path: root/gfx/angle/checkout/src/libANGLE/capture/FrameCapture.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/angle/checkout/src/libANGLE/capture/FrameCapture.h')
1 files changed, 672 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/angle/checkout/src/libANGLE/capture/FrameCapture.h b/gfx/angle/checkout/src/libANGLE/capture/FrameCapture.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa25fbfdc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/angle/checkout/src/libANGLE/capture/FrameCapture.h
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+// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// FrameCapture.h:
+// ANGLE Frame capture inteface.
+#include "common/PackedEnums.h"
+#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
+#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
+#include "libANGLE/capture/frame_capture_utils_autogen.h"
+#include "libANGLE/entry_points_utils.h"
+namespace gl
+enum class GLenumGroup;
+namespace angle
+using ParamData = std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>;
+struct ParamCapture : angle::NonCopyable
+ ParamCapture();
+ ParamCapture(const char *nameIn, ParamType typeIn);
+ ~ParamCapture();
+ ParamCapture(ParamCapture &&other);
+ ParamCapture &operator=(ParamCapture &&other);
+ std::string name;
+ ParamType type;
+ ParamValue value;
+ gl::GLenumGroup enumGroup; // only used for param type GLenum, GLboolean and GLbitfield
+ ParamData data;
+ int arrayClientPointerIndex = -1;
+ size_t readBufferSizeBytes = 0;
+class ParamBuffer final : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ ParamBuffer();
+ ~ParamBuffer();
+ ParamBuffer(ParamBuffer &&other);
+ ParamBuffer &operator=(ParamBuffer &&other);
+ template <typename T>
+ void addValueParam(const char *paramName, ParamType paramType, T paramValue);
+ template <typename T>
+ void addEnumParam(const char *paramName,
+ gl::GLenumGroup enumGroup,
+ ParamType paramType,
+ T paramValue);
+ ParamCapture &getParam(const char *paramName, ParamType paramType, int index);
+ const ParamCapture &getParam(const char *paramName, ParamType paramType, int index) const;
+ ParamCapture &getParamFlexName(const char *paramName1,
+ const char *paramName2,
+ ParamType paramType,
+ int index);
+ const ParamCapture &getParamFlexName(const char *paramName1,
+ const char *paramName2,
+ ParamType paramType,
+ int index) const;
+ const ParamCapture &getReturnValue() const { return mReturnValueCapture; }
+ void addParam(ParamCapture &&param);
+ void addReturnValue(ParamCapture &&returnValue);
+ bool hasClientArrayData() const { return mClientArrayDataParam != -1; }
+ ParamCapture &getClientArrayPointerParameter();
+ size_t getReadBufferSize() const { return mReadBufferSize; }
+ const std::vector<ParamCapture> &getParamCaptures() const { return mParamCaptures; }
+ // These helpers allow us to track the ID of the buffer that was active when
+ // MapBufferRange was called. We'll use it during replay to track the
+ // buffer's contents, as they can be modified by the host.
+ void setMappedBufferID(gl::BufferID bufferID) { mMappedBufferID = bufferID; }
+ gl::BufferID getMappedBufferID() const { return mMappedBufferID; }
+ private:
+ std::vector<ParamCapture> mParamCaptures;
+ ParamCapture mReturnValueCapture;
+ int mClientArrayDataParam = -1;
+ size_t mReadBufferSize = 0;
+ gl::BufferID mMappedBufferID;
+struct CallCapture
+ CallCapture(EntryPoint entryPointIn, ParamBuffer &&paramsIn);
+ CallCapture(const std::string &customFunctionNameIn, ParamBuffer &&paramsIn);
+ ~CallCapture();
+ CallCapture(CallCapture &&other);
+ CallCapture &operator=(CallCapture &&other);
+ const char *name() const;
+ EntryPoint entryPoint;
+ std::string customFunctionName;
+ ParamBuffer params;
+class ReplayContext
+ public:
+ ReplayContext(size_t readBufferSizebytes, const gl::AttribArray<size_t> &clientArraysSizebytes);
+ ~ReplayContext();
+ template <typename T>
+ T getReadBufferPointer(const ParamCapture &param)
+ {
+ ASSERT(param.readBufferSizeBytes > 0);
+ ASSERT(mReadBuffer.size() >= param.readBufferSizeBytes);
+ return reinterpret_cast<T>(;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T getAsConstPointer(const ParamCapture &param)
+ {
+ if (param.arrayClientPointerIndex != -1)
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<T>(mClientArraysBuffer[param.arrayClientPointerIndex].data());
+ }
+ if (!
+ {
+ ASSERT( == 1);
+ return reinterpret_cast<T>([0].data());
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T getAsPointerConstPointer(const ParamCapture &param)
+ {
+ static_assert(sizeof(typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type) == sizeof(uint8_t *),
+ "pointer size not match!");
+ mPointersBuffer.clear();
+ mPointersBuffer.reserve(;
+ for (const std::vector<uint8_t> &data :
+ {
+ mPointersBuffer.emplace_back(;
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast<T>(;
+ }
+ gl::AttribArray<std::vector<uint8_t>> &getClientArraysBuffer() { return mClientArraysBuffer; }
+ private:
+ std::vector<uint8_t> mReadBuffer;
+ std::vector<const uint8_t *> mPointersBuffer;
+ gl::AttribArray<std::vector<uint8_t>> mClientArraysBuffer;
+// Helper to use unique IDs for each local data variable.
+class DataCounters final : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ DataCounters();
+ ~DataCounters();
+ int getAndIncrement(EntryPoint entryPoint, const std::string &paramName);
+ private:
+ // <CallName, ParamName>
+ using Counter = std::pair<EntryPoint, std::string>;
+ std::map<Counter, int> mData;
+constexpr int kStringsNotFound = -1;
+class StringCounters final : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ StringCounters();
+ ~StringCounters();
+ int getStringCounter(std::vector<std::string> &str);
+ void setStringCounter(std::vector<std::string> &str, int &counter);
+ private:
+ std::map<std::vector<std::string>, int> mStringCounterMap;
+class DataTracker final : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ DataTracker();
+ ~DataTracker();
+ DataCounters &getCounters() { return mCounters; }
+ StringCounters &getStringCounters() { return mStringCounters; }
+ private:
+ DataCounters mCounters;
+ StringCounters mStringCounters;
+using BufferSet = std::set<gl::BufferID>;
+using BufferCalls = std::map<gl::BufferID, std::vector<CallCapture>>;
+// true means mapped, false means unmapped
+using BufferMapStatusMap = std::map<gl::BufferID, bool>;
+using FenceSyncSet = std::set<GLsync>;
+using FenceSyncCalls = std::map<GLsync, std::vector<CallCapture>>;
+// Helper to track resource changes during the capture
+class ResourceTracker final : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ ResourceTracker();
+ ~ResourceTracker();
+ BufferCalls &getBufferRegenCalls() { return mBufferRegenCalls; }
+ BufferCalls &getBufferRestoreCalls() { return mBufferRestoreCalls; }
+ BufferCalls &getBufferMapCalls() { return mBufferMapCalls; }
+ BufferCalls &getBufferUnmapCalls() { return mBufferUnmapCalls; }
+ std::vector<CallCapture> &getBufferBindingCalls() { return mBufferBindingCalls; }
+ BufferSet &getStartingBuffers() { return mStartingBuffers; }
+ BufferSet &getNewBuffers() { return mNewBuffers; }
+ BufferSet &getBuffersToRegen() { return mBuffersToRegen; }
+ BufferSet &getBuffersToRestore() { return mBuffersToRestore; }
+ void setGennedBuffer(gl::BufferID id);
+ void setDeletedBuffer(gl::BufferID id);
+ void setBufferModified(gl::BufferID id);
+ void setBufferMapped(gl::BufferID id);
+ void setBufferUnmapped(gl::BufferID id);
+ const bool &getStartingBuffersMappedCurrent(gl::BufferID id)
+ {
+ return mStartingBuffersMappedCurrent[id];
+ }
+ const bool &getStartingBuffersMappedInitial(gl::BufferID id)
+ {
+ return mStartingBuffersMappedInitial[id];
+ }
+ void setStartingBufferMapped(gl::BufferID id, bool mapped)
+ {
+ // Track the current state (which will change throughout the trace)
+ mStartingBuffersMappedCurrent[id] = mapped;
+ // And the initial state, to compare during frame loop reset
+ mStartingBuffersMappedInitial[id] = mapped;
+ }
+ void onShaderProgramAccess(gl::ShaderProgramID shaderProgramID);
+ uint32_t getMaxShaderPrograms() const { return mMaxShaderPrograms; }
+ FenceSyncSet &getStartingFenceSyncs() { return mStartingFenceSyncs; }
+ FenceSyncCalls &getFenceSyncRegenCalls() { return mFenceSyncRegenCalls; }
+ FenceSyncSet &getFenceSyncsToRegen() { return mFenceSyncsToRegen; }
+ void setDeletedFenceSync(GLsync sync);
+ private:
+ // Buffer regen calls will delete and gen a buffer
+ BufferCalls mBufferRegenCalls;
+ // Buffer restore calls will restore the contents of a buffer
+ BufferCalls mBufferRestoreCalls;
+ // Buffer map calls will map a buffer with correct offset, length, and access flags
+ BufferCalls mBufferMapCalls;
+ // Buffer unmap calls will bind and unmap a given buffer
+ BufferCalls mBufferUnmapCalls;
+ // Buffer binding calls to restore bindings recorded during MEC
+ std::vector<CallCapture> mBufferBindingCalls;
+ // Starting buffers include all the buffers created during setup for MEC
+ BufferSet mStartingBuffers;
+ // New buffers are those generated while capturing
+ BufferSet mNewBuffers;
+ // Buffers to regen are a list of starting buffers that need to be deleted and genned
+ BufferSet mBuffersToRegen;
+ // Buffers to restore include any starting buffers with contents modified during the run
+ BufferSet mBuffersToRestore;
+ // Whether a given buffer was mapped at the start of the trace
+ BufferMapStatusMap mStartingBuffersMappedInitial;
+ // The status of buffer mapping throughout the trace, modified with each Map/Unmap call
+ BufferMapStatusMap mStartingBuffersMappedCurrent;
+ // Maximum accessed shader program ID.
+ uint32_t mMaxShaderPrograms = 0;
+ // Fence sync objects created during MEC setup
+ FenceSyncSet mStartingFenceSyncs;
+ // Fence sync regen calls will create a fence sync objects
+ FenceSyncCalls mFenceSyncRegenCalls;
+ // Fence syncs to regen are a list of starting fence sync objects that were deleted and need to
+ // be regen'ed.
+ FenceSyncSet mFenceSyncsToRegen;
+// Used by the CPP replay to filter out unnecessary code.
+using HasResourceTypeMap = angle::PackedEnumBitSet<ResourceIDType>;
+// Map of buffer ID to offset and size used when mapped
+using BufferDataMap = std::map<gl::BufferID, std::pair<GLintptr, GLsizeiptr>>;
+// A dictionary of sources indexed by shader type.
+using ProgramSources = gl::ShaderMap<std::string>;
+// Maps from IDs to sources.
+using ShaderSourceMap = std::map<gl::ShaderProgramID, std::string>;
+using ProgramSourceMap = std::map<gl::ShaderProgramID, ProgramSources>;
+// Map from textureID to level and data
+using TextureLevels = std::map<GLint, std::vector<uint8_t>>;
+using TextureLevelDataMap = std::map<gl::TextureID, TextureLevels>;
+// Map from ContextID to surface dimensions
+using SurfaceDimensions = std::map<gl::ContextID, gl::Extents>;
+class FrameCapture final : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ FrameCapture();
+ ~FrameCapture();
+ void captureCall(const gl::Context *context, CallCapture &&call, bool isCallValid);
+ void checkForCaptureTrigger();
+ void onEndFrame(const gl::Context *context);
+ void onDestroyContext(const gl::Context *context);
+ void onMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context, const egl::Surface *drawSurface);
+ bool enabled() const { return mEnabled; }
+ bool isCapturing() const;
+ void replay(gl::Context *context);
+ uint32_t getFrameCount() const;
+ // Returns a frame index starting from "1" as the first frame.
+ uint32_t getReplayFrameIndex() const;
+ void trackBufferMapping(CallCapture *call,
+ gl::BufferID id,
+ GLintptr offset,
+ GLsizeiptr length,
+ bool writable);
+ ResourceTracker &getResouceTracker() { return mResourceTracker; }
+ private:
+ void captureClientArraySnapshot(const gl::Context *context,
+ size_t vertexCount,
+ size_t instanceCount);
+ void captureMappedBufferSnapshot(const gl::Context *context, const CallCapture &call);
+ void copyCompressedTextureData(const gl::Context *context, const CallCapture &call);
+ void captureCompressedTextureData(const gl::Context *context, const CallCapture &call);
+ void reset();
+ void maybeOverrideEntryPoint(const gl::Context *context, CallCapture &call);
+ void maybeCapturePreCallUpdates(const gl::Context *context, CallCapture &call);
+ void maybeCapturePostCallUpdates(const gl::Context *context);
+ void maybeCaptureDrawArraysClientData(const gl::Context *context,
+ CallCapture &call,
+ size_t instanceCount);
+ void maybeCaptureDrawElementsClientData(const gl::Context *context,
+ CallCapture &call,
+ size_t instanceCount);
+ static void ReplayCall(gl::Context *context,
+ ReplayContext *replayContext,
+ const CallCapture &call);
+ void setCaptureActive() { mCaptureActive = true; }
+ void setCaptureInactive() { mCaptureActive = false; }
+ bool isCaptureActive() { return mCaptureActive; }
+ std::vector<CallCapture> mSetupCalls;
+ std::vector<CallCapture> mFrameCalls;
+ // We save one large buffer of binary data for the whole CPP replay.
+ // This simplifies a lot of file management.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> mBinaryData;
+ bool mEnabled = false;
+ bool mSerializeStateEnabled;
+ std::string mOutDirectory;
+ std::string mCaptureLabel;
+ bool mCompression;
+ gl::AttribArray<int> mClientVertexArrayMap;
+ uint32_t mFrameIndex;
+ uint32_t mCaptureStartFrame;
+ uint32_t mCaptureEndFrame;
+ bool mIsFirstFrame = true;
+ bool mWroteIndexFile = false;
+ SurfaceDimensions mDrawSurfaceDimensions;
+ gl::AttribArray<size_t> mClientArraySizes;
+ size_t mReadBufferSize;
+ HasResourceTypeMap mHasResourceType;
+ BufferDataMap mBufferDataMap;
+ ResourceTracker mResourceTracker;
+ // If you don't know which frame you want to start capturing at, use the capture trigger.
+ // Initialize it to the number of frames you want to capture, and then clear the value to 0 when
+ // you reach the content you want to capture. Currently only available on Android.
+ uint32_t mCaptureTrigger;
+ bool mCaptureActive = false;
+// Shared class for any items that need to be tracked by FrameCapture across shared contexts
+class FrameCaptureShared final : angle::NonCopyable
+ public:
+ FrameCaptureShared();
+ ~FrameCaptureShared();
+ const std::string &getShaderSource(gl::ShaderProgramID id) const;
+ void setShaderSource(gl::ShaderProgramID id, std::string sources);
+ const ProgramSources &getProgramSources(gl::ShaderProgramID id) const;
+ void setProgramSources(gl::ShaderProgramID id, ProgramSources sources);
+ // Load data from a previously stored texture level
+ const std::vector<uint8_t> &retrieveCachedTextureLevel(gl::TextureID id,
+ gl::TextureTarget target,
+ GLint level);
+ // Create new texture level data and copy the source into it
+ void copyCachedTextureLevel(const gl::Context *context,
+ gl::TextureID srcID,
+ GLint srcLevel,
+ gl::TextureID dstID,
+ GLint dstLevel,
+ const CallCapture &call);
+ // Create the location that should be used to cache texture level data
+ std::vector<uint8_t> &getCachedTextureLevelData(gl::Texture *texture,
+ gl::TextureTarget target,
+ GLint level,
+ EntryPoint entryPoint);
+ // Remove any cached texture levels on deletion
+ void deleteCachedTextureLevelData(gl::TextureID id);
+ private:
+ // Cache most recently compiled and linked sources.
+ ShaderSourceMap mCachedShaderSource;
+ ProgramSourceMap mCachedProgramSources;
+ // Cache a shadow copy of texture level data
+ TextureLevels mCachedTextureLevels;
+ TextureLevelDataMap mCachedTextureLevelData;
+template <typename CaptureFuncT, typename... ArgsT>
+void CaptureCallToFrameCapture(CaptureFuncT captureFunc,
+ bool isCallValid,
+ gl::Context *context,
+ ArgsT... captureParams)
+ FrameCapture *frameCapture = context->getFrameCapture();
+ if (!frameCapture->isCapturing())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ CallCapture call = captureFunc(context->getState(), isCallValid, captureParams...);
+ frameCapture->captureCall(context, std::move(call), isCallValid);
+template <typename T>
+void ParamBuffer::addValueParam(const char *paramName, ParamType paramType, T paramValue)
+ ParamCapture capture(paramName, paramType);
+ InitParamValue(paramType, paramValue, &capture.value);
+ mParamCaptures.emplace_back(std::move(capture));
+template <typename T>
+void ParamBuffer::addEnumParam(const char *paramName,
+ gl::GLenumGroup enumGroup,
+ ParamType paramType,
+ T paramValue)
+ ParamCapture capture(paramName, paramType);
+ InitParamValue(paramType, paramValue, &capture.value);
+ capture.enumGroup = enumGroup;
+ mParamCaptures.emplace_back(std::move(capture));
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ParamCapture &capture);
+// Pointer capture helpers.
+void CaptureMemory(const void *source, size_t size, ParamCapture *paramCapture);
+void CaptureString(const GLchar *str, ParamCapture *paramCapture);
+void CaptureStringLimit(const GLchar *str, uint32_t limit, ParamCapture *paramCapture);
+void CaptureVertexPointerGLES1(const gl::State &glState,
+ gl::ClientVertexArrayType type,
+ const void *pointer,
+ ParamCapture *paramCapture);
+gl::Program *GetProgramForCapture(const gl::State &glState, gl::ShaderProgramID handle);
+// For GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, etc.
+void CaptureGetParameter(const gl::State &glState,
+ GLenum pname,
+ size_t typeSize,
+ ParamCapture *paramCapture);
+void CaptureGetActiveUniformBlockivParameters(const gl::State &glState,
+ gl::ShaderProgramID handle,
+ gl::UniformBlockIndex uniformBlockIndex,
+ GLenum pname,
+ ParamCapture *paramCapture);
+template <typename T>
+void CaptureClearBufferValue(GLenum buffer, const T *value, ParamCapture *paramCapture)
+ // Per the spec, color buffers have a vec4, the rest a single value
+ uint32_t valueSize = (buffer == GL_COLOR) ? 4 : 1;
+ CaptureMemory(value, valueSize * sizeof(T), paramCapture);
+void CaptureGenHandlesImpl(GLsizei n, GLuint *handles, ParamCapture *paramCapture);
+template <typename T>
+void CaptureGenHandles(GLsizei n, T *handles, ParamCapture *paramCapture)
+ CaptureGenHandlesImpl(n, reinterpret_cast<GLuint *>(handles), paramCapture);
+void CaptureShaderStrings(GLsizei count,
+ const GLchar *const *strings,
+ const GLint *length,
+ ParamCapture *paramCapture);
+template <ParamType ParamT, typename T>
+void WriteParamValueReplay(std::ostream &os, const CallCapture &call, T value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TGLboolean>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ GLboolean value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TvoidConstPointer>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ const void *value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TGLDEBUGPROCKHR>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TGLDEBUGPROC>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TBufferID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::BufferID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TFenceNVID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::FenceNVID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TFramebufferID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::FramebufferID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TMemoryObjectID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::MemoryObjectID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TProgramPipelineID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::ProgramPipelineID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TQueryID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::QueryID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TRenderbufferID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::RenderbufferID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TSamplerID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::SamplerID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TSemaphoreID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::SemaphoreID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TShaderProgramID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::ShaderProgramID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TTextureID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::TextureID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TTransformFeedbackID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::TransformFeedbackID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TVertexArrayID>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::VertexArrayID value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TUniformLocation>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::UniformLocation value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TUniformBlockIndex>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ gl::UniformBlockIndex value);
+template <>
+void WriteParamValueReplay<ParamType::TGLsync>(std::ostream &os,
+ const CallCapture &call,
+ GLsync value);
+// General fallback for any unspecific type.
+template <ParamType ParamT, typename T>
+void WriteParamValueReplay(std::ostream &os, const CallCapture &call, T value)
+ os << value;
+} // namespace angle
+template <typename T>
+void CaptureTextureAndSamplerParameter_params(GLenum pname,
+ const T *param,
+ angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture)
+ {
+ CaptureMemory(param, sizeof(T) * 4, paramCapture);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CaptureMemory(param, sizeof(T), paramCapture);
+ }