path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/f32_interval.ts
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1 files changed, 2136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/f32_interval.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/f32_interval.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f74ff543cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/f32_interval.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2136 @@
+import { assert, unreachable } from '../../common/util/util.js';
+import { Float16Array } from '../../external/petamoriken/float16/float16.js';
+import { kValue } from './constants.js';
+import { reinterpretF32AsU32, reinterpretU32AsF32 } from './conversion.js';
+import {
+ calculatePermutations,
+ cartesianProduct,
+ correctlyRoundedF16,
+ correctlyRoundedF32,
+ flushSubnormalNumberF32,
+ isFiniteF16,
+ isFiniteF32,
+ isSubnormalNumberF16,
+ isSubnormalNumberF32,
+ oneULP,
+} from './math.js';
+ * Representation of bounds for an interval as an array with either one or two
+ * elements. Single element indicates that the interval is a single point. For
+ * two elements, the first is the lower bound of the interval and the second is
+ * the upper bound.
+ */
+export type IntervalBounds = [number] | [number, number];
+/** Represents a closed interval in the f32 range */
+export class F32Interval {
+ public readonly begin: number;
+ public readonly end: number;
+ private static _any: F32Interval;
+ /** Constructor
+ *
+ * `toF32Interval` is the preferred way to create F32Intervals
+ *
+ * @param bounds either a pair of numbers indicating the beginning then the
+ * end of the interval, or a single element array indicating the
+ * interval is a point
+ */
+ public constructor(...bounds: IntervalBounds) {
+ const [begin, end] = bounds.length === 2 ? bounds : [bounds[0], bounds[0]];
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(begin) && !Number.isNaN(end), `bounds need to be non-NaN`);
+ assert(begin <= end, `bounds[0] (${begin}) must be less than or equal to bounds[1] (${end})`);
+ this.begin = begin;
+ this.end = end;
+ }
+ /** @returns begin and end if non-point interval, otherwise just begin */
+ public bounds(): IntervalBounds {
+ return this.isPoint() ? [this.begin] : [this.begin, this.end];
+ }
+ /** @returns if a point or interval is completely contained by this interval */
+ public contains(n: number | F32Interval): boolean {
+ if (Number.isNaN(n)) {
+ // Being the any interval indicates that accuracy is not defined for this
+ // test, so the test is just checking that this input doesn't cause the
+ // implementation to misbehave, so NaN is accepted.
+ return this.begin === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY && this.end === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ const i = toF32Interval(n);
+ return this.begin <= i.begin && this.end >= i.end;
+ }
+ /** @returns if any values in the interval may be flushed to zero, this
+ * includes any subnormals and zero itself.
+ */
+ public containsZeroOrSubnormals(): boolean {
+ return !(
+ this.end < kValue.f32.subnormal.negative.min || this.begin > kValue.f32.subnormal.positive.max
+ );
+ }
+ /** @returns if this interval contains a single point */
+ public isPoint(): boolean {
+ return this.begin === this.end;
+ }
+ /** @returns if this interval only contains f32 finite values */
+ public isFinite(): boolean {
+ return isFiniteF32(this.begin) && isFiniteF32(this.end);
+ }
+ /** @returns an interval with the tightest bounds that includes all provided intervals */
+ static span(...intervals: F32Interval[]): F32Interval {
+ assert(intervals.length > 0, `span of an empty list of F32Intervals is not allowed`);
+ let begin = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ let end = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ intervals.forEach(i => {
+ begin = Math.min(i.begin, begin);
+ end = Math.max(i.end, end);
+ });
+ return new F32Interval(begin, end);
+ }
+ /** @returns a string representation for logging purposes */
+ public toString(): string {
+ return `[${this.bounds()}]`;
+ }
+ /** @returns a singleton for interval of all possible values
+ * This interval is used in situations where accuracy is not defined, so any
+ * result is valid.
+ */
+ public static any(): F32Interval {
+ if (this._any === undefined) {
+ this._any = new F32Interval(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
+ }
+ return this._any;
+ }
+ * SerializedF32Interval holds the serialized form of a F32Interval.
+ * This form can be safely encoded to JSON.
+ */
+export type SerializedF32Interval = { begin: number; end: number } | 'any';
+/** serializeF32Interval() converts a F32Interval to a SerializedF32Interval */
+export function serializeF32Interval(i: F32Interval): SerializedF32Interval {
+ return i === F32Interval.any()
+ ? 'any'
+ : { begin: reinterpretF32AsU32(i.begin), end: reinterpretF32AsU32(i.end) };
+/** serializeF32Interval() converts a SerializedF32Interval to a F32Interval */
+export function deserializeF32Interval(data: SerializedF32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return data === 'any'
+ ? F32Interval.any()
+ : toF32Interval([reinterpretU32AsF32(data.begin), reinterpretU32AsF32(data.end)]);
+/** @returns an interval containing the point or the original interval */
+export function toF32Interval(n: number | IntervalBounds | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ if (n instanceof F32Interval) {
+ return n;
+ }
+ if (n instanceof Array) {
+ return new F32Interval(...n);
+ }
+ return new F32Interval(n, n);
+/** F32Interval of [-π, π] */
+const kNegPiToPiInterval = toF32Interval([
+ kValue.f32.negative.pi.whole,
+ kValue.f32.positive.pi.whole,
+/** F32Interval of values greater than 0 and less than or equal to f32 max */
+const kGreaterThanZeroInterval = toF32Interval([
+ kValue.f32.subnormal.positive.min,
+ kValue.f32.positive.max,
+/** Representation of a vec2/3/4 of floating point intervals as an array of F32Intervals */
+export type F32Vector =
+ | [F32Interval, F32Interval]
+ | [F32Interval, F32Interval, F32Interval]
+ | [F32Interval, F32Interval, F32Interval, F32Interval];
+/** Coerce F32Interval[] to F32Vector if possible */
+function isF32Vector(v: number[] | IntervalBounds[] | F32Interval[] | F32Vector): v is F32Vector {
+ if (v[0] instanceof F32Interval) {
+ return v.length === 2 || v.length === 3 || v.length === 4;
+ }
+ return false;
+/** @returns an F32Vector representation of an array fo F32Intervals if possible */
+export function toF32Vector(v: number[] | IntervalBounds[] | F32Interval[] | F32Vector): F32Vector {
+ if (isF32Vector(v)) {
+ return v;
+ }
+ const f =;
+ if (isF32Vector(f)) {
+ return f;
+ }
+ unreachable(`Cannot convert [${v}] to F32Vector`);
+/** F32Vector with all zero elements */
+const kZeroVector = {
+ 2: toF32Vector([0, 0]),
+ 3: toF32Vector([0, 0, 0]),
+ 4: toF32Vector([0, 0, 0, 0]),
+/** F32Vector with all F32Interval.any() elements */
+const kAnyVector = {
+ 2: toF32Vector([F32Interval.any(), F32Interval.any()]),
+ 3: toF32Vector([F32Interval.any(), F32Interval.any(), F32Interval.any()]),
+ 4: toF32Vector([F32Interval.any(), F32Interval.any(), F32Interval.any(), F32Interval.any()]),
+ * @returns a F32Vector where each element is the span for corresponding
+ * elements at the same index in the input vectors
+ */
+function spanF32Vector(...vectors: F32Vector[]): F32Vector {
+ const vector_length = vectors[0].length;
+ assert(
+ vectors.every(e => e.length === vector_length),
+ `Vector span is not defined for vectors of differing lengths`
+ );
+ // The outer map is doing the walk across a single F32Vector to get the indices to use.
+ // The inner map is doing the walk across the of the vector array, collecting the value of each vector at the
+ // index, then spanning them down to a single F32Interval.
+ // The toF32Vector coerces things at the end to be a F32Vector, because the outer .map() will actually return a
+ // F32Interval[]
+ return toF32Vector(
+ vectors[0].map((_, idx) => {
+ return F32Interval.span( => v[idx]));
+ })
+ );
+ * @retuns the vector result of multiplying the given vector by the given scalar
+ */
+function multiplyVectorByScalar(v: number[], c: number | F32Interval): F32Vector {
+ return toF32Vector( => multiplicationInterval(x, c)));
+ * @returns the input plus zero if any of the entries are f32 subnormal,
+ * otherwise returns the input.
+ */
+function addFlushedIfNeededF32(values: number[]): number[] {
+ return values.some(v => v !== 0 && isSubnormalNumberF32(v)) ? values.concat(0) : values;
+ * @returns the input plus zero if any of the entries are f16 subnormal,
+ * otherwise returns the input
+ */
+function addFlushedIfNeededF16(values: number[]): number[] {
+ return values.some(v => v !== 0 && isSubnormalNumberF16(v)) ? values.concat(0) : values;
+ * A function that converts a point to an acceptance interval.
+ * This is the public facing API for builtin implementations that is called
+ * from tests.
+ */
+export interface PointToInterval {
+ (x: number): F32Interval;
+/** Operation used to implement a PointToInterval */
+export interface PointToIntervalOp {
+ /** @returns acceptance interval for a function at point x */
+ impl: PointToInterval;
+ /**
+ * Calculates where in the domain defined by x the min/max extrema of impl
+ * occur and returns a span of those points to be used as the domain instead.
+ *
+ * Used by runPointToIntervalOp before invoking impl.
+ * If not defined, the bounds of the existing domain are assumed to be the
+ * extrema.
+ *
+ * This is only implemented for operations that meet all of the following
+ * criteria:
+ * a) non-monotonic
+ * b) used in inherited accuracy calculations
+ * c) need to take in an interval for b)
+ * i.e. fooInterval takes in x: number | F32Interval, not x: number
+ */
+ extrema?: (x: F32Interval) => F32Interval;
+ * Restrict the inputs to an PointToInterval operation
+ *
+ * Only used for operations that have tighter domain requirements than 'must be
+ * f32 finite'.
+ *
+ * @param domain interval to restrict inputs to
+ * @param impl operation implementation to run if input is within the required domain
+ * @returns a PointToInterval that calls impl if domain contains the input,
+ * otherwise it returns the any() interval */
+function limitPointToIntervalDomain(domain: F32Interval, impl: PointToInterval): PointToInterval {
+ return (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return domain.contains(n) ? impl(n) : F32Interval.any();
+ };
+ * A function that converts a pair of points to an acceptance interval.
+ * This is the public facing API for builtin implementations that is called
+ * from tests.
+ */
+export interface BinaryToInterval {
+ (x: number, y: number): F32Interval;
+/** Operation used to implement a BinaryToInterval */
+interface BinaryToIntervalOp {
+ /** @returns acceptance interval for a function at point (x, y) */
+ impl: BinaryToInterval;
+ /**
+ * Calculates where in domain defined by x & y the min/max extrema of impl
+ * occur and returns spans of those points to be used as the domain instead.
+ *
+ * Used by runBinaryToIntervalOp before invoking impl.
+ * If not defined, the bounds of the existing domain are assumed to be the
+ * extrema.
+ *
+ * This is only implemented for functions that meet all of the following
+ * criteria:
+ * a) non-monotonic
+ * b) used in inherited accuracy calculations
+ * c) need to take in an interval for b)
+ */
+ extrema?: (x: F32Interval, y: F32Interval) => [F32Interval, F32Interval];
+/** Domain for a BinaryToInterval implementation */
+interface BinaryToIntervalDomain {
+ // Arrays to support discrete valid domain intervals
+ x: F32Interval[];
+ y: F32Interval[];
+ * Restrict the inputs to a BinaryToInterval
+ *
+ * Only used for operations that have tighter domain requirements than 'must be
+ * f32 finite'.
+ *
+ * @param domain set of intervals to restrict inputs to
+ * @param impl operation implementation to run if input is within the required domain
+ * @returns a BinaryToInterval that calls impl if domain contains the input,
+ * otherwise it returns the any() interval */
+function limitBinaryToIntervalDomain(
+ domain: BinaryToIntervalDomain,
+ impl: BinaryToInterval
+): BinaryToInterval {
+ return (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ if (!domain.x.some(d => d.contains(x)) || !domain.y.some(d => d.contains(y))) {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ }
+ return impl(x, y);
+ };
+ * A function that converts a triplet of points to an acceptance interval.
+ * This is the public facing API for builtin implementations that is called
+ * from tests.
+ */
+export interface TernaryToInterval {
+ (x: number, y: number, z: number): F32Interval;
+/** Operation used to implement a TernaryToInterval */
+interface TernaryToIntervalOp {
+ // Re-using the *Op interface pattern for symmetry with the other operations.
+ /** @returns acceptance interval for a function at point (x, y, z) */
+ impl: TernaryToInterval;
+// Currently PointToVector is not integrated with the rest of the floating point
+// framework, because the only builtins that use it are actually
+// u32 -> [f32, f32, f32, f32] functions, so the whole rounding and interval
+// process doesn't get applied to the inputs.
+// They do use the framework internally by invoking divisionInterval on segments
+// of the input.
+ * A function that converts a point to a vector of acceptance intervals.
+ * This is the public facing API for builtin implementations that is called
+ * from tests.
+ */
+export interface PointToVector {
+ (n: number): F32Vector;
+ * A function that converts a vector to an acceptance interval.
+ * This is the public facing API for builtin implementations that is called
+ * from tests.
+ */
+export interface VectorToInterval {
+ (x: number[]): F32Interval;
+/** Operation used to implement a VectorToInterval */
+interface VectorToIntervalOp {
+ // Re-using the *Op interface pattern for symmetry with the other operations.
+ /** @returns acceptance interval for a function on vector x */
+ impl: VectorToInterval;
+ * A function that converts a pair of vectors to an acceptance interval.
+ * This is the public facing API for builtin implementations that is called
+ * from tests.
+ */
+export interface VectorPairToInterval {
+ (x: number[], y: number[]): F32Interval;
+/** Operation used to implement a VectorPairToInterval */
+interface VectorPairToIntervalOp {
+ // Re-using the *Op interface pattern for symmetry with the other operations.
+ /** @returns acceptance interval for a function on vectors (x, y) */
+ impl: VectorPairToInterval;
+ * A function that converts a vector to a vector of acceptance intervals.
+ * This is the public facing API for builtin implementations that is called
+ * from tests.
+ */
+export interface VectorToVector {
+ (x: number[]): F32Vector;
+/** Operation used to implement a VectorToVector */
+interface VectorToVectorOp {
+ // Re-using the *Op interface pattern for symmetry with the other operations.
+ /** @returns a vector of acceptance intervals for a function on vector x */
+ impl: VectorToVector;
+ * A function that converts a pair of vectors to a vector of acceptance
+ * intervals.
+ * This is the public facing API for builtin implementations that is called
+ * from tests.
+ */
+export interface VectorPairToVector {
+ (x: number[], y: number[]): F32Vector;
+/** Operation used to implement a VectorPairToVector */
+interface VectorPairToVectorOp {
+ // Re-using the *Op interface pattern for symmetry with the other operations.
+ /** @returns a vector of acceptance intervals for a function on vectors (x, y) */
+ impl: VectorPairToVector;
+/** Converts a point to an acceptance interval, using a specific function
+ *
+ * This handles correctly rounding and flushing inputs as needed.
+ * Duplicate inputs are pruned before invoking op.impl.
+ * op.extrema is invoked before this point in the call stack.
+ * op.domain is tested before this point in the call stack.
+ *
+ * @param n value to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function roundAndFlushPointToInterval(n: number, op: PointToIntervalOp) {
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(n), `flush not defined for NaN`);
+ const values = correctlyRoundedF32(n);
+ const inputs = addFlushedIfNeededF32(values);
+ const results = new Set<F32Interval>(;
+ return F32Interval.span(...results);
+/** Converts a pair to an acceptance interval, using a specific function
+ *
+ * This handles correctly rounding and flushing inputs as needed.
+ * Duplicate inputs are pruned before invoking op.impl.
+ * All unique combinations of x & y are run.
+ * op.extrema is invoked before this point in the call stack.
+ * op.domain is tested before this point in the call stack.
+ *
+ * @param x first param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param y second param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function roundAndFlushBinaryToInterval(x: number, y: number, op: BinaryToIntervalOp): F32Interval {
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(x), `flush not defined for NaN`);
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(y), `flush not defined for NaN`);
+ const x_values = correctlyRoundedF32(x);
+ const y_values = correctlyRoundedF32(y);
+ const x_inputs = addFlushedIfNeededF32(x_values);
+ const y_inputs = addFlushedIfNeededF32(y_values);
+ const intervals = new Set<F32Interval>();
+ x_inputs.forEach(inner_x => {
+ y_inputs.forEach(inner_y => {
+ intervals.add(op.impl(inner_x, inner_y));
+ });
+ });
+ return F32Interval.span(...intervals);
+/** Converts a triplet to an acceptance interval, using a specific function
+ *
+ * This handles correctly rounding and flushing inputs as needed.
+ * Duplicate inputs are pruned before invoking op.impl.
+ * All unique combinations of x, y & z are run.
+ *
+ * @param x first param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param y second param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param z third param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function roundAndFlushTernaryToInterval(
+ x: number,
+ y: number,
+ z: number,
+ op: TernaryToIntervalOp
+): F32Interval {
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(x), `flush not defined for NaN`);
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(y), `flush not defined for NaN`);
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(z), `flush not defined for NaN`);
+ const x_values = correctlyRoundedF32(x);
+ const y_values = correctlyRoundedF32(y);
+ const z_values = correctlyRoundedF32(z);
+ const x_inputs = addFlushedIfNeededF32(x_values);
+ const y_inputs = addFlushedIfNeededF32(y_values);
+ const z_inputs = addFlushedIfNeededF32(z_values);
+ const intervals = new Set<F32Interval>();
+ // prettier-ignore
+ x_inputs.forEach(inner_x => {
+ y_inputs.forEach(inner_y => {
+ z_inputs.forEach(inner_z => {
+ intervals.add(op.impl(inner_x, inner_y, inner_z));
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ return F32Interval.span(...intervals);
+/** Converts a vector to an acceptance interval using a specific function
+ *
+ * This handles correctly rounding and flushing inputs as needed.
+ * Duplicate inputs are pruned before invoking op.impl.
+ *
+ * @param x param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function roundAndFlushVectorToInterval(x: number[], op: VectorToIntervalOp): F32Interval {
+ assert(
+ x.every(e => !Number.isNaN(e)),
+ `flush not defined for NaN`
+ );
+ const x_rounded: number[][] =;
+ const x_flushed: number[][] =;
+ const x_inputs = cartesianProduct<number>(...x_flushed);
+ const intervals = new Set<F32Interval>();
+ x_inputs.forEach(inner_x => {
+ intervals.add(op.impl(inner_x));
+ });
+ return F32Interval.span(...intervals);
+/** Converts a pair of vectors to an acceptance interval using a specific function
+ *
+ * This handles correctly rounding and flushing inputs as needed.
+ * Duplicate inputs are pruned before invoking op.impl.
+ * All unique combinations of x & y are run.
+ *
+ * @param x first param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param y second param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function roundAndFlushVectorPairToInterval(
+ x: number[],
+ y: number[],
+ op: VectorPairToIntervalOp
+): F32Interval {
+ assert(
+ x.every(e => !Number.isNaN(e)),
+ `flush not defined for NaN`
+ );
+ assert(
+ y.every(e => !Number.isNaN(e)),
+ `flush not defined for NaN`
+ );
+ const x_rounded: number[][] =;
+ const y_rounded: number[][] =;
+ const x_flushed: number[][] =;
+ const y_flushed: number[][] =;
+ const x_inputs = cartesianProduct<number>(...x_flushed);
+ const y_inputs = cartesianProduct<number>(...y_flushed);
+ const intervals = new Set<F32Interval>();
+ x_inputs.forEach(inner_x => {
+ y_inputs.forEach(inner_y => {
+ intervals.add(op.impl(inner_x, inner_y));
+ });
+ });
+ return F32Interval.span(...intervals);
+/** Converts a vector to a vector of acceptance intervals using a specific
+ * function
+ *
+ * This handles correctly rounding and flushing inputs as needed.
+ * Duplicate inputs are pruned before invoking op.impl.
+ *
+ * @param x param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a vector of spans for each outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function roundAndFlushVectorToVector(x: number[], op: VectorToVectorOp): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ x.every(e => !Number.isNaN(e)),
+ `flush not defined for NaN`
+ );
+ const x_rounded: number[][] =;
+ const x_flushed: number[][] =;
+ const x_inputs = cartesianProduct<number>(...x_flushed);
+ const interval_vectors = new Set<F32Vector>();
+ x_inputs.forEach(inner_x => {
+ interval_vectors.add(op.impl(inner_x));
+ });
+ return spanF32Vector(...interval_vectors);
+ * Converts a pair of vectors to a vector of acceptance intervals using a
+ * specific function
+ *
+ * This handles correctly rounding and flushing inputs as needed.
+ * Duplicate inputs are pruned before invoking op.impl.
+ *
+ * @param x first param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param x second param to flush & round then invoke op.impl on
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a vector of spans for each output of op.impl
+ */
+function roundAndFlushVectorPairToVector(
+ x: number[],
+ y: number[],
+ op: VectorPairToVectorOp
+): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ x.every(e => !Number.isNaN(e)),
+ `flush not defined for NaN`
+ );
+ assert(
+ y.every(e => !Number.isNaN(e)),
+ `flush not defined for NaN`
+ );
+ const x_rounded: number[][] =;
+ const y_rounded: number[][] =;
+ const x_flushed: number[][] =;
+ const y_flushed: number[][] =;
+ const x_inputs = cartesianProduct<number>(...x_flushed);
+ const y_inputs = cartesianProduct<number>(...y_flushed);
+ const interval_vectors = new Set<F32Vector>();
+ x_inputs.forEach(inner_x => {
+ y_inputs.forEach(inner_y => {
+ interval_vectors.add(op.impl(inner_x, inner_y));
+ });
+ });
+ return spanF32Vector(...interval_vectors);
+/** Calculate the acceptance interval for a unary function over an interval
+ *
+ * If the interval is actually a point, this just decays to
+ * roundAndFlushPointToInterval.
+ *
+ * The provided domain interval may be adjusted if the operation defines an
+ * extrema function.
+ *
+ * @param x input domain interval
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runPointToIntervalOp(x: F32Interval, op: PointToIntervalOp): F32Interval {
+ if (!x.isFinite()) {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ }
+ if (op.extrema !== undefined) {
+ x = op.extrema(x);
+ }
+ const result = F32Interval.span(...x.bounds().map(b => roundAndFlushPointToInterval(b, op)));
+ return result.isFinite() ? result : F32Interval.any();
+/** Calculate the acceptance interval for a binary function over an interval
+ *
+ * The provided domain intervals may be adjusted if the operation defines an
+ * extrema function.
+ *
+ * @param x first input domain interval
+ * @param y second input domain interval
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runBinaryToIntervalOp(
+ x: F32Interval,
+ y: F32Interval,
+ op: BinaryToIntervalOp
+): F32Interval {
+ if (!x.isFinite() || !y.isFinite()) {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ }
+ if (op.extrema !== undefined) {
+ [x, y] = op.extrema(x, y);
+ }
+ const outputs = new Set<F32Interval>();
+ x.bounds().forEach(inner_x => {
+ y.bounds().forEach(inner_y => {
+ outputs.add(roundAndFlushBinaryToInterval(inner_x, inner_y, op));
+ });
+ });
+ const result = F32Interval.span(...outputs);
+ return result.isFinite() ? result : F32Interval.any();
+/** Calculate the acceptance interval for a ternary function over an interval
+ *
+ * @param x first input domain interval
+ * @param y second input domain interval
+ * @param z third input domain interval
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runTernaryToIntervalOp(
+ x: F32Interval,
+ y: F32Interval,
+ z: F32Interval,
+ op: TernaryToIntervalOp
+): F32Interval {
+ if (!x.isFinite() || !y.isFinite() || !z.isFinite()) {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ }
+ const outputs = new Set<F32Interval>();
+ x.bounds().forEach(inner_x => {
+ y.bounds().forEach(inner_y => {
+ z.bounds().forEach(inner_z => {
+ outputs.add(roundAndFlushTernaryToInterval(inner_x, inner_y, inner_z, op));
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ const result = F32Interval.span(...outputs);
+ return result.isFinite() ? result : F32Interval.any();
+/** Calculate the acceptance interval for a vector function over given intervals
+ *
+ * @param x input domain intervals vector
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runVectorToIntervalOp(x: F32Vector, op: VectorToIntervalOp): F32Interval {
+ if (x.some(e => !e.isFinite())) {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ }
+ const x_values = cartesianProduct<number>( => e.bounds()));
+ const outputs = new Set<F32Interval>();
+ x_values.forEach(inner_x => {
+ outputs.add(roundAndFlushVectorToInterval(inner_x, op));
+ });
+ const result = F32Interval.span(...outputs);
+ return result.isFinite() ? result : F32Interval.any();
+/** Calculate the acceptance interval for a vector pair function over given intervals
+ *
+ * @param x first input domain intervals vector
+ * @param y second input domain intervals vector
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a span over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runVectorPairToIntervalOp(
+ x: F32Vector,
+ y: F32Vector,
+ op: VectorPairToIntervalOp
+): F32Interval {
+ if (x.some(e => !e.isFinite()) || y.some(e => !e.isFinite())) {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ }
+ const x_values = cartesianProduct<number>( => e.bounds()));
+ const y_values = cartesianProduct<number>( => e.bounds()));
+ const outputs = new Set<F32Interval>();
+ x_values.forEach(inner_x => {
+ y_values.forEach(inner_y => {
+ outputs.add(roundAndFlushVectorPairToInterval(inner_x, inner_y, op));
+ });
+ });
+ const result = F32Interval.span(...outputs);
+ return result.isFinite() ? result : F32Interval.any();
+/** Calculate the vector of acceptance intervals for a pair of vector function over
+ * given intervals
+ *
+ * @param x input domain intervals vector
+ * @param x input domain intervals vector
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a vector of spans over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runVectorToVectorOp(x: F32Vector, op: VectorToVectorOp): F32Vector {
+ if (x.some(e => !e.isFinite())) {
+ return kAnyVector[x.length];
+ }
+ const x_values = cartesianProduct<number>( => e.bounds()));
+ const outputs = new Set<F32Vector>();
+ x_values.forEach(inner_x => {
+ outputs.add(roundAndFlushVectorToVector(inner_x, op));
+ });
+ const result = spanF32Vector(...outputs);
+ return result.every(e => e.isFinite()) ? result : toF32Vector( => F32Interval.any()));
+ * Calculate the vector of acceptance intervals by running a scalar operation
+ * component-wise over a vector.
+ *
+ * This is used for situations where a component-wise operation, like vector
+ * negation, is needed as part of a inherited accuracy, but the top-level
+ * operation test don't require an explicit vector definition of the function,
+ * due to the generated vectorize tests being sufficient.
+ *
+ * @param x input domain intervals vector
+ * @param op scalar operation to be run component-wise
+ * @returns a vector of intervals with the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runPointToIntervalOpComponentWise(x: F32Vector, op: PointToIntervalOp): F32Vector {
+ return toF32Vector(
+ => {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(i, op);
+ })
+ );
+/** Calculate the vector of acceptance intervals for a vector function over
+ * given intervals
+ *
+ * @param x first input domain intervals vector
+ * @param y second input domain intervals vector
+ * @param op operation defining the function being run
+ * @returns a vector of spans over all of the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runVectorPairToVectorOp(x: F32Vector, y: F32Vector, op: VectorPairToVectorOp): F32Vector {
+ if (x.some(e => !e.isFinite()) || y.some(e => !e.isFinite())) {
+ return kAnyVector[x.length];
+ }
+ const x_values = cartesianProduct<number>( => e.bounds()));
+ const y_values = cartesianProduct<number>( => e.bounds()));
+ const outputs = new Set<F32Vector>();
+ x_values.forEach(inner_x => {
+ y_values.forEach(inner_y => {
+ outputs.add(roundAndFlushVectorPairToVector(inner_x, inner_y, op));
+ });
+ });
+ const result = spanF32Vector(...outputs);
+ return result.every(e => e.isFinite()) ? result : toF32Vector( => F32Interval.any()));
+ * Calculate the vector of acceptance intervals by running a scalar operation
+ * component-wise over a pair vectors.
+ *
+ * This is used for situations where a component-wise operation, like vector
+ * subtraction, is needed as part of a inherited accuracy, but the top-level
+ * operation test don't require an explicit vector definition of the function,
+ * due to the generated vectorize tests being sufficient.
+ *
+ * @param x first input domain intervals vector
+ * @param y second input domain intervals vector
+ * @param op scalar operation to be run component-wise
+ * @returns a vector of intervals with the outputs of op.impl
+ */
+function runBinaryToIntervalOpComponentWise(
+ x: F32Vector,
+ y: F32Vector,
+ op: BinaryToIntervalOp
+): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ x.length === y.length,
+ `runBinaryToIntervalOpComponentWise requires vectors of the same length`
+ );
+ return toF32Vector(
+, idx) => {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(i, y[idx], op);
+ })
+ );
+/** Defines a PointToIntervalOp for an interval of the correctly rounded values around the point */
+const CorrectlyRoundedIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number) => {
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(n), `absolute not defined for NaN`);
+ return toF32Interval(n);
+ },
+/** @returns an interval of the correctly rounded values around the point */
+export function correctlyRoundedInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), CorrectlyRoundedIntervalOp);
+/** @returns a PointToIntervalOp for [n - error_range, n + error_range] */
+function AbsoluteErrorIntervalOp(error_range: number): PointToIntervalOp {
+ const op: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (_: number) => {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ },
+ };
+ if (isFiniteF32(error_range)) {
+ op.impl = (n: number) => {
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(n), `absolute error not defined for NaN`);
+ return toF32Interval([n - error_range, n + error_range]);
+ };
+ }
+ return op;
+/** @returns an interval of the absolute error around the point */
+export function absoluteErrorInterval(n: number, error_range: number): F32Interval {
+ error_range = Math.abs(error_range);
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), AbsoluteErrorIntervalOp(error_range));
+/** @returns a PointToIntervalOp for [n - numULP * ULP(n), n + numULP * ULP(n)] */
+function ULPIntervalOp(numULP: number): PointToIntervalOp {
+ const op: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (_: number) => {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ },
+ };
+ if (isFiniteF32(numULP)) {
+ op.impl = (n: number) => {
+ assert(!Number.isNaN(n), `ULP error not defined for NaN`);
+ const ulp = oneULP(n);
+ const begin = n - numULP * ulp;
+ const end = n + numULP * ulp;
+ return toF32Interval([
+ Math.min(begin, flushSubnormalNumberF32(begin)),
+ Math.max(end, flushSubnormalNumberF32(end)),
+ ]);
+ };
+ }
+ return op;
+/** @returns an interval of N * ULP around the point */
+export function ulpInterval(n: number, numULP: number): F32Interval {
+ numULP = Math.abs(numULP);
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), ULPIntervalOp(numULP));
+const AbsIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number) => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(Math.abs(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval for abs(n) */
+export function absInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), AbsIntervalOp);
+const AcosIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitPointToIntervalDomain(toF32Interval([-1.0, 1.0]), (n: number) => {
+ // acos(n) = atan2(sqrt(1.0 - n * n), n)
+ const y = sqrtInterval(subtractionInterval(1, multiplicationInterval(n, n)));
+ return atan2Interval(y, n);
+ }),
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval for acos(n) */
+export function acosInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), AcosIntervalOp);
+/** All acceptance interval functions for acosh(x) */
+export const acoshIntervals: PointToInterval[] = [acoshAlternativeInterval, acoshPrimaryInterval];
+const AcoshAlternativeIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number): F32Interval => {
+ // acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt((x + 1.0f) * (x - 1.0)))
+ const inner_value = multiplicationInterval(
+ additionInterval(x, 1.0),
+ subtractionInterval(x, 1.0)
+ );
+ const sqrt_value = sqrtInterval(inner_value);
+ return logInterval(additionInterval(x, sqrt_value));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of acosh(x) using log(x + sqrt((x + 1.0f) * (x - 1.0))) */
+export function acoshAlternativeInterval(x: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), AcoshAlternativeIntervalOp);
+const AcoshPrimaryIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number): F32Interval => {
+ // acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x * x - 1.0))
+ const inner_value = subtractionInterval(multiplicationInterval(x, x), 1.0);
+ const sqrt_value = sqrtInterval(inner_value);
+ return logInterval(additionInterval(x, sqrt_value));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of acosh(x) using log(x + sqrt(x * x - 1.0)) */
+export function acoshPrimaryInterval(x: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), AcoshPrimaryIntervalOp);
+const AdditionIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(x + y);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of x + y */
+export function additionInterval(x: number | F32Interval, y: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), AdditionIntervalOp);
+const AsinIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitPointToIntervalDomain(toF32Interval([-1.0, 1.0]), (n: number) => {
+ // asin(n) = atan2(n, sqrt(1.0 - n * n))
+ const x = sqrtInterval(subtractionInterval(1, multiplicationInterval(n, n)));
+ return atan2Interval(n, x);
+ }),
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval for asin(n) */
+export function asinInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), AsinIntervalOp);
+const AsinhIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number): F32Interval => {
+ // asinh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x * x + 1.0))
+ const inner_value = additionInterval(multiplicationInterval(x, x), 1.0);
+ const sqrt_value = sqrtInterval(inner_value);
+ return logInterval(additionInterval(x, sqrt_value));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of asinh(x) */
+export function asinhInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), AsinhIntervalOp);
+const AtanIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return ulpInterval(Math.atan(n), 4096);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of atan(x) */
+export function atanInterval(n: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), AtanIntervalOp);
+const Atan2IntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitBinaryToIntervalDomain(
+ {
+ // For atan2, there params are labelled (y, x), not (x, y), so domain.x is first parameter (y), and domain.y is
+ // the second parameter (x)
+ x: [
+ toF32Interval([kValue.f32.negative.min, kValue.f32.negative.max]),
+ toF32Interval([kValue.f32.positive.min, kValue.f32.positive.max]),
+ ], // first param must be finite and normal
+ y: [toF32Interval([-(2 ** 126), -(2 ** -126)]), toF32Interval([2 ** -126, 2 ** 126])], // inherited from division
+ },
+ (y: number, x: number): F32Interval => {
+ const atan_yx = Math.atan(y / x);
+ // x > 0, atan(y/x)
+ if (x > 0) {
+ return ulpInterval(atan_yx, 4096);
+ }
+ // x < 0, y > 0, atan(y/x) + π
+ if (y > 0) {
+ return ulpInterval(atan_yx + kValue.f32.positive.pi.whole, 4096);
+ }
+ // x < 0, y < 0, atan(y/x) - π
+ return ulpInterval(atan_yx - kValue.f32.positive.pi.whole, 4096);
+ }
+ ),
+ extrema: (y: F32Interval, x: F32Interval): [F32Interval, F32Interval] => {
+ // There is discontinuity + undefined behaviour at y/x = 0 that will dominate the accuracy
+ if (y.contains(0)) {
+ if (x.contains(0)) {
+ return [toF32Interval(0), toF32Interval(0)];
+ }
+ return [toF32Interval(0), x];
+ }
+ return [y, x];
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of atan2(y, x) */
+export function atan2Interval(y: number | F32Interval, x: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(y), toF32Interval(x), Atan2IntervalOp);
+const AtanhIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number) => {
+ // atanh(x) = log((1.0 + x) / (1.0 - x)) * 0.5
+ const numerator = additionInterval(1.0, n);
+ const denominator = subtractionInterval(1.0, n);
+ const log_interval = logInterval(divisionInterval(numerator, denominator));
+ return multiplicationInterval(log_interval, 0.5);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of atanh(x) */
+export function atanhInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), AtanhIntervalOp);
+const CeilIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(Math.ceil(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of ceil(x) */
+export function ceilInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), CeilIntervalOp);
+const ClampMedianIntervalOp: TernaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number, z: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(
+ // Default sort is string sort, so have to implement numeric comparison.
+ // Cannot use the b-a one liner, because that assumes no infinities.
+ [x, y, z].sort((a, b) => {
+ if (a < b) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (a > b) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ })[1]
+ );
+ },
+/** All acceptance interval functions for clamp(x, y, z) */
+export const clampIntervals: TernaryToInterval[] = [clampMinMaxInterval, clampMedianInterval];
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of clamp(x, y, z) via median(x, y, z) */
+export function clampMedianInterval(
+ x: number | F32Interval,
+ y: number | F32Interval,
+ z: number | F32Interval
+): F32Interval {
+ return runTernaryToIntervalOp(
+ toF32Interval(x),
+ toF32Interval(y),
+ toF32Interval(z),
+ ClampMedianIntervalOp
+ );
+const ClampMinMaxIntervalOp: TernaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, low: number, high: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(Math.min(Math.max(x, low), high));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of clamp(x, high, low) via min(max(x, low), high) */
+export function clampMinMaxInterval(
+ x: number | F32Interval,
+ low: number | F32Interval,
+ high: number | F32Interval
+): F32Interval {
+ return runTernaryToIntervalOp(
+ toF32Interval(x),
+ toF32Interval(low),
+ toF32Interval(high),
+ ClampMinMaxIntervalOp
+ );
+const CosIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitPointToIntervalDomain(
+ kNegPiToPiInterval,
+ (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return absoluteErrorInterval(Math.cos(n), 2 ** -11);
+ }
+ ),
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of cos(x) */
+export function cosInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), CosIntervalOp);
+const CoshIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ // cosh(x) = (exp(x) + exp(-x)) * 0.5
+ const minus_n = negationInterval(n);
+ return multiplicationInterval(additionInterval(expInterval(n), expInterval(minus_n)), 0.5);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of cosh(x) */
+export function coshInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), CoshIntervalOp);
+const CrossIntervalOp: VectorPairToVectorOp = {
+ impl: (x: number[], y: number[]): F32Vector => {
+ assert(x.length === 3, `CrossIntervalOp received x with ${x.length} instead of 3`);
+ assert(y.length === 3, `CrossIntervalOp received y with ${y.length} instead of 3`);
+ // cross(x, y) = r, where
+ // r[0] = x[1] * y[2] - x[2] * y[1]
+ // r[1] = x[2] * y[0] - x[0] * y[2]
+ // r[2] = x[0] * y[1] - x[1] * y[0]
+ const r0 = subtractionInterval(
+ multiplicationInterval(x[1], y[2]),
+ multiplicationInterval(x[2], y[1])
+ );
+ const r1 = subtractionInterval(
+ multiplicationInterval(x[2], y[0]),
+ multiplicationInterval(x[0], y[2])
+ );
+ const r2 = subtractionInterval(
+ multiplicationInterval(x[0], y[1]),
+ multiplicationInterval(x[1], y[0])
+ );
+ return [r0, r1, r2];
+ },
+export function crossInterval(x: number[], y: number[]): F32Vector {
+ assert(x.length === 3, `Cross is only defined for vec3`);
+ assert(y.length === 3, `Cross is only defined for vec3`);
+ return runVectorPairToVectorOp(toF32Vector(x), toF32Vector(y), CrossIntervalOp);
+const DegreesIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return multiplicationInterval(n, 57.295779513082322865);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of degrees(x) */
+export function degreesInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), DegreesIntervalOp);
+const DistanceIntervalScalarOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ return lengthInterval(subtractionInterval(x, y));
+ },
+const DistanceIntervalVectorOp: VectorPairToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number[], y: number[]): F32Interval => {
+ return lengthInterval(
+ runBinaryToIntervalOpComponentWise(toF32Vector(x), toF32Vector(y), SubtractionIntervalOp)
+ );
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of distance(x, y) */
+export function distanceInterval(x: number | number[], y: number | number[]): F32Interval {
+ if (x instanceof Array && y instanceof Array) {
+ assert(
+ x.length === y.length,
+ `distanceInterval requires both params to have the same number of elements`
+ );
+ return runVectorPairToIntervalOp(toF32Vector(x), toF32Vector(y), DistanceIntervalVectorOp);
+ } else if (!(x instanceof Array) && !(y instanceof Array)) {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), DistanceIntervalScalarOp);
+ }
+ unreachable(
+ `distanceInterval requires both params to both the same type, either scalars or vectors`
+ );
+const DivisionIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitBinaryToIntervalDomain(
+ {
+ x: [toF32Interval([kValue.f32.negative.min, kValue.f32.positive.max])],
+ y: [toF32Interval([-(2 ** 126), -(2 ** -126)]), toF32Interval([2 ** -126, 2 ** 126])],
+ },
+ (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ if (y === 0) {
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ }
+ return ulpInterval(x / y, 2.5);
+ }
+ ),
+ extrema: (x: F32Interval, y: F32Interval): [F32Interval, F32Interval] => {
+ // division has a discontinuity at y = 0.
+ if (y.contains(0)) {
+ y = toF32Interval(0);
+ }
+ return [x, y];
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of x / y */
+export function divisionInterval(x: number | F32Interval, y: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), DivisionIntervalOp);
+const DotIntervalOp: VectorPairToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number[], y: number[]): F32Interval => {
+ // dot(x, y) = sum of x[i] * y[i]
+ const multiplications = runBinaryToIntervalOpComponentWise(
+ toF32Vector(x),
+ toF32Vector(y),
+ MultiplicationIntervalOp
+ );
+ // vec2 doesn't require permutations, since a + b = b + a for floats
+ if (multiplications.length === 2) {
+ return additionInterval(multiplications[0], multiplications[1]);
+ }
+ // The spec does not state the ordering of summation, so all of the permutations are calculated and their results
+ // spanned, since addition of more then two floats is not transitive, i.e. a + b + c is not guaranteed to equal
+ // b + a + c
+ const permutations: F32Interval[][] = calculatePermutations(multiplications);
+ return F32Interval.span(
+ => p.reduce((prev, cur) => additionInterval(prev, cur)))
+ );
+ },
+export function dotInterval(x: number[], y: number[]): F32Interval {
+ assert(x.length === y.length, `dot not defined for vectors with different lengths`);
+ return runVectorPairToIntervalOp(toF32Vector(x), toF32Vector(y), DotIntervalOp);
+const ExpIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return ulpInterval(Math.exp(n), 3 + 2 * Math.abs(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval for exp(x) */
+export function expInterval(x: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), ExpIntervalOp);
+const Exp2IntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return ulpInterval(Math.pow(2, n), 3 + 2 * Math.abs(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval for exp2(x) */
+export function exp2Interval(x: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), Exp2IntervalOp);
+ * Calculate the acceptance intervals for faceForward(x, y, z)
+ *
+ * faceForward(x, y, z) = select(-x, x, dot(z, y) < 0.0)
+ *
+ * This builtin selects from two discrete results (delta rounding/flushing), so
+ * the majority of the framework code is not appropriate, since the framework
+ * attempts to span results.
+ *
+ * Thus a bespoke implementation is used instead of
+ * defining a Op and running that through the framework.
+ */
+export function faceForwardIntervals(
+ x: number[],
+ y: number[],
+ z: number[]
+): (F32Vector | undefined)[] {
+ const x_vec = toF32Vector(x);
+ // Running vector through runPointToIntervalOpComponentWise to make sure that flushing/rounding is handled, since
+ // toF32Vector does not perform those operations.
+ const positive_x = runPointToIntervalOpComponentWise(x_vec, { impl: toF32Interval });
+ const negative_x = runPointToIntervalOpComponentWise(x_vec, NegationIntervalOp);
+ const dot_interval = dotInterval(z, y);
+ const results: (F32Vector | undefined)[] = [];
+ if (!dot_interval.isFinite()) {
+ // dot calculation went out of bounds
+ // Inserting undefine in the result, so that the test running framework is aware
+ // of this potential OOB.
+ // For const-eval tests, it means that the test case should be skipped,
+ // since the shader will fail to compile.
+ // For non-const-eval the undefined should be stripped out of the possible
+ // results.
+ results.push(undefined);
+ }
+ // Because the result of dot can be an interval, it might span across 0, thus
+ // it is possible that both -x and x are valid responses.
+ if (dot_interval.begin < 0 || dot_interval.end < 0) {
+ results.push(positive_x);
+ }
+ if (dot_interval.begin >= 0 || dot_interval.end >= 0) {
+ results.push(negative_x);
+ }
+ assert(
+ results.length > 0 || results.every(r => r === undefined),
+ `faceForwardInterval selected neither positive x or negative x for the result, this shouldn't be possible`
+ );
+ return results;
+const FloorIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(Math.floor(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of floor(x) */
+export function floorInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), FloorIntervalOp);
+const FmaIntervalOp: TernaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number, z: number): F32Interval => {
+ return additionInterval(multiplicationInterval(x, y), z);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval for fma(x, y, z) */
+export function fmaInterval(x: number, y: number, z: number): F32Interval {
+ return runTernaryToIntervalOp(
+ toF32Interval(x),
+ toF32Interval(y),
+ toF32Interval(z),
+ FmaIntervalOp
+ );
+const FractIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ // fract(x) = x - floor(x) is defined in the spec.
+ // For people coming from a non-graphics background this will cause some unintuitive results. For example,
+ // fract(-1.1) is not 0.1 or -0.1, but instead 0.9.
+ // This is how other shading languages operate and allows for a desirable wrap around in graphics programming.
+ const result = subtractionInterval(n, floorInterval(n));
+ if (result.contains(1)) {
+ // Very small negative numbers can lead to catastrophic cancellation, thus calculating a fract of 1.0, which is
+ // technically not a fractional part, so some implementations clamp the result to next nearest number.
+ return F32Interval.span(result, toF32Interval(kValue.f32.positive.less_than_one));
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of fract(x) */
+export function fractInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), FractIntervalOp);
+const InverseSqrtIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitPointToIntervalDomain(
+ kGreaterThanZeroInterval,
+ (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return ulpInterval(1 / Math.sqrt(n), 2);
+ }
+ ),
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of inverseSqrt(x) */
+export function inverseSqrtInterval(n: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), InverseSqrtIntervalOp);
+const LdexpIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitBinaryToIntervalDomain(
+ // Implementing SPIR-V's more restrictive domain until
+ // is resolved
+ {
+ x: [toF32Interval([kValue.f32.negative.min, kValue.f32.positive.max])],
+ y: [toF32Interval([-126, 128])],
+ },
+ (e1: number, e2: number): F32Interval => {
+ // Though the spec says the result of ldexp(e1, e2) = e1 * 2 ^ e2, the
+ // accuracy is listed as correctly rounded to the true value, so the
+ // inheritance framework does not need to be invoked to determine bounds.
+ // Instead the value at a higher precision is calculated and passed to
+ // correctlyRoundedInterval.
+ const result = e1 * 2 ** e2;
+ if (Number.isNaN(result)) {
+ // Overflowed TS's number type, so definitely out of bounds for f32
+ return F32Interval.any();
+ }
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(result);
+ }
+ ),
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of ldexp(e1, e2) */
+export function ldexpInterval(e1: number, e2: number): F32Interval {
+ return roundAndFlushBinaryToInterval(e1, e2, LdexpIntervalOp);
+const LengthIntervalScalarOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return sqrtInterval(multiplicationInterval(n, n));
+ },
+const LengthIntervalVectorOp: VectorToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number[]): F32Interval => {
+ return sqrtInterval(dotInterval(n, n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of length(x) */
+export function lengthInterval(n: number | F32Interval | number[] | F32Vector): F32Interval {
+ if (n instanceof Array) {
+ return runVectorToIntervalOp(toF32Vector(n), LengthIntervalVectorOp);
+ } else {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), LengthIntervalScalarOp);
+ }
+const LogIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitPointToIntervalDomain(
+ kGreaterThanZeroInterval,
+ (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ if (n >= 0.5 && n <= 2.0) {
+ return absoluteErrorInterval(Math.log(n), 2 ** -21);
+ }
+ return ulpInterval(Math.log(n), 3);
+ }
+ ),
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of log(x) */
+export function logInterval(x: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), LogIntervalOp);
+const Log2IntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitPointToIntervalDomain(
+ kGreaterThanZeroInterval,
+ (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ if (n >= 0.5 && n <= 2.0) {
+ return absoluteErrorInterval(Math.log2(n), 2 ** -21);
+ }
+ return ulpInterval(Math.log2(n), 3);
+ }
+ ),
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of log2(x) */
+export function log2Interval(x: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), Log2IntervalOp);
+const MaxIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(Math.max(x, y));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of max(x, y) */
+export function maxInterval(x: number | F32Interval, y: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), MaxIntervalOp);
+const MinIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(Math.min(x, y));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of min(x, y) */
+export function minInterval(x: number | F32Interval, y: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), MinIntervalOp);
+const MixImpreciseIntervalOp: TernaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number, z: number): F32Interval => {
+ // x + (y - x) * z =
+ // x + t, where t = (y - x) * z
+ const t = multiplicationInterval(subtractionInterval(y, x), z);
+ return additionInterval(x, t);
+ },
+/** All acceptance interval functions for mix(x, y, z) */
+export const mixIntervals: TernaryToInterval[] = [mixImpreciseInterval, mixPreciseInterval];
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of mix(x, y, z) using x + (y - x) * z */
+export function mixImpreciseInterval(x: number, y: number, z: number): F32Interval {
+ return runTernaryToIntervalOp(
+ toF32Interval(x),
+ toF32Interval(y),
+ toF32Interval(z),
+ MixImpreciseIntervalOp
+ );
+const MixPreciseIntervalOp: TernaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number, z: number): F32Interval => {
+ // x * (1.0 - z) + y * z =
+ // t + s, where t = x * (1.0 - z), s = y * z
+ const t = multiplicationInterval(x, subtractionInterval(1.0, z));
+ const s = multiplicationInterval(y, z);
+ return additionInterval(t, s);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of mix(x, y, z) using x * (1.0 - z) + y * z */
+export function mixPreciseInterval(x: number, y: number, z: number): F32Interval {
+ return runTernaryToIntervalOp(
+ toF32Interval(x),
+ toF32Interval(y),
+ toF32Interval(z),
+ MixPreciseIntervalOp
+ );
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of modf(x) */
+export function modfInterval(n: number): { fract: F32Interval; whole: F32Interval } {
+ const fract = correctlyRoundedInterval(n % 1.0);
+ const whole = correctlyRoundedInterval(n - (n % 1.0));
+ return { fract, whole };
+const MultiplicationInnerOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(x * y);
+ },
+const MultiplicationIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ return roundAndFlushBinaryToInterval(x, y, MultiplicationInnerOp);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of x * y */
+export function multiplicationInterval(
+ x: number | F32Interval,
+ y: number | F32Interval
+): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), MultiplicationIntervalOp);
+const NegationIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(-n);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of -x */
+export function negationInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), NegationIntervalOp);
+const NormalizeIntervalOp: VectorToVectorOp = {
+ impl: (n: number[]): F32Vector => {
+ const length = lengthInterval(n);
+ return toF32Vector( => divisionInterval(e, length)));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of normalize(x) */
+export function normalizeInterval(n: number[]): F32Vector {
+ return runVectorToVectorOp(toF32Vector(n), NormalizeIntervalOp);
+const PowIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ // pow(x, y) has no explicit domain restrictions, but inherits the x <= 0
+ // domain restriction from log2(x). Invoking log2Interval(x) in impl will
+ // enforce this, so there is no need to wrap the impl call here.
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ return exp2Interval(multiplicationInterval(y, log2Interval(x)));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of pow(x, y) */
+export function powInterval(x: number | F32Interval, y: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), PowIntervalOp);
+// Once a full implementation of F16Interval exists, the correctlyRounded for
+// that can potentially be used instead of having a bespoke operation
+// implementation.
+const QuantizeToF16IntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ const rounded = correctlyRoundedF16(n);
+ const flushed = addFlushedIfNeededF16(rounded);
+ return F32Interval.span(;
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of quanitizeToF16(x) */
+export function quantizeToF16Interval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), QuantizeToF16IntervalOp);
+const RadiansIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return multiplicationInterval(n, 0.017453292519943295474);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of radians(x) */
+export function radiansInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), RadiansIntervalOp);
+const ReflectIntervalOp: VectorPairToVectorOp = {
+ impl: (x: number[], y: number[]): F32Vector => {
+ assert(
+ x.length === y.length,
+ `ReflectIntervalOp received x (${x}) and y (${y}) with different numbers of elements`
+ );
+ // reflect(x, y) = x - 2.0 * dot(x, y) * y
+ // = x - t * y, t = 2.0 * dot(x, y)
+ // x = incident vector
+ // y = normal of reflecting surface
+ const t = multiplicationInterval(2.0, dotInterval(x, y));
+ const rhs = multiplyVectorByScalar(y, t);
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOpComponentWise(toF32Vector(x), rhs, SubtractionIntervalOp);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of reflect(x, y) */
+export function reflectInterval(x: number[], y: number[]): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ x.length === y.length,
+ `reflect is only defined for vectors with the same number of elements`
+ );
+ return runVectorPairToVectorOp(toF32Vector(x), toF32Vector(y), ReflectIntervalOp);
+ * Calculate acceptance interval vectors of reflect(i, s, r)
+ *
+ * refract is a singular function in the sense that it is the only builtin that
+ * takes in (F32Vector, F32Vector, F32) and returns F32Vector and is basically
+ * defined in terms of other functions.
+ *
+ * Instead of implementing all of the framework code to integrate it with its
+ * own operation type/etc, it instead has a bespoke implementation that is a
+ * composition of other builtin functions that use the framework.
+ */
+export function refractInterval(i: number[], s: number[], r: number): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ i.length === s.length,
+ `refract is only defined for vectors with the same number of elements`
+ );
+ const r_squared = multiplicationInterval(r, r);
+ const dot = dotInterval(s, i);
+ const dot_squared = multiplicationInterval(dot, dot);
+ const one_minus_dot_squared = subtractionInterval(1, dot_squared);
+ const k = subtractionInterval(1.0, multiplicationInterval(r_squared, one_minus_dot_squared));
+ if (!k.isFinite() || k.containsZeroOrSubnormals()) {
+ // There is a discontinuity at k == 0, due to sqrt(k) being calculated, so exiting early
+ return kAnyVector[toF32Vector(i).length];
+ }
+ if (k.end < 0.0) {
+ // if k is negative, then the zero vector is the valid response
+ return kZeroVector[toF32Vector(i).length];
+ }
+ const dot_times_r = multiplicationInterval(dot, r);
+ const k_sqrt = sqrtInterval(k);
+ const t = additionInterval(dot_times_r, k_sqrt); // t = r * dot(i, s) + sqrt(k)
+ const result = runBinaryToIntervalOpComponentWise(
+ multiplyVectorByScalar(i, r),
+ multiplyVectorByScalar(s, t),
+ SubtractionIntervalOp
+ ); // (i * r) - (s * t)
+ return result;
+const RemainderIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ // x % y = x - y * trunc(x/y)
+ return subtractionInterval(x, multiplicationInterval(y, truncInterval(divisionInterval(x, y))));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval for x % y */
+export function remainderInterval(x: number, y: number): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), RemainderIntervalOp);
+const RoundIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ const k = Math.floor(n);
+ const diff_before = n - k;
+ const diff_after = k + 1 - n;
+ if (diff_before < diff_after) {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(k);
+ } else if (diff_before > diff_after) {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(k + 1);
+ }
+ // n is in the middle of two integers.
+ // The tie breaking rule is 'k if k is even, k + 1 if k is odd'
+ if (k % 2 === 0) {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(k);
+ }
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(k + 1);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of round(x) */
+export function roundInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), RoundIntervalOp);
+ * Calculate an acceptance interval of saturate(n) as clamp(n, 0.0, 1.0)
+ *
+ * The definition of saturate is such that both possible implementations of
+ * clamp will return the same value, so arbitrarily picking the minmax version
+ * to use.
+ */
+export function saturateInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runTernaryToIntervalOp(
+ toF32Interval(n),
+ toF32Interval(0.0),
+ toF32Interval(1.0),
+ ClampMinMaxIntervalOp
+ );
+const SignIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ if (n > 0.0) {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(1.0);
+ }
+ if (n < 0.0) {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(-1.0);
+ }
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(0.0);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of sin(x) */
+export function signInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), SignIntervalOp);
+const SinIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: limitPointToIntervalDomain(
+ kNegPiToPiInterval,
+ (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return absoluteErrorInterval(Math.sin(n), 2 ** -11);
+ }
+ ),
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of sin(x) */
+export function sinInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), SinIntervalOp);
+const SinhIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ // sinh(x) = (exp(x) - exp(-x)) * 0.5
+ const minus_n = negationInterval(n);
+ return multiplicationInterval(subtractionInterval(expInterval(n), expInterval(minus_n)), 0.5);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of sinh(x) */
+export function sinhInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), SinhIntervalOp);
+const SmoothStepOp: TernaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (low: number, high: number, x: number): F32Interval => {
+ // For clamp(foo, 0.0, 1.0) the different implementations of clamp provide
+ // the same value, so arbitrarily picking the minmax version to use.
+ // t = clamp((x - low) / (high - low), 0.0, 1.0)
+ // prettier-ignore
+ const t = clampMedianInterval(
+ divisionInterval(
+ subtractionInterval(x, low),
+ subtractionInterval(high, low)),
+ 0.0,
+ 1.0);
+ // Inherited from t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t)
+ // prettier-ignore
+ return multiplicationInterval(
+ t,
+ multiplicationInterval(t,
+ subtractionInterval(3.0,
+ multiplicationInterval(2.0, t))));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of smoothStep(low, high, x) */
+export function smoothStepInterval(low: number, high: number, x: number): F32Interval {
+ return runTernaryToIntervalOp(
+ toF32Interval(low),
+ toF32Interval(high),
+ toF32Interval(x),
+ SmoothStepOp
+ );
+const SqrtIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return divisionInterval(1.0, inverseSqrtInterval(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of sqrt(x) */
+export function sqrtInterval(n: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), SqrtIntervalOp);
+const StepIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (edge: number, x: number): F32Interval => {
+ if (edge <= x) {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(1.0);
+ }
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(0.0);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance 'interval' for step(edge, x)
+ *
+ * step only returns two possible values, so its interval requires special
+ * interpretation in CTS tests.
+ * This interval will be one of four values: [0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1] & [-∞, +∞].
+ * [0, 0] and [1, 1] indicate that the correct answer in point they encapsulate.
+ * [0, 1] should not be treated as a span, i.e. 0.1 is acceptable, but instead
+ * indicate either 0.0 or 1.0 are acceptable answers.
+ * [-∞, +∞] is treated as the any interval, since an undefined or infinite value was passed in.
+ */
+export function stepInterval(edge: number, x: number): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(edge), toF32Interval(x), StepIntervalOp);
+const SubtractionIntervalOp: BinaryToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (x: number, y: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(x - y);
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of x - y */
+export function subtractionInterval(x: number | F32Interval, y: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runBinaryToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(x), toF32Interval(y), SubtractionIntervalOp);
+const TanIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return divisionInterval(sinInterval(n), cosInterval(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of tan(x) */
+export function tanInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), TanIntervalOp);
+const TanhIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return divisionInterval(sinhInterval(n), coshInterval(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of tanh(x) */
+export function tanhInterval(n: number): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), TanhIntervalOp);
+const TruncIntervalOp: PointToIntervalOp = {
+ impl: (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return correctlyRoundedInterval(Math.trunc(n));
+ },
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval of trunc(x) */
+export function truncInterval(n: number | F32Interval): F32Interval {
+ return runPointToIntervalOp(toF32Interval(n), TruncIntervalOp);
+ * Once-allocated ArrayBuffer/views to avoid overhead of allocation when converting between numeric formats
+ *
+ * unpackData* is shared between all of the unpack*Interval functions, so to avoid re-entrancy problems, they should
+ * not call each other or themselves directly or indirectly.
+ */
+const unpackData = new ArrayBuffer(4);
+const unpackDataU32 = new Uint32Array(unpackData);
+const unpackDataU16 = new Uint16Array(unpackData);
+const unpackDataU8 = new Uint8Array(unpackData);
+const unpackDataI16 = new Int16Array(unpackData);
+const unpackDataI8 = new Int8Array(unpackData);
+const unpackDataF16 = new Float16Array(unpackData);
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval vector for unpack2x16float(x) */
+export function unpack2x16floatInterval(n: number): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ n >= kValue.u32.min && n <= kValue.u32.max,
+ 'unpack2x16floatInterval only accepts values on the bounds of u32'
+ );
+ unpackDataU32[0] = n;
+ if (unpackDataF16.some(f => !isFiniteF16(f))) {
+ return [F32Interval.any(), F32Interval.any()];
+ }
+ const result: F32Vector = [
+ quantizeToF16Interval(unpackDataF16[0]),
+ quantizeToF16Interval(unpackDataF16[1]),
+ ];
+ if (result.some(r => !r.isFinite())) {
+ return [F32Interval.any(), F32Interval.any()];
+ }
+ return result;
+const Unpack2x16snormIntervalOp = (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return maxInterval(divisionInterval(n, 32767), -1);
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval vector for unpack2x16snorm(x) */
+export function unpack2x16snormInterval(n: number): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ n >= kValue.u32.min && n <= kValue.u32.max,
+ 'unpack2x16snormInterval only accepts values on the bounds of u32'
+ );
+ unpackDataU32[0] = n;
+ return [Unpack2x16snormIntervalOp(unpackDataI16[0]), Unpack2x16snormIntervalOp(unpackDataI16[1])];
+const Unpack2x16unormIntervalOp = (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return divisionInterval(n, 65535);
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval vector for unpack2x16unorm(x) */
+export function unpack2x16unormInterval(n: number): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ n >= kValue.u32.min && n <= kValue.u32.max,
+ 'unpack2x16unormInterval only accepts values on the bounds of u32'
+ );
+ unpackDataU32[0] = n;
+ return [Unpack2x16unormIntervalOp(unpackDataU16[0]), Unpack2x16unormIntervalOp(unpackDataU16[1])];
+const Unpack4x8snormIntervalOp = (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return maxInterval(divisionInterval(n, 127), -1);
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval vector for unpack4x8snorm(x) */
+export function unpack4x8snormInterval(n: number): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ n >= kValue.u32.min && n <= kValue.u32.max,
+ 'unpack4x8snormInterval only accepts values on the bounds of u32'
+ );
+ unpackDataU32[0] = n;
+ return [
+ Unpack4x8snormIntervalOp(unpackDataI8[0]),
+ Unpack4x8snormIntervalOp(unpackDataI8[1]),
+ Unpack4x8snormIntervalOp(unpackDataI8[2]),
+ Unpack4x8snormIntervalOp(unpackDataI8[3]),
+ ];
+const Unpack4x8unormIntervalOp = (n: number): F32Interval => {
+ return divisionInterval(n, 255);
+/** Calculate an acceptance interval vector for unpack4x8unorm(x) */
+export function unpack4x8unormInterval(n: number): F32Vector {
+ assert(
+ n >= kValue.u32.min && n <= kValue.u32.max,
+ 'unpack4x8unormInterval only accepts values on the bounds of u32'
+ );
+ unpackDataU32[0] = n;
+ return [
+ Unpack4x8unormIntervalOp(unpackDataU8[0]),
+ Unpack4x8unormIntervalOp(unpackDataU8[1]),
+ Unpack4x8unormIntervalOp(unpackDataU8[2]),
+ Unpack4x8unormIntervalOp(unpackDataU8[3]),
+ ];