path: root/browser/app/winlauncher/freestanding/DllBlocklist.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/app/winlauncher/freestanding/DllBlocklist.cpp')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/app/winlauncher/freestanding/DllBlocklist.cpp b/browser/app/winlauncher/freestanding/DllBlocklist.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce5937aeef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/app/winlauncher/freestanding/DllBlocklist.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h"
+#include "mozilla/NativeNt.h"
+#include "mozilla/Types.h"
+#include "mozilla/WindowsDllBlocklist.h"
+#include "CrashAnnotations.h"
+#include "DllBlocklist.h"
+#include "LoaderPrivateAPI.h"
+#include "ModuleLoadFrame.h"
+#include "SharedSection.h"
+#define DLL_BLOCKLIST_ENTRY(name, ...) \
+#if defined(MOZ_LAUNCHER_PROCESS) || defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
+# include "mozilla/WindowsDllBlocklistLauncherDefs.h"
+# include "mozilla/WindowsDllBlocklistCommon.h"
+using WritableBuffer = mozilla::glue::detail::WritableBuffer<1024>;
+ struct NativeNtBlockSetEntry {
+ NativeNtBlockSetEntry() = default;
+ ~NativeNtBlockSetEntry() = default;
+ NativeNtBlockSetEntry(const UNICODE_STRING& aName, uint64_t aVersion,
+ NativeNtBlockSetEntry* aNext)
+ : mName(aName), mVersion(aVersion), mNext(aNext) {}
+ uint64_t mVersion;
+ NativeNtBlockSetEntry* mNext;
+ };
+ public:
+ // Constructor and destructor MUST be trivial
+ constexpr NativeNtBlockSet() : mFirstEntry(nullptr) {}
+ ~NativeNtBlockSet() = default;
+ void Add(const UNICODE_STRING& aName, uint64_t aVersion);
+ void Write(WritableBuffer& buffer);
+ private:
+ static NativeNtBlockSetEntry* NewEntry(const UNICODE_STRING& aName,
+ uint64_t aVersion,
+ NativeNtBlockSetEntry* aNextEntry);
+ private:
+ NativeNtBlockSetEntry* mFirstEntry;
+ mozilla::nt::SRWLock mLock;
+NativeNtBlockSet::NativeNtBlockSetEntry* NativeNtBlockSet::NewEntry(
+ const UNICODE_STRING& aName, uint64_t aVersion,
+ NativeNtBlockSet::NativeNtBlockSetEntry* aNextEntry) {
+ return mozilla::freestanding::RtlNew<NativeNtBlockSetEntry>(aName, aVersion,
+ aNextEntry);
+void NativeNtBlockSet::Add(const UNICODE_STRING& aName, uint64_t aVersion) {
+ mozilla::nt::AutoExclusiveLock lock(mLock);
+ for (NativeNtBlockSetEntry* entry = mFirstEntry; entry;
+ entry = entry->mNext) {
+ if (::RtlEqualUnicodeString(&entry->mName, &aName, TRUE) &&
+ aVersion == entry->mVersion) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not present, add it
+ NativeNtBlockSetEntry* newEntry = NewEntry(aName, aVersion, mFirstEntry);
+ if (newEntry) {
+ mFirstEntry = newEntry;
+ }
+void NativeNtBlockSet::Write(WritableBuffer& aBuffer) {
+ // NB: If this function is called, it is long after kernel32 is initialized,
+ // so it is safe to use Win32 calls here.
+ char buf[MAX_PATH];
+ // It would be nicer to use RAII here. However, its destructor
+ // might not run if an exception occurs, in which case we would never release
+ // the lock (MSVC warns about this possibility). So we acquire and release
+ // manually.
+ ::AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&mLock);
+ for (auto entry = mFirstEntry; entry; entry = entry->mNext) {
+ int convOk = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, entry->mName.Buffer,
+ entry->mName.Length / sizeof(wchar_t),
+ buf, sizeof(buf), nullptr, nullptr);
+ if (!convOk) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // write name[,v.v.v.v];
+ aBuffer.Write(buf, convOk);
+ if (entry->mVersion != DllBlockInfo::ALL_VERSIONS) {
+ aBuffer.Write(",", 1);
+ uint16_t parts[4];
+ parts[0] = entry->mVersion >> 48;
+ parts[1] = (entry->mVersion >> 32) & 0xFFFF;
+ parts[2] = (entry->mVersion >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+ parts[3] = entry->mVersion & 0xFFFF;
+ for (size_t p = 0; p < mozilla::ArrayLength(parts); ++p) {
+ _ltoa_s(parts[p], buf, sizeof(buf), 10);
+ aBuffer.Write(buf, strlen(buf));
+ if (p != mozilla::ArrayLength(parts) - 1) {
+ aBuffer.Write(".", 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ aBuffer.Write(";", 1);
+ }
+ }
+ ::ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&mLock);
+static NativeNtBlockSet gBlockSet;
+extern "C" void MOZ_EXPORT
+NativeNtBlockSet_Write(CrashReporter::AnnotationWriter& aWriter) {
+ WritableBuffer buffer;
+ gBlockSet.Write(buffer);
+ aWriter.Write(CrashReporter::Annotation::BlockedDllList, buffer.Data(),
+ buffer.Length());
+enum class BlockAction {
+ Allow,
+ SubstituteLSP,
+ Error,
+ Deny,
+ NoOpEntryPoint,
+static BlockAction CheckBlockInfo(const DllBlockInfo* aInfo,
+ const mozilla::nt::PEHeaders& aHeaders,
+ uint64_t& aVersion) {
+ aVersion = DllBlockInfo::ALL_VERSIONS;
+ if (aInfo->mFlags & (DllBlockInfo::BLOCK_WIN8_AND_OLDER |
+ DllBlockInfo::BLOCK_WIN7_AND_OLDER)) {
+ RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW osv = {sizeof(osv)};
+ NTSTATUS ntStatus = ::RtlGetVersion(&osv);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
+ return BlockAction::Error;
+ }
+ if ((aInfo->mFlags & DllBlockInfo::BLOCK_WIN8_AND_OLDER) &&
+ (osv.dwMajorVersion > 6 ||
+ (osv.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osv.dwMinorVersion > 2))) {
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ if ((aInfo->mFlags & DllBlockInfo::BLOCK_WIN7_AND_OLDER) &&
+ (osv.dwMajorVersion > 6 ||
+ (osv.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osv.dwMinorVersion > 1))) {
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((aInfo->mFlags & DllBlockInfo::CHILD_PROCESSES_ONLY) &&
+ !(gBlocklistInitFlags & eDllBlocklistInitFlagIsChildProcess)) {
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ if ((aInfo->mFlags & DllBlockInfo::UTILITY_PROCESSES_ONLY) &&
+ !(gBlocklistInitFlags & eDllBlocklistInitFlagIsUtilityProcess)) {
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ if ((aInfo->mFlags & DllBlockInfo::SOCKET_PROCESSES_ONLY) &&
+ !(gBlocklistInitFlags & eDllBlocklistInitFlagIsSocketProcess)) {
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ if ((aInfo->mFlags & DllBlockInfo::BROWSER_PROCESS_ONLY) &&
+ (gBlocklistInitFlags & eDllBlocklistInitFlagIsChildProcess)) {
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ if (aInfo->mMaxVersion == DllBlockInfo::ALL_VERSIONS) {
+ return BlockAction::Deny;
+ }
+ if (!aHeaders) {
+ return BlockAction::Error;
+ }
+ if (aInfo->mFlags & DllBlockInfo::USE_TIMESTAMP) {
+ DWORD timestamp;
+ if (!aHeaders.GetTimeStamp(timestamp)) {
+ return BlockAction::Error;
+ }
+ if (timestamp > aInfo->mMaxVersion) {
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ return BlockAction::Deny;
+ }
+ // Else we try to get the file version information. Note that we don't have
+ // access to GetFileVersionInfo* APIs.
+ if (!aHeaders.GetVersionInfo(aVersion)) {
+ return BlockAction::Error;
+ }
+ if (aInfo->IsVersionBlocked(aVersion)) {
+ return BlockAction::Deny;
+ }
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+// This helper function checks whether a given module is included
+// in the executable's Import Table. Because an injected module's
+// DllMain may revert the Import Table to the original state, we parse
+// the Import Table every time a module is loaded without creating a cache.
+static bool IsDependentModule(
+ const UNICODE_STRING& aModuleLeafName,
+ mozilla::freestanding::Kernel32ExportsSolver& aK32Exports) {
+ // We enable automatic DLL blocking only in early Beta or earlier for now
+ // because it caused a compat issue (bug 1682304 and 1704373).
+ mozilla::nt::PEHeaders exeHeaders(aK32Exports.mGetModuleHandleW(nullptr));
+ if (!exeHeaders || !exeHeaders.IsImportDirectoryTampered()) {
+ // If no tampering is detected, no need to enumerate the Import Table.
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isDependent = false;
+ exeHeaders.EnumImportChunks(
+ [&isDependent, &aModuleLeafName, &exeHeaders](const char* aDepModule) {
+ // If |aDepModule| is within the PE image, it's not an injected module
+ // but a legitimate dependent module.
+ if (isDependent || exeHeaders.IsWithinImage(aDepModule)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ UNICODE_STRING depModuleLeafName;
+ mozilla::nt::AllocatedUnicodeString depModuleName(aDepModule);
+ mozilla::nt::GetLeafName(&depModuleLeafName, depModuleName);
+ isDependent = (::RtlCompareUnicodeString(
+ &aModuleLeafName, &depModuleLeafName, TRUE) == 0);
+ });
+ return isDependent;
+ return false;
+// Allowing a module to be loaded but detour the entrypoint to NoOp_DllMain
+// so that the module has no chance to interact with our code. We need this
+// technique to safely block a module injected by IAT tampering because
+// blocking such a module makes a process fail to launch.
+static bool RedirectToNoOpEntryPoint(
+ const mozilla::nt::PEHeaders& aModule,
+ mozilla::freestanding::Kernel32ExportsSolver& aK32Exports) {
+ mozilla::interceptor::WindowsDllEntryPointInterceptor interceptor(
+ aK32Exports);
+ if (!interceptor.Set(aModule, NoOp_DllMain)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static BlockAction DetermineBlockAction(
+ const UNICODE_STRING& aLeafName, void* aBaseAddress,
+ mozilla::freestanding::Kernel32ExportsSolver* aK32Exports) {
+ if (mozilla::nt::Contains12DigitHexString(aLeafName) ||
+ mozilla::nt::IsFileNameAtLeast16HexDigits(aLeafName)) {
+ return BlockAction::Deny;
+ }
+ mozilla::freestanding::DllBlockInfoComparator comp(aLeafName);
+ size_t match;
+ bool onBuiltinList = BinarySearchIf(info, 0, infoNumEntries, comp, &match);
+ const DllBlockInfo* entry = nullptr;
+ mozilla::nt::PEHeaders headers(aBaseAddress);
+ uint64_t version;
+ BlockAction checkResult = BlockAction::Allow;
+ if (onBuiltinList) {
+ entry = &info[match];
+ checkResult = CheckBlockInfo(entry, headers, version);
+ }
+ mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> blockedByDynamicBlocklist = false;
+ // Make sure we handle a case that older versions are blocked by the static
+ // list, but the dynamic list blocks all versions.
+ if (checkResult == BlockAction::Allow) {
+ if (!mozilla::freestanding::gSharedSection.IsDisabled()) {
+ entry = mozilla::freestanding::gSharedSection.SearchBlocklist(aLeafName);
+ if (entry) {
+ checkResult = CheckBlockInfo(entry, headers, version);
+ blockedByDynamicBlocklist = checkResult != BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (checkResult == BlockAction::Allow) {
+ return BlockAction::Allow;
+ }
+ gBlockSet.Add(entry->mName, version);
+ if ((entry->mFlags & DllBlockInfo::REDIRECT_TO_NOOP_ENTRYPOINT) &&
+ aK32Exports && RedirectToNoOpEntryPoint(headers, *aK32Exports)) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!blockedByDynamicBlocklist, "dynamic blocklist has redirect?");
+ return BlockAction::NoOpEntryPoint;
+ }
+ return checkResult;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace freestanding {
+CrossProcessDllInterceptor::FuncHookType<LdrLoadDllPtr> stub_LdrLoadDll;
+NTSTATUS NTAPI patched_LdrLoadDll(PWCHAR aDllPath, PULONG aFlags,
+ PHANDLE aOutHandle) {
+ ModuleLoadFrame frame(aDllName);
+ NTSTATUS ntStatus = stub_LdrLoadDll(aDllPath, aFlags, aDllName, aOutHandle);
+ return frame.SetLoadStatus(ntStatus, aOutHandle);
+ stub_NtMapViewOfSection;
+NTSTATUS NTAPI patched_NtMapViewOfSection(
+ HANDLE aSection, HANDLE aProcess, PVOID* aBaseAddress, ULONG_PTR aZeroBits,
+ SIZE_T aCommitSize, PLARGE_INTEGER aSectionOffset, PSIZE_T aViewSize,
+ SECTION_INHERIT aInheritDisposition, ULONG aAllocationType,
+ ULONG aProtectionFlags) {
+ // We always map first, then we check for additional info after.
+ NTSTATUS stubStatus = stub_NtMapViewOfSection(
+ aSection, aProcess, aBaseAddress, aZeroBits, aCommitSize, aSectionOffset,
+ aViewSize, aInheritDisposition, aAllocationType, aProtectionFlags);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(stubStatus)) {
+ return stubStatus;
+ }
+ if (aProcess != nt::kCurrentProcess) {
+ // We're only interested in mapping for the current process.
+ return stubStatus;
+ }
+ // Do a query to see if the memory is MEM_IMAGE. If not, continue
+ NTSTATUS ntStatus =
+ ::NtQueryVirtualMemory(aProcess, *aBaseAddress, MemoryBasicInformation,
+ &mbi, sizeof(mbi), nullptr);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
+ ::NtUnmapViewOfSection(aProcess, *aBaseAddress);
+ }
+ // We don't care about mappings that aren't MEM_IMAGE or executable.
+ // We check for the AllocationProtect, not the Protect field because
+ // the first section of a mapped image is always PAGE_READONLY even
+ // when it's mapped as an executable.
+ constexpr DWORD kPageExecutable = PAGE_EXECUTE | PAGE_EXECUTE_READ |
+ if (!(mbi.Type & MEM_IMAGE) || !(mbi.AllocationProtect & kPageExecutable)) {
+ return stubStatus;
+ }
+ // Get the section name
+ nt::MemorySectionNameBuf sectionFileName(
+ gLoaderPrivateAPI.GetSectionNameBuffer(*aBaseAddress));
+ if (sectionFileName.IsEmpty()) {
+ ::NtUnmapViewOfSection(aProcess, *aBaseAddress);
+ }
+ // Find the leaf name
+ nt::GetLeafName(&leafOnStack, sectionFileName);
+ bool isDependent = false;
+ const UNICODE_STRING k32Name = MOZ_LITERAL_UNICODE_STRING(L"kernel32.dll");
+ Kernel32ExportsSolver* k32Exports = nullptr;
+ BlockAction blockAction;
+ // Trying to get the Kernel32Exports while loading kernel32.dll causes Firefox
+ // to crash. (but only during a profile-guided optimization run, oddly) We
+ // know we're never going to block kernel32.dll, so skip all this
+ if (::RtlCompareUnicodeString(&k32Name, &leafOnStack, TRUE) == 0) {
+ blockAction = BlockAction::Allow;
+ } else {
+ k32Exports = gSharedSection.GetKernel32Exports();
+ // Small optimization: Since loading a dependent module does not involve
+ // LdrLoadDll, we know isDependent is false if we hold a top frame.
+ if (k32Exports && !ModuleLoadFrame::ExistsTopFrame()) {
+ isDependent = IsDependentModule(leafOnStack, *k32Exports);
+ }
+ if (isDependent) {
+ // Add an NT dv\path to the shared section so that a sandbox process can
+ // use it to bypass CIG. In a sandbox process, this addition fails
+ // because we cannot map the section to a writable region, but it's
+ // ignorable because the paths have been added by the browser process.
+ Unused << gSharedSection.AddDependentModule(sectionFileName);
+ // For a dependent module, try redirection instead of blocking it.
+ // If we fail, we reluctantly allow the module for free.
+ mozilla::nt::PEHeaders headers(*aBaseAddress);
+ blockAction = RedirectToNoOpEntryPoint(headers, *k32Exports)
+ ? BlockAction::NoOpEntryPoint
+ : BlockAction::Allow;
+ } else {
+ // Check blocklist
+ blockAction =
+ DetermineBlockAction(leafOnStack, *aBaseAddress, k32Exports);
+ }
+ }
+ ModuleLoadInfo::Status loadStatus = ModuleLoadInfo::Status::Blocked;
+ switch (blockAction) {
+ case BlockAction::Allow:
+ loadStatus = ModuleLoadInfo::Status::Loaded;
+ break;
+ case BlockAction::NoOpEntryPoint:
+ loadStatus = ModuleLoadInfo::Status::Redirected;
+ break;
+ case BlockAction::SubstituteLSP:
+ // The process heap needs to be available here because
+ // NotifyLSPSubstitutionRequired below copies a given string into
+ // the heap. We use a soft assert here, assuming LSP load always
+ // occurs after the heap is initialized.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(nt::RtlGetProcessHeap());
+ // Notify patched_LdrLoadDll that it will be necessary to perform
+ // a substitution before returning.
+ ModuleLoadFrame::NotifyLSPSubstitutionRequired(&leafOnStack);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (nt::RtlGetProcessHeap()) {
+ ModuleLoadFrame::NotifySectionMap(
+ nt::AllocatedUnicodeString(sectionFileName), *aBaseAddress, stubStatus,
+ loadStatus, isDependent);
+ }
+ if (loadStatus == ModuleLoadInfo::Status::Loaded ||
+ loadStatus == ModuleLoadInfo::Status::Redirected) {
+ return stubStatus;
+ }
+ ::NtUnmapViewOfSection(aProcess, *aBaseAddress);
+} // namespace freestanding
+} // namespace mozilla