path: root/python/mozperftest/mozperftest/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/mozperftest/mozperftest/tests/')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/mozperftest/mozperftest/tests/ b/python/mozperftest/mozperftest/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d677ac52bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mozperftest/mozperftest/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from pathlib import Path
+from unittest import mock
+import mozunit
+import pytest
+from mach.registrar import Registrar
+Registrar.categories = {"testing": []}
+Registrar.commands_by_category = {"testing": set()}
+from mozbuild.base import MachCommandBase # noqa
+import mozperftest.mach_commands # noqa
+from mozperftest.environment import MachEnvironment # noqa
+from import EXAMPLE_TEST, ROOT, running_on_try # noqa
+from mozperftest.utils import silence, temporary_env # noqa
+ITERATION_HOOKS = Path(__file__).parent / "data" / ""
+STATE_HOOKS = Path(__file__).parent / "data" / ""
+class _TestMachEnvironment(MachEnvironment):
+ def __init__(self, mach_cmd, flavor="desktop-browser", hooks=None, **kwargs):
+ MachEnvironment.__init__(self, mach_cmd, flavor, hooks, **kwargs)
+ self.runs = 0
+ def run(self, metadata):
+ self.runs += 1
+ return metadata
+ def __enter__(self):
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ pass
+def _get_command(command=mozperftest.mach_commands.run_perftest):
+ from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject
+ from mozperftest.argparser import PerftestArgumentParser
+ config = MozbuildObject.from_environment()
+ class context:
+ topdir = config.topobjdir
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ settings = {}
+ log_manager = mock.Mock()
+ state_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ # used to make arguments passed by the test as
+ # being set by the user.
+ def _run_perftest(func):
+ def _run(command_context, **kwargs):
+ parser.set_by_user = list(kwargs.keys())
+ return func(command_context, **kwargs)
+ return _run
+ try:
+ command_context = MachCommandBase(context())
+ if command == mozperftest.mach_commands.run_perftest:
+ parser = PerftestArgumentParser()
+ command = _run_perftest(command)
+ with mock.patch("mozperftest.mach_commands.get_parser", new=lambda: parser):
+ yield command, command_context
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(context.state_dir)
+def _get_tools_command(tool="side-by-side"):
+ from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject
+ config = MozbuildObject.from_environment()
+ class context:
+ topdir = config.topobjdir
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ settings = {}
+ log_manager = mock.Mock()
+ state_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ # used to make arguments passed by the test as
+ # being set by the user.
+ def _run_tool(func):
+ def _run(command_context, **kwargs):
+ parser.set_by_user = list(kwargs.keys())
+ return func(command_context, **kwargs)
+ return _run
+ try:
+ command_context = MachCommandBase(context())
+ command = _run_tool(mozperftest.mach_commands.run_side_by_side)
+ parser = mozperftest.mach_commands.get_perftest_tools_parser(tool)
+ with mock.patch(
+ "mozperftest.mach_commands.get_perftest_tools_parser", new=lambda: parser
+ ):
+ yield command, command_context
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(context.state_dir)
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_command(mocked_func):
+ with _get_command() as (cmd, command_context), silence(command_context):
+ cmd(command_context, tests=[EXAMPLE_TEST], flavor="desktop-browser")
+def test_command_iterations(venv, env):
+ kwargs = {
+ "tests": [EXAMPLE_TEST],
+ "flavor": "desktop-browser",
+ }
+ with _get_command() as (cmd, command_context), silence(command_context):
+ cmd(command_context, **kwargs)
+ # the hook changes the iteration value to 5.
+ # each iteration generates 5 calls, so we want to see 25
+ assert len(env.mock_calls) == 25
+def test_hooks_state(venv, env):
+ kwargs = {
+ "tests": [EXAMPLE_TEST],
+ "hooks": STATE_HOOKS,
+ "flavor": "desktop-browser",
+ }
+ with _get_command() as (cmd, command_context), silence(command_context):
+ cmd(command_context, **kwargs)
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_push_command(push_to_try, venv):
+ with _get_command() as (cmd, command_context), silence(command_context):
+ cmd(
+ command_context,
+ tests=[EXAMPLE_TEST],
+ flavor="desktop-browser",
+ push_to_try=True,
+ try_platform="g5",
+ )
+ push_to_try.assert_called()
+ # XXX add assertions
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_push_command_unknown_platforms(push_to_try, venv):
+ # full stop when a platform is unknown
+ with _get_command() as (cmd, command_context), pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+ cmd(
+ command_context,
+ tests=[EXAMPLE_TEST],
+ flavor="desktop-browser",
+ push_to_try=True,
+ try_platform=["solaris", "linux", "mac"],
+ )
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_push_command_several_platforms(push_to_try, venv):
+ with running_on_try(False), _get_command() as (
+ cmd,
+ command_context,
+ ): # , silence(command_context):
+ cmd(
+ command_context,
+ tests=[EXAMPLE_TEST],
+ flavor="desktop-browser",
+ push_to_try=True,
+ try_platform=["linux", "mac"],
+ )
+ push_to_try.assert_called()
+ name, args, kwargs = push_to_try.mock_calls[0]
+ params = kwargs["try_task_config"]["parameters"]["try_task_config"]
+ assert "perftest-linux-try-browsertime" in params["tasks"]
+ assert "perftest-macosx-try-browsertime" in params["tasks"]
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_doc_flavor(mocked_func):
+ with _get_command() as (cmd, command_context), silence(command_context):
+ cmd(command_context, tests=[EXAMPLE_TEST], flavor="doc")
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_test_runner(*mocked):
+ from mozperftest.mach_commands import run_tests
+ with running_on_try(False), _get_command(run_tests) as (cmd, command_context):
+ cmd(command_context, tests=[EXAMPLE_TEST], verbose=True)
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_test_runner_on_try(*mocked):
+ from mozperftest.mach_commands import run_tests
+ # simulating on try to run the paths parser
+ with running_on_try(), _get_command(run_tests) as (cmd, command_context):
+ cmd(command_context, tests=[EXAMPLE_TEST])
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_test_runner_coverage(*mocked):
+ from mozperftest.mach_commands import run_tests
+ # simulating with coverage not installed
+ with running_on_try(False), _get_command(run_tests) as (cmd, command_context):
+ old = list(sys.meta_path)
+ sys.meta_path = []
+ try:
+ cmd(command_context, tests=[EXAMPLE_TEST])
+ finally:
+ sys.meta_path = old
+def fzf_selection(*args):
+ try:
+ full_path = args[-1][-1]["path"]
+ except IndexError:
+ return []
+ path = Path(full_path.replace(str(ROOT), ""))
+ return [f"[bt][sometag] {} in {path.parent}"]
+def resolve_tests(tests=None):
+ if tests is None:
+ tests = [{"path": str(EXAMPLE_TEST)}]
+ def _resolve(*args, **kw):
+ return tests
+ return _resolve
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+@mock.patch("", new=fzf_selection)
+@mock.patch("moztest.resolve.TestResolver.resolve_tests", new=resolve_tests())
+def test_fzf_flavor(*mocked):
+ with running_on_try(False), _get_command() as (
+ cmd,
+ command_context,
+ ): # , silence():
+ cmd(command_context, flavor="desktop-browser")
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+@mock.patch("", new=fzf_selection)
+@mock.patch("moztest.resolve.TestResolver.resolve_tests", new=resolve_tests([]))
+def test_fzf_nothing_selected(*mocked):
+ with running_on_try(False), _get_command() as (cmd, command_context), silence():
+ cmd(command_context, flavor="desktop-browser")
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_side_by_side(mock1, mock2, mock3, patched_mozperftest_tools):
+ with mock.patch(
+ "mozperftest.utils.create_path", return_value="fake_path"
+ ) as _, mock.patch(
+ "mozperftest.runner._create_artifacts_dir", return_value="fake_path"
+ ) as _, mock.patch(
+ "mozperftest.runner._save_params", return_value="fake_path"
+ ) as _:
+ with _get_tools_command() as (cmd, command_context), silence(command_context):
+ cmd(command_context)
+@mock.patch("mozperftest.MachEnvironment", new=_TestMachEnvironment)
+def test_change_detector(mock1, mock2, mock3, patched_mozperftest_tools):
+ with mock.patch(
+ "mozperftest.utils.create_path", return_value="fake_path"
+ ) as _, mock.patch(
+ "mozperftest.runner._create_artifacts_dir", return_value="fake_path"
+ ) as _, mock.patch(
+ "mozperftest.runner._save_params", return_value="fake_path"
+ ) as _:
+ with _get_tools_command(tool="change-detector") as (
+ cmd,
+ command_context,
+ ), silence(command_context):
+ cmd(command_context)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ mozunit.main()