path: root/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/SecondaryPanes/Expressions.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/client/debugger/src/components/SecondaryPanes/Expressions.js')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/SecondaryPanes/Expressions.js b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/SecondaryPanes/Expressions.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..238ceac10a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/debugger/src/components/SecondaryPanes/Expressions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at <>. */
+import React, { Component } from "react";
+import PropTypes from "prop-types";
+import { connect } from "../../utils/connect";
+import classnames from "classnames";
+import { features } from "../../utils/prefs";
+import { objectInspector } from "devtools/client/shared/components/reps/index";
+import actions from "../../actions";
+import {
+ getExpressions,
+ getExpressionError,
+ getAutocompleteMatchset,
+ getThreadContext,
+} from "../../selectors";
+import { getValue } from "../../utils/expressions";
+import { getGrip, getFront } from "../../utils/evaluation-result";
+import { CloseButton } from "../shared/Button";
+import "./Expressions.css";
+const { debounce } = require("devtools/shared/debounce");
+const { ObjectInspector } = objectInspector;
+class Expressions extends Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ this.state = {
+ editing: false,
+ editIndex: -1,
+ inputValue: "",
+ focused: false,
+ };
+ }
+ static get propTypes() {
+ return {
+ addExpression: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ autocomplete: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ autocompleteMatches: PropTypes.array,
+ clearAutocomplete: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ clearExpressionError: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ cx: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
+ deleteExpression: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ expressionError: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
+ expressions: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
+ highlightDomElement: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ onExpressionAdded: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ openElementInInspector: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ openLink: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
+ showInput: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
+ unHighlightDomElement: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ updateExpression: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ };
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ const { showInput } = this.props;
+ // Ensures that the input is focused when the "+"
+ // is clicked while the panel is collapsed
+ if (showInput && this._input) {
+ this._input.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ clear = () => {
+ this.setState(() => {
+ this.props.clearExpressionError();
+ return { editing: false, editIndex: -1, inputValue: "", focused: false };
+ });
+ };
+ // FIXME:
+ UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ if (this.state.editing && !nextProps.expressionError) {
+ this.clear();
+ }
+ // Ensures that the add watch expression input
+ // is no longer visible when the new watch expression is rendered
+ if (this.props.expressions.length < nextProps.expressions.length) {
+ this.hideInput();
+ }
+ }
+ shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
+ const { editing, inputValue, focused } = this.state;
+ const {
+ expressions,
+ expressionError,
+ showInput,
+ autocompleteMatches,
+ } = this.props;
+ return (
+ autocompleteMatches !== nextProps.autocompleteMatches ||
+ expressions !== nextProps.expressions ||
+ expressionError !== nextProps.expressionError ||
+ editing !== nextState.editing ||
+ inputValue !== nextState.inputValue ||
+ nextProps.showInput !== showInput ||
+ focused !== nextState.focused
+ );
+ }
+ componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
+ const input = this._input;
+ if (!input) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!prevState.editing && this.state.editing) {
+ input.setSelectionRange(0, input.value.length);
+ input.focus();
+ } else if (this.props.showInput && !this.state.focused) {
+ input.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ editExpression(expression, index) {
+ this.setState({
+ inputValue: expression.input,
+ editing: true,
+ editIndex: index,
+ });
+ }
+ deleteExpression(e, expression) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ const { deleteExpression } = this.props;
+ deleteExpression(expression);
+ }
+ handleChange = e => {
+ const { target } = e;
+ if (features.autocompleteExpression) {
+ this.findAutocompleteMatches(target.value, target.selectionStart);
+ }
+ this.setState({ inputValue: target.value });
+ };
+ findAutocompleteMatches = debounce((value, selectionStart) => {
+ const { autocomplete } = this.props;
+ autocomplete(, value, selectionStart);
+ }, 250);
+ handleKeyDown = e => {
+ if (e.key === "Escape") {
+ this.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ hideInput = () => {
+ this.setState({ focused: false });
+ this.props.onExpressionAdded();
+ this.props.clearExpressionError();
+ };
+ createElement = element => {
+ return document.createElement(element);
+ };
+ onFocus = () => {
+ this.setState({ focused: true });
+ };
+ onBlur() {
+ this.clear();
+ this.hideInput();
+ }
+ handleExistingSubmit = async (e, expression) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ this.props.updateExpression(
+ this.state.inputValue,
+ expression
+ );
+ };
+ handleNewSubmit = async e => {
+ const { inputValue } = this.state;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ this.props.clearExpressionError();
+ await this.props.addExpression(, this.state.inputValue);
+ this.setState({
+ editing: false,
+ editIndex: -1,
+ inputValue: this.props.expressionError ? inputValue : "",
+ });
+ this.props.clearAutocomplete();
+ };
+ renderExpression = (expression, index) => {
+ const {
+ expressionError,
+ openLink,
+ openElementInInspector,
+ highlightDomElement,
+ unHighlightDomElement,
+ } = this.props;
+ const { editing, editIndex } = this.state;
+ const { input, updating } = expression;
+ const isEditingExpr = editing && editIndex === index;
+ if (isEditingExpr || (isEditingExpr && expressionError)) {
+ return this.renderExpressionEditInput(expression);
+ }
+ if (updating) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let value = getValue(expression);
+ let front = null;
+ if (value && value.unavailable !== true) {
+ value = getGrip(value);
+ front = getFront(value);
+ }
+ const root = {
+ name: expression.input,
+ path: input,
+ contents: {
+ value,
+ front,
+ },
+ };
+ return (
+ <li className="expression-container" key={input} title={expression.input}>
+ <div className="expression-content">
+ <ObjectInspector
+ roots={[root]}
+ autoExpandDepth={0}
+ disableWrap={true}
+ openLink={openLink}
+ createElement={this.createElement}
+ onDoubleClick={(items, { depth }) => {
+ if (depth === 0) {
+ this.editExpression(expression, index);
+ }
+ }}
+ onDOMNodeClick={grip => openElementInInspector(grip)}
+ onInspectIconClick={grip => openElementInInspector(grip)}
+ onDOMNodeMouseOver={grip => highlightDomElement(grip)}
+ onDOMNodeMouseOut={grip => unHighlightDomElement(grip)}
+ shouldRenderTooltip={true}
+ mayUseCustomFormatter={true}
+ />
+ <div className="expression-container__close-btn">
+ <CloseButton
+ handleClick={e => this.deleteExpression(e, expression)}
+ tooltip={L10N.getStr("expressions.remove.tooltip")}
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ );
+ };
+ renderExpressions() {
+ const { expressions, showInput } = this.props;
+ return (
+ <>
+ <ul className="pane expressions-list">
+ {}
+ </ul>
+ {showInput && this.renderNewExpressionInput()}
+ </>
+ );
+ }
+ renderAutoCompleteMatches() {
+ if (!features.autocompleteExpression) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const { autocompleteMatches } = this.props;
+ if (autocompleteMatches) {
+ return (
+ <datalist id="autocomplete-matches">
+ {, index) => {
+ return <option key={index} value={match} />;
+ })}
+ </datalist>
+ );
+ }
+ return <datalist id="autocomplete-matches" />;
+ }
+ renderNewExpressionInput() {
+ const { expressionError } = this.props;
+ const { editing, inputValue, focused } = this.state;
+ const error = editing === false && expressionError === true;
+ const placeholder = error
+ ? L10N.getStr("expressions.errorMsg")
+ : L10N.getStr("expressions.placeholder");
+ return (
+ <form
+ className={classnames(
+ "expression-input-container expression-input-form",
+ { focused, error }
+ )}
+ onSubmit={this.handleNewSubmit}
+ >
+ <input
+ className="input-expression"
+ type="text"
+ placeholder={placeholder}
+ onChange={this.handleChange}
+ onBlur={this.hideInput}
+ onKeyDown={this.handleKeyDown}
+ onFocus={this.onFocus}
+ value={!editing ? inputValue : ""}
+ ref={c => (this._input = c)}
+ {...(features.autocompleteExpression && {
+ list: "autocomplete-matches",
+ })}
+ />
+ {this.renderAutoCompleteMatches()}
+ <input type="submit" style={{ display: "none" }} />
+ </form>
+ );
+ }
+ renderExpressionEditInput(expression) {
+ const { expressionError } = this.props;
+ const { inputValue, editing, focused } = this.state;
+ const error = editing === true && expressionError === true;
+ return (
+ <form
+ key={expression.input}
+ className={classnames(
+ "expression-input-container expression-input-form",
+ { focused, error }
+ )}
+ onSubmit={e => this.handleExistingSubmit(e, expression)}
+ >
+ <input
+ className={classnames("input-expression", { error })}
+ type="text"
+ onChange={this.handleChange}
+ onBlur={this.clear}
+ onKeyDown={this.handleKeyDown}
+ onFocus={this.onFocus}
+ value={editing ? inputValue : expression.input}
+ ref={c => (this._input = c)}
+ {...(features.autocompleteExpression && {
+ list: "autocomplete-matches",
+ })}
+ />
+ {this.renderAutoCompleteMatches()}
+ <input type="submit" style={{ display: "none" }} />
+ </form>
+ );
+ }
+ render() {
+ const { expressions } = this.props;
+ if (expressions.length === 0) {
+ return this.renderNewExpressionInput();
+ }
+ return this.renderExpressions();
+ }
+const mapStateToProps = state => ({
+ cx: getThreadContext(state),
+ autocompleteMatches: getAutocompleteMatchset(state),
+ expressions: getExpressions(state),
+ expressionError: getExpressionError(state),
+export default connect(mapStateToProps, {
+ autocomplete: actions.autocomplete,
+ clearAutocomplete: actions.clearAutocomplete,
+ addExpression: actions.addExpression,
+ clearExpressionError: actions.clearExpressionError,
+ updateExpression: actions.updateExpression,
+ deleteExpression: actions.deleteExpression,
+ openLink: actions.openLink,
+ openElementInInspector: actions.openElementInInspectorCommand,
+ highlightDomElement: actions.highlightDomElement,
+ unHighlightDomElement: actions.unHighlightDomElement,