path: root/security/nss/automation/taskcluster/graph/src/try_syntax.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'security/nss/automation/taskcluster/graph/src/try_syntax.js')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/nss/automation/taskcluster/graph/src/try_syntax.js b/security/nss/automation/taskcluster/graph/src/try_syntax.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7d1c43e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/automation/taskcluster/graph/src/try_syntax.js
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+import * as queue from "./queue";
+import path from 'path'
+import fs from 'fs'
+import intersect from "intersect";
+import parse_args from "minimist";
+import util from "util";
+import child_process from 'child_process';
+let execFile = util.promisify(child_process.execFile);
+function parseOptions(opts) {
+ opts = parse_args(opts.split(/\s+/), {
+ default: {build: "do", platform: "all", unittests: "none", tools: "none"},
+ alias: {b: "build", p: "platform", u: "unittests", t: "tools", e: "extra-builds"},
+ string: ["build", "platform", "unittests", "tools", "extra-builds"]
+ });
+ // Parse build types (d=debug, o=opt).
+ let builds = intersect(""), ["d", "o"]);
+ // If the given value is nonsense default to debug and opt builds.
+ if (builds.length == 0) {
+ builds = ["d", "o"];
+ }
+ // Parse platforms.
+ let allPlatforms = ["linux", "linux64", "linux64-asan", "linux64-fips",
+ "win", "win64", "win-make", "win64-make",
+ "linux64-make", "linux-make", "linux-fuzz",
+ "linux64-fuzz", "aarch64", "aarch64-make", "mac"];
+ let platforms = intersect(opts.platform.split(/\s*,\s*/), allPlatforms);
+ // If the given value is nonsense or "none" default to all platforms.
+ if (platforms.length == 0 && opts.platform != "none") {
+ platforms = allPlatforms;
+ }
+ // Parse unit tests.
+ let aliases = {"gtests": "gtest"};
+ let allUnitTests = ["bogo", "crmf", "chains", "cipher", "db", "ec", "fips",
+ "gtest", "interop", "lowhash", "merge", "sdr", "smime", "tools",
+ "ssl", "mpi", "scert", "spki", "policy", "tlsfuzzer"];
+ let unittests = intersect(opts.unittests.split(/\s*,\s*/).map(t => {
+ return aliases[t] || t;
+ }), allUnitTests);
+ // If the given value is "all" run all tests.
+ // If it's nonsense then don't run any tests.
+ if (opts.unittests == "all") {
+ unittests = allUnitTests;
+ } else if (unittests.length == 0) {
+ unittests = [];
+ }
+ // Parse tools.
+ let allTools = ["clang-format", "scan-build", "hacl", "ecckiila", "saw", "abi", "coverage"];
+ let tools = intersect(\s*,\s*/), allTools);
+ // If the given value is "all" run all tools.
+ // If it's nonsense then don't run any tools.
+ if ( == "all") {
+ tools = allTools;
+ } else if (tools.length == 0) {
+ tools = [];
+ }
+ return {
+ builds: builds,
+ platforms: platforms,
+ unittests: unittests,
+ extra: (opts.e == "all"),
+ tools: tools
+ };
+function filter(opts) {
+ return function (task) {
+ // Filter tools. We can immediately return here as those
+ // are not affected by platform or build type selectors.
+ if (task.platform == "nss-tools") {
+ return => {
+ return task.symbol.toLowerCase().startsWith(tool) ||
+ ( &&;
+ });
+ }
+ // Filter unit tests.
+ if (task.tests) {
+ let found = opts.unittests.some(test => {
+ if ( && == "ssl" && test == "ssl") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( && == "cipher" && test == "cipher") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return task.symbol.toLowerCase().startsWith(test);
+ });
+ if (!found) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Filter extra builds.
+ if ( == "Builds" && !opts.extra) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let coll = name => name == (task.collection || "opt");
+ // Filter by platform.
+ let found = opts.platforms.some(platform => {
+ let aliases = {
+ "aarch64-make": "aarch64",
+ "linux": "linux32",
+ "linux-fuzz": "linux32",
+ "linux64-asan": "linux64",
+ "linux64-fips": "linux64",
+ "linux64-fuzz": "linux64",
+ "linux64-make": "linux64",
+ "linux-make": "linux32",
+ "win64-make": "windows2012-64",
+ "win-make": "windows2012-32",
+ "win64": "windows2012-64",
+ "win": "windows2012-32"
+ };
+ // Check the platform name.
+ let keep = (task.platform == (aliases[platform] || platform));
+ // Additional checks.
+ if (platform == "linux64-asan") {
+ keep &= coll("asan");
+ } else if (platform == "linux64-fips") {
+ keep &= coll("fips");
+ } else if (platform == "linux64-make" || platform == "linux-make" ||
+ platform == "win64-make" || platform == "win-make" ||
+ platform == "aarch64-make") {
+ keep &= coll("make");
+ } else if (platform == "linux64-fuzz" || platform == "linux-fuzz") {
+ keep &= coll("fuzz");
+ } else {
+ keep &= coll("opt") || coll("debug");
+ }
+ return keep;
+ });
+ if (!found) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Finally, filter by build type.
+ let isDebug = coll("debug") || coll("asan") || coll("make") ||
+ coll("fuzz");
+ return (isDebug && opts.builds.includes("d")) ||
+ (!isDebug && opts.builds.includes("o"));
+ }
+async function getCommitComment() {
+ const res = await execFile('hg', ['log', '-r', '.', '-T', '{desc}']);
+ return res.stdout;
+export async function initFilter() {
+ let comment = await getCommitComment();
+ // Load try_task_config.json
+ // Add parameters to queue for created tasks
+ let config_path = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '../../../../try_task_config.json'))
+ if (fs.existsSync(config_path)) {
+ var payload = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(config_path));
+ if (payload['version'] == 2) {
+ queue.addParameters(payload['parameters']);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for try syntax in changeset comment.
+ let match = comment.match(/\btry:\s*(.*)\s*$/m);
+ // Add try syntax filter.
+ if (match) {
+ let match1 = match[1];
+ queue.filter(filter(parseOptions(match1)));
+ if (match1.includes("--nspr-patch")) {
+ => {
+ if (!task.env) {
+ task.env = {};
+ }
+ task.env.ALLOW_NSPR_PATCH = "1";
+ return task;
+ });
+ }
+ }