path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a567efe2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/tools/neteq_test.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/default_neteq_factory.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace test {
+namespace {
+absl::optional<NetEq::Operation> ActionToOperations(
+ absl::optional<NetEqSimulator::Action> a) {
+ if (!a) {
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ switch (*a) {
+ case NetEqSimulator::Action::kAccelerate:
+ return absl::make_optional(NetEq::Operation::kAccelerate);
+ case NetEqSimulator::Action::kExpand:
+ return absl::make_optional(NetEq::Operation::kExpand);
+ case NetEqSimulator::Action::kNormal:
+ return absl::make_optional(NetEq::Operation::kNormal);
+ case NetEqSimulator::Action::kPreemptiveExpand:
+ return absl::make_optional(NetEq::Operation::kPreemptiveExpand);
+ }
+std::unique_ptr<NetEq> CreateNetEq(
+ const NetEq::Config& config,
+ Clock* clock,
+ const rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDecoderFactory>& decoder_factory) {
+ return DefaultNetEqFactory().CreateNetEq(config, decoder_factory, clock);
+} // namespace
+void DefaultNetEqTestErrorCallback::OnInsertPacketError(
+ const NetEqInput::PacketData& packet) {
+ std::cerr << "InsertPacket returned an error." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Packet data: " << packet.ToString() << std::endl;
+void DefaultNetEqTestErrorCallback::OnGetAudioError() {
+ std::cerr << "GetAudio returned an error." << std::endl;
+NetEqTest::NetEqTest(const NetEq::Config& config,
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDecoderFactory> decoder_factory,
+ const DecoderMap& codecs,
+ std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> text_log,
+ NetEqFactory* neteq_factory,
+ std::unique_ptr<NetEqInput> input,
+ std::unique_ptr<AudioSink> output,
+ Callbacks callbacks)
+ : input_(std::move(input)),
+ clock_(Timestamp::Millis(input_->NextEventTime().value_or(0))),
+ neteq_(neteq_factory
+ ? neteq_factory->CreateNetEq(config, decoder_factory, &clock_)
+ : CreateNetEq(config, &clock_, decoder_factory)),
+ output_(std::move(output)),
+ callbacks_(callbacks),
+ sample_rate_hz_(config.sample_rate_hz),
+ text_log_(std::move(text_log)) {
+ RTC_CHECK(!config.enable_muted_state)
+ << "The code does not handle enable_muted_state";
+ RegisterDecoders(codecs);
+NetEqTest::~NetEqTest() = default;
+int64_t NetEqTest::Run() {
+ int64_t simulation_time = 0;
+ SimulationStepResult step_result;
+ do {
+ step_result = RunToNextGetAudio();
+ simulation_time += step_result.simulation_step_ms;
+ } while (!step_result.is_simulation_finished);
+ if (callbacks_.simulation_ended_callback) {
+ callbacks_.simulation_ended_callback->SimulationEnded(simulation_time);
+ }
+ return simulation_time;
+NetEqTest::SimulationStepResult NetEqTest::RunToNextGetAudio() {
+ SimulationStepResult result;
+ const int64_t start_time_ms = *input_->NextEventTime();
+ int64_t time_now_ms = clock_.CurrentTime().ms();
+ current_state_.packet_iat_ms.clear();
+ while (!input_->ended()) {
+ // Advance time to next event.
+ RTC_DCHECK(input_->NextEventTime());
+ clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(*input_->NextEventTime() - time_now_ms);
+ time_now_ms = *input_->NextEventTime();
+ // Check if it is time to insert packet.
+ if (input_->NextPacketTime() && time_now_ms >= *input_->NextPacketTime()) {
+ std::unique_ptr<NetEqInput::PacketData> packet_data = input_->PopPacket();
+ RTC_CHECK(packet_data);
+ const size_t payload_data_length =
+ packet_data->payload.size() - packet_data->header.paddingLength;
+ if (payload_data_length != 0) {
+ int error = neteq_->InsertPacket(
+ packet_data->header,
+ rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t>(packet_data->payload));
+ if (error != NetEq::kOK && callbacks_.error_callback) {
+ callbacks_.error_callback->OnInsertPacketError(*packet_data);
+ }
+ if (callbacks_.post_insert_packet) {
+ callbacks_.post_insert_packet->AfterInsertPacket(*packet_data,
+ neteq_.get());
+ }
+ } else {
+ neteq_->InsertEmptyPacket(packet_data->header);
+ }
+ if (last_packet_time_ms_) {
+ current_state_.packet_iat_ms.push_back(time_now_ms -
+ *last_packet_time_ms_);
+ }
+ if (text_log_) {
+ const auto ops_state = neteq_->GetOperationsAndState();
+ const auto delta_wallclock =
+ last_packet_time_ms_ ? (time_now_ms - *last_packet_time_ms_) : -1;
+ const auto delta_timestamp =
+ last_packet_timestamp_
+ ? (static_cast<int64_t>(packet_data->header.timestamp) -
+ *last_packet_timestamp_) *
+ 1000 / sample_rate_hz_
+ : -1;
+ const auto packet_size_bytes =
+ packet_data->payload.size() == 12
+ ? ByteReader<uint32_t>::ReadLittleEndian(
+ &packet_data->payload[8])
+ : -1;
+ *text_log_ << "Packet - wallclock: " << std::setw(5) << time_now_ms
+ << ", delta wc: " << std::setw(4) << delta_wallclock
+ << ", seq_no: " << packet_data->header.sequenceNumber
+ << ", timestamp: " << std::setw(10)
+ << packet_data->header.timestamp
+ << ", delta ts: " << std::setw(4) << delta_timestamp
+ << ", size: " << std::setw(5) << packet_size_bytes
+ << ", frame size: " << std::setw(3)
+ << ops_state.current_frame_size_ms
+ << ", buffer size: " << std::setw(4)
+ << ops_state.current_buffer_size_ms << std::endl;
+ }
+ last_packet_time_ms_ = absl::make_optional<int>(time_now_ms);
+ last_packet_timestamp_ =
+ absl::make_optional<uint32_t>(packet_data->header.timestamp);
+ }
+ // Check if it is time to get output audio.
+ if (input_->NextOutputEventTime() &&
+ time_now_ms >= *input_->NextOutputEventTime()) {
+ if (callbacks_.get_audio_callback) {
+ callbacks_.get_audio_callback->BeforeGetAudio(neteq_.get());
+ }
+ AudioFrame out_frame;
+ bool muted;
+ int error = neteq_->GetAudio(&out_frame, &muted, nullptr,
+ ActionToOperations(next_action_));
+ next_action_ = absl::nullopt;
+ RTC_CHECK(!muted) << "The code does not handle enable_muted_state";
+ if (error != NetEq::kOK) {
+ if (callbacks_.error_callback) {
+ callbacks_.error_callback->OnGetAudioError();
+ }
+ } else {
+ sample_rate_hz_ = out_frame.sample_rate_hz_;
+ }
+ if (callbacks_.get_audio_callback) {
+ callbacks_.get_audio_callback->AfterGetAudio(time_now_ms, out_frame,
+ muted, neteq_.get());
+ }
+ if (output_) {
+ RTC_CHECK(output_->WriteArray(
+ out_frame.samples_per_channel_ * out_frame.num_channels_));
+ }
+ input_->AdvanceOutputEvent();
+ result.simulation_step_ms =
+ input_->NextEventTime().value_or(time_now_ms) - start_time_ms;
+ const auto operations_state = neteq_->GetOperationsAndState();
+ current_state_.current_delay_ms = operations_state.current_buffer_size_ms;
+ current_state_.packet_size_ms = operations_state.current_frame_size_ms;
+ current_state_.next_packet_available =
+ operations_state.next_packet_available;
+ current_state_.packet_buffer_flushed =
+ operations_state.packet_buffer_flushes >
+ prev_ops_state_.packet_buffer_flushes;
+ // TODO(ivoc): Add more accurate reporting by tracking the origin of
+ // samples in the sync buffer.
+ result.action_times_ms[Action::kExpand] = 0;
+ result.action_times_ms[Action::kAccelerate] = 0;
+ result.action_times_ms[Action::kPreemptiveExpand] = 0;
+ result.action_times_ms[Action::kNormal] = 0;
+ if (out_frame.speech_type_ == AudioFrame::SpeechType::kPLC ||
+ out_frame.speech_type_ == AudioFrame::SpeechType::kPLCCNG) {
+ // Consider the whole frame to be the result of expansion.
+ result.action_times_ms[Action::kExpand] = 10;
+ } else if (operations_state.accelerate_samples -
+ prev_ops_state_.accelerate_samples >
+ 0) {
+ // Consider the whole frame to be the result of acceleration.
+ result.action_times_ms[Action::kAccelerate] = 10;
+ } else if (operations_state.preemptive_samples -
+ prev_ops_state_.preemptive_samples >
+ 0) {
+ // Consider the whole frame to be the result of preemptive expansion.
+ result.action_times_ms[Action::kPreemptiveExpand] = 10;
+ } else {
+ // Consider the whole frame to be the result of normal playout.
+ result.action_times_ms[Action::kNormal] = 10;
+ }
+ auto lifetime_stats = LifetimeStats();
+ if (text_log_) {
+ const bool plc =
+ (out_frame.speech_type_ == AudioFrame::SpeechType::kPLC) ||
+ (out_frame.speech_type_ == AudioFrame::SpeechType::kPLCCNG);
+ const bool cng = out_frame.speech_type_ == AudioFrame::SpeechType::kCNG;
+ const bool voice_concealed =
+ (lifetime_stats.concealed_samples -
+ lifetime_stats.silent_concealed_samples) >
+ (prev_lifetime_stats_.concealed_samples -
+ prev_lifetime_stats_.silent_concealed_samples);
+ *text_log_ << "GetAudio - wallclock: " << std::setw(5) << time_now_ms
+ << ", delta wc: " << std::setw(4)
+ << (input_->NextEventTime().value_or(time_now_ms) -
+ start_time_ms)
+ << ", CNG: " << cng << ", PLC: " << plc
+ << ", voice concealed: " << voice_concealed
+ << ", buffer size: " << std::setw(4)
+ << current_state_.current_delay_ms << std::endl;
+ if (lifetime_stats.packets_discarded >
+ prev_lifetime_stats_.packets_discarded) {
+ *text_log_ << "Discarded "
+ << (lifetime_stats.packets_discarded -
+ prev_lifetime_stats_.packets_discarded)
+ << " primary packets." << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (operations_state.packet_buffer_flushes >
+ prev_ops_state_.packet_buffer_flushes) {
+ *text_log_ << "Flushed packet buffer "
+ << (operations_state.packet_buffer_flushes -
+ prev_ops_state_.packet_buffer_flushes)
+ << " times." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ prev_lifetime_stats_ = lifetime_stats;
+ const bool no_more_packets_to_decode =
+ !input_->NextPacketTime() && !operations_state.next_packet_available;
+ // End the simulation if the gap is too large. This indicates an issue
+ // with the event log file.
+ const bool simulation_step_too_large = result.simulation_step_ms > 1000;
+ if (simulation_step_too_large) {
+ // If we don't reset the step time, the large gap will be included in
+ // the simulation time, which can be a large distortion.
+ result.simulation_step_ms = 10;
+ }
+ result.is_simulation_finished = simulation_step_too_large ||
+ no_more_packets_to_decode ||
+ input_->ended();
+ prev_ops_state_ = operations_state;
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ result.simulation_step_ms =
+ input_->NextEventTime().value_or(time_now_ms) - start_time_ms;
+ result.is_simulation_finished = true;
+ return result;
+void NetEqTest::SetNextAction(NetEqTest::Action next_operation) {
+ next_action_ = absl::optional<Action>(next_operation);
+NetEqTest::NetEqState NetEqTest::GetNetEqState() {
+ return current_state_;
+NetEqNetworkStatistics NetEqTest::SimulationStats() {
+ NetEqNetworkStatistics stats;
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(neteq_->NetworkStatistics(&stats), 0);
+ return stats;
+NetEqLifetimeStatistics NetEqTest::LifetimeStats() const {
+ return neteq_->GetLifetimeStatistics();
+NetEqTest::DecoderMap NetEqTest::StandardDecoderMap() {
+ DecoderMap codecs = {
+ {0, SdpAudioFormat("pcmu", 8000, 1)},
+ {8, SdpAudioFormat("pcma", 8000, 1)},
+ {102, SdpAudioFormat("ilbc", 8000, 1)},
+ {111, SdpAudioFormat("opus", 48000, 2)},
+ {93, SdpAudioFormat("l16", 8000, 1)},
+ {94, SdpAudioFormat("l16", 16000, 1)},
+ {95, SdpAudioFormat("l16", 32000, 1)},
+ {96, SdpAudioFormat("l16", 48000, 1)},
+ {9, SdpAudioFormat("g722", 8000, 1)},
+ {106, SdpAudioFormat("telephone-event", 8000, 1)},
+ {114, SdpAudioFormat("telephone-event", 16000, 1)},
+ {115, SdpAudioFormat("telephone-event", 32000, 1)},
+ {116, SdpAudioFormat("telephone-event", 48000, 1)},
+ {117, SdpAudioFormat("red", 8000, 1)},
+ {13, SdpAudioFormat("cn", 8000, 1)},
+ {98, SdpAudioFormat("cn", 16000, 1)},
+ {99, SdpAudioFormat("cn", 32000, 1)},
+ {100, SdpAudioFormat("cn", 48000, 1)}
+ };
+ return codecs;
+void NetEqTest::RegisterDecoders(const DecoderMap& codecs) {
+ for (const auto& c : codecs) {
+ RTC_CHECK(neteq_->RegisterPayloadType(c.first, c.second))
+ << "Cannot register " << << " to payload type "
+ << c.first;
+ }
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace webrtc