUBuffer;
+ /** Buffer populated from the host size, data is copied to device buffer for use by shader. */
+ srcBuf: GPUBuffer;
+ /** Size in bytes of the buffer. */
+ size: number;
+/** Specifies the buffers used during a memory model test. */
+type MemoryModelBuffers = {
+ /** This is the memory region that testing threads read from and write to. */
+ testLocations: BufferWithSource;
+ /** This buffer collects the results of reads for analysis in the result aggregation shader. */
+ readResults: BufferWithSource;
+ /** This buffer is the aggregated results of every testing thread, and is used to check for test success/failure. */
+ testResults: BufferWithSource;
+ /** This buffer stores the shuffled workgroup ids for use during testing. Read-only in the shader. */
+ shuffledWorkgroups: BufferWithSource;
+ /** This is the bounded spin-loop barrier, used to temporally align testing threads. */
+ barrier: BufferWithSource;
+ /** Memory region for stressing threads to read to and write from. */
+ scratchpad: BufferWithSource;
+ /** The memory locations in the scratch region that stressing threads access. */
+ scratchMemoryLocations: BufferWithSource;
+ /** Parameters that are used by the shader to calculate memory locations and perform stress. */
+ stressParams: BufferWithSource;
+/** The number of stress params to add to the stress params buffer. */
+const numStressParams = 12;
+const barrierParamIndex = 0;
+const memStressIndex = 1;
+const memStressIterationsIndex = 2;
+const memStressPatternIndex = 3;
+const preStressIndex = 4;
+const preStressIterationsIndex = 5;
+const preStressPatternIndex = 6;
+const permuteFirstIndex = 7;
+const permuteSecondIndex = 8;
+const testingWorkgroupsIndex = 9;
+const memStrideIndex = 10;
+const memLocationOffsetIndex = 11;
+ * All memory used in these consists of a four byte word, so this value is used to correctly set the byte size of buffers that
+ * are read to/written from during tests and for storing test results.
+ */
+const bytesPerWord = 4;
+ * Implements setup code necessary to run a memory model test. A test consists of two parts:
+ * 1.) A test shader that runs a specified memory model litmus test and attempts to reveal a weak (disallowed) behavior.
+ * At a high level, a test shader consists of a set of testing workgroups where every invocation executes the litmus test
+ * on a set of test locations, and a set of stressing workgroups where every invocation accesses a specified memory location
+ * in a random pattern.
+ * 2.) A result shader that takes the output of the test shader, which consists of the memory locations accessed during the test
+ * and the results of any reads made during the test, and aggregate the results based on the possible behaviors of the test.
+ */
+export class MemoryModelTester {
+ protected test: GPUTest;
+ protected params: MemoryModelTestParams;
+ protected buffers: MemoryModelBuffers;
+ protected testPipeline: GPUComputePipeline;
+ protected testBindGroup: GPUBindGroup;
+ protected resultPipeline: GPUComputePipeline;
+ protected resultBindGroup: GPUBindGroup;
+ /** Sets up a memory model test by initializing buffers and pipeline layouts. */
+ constructor(t: GPUTest, params: MemoryModelTestParams, testShader: string, resultShader: string) {
+ this.test = t;
+ this.params = params;
+ // set up buffers
+ const testingThreads = this.params.workgroupSize * this.params.testingWorkgroups;
+ const testLocationsSize =
+ testingThreads * numMemLocations * this.params.memStride * bytesPerWord;
+ const testLocationsBuffer: BufferWithSource = {
+ deviceBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: testLocationsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE,
+ }),
+ srcBuf: this.test.makeBufferWithContents(
+ new Uint32Array(testLocationsSize).fill(0),
+ GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC
+ ),
+ size: testLocationsSize,
+ };
+ const readResultsSize = testingThreads * numReadOutputs * bytesPerWord;
+ const readResultsBuffer: BufferWithSource = {
+ deviceBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: readResultsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE,
+ }),
+ srcBuf: this.test.makeBufferWithContents(
+ new Uint32Array(readResultsSize).fill(0),
+ GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC
+ ),
+ size: readResultsSize,
+ };
+ const testResultsSize = this.params.numBehaviors * bytesPerWord;
+ const testResultsBuffer: BufferWithSource = {
+ deviceBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: testResultsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ }),
+ srcBuf: this.test.makeBufferWithContents(
+ new Uint32Array(testResultsSize).fill(0),
+ GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC
+ ),
+ size: testResultsSize,
+ };
+ const shuffledWorkgroupsSize = this.params.maxWorkgroups * bytesPerWord;
+ const shuffledWorkgroupsBuffer: BufferWithSource = {
+ deviceBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: shuffledWorkgroupsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE,
+ }),
+ srcBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: shuffledWorkgroupsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_WRITE,
+ }),
+ size: shuffledWorkgroupsSize,
+ };
+ const barrierSize = bytesPerWord;
+ const barrierBuffer: BufferWithSource = {
+ deviceBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: barrierSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE,
+ }),
+ srcBuf: this.test.makeBufferWithContents(
+ new Uint32Array(barrierSize).fill(0),
+ GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC
+ ),
+ size: barrierSize,
+ };
+ const scratchpadSize = this.params.scratchMemorySize * bytesPerWord;
+ const scratchpadBuffer: BufferWithSource = {
+ deviceBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: scratchpadSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE,
+ }),
+ srcBuf: this.test.makeBufferWithContents(
+ new Uint32Array(scratchpadSize).fill(0),
+ GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC
+ ),
+ size: scratchpadSize,
+ };
+ const scratchMemoryLocationsSize = this.params.maxWorkgroups * bytesPerWord;
+ const scratchMemoryLocationsBuffer: BufferWithSource = {
+ deviceBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: scratchMemoryLocationsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE,
+ }),
+ srcBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: scratchMemoryLocationsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_WRITE,
+ }),
+ size: scratchMemoryLocationsSize,
+ };
+ const stressParamsSize = numStressParams * bytesPerWord;
+ const stressParamsBuffer: BufferWithSource = {
+ deviceBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: stressParamsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM,
+ }),
+ srcBuf: this.test.device.createBuffer({
+ size: stressParamsSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_WRITE,
+ }),
+ size: stressParamsSize,
+ };
+ this.buffers = {
+ testLocations: testLocationsBuffer,
+ readResults: readResultsBuffer,
+ testResults: testResultsBuffer,
+ shuffledWorkgroups: shuffledWorkgroupsBuffer,
+ barrier: barrierBuffer,
+ scratchpad: scratchpadBuffer,
+ scratchMemoryLocations: scratchMemoryLocationsBuffer,
+ stressParams: stressParamsBuffer,
+ };
+ // set up pipeline layouts
+ const testLayout = this.test.device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
+ { binding: 1, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
+ { binding: 2, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'read-only-storage' } },
+ { binding: 3, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
+ { binding: 4, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
+ { binding: 5, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
+ { binding: 6, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'uniform' } },
+ ],
+ });
+ this.testPipeline = this.test.device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: this.test.device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [testLayout],
+ }),
+ compute: {
+ module: this.test.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: testShader,
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ },
+ });
+ this.testBindGroup = this.test.device.createBindGroup({
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.testLocations.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.readResults.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 2, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.shuffledWorkgroups.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 3, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.barrier.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 4, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.scratchpad.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 5, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.scratchMemoryLocations.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 6, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.stressParams.deviceBuf } },
+ ],
+ layout: testLayout,
+ });
+ const resultLayout = this.test.device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
+ { binding: 1, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
+ { binding: 2, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'storage' } },
+ { binding: 3, visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE, buffer: { type: 'uniform' } },
+ ],
+ });
+ this.resultPipeline = this.test.device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: this.test.device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [resultLayout],
+ }),
+ compute: {
+ module: this.test.device.createShaderModule({
+ code: resultShader,
+ }),
+ entryPoint: 'main',
+ },
+ });
+ this.resultBindGroup = this.test.device.createBindGroup({
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.testLocations.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.readResults.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 2, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.testResults.deviceBuf } },
+ { binding: 3, resource: { buffer: this.buffers.stressParams.deviceBuf } },
+ ],
+ layout: resultLayout,
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run the test for the specified number of iterations. Checks the testResults buffer on the weakIndex; if
+ * this value is not 0 then the test has failed. The number of iterations is chosen per test so that the
+ * full set of tests meets some time budget while still being reasonably effective at uncovering issues.
+ * Currently, we aim for each test to complete in under one second.
+ */
+ async run(iterations: number, weakIndex: number): Promise<void> {
+ for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
+ const numWorkgroups = this.getRandomInRange(
+ this.params.testingWorkgroups,
+ this.params.maxWorkgroups
+ );
+ await this.setShuffledWorkgroups(numWorkgroups);
+ await this.setScratchLocations(numWorkgroups);
+ await this.setStressParams();
+ const encoder = this.test.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ this.copyBufferToBuffer(encoder, this.buffers.testLocations);
+ this.copyBufferToBuffer(encoder, this.buffers.readResults);
+ this.copyBufferToBuffer(encoder, this.buffers.testResults);
+ this.copyBufferToBuffer(encoder, this.buffers.barrier);
+ this.copyBufferToBuffer(encoder, this.buffers.shuffledWorkgroups);
+ this.copyBufferToBuffer(encoder, this.buffers.scratchpad);
+ this.copyBufferToBuffer(encoder, this.buffers.scratchMemoryLocations);
+ this.copyBufferToBuffer(encoder, this.buffers.stressParams);
+ const testPass = encoder.beginComputePass();
+ testPass.setPipeline(this.testPipeline);
+ testPass.setBindGroup(0, this.testBindGroup);
+ testPass.dispatchWorkgroups(numWorkgroups);
+ testPass.end();
+ const resultPass = encoder.beginComputePass();
+ resultPass.setPipeline(this.resultPipeline);
+ resultPass.setBindGroup(0, this.resultBindGroup);
+ resultPass.dispatchWorkgroups(this.params.testingWorkgroups);
+ resultPass.end();
+ this.test.device.queue.submit([encoder.finish()]);
+ this.test.expectGPUBufferValuesPassCheck(
+ this.buffers.testResults.deviceBuf,
+ this.checkWeakIndex(weakIndex),
+ {
+ type: Uint32Array,
+ typedLength: this.params.numBehaviors,
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns a function that checks whether the test passes, given a weak index and the test results buffer. */
+ protected checkWeakIndex(weakIndex: number): (a: Uint32Array) => Error | undefined {
+ const checkResult = this.checkResult(weakIndex);
+ const resultPrinter = this.resultPrinter(weakIndex);
+ return function (a: Uint32Array): Error | undefined {
+ return checkElementsPassPredicate(a, checkResult, {
+ predicatePrinter: [{ leftHeader: 'expected ==', getValueForCell: resultPrinter }],
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a function that checks whether the specified weak index's value is not equal to 0.
+ * If the weak index's value is not 0, it means the test has observed a behavior disallowed by the memory model and
+ * is considered a test failure.
+ */
+ protected checkResult(weakIndex: number): (i: number, v: number) => boolean {
+ return function (i: number, v: number): boolean {
+ if (i === weakIndex && v > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ }
+ /** Returns a printer function that visualizes the results of checking the test results. */
+ protected resultPrinter(weakIndex: number): (i: number) => string | number {
+ return function (i: number): string | number {
+ if (i === weakIndex) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 'any value';
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /** Utility method that simplifies copying source buffers to device buffers. */
+ protected copyBufferToBuffer(encoder: GPUCommandEncoder, buffer: BufferWithSource): void {
+ encoder.copyBufferToBuffer(buffer.srcBuf, 0, buffer.deviceBuf, 0, buffer.size);
+ }
+ /** Returns a random integer between 0 and the max. */
+ protected getRandomInt(max: number): number {
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
+ }
+ /** Returns a random number in between the min and max values. */
+ protected getRandomInRange(min: number, max: number): number {
+ if (min === max) {
+ return min;
+ } else {
+ const offset = this.getRandomInt(max - min);
+ return min + offset;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns a permuted array using a simple Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm. */
+ protected shuffleArray(a: number[]): void {
+ for (let i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const toSwap = this.getRandomInt(i + 1);
+ const temp = a[toSwap];
+ a[toSwap] = a[i];
+ a[i] = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shuffles the order of workgroup ids, so that threads operating on the same memory location are not always in
+ * consecutive workgroups.
+ */
+ protected async setShuffledWorkgroups(numWorkgroups: number): Promise<void> {
+ await this.buffers.shuffledWorkgroups.srcBuf.mapAsync(GPUMapMode.WRITE);
+ const shuffledWorkgroupsBuffer = this.buffers.shuffledWorkgroups.srcBuf.getMappedRange();
+ const shuffledWorkgroupsArray = new Uint32Array(shuffledWorkgroupsBuffer);
+ for (let i = 0; i < numWorkgroups; i++) {
+ shuffledWorkgroupsArray[i] = i;
+ }
+ if (this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.shufflePct) {
+ for (let i = numWorkgroups - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ const x = this.getRandomInt(i + 1);
+ const temp = shuffledWorkgroupsArray[i];
+ shuffledWorkgroupsArray[i] = shuffledWorkgroupsArray[x];
+ shuffledWorkgroupsArray[x] = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ this.buffers.shuffledWorkgroups.srcBuf.unmap();
+ }
+ /** Sets the memory locations that stressing workgroups will access. Uses either a chunking or round robin assignment strategy. */
+ protected async setScratchLocations(numWorkgroups: number): Promise<void> {
+ await this.buffers.scratchMemoryLocations.srcBuf.mapAsync(GPUMapMode.WRITE);
+ const scratchLocationsArrayBuffer = this.buffers.scratchMemoryLocations.srcBuf.getMappedRange();
+ const scratchLocationsArray = new Uint32Array(scratchLocationsArrayBuffer);
+ const scratchNumRegions = this.params.scratchMemorySize / this.params.stressLineSize;
+ const scratchRegions = [...Array(scratchNumRegions).keys()];
+ this.shuffleArray(scratchRegions);
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.params.stressTargetLines; i++) {
+ const region = scratchRegions[i];
+ const locInRegion = this.getRandomInt(this.params.stressLineSize);
+ if (this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.stressStrategyBalancePct) {
+ // In the round-robin case, the current scratch location is striped across all workgroups.
+ for (let j = i; j < numWorkgroups; j += this.params.stressTargetLines) {
+ scratchLocationsArray[j] = region * this.params.stressLineSize + locInRegion;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // In the chunking case, the current scratch location is assigned to a block of workgroups. The final scratch
+ // location may be assigned to more workgroups, if the number of scratch locations does not cleanly divide the
+ // number of workgroups.
+ const workgroupsPerLocation = numWorkgroups / this.params.stressTargetLines;
+ for (let j = 0; j < workgroupsPerLocation; j++) {
+ scratchLocationsArray[i * workgroupsPerLocation + j] =
+ region * this.params.stressLineSize + locInRegion;
+ }
+ if (
+ i === this.params.stressTargetLines - 1 &&
+ numWorkgroups % this.params.stressTargetLines !== 0
+ ) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < numWorkgroups % this.params.stressTargetLines; j++) {
+ scratchLocationsArray[numWorkgroups - j - 1] =
+ region * this.params.stressLineSize + locInRegion;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.buffers.scratchMemoryLocations.srcBuf.unmap();
+ }
+ /** Sets the parameters that are used by the shader to calculate memory locations and perform stress. */
+ protected async setStressParams(): Promise<void> {
+ await this.buffers.stressParams.srcBuf.mapAsync(GPUMapMode.WRITE);
+ const stressParamsArrayBuffer = this.buffers.stressParams.srcBuf.getMappedRange();
+ const stressParamsArray = new Uint32Array(stressParamsArrayBuffer);
+ if (this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.barrierPct) {
+ stressParamsArray[barrierParamIndex] = 1;
+ } else {
+ stressParamsArray[barrierParamIndex] = 0;
+ }
+ if (this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.memStressPct) {
+ stressParamsArray[memStressIndex] = 1;
+ } else {
+ stressParamsArray[memStressIndex] = 0;
+ }
+ stressParamsArray[memStressIterationsIndex] = this.params.memStressIterations;
+ const memStressStoreFirst = this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.memStressStoreFirstPct;
+ const memStressStoreSecond = this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.memStressStoreSecondPct;
+ let memStressPattern;
+ if (memStressStoreFirst && memStressStoreSecond) {
+ memStressPattern = 0;
+ } else if (memStressStoreFirst && !memStressStoreSecond) {
+ memStressPattern = 1;
+ } else if (!memStressStoreFirst && memStressStoreSecond) {
+ memStressPattern = 2;
+ } else {
+ memStressPattern = 3;
+ }
+ stressParamsArray[memStressPatternIndex] = memStressPattern;
+ if (this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.preStressPct) {
+ stressParamsArray[preStressIndex] = 1;
+ } else {
+ stressParamsArray[preStressIndex] = 0;
+ }
+ stressParamsArray[preStressIterationsIndex] = this.params.preStressIterations;
+ const preStressStoreFirst = this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.preStressStoreFirstPct;
+ const preStressStoreSecond = this.getRandomInt(100) < this.params.preStressStoreSecondPct;
+ let preStressPattern;
+ if (preStressStoreFirst && preStressStoreSecond) {
+ preStressPattern = 0;
+ } else if (preStressStoreFirst && !preStressStoreSecond) {
+ preStressPattern = 1;
+ } else if (!preStressStoreFirst && preStressStoreSecond) {
+ preStressPattern = 2;
+ } else {
+ preStressPattern = 3;
+ }
+ stressParamsArray[preStressPatternIndex] = preStressPattern;
+ stressParamsArray[permuteFirstIndex] = this.params.permuteFirst;
+ stressParamsArray[permuteSecondIndex] = this.params.permuteSecond;
+ stressParamsArray[testingWorkgroupsIndex] = this.params.testingWorkgroups;
+ stressParamsArray[memStrideIndex] = this.params.memStride;
+ if (this.params.aliasedMemory) {
+ stressParamsArray[memLocationOffsetIndex] = 0;
+ } else {
+ stressParamsArray[memLocationOffsetIndex] = this.params.memStride;
+ }
+ this.buffers.stressParams.srcBuf.unmap();
+ }
+/** Defines common data structures used in memory model test shaders. */
+const shaderMemStructures = `
+ struct Memory {
+ value: array<u32>
+ };
+ struct AtomicMemory {
+ value: array<atomic<u32>>
+ };
+ struct ReadResult {
+ r0: atomic<u32>,
+ r1: atomic<u32>,
+ };
+ struct ReadResults {
+ value: array<ReadResult>
+ };
+ struct StressParamsMemory {
+ do_barrier: u32,
+ mem_stress: u32,
+ mem_stress_iterations: u32,
+ mem_stress_pattern: u32,
+ pre_stress: u32,
+ pre_stress_iterations: u32,
+ pre_stress_pattern: u32,
+ permute_first: u32,
+ permute_second: u32,
+ testing_workgroups: u32,
+ mem_stride: u32,
+ location_offset: u32,
+ };
+ * Structure to hold the counts of occurrences of the possible behaviors of a two-thread, four-instruction test.
+ * "seq0" means the first invocation's instructions are observed to have occurred before the second invocation's instructions.
+ * "seq1" means the second invocation's instructions are observed to have occurred before the first invocation's instructions.
+ * "interleaved" means there was an observation of some interleaving of instructions between the two invocations.
+ * "weak" means there was an observation of some ordering of instructions that is inconsistent with the WebGPU memory model.
+ */
+const fourBehaviorTestResultStructure = `
+ struct TestResults {
+ seq0: atomic<u32>,
+ seq1: atomic<u32>,
+ interleaved: atomic<u32>,
+ weak: atomic<u32>,
+ };
+ * Defines the possible behaviors of a two instruction test. Used to test the behavior of non-atomic memory with barriers and
+ * one-thread coherence tests.
+ * "seq" means that the expected, sequential behavior occurred.
+ * "weak" means that an unexpected, inconsistent behavior occurred.
+ */
+const twoBehaviorTestResultStructure = `
+ struct TestResults {
+ seq: atomic<u32>,
+ weak: atomic<u32>,
+ };
+/** Common bindings used in the test shader phase of a test. */
+const commonTestShaderBindings = `
+ @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> results : ReadResults;
+ @group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read> shuffled_workgroups : Memory;
+ @group(0) @binding(3) var<storage, read_write> barrier : AtomicMemory;
+ @group(0) @binding(4) var<storage, read_write> scratchpad : Memory;
+ @group(0) @binding(5) var<storage, read_write> scratch_locations : Memory;
+ @group(0) @binding(6) var<uniform> stress_params : StressParamsMemory;
+/** The combined bindings for a test on atomic memory. */
+const atomicTestShaderBindings = [
+ `
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> test_locations : AtomicMemory;
+ commonTestShaderBindings,
+/** The combined bindings for a test on non-atomic memory. */
+const nonAtomicTestShaderBindings = [
+ `
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> test_locations : Memory;
+ commonTestShaderBindings,
+/** Bindings used in the result aggregation phase of the test. */
+const resultShaderBindings = `
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> test_locations : AtomicMemory;
+ @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> read_results : ReadResults;
+ @group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> test_results : TestResults;
+ @group(0) @binding(3) var<uniform> stress_params : StressParamsMemory;
+ * For tests that operate on workgroup memory, include this definition. 3584 memory locations is
+ * large enough to accommodate the maximum memory size needed per workgroup for testing, which is
+ * 256 invocations per workgroup x 2 memory locations x 7 (memStride, or max stride between successive memory locations).
+ * Should change to a pipeline overridable constant when possible.
+ */
+const atomicWorkgroupMemory = `
+ var<workgroup> wg_test_locations: array<atomic<u32>, 3584>;
+ * For tests that operate on non-atomic workgroup memory, include this definition. 3584 memory locations
+ * is large enough to accommodate the maximum memory size needed per workgroup for testing.
+ */
+const nonAtomicWorkgroupMemory = `
+ var<workgroup> wg_test_locations: array<u32, 3584>;
+ * Functions used to calculate memory locations for each invocation, for both testing and result aggregation.
+ * The permute function ensures a random permutation based on multiplying and modding by coprime numbers. The stripe
+ * workgroup function ensures that invocations coordinating on a test are spread out across different workgroups.
+ */
+const memoryLocationFunctions = `
+ fn permute_id(id: u32, factor: u32, mask: u32) -> u32 {
+ return (id * factor) % mask;
+ }
+ fn stripe_workgroup(workgroup_id: u32, local_id: u32) -> u32 {
+ return (workgroup_id + 1u + local_id % (stress_params.testing_workgroups - 1u)) % stress_params.testing_workgroups;
+ }
+/** Functions that help add stress to the test. */
+const testShaderFunctions = `
+ //Force the invocations in the workgroup to wait for each other, but without the general memory ordering
+ // effects of a control barrier. The barrier spins until either all invocations have incremented the atomic
+ // variable or 1024 loops have occurred. 1024 was chosen because it gives more time for invocations to enter
+ // the barrier but does not overly reduce testing throughput.
+ fn spin(limit: u32) {
+ var i : u32 = 0u;
+ var bar_val : u32 = atomicAdd(&barrier.value[0], 1u);
+ loop {
+ if (i == 1024u || bar_val >= limit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ bar_val = atomicAdd(&barrier.value[0], 0u);
+ i = i + 1u;
+ }
+ }
+ // Perform iterations of stress, depending on the specified pattern. Pattern 0 is store-store, pattern 1 is store-load,
+ // pattern 2 is load-store, and pattern 3 is load-load. The extra if condition (if tmpX > 100000u), is used to avoid
+ // the compiler optimizing out unused loads, where 100,000 is larger than the maximum number of stress iterations used
+ // in any test.
+ fn do_stress(iterations: u32, pattern: u32, workgroup_id: u32) {
+ let addr = scratch_locations.value[workgroup_id];
+ switch(pattern) {
+ case 0u: {
+ for(var i: u32 = 0u; i < iterations; i = i + 1u) {
+ scratchpad.value[addr] = i;
+ scratchpad.value[addr] = i + 1u;
+ }
+ }
+ case 1u: {
+ for(var i: u32 = 0u; i < iterations; i = i + 1u) {
+ scratchpad.value[addr] = i;
+ let tmp1: u32 = scratchpad.value[addr];
+ if (tmp1 > 100000u) {
+ scratchpad.value[addr] = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case 2u: {
+ for(var i: u32 = 0u; i < iterations; i = i + 1u) {
+ let tmp1: u32 = scratchpad.value[addr];
+ if (tmp1 > 100000u) {
+ scratchpad.value[addr] = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ scratchpad.value[addr] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ case 3u: {
+ for(var i: u32 = 0u; i < iterations; i = i + 1u) {
+ let tmp1: u32 = scratchpad.value[addr];
+ if (tmp1 > 100000u) {
+ scratchpad.value[addr] = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ let tmp2: u32 = scratchpad.value[addr];
+ if (tmp2 > 100000u) {
+ scratchpad.value[addr] = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Entry point to both test and result shaders. One-dimensional workgroup size is hardcoded to 256, until
+ * pipeline overridable constants are supported.
+ */
+const shaderEntryPoint = `
+ // Change to pipeline overridable constant when possible.
+ const workgroupXSize = 256u;
+ @compute @workgroup_size(workgroupXSize) fn main(
+ @builtin(local_invocation_id) local_invocation_id : vec3<u32>,
+ @builtin(workgroup_id) workgroup_id : vec3<u32>) {
+/** All test shaders first calculate the shuffled workgroup. */
+const testShaderCommonHeader = `
+ let shuffled_workgroup = shuffled_workgroups.value[workgroup_id[0]];
+ if (shuffled_workgroup < stress_params.testing_workgroups) {
+ * All test shaders must calculate addresses for memory locations used in the test. Not all these addresses are
+ * used in every test, but no test uses more than these addresses.
+ */
+const testShaderCommonCalculations = `
+ let x_0 = id_0 * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u;
+ let y_0 = permute_id(id_0, stress_params.permute_second, total_ids) * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u + stress_params.location_offset;
+ let x_1 = id_1 * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u;
+ let y_1 = permute_id(id_1, stress_params.permute_second, total_ids) * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u + stress_params.location_offset;
+ if (stress_params.pre_stress == 1u) {
+ do_stress(stress_params.pre_stress_iterations, stress_params.pre_stress_pattern, shuffled_workgroup);
+ }
+ * An inter-workgroup test calculates two sets of memory locations that are guaranteed to be in separate workgroups.
+ * If the bounded spin-loop barrier is called, it attempts to wait for all invocations in all workgroups.
+ */
+const interWorkgroupTestShaderCode = [
+ `
+ let total_ids = workgroupXSize * stress_params.testing_workgroups;
+ let id_0 = shuffled_workgroup * workgroupXSize + local_invocation_id[0];
+ let new_workgroup = stripe_workgroup(shuffled_workgroup, local_invocation_id[0]);
+ let id_1 = new_workgroup * workgroupXSize + permute_id(local_invocation_id[0], stress_params.permute_first, workgroupXSize);
+ testShaderCommonCalculations,
+ `
+ if (stress_params.do_barrier == 1u) {
+ spin(workgroupXSize * stress_params.testing_workgroups);
+ }
+ * An intra-workgroup test calculates two set of memory locations that are guaranteed to be in the same workgroup.
+ * If the bounded spin-loop barrier is called, it attempts to wait for all invocations in the same workgroup.
+ */
+const intraWorkgroupTestShaderCode = [
+ `
+ let total_ids = workgroupXSize;
+ let id_0 = local_invocation_id[0];
+ let id_1 = permute_id(local_invocation_id[0], stress_params.permute_first, workgroupXSize);
+ testShaderCommonCalculations,
+ `
+ if (stress_params.do_barrier == 1u) {
+ spin(workgroupXSize);
+ }
+ * Tests that operate on storage memory and communicate with invocations in the same workgroup must offset their locations
+ * relative to global memory.
+ */
+const storageIntraWorkgroupTestShaderCode = `
+ let total_ids = workgroupXSize;
+ let id_0 = local_invocation_id[0];
+ let id_1 = permute_id(local_invocation_id[0], stress_params.permute_first, workgroupXSize);
+ let x_0 = (shuffled_workgroup * workgroupXSize + id_0) * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u;
+ let y_0 = (shuffled_workgroup * workgroupXSize + permute_id(id_0, stress_params.permute_second, total_ids)) * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u + stress_params.location_offset;
+ let x_1 = (shuffled_workgroup * workgroupXSize + id_1) * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u;
+ let y_1 = (shuffled_workgroup * workgroupXSize + permute_id(id_1, stress_params.permute_second, total_ids)) * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u + stress_params.location_offset;
+ if (stress_params.pre_stress == 1u) {
+ do_stress(stress_params.pre_stress_iterations, stress_params.pre_stress_pattern, shuffled_workgroup);
+ }
+ if (stress_params.do_barrier == 1u) {
+ spin(workgroupXSize);
+ }
+/** All test shaders may perform stress with non-testing threads. */
+const testShaderCommonFooter = `
+ } else if (stress_params.mem_stress == 1u) {
+ do_stress(stress_params.mem_stress_iterations, stress_params.mem_stress_pattern, shuffled_workgroup);
+ }
+ }
+ * All result shaders must calculate memory locations used in the test. Not all these locations are
+ * used in every result shader, but no result shader uses more than these locations.
+ */
+const resultShaderCommonCalculations = `
+ let id_0 = workgroup_id[0] * workgroupXSize + local_invocation_id[0];
+ let x_0 = id_0 * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u;
+ let mem_x_0 = atomicLoad(&test_locations.value[x_0]);
+ let r0 = atomicLoad(&read_results.value[id_0].r0);
+ let r1 = atomicLoad(&read_results.value[id_0].r1);
+/** Common result shader code for an inter-workgroup test. */
+const interWorkgroupResultShaderCode = [
+ resultShaderCommonCalculations,
+ `
+ let total_ids = workgroupXSize * stress_params.testing_workgroups;
+ let y_0 = permute_id(id_0, stress_params.permute_second, total_ids) * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u + stress_params.location_offset;
+ let mem_y_0 = atomicLoad(&test_locations.value[y_0]);
+/** Common result shader code for an intra-workgroup test. */
+const intraWorkgroupResultShaderCode = [
+ resultShaderCommonCalculations,
+ `
+ let total_ids = workgroupXSize;
+ let y_0 = (workgroup_id[0] * workgroupXSize + permute_id(local_invocation_id[0], stress_params.permute_second, total_ids)) * stress_params.mem_stride * 2u + stress_params.location_offset;
+ let mem_y_0 = atomicLoad(&test_locations.value[y_0]);
+/** Ending bracket for result shaders. */
+const resultShaderCommonFooter = `
+/** The common shader code for test shaders that perform atomic storage class memory litmus tests. */
+const storageMemoryAtomicTestShaderCode = [
+ shaderMemStructures,
+ atomicTestShaderBindings,
+ memoryLocationFunctions,
+ testShaderFunctions,
+ shaderEntryPoint,
+ testShaderCommonHeader,
+/** The common shader code for test shaders that perform non-atomic storage class memory litmus tests. */
+const storageMemoryNonAtomicTestShaderCode = [
+ shaderMemStructures,
+ nonAtomicTestShaderBindings,
+ memoryLocationFunctions,
+ testShaderFunctions,
+ shaderEntryPoint,
+ testShaderCommonHeader,
+/** The common shader code for test shaders that perform atomic workgroup class memory litmus tests. */
+const workgroupMemoryAtomicTestShaderCode = [
+ shaderMemStructures,
+ atomicTestShaderBindings,
+ atomicWorkgroupMemory,
+ memoryLocationFunctions,
+ testShaderFunctions,
+ shaderEntryPoint,
+ testShaderCommonHeader,
+/** The common shader code for test shaders that perform non-atomic workgroup class memory litmus tests. */
+const workgroupMemoryNonAtomicTestShaderCode = [
+ shaderMemStructures,
+ nonAtomicTestShaderBindings,
+ nonAtomicWorkgroupMemory,
+ memoryLocationFunctions,
+ testShaderFunctions,
+ shaderEntryPoint,
+ testShaderCommonHeader,
+/** The common shader code for all result shaders. */
+const resultShaderCommonCode = [
+ shaderMemStructures,
+ resultShaderBindings,
+ memoryLocationFunctions,
+ shaderEntryPoint,
+ * Defines the types of possible memory a test is operating on. Used as part of the process of building shader code from
+ * its composite parts.
+ */
+export enum MemoryType {
+ /** Atomic memory in the storage address space. */
+ AtomicStorageClass = 'atomic_storage',
+ /** Non-atomic memory in the storage address space. */
+ NonAtomicStorageClass = 'non_atomic_storage',
+ /** Atomic memory in the workgroup address space. */
+ AtomicWorkgroupClass = 'atomic_workgroup',
+ /** Non-atomic memory in the workgroup address space. */
+ NonAtomicWorkgroupClass = 'non_atomic_workgroup',
+ * Defines the relative positions of two invocations coordinating on a test. Used as part of the process of building shader
+ * code from its composite parts.
+ */
+export enum TestType {
+ /** A test consists of two invocations in different workgroups. */
+ InterWorkgroup = 'inter_workgroup',
+ /** A test consists of two invocations in the same workgroup. */
+ IntraWorkgroup = 'intra_workgroup',
+/** Defines the number of behaviors a test may have. */
+export enum ResultType {
+ TwoBehavior,
+ FourBehavior,
+ * Given test code that performs the actual sequence of loads and stores, as well as a memory type and test type, returns
+ * a complete test shader.
+ */
+export function buildTestShader(
+ testCode: string,
+ memoryType: MemoryType,
+ testType: TestType
+): string {
+ let memoryTypeCode;
+ let isStorageAS = false;
+ switch (memoryType) {
+ case MemoryType.AtomicStorageClass:
+ memoryTypeCode = storageMemoryAtomicTestShaderCode;
+ isStorageAS = true;
+ break;
+ case MemoryType.NonAtomicStorageClass:
+ memoryTypeCode = storageMemoryNonAtomicTestShaderCode;
+ isStorageAS = true;
+ break;
+ case MemoryType.AtomicWorkgroupClass:
+ memoryTypeCode = workgroupMemoryAtomicTestShaderCode;
+ break;
+ case MemoryType.NonAtomicWorkgroupClass:
+ memoryTypeCode = workgroupMemoryNonAtomicTestShaderCode;
+ }
+ let testTypeCode;
+ switch (testType) {
+ case TestType.InterWorkgroup:
+ testTypeCode = interWorkgroupTestShaderCode;
+ break;
+ case TestType.IntraWorkgroup:
+ if (isStorageAS) {
+ testTypeCode = storageIntraWorkgroupTestShaderCode;
+ } else {
+ testTypeCode = intraWorkgroupTestShaderCode;
+ }
+ }
+ return [memoryTypeCode, testTypeCode, testCode, testShaderCommonFooter].join('\n');
+ * Given result code that aggregates the possible behaviors of a test across all instances, as well as a test type and
+ * number of behaviors, returns a complete result shader.
+ */
+export function buildResultShader(
+ resultCode: string,
+ testType: TestType,
+ resultType: ResultType
+): string {
+ let resultStructure;
+ switch (resultType) {
+ case ResultType.TwoBehavior:
+ resultStructure = twoBehaviorTestResultStructure;
+ break;
+ case ResultType.FourBehavior:
+ resultStructure = fourBehaviorTestResultStructure;
+ }
+ let testTypeCode;
+ switch (testType) {
+ case TestType.InterWorkgroup:
+ testTypeCode = interWorkgroupResultShaderCode;
+ break;
+ case TestType.IntraWorkgroup:
+ testTypeCode = intraWorkgroupResultShaderCode;
+ }
+ return [
+ resultStructure,
+ resultShaderCommonCode,
+ testTypeCode,
+ resultCode,
+ resultShaderCommonFooter,
+ ].join('\n');