path: root/l10n-ar/dom/chrome/dom
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-ar/dom/chrome/dom')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-ar/dom/chrome/dom/ b/l10n-ar/dom/chrome/dom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b42d1dcd8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-ar/dom/chrome/dom/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+KillScriptTitle=تحذير: نص برمجي لا يستجيب
+KillScriptMessage=قد يكون أحد النصوص البرمجية على هذه الصّفحة مشغولا، أو توقف عن الاستجابة. يمكنك إيقاف هذا النّصّ الآن، أو المواصلة لرؤية ما إذا كان سينهي تنفيذه.
+KillScriptWithDebugMessage=قد يكون أحد النصوص البرمجية على هذه الصّفحة مشغولا، أو توقف عن الاستجابة. يمكنك إيقاف هذا النّص الآن، أو فتح النص البرمجي في المصحح أو المواصلة لرؤية فيما إذا كان سينهي تنفيذه.
+KillScriptLocation=نص برمجي: %S
+KillAddonScriptTitle=تحذير: نص برمجي لإضافة لا يستجيب
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (KillAddonScriptMessage): %1$S is the name of an extension.
+# %2$S is the name of the application (e.g., Firefox).
+KillAddonScriptMessage=نص برمجي من الامتداد ”%1$S“ يعمل على هذه الصفحة ويتسبب في عدم استجابة %2$S.\n\nقد يكون مشغولا أو توقف عن الاستجابة. يمكنك إيقاف هذا النّص الآن، أو المواصلة لرؤية فيما إذا كان سينهي تنفيذه.
+KillAddonScriptGlobalMessage=امنع نص الامتداد البرمجي من العمل على هذه الصفحة حتى إعادة تحميلها
+StopScriptButton=أوقف النّص البرمجي
+DebugScriptButton=نقّح النص البرمجي
+DontAskAgain=&لا تسألني ثانيا
+WindowCloseBlockedWarning=لا يسمح للنّصوص البرمجيّة بإغلاق نوافذ لم تفتحها هي.
+OnBeforeUnloadTitle=أمتأكّد أنت؟
+OnBeforeUnloadMessage2=تسألك هذه الصفحة إذا كنت متأكدًا من رغبتك في الخروج - قد لا تُحفظ المعلومات التي أدخلتها.
+OnBeforeUnloadStayButton=ابقَ في الصفحة
+OnBeforeUnloadLeaveButton=غادِر الصفحة
+EmptyGetElementByIdParam=مُرِّر سطر فارغ إلى ‪getElementById()‬.
+DocumentWriteIgnored=حدث تجاهل لاستدعاء document.write() من سكربت خارجي محمّل بشكل غير تزامنيّ.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (EditorFileDropFailed): Do not translate contenteditable, %S is the error message explaining why the drop failed.
+EditorFileDropFailed=فشل إفلات الملف على عنصر contenteditable: ‏%S.
+FormValidationTextTooLong=رجاءً اختصر هذا النص ليصل إلى طوله إلى %S حرف أو أقل (أنت أدخلت حتى الآن %S حرفًاs).
+FormValidationTextTooShort=رجاءً استخدم %S من الحروف على الأقل (أدخلت حتى الآن %S من الحروف).
+FormValidationValueMissing=رجاءً املأ هذا الحقل.
+FormValidationCheckboxMissing=رجاءً علّم هذا المربع إن أردت المتابعة.
+FormValidationRadioMissing=رجاءً اختر أحد هذه الخيارات.
+FormValidationFileMissing=رجاءً اختر ملفًا.
+FormValidationSelectMissing=رجاءً اختر عنصرًا من اللائحة.
+FormValidationInvalidEmail=أدخِل رجاءً البريد الإلكتروني.
+FormValidationInvalidURL=أدخِل رجاءً عنوان الموقع.
+FormValidationInvalidDate =رجاءً أدخِل تاريخا صالحا.
+FormValidationPatternMismatch=اتبع رجاءً التنسيق المطلوب.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationPatternMismatchWithTitle): %S is the (possibly truncated) title attribute value.
+FormValidationPatternMismatchWithTitle=اتبع رجاءً التنسيق المطلوب: %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationNumberRangeOverflow): %S is a number.
+FormValidationNumberRangeOverflow=رجاءً اختر قيمة ليست أكثر من %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationDateTimeRangeOverflow): %S is a date or a time.
+FormValidationDateTimeRangeOverflow=رجاءً اختر قيمة ليست بعد %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationNumberRangeUnderflow): %S is a number.
+FormValidationNumberRangeUnderflow=رجاءً اختر قيمة ليست أقل من %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationDateTimeRangeUnderflow): %S is a date or a time.
+FormValidationDateTimeRangeUnderflow=رجاءً اختر قيمة ليست قبل %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationStepMismatch): both %S can be a number, a date or a time.
+FormValidationStepMismatch=رجاءً اختر قيمة صحيحة. أقرب قيمتين صحيحتين هما %S و %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationStepMismatchOneValue): %S can be a number, a date or a time. This is called instead of FormValidationStepMismatch when the second value is the same as the first.
+FormValidationStepMismatchOneValue=رجاءً اختر قيمة صحيحة. أقرب قيمة صحيحة هي %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationTimeReversedRangeUnderflowAndOverflow): %1$S,%2$S are time.
+FormValidationBadInputNumber=من فضلك أدخل رقمًا.
+FullscreenDeniedDisabled=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة نظرًا لتعطيل خاصية ملء الشاشة في تفضيلات المستخدم.
+FullscreenDeniedFocusedPlugin=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة بسبب وجود ملحقة ذات نافذة في البؤرة.
+FullscreenDeniedHidden=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة لأنّ المستند لم يعد ظاهرًا.
+FullscreenDeniedContainerNotAllowed=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة لأن iframe واحد على الأقل في المستند ليست له خاصيّة ”allowfullscreen“.
+FullscreenDeniedNotHTMLSVGOrMathML=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة لأن العنصر المطلوب ليس <svg> أو <math> أو عنصر إتش.تي.إم.إل.
+FullscreenDeniedNotInDocument=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة لأن العنصر المطلوب لم يعد موجودا في المستند.
+FullscreenDeniedMovedDocument=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة لأنّ العنصر المطلوب نقل المستند.
+FullscreenDeniedLostWindow=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة لعدم وجود نافذة.
+FullscreenDeniedSubDocFullscreen=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة لأن المستند الفرعي للمستند الذي طلب ملء الشاشة هو في وضع ملء الشاشة أصلا.
+FullscreenDeniedNotFocusedTab=رُفض طلب ملء الشاشة لأن العنصر المطلوب ليس في اللسان الموجود في البؤرة حاليا.
+RemovedFullscreenElement=خرجتُ من ملء الشاشة لأن عنصر ملء الشاشة أُزيل من المستند.
+FocusedWindowedPluginWhileFullscreen=خرجتُ من ملء الشاشة لأن ملحقة ذات نافذة رُكّز عليها.
+PointerLockDeniedDisabled=رُفض طلب قفل المؤشر نظرًا لتعطيل واجهة قفل المؤشر في تفضيلات المستخدم.
+PointerLockDeniedNotInDocument=رُفض طلب فقل المؤشر لأنّ العنصر المطلوب ليس في المستند.
+PointerLockDeniedHidden=رُفض طلب فقل المؤشر لأنّ المستند ليس مرئيًا.
+PointerLockDeniedNotFocused=رُفض طلب فقل المؤشر لأنّ المستند ليس في البؤرة.
+PointerLockDeniedMovedDocument=رُفض طلب فقل المؤشر لأنّ العنصر المطلوب نقل المستند.
+HTMLSyncXHRWarning=تحليل HTML في XMLHttpRequest ليس مدعوما في وضع التزامن.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the name of the header in question
+ResponseTypeSyncXHRWarning=استخدام صفة responseType ل‍ XMLHttpRequest لم يعد مدعوما في وضع التزامن في سياق النافذة.
+TimeoutSyncXHRWarning=استخدام صفة timeout ل‍ XMLHttpRequest ليس مدعوما في وضع التزامن في سياق النافذة.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate navigator.sendBeacon, unload, pagehide, or XMLHttpRequest.
+JSONCharsetWarning=حدثت محاولة لتحديد ترميز غير UTF-8 ل‍ JSON المُسترجع باستخدام XMLHttpRequest. فقط ترميز UTF-8 مدعوم لفك ترميز JSON.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate HTMLMediaElement and createMediaElementSource.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MediaStream and createMediaStreamSource.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate MediaStreamTrack and createMediaStreamTrackSource.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate HTMLMediaElement and MediaStream.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate HTMLMediaElement and MediaStream.
+MediaLoadExhaustedCandidates=فشل تحميل كل المصادر المحتملة. أُلبث تحميل الوسائط.
+MediaLoadSourceMissingSrc=ليس للعنصر <source> خاصيّة ”src“. فشل تحميل مورد الوسائط.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the Http error code the server returned (e.g. 404, 500, etc), %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadHttpError=فشل تحميل HTTP بالحالة %1$S. فشل تحميل مورد الوسائط %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadInvalidURI=العنوان غير صالح. فشلت تحميل مورد الوسائط %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the media resource's format/codec type (basically equivalent to the file type, e.g. MP4,AVI,WMV,MOV etc), %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadUnsupportedTypeAttribute=صفة ”type“ لِ‍”%1$S“ غير مدعومة. فشل تحميل مورد الوسائط %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the MIME type HTTP header being sent by the web server, %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load because of error in decoding.
+MediaLoadDecodeError=تعذّر فكّ ترميز مورد الوسائط %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaPlatformDecoderNotFound=لا يمكن تشغيل الفيديو في هذه الصفحة. لربما يفتقد نظامك مرمازات الفيديو المطلوبة ل‍: %S
+MediaUnsupportedLibavcodec=لا يمكن تشغيل الفيديو في هذه الصفحة. إصدارة libavcodec في نظامك غير مدعومة
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the URL of the media resource, %2$S is technical information (in English)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the URL of the media resource, %2$S is technical information (in English)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaCannotInitializePulseAudio=تعذّر استخدام PulseAudio
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "MediaRecorder".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is not served on HTTPS and thus is not encrypted and considered insecure.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is calling web APIs without passing data (either an audioCapabilities or a videoCapabilities) that will soon be required. See for explanation of this string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is calling web APIs without passing data (a "codecs" string in the "contentType") that will soon be required. See for explanation of this string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Mutation Event" and "MutationObserver"
+MutationEventWarning=استخدام Mutation Events صار مهجورًا. استخدم MutationObserver عوضًا عنه.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Components"
+ComponentsWarning=كائن Components صار مهجورًا. سيُزال قريبًا.
+PluginHangUITitle=تحذير: ملحق لا يستجيب
+PluginHangUIMessage=قد يكون %S مشغولا، أو أنّه توقف عن الاستجابة. يمكنك إيقاف هذا الملحق الآن، أو المواصلة لرؤية ما إذا كان سينهي تنفيذه.
+PluginHangUIStopButton=أوقف الملحق
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "NodeIterator" or "detach()".
+NodeIteratorDetachWarning=نداء detach()‎ على NodeIterator لم يعد له أيّ تأثير.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "LenientThis" and "this"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "captureEvents()" or "addEventListener()"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "releaseEvents()" or "removeEventListener()"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "XMLHttpRequest"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "window.controllers/Controllers"
+Window_Cc_ontrollersWarning=أصبحت window.controllers/Controllers بائدة. لا تستخدمها لاكتشاف وكيل المستخدم.
+ImportXULIntoContentWarning=استيراد عُقَد XUL إلى محتوى مستند صار مهجورًا. قد تُزال هذه الوظيفة قريبًا.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "IndexedDB".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate Will-change, %1$S,%2$S are numbers.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Worker".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Application Cache API", "AppCache" and "ServiceWorker".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Worker".
+NavigatorGetUserMediaWarning=استُبدلت navigator.mozGetUserMedia إلى navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "RTCPeerConnection", "getLocalStreams", "getRemoteStreams", "getSenders" or "getReceivers".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "cors", "Response", "same-origin" or "Request". %1$S is a URL, %2$S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", "FetchEvent", "no-cors", "opaque", "Response", or "RequestMode". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is a RequestMode value.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Error", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "fetch()". %S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "Response.clone()". %S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "opaqueredirect", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "FetchEvent". %s is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", "RedirectMode" or "follow". %S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker" or "FetchEvent.preventDefault()". %S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "promise", or "FetchEvent.respondWith()". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is an error string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "promise", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "Response". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is an error string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "mozImageSmoothingEnabled", or "imageSmoothingEnabled"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Service-Worker-Allowed" or "HTTP". %1$S and %2$S are URLs.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker, %2$S is a stringified numeric HTTP status code like "404" and %3$S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker, %2$S is a MIME Media Type like "text/plain" and %3$S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker" and "postMessage". %S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ServiceWorkerNoFetchHandler): Do not translate "Fetch".
+ManifestShouldBeObject=يجب أن يكون الكيان كائنًا.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the object whose property is invalid. %2$S is the name of the invalid property. %3$S is the expected type of the property value. E.g. "Expected the manifest's start_url member to be a string."
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the property whose value is invalid. %2$S is the (invalid) value of the property. E.g. "theme_color: 42 is not a valid CSS color."
+ManifestInvalidCSSColor=%1$S: ‏%2$S ليس لون CSS صالح.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the property whose value is invalid. %2$S is the (invalid) value of the property. E.g. "lang: 42 is not a valid language code."
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the parent property whose value is invalid (e.g., "icons"). %2$S is the index of the image object that is invalid (from 0). %3$S is the name of actual member that is invalid. %4$S is the invalid value. E.g. "icons item at index 2 is invalid. The src member is an invalid URL http://:Invalid"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the parent property that that contains the unusable image object (e.g., "icons"). %2$S is the index of the image object that is unusable (from 0). E.g. "icons item at index 2 lacks a usable purpose. It will be ignored."
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the parent property that contains the unsupported value (e.g., "icons"). %2$S is the index of the image object that has the unsupported value (from 0). %3$S are the unknown purposes. E.g. "icons item at index 2 includes unsupported purpose(s): a b."
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the parent property that has a repeated purpose (e.g., "icons"). %2$S is the index of the image object that has the repeated purpose (from 0). %3$S is the repeated purposes. E.g. "icons item at index 2 includes repeated purpose(s): a b."
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "postMessage" or DOMWindow. %S values are origins, like
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate 'YouTube'. %S values are origins, like
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate 'YouTube'. %S values are origins, like
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when the "Encryption" header for an
+# incoming push message is missing or invalid. Do not translate "ServiceWorker",
+# "Encryption", and "salt". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when the "Crypto-Key" header for an
+# incoming push message is missing or invalid. Do not translate "ServiceWorker",
+# "Crypto-Key", and "dh". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt because the deprecated
+# "Encryption-Key" header for an incoming push message is missing or invalid.
+# Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Encryption-Key", "dh", "Crypto-Key", and
+# "Content-Encoding: aesgcm". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "Content-Encoding" header is missing or contains an
+# unsupported encoding. Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Content-Encoding",
+# "aesgcm", and "aesgcm128". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "dh" parameter is not valid base64url. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker", "dh", "Crypto-Key", and "base64url". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "salt" parameter is not valid base64url. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker", "salt", "Encryption", and "base64url". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "rs" parameter is not a number, or is less than the pad size.
+# Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "rs", or "Encryption". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL. %2$S is the minimum value (1 for aesgcm128, 2 for
+# aesgcm).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because an encrypted record is shorter than the pad size, the pad is larger
+# than the record, or any of the padding bytes are non-zero. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL. %2$S is the pad size
+# (1 for aesgcm128, 2 for aesgcm).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when push message decryption fails
+# and no specific error info is available. Do not translate "ServiceWorker".
+# %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the type of a DOM event. 'passive' is a literal parameter from the DOM spec.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: 'ImageBitmapRenderingContext.transferImageBitmap' and 'ImageBitmapRenderingContext.transferFromImageBitmap' should not be translated
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate ".png"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Large-Allocation", as it is a literal header name. Do not translate GET.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Large-Allocation", as it is a literal header name. Do not translate `window.opener`.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Large-Allocation", as it is a literal header name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Large-Allocation", as it is a literal header name.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "content", "Window", and ""
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The first %S is the tag name of the element that starts the loop, the second %S is the element's ID.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The first %S is the tag name of the element in the chain where the chain was broken, the second %S is the element's ID.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the invalid property value and %2$S is the property name.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ReadableStream".
+ReadableStreamReadingFailed=فشلت قراءة البيانات من ReadableStream: ‏”%S“.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "registerProtocolHandler"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "storage", "" and "".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not localize key=“%S” modifiers=“%S” id=“%S”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not trnaslated "document.domain"
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingInterfaceWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingMethodWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingAttributeWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (CreateImageBitmapCanvasRenderingContext2DWarning): Do not translate CanvasRenderingContext2D and createImageBitmap.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (DrawWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DWarning): Do not translate CanvasRenderingContext2D, drawWindow and tabs.captureTab.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozRequestFullScreenDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate mozRequestFullScreen.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozfullscreenchangeDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate onmozfullscreenchange.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozfullscreenerrorDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate onmozfullscreenerror.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(External_AddSearchProviderWarning): Do not translate AddSearchProvider.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "MouseEvent.mozPressure" and "PointerEvent.pressure".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML, align, numalign and denomalign.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML and bevelled.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate thin, medium, thick and linethickness.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate small, normal, big and mathsize.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate veryverythinmathspace, verythinmathspace,
+# thinmathspace, mediummathspace, thickmathspace, verythickmathspace, veryverythickmathspace and MathML.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate radical, notation and menclose.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML or mfenced.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML, subscriptshift and superscriptshift.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML, background, color, fontfamily, fontsize, fontstyle and fontweight.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML and XLink.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML and STIXGeneral. %S is a documentation URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML and scriptminsize.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MathML and scriptsizemultiplier.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (UnknownProtocolNavigationPrevented): %1$S is the destination URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the resource in question
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate document.requestStorageAccess(), iframe, allow-same-origin and sandbox (though you may translate "sandboxed").
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate document.requestStorageAccess(), iframe, allow-storage-access-by-user-activation and sandbox (though you may translate "sandboxed").
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate document.requestStorageAccess() and iframe.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate document.requestStorageAccess(). In some locales it may be preferable to not translate "event handler", either.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Location" and "History".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the name of the folder the user selected in the file picker.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the preload that was ignored.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the blob URL. Don't translate "agent cluster".