path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/main/source/structs.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/main/source/structs.h')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/main/source/structs.h b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/main/source/structs.h
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+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/main/source/structs.h
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+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+ * structs.h
+ *
+ * This header file contains all the structs used in the ISAC codec
+ *
+ */
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/bandwidth_info.h"
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/isac/main/source/settings.h"
+#include "modules/third_party/fft/fft.h"
+typedef struct Bitstreamstruct {
+ uint8_t stream[STREAM_SIZE_MAX];
+ uint32_t W_upper;
+ uint32_t streamval;
+ uint32_t stream_index;
+} Bitstr;
+typedef struct {
+ double DataBufferLo[WINLEN];
+ double DataBufferHi[WINLEN];
+ double CorrBufLo[ORDERLO + 1];
+ double CorrBufHi[ORDERHI + 1];
+ float PreStateLoF[ORDERLO + 1];
+ float PreStateLoG[ORDERLO + 1];
+ float PreStateHiF[ORDERHI + 1];
+ float PreStateHiG[ORDERHI + 1];
+ float PostStateLoF[ORDERLO + 1];
+ float PostStateLoG[ORDERLO + 1];
+ float PostStateHiF[ORDERHI + 1];
+ float PostStateHiG[ORDERHI + 1];
+ double OldEnergy;
+} MaskFiltstr;
+typedef struct {
+ // state vectors for each of the two analysis filters
+ double INSTAT1[2 * (QORDER - 1)];
+ double INSTAT2[2 * (QORDER - 1)];
+ double INSTATLA1[2 * (QORDER - 1)];
+ double INSTATLA2[2 * (QORDER - 1)];
+ float INSTAT1_float[2 * (QORDER - 1)];
+ float INSTAT2_float[2 * (QORDER - 1)];
+ float INSTATLA1_float[2 * (QORDER - 1)];
+ float INSTATLA2_float[2 * (QORDER - 1)];
+ float INLABUF1_float[QLOOKAHEAD];
+ float INLABUF2_float[QLOOKAHEAD];
+ /* High pass filter */
+ double HPstates[HPORDER];
+ float HPstates_float[HPORDER];
+} PreFiltBankstr;
+typedef struct {
+ // state vectors for each of the two analysis filters
+ /* High pass filter */
+ double HPstates1[HPORDER];
+ double HPstates2[HPORDER];
+ float STATE_0_LOWER_float[2 * POSTQORDER];
+ float STATE_0_UPPER_float[2 * POSTQORDER];
+ float HPstates1_float[HPORDER];
+ float HPstates2_float[HPORDER];
+} PostFiltBankstr;
+typedef struct {
+ // data buffer for pitch filter
+ double ubuf[PITCH_BUFFSIZE];
+ // low pass state vector
+ double ystate[PITCH_DAMPORDER];
+ // old lag and gain
+ double oldlagp[1];
+ double oldgainp[1];
+} PitchFiltstr;
+typedef struct {
+ // data buffer
+ double buffer[PITCH_WLPCBUFLEN];
+ // state vectors
+ double istate[PITCH_WLPCORDER];
+ double weostate[PITCH_WLPCORDER];
+ double whostate[PITCH_WLPCORDER];
+ // LPC window -> should be a global array because constant
+ double window[PITCH_WLPCWINLEN];
+} WeightFiltstr;
+typedef struct {
+ // for inital estimator
+ double dec_buffer[PITCH_CORR_LEN2 + PITCH_CORR_STEP2 + PITCH_MAX_LAG / 2 -
+ PITCH_FRAME_LEN / 2 + 2];
+ double decimator_state[2 * ALLPASSSECTIONS + 1];
+ double hp_state[2];
+ double whitened_buf[QLOOKAHEAD];
+ double inbuf[QLOOKAHEAD];
+ PitchFiltstr PFstr_wght;
+ PitchFiltstr PFstr;
+ WeightFiltstr Wghtstr;
+} PitchAnalysisStruct;
+/* Have instance of struct together with other iSAC structs */
+typedef struct {
+ /* Previous frame length (in ms) */
+ int32_t prev_frame_length;
+ /* Previous RTP timestamp from received
+ packet (in samples relative beginning) */
+ int32_t prev_rec_rtp_number;
+ /* Send timestamp for previous packet (in ms using timeGetTime()) */
+ uint32_t prev_rec_send_ts;
+ /* Arrival time for previous packet (in ms using timeGetTime()) */
+ uint32_t prev_rec_arr_ts;
+ /* rate of previous packet, derived from RTP timestamps (in bits/s) */
+ float prev_rec_rtp_rate;
+ /* Time sinse the last update of the BN estimate (in ms) */
+ uint32_t last_update_ts;
+ /* Time sinse the last reduction (in ms) */
+ uint32_t last_reduction_ts;
+ /* How many times the estimate was update in the beginning */
+ int32_t count_tot_updates_rec;
+ /* The estimated bottle neck rate from there to here (in bits/s) */
+ int32_t rec_bw;
+ float rec_bw_inv;
+ float rec_bw_avg;
+ float rec_bw_avg_Q;
+ /* The estimated mean absolute jitter value,
+ as seen on this side (in ms) */
+ float rec_jitter;
+ float rec_jitter_short_term;
+ float rec_jitter_short_term_abs;
+ float rec_max_delay;
+ float rec_max_delay_avg_Q;
+ /* (assumed) bitrate for headers (bps) */
+ float rec_header_rate;
+ /* The estimated bottle neck rate from here to there (in bits/s) */
+ float send_bw_avg;
+ /* The estimated mean absolute jitter value, as seen on
+ the other siee (in ms) */
+ float send_max_delay_avg;
+ // number of packets received since last update
+ int num_pkts_rec;
+ int num_consec_rec_pkts_over_30k;
+ // flag for marking that a high speed network has been
+ // detected downstream
+ int hsn_detect_rec;
+ int num_consec_snt_pkts_over_30k;
+ // flag for marking that a high speed network has
+ // been detected upstream
+ int hsn_detect_snd;
+ uint32_t start_wait_period;
+ int in_wait_period;
+ int change_to_WB;
+ uint32_t senderTimestamp;
+ uint32_t receiverTimestamp;
+ // enum IsacSamplingRate incomingStreamSampFreq;
+ uint16_t numConsecLatePkts;
+ float consecLatency;
+ int16_t inWaitLatePkts;
+ IsacBandwidthInfo external_bw_info;
+} BwEstimatorstr;
+typedef struct {
+ /* boolean, flags if previous packet exceeded B.N. */
+ int PrevExceed;
+ /* ms */
+ int ExceedAgo;
+ /* packets left to send in current burst */
+ int BurstCounter;
+ /* packets */
+ int InitCounter;
+ /* ms remaining in buffer when next packet will be sent */
+ double StillBuffered;
+} RateModel;
+/* The following strutc is used to store data from encoding, to make it
+ fast and easy to construct a new bitstream with a different Bandwidth
+ estimate. All values (except framelength and minBytes) is double size to
+ handle 60 ms of data.
+typedef struct {
+ /* Used to keep track of if it is first or second part of 60 msec packet */
+ int startIdx;
+ /* Frame length in samples */
+ int16_t framelength;
+ /* Pitch Gain */
+ int pitchGain_index[2];
+ /* Pitch Lag */
+ double meanGain[2];
+ int pitchIndex[PITCH_SUBFRAMES * 2];
+ /* LPC */
+ int LPCindex_s[108 * 2]; /* KLT_ORDER_SHAPE = 108 */
+ int LPCindex_g[12 * 2]; /* KLT_ORDER_GAIN = 12 */
+ double LPCcoeffs_lo[(ORDERLO + 1) * SUBFRAMES * 2];
+ double LPCcoeffs_hi[(ORDERHI + 1) * SUBFRAMES * 2];
+ /* Encode Spec */
+ int16_t fre[FRAMESAMPLES];
+ int16_t fim[FRAMESAMPLES];
+ int16_t AvgPitchGain[2];
+ /* Used in adaptive mode only */
+ int minBytes;
+} IsacSaveEncoderData;
+typedef struct {
+ double lpcGain[SUBFRAMES << 1];
+ int lpcGainIndex[SUBFRAMES << 1];
+ Bitstr bitStreamObj;
+} ISACUBSaveEncDataStruct;
+typedef struct {
+ Bitstr bitstr_obj;
+ MaskFiltstr maskfiltstr_obj;
+ PreFiltBankstr prefiltbankstr_obj;
+ PitchFiltstr pitchfiltstr_obj;
+ PitchAnalysisStruct pitchanalysisstr_obj;
+ FFTstr fftstr_obj;
+ IsacSaveEncoderData SaveEnc_obj;
+ int buffer_index;
+ int16_t current_framesamples;
+ float data_buffer_float[FRAMESAMPLES_30ms];
+ int frame_nb;
+ double bottleneck;
+ int16_t new_framelength;
+ double s2nr;
+ /* Maximum allowed number of bits for a 30 msec packet */
+ int16_t payloadLimitBytes30;
+ /* Maximum allowed number of bits for a 30 msec packet */
+ int16_t payloadLimitBytes60;
+ /* Maximum allowed number of bits for both 30 and 60 msec packet */
+ int16_t maxPayloadBytes;
+ /* Maximum allowed rate in bytes per 30 msec packet */
+ int16_t maxRateInBytes;
+ /*---
+ If set to 1 iSAC will not adapt the frame-size, if used in
+ channel-adaptive mode. The initial value will be used for all rates.
+ ---*/
+ int16_t enforceFrameSize;
+ /*-----
+ This records the BWE index the encoder injected into the bit-stream.
+ It will be used in RCU. The same BWE index of main payload will be in
+ the redundant payload. We can not retrieve it from BWE because it is
+ a recursive procedure (WebRtcIsac_GetDownlinkBwJitIndexImpl) and has to be
+ called only once per each encode.
+ -----*/
+ int16_t lastBWIdx;
+} ISACLBEncStruct;
+typedef struct {
+ Bitstr bitstr_obj;
+ MaskFiltstr maskfiltstr_obj;
+ PreFiltBankstr prefiltbankstr_obj;
+ FFTstr fftstr_obj;
+ ISACUBSaveEncDataStruct SaveEnc_obj;
+ int buffer_index;
+ float data_buffer_float[MAX_FRAMESAMPLES + LB_TOTAL_DELAY_SAMPLES];
+ double bottleneck;
+ /* Maximum allowed number of bits for a 30 msec packet */
+ // int16_t payloadLimitBytes30;
+ /* Maximum allowed number of bits for both 30 and 60 msec packet */
+ // int16_t maxPayloadBytes;
+ int16_t maxPayloadSizeBytes;
+ double lastLPCVec[UB_LPC_ORDER];
+ int16_t numBytesUsed;
+ int16_t lastJitterInfo;
+} ISACUBEncStruct;
+typedef struct {
+ Bitstr bitstr_obj;
+ MaskFiltstr maskfiltstr_obj;
+ PostFiltBankstr postfiltbankstr_obj;
+ PitchFiltstr pitchfiltstr_obj;
+ FFTstr fftstr_obj;
+} ISACLBDecStruct;
+typedef struct {
+ Bitstr bitstr_obj;
+ MaskFiltstr maskfiltstr_obj;
+ PostFiltBankstr postfiltbankstr_obj;
+ FFTstr fftstr_obj;
+} ISACUBDecStruct;
+typedef struct {
+ ISACLBEncStruct ISACencLB_obj;
+ ISACLBDecStruct ISACdecLB_obj;
+} ISACLBStruct;
+typedef struct {
+ ISACUBEncStruct ISACencUB_obj;
+ ISACUBDecStruct ISACdecUB_obj;
+} ISACUBStruct;
+ This struct is used to take a snapshot of the entropy coder and LPC gains
+ right before encoding LPC gains. This allows us to go back to that state
+ if we like to limit the payload size.
+typedef struct {
+ /* 6 lower-band & 6 upper-band */
+ double loFiltGain[SUBFRAMES];
+ double hiFiltGain[SUBFRAMES];
+ /* Upper boundary of interval W */
+ uint32_t W_upper;
+ uint32_t streamval;
+ /* Index to the current position in bytestream */
+ uint32_t stream_index;
+ uint8_t stream[3];
+} transcode_obj;
+typedef struct {
+ // TODO(kwiberg): The size of these tables could be reduced by storing floats
+ // instead of doubles, and by making use of the identity cos(x) =
+ // sin(x+pi/2). They could also be made global constants that we fill in at
+ // compile time.
+ double costab1[FRAMESAMPLES_HALF];
+ double sintab1[FRAMESAMPLES_HALF];
+ double costab2[FRAMESAMPLES_QUARTER];
+ double sintab2[FRAMESAMPLES_QUARTER];
+} TransformTables;
+typedef struct {
+ // lower-band codec instance
+ ISACLBStruct instLB;
+ // upper-band codec instance
+ ISACUBStruct instUB;
+ // Bandwidth Estimator and model for the rate.
+ BwEstimatorstr bwestimator_obj;
+ RateModel rate_data_obj;
+ double MaxDelay;
+ /* 0 = adaptive; 1 = instantaneous */
+ int16_t codingMode;
+ // overall bottleneck of the codec
+ int32_t bottleneck;
+ // QMF Filter state
+ int32_t analysisFBState1[FB_STATE_SIZE_WORD32];
+ int32_t analysisFBState2[FB_STATE_SIZE_WORD32];
+ int32_t synthesisFBState1[FB_STATE_SIZE_WORD32];
+ int32_t synthesisFBState2[FB_STATE_SIZE_WORD32];
+ // Error Code
+ int16_t errorCode;
+ // bandwidth of the encoded audio 8, 12 or 16 kHz
+ enum ISACBandwidth bandwidthKHz;
+ // Sampling rate of audio, encoder and decode, 8 or 16 kHz
+ enum IsacSamplingRate encoderSamplingRateKHz;
+ enum IsacSamplingRate decoderSamplingRateKHz;
+ // Flag to keep track of initializations, lower & upper-band
+ // encoder and decoder.
+ int16_t initFlag;
+ // Flag to to indicate signal bandwidth switch
+ int16_t resetFlag_8kHz;
+ // Maximum allowed rate, measured in Bytes per 30 ms.
+ int16_t maxRateBytesPer30Ms;
+ // Maximum allowed payload-size, measured in Bytes.
+ int16_t maxPayloadSizeBytes;
+ /* The expected sampling rate of the input signal. Valid values are 16000
+ * and 32000. This is not the operation sampling rate of the codec. */
+ uint16_t in_sample_rate_hz;
+ // Trig tables for WebRtcIsac_Time2Spec and WebRtcIsac_Spec2time.
+ TransformTables transform_tables;
+} ISACMainStruct;