path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/')
1 files changed, 650 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..79304a6392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import argparse
+import collections
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+from util import build_utils
+from util import md5_check
+from util import zipalign
+sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir))
+import convert_dex_profile
+_DEX_XMX = '2G' # Increase this when __final_dex OOMs.
+ # Caused by Play Services:
+ r'Type `` was not found',
+ # Caused by flogger supporting these as fallbacks. Not needed at runtime.
+ r'Type `dalvik.system.VMStack` was not found',
+ r'Type `sun.misc.JavaLangAccess` was not found',
+ r'Type `sun.misc.SharedSecrets` was not found',
+ # Caused by jacoco code coverage:
+ r'Type `` was not found',
+ # TODO(wnwen): Remove this after R8 version 3.0.26-dev:
+ r'Missing class sun.misc.Unsafe',
+ # Caused when the test apk and the apk under test do not having native libs.
+ r'Missing class',
+ # Caused by internal annotation:
+ r'Missing class',
+ # Caused by internal protobuf package:
+ r'referenced from:$GeneratedExtension', # pylint: disable=line-too-long
+ # Caused by using Bazel desugar instead of D8 for desugar, since Bazel
+ # desugar doesn't preserve interfaces in the same way. This should be
+ # removed when D8 is used for desugaring.
+ r'Warning: Cannot emulate interface ',
+ # Only relevant for R8 when optimizing an app that doesn't use proto.
+ r'Ignoring -shrinkunusedprotofields since the protobuf-lite runtime is',
+def _ParseArgs(args):
+ args = build_utils.ExpandFileArgs(args)
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ build_utils.AddDepfileOption(parser)
+ parser.add_argument('--output', required=True, help='Dex output path.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--class-inputs',
+ action='append',
+ help='GN-list of .jars with .class files.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--class-inputs-filearg',
+ action='append',
+ help='GN-list of .jars with .class files (added to depfile).')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--dex-inputs', action='append', help='GN-list of .jars with .dex files.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--dex-inputs-filearg',
+ action='append',
+ help='GN-list of .jars with .dex files (added to depfile).')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--incremental-dir',
+ help='Path of directory to put intermediate dex files.')
+ parser.add_argument('--main-dex-rules-path',
+ action='append',
+ help='Path to main dex rules for multidex.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--multi-dex',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Allow multiple dex files within output.')
+ parser.add_argument('--library',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Allow numerous dex files within output.')
+ parser.add_argument('--r8-jar-path', required=True, help='Path to R8 jar.')
+ parser.add_argument('--skip-custom-d8',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='When rebuilding the CustomD8 jar, this may be '
+ 'necessary to avoid incompatibility with the new r8 '
+ 'jar.')
+ parser.add_argument('--custom-d8-jar-path',
+ required=True,
+ help='Path to our customized d8 jar.')
+ parser.add_argument('--desugar-dependencies',
+ help='Path to store desugar dependencies.')
+ parser.add_argument('--desugar', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--bootclasspath',
+ action='append',
+ help='GN-list of bootclasspath. Needed for --desugar')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--desugar-jdk-libs-json', help='Path to desugar_jdk_libs.json.')
+ parser.add_argument('--show-desugar-default-interface-warnings',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Enable desugaring warnings.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--classpath',
+ action='append',
+ help='GN-list of full classpath. Needed for --desugar')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--release',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Run D8 in release mode. Release mode maximises main dex and '
+ 'deletes non-essential line number information (vs debug which minimizes '
+ 'main dex and keeps all line number information, and then some.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--min-api', help='Minimum Android API level compatibility.')
+ parser.add_argument('--force-enable-assertions',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Forcefully enable javac generated assertion code.')
+ parser.add_argument('--warnings-as-errors',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Treat all warnings as errors.')
+ parser.add_argument('--dump-inputs',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Use when filing D8 bugs to capture inputs.'
+ ' Stores inputs to')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('Dexlayout')
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--dexlayout-profile',
+ help=('Text profile for dexlayout. If present, a dexlayout '
+ 'pass will happen'))
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--profman-path',
+ help=('Path to ART profman binary. There should be a lib/ directory at '
+ 'the same path with shared libraries (shared with dexlayout).'))
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--dexlayout-path',
+ help=('Path to ART dexlayout binary. There should be a lib/ directory at '
+ 'the same path with shared libraries (shared with dexlayout).'))
+ group.add_argument('--dexdump-path', help='Path to dexdump binary.')
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--proguard-mapping-path',
+ help=('Path to proguard map from obfuscated symbols in the jar to '
+ 'unobfuscated symbols present in the code. If not present, the jar '
+ 'is assumed not to be obfuscated.'))
+ options = parser.parse_args(args)
+ if options.dexlayout_profile:
+ build_utils.CheckOptions(
+ options,
+ parser,
+ required=('profman_path', 'dexlayout_path', 'dexdump_path'))
+ elif options.proguard_mapping_path is not None:
+ parser.error('Unexpected proguard mapping without dexlayout')
+ if options.main_dex_rules_path and not options.multi_dex:
+ parser.error('--main-dex-rules-path is unused if multidex is not enabled')
+ options.class_inputs = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.class_inputs)
+ options.class_inputs_filearg = build_utils.ParseGnList(
+ options.class_inputs_filearg)
+ options.bootclasspath = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.bootclasspath)
+ options.classpath = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.classpath)
+ options.dex_inputs = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.dex_inputs)
+ options.dex_inputs_filearg = build_utils.ParseGnList(
+ options.dex_inputs_filearg)
+ return options
+def CreateStderrFilter(show_desugar_default_interface_warnings):
+ def filter_stderr(output):
+ patterns = list(_IGNORE_WARNINGS)
+ # When using Bazel's Desugar tool to desugar lambdas and interface methods,
+ # we do not provide D8 with a classpath, which causes a lot of warnings from
+ # D8's default interface desugaring pass. Not having a classpath makes
+ # incremental dexing much more effective. D8 still does backported method
+ # desugaring.
+ # These warnings are also turned off when bytecode checks are turned off.
+ if not show_desugar_default_interface_warnings:
+ patterns += ['default or static interface methods']
+ combined_pattern = '|'.join(re.escape(p) for p in patterns)
+ output = build_utils.FilterLines(output, combined_pattern)
+ # Each warning has a prefix line of the file it's from. If we've filtered
+ # out the warning, then also filter out the file header.
+ # E.g.:
+ # Warning in path/to/Foo.class:
+ # Error message #1 indented here.
+ # Error message #2 indented here.
+ output = re.sub(r'^Warning in .*?:\n(?! )', '', output, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+ return output
+ return filter_stderr
+def _RunD8(dex_cmd, input_paths, output_path, warnings_as_errors,
+ show_desugar_default_interface_warnings):
+ dex_cmd = dex_cmd + ['--output', output_path] + input_paths
+ stderr_filter = CreateStderrFilter(show_desugar_default_interface_warnings)
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as flag_file:
+ # Chosen arbitrarily. Needed to avoid command-line length limits.
+ MAX_ARGS = 50
+ if len(dex_cmd) > MAX_ARGS:
+ flag_file.write('\n'.join(dex_cmd[MAX_ARGS:]))
+ flag_file.flush()
+ dex_cmd = dex_cmd[:MAX_ARGS]
+ dex_cmd.append('@' +
+ # stdout sometimes spams with things like:
+ # Stripped invalid locals information from 1 method.
+ build_utils.CheckOutput(dex_cmd,
+ stderr_filter=stderr_filter,
+ fail_on_output=warnings_as_errors)
+def _EnvWithArtLibPath(binary_path):
+ """Return an environment dictionary for ART host shared libraries.
+ Args:
+ binary_path: the path to an ART host binary.
+ Returns:
+ An environment dictionary where LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been augmented with the
+ shared library path for the binary. This assumes that there is a lib/
+ directory in the same location as the binary.
+ """
+ lib_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(binary_path), 'lib')
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ libraries = [l for l in env.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '').split(':') if l]
+ libraries.append(lib_path)
+ env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(libraries)
+ return env
+def _CreateBinaryProfile(text_profile, input_dex, profman_path, temp_dir):
+ """Create a binary profile for dexlayout.
+ Args:
+ text_profile: The ART text profile that will be converted to a binary
+ profile.
+ input_dex: The input dex file to layout.
+ profman_path: Path to the profman binary.
+ temp_dir: Directory to work in.
+ Returns:
+ The name of the binary profile, which will live in temp_dir.
+ """
+ binary_profile = os.path.join(
+ temp_dir, 'binary_profile-for-' + os.path.basename(text_profile))
+ open(binary_profile, 'w').close() # Touch binary_profile.
+ profman_cmd = [profman_path,
+ '--apk=' + input_dex,
+ '--dex-location=' + input_dex,
+ '--create-profile-from=' + text_profile,
+ '--reference-profile-file=' + binary_profile]
+ build_utils.CheckOutput(
+ profman_cmd,
+ env=_EnvWithArtLibPath(profman_path),
+ stderr_filter=lambda output:
+ build_utils.FilterLines(output, '|'.join(
+ [r'Could not find (method_id|proto_id|name):',
+ r'Could not create type list'])))
+ return binary_profile
+def _LayoutDex(binary_profile, input_dex, dexlayout_path, temp_dir):
+ """Layout a dexfile using a profile.
+ Args:
+ binary_profile: An ART binary profile, eg output from _CreateBinaryProfile.
+ input_dex: The dex file used to create the binary profile.
+ dexlayout_path: Path to the dexlayout binary.
+ temp_dir: Directory to work in.
+ Returns:
+ List of output files produced by dexlayout. This will be one if the input
+ was a single dexfile, or multiple files if the input was a multidex
+ zip. These output files are located in temp_dir.
+ """
+ dexlayout_output_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'dexlayout_output')
+ os.mkdir(dexlayout_output_dir)
+ dexlayout_cmd = [ dexlayout_path,
+ '-u', # Update checksum
+ '-p', binary_profile,
+ '-w', dexlayout_output_dir,
+ input_dex ]
+ build_utils.CheckOutput(
+ dexlayout_cmd,
+ env=_EnvWithArtLibPath(dexlayout_path),
+ stderr_filter=lambda output:
+ build_utils.FilterLines(output,
+ r'Can.t mmap dex file.*please zipalign'))
+ output_files = os.listdir(dexlayout_output_dir)
+ if not output_files:
+ raise Exception('dexlayout unexpectedly produced no output')
+ return sorted([os.path.join(dexlayout_output_dir, f) for f in output_files])
+def _ZipMultidex(file_dir, dex_files):
+ """Zip dex files into a multidex.
+ Args:
+ file_dir: The directory into which to write the output.
+ dex_files: The dexfiles forming the multizip. Their names must end with
+ classes.dex, classes2.dex, ...
+ Returns:
+ The name of the multidex file, which will live in file_dir.
+ """
+ ordered_files = [] # List of (archive name, file name)
+ for f in dex_files:
+ if f.endswith('dex.jar'):
+ ordered_files.append(('classes.dex', f))
+ break
+ if not ordered_files:
+ raise Exception('Could not find classes.dex multidex file in %s',
+ dex_files)
+ for dex_idx in range(2, len(dex_files) + 1):
+ archive_name = 'classes%d.dex' % dex_idx
+ for f in dex_files:
+ if f.endswith(archive_name):
+ ordered_files.append((archive_name, f))
+ break
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Could not find classes%d.dex multidex file in %s',
+ dex_files)
+ if len(set(f[1] for f in ordered_files)) != len(ordered_files):
+ raise Exception('Unexpected clashing filenames for multidex in %s',
+ dex_files)
+ zip_name = os.path.join(file_dir, '')
+ build_utils.DoZip(((archive_name, os.path.join(file_dir, file_name))
+ for archive_name, file_name in ordered_files),
+ zip_name)
+ return zip_name
+def _ZipAligned(dex_files, output_path):
+ """Creates a .dex.jar with 4-byte aligned files.
+ Args:
+ dex_files: List of dex files.
+ output_path: The output file in which to write the zip.
+ """
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(output_path, 'w') as z:
+ for i, dex_file in enumerate(dex_files):
+ name = 'classes{}.dex'.format(i + 1 if i > 0 else '')
+ zipalign.AddToZipHermetic(z, name, src_path=dex_file, alignment=4)
+def _PerformDexlayout(tmp_dir, tmp_dex_output, options):
+ if options.proguard_mapping_path is not None:
+ matching_profile = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'obfuscated_profile')
+ convert_dex_profile.ObfuscateProfile(
+ options.dexlayout_profile, tmp_dex_output,
+ options.proguard_mapping_path, options.dexdump_path, matching_profile)
+ else:
+ logging.warning('No obfuscation for %s', options.dexlayout_profile)
+ matching_profile = options.dexlayout_profile
+ binary_profile = _CreateBinaryProfile(matching_profile, tmp_dex_output,
+ options.profman_path, tmp_dir)
+ output_files = _LayoutDex(binary_profile, tmp_dex_output,
+ options.dexlayout_path, tmp_dir)
+ if len(output_files) > 1:
+ return _ZipMultidex(tmp_dir, output_files)
+ if zipfile.is_zipfile(output_files[0]):
+ return output_files[0]
+ final_output = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '')
+ _ZipAligned(output_files, final_output)
+ return final_output
+def _CreateFinalDex(d8_inputs, output, tmp_dir, dex_cmd, options=None):
+ tmp_dex_output = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '')
+ needs_dexing = not all(f.endswith('.dex') for f in d8_inputs)
+ needs_dexmerge = output.endswith('.dex') or not (options and options.library)
+ if needs_dexing or needs_dexmerge:
+ if options and options.main_dex_rules_path:
+ for main_dex_rule in options.main_dex_rules_path:
+ dex_cmd = dex_cmd + ['--main-dex-rules', main_dex_rule]
+ tmp_dex_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_dex_dir')
+ os.mkdir(tmp_dex_dir)
+ _RunD8(dex_cmd, d8_inputs, tmp_dex_dir,
+ (not options or options.warnings_as_errors),
+ (options and options.show_desugar_default_interface_warnings))
+ logging.debug('Performed dex merging')
+ dex_files = [os.path.join(tmp_dex_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(tmp_dex_dir)]
+ if output.endswith('.dex'):
+ if len(dex_files) > 1:
+ raise Exception('%d files created, expected 1' % len(dex_files))
+ tmp_dex_output = dex_files[0]
+ else:
+ _ZipAligned(sorted(dex_files), tmp_dex_output)
+ else:
+ # Skip dexmerger. Just put all incrementals into the .jar individually.
+ _ZipAligned(sorted(d8_inputs), tmp_dex_output)
+ logging.debug('Quick-zipped %d files', len(d8_inputs))
+ if options and options.dexlayout_profile:
+ tmp_dex_output = _PerformDexlayout(tmp_dir, tmp_dex_output, options)
+ # The dex file is complete and can be moved out of tmp_dir.
+ shutil.move(tmp_dex_output, output)
+def _IntermediateDexFilePathsFromInputJars(class_inputs, incremental_dir):
+ """Returns a list of all intermediate dex file paths."""
+ dex_files = []
+ for jar in class_inputs:
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(jar, 'r') as z:
+ for subpath in z.namelist():
+ if subpath.endswith('.class'):
+ subpath = subpath[:-5] + 'dex'
+ dex_files.append(os.path.join(incremental_dir, subpath))
+ return dex_files
+def _DeleteStaleIncrementalDexFiles(dex_dir, dex_files):
+ """Deletes intermediate .dex files that are no longer needed."""
+ all_files = build_utils.FindInDirectory(dex_dir)
+ desired_files = set(dex_files)
+ for path in all_files:
+ if path not in desired_files:
+ os.unlink(path)
+def _ParseDesugarDeps(desugar_dependencies_file):
+ dependents_from_dependency = collections.defaultdict(set)
+ if desugar_dependencies_file and os.path.exists(desugar_dependencies_file):
+ with open(desugar_dependencies_file, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ dependent, dependency = line.rstrip().split(' -> ')
+ dependents_from_dependency[dependency].add(dependent)
+ return dependents_from_dependency
+def _ComputeRequiredDesugarClasses(changes, desugar_dependencies_file,
+ class_inputs, classpath):
+ dependents_from_dependency = _ParseDesugarDeps(desugar_dependencies_file)
+ required_classes = set()
+ # Gather classes that need to be re-desugared from changes in the classpath.
+ for jar in classpath:
+ for subpath in changes.IterChangedSubpaths(jar):
+ dependency = '{}:{}'.format(jar, subpath)
+ required_classes.update(dependents_from_dependency[dependency])
+ for jar in class_inputs:
+ for subpath in changes.IterChangedSubpaths(jar):
+ required_classes.update(dependents_from_dependency[subpath])
+ return required_classes
+def _ExtractClassFiles(changes, tmp_dir, class_inputs, required_classes_set):
+ classes_list = []
+ for jar in class_inputs:
+ if changes:
+ changed_class_list = (set(changes.IterChangedSubpaths(jar))
+ | required_classes_set)
+ predicate = lambda x: x in changed_class_list and x.endswith('.class')
+ else:
+ predicate = lambda x: x.endswith('.class')
+ classes_list.extend(
+ build_utils.ExtractAll(jar, path=tmp_dir, predicate=predicate))
+ return classes_list
+def _CreateIntermediateDexFiles(changes, options, tmp_dir, dex_cmd):
+ # Create temporary directory for classes to be extracted to.
+ tmp_extract_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_extract_dir')
+ os.mkdir(tmp_extract_dir)
+ # Do a full rebuild when changes occur in non-input files.
+ allowed_changed = set(options.class_inputs)
+ allowed_changed.update(options.dex_inputs)
+ allowed_changed.update(options.classpath)
+ strings_changed = changes.HasStringChanges()
+ non_direct_input_changed = next(
+ (p for p in changes.IterChangedPaths() if p not in allowed_changed), None)
+ if strings_changed or non_direct_input_changed:
+ logging.debug('Full dex required: strings_changed=%s path_changed=%s',
+ strings_changed, non_direct_input_changed)
+ changes = None
+ if changes:
+ required_desugar_classes_set = _ComputeRequiredDesugarClasses(
+ changes, options.desugar_dependencies, options.class_inputs,
+ options.classpath)
+ logging.debug('Class files needing re-desugar: %d',
+ len(required_desugar_classes_set))
+ else:
+ required_desugar_classes_set = set()
+ class_files = _ExtractClassFiles(changes, tmp_extract_dir,
+ options.class_inputs,
+ required_desugar_classes_set)
+ logging.debug('Extracted class files: %d', len(class_files))
+ # If the only change is deleting a file, class_files will be empty.
+ if class_files:
+ # Dex necessary classes into intermediate dex files.
+ dex_cmd = dex_cmd + ['--intermediate', '--file-per-class-file']
+ if options.desugar_dependencies and not options.skip_custom_d8:
+ dex_cmd += ['--file-tmp-prefix', tmp_extract_dir]
+ _RunD8(dex_cmd, class_files, options.incremental_dir,
+ options.warnings_as_errors,
+ options.show_desugar_default_interface_warnings)
+ logging.debug('Dexed class files.')
+def _OnStaleMd5(changes, options, final_dex_inputs, dex_cmd):
+ logging.debug('_OnStaleMd5')
+ with build_utils.TempDir() as tmp_dir:
+ if options.incremental_dir:
+ # Create directory for all intermediate dex files.
+ if not os.path.exists(options.incremental_dir):
+ os.makedirs(options.incremental_dir)
+ _DeleteStaleIncrementalDexFiles(options.incremental_dir, final_dex_inputs)
+ logging.debug('Stale files deleted')
+ _CreateIntermediateDexFiles(changes, options, tmp_dir, dex_cmd)
+ _CreateFinalDex(
+ final_dex_inputs, options.output, tmp_dir, dex_cmd, options=options)
+def MergeDexForIncrementalInstall(r8_jar_path, src_paths, dest_dex_jar,
+ min_api):
+ dex_cmd = build_utils.JavaCmd(verify=False, xmx=_DEX_XMX) + [
+ '-cp',
+ r8_jar_path,
+ '',
+ '--min-api',
+ min_api,
+ ]
+ with build_utils.TempDir() as tmp_dir:
+ _CreateFinalDex(src_paths, dest_dex_jar, tmp_dir, dex_cmd)
+def main(args):
+ build_utils.InitLogging('DEX_DEBUG')
+ options = _ParseArgs(args)
+ options.class_inputs += options.class_inputs_filearg
+ options.dex_inputs += options.dex_inputs_filearg
+ input_paths = options.class_inputs + options.dex_inputs
+ input_paths.append(options.r8_jar_path)
+ input_paths.append(options.custom_d8_jar_path)
+ if options.main_dex_rules_path:
+ input_paths.extend(options.main_dex_rules_path)
+ depfile_deps = options.class_inputs_filearg + options.dex_inputs_filearg
+ output_paths = [options.output]
+ track_subpaths_allowlist = []
+ if options.incremental_dir:
+ final_dex_inputs = _IntermediateDexFilePathsFromInputJars(
+ options.class_inputs, options.incremental_dir)
+ output_paths += final_dex_inputs
+ track_subpaths_allowlist += options.class_inputs
+ else:
+ final_dex_inputs = list(options.class_inputs)
+ final_dex_inputs += options.dex_inputs
+ dex_cmd = build_utils.JavaCmd(options.warnings_as_errors, xmx=_DEX_XMX)
+ if options.dump_inputs:
+ dex_cmd += ['']
+ if not options.skip_custom_d8:
+ dex_cmd += [
+ '-cp',
+ '{}:{}'.format(options.r8_jar_path, options.custom_d8_jar_path),
+ '',
+ ]
+ else:
+ dex_cmd += [
+ '-cp',
+ options.r8_jar_path,
+ '',
+ ]
+ if options.release:
+ dex_cmd += ['--release']
+ if options.min_api:
+ dex_cmd += ['--min-api', options.min_api]
+ if not options.desugar:
+ dex_cmd += ['--no-desugaring']
+ elif options.classpath:
+ # The classpath is used by D8 to for interface desugaring.
+ if options.desugar_dependencies and not options.skip_custom_d8:
+ dex_cmd += ['--desugar-dependencies', options.desugar_dependencies]
+ if track_subpaths_allowlist:
+ track_subpaths_allowlist += options.classpath
+ depfile_deps += options.classpath
+ input_paths += options.classpath
+ # Still pass the entire classpath in case a new dependency is needed by
+ # desugar, so that desugar_dependencies will be updated for the next build.
+ for path in options.classpath:
+ dex_cmd += ['--classpath', path]
+ if options.classpath or options.main_dex_rules_path:
+ # --main-dex-rules requires bootclasspath.
+ dex_cmd += ['--lib', build_utils.JAVA_HOME]
+ for path in options.bootclasspath:
+ dex_cmd += ['--lib', path]
+ depfile_deps += options.bootclasspath
+ input_paths += options.bootclasspath
+ if options.desugar_jdk_libs_json:
+ dex_cmd += ['--desugared-lib', options.desugar_jdk_libs_json]
+ if options.force_enable_assertions:
+ dex_cmd += ['--force-enable-assertions']
+ # The changes feature from md5_check allows us to only re-dex the class files
+ # that have changed and the class files that need to be re-desugared by D8.
+ md5_check.CallAndWriteDepfileIfStale(
+ lambda changes: _OnStaleMd5(changes, options, final_dex_inputs, dex_cmd),
+ options,
+ input_paths=input_paths,
+ input_strings=dex_cmd + [bool(options.incremental_dir)],
+ output_paths=output_paths,
+ pass_changes=True,
+ track_subpaths_allowlist=track_subpaths_allowlist,
+ depfile_deps=depfile_deps)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))