path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/layout.ts
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1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/layout.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/layout.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e53c5d804d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/layout.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+import { assert, memcpy } from '../../../common/util/util.js';
+import {
+ EncodableTextureFormat,
+ kTextureFormatInfo,
+ resolvePerAspectFormat,
+ SizedTextureFormat,
+} from '../../capability_info.js';
+import { align } from '../math.js';
+import { reifyExtent3D } from '../unions.js';
+import { physicalMipSize, virtualMipSize } from './base.js';
+/** The minimum `bytesPerRow` alignment, per spec. */
+export const kBytesPerRowAlignment = 256;
+/** The minimum buffer copy alignment, per spec. */
+export const kBufferCopyAlignment = 4;
+ * Overridable layout options for {@link getTextureCopyLayout}.
+ */
+export interface LayoutOptions {
+ mipLevel: number;
+ bytesPerRow?: number;
+ rowsPerImage?: number;
+ aspect?: GPUTextureAspect;
+const kDefaultLayoutOptions = {
+ mipLevel: 0,
+ bytesPerRow: undefined,
+ rowsPerImage: undefined,
+ aspect: 'all' as const,
+/** The info returned by {@link getTextureSubCopyLayout}. */
+export interface TextureSubCopyLayout {
+ bytesPerBlock: number;
+ byteLength: number;
+ /** Number of bytes in each row, not accounting for {@link kBytesPerRowAlignment}. */
+ minBytesPerRow: number;
+ /**
+ * Actual value of bytesPerRow, defaulting to `align(minBytesPerRow, kBytesPerRowAlignment}`
+ * if not overridden.
+ */
+ bytesPerRow: number;
+ /** Actual value of rowsPerImage, defaulting to `mipSize[1]` if not overridden. */
+ rowsPerImage: number;
+/** The info returned by {@link getTextureCopyLayout}. */
+export interface TextureCopyLayout extends TextureSubCopyLayout {
+ mipSize: [number, number, number];
+ * Computes layout information for a copy of the whole subresource at `mipLevel` of a GPUTexture
+ * of size `baseSize` with the provided `format` and `dimension`.
+ *
+ * Computes default values for `bytesPerRow` and `rowsPerImage` if not specified.
+ *
+ * MAINTENANCE_TODO: Change input/output to Required<GPUExtent3DDict> for consistency.
+ */
+export function getTextureCopyLayout(
+ format: GPUTextureFormat,
+ dimension: GPUTextureDimension,
+ baseSize: readonly [number, number, number],
+ { mipLevel, bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage, aspect }: LayoutOptions = kDefaultLayoutOptions
+): TextureCopyLayout {
+ const mipSize = physicalMipSize(
+ { width: baseSize[0], height: baseSize[1], depthOrArrayLayers: baseSize[2] },
+ format,
+ dimension,
+ mipLevel
+ );
+ const layout = getTextureSubCopyLayout(format, mipSize, { bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage, aspect });
+ return { ...layout, mipSize: [mipSize.width, mipSize.height, mipSize.depthOrArrayLayers] };
+ * Computes layout information for a copy of size `copySize` to/from a GPUTexture with the provided
+ * `format`.
+ *
+ * Computes default values for `bytesPerRow` and `rowsPerImage` if not specified.
+ */
+export function getTextureSubCopyLayout(
+ format: GPUTextureFormat,
+ copySize: GPUExtent3D,
+ {
+ bytesPerRow,
+ rowsPerImage,
+ aspect = 'all' as const,
+ }: {
+ readonly bytesPerRow?: number;
+ readonly rowsPerImage?: number;
+ readonly aspect?: GPUTextureAspect;
+ } = {}
+): TextureSubCopyLayout {
+ format = resolvePerAspectFormat(format, aspect);
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight, bytesPerBlock } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ assert(bytesPerBlock !== undefined);
+ const copySize_ = reifyExtent3D(copySize);
+ assert(
+ copySize_.width > 0 && copySize_.height > 0 && copySize_.depthOrArrayLayers > 0,
+ 'not implemented for empty copySize'
+ );
+ assert(
+ copySize_.width % blockWidth === 0 && copySize_.height % blockHeight === 0,
+ 'copySize must be a multiple of the block size'
+ );
+ const copySizeBlocks = {
+ width: copySize_.width / blockWidth,
+ height: copySize_.height / blockHeight,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: copySize_.depthOrArrayLayers,
+ };
+ const minBytesPerRow = copySizeBlocks.width * bytesPerBlock;
+ const alignedMinBytesPerRow = align(minBytesPerRow, kBytesPerRowAlignment);
+ if (bytesPerRow !== undefined) {
+ assert(bytesPerRow >= alignedMinBytesPerRow);
+ assert(bytesPerRow % kBytesPerRowAlignment === 0);
+ } else {
+ bytesPerRow = alignedMinBytesPerRow;
+ }
+ if (rowsPerImage !== undefined) {
+ assert(rowsPerImage >= copySizeBlocks.height);
+ } else {
+ rowsPerImage = copySizeBlocks.height;
+ }
+ const bytesPerSlice = bytesPerRow * rowsPerImage;
+ const sliceSize =
+ bytesPerRow * (copySizeBlocks.height - 1) + bytesPerBlock * copySizeBlocks.width;
+ const byteLength = bytesPerSlice * (copySizeBlocks.depthOrArrayLayers - 1) + sliceSize;
+ return {
+ bytesPerBlock,
+ byteLength: align(byteLength, kBufferCopyAlignment),
+ minBytesPerRow,
+ bytesPerRow,
+ rowsPerImage,
+ };
+ * Fill an ArrayBuffer with the linear-memory representation of a solid-color
+ * texture where every texel has the byte value `texelValue`.
+ * Preserves the contents of `outputBuffer` which are in "padding" space between image rows.
+ *
+ * Effectively emulates a copyTextureToBuffer from a solid-color texture to a buffer.
+ */
+export function fillTextureDataWithTexelValue(
+ texelValue: ArrayBuffer,
+ format: EncodableTextureFormat,
+ dimension: GPUTextureDimension,
+ outputBuffer: ArrayBuffer,
+ size: [number, number, number],
+ options: LayoutOptions = kDefaultLayoutOptions
+): void {
+ const { blockWidth, blockHeight, bytesPerBlock } = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ // Block formats are not handled correctly below.
+ assert(blockWidth === 1);
+ assert(blockHeight === 1);
+ assert(bytesPerBlock === texelValue.byteLength, 'texelValue must be of size bytesPerBlock');
+ const { byteLength, rowsPerImage, bytesPerRow } = getTextureCopyLayout(
+ format,
+ dimension,
+ size,
+ options
+ );
+ assert(byteLength <= outputBuffer.byteLength);
+ const mipSize = virtualMipSize(dimension, size, options.mipLevel);
+ const outputTexelValueBytes = new Uint8Array(outputBuffer);
+ for (let slice = 0; slice < mipSize[2]; ++slice) {
+ for (let row = 0; row < mipSize[1]; row += blockHeight) {
+ for (let col = 0; col < mipSize[0]; col += blockWidth) {
+ const byteOffset =
+ slice * rowsPerImage * bytesPerRow + row * bytesPerRow + col * texelValue.byteLength;
+ memcpy({ src: texelValue }, { dst: outputTexelValueBytes, start: byteOffset });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Create a `COPY_SRC` GPUBuffer containing the linear-memory representation of a solid-color
+ * texture where every texel has the byte value `texelValue`.
+ */
+export function createTextureUploadBuffer(
+ texelValue: ArrayBuffer,
+ device: GPUDevice,
+ format: EncodableTextureFormat,
+ dimension: GPUTextureDimension,
+ size: [number, number, number],
+ options: LayoutOptions = kDefaultLayoutOptions
+): {
+ buffer: GPUBuffer;
+ bytesPerRow: number;
+ rowsPerImage: number;
+} {
+ const { byteLength, bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage, bytesPerBlock } = getTextureCopyLayout(
+ format,
+ dimension,
+ size,
+ options
+ );
+ const buffer = device.createBuffer({
+ mappedAtCreation: true,
+ size: byteLength,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ const mapping = buffer.getMappedRange();
+ assert(texelValue.byteLength === bytesPerBlock);
+ fillTextureDataWithTexelValue(texelValue, format, dimension, mapping, size, options);
+ buffer.unmap();
+ return {
+ buffer,
+ bytesPerRow,
+ rowsPerImage,
+ };
+export type ImageCopyType = 'WriteTexture' | 'CopyB2T' | 'CopyT2B';
+export const kImageCopyTypes: readonly ImageCopyType[] = [
+ 'WriteTexture',
+ 'CopyB2T',
+ 'CopyT2B',
+] as const;
+ * Computes `bytesInACompleteRow` (as defined by the WebGPU spec) for image copies (B2T/T2B/writeTexture).
+ */
+export function bytesInACompleteRow(copyWidth: number, format: SizedTextureFormat): number {
+ const info = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ assert(copyWidth % info.blockWidth === 0);
+ return (info.bytesPerBlock * copyWidth) / info.blockWidth;
+function validateBytesPerRow({
+ bytesPerRow,
+ bytesInLastRow,
+ sizeInBlocks,
+}: {
+ bytesPerRow: number | undefined;
+ bytesInLastRow: number;
+ sizeInBlocks: Required<GPUExtent3DDict>;
+}) {
+ // If specified, layout.bytesPerRow must be greater than or equal to bytesInLastRow.
+ if (bytesPerRow !== undefined && bytesPerRow < bytesInLastRow) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If heightInBlocks > 1, layout.bytesPerRow must be specified.
+ // If copyExtent.depthOrArrayLayers > 1, layout.bytesPerRow and layout.rowsPerImage must be specified.
+ if (
+ bytesPerRow === undefined &&
+ (sizeInBlocks.height > 1 || sizeInBlocks.depthOrArrayLayers > 1)
+ ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function validateRowsPerImage({
+ rowsPerImage,
+ sizeInBlocks,
+}: {
+ rowsPerImage: number | undefined;
+ sizeInBlocks: Required<GPUExtent3DDict>;
+}) {
+ // If specified, layout.rowsPerImage must be greater than or equal to heightInBlocks.
+ if (rowsPerImage !== undefined && rowsPerImage < sizeInBlocks.height) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If copyExtent.depthOrArrayLayers > 1, layout.bytesPerRow and layout.rowsPerImage must be specified.
+ if (rowsPerImage === undefined && sizeInBlocks.depthOrArrayLayers > 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+interface DataBytesForCopyArgs {
+ layout: GPUImageDataLayout;
+ format: SizedTextureFormat;
+ copySize: Readonly<GPUExtent3DDict> | readonly number[];
+ method: ImageCopyType;
+ * Validate a copy and compute the number of bytes it needs. Throws if the copy is invalid.
+ */
+export function dataBytesForCopyOrFail(args: DataBytesForCopyArgs): number {
+ const { minDataSizeOrOverestimate, copyValid } = dataBytesForCopyOrOverestimate(args);
+ assert(copyValid, 'copy was invalid');
+ return minDataSizeOrOverestimate;
+ * Validate a copy and compute the number of bytes it needs. If the copy is invalid, attempts to
+ * "conservatively guess" (overestimate) the number of bytes that could be needed for a copy, even
+ * if the copy parameters turn out to be invalid. This hopes to avoid "buffer too small" validation
+ * errors when attempting to test other validation errors.
+ */
+export function dataBytesForCopyOrOverestimate({
+ layout,
+ format,
+ copySize: copySize_,
+ method,
+}: DataBytesForCopyArgs): { minDataSizeOrOverestimate: number; copyValid: boolean } {
+ const copyExtent = reifyExtent3D(copySize_);
+ const info = kTextureFormatInfo[format];
+ assert(copyExtent.width % info.blockWidth === 0);
+ assert(copyExtent.height % info.blockHeight === 0);
+ const sizeInBlocks = {
+ width: copyExtent.width / info.blockWidth,
+ height: copyExtent.height / info.blockHeight,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: copyExtent.depthOrArrayLayers,
+ } as const;
+ const bytesInLastRow = sizeInBlocks.width * info.bytesPerBlock;
+ let valid = true;
+ const offset = layout.offset ?? 0;
+ if (method !== 'WriteTexture') {
+ if (offset % info.bytesPerBlock !== 0) valid = false;
+ if (layout.bytesPerRow && layout.bytesPerRow % 256 !== 0) valid = false;
+ }
+ let requiredBytesInCopy = 0;
+ {
+ let { bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage } = layout;
+ // If bytesPerRow or rowsPerImage is invalid, guess a value for the sake of various tests that
+ // don't actually care about the exact value.
+ // (In particular for validation tests that want to test invalid bytesPerRow or rowsPerImage but
+ // need to make sure the total buffer size is still big enough.)
+ if (!validateBytesPerRow({ bytesPerRow, bytesInLastRow, sizeInBlocks })) {
+ bytesPerRow = undefined;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (!validateRowsPerImage({ rowsPerImage, sizeInBlocks })) {
+ rowsPerImage = undefined;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ // Pick values for cases when (a) bpr/rpi was invalid or (b) they're validly undefined.
+ bytesPerRow ??= align(info.bytesPerBlock * sizeInBlocks.width, 256);
+ rowsPerImage ??= sizeInBlocks.height;
+ if (copyExtent.depthOrArrayLayers > 1) {
+ const bytesPerImage = bytesPerRow * rowsPerImage;
+ const bytesBeforeLastImage = bytesPerImage * (copyExtent.depthOrArrayLayers - 1);
+ requiredBytesInCopy += bytesBeforeLastImage;
+ }
+ if (copyExtent.depthOrArrayLayers > 0) {
+ if (sizeInBlocks.height > 1) requiredBytesInCopy += bytesPerRow * (sizeInBlocks.height - 1);
+ if (sizeInBlocks.height > 0) requiredBytesInCopy += bytesInLastRow;
+ }
+ }
+ return { minDataSizeOrOverestimate: offset + requiredBytesInCopy, copyValid: valid };