path: root/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/texture_ok.spec.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/texture_ok.spec.ts')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/texture_ok.spec.ts b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/texture_ok.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3ebcb1f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webgpu/tests/cts/checkout/src/webgpu/util/texture/texture_ok.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+export const description = 'checkPixels helpers behave as expected against real textures';
+import { makeTestGroup } from '../../../common/framework/test_group.js';
+import { GPUTest } from '../../gpu_test.js';
+import { TexelView } from './texel_view.js';
+import { textureContentIsOKByT2B } from './texture_ok.js';
+export const g = makeTestGroup(GPUTest);
+ .desc(`Basic test that actual/expected must match, for float32.`)
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combineWithParams([
+ { format: 'rgba32float' }, //
+ { format: 'rg32float' },
+ ] as const)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combineWithParams([
+ // Expected data is 0.6 in all channels
+ { data: 0.6, opts: { maxFractionalDiff: 0.0000001 }, _ok: true },
+ { data: 0.6, opts: { maxDiffULPsForFloatFormat: 1 }, _ok: true },
+ { data: 0.5999, opts: { maxFractionalDiff: 0 }, _ok: false },
+ { data: 0.5999, opts: { maxFractionalDiff: 0.0001001 }, _ok: true },
+ { data: 0.6001, opts: { maxFractionalDiff: 0 }, _ok: false },
+ { data: 0.6001, opts: { maxFractionalDiff: 0.0001001 }, _ok: true },
+ { data: 0.5999, opts: { maxDiffULPsForFloatFormat: 1677 }, _ok: false },
+ { data: 0.5999, opts: { maxDiffULPsForFloatFormat: 1678 }, _ok: true },
+ { data: 0.6001, opts: { maxDiffULPsForFloatFormat: 1676 }, _ok: false },
+ { data: 0.6001, opts: { maxDiffULPsForFloatFormat: 1677 }, _ok: true },
+ ])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { format, data, opts, _ok } = t.params;
+ const size = [1, 1];
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ format,
+ size,
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ t.trackForCleanup(texture);
+ t.device.queue.writeTexture({ texture }, new Float32Array([data, data, data, data]), {}, size);
+ const expColor = { R: 0.6, G: 0.6, B: 0.6, A: 0.6 };
+ const expTexelView = TexelView.fromTexelsAsColors(format, coords => expColor);
+ const result = await textureContentIsOKByT2B(t, { texture }, size, { expTexelView }, opts);
+ t.expect((result === undefined) === _ok, `expected ${_ok}, got ${result === undefined}`);
+ });
+ .desc(`Basic test that actual/expected must match, for unorm/snorm.`)
+ .params(u =>
+ u
+ .combine('mode', ['bytes', 'colors'] as const)
+ .combineWithParams([
+ { format: 'r8unorm', _maxValue: 255 },
+ { format: 'r8snorm', _maxValue: 127 },
+ ] as const)
+ .beginSubcases()
+ .combineWithParams([
+ // Expected data is [10, 10]
+ { data: [10, 10], _ok: true },
+ { data: [10, 11], _ok: false },
+ { data: [11, 10], _ok: false },
+ { data: [11, 11], _ok: false },
+ ])
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { mode, format, _maxValue, data, _ok } = t.params;
+ const size = [2, 1];
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ format,
+ size,
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ t.trackForCleanup(texture);
+ t.device.queue.writeTexture({ texture }, new Int8Array(data), {}, size);
+ let expTexelView;
+ switch (mode) {
+ case 'bytes':
+ expTexelView = TexelView.fromTexelsAsBytes(format, coords => new Uint8Array([10]));
+ break;
+ case 'colors':
+ expTexelView = TexelView.fromTexelsAsColors(format, coords => ({ R: 10 / _maxValue }));
+ break;
+ }
+ const result = await textureContentIsOKByT2B(
+ t,
+ { texture },
+ size,
+ { expTexelView },
+ { maxDiffULPsForNormFormat: 0 }
+ );
+ t.expect((result === undefined) === _ok, result?.message);
+ });
+ .desc(
+ `The minimum snorm value has two possible representations (e.g. -127 and -128). Ensure that
+ actual/expected can mismatch in both directions and pass the test.`
+ )
+ .params(u =>
+ u //
+ .combine('mode', ['bytes', 'colors'] as const)
+ .combineWithParams([
+ //
+ { format: 'r8snorm', _maxValue: 127 },
+ ] as const)
+ )
+ .fn(async t => {
+ const { mode, format, _maxValue } = t.params;
+ const data = [-_maxValue, -_maxValue - 1];
+ const size = [2, 1];
+ const texture = t.device.createTexture({
+ format,
+ size,
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC,
+ });
+ t.trackForCleanup(texture);
+ t.device.queue.writeTexture({ texture }, new Int8Array(data), {}, size);
+ let expTexelView;
+ switch (mode) {
+ case 'bytes':
+ {
+ // Actual value should be [-127,-128], expected value is [-128,-127], both should pass.
+ const exp = [-_maxValue - 1, -_maxValue];
+ expTexelView = TexelView.fromTexelsAsBytes(
+ format,
+ coords => new Uint8Array([exp[coords.x]])
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'colors':
+ expTexelView = TexelView.fromTexelsAsColors(format, coords => ({ R: -1 }));
+ break;
+ }
+ const result = await textureContentIsOKByT2B(
+ t,
+ { texture },
+ size,
+ { expTexelView },
+ { maxDiffULPsForNormFormat: 0 }
+ );
+ t.expectOK(result);
+ });