path: root/third_party/rust/wasi/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/wasi/')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/wasi/ b/third_party/rust/wasi/
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index 0000000000..6f4fb3f537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/wasi/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Bytecode Alliance Organizational Code of Conduct (OCoC)
+*Note*: this Code of Conduct pertains to organizations' behavior. Please also see the [Individual Code of Conduct](
+## Preamble
+The Bytecode Alliance (BA) welcomes involvement from organizations,
+including commercial organizations. This document is an
+*organizational* code of conduct, intended particularly to provide
+guidance to commercial organizations. It is distinct from the
+[Individual Code of Conduct (ICoC)](, and does not
+replace the ICoC. This OCoC applies to any group of people acting in
+concert as a BA member or as a participant in BA activities, whether
+or not that group is formally incorporated in some jurisdiction.
+The code of conduct described below is not a set of rigid rules, and
+we did not write it to encompass every conceivable scenario that might
+arise. For example, it is theoretically possible there would be times
+when asserting patents is in the best interest of the BA community as
+a whole. In such instances, consult with the BA, strive for
+consensus, and interpret these rules with an intent that is generous
+to the community the BA serves.
+While we may revise these guidelines from time to time based on
+real-world experience, overall they are based on a simple principle:
+*Bytecode Alliance members should observe the distinction between
+ public community functions and private functions — especially
+ commercial ones — and should ensure that the latter support, or at
+ least do not harm, the former.*
+## Guidelines
+ * **Do not cause confusion about Wasm standards or interoperability.**
+ Having an interoperable WebAssembly core is a high priority for
+ the BA, and members should strive to preserve that core. It is fine
+ to develop additional non-standard features or APIs, but they
+ should always be clearly distinguished from the core interoperable
+ Wasm.
+ Treat the WebAssembly name and any BA-associated names with
+ respect, and follow BA trademark and branding guidelines. If you
+ distribute a customized version of software originally produced by
+ the BA, or if you build a product or service using BA-derived
+ software, use names that clearly distinguish your work from the
+ original. (You should still provide proper attribution to the
+ original, of course, wherever such attribution would normally be
+ given.)
+ Further, do not use the WebAssembly name or BA-associated names in
+ other public namespaces in ways that could cause confusion, e.g.,
+ in company names, names of commercial service offerings, domain
+ names, publicly-visible social media accounts or online service
+ accounts, etc. It may sometimes be reasonable, however, to
+ register such a name in a new namespace and then immediately donate
+ control of that account to the BA, because that would help the project
+ maintain its identity.
+ For further guidance, see the BA Trademark and Branding Policy
+ [TODO: create policy, then insert link].
+ * **Do not restrict contributors.** If your company requires
+ employees or contractors to sign non-compete agreements, those
+ agreements must not prevent people from participating in the BA or
+ contributing to related projects.
+ This does not mean that all non-compete agreements are incompatible
+ with this code of conduct. For example, a company may restrict an
+ employee's ability to solicit the company's customers. However, an
+ agreement must not block any form of technical or social
+ participation in BA activities, including but not limited to the
+ implementation of particular features.
+ The accumulation of experience and expertise in individual persons,
+ who are ultimately free to direct their energy and attention as
+ they decide, is one of the most important drivers of progress in
+ open source projects. A company that limits this freedom may hinder
+ the success of the BA's efforts.
+ * **Do not use patents as offensive weapons.** If any BA participant
+ prevents the adoption or development of BA technologies by
+ asserting its patents, that undermines the purpose of the
+ coalition. The collaboration fostered by the BA cannot include
+ members who act to undermine its work.
+ * **Practice responsible disclosure** for security vulnerabilities.
+ Use designated, non-public reporting channels to disclose technical
+ vulnerabilities, and give the project a reasonable period to
+ respond, remediate, and patch. [TODO: optionally include the
+ security vulnerability reporting URL here.]
+ Vulnerability reporters may patch their company's own offerings, as
+ long as that patching does not significantly delay the reporting of
+ the vulnerability. Vulnerability information should never be used
+ for unilateral commercial advantage. Vendors may legitimately
+ compete on the speed and reliability with which they deploy
+ security fixes, but withholding vulnerability information damages
+ everyone in the long run by risking harm to the BA project's
+ reputation and to the security of all users.
+ * **Respect the letter and spirit of open source practice.** While
+ there is not space to list here all possible aspects of standard
+ open source practice, some examples will help show what we mean:
+ * Abide by all applicable open source license terms. Do not engage
+ in copyright violation or misattribution of any kind.
+ * Do not claim others' ideas or designs as your own.
+ * When others engage in publicly visible work (e.g., an upcoming
+ demo that is coordinated in a public issue tracker), do not
+ unilaterally announce early releases or early demonstrations of
+ that work ahead of their schedule in order to secure private
+ advantage (such as marketplace advantage) for yourself.
+ The BA reserves the right to determine what constitutes good open
+ source practices and to take action as it deems appropriate to
+ encourage, and if necessary enforce, such practices.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of organizational behavior in violation of the OCoC may
+be reported by contacting the Bytecode Alliance CoC team at
+[]( The
+CoC team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond
+in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The CoC team
+is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of
+an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be
+posted separately.
+When the BA deems an organization in violation of this OCoC, the BA
+will, at its sole discretion, determine what action to take. The BA
+will decide what type, degree, and duration of corrective action is
+needed, if any, before a violating organization can be considered for
+membership (if it was not already a member) or can have its membership
+reinstated (if it was a member and the BA canceled its membership due
+to the violation).
+In practice, the BA's first approach will be to start a conversation,
+with punitive enforcement used only as a last resort. Violations
+often turn out to be unintentional and swiftly correctable with all
+parties acting in good faith.