path: root/browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/')
1 files changed, 456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/ b/browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..91e6c2a9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+"""Firefox Messaging System Messaging Experiment schema generator
+The Firefox Messaging System handles several types of messages. This program
+patches and combines those schemas into a single schema
+(MessagingExperiment.schema.json) which is used to validate messaging
+experiments coming from Nimbus.
+Definitions from FxMsCommon.schema.json are bundled into this schema. This
+allows all of the FxMS schemas to reference common definitions, e.g.
+`localizableText` for translatable strings, via referencing the common schema.
+The bundled schema will be re-written so that the references now point at the
+top-level, generated schema.
+Additionally, all self-references in each messaging schema will be rewritten
+into absolute references, referencing each sub-schemas `$id`. This is requried
+due to the JSONSchema validation library used by Experimenter not fully
+supporting self-references and bundled schema.
+import json
+import sys
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from itertools import chain
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Union
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import jsonschema
+class SchemaDefinition(NamedTuple):
+ """A definition of a schema that is to be bundled."""
+ #: The $id of the generated schema.
+ schema_id: str
+ #: The path of the generated schema.
+ schema_path: Path
+ #: The message types that will be bundled into the schema.
+ message_types: Dict[str, Path]
+ #: What common definitions to bundle into the schema.
+ #:
+ #: If `True`, all definitions will be bundled.
+ #: If `False`, no definitons will be bundled.
+ #: If a list, only the named definitions will be bundled.
+ bundle_common: Union[bool, List[str]]
+ #: The testing corpus for the schema.
+ test_corpus: Dict[str, Path]
+SCHEMA_DIR = Path("..", "templates")
+ SchemaDefinition(
+ schema_id="resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json",
+ schema_path=Path("MessagingExperiment.schema.json"),
+ message_types={
+ "CFRUrlbarChiclet": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "CFR" / "templates" / "CFRUrlbarChiclet.schema.json"
+ ),
+ "ExtensionDoorhanger": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "CFR" / "templates" / "ExtensionDoorhanger.schema.json"
+ ),
+ "InfoBar": SCHEMA_DIR / "CFR" / "templates" / "InfoBar.schema.json",
+ "NewtabPromoMessage": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "PBNewtab" / "NewtabPromoMessage.schema.json"
+ ),
+ "ProtectionsPanelMessage": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "OnboardingMessage" / "ProtectionsPanelMessage.schema.json"
+ ),
+ "Spotlight": SCHEMA_DIR / "OnboardingMessage" / "Spotlight.schema.json",
+ "ToastNotification": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "ToastNotification" / "ToastNotification.schema.json"
+ ),
+ "ToolbarBadgeMessage": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "OnboardingMessage" / "ToolbarBadgeMessage.schema.json"
+ ),
+ "UpdateAction": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "OnboardingMessage" / "UpdateAction.schema.json"
+ ),
+ "WhatsNewMessage": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "OnboardingMessage" / "WhatsNewMessage.schema.json"
+ ),
+ },
+ bundle_common=True,
+ # These are generated via extract-test-corpus.js
+ test_corpus={
+ "CFRMessageProvider": Path("corpus", "CFRMessageProvider.messages.json"),
+ "OnboardingMessageProvider": Path(
+ "corpus", "OnboardingMessageProvider.messages.json"
+ ),
+ "PanelTestProvider": Path("corpus", "PanelTestProvider.messages.json"),
+ },
+ ),
+ SchemaDefinition(
+ schema_id=(
+ "resource://activity-stream/schemas/"
+ "BackgroundTaskMessagingExperiment.schema.json"
+ ),
+ schema_path=Path("BackgroundTaskMessagingExperiment.schema.json"),
+ message_types={
+ "ToastNotification": (
+ SCHEMA_DIR / "ToastNotification" / "ToastNotification.schema.json"
+ ),
+ },
+ bundle_common=True,
+ # These are generated via extract-test-corpus.js
+ test_corpus={
+ # Just the "toast_notification" messages.
+ "PanelTestProvider": Path(
+ "corpus", "PanelTestProvider_toast_notification.messages.json"
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+COMMON_SCHEMA_NAME = "FxMSCommon.schema.json"
+class NestedRefResolver(jsonschema.RefResolver):
+ """A custom ref resolver that handles bundled schema.
+ This is the resolver used by Experimenter.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schema):
+ super().__init__(base_uri=None, referrer=None)
+ if "$id" in schema:
+[schema["$id"]] = schema
+ if "$defs" in schema:
+ for dfn in schema["$defs"].values():
+ if "$id" in dfn:
+[dfn["$id"]] = dfn
+def read_schema(path):
+ """Read a schema from disk and parse it as JSON."""
+ with"r") as f:
+ return json.load(f)
+def extract_template_values(template):
+ """Extract the possible template values (either via JSON Schema enum or const)."""
+ enum = template.get("enum")
+ if enum:
+ return enum
+ const = template.get("const")
+ if const:
+ return [const]
+def patch_schema(schema, bundled_id, schema_id=None):
+ """Patch the given schema.
+ The JSON schema validator that Experimenter uses
+ ( does not support relative references,
+ nor does it support bundled schemas. We rewrite the schema so that all
+ relative refs are transformed into absolute refs via the schema's `$id`.
+ Additionally, we merge in the contents of FxMSCommon.schema.json, so all
+ refs relative to that schema will be transformed to become relative to this
+ schema.
+ See-also:
+ """
+ if schema_id is None:
+ schema_id = schema["$id"]
+ def patch_impl(schema):
+ ref = schema.get("$ref")
+ if ref:
+ uri = urlparse(ref)
+ if (
+ uri.scheme == ""
+ and uri.netloc == ""
+ and uri.path == ""
+ and uri.fragment != ""
+ ):
+ schema["$ref"] = f"{schema_id}#{uri.fragment}"
+ elif (uri.scheme, uri.path) == ("file", f"/{COMMON_SCHEMA_NAME}"):
+ schema["$ref"] = f"{bundled_id}#{uri.fragment}"
+ # If `schema` is object-like, inspect each of its indivual properties
+ # and patch them.
+ properties = schema.get("properties")
+ if properties:
+ for prop in properties.keys():
+ patch_impl(properties[prop])
+ # If `schema` is array-like, inspect each of its items and patch them.
+ items = schema.get("items")
+ if items:
+ patch_impl(items)
+ # Patch each `if`, `then`, `else`, and `not` sub-schema that is present.
+ for key in ("if", "then", "else", "not"):
+ if key in schema:
+ patch_impl(schema[key])
+ # Patch the items of each `oneOf`, `allOf`, and `anyOf` sub-schema that
+ # is present.
+ for key in ("oneOf", "allOf", "anyOf"):
+ subschema = schema.get(key)
+ if subschema:
+ for i, alternate in enumerate(subschema):
+ patch_impl(alternate)
+ # Patch the top-level type defined in the schema.
+ patch_impl(schema)
+ # Patch each named definition in the schema.
+ for key in ("$defs", "definitions"):
+ defns = schema.get(key)
+ if defns:
+ for defn_name, defn_value in defns.items():
+ patch_impl(defn_value)
+ return schema
+def bundle_schema(schema_def: SchemaDefinition):
+ """Create a bundled schema based on the schema definition."""
+ # Patch each message type schema to resolve all self-references to be
+ # absolute and rewrite # references to FxMSCommon.schema.json to be relative
+ # to the new schema (because we are about to bundle its definitions).
+ defs = {
+ name: patch_schema(read_schema(path), bundled_id=schema_def.schema_id)
+ for name, path in schema_def.message_types.items()
+ }
+ # Bundle the definitions from FxMSCommon.schema.json into this schema.
+ if schema_def.bundle_common:
+ def dfn_filter(name):
+ if schema_def.bundle_common is True:
+ return True
+ return name in schema_def.bundle_common
+ common_schema = patch_schema(
+ read_schema(COMMON_SCHEMA_PATH),
+ bundled_id=schema_def.schema_id,
+ schema_id=schema_def.schema_id,
+ )
+ # patch_schema mutates the given schema, so we read a new copy in for
+ # each bundle operation.
+ defs.update(
+ {
+ name: dfn
+ for name, dfn in common_schema["$defs"].items()
+ if dfn_filter(name)
+ }
+ )
+ # Ensure all bundled schemas have an $id so that $refs inside the
+ # bundled schema work correctly (i.e, they will reference the subschema
+ # and not the bundle).
+ for name in schema_def.message_types.keys():
+ subschema = defs[name]
+ if "$id" not in subschema:
+ raise ValueError(f"Schema {name} is missing an $id")
+ props = subschema["properties"]
+ if "template" not in props:
+ raise ValueError(f"Schema {name} is missing a template")
+ template = props["template"]
+ if "enum" not in template and "const" not in template:
+ raise ValueError(f"Schema {name} should have const or enum template")
+ templates = {
+ name: extract_template_values(defs[name]["properties"]["template"])
+ for name in schema_def.message_types.keys()
+ }
+ # Ensure that each schema has a unique set of template values.
+ for a in templates.keys():
+ a_keys = set(templates[a])
+ for b in templates.keys():
+ if a == b:
+ continue
+ b_keys = set(templates[b])
+ intersection = a_keys.intersection(b_keys)
+ if len(intersection):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Schema {a} and {b} have overlapping template values: "
+ f"{', '.join(intersection)}"
+ )
+ all_templates = list(chain.from_iterable(templates.values()))
+ # Enforce that one of the templates must match (so that one of the if
+ # branches will match).
+ defs["Message"]["properties"]["template"]["enum"] = all_templates
+ # Generate the combined schema.
+ return {
+ "$schema": "",
+ "$id": schema_def.schema_id,
+ "title": "Messaging Experiment",
+ "description": "A Firefox Messaging System message.",
+ # A message must be one of
+ # - an empty message (i.e., a completely empty object), which is the
+ # equivalent of an experiment branch not providing a message; or
+ # - An object that contains a template field
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "description": "An empty FxMS message.",
+ "type": "object",
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ },
+ {
+ "allOf": [
+ # Ensure each message has all the fields defined in the base
+ # Message type.
+ #
+ # This is slightly redundant because each message should
+ # already inherit from this message type, but it is easier
+ # to add this requirement here than to verify that each
+ # message's schema is properly inheriting.
+ {"$ref": f"{schema_def.schema_id}#/$defs/Message"},
+ # For each message type, create a subschema that says if the
+ # template field matches a value for a message type defined
+ # in MESSAGE_TYPES, then the message must also match the
+ # schema for that message type.
+ #
+ # This is done using `allOf: [{ if, then }]` instead of `oneOf: []`
+ # because it provides better error messages. Using `if-then`
+ # will only show validation errors for the sub-schema that
+ # matches template, whereas using `oneOf` will show
+ # validation errors for *all* sub-schemas, which makes
+ # debugging messages much harder.
+ *(
+ {
+ "if": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "template": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": templates[message_type],
+ },
+ },
+ "required": ["template"],
+ },
+ "then": {
+ "$ref": f"{schema_def.schema_id}#/$defs/{message_type}"
+ },
+ }
+ for message_type in schema_def.message_types
+ ),
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ "$defs": defs,
+ }
+def check_diff(schema_def: SchemaDefinition, schema: Dict[str, Any]):
+ """Check the generated schema matches the on-disk schema."""
+ print(f" Checking {schema_def.schema_path} for differences...")
+ with"r") as f:
+ on_disk = json.load(f)
+ if on_disk != schema:
+ print(f"{schema_def.schema_path} does not match generated schema:")
+ print("Generated schema:")
+ json.dump(schema, sys.stdout, indent=2)
+ print("\n\nOn Disk schema:")
+ json.dump(on_disk, sys.stdout, indent=2)
+ raise ValueError("Schemas do not match!")
+def validate_corpus(schema_def: SchemaDefinition, schema: Dict[str, Any]):
+ """Check that the schema validates.
+ This uses the same validation configuration that is used in Experimenter.
+ """
+ print(" Validating messages with Experimenter JSON Schema validator...")
+ resolver = NestedRefResolver(schema)
+ for provider, provider_path in schema_def.test_corpus.items():
+ print(f" Validating messages from {provider}:")
+ try:
+ with"r") as f:
+ messages = json.load(f)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ if not provider_path.parent.exists():
+ new_exc = Exception(
+ f"Could not find {provider_path}: Did you run "
+ "`mach xpcshell extract-test-corpus` ?"
+ )
+ raise new_exc from e
+ raise e
+ for message in messages:
+ template = message["template"]
+ msg_id = message["id"]
+ print(
+ f" Validating {msg_id} {template} message with {schema_def.schema_path}..."
+ )
+ jsonschema.validate(instance=message, schema=schema, resolver=resolver)
+ print()
+def main(check=False):
+ """Generate Nimbus feature schemas for Firefox Messaging System."""
+ for schema_def in SCHEMAS:
+ print(f"Generating {schema_def.schema_path} ...")
+ schema = bundle_schema(schema_def)
+ if check:
+ print(f"Checking {schema_def.schema_path} ...")
+ check_diff(schema_def, schema)
+ validate_corpus(schema_def, schema)
+ else:
+ with"wb") as f:
+ print(f"Writing {schema_def.schema_path} ...")
+ f.write(json.dumps(schema, indent=2).encode("utf-8"))
+ f.write(b"\n")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--check",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Check that the generated schemas have not changed and run validation tests.",
+ default=False,
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main(args.check)