path: root/js/src/gc/GCMarker.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/gc/GCMarker.h')
1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/gc/GCMarker.h b/js/src/gc/GCMarker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..053ba90e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/gc/GCMarker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef gc_GCMarker_h
+#define gc_GCMarker_h
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+#include "mozilla/Variant.h"
+#include "ds/OrderedHashTable.h"
+#include "gc/Barrier.h"
+#include "js/TracingAPI.h"
+#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
+#include "threading/ProtectedData.h"
+class JSRope;
+namespace js {
+class GCMarker;
+class SliceBudget;
+class WeakMapBase;
+static const size_t MARK_STACK_BASE_CAPACITY = 4096;
+enum class SlotsOrElementsKind {
+ Unused = 0, // Must match SlotsOrElementsRangeTag
+ Elements,
+ FixedSlots,
+ DynamicSlots
+namespace gc {
+enum IncrementalProgress { NotFinished = 0, Finished };
+class AutoSetMarkColor;
+struct Cell;
+class ParallelMarker;
+class UnmarkGrayTracer;
+struct EphemeronEdgeTableHashPolicy {
+ using Lookup = Cell*;
+ static HashNumber hash(const Lookup& v,
+ const mozilla::HashCodeScrambler& hcs) {
+ return hcs.scramble(mozilla::HashGeneric(v));
+ }
+ static bool match(Cell* const& k, const Lookup& l) { return k == l; }
+ static bool isEmpty(Cell* const& v) { return !v; }
+ static void makeEmpty(Cell** vp) { *vp = nullptr; }
+// Ephemeron edges have two source nodes and one target, and mark the target
+// with the minimum (least-marked) color of the sources. Currently, one of
+// those sources will always be a WeakMapBase, so this will refer to its color
+// at the time the edge is traced through. The other source's color will be
+// given by the current mark color of the GCMarker.
+struct EphemeronEdge {
+ CellColor color;
+ Cell* target;
+ EphemeronEdge(CellColor color_, Cell* cell) : color(color_), target(cell) {}
+using EphemeronEdgeVector = Vector<EphemeronEdge, 2, js::SystemAllocPolicy>;
+using EphemeronEdgeTable =
+ OrderedHashMap<Cell*, EphemeronEdgeVector, EphemeronEdgeTableHashPolicy,
+ js::SystemAllocPolicy>;
+ * The mark stack. Pointers in this stack are "gray" in the GC sense, but
+ * their references may be marked either black or gray (in the CC sense).
+ *
+ * When the mark stack is full, the GC does not call js::TraceChildren to mark
+ * the reachable "children" of the thing. Rather the thing is put aside and
+ * js::TraceChildren is called later when the mark stack is empty.
+ *
+ * To implement such delayed marking of the children with minimal overhead for
+ * the normal case of sufficient stack, we link arenas into a list using
+ * Arena::setNextDelayedMarkingArena(). The head of the list is stored in
+ * GCMarker::delayedMarkingList. GCMarker::delayMarkingChildren() adds arenas
+ * to the list as necessary while markAllDelayedChildren() pops the arenas from
+ * the stack until it is empty.
+ */
+class MarkStack {
+ public:
+ /*
+ * We use a common mark stack to mark GC things of different types and use
+ * the explicit tags to distinguish them when it cannot be deduced from
+ * the context of push or pop operation.
+ */
+ enum Tag {
+ SlotsOrElementsRangeTag = 0, // Must match SlotsOrElementsKind::Unused.
+ ObjectTag,
+ JitCodeTag,
+ ScriptTag,
+ TempRopeTag,
+ LastTag = TempRopeTag
+ };
+ static const uintptr_t TagMask = 7;
+ static_assert(TagMask >= uintptr_t(LastTag),
+ "The tag mask must subsume the tags.");
+ static_assert(TagMask <= gc::CellAlignMask,
+ "The tag mask must be embeddable in a Cell*.");
+ class TaggedPtr {
+ uintptr_t bits;
+ Cell* ptr() const;
+ public:
+ TaggedPtr() = default;
+ TaggedPtr(Tag tag, Cell* ptr);
+ Tag tag() const;
+ uintptr_t tagUnchecked() const;
+ template <typename T>
+ T* as() const;
+ JSObject* asRangeObject() const;
+ JSRope* asTempRope() const;
+ void assertValid() const;
+ };
+ struct SlotsOrElementsRange {
+ SlotsOrElementsRange(SlotsOrElementsKind kind, JSObject* obj, size_t start);
+ void assertValid() const;
+ SlotsOrElementsKind kind() const;
+ size_t start() const;
+ TaggedPtr ptr() const;
+ static constexpr size_t StartShift = 2;
+ static constexpr size_t KindMask = (1 << StartShift) - 1;
+ private:
+ uintptr_t startAndKind_;
+ TaggedPtr ptr_;
+ };
+ MarkStack();
+ ~MarkStack();
+ explicit MarkStack(const MarkStack& other);
+ MarkStack& operator=(const MarkStack& other);
+ MarkStack(MarkStack&& other);
+ MarkStack& operator=(MarkStack&& other);
+ // The unit for MarkStack::capacity() is mark stack words.
+ size_t capacity() { return stack().length(); }
+ size_t position() const { return topIndex_; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool init();
+ [[nodiscard]] bool resetStackCapacity();
+#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
+ void setMaxCapacity(size_t maxCapacity);
+ template <typename T>
+ [[nodiscard]] bool push(T* ptr);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool push(JSObject* obj, SlotsOrElementsKind kind,
+ size_t start);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool push(const TaggedPtr& ptr);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool push(const SlotsOrElementsRange& array);
+ void infalliblePush(const TaggedPtr& ptr);
+ void infalliblePush(const SlotsOrElementsRange& array);
+ // GCMarker::eagerlyMarkChildren uses unused marking stack as temporary
+ // storage to hold rope pointers.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool pushTempRope(JSRope* ptr);
+ bool isEmpty() const { return position() == 0; }
+ bool hasEntries() const { return !isEmpty(); }
+ Tag peekTag() const;
+ TaggedPtr popPtr();
+ SlotsOrElementsRange popSlotsOrElementsRange();
+ void clearAndResetCapacity();
+ void clearAndFreeStack();
+ void poisonUnused();
+ [[nodiscard]] bool ensureSpace(size_t count);
+ static void moveWork(MarkStack& dst, MarkStack& src);
+ size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
+ private:
+ using StackVector = Vector<TaggedPtr, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
+ const StackVector& stack() const { return stack_.ref(); }
+ StackVector& stack() { return stack_.ref(); }
+ /* Grow the stack, ensuring there is space for at least count elements. */
+ [[nodiscard]] bool enlarge(size_t count);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool resize(size_t newCapacity);
+ TaggedPtr* topPtr();
+ const TaggedPtr& peekPtr() const;
+ [[nodiscard]] bool pushTaggedPtr(Tag tag, Cell* ptr);
+ bool indexIsEntryBase(size_t index) const;
+ // Vector containing allocated stack memory. Unused beyond topIndex_.
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<StackVector> stack_;
+ // Index of the top of the stack.
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<size_t> topIndex_;
+#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
+ // The maximum stack capacity to grow to.
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<size_t> maxCapacity_{SIZE_MAX};
+static_assert(unsigned(SlotsOrElementsKind::Unused) ==
+ unsigned(MarkStack::SlotsOrElementsRangeTag),
+ "To split the mark stack we depend on being able to tell the "
+ "difference between SlotsOrElementsRange::startAndKind_ and a "
+ "tagged SlotsOrElementsRange");
+// Bitmask of options to parameterize MarkingTracerT.
+namespace MarkingOptions {
+enum : uint32_t {
+ // Set the compartment's hasMarkedCells flag for roots.
+ MarkRootCompartments = 1,
+ // The marking tracer is operating in parallel. Use appropriate atomic
+ // accesses to update the mark bits correctly.
+ ParallelMarking = 2,
+ // Mark any implicit edges if we are in weak marking mode.
+ MarkImplicitEdges = 4,
+} // namespace MarkingOptions
+constexpr uint32_t NormalMarkingOptions = MarkingOptions::MarkImplicitEdges;
+template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+class MarkingTracerT
+ : public GenericTracerImpl<MarkingTracerT<markingOptions>> {
+ public:
+ MarkingTracerT(JSRuntime* runtime, GCMarker* marker);
+ virtual ~MarkingTracerT() = default;
+ template <typename T>
+ void onEdge(T** thingp, const char* name);
+ friend class GenericTracerImpl<MarkingTracerT<markingOptions>>;
+ GCMarker* getMarker();
+using MarkingTracer = MarkingTracerT<NormalMarkingOptions>;
+using RootMarkingTracer = MarkingTracerT<MarkingOptions::MarkRootCompartments>;
+using ParallelMarkingTracer = MarkingTracerT<MarkingOptions::ParallelMarking>;
+enum ShouldReportMarkTime : bool {
+ ReportMarkTime = true,
+ DontReportMarkTime = false
+} /* namespace gc */
+class GCMarker {
+ enum MarkingState : uint8_t {
+ // Have not yet started marking.
+ NotActive,
+ // Root marking mode. This sets the hasMarkedCells flag on compartments
+ // containing objects and scripts, which is used to make sure we clean up
+ // dead compartments.
+ RootMarking,
+ // Main marking mode. Weakmap marking will be populating the
+ // gcEphemeronEdges tables but not consulting them. The state will
+ // transition to WeakMarking until it is done, then back to RegularMarking.
+ RegularMarking,
+ // Like RegularMarking but with multiple threads running in parallel.
+ ParallelMarking,
+ // Same as RegularMarking except now every marked obj/script is immediately
+ // looked up in the gcEphemeronEdges table to find edges generated by
+ // weakmap keys, and traversing them to their values. Transitions back to
+ // RegularMarking when done.
+ WeakMarking,
+ };
+ public:
+ explicit GCMarker(JSRuntime* rt);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool init();
+ JSRuntime* runtime() { return runtime_; }
+ JSTracer* tracer() {
+ return tracer_.match([](auto& t) -> JSTracer* { return &t; });
+ }
+#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
+ void setMaxCapacity(size_t maxCap) { stack.setMaxCapacity(maxCap); }
+ bool isActive() const { return state != NotActive; }
+ bool isRegularMarking() const { return state == RegularMarking; }
+ bool isParallelMarking() const { return state == ParallelMarking; }
+ bool isWeakMarking() const { return state == WeakMarking; }
+ gc::MarkColor markColor() const { return markColor_; }
+ bool isDrained() const { return stack.isEmpty() && otherStack.isEmpty(); }
+ bool hasEntriesForCurrentColor() { return stack.hasEntries(); }
+ bool hasBlackEntries() const { return hasEntries(gc::MarkColor::Black); }
+ bool hasGrayEntries() const { return hasEntries(gc::MarkColor::Gray); }
+ bool hasEntries(gc::MarkColor color) const;
+ bool canDonateWork() const;
+ void start();
+ void stop();
+ void reset();
+ [[nodiscard]] bool markUntilBudgetExhausted(
+ SliceBudget& budget,
+ gc::ShouldReportMarkTime reportTime = gc::ReportMarkTime);
+ void setRootMarkingMode(bool newState);
+ bool enterWeakMarkingMode();
+ void leaveWeakMarkingMode();
+ void enterParallelMarkingMode(gc::ParallelMarker* pm);
+ void leaveParallelMarkingMode();
+ // Do not use linear-time weak marking for the rest of this collection.
+ // Currently, this will only be triggered by an OOM when updating needed data
+ // structures.
+ void abortLinearWeakMarking();
+ // 'delegate' is no longer the delegate of 'key'.
+ void severWeakDelegate(JSObject* key, JSObject* delegate);
+ // 'delegate' is now the delegate of 'key'. Update weakmap marking state.
+ void restoreWeakDelegate(JSObject* key, JSObject* delegate);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // We can't check atom marking if the helper thread lock is already held by
+ // the current thread. This allows us to disable the check.
+ void setCheckAtomMarking(bool check);
+ bool shouldCheckCompartments() { return strictCompartmentChecking; }
+ bool markCurrentColorInParallel(SliceBudget& budget);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, gc::MarkColor>
+ bool markOneColor(SliceBudget& budget);
+ static void moveWork(GCMarker* dst, GCMarker* src);
+ size_t sizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
+ static GCMarker* fromTracer(JSTracer* trc) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(trc->isMarkingTracer());
+ auto* marker = reinterpret_cast<GCMarker*>(uintptr_t(trc) -
+ offsetof(GCMarker, tracer_));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(marker->tracer() == trc);
+ return marker;
+ }
+ // Internal public methods, for ease of use by the rest of the GC:
+ // If |thing| is unmarked, mark it and then traverse its children.
+ template <uint32_t, typename T>
+ void markAndTraverse(T* thing);
+ template <typename T>
+ void markImplicitEdges(T* oldThing);
+ private:
+ /*
+ * Care must be taken changing the mark color from gray to black. The cycle
+ * collector depends on the invariant that there are no black to gray edges
+ * in the GC heap. This invariant lets the CC not trace through black
+ * objects. If this invariant is violated, the cycle collector may free
+ * objects that are still reachable.
+ */
+ void setMarkColor(gc::MarkColor newColor);
+ friend class js::gc::AutoSetMarkColor;
+ template <typename Tracer>
+ void setMarkingStateAndTracer(MarkingState prev, MarkingState next);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+ bool processMarkStackTop(SliceBudget& budget);
+ friend class gc::GCRuntime;
+ // Helper methods that coerce their second argument to the base pointer
+ // type.
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, typename S>
+ void markAndTraverseObjectEdge(S source, JSObject* target) {
+ markAndTraverseEdge<markingOptions>(source, target);
+ }
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, typename S>
+ void markAndTraverseStringEdge(S source, JSString* target) {
+ markAndTraverseEdge<markingOptions>(source, target);
+ }
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, typename S, typename T>
+ void markAndTraverseEdge(S source, T* target);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, typename S, typename T>
+ void markAndTraverseEdge(S source, const T& target);
+ template <typename S, typename T>
+ void checkTraversedEdge(S source, T* target);
+ // Mark the given GC thing, but do not trace its children. Return true
+ // if the thing became marked.
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, typename T>
+ [[nodiscard]] bool mark(T* thing);
+ // Traverse a GC thing's children, using a strategy depending on the type.
+ // This can either processing them immediately or push them onto the mark
+ // stack for later.
+#define DEFINE_TRAVERSE_METHOD(_1, Type, _2, _3) \
+ template <uint32_t> \
+ void traverse(Type* thing);
+ // Process a marked thing's children by calling T::traceChildren().
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, typename T>
+ void traceChildren(T* thing);
+ // Process a marked thing's children recursively using an iterative loop and
+ // manual dispatch, for kinds where this is possible.
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, typename T>
+ void scanChildren(T* thing);
+ // Push a marked thing onto the mark stack. Its children will be marked later.
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions, typename T>
+ void pushThing(T* thing);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+ void eagerlyMarkChildren(JSLinearString* str);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+ void eagerlyMarkChildren(JSRope* rope);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+ void eagerlyMarkChildren(JSString* str);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+ void eagerlyMarkChildren(Shape* shape);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+ void eagerlyMarkChildren(PropMap* map);
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+ void eagerlyMarkChildren(Scope* scope);
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void pushTaggedPtr(T* ptr);
+ inline void pushValueRange(JSObject* obj, SlotsOrElementsKind kind,
+ size_t start, size_t end);
+ // Push an object onto the stack for later tracing and assert that it has
+ // already been marked.
+ inline void repush(JSObject* obj);
+ template <typename T>
+ void markImplicitEdgesHelper(T oldThing);
+ // Mark through edges whose target color depends on the colors of two source
+ // entities (eg a WeakMap and one of its keys), and push the target onto the
+ // mark stack.
+ void markEphemeronEdges(gc::EphemeronEdgeVector& edges,
+ gc::CellColor srcColor);
+ friend class JS::Zone;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ void checkZone(void* p);
+ void checkZone(void* p) {}
+ template <uint32_t markingOptions>
+ bool doMarking(SliceBudget& budget, gc::ShouldReportMarkTime reportTime);
+ void delayMarkingChildrenOnOOM(gc::Cell* cell);
+ /*
+ * The JSTracer used for marking. This can change depending on the current
+ * state.
+ */
+ mozilla::Variant<gc::MarkingTracer, gc::RootMarkingTracer,
+ gc::ParallelMarkingTracer>
+ tracer_;
+ JSRuntime* const runtime_;
+ // The main mark stack, holding entries of color |markColor_|.
+ gc::MarkStack stack;
+ // The auxiliary mark stack, which may contain entries of the other color.
+ gc::MarkStack otherStack;
+ // Track whether we're using the main or auxiliary stack.
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<bool> haveSwappedStacks;
+ // The current mark stack color.
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<gc::MarkColor> markColor_;
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<gc::ParallelMarker*> parallelMarker_;
+ Vector<JS::GCCellPtr, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> unmarkGrayStack;
+ friend class gc::UnmarkGrayTracer;
+ /* Track the state of marking. */
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<MarkingState> state;
+ /* Whether we successfully added all edges to the implicit edges table. */
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<bool> haveAllImplicitEdges;
+ public:
+ /*
+ * Whether weakmaps can be marked incrementally.
+ *
+ * pref: javascript.options.mem.incremental_weakmap
+ */
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<bool> incrementalWeakMapMarkingEnabled;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ private:
+ /* Assert that start and stop are called with correct ordering. */
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<bool> started;
+ /*
+ * Whether to check that atoms traversed are present in atom marking
+ * bitmap.
+ */
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<bool> checkAtomMarking;
+ /*
+ * If this is true, all marked objects must belong to a compartment being
+ * GCed. This is used to look for compartment bugs.
+ */
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<bool> strictCompartmentChecking;
+ public:
+ /*
+ * The compartment and zone of the object whose trace hook is currently being
+ * called, if any. Used to catch cross-compartment edges traced without use of
+ * TraceCrossCompartmentEdge.
+ */
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<Compartment*> tracingCompartment;
+ MainThreadOrGCTaskData<Zone*> tracingZone;
+#endif // DEBUG
+namespace gc {
+ * Temporarily change the mark color while this class is on the stack.
+ *
+ * During incremental sweeping this also transitions zones in the
+ * current sweep group into the Mark or MarkGray state as appropriate.
+ */
+class MOZ_RAII AutoSetMarkColor {
+ GCMarker& marker_;
+ MarkColor initialColor_;
+ public:
+ AutoSetMarkColor(GCMarker& marker, MarkColor newColor)
+ : marker_(marker), initialColor_(marker.markColor()) {
+ marker_.setMarkColor(newColor);
+ }
+ AutoSetMarkColor(GCMarker& marker, CellColor newColor)
+ : AutoSetMarkColor(marker, newColor.asMarkColor()) {}
+ ~AutoSetMarkColor() { marker_.setMarkColor(initialColor_); }
+} /* namespace gc */
+} /* namespace js */
+#endif /* gc_GCMarker_h */