path: root/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect')
3 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/ b/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acd67dffa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+use super::super::plumbing::*;
+use crate::SendPtr;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::slice;
+pub(super) struct CollectConsumer<'c, T: Send> {
+ /// See `CollectResult` for explanation of why this is not a slice
+ start: SendPtr<T>,
+ len: usize,
+ marker: PhantomData<&'c mut T>,
+impl<T: Send> CollectConsumer<'_, T> {
+ /// Create a collector for `len` items in the unused capacity of the vector.
+ pub(super) fn appender(vec: &mut Vec<T>, len: usize) -> CollectConsumer<'_, T> {
+ let start = vec.len();
+ assert!(vec.capacity() - start >= len);
+ // SAFETY: We already made sure to have the additional space allocated.
+ // The pointer is derived from `Vec` directly, not through a `Deref`,
+ // so it has provenance over the whole allocation.
+ unsafe { CollectConsumer::new(vec.as_mut_ptr().add(start), len) }
+ }
+impl<'c, T: Send + 'c> CollectConsumer<'c, T> {
+ /// The target memory is considered uninitialized, and will be
+ /// overwritten without reading or dropping existing values.
+ unsafe fn new(start: *mut T, len: usize) -> Self {
+ CollectConsumer {
+ start: SendPtr(start),
+ len,
+ marker: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+/// CollectResult represents an initialized part of the target slice.
+/// This is a proxy owner of the elements in the slice; when it drops,
+/// the elements will be dropped, unless its ownership is released before then.
+pub(super) struct CollectResult<'c, T> {
+ /// This pointer and length has the same representation as a slice,
+ /// but retains the provenance of the entire array so that we can merge
+ /// these regions together in `CollectReducer`.
+ start: SendPtr<T>,
+ total_len: usize,
+ /// The current initialized length after `start`
+ initialized_len: usize,
+ /// Lifetime invariance guarantees that the data flows from consumer to result,
+ /// especially for the `scope_fn` callback in `Collect::with_consumer`.
+ invariant_lifetime: PhantomData<&'c mut &'c mut [T]>,
+unsafe impl<'c, T> Send for CollectResult<'c, T> where T: Send {}
+impl<'c, T> CollectResult<'c, T> {
+ /// The current length of the collect result
+ pub(super) fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.initialized_len
+ }
+ /// Release ownership of the slice of elements, and return the length
+ pub(super) fn release_ownership(mut self) -> usize {
+ let ret = self.initialized_len;
+ self.initialized_len = 0;
+ ret
+ }
+impl<'c, T> Drop for CollectResult<'c, T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // Drop the first `self.initialized_len` elements, which have been recorded
+ // to be initialized by the folder.
+ unsafe {
+ ptr::drop_in_place(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
+ self.start.0,
+ self.initialized_len,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+impl<'c, T: Send + 'c> Consumer<T> for CollectConsumer<'c, T> {
+ type Folder = CollectResult<'c, T>;
+ type Reducer = CollectReducer;
+ type Result = CollectResult<'c, T>;
+ fn split_at(self, index: usize) -> (Self, Self, CollectReducer) {
+ let CollectConsumer { start, len, .. } = self;
+ // Produce new consumers.
+ // SAFETY: This assert checks that `index` is a valid offset for `start`
+ unsafe {
+ assert!(index <= len);
+ (
+ CollectConsumer::new(start.0, index),
+ CollectConsumer::new(start.0.add(index), len - index),
+ CollectReducer,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ fn into_folder(self) -> Self::Folder {
+ // Create a result/folder that consumes values and writes them
+ // into the region after start. The initial result has length 0.
+ CollectResult {
+ start: self.start,
+ total_len: self.len,
+ initialized_len: 0,
+ invariant_lifetime: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ fn full(&self) -> bool {
+ false
+ }
+impl<'c, T: Send + 'c> Folder<T> for CollectResult<'c, T> {
+ type Result = Self;
+ fn consume(mut self, item: T) -> Self {
+ assert!(
+ self.initialized_len < self.total_len,
+ "too many values pushed to consumer"
+ );
+ // SAFETY: The assert above is a bounds check for this write, and we
+ // avoid assignment here so we do not drop an uninitialized T.
+ unsafe {
+ // Write item and increase the initialized length
+ self.start.0.add(self.initialized_len).write(item);
+ self.initialized_len += 1;
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ fn complete(self) -> Self::Result {
+ // NB: We don't explicitly check that the local writes were complete,
+ // but Collect will assert the total result length in the end.
+ self
+ }
+ fn full(&self) -> bool {
+ false
+ }
+/// Pretend to be unindexed for `special_collect_into_vec`,
+/// but we should never actually get used that way...
+impl<'c, T: Send + 'c> UnindexedConsumer<T> for CollectConsumer<'c, T> {
+ fn split_off_left(&self) -> Self {
+ unreachable!("CollectConsumer must be indexed!")
+ }
+ fn to_reducer(&self) -> Self::Reducer {
+ CollectReducer
+ }
+/// CollectReducer combines adjacent chunks; the result must always
+/// be contiguous so that it is one combined slice.
+pub(super) struct CollectReducer;
+impl<'c, T> Reducer<CollectResult<'c, T>> for CollectReducer {
+ fn reduce(
+ self,
+ mut left: CollectResult<'c, T>,
+ right: CollectResult<'c, T>,
+ ) -> CollectResult<'c, T> {
+ // Merge if the CollectResults are adjacent and in left to right order
+ // else: drop the right piece now and total length will end up short in the end,
+ // when the correctness of the collected result is asserted.
+ unsafe {
+ let left_end = left.start.0.add(left.initialized_len);
+ if left_end == right.start.0 {
+ left.total_len += right.total_len;
+ left.initialized_len += right.release_ownership();
+ }
+ left
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/ b/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4044a685b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+use super::{IndexedParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
+mod consumer;
+use self::consumer::CollectConsumer;
+use self::consumer::CollectResult;
+use super::unzip::unzip_indexed;
+mod test;
+/// Collects the results of the exact iterator into the specified vector.
+/// This is called by `IndexedParallelIterator::collect_into_vec`.
+pub(super) fn collect_into_vec<I, T>(pi: I, v: &mut Vec<T>)
+ I: IndexedParallelIterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Send,
+ v.truncate(0); // clear any old data
+ let len = pi.len();
+ collect_with_consumer(v, len, |consumer|;
+/// Collects the results of the iterator into the specified vector.
+/// Technically, this only works for `IndexedParallelIterator`, but we're faking a
+/// bit of specialization here until Rust can do that natively. Callers are
+/// using `opt_len` to find the length before calling this, and only exact
+/// iterators will return anything but `None` there.
+/// Since the type system doesn't understand that contract, we have to allow
+/// *any* `ParallelIterator` here, and `CollectConsumer` has to also implement
+/// `UnindexedConsumer`. That implementation panics `unreachable!` in case
+/// there's a bug where we actually do try to use this unindexed.
+pub(super) fn special_extend<I, T>(pi: I, len: usize, v: &mut Vec<T>)
+ I: ParallelIterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Send,
+ collect_with_consumer(v, len, |consumer| pi.drive_unindexed(consumer));
+/// Unzips the results of the exact iterator into the specified vectors.
+/// This is called by `IndexedParallelIterator::unzip_into_vecs`.
+pub(super) fn unzip_into_vecs<I, A, B>(pi: I, left: &mut Vec<A>, right: &mut Vec<B>)
+ I: IndexedParallelIterator<Item = (A, B)>,
+ A: Send,
+ B: Send,
+ // clear any old data
+ left.truncate(0);
+ right.truncate(0);
+ let len = pi.len();
+ collect_with_consumer(right, len, |right_consumer| {
+ let mut right_result = None;
+ collect_with_consumer(left, len, |left_consumer| {
+ let (left_r, right_r) = unzip_indexed(pi, left_consumer, right_consumer);
+ right_result = Some(right_r);
+ left_r
+ });
+ right_result.unwrap()
+ });
+/// Create a consumer on the slice of memory we are collecting into.
+/// The consumer needs to be used inside the scope function, and the
+/// complete collect result passed back.
+/// This method will verify the collect result, and panic if the slice
+/// was not fully written into. Otherwise, in the successful case,
+/// the vector is complete with the collected result.
+fn collect_with_consumer<T, F>(vec: &mut Vec<T>, len: usize, scope_fn: F)
+ T: Send,
+ F: FnOnce(CollectConsumer<'_, T>) -> CollectResult<'_, T>,
+ // Reserve space for `len` more elements in the vector,
+ vec.reserve(len);
+ // Create the consumer and run the callback for collection.
+ let result = scope_fn(CollectConsumer::appender(vec, len));
+ // The `CollectResult` represents a contiguous part of the slice, that has
+ // been written to. On unwind here, the `CollectResult` will be dropped. If
+ // some producers on the way did not produce enough elements, partial
+ // `CollectResult`s may have been dropped without being reduced to the final
+ // result, and we will see that as the length coming up short.
+ //
+ // Here, we assert that added length is fully initialized. This is checked
+ // by the following assert, which verifies if a complete `CollectResult`
+ // was produced; if the length is correct, it is necessarily covering the
+ // target slice. Since we know that the consumer cannot have escaped from
+ // `drive` (by parametricity, essentially), we know that any stores that
+ // will happen, have happened. Unless some code is buggy, that means we
+ // should have seen `len` total writes.
+ let actual_writes = result.len();
+ assert!(
+ actual_writes == len,
+ "expected {} total writes, but got {}",
+ len,
+ actual_writes
+ );
+ // Release the result's mutable borrow and "proxy ownership"
+ // of the elements, before the vector takes it over.
+ result.release_ownership();
+ let new_len = vec.len() + len;
+ unsafe {
+ vec.set_len(new_len);
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/ b/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5f676f5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/collect/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+// These tests are primarily targeting "abusive" producers that will
+// try to drive the "collect consumer" incorrectly. These should
+// result in panics.
+use super::collect_with_consumer;
+use crate::iter::plumbing::*;
+use rayon_core::join;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::panic;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
+use std::thread::Result as ThreadResult;
+/// Promises to produce 2 items, but then produces 3. Does not do any
+/// splits at all.
+#[should_panic(expected = "too many values")]
+fn produce_too_many_items() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 2, |consumer| {
+ let mut folder = consumer.into_folder();
+ folder = folder.consume(22);
+ folder = folder.consume(23);
+ folder = folder.consume(24);
+ unreachable!("folder does not complete")
+ });
+/// Produces fewer items than promised. Does not do any
+/// splits at all.
+#[should_panic(expected = "expected 5 total writes, but got 2")]
+fn produce_fewer_items() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 5, |consumer| {
+ let mut folder = consumer.into_folder();
+ folder = folder.consume(22);
+ folder = folder.consume(23);
+ folder.complete()
+ });
+// Complete is not called by the consumer. Hence,the collection vector is not fully initialized.
+#[should_panic(expected = "expected 4 total writes, but got 2")]
+fn left_produces_items_with_no_complete() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0).consume(1);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2).consume(3);
+ right_folder.complete()
+ });
+// Complete is not called by the right consumer. Hence,the
+// collection vector is not fully initialized.
+#[should_panic(expected = "expected 4 total writes, but got 2")]
+fn right_produces_items_with_no_complete() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0).consume(1);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2).consume(3);
+ left_folder.complete()
+ });
+// Complete is not called by the consumer. Hence,the collection vector is not fully initialized.
+fn produces_items_with_no_complete() {
+ let counter = DropCounter::default();
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ let panic_result = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 2, |consumer| {
+ let mut folder = consumer.into_folder();
+ folder = folder.consume(counter.element());
+ folder = folder.consume(counter.element());
+ panic!("folder does not complete");
+ });
+ }));
+ assert!(v.is_empty());
+ assert_is_panic_with_message(&panic_result, "folder does not complete");
+ counter.assert_drop_count();
+// The left consumer produces too many items while the right
+// consumer produces correct number.
+#[should_panic(expected = "too many values")]
+fn left_produces_too_many_items() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0).consume(1).consume(2);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2).consume(3);
+ let _ = right_folder.complete();
+ unreachable!("folder does not complete");
+ });
+// The right consumer produces too many items while the left
+// consumer produces correct number.
+#[should_panic(expected = "too many values")]
+fn right_produces_too_many_items() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0).consume(1);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2).consume(3).consume(4);
+ let _ = left_folder.complete();
+ unreachable!("folder does not complete");
+ });
+// The left consumer produces fewer items while the right
+// consumer produces correct number.
+#[should_panic(expected = "expected 4 total writes, but got 1")]
+fn left_produces_fewer_items() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let reducer = consumer.to_reducer();
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2).consume(3);
+ let left_result = left_folder.complete();
+ let right_result = right_folder.complete();
+ reducer.reduce(left_result, right_result)
+ });
+// The left and right consumer produce the correct number but
+// only left result is returned
+#[should_panic(expected = "expected 4 total writes, but got 2")]
+fn only_left_result() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0).consume(1);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2).consume(3);
+ let left_result = left_folder.complete();
+ let _ = right_folder.complete();
+ left_result
+ });
+// The left and right consumer produce the correct number but
+// only right result is returned
+#[should_panic(expected = "expected 4 total writes, but got 2")]
+fn only_right_result() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0).consume(1);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2).consume(3);
+ let _ = left_folder.complete();
+ right_folder.complete()
+ });
+// The left and right consumer produce the correct number but reduce
+// in the wrong order.
+#[should_panic(expected = "expected 4 total writes, but got 2")]
+fn reducer_does_not_preserve_order() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let reducer = consumer.to_reducer();
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0).consume(1);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2).consume(3);
+ let left_result = left_folder.complete();
+ let right_result = right_folder.complete();
+ reducer.reduce(right_result, left_result)
+ });
+// The right consumer produces fewer items while the left
+// consumer produces correct number.
+#[should_panic(expected = "expected 4 total writes, but got 3")]
+fn right_produces_fewer_items() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let reducer = consumer.to_reducer();
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0).consume(1);
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2);
+ let left_result = left_folder.complete();
+ let right_result = right_folder.complete();
+ reducer.reduce(left_result, right_result)
+ });
+// The left consumer panics and the right stops short, like `panic_fuse()`.
+// We should get the left panic without finishing `collect_with_consumer`.
+#[should_panic(expected = "left consumer panic")]
+fn left_panics() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let reducer = consumer.to_reducer();
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let (left_result, right_result) = join(
+ || {
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0);
+ panic!("left consumer panic");
+ },
+ || {
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2);
+ right_folder.complete() // early return
+ },
+ );
+ reducer.reduce(left_result, right_result)
+ });
+ unreachable!();
+// The right consumer panics and the left stops short, like `panic_fuse()`.
+// We should get the right panic without finishing `collect_with_consumer`.
+#[should_panic(expected = "right consumer panic")]
+fn right_panics() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let reducer = consumer.to_reducer();
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let (left_result, right_result) = join(
+ || {
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(0);
+ left_folder.complete() // early return
+ },
+ || {
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ right_folder = right_folder.consume(2);
+ panic!("right consumer panic");
+ },
+ );
+ reducer.reduce(left_result, right_result)
+ });
+ unreachable!();
+// The left consumer produces fewer items while the right
+// consumer produces correct number; check that created elements are dropped
+fn left_produces_fewer_items_drops() {
+ let counter = DropCounter::default();
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ let panic_result = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
+ collect_with_consumer(&mut v, 4, |consumer| {
+ let reducer = consumer.to_reducer();
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, _) = consumer.split_at(2);
+ let mut left_folder = left_consumer.into_folder();
+ let mut right_folder = right_consumer.into_folder();
+ left_folder = left_folder.consume(counter.element());
+ right_folder = right_folder
+ .consume(counter.element())
+ .consume(counter.element());
+ let left_result = left_folder.complete();
+ let right_result = right_folder.complete();
+ reducer.reduce(left_result, right_result)
+ });
+ }));
+ assert!(v.is_empty());
+ assert_is_panic_with_message(&panic_result, "expected 4 total writes, but got 1");
+ counter.assert_drop_count();
+/// This counter can create elements, and then count and verify
+/// the number of which have actually been dropped again.
+struct DropCounter {
+ created: AtomicUsize,
+ dropped: AtomicUsize,
+struct Element<'a>(&'a AtomicUsize);
+impl DropCounter {
+ fn created(&self) -> usize {
+ self.created.load(Ordering::SeqCst)
+ }
+ fn dropped(&self) -> usize {
+ self.dropped.load(Ordering::SeqCst)
+ }
+ fn element(&self) -> Element<'_> {
+ self.created.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ Element(&self.dropped)
+ }
+ fn assert_drop_count(&self) {
+ assert_eq!(
+ self.created(),
+ self.dropped(),
+ "Expected {} dropped elements, but found {}",
+ self.created(),
+ self.dropped()
+ );
+ }
+impl<'a> Drop for Element<'a> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ }
+/// Assert that the result from catch_unwind is a panic that contains expected message
+fn assert_is_panic_with_message<T>(result: &ThreadResult<T>, expected: &str)
+ T: fmt::Debug,
+ match result {
+ Ok(value) => {
+ panic!(
+ "assertion failure: Expected panic, got successful {:?}",
+ value
+ );
+ }
+ Err(error) => {
+ let message_str = error.downcast_ref::<&'static str>().cloned();
+ let message_string = error.downcast_ref::<String>().map(String::as_str);
+ if let Some(message) = message_str.or(message_string) {
+ if !message.contains(expected) {
+ panic!(
+ "assertion failure: Expected {:?}, but found panic with {:?}",
+ expected, message
+ );
+ }
+ // assertion passes
+ } else {
+ panic!(
+ "assertion failure: Expected {:?}, but found panic with unknown value",
+ expected
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }