path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/tools/grit/repack.gni
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/tools/grit/repack.gni')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/tools/grit/repack.gni b/third_party/libwebrtc/tools/grit/repack.gni
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..193f2dc43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/tools/grit/repack.gni
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This file defines a template to invoke grit repack in a consistent manner.
+# Parameters:
+# sources [required]
+# List of pak files that need to be combined.
+# output [required]
+# File name (single string) of the output file.
+# copy_data_to_bundle [optional]
+# Whether to define a bundle_data() for the resulting pak.
+# bundle_output [optional]
+# Path of the file in the application bundle, defaults to
+# {{bundle_resources_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}.
+# compress [optional]
+# Gzip the resulting bundle (and append .gz to the output name).
+# deps [optional]
+# public_deps [optional]
+# visibility [optional]
+# Normal meaning.
+template("repack") {
+ _copy_data_to_bundle =
+ defined(invoker.copy_data_to_bundle) && invoker.copy_data_to_bundle
+ _repack_target_name = target_name
+ if (_copy_data_to_bundle) {
+ _repack_target_name = "${target_name}__repack"
+ }
+ _compress = defined(invoker.compress) && invoker.compress
+ action(_repack_target_name) {
+ forward_variables_from(invoker,
+ [
+ "deps",
+ "public_deps",
+ "testonly",
+ "visibility",
+ ])
+ if (defined(visibility) && _copy_data_to_bundle) {
+ visibility += [ ":${invoker.target_name}" ]
+ }
+ assert(defined(invoker.sources), "Need sources for $target_name")
+ assert(defined(invoker.output), "Need output for $target_name")
+ script = "//tools/grit/"
+ inputs = invoker.sources
+ outputs = [
+ invoker.output,
+ "${invoker.output}.info",
+ ]
+ args = [ "repack" ]
+ if (defined(invoker.repack_whitelist)) {
+ inputs += [ invoker.repack_whitelist ]
+ _rebased_whitelist = rebase_path(invoker.repack_whitelist)
+ args += [ "--whitelist=$_rebased_whitelist" ]
+ args += [ "--suppress-removed-key-output" ]
+ }
+ args += [ rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir) ]
+ args += rebase_path(invoker.sources, root_build_dir)
+ if (_compress) {
+ args += [ "--compress" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (_copy_data_to_bundle) {
+ bundle_data(target_name) {
+ forward_variables_from(invoker,
+ [
+ "testonly",
+ "visibility",
+ ])
+ public_deps = [ ":$_repack_target_name" ]
+ sources = [ invoker.output ]
+ if (defined(invoker.bundle_output)) {
+ outputs = [ invoker.bundle_output ]
+ } else {
+ outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Repacks a set of .pak files for each locale.
+# Parameters:
+# input_locales [required]
+# List of locale names to use as inputs.
+# output_locales [required]
+# A list containing the corresponding output names for each of the
+# input names. Mac and iOS use different names in some cases.
+# source_patterns [required]
+# The pattern for pak files which need repacked. The filenames always end
+# with "${locale}.pak".
+# E.g.:
+# ${root_gen_dir}/foo_ expands to ${root_gen_dir}/foo_zh-CN.pak
+# when locale is zh-CN.
+# output_dir [optional]
+# Directory in which to put all pak files.
+# deps [optional]
+# visibility [optional]
+# testonly [optional]
+# copy_data_to_bundle [optional]
+# repack_whitelist [optional]
+# Normal meaning.
+template("repack_locales") {
+ if (defined(invoker.output_dir)) {
+ _output_dir = invoker.output_dir
+ } else if (is_ios) {
+ _output_dir = "$target_gen_dir"
+ } else {
+ _output_dir = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name"
+ }
+ # GN can't handle invoker.output_locales[foo] (
+ _output_locales = invoker.output_locales
+ # Collects all targets the loop generates.
+ _locale_targets = []
+ # This loop iterates over the input locales and also keeps a counter so it
+ # can simultaneously iterate over the output locales (using GN's very
+ # limited looping capabilities).
+ _current_index = 0
+ foreach(_input_locale, invoker.input_locales) {
+ _output_locale = _output_locales[_current_index]
+ # Compute the name of the target for the current file. Save it for the deps.
+ _current_name = "${target_name}_${_input_locale}"
+ _locale_targets += [ ":$_current_name" ]
+ repack(_current_name) {
+ forward_variables_from(invoker,
+ [
+ "copy_data_to_bundle",
+ "bundle_output",
+ "compress",
+ "deps",
+ "repack_whitelist",
+ "testonly",
+ ])
+ visibility = [ ":${invoker.target_name}" ]
+ if (is_ios) {
+ output = "$_output_dir/${_output_locale}.lproj/locale.pak"
+ } else {
+ output = "$_output_dir/${_output_locale}.pak"
+ }
+ if (defined(copy_data_to_bundle) && copy_data_to_bundle) {
+ bundle_output =
+ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/${_output_locale}.lproj/locale.pak"
+ }
+ sources = []
+ foreach(_pattern, invoker.source_patterns) {
+ sources += [ "${_pattern}${_input_locale}.pak" ]
+ }
+ }
+ _current_index = _current_index + 1
+ }
+ # The group that external targets depend on which collects all deps.
+ group(target_name) {
+ forward_variables_from(invoker,
+ [
+ "visibility",
+ "testonly",
+ ])
+ public_deps = _locale_targets
+ if (!defined(invoker.copy_data_to_bundle) || !invoker.copy_data_to_bundle) {
+ data_deps = public_deps
+ }
+ }