path: root/browser/components/newtab/docs/v2-system-addon/
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+# Remote CFR Messages
+Starting in Firefox 68, CFR messages will be defined using [Remote Settings]( In this document, we'll cover how to set up a dev environment.
+## Using a dev server for Remote CFR
+> Note: Since Novembre 2021, Remote Settings has a proper DEV instance, which is
+> reachable without VPN, but has the same config (openid, multi-signoff, ...)
+> and collections as STAGE/PROD.
+**1. Obtain your Bearer Token**
+Until [Bug 1630651]( happens, the easiest way to obtain your OpenID credentials is to use the admin interface.
+1. [Login on the Admin UI]( using your LDAP identity
+2. Copy the authentication header (📋 icon in the top bar)
+3. Test your credentials with ``curl``. When reaching out the server root URL with this bearer token you should see a ``user`` entry whose ``id`` field is ``ldap:<you>``.
+BEARER_TOKEN="Bearer uLdb-Yafefe....2Hyl5_w"
+curl -s ${SERVER}/ -H "Authorization:${BEARER_TOKEN}" | jq .user
+**2. Create/Update/Delete CFR entries**
+> The messages can also be created manually using the [admin interface](
+In following example, we will create a new entry using the REST API (reusing `SERVER` and `BEARER_TOKEN` from previous step).
+# post a message
+curl -X POST ${SERVER}/buckets/main-workspace/collections/${CID}/records \
+ -d '{"data":{"id":"PIN_TAB","template":"cfr_doorhanger","content":{"category":"cfrFeatures","bucket_id":"CFR_PIN_TAB","notification_text":{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-extension-notification"},"heading_text":{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-pintab-heading"},"info_icon":{"label":{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-extension-sumo-link"},"sumo_path":"extensionrecommendations"},"text":{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-pintab-description"},"descriptionDetails":{"steps":[{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-pintab-step1"},{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-pintab-step2"},{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-pintab-step3"}]},"buttons":{"primary":{"label":{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-pintab-ok-button"},"action":{"type":"PIN_CURRENT_TAB"}},"secondary":[{"label":{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-extension-cancel-button"},"action":{"type":"CANCEL"}},{"label":{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-extension-never-show-recommendation"}},{"label":{"string_id":"cfr-doorhanger-extension-manage-settings-button"},"action":{"type":"OPEN_PREFERENCES_PAGE","data":{"category":"general-cfrfeatures"}}}]}},"targeting":"locale == \"en-US\" && !hasPinnedTabs && recentVisits[.timestamp > (currentDate|date - 3600 * 1000 * 1)]|length >= 3","frequency":{"lifetime":3},"trigger":{"id":"frequentVisits","params":["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]}}}' \
+ -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
+ -H "Authorization:${BEARER_TOKEN}"
+The collection was modified and now with pending changes in the workspace. We will now request a review, so that the changes become visible in the **preview** bucket.
+# request review
+curl -X PATCH ${SERVER}/buckets/main-workspace/collections/${CID} \
+ -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
+ -d '{"data": {"status": "to-review"}}' \
+ -H "Authorization:${BEARER_TOKEN}"
+Now this new record should be listed here:
+**3. Set Remote Settings prefs to use the dev server.**
+Until [support for the DEV environment]( is added to the [Remote Settings dev tools](, we'll change the preferences manually.
+> These are critical preferences, you should use a dedicated Firefox profile for development.
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("services.settings.loglevel", "debug");
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("services.settings.server", "");
+ // Pull data from the preview bucket.
+ RemoteSettings.enablePreviewMode(true);
+**3. Set ASRouter CFR pref to use Remote Settings provider and enable asrouter devtools.**
+Services.prefs.setStringPref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.providers.cfr", JSON.stringify({"id":"cfr-remote","enabled":true,"type":"remote-settings","collection":"cfr"}));
+Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.devtoolsEnabled", true);
+**4. Go to `about:newtab#devtools`**
+There should be a "cfr-remote" provider listed.
+## Using the staging server for Remote CFR
+If your message is published in the staging environment the easiest way to test is using the [Remote Settings Devtools]( addon. You can install this by going to `about:debugging` and using the `Load Temporary Addon` feature.
+The devtools allow you to switch your profile between production and staging and takes care of correctly flipping all the required preferences.
+## Remote l10n
+By default, all CFR messages are localized with the remote Fluent files hosted in `ms-language-packs` on Remote Settings. For local test and development, you can force ASRouter to use the local Fluent files by flipping the pref `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.useRemoteL10n`.