path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/mathml/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/mathml/tools/')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/mathml/tools/ b/testing/web-platform/tests/mathml/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..49c20876a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/mathml/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from lxml import etree
+from utils.misc import downloadWithProgressBar, UnicodeXMLURL
+from utils import mathfont
+# Retrieve the unicode.xml file if necessary.
+unicodeXML = downloadWithProgressBar(UnicodeXMLURL)
+# Extract the mathvariants transformation.
+xsltTransform = etree.XSLT(etree.XML('''\
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+ xmlns:xsl="">
+ <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
+ <xsl:template match="charlist">
+ <root><xsl:apply-templates select="character"/></root>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="character">
+ <xsl:if test="surrogate">
+ <entry>
+ <xsl:attribute name="mathvariant">
+ <xsl:value-of select="surrogate/@mathvariant"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="baseChar">
+ <xsl:value-of select="surrogate/@ref"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="transformedChar">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="bmp">
+ <xsl:value-of select="bmp/@ref"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </entry>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:template>
+# Put the mathvariant transforms into a Python structure.
+mathvariantTransforms = {}
+root = xsltTransform(etree.parse(unicodeXML)).getroot()
+def parseCodePoint(aHexaString):
+ return int("0x%s" % aHexaString[1:], 16)
+for entry in root:
+ mathvariant = entry.get("mathvariant")
+ baseChar = parseCodePoint(entry.get("baseChar"))
+ transformedChar = parseCodePoint(entry.get("transformedChar"))
+ if mathvariant not in mathvariantTransforms:
+ mathvariantTransforms[mathvariant] = {}
+ mathvariantTransforms[mathvariant][baseChar] = transformedChar
+# There is no "isolated" mathvariant.
+del mathvariantTransforms["isolated"]
+# Automatic mathvariant uses the same transform as italic.
+# It is handled specially (see below).
+mathvariantTransforms["auto"] = mathvariantTransforms["italic"]
+# Create a WOFF font for each mathvariant.
+for mathvariant in mathvariantTransforms:
+ if mathvariant == "auto":
+ continue
+ font = mathfont.create("mathvariant-%s" % mathvariant, "Copyright (c) 2016 MathML Association")
+ for baseChar in mathvariantTransforms[mathvariant]:
+ if baseChar not in font:
+ mathfont.createGlyphFromValue(font, baseChar)
+ transformedChar = mathvariantTransforms[mathvariant][baseChar]
+ mathfont.createGlyphFromValue(font, transformedChar)
+# Create a MathML and CSS test for each mathvariant.
+for mathvariant in mathvariantTransforms:
+ print("Generating tests for %s..." % mathvariant, end="")
+ reftest = open("../relations/css-styling/mathvariant-%s.html" % mathvariant, "w")
+ reftestReference = open("../relations/css-styling/mathvariant-%s-ref.html" % mathvariant, "w")
+ CSSreftest = open("../../css/css-text/text-transform/math/text-transform-math-%s-001.tentative.html" % mathvariant, "w")
+ CSSreftestReference = open("../../css/css-text/text-transform/math/text-transform-math-%s-001.tentative-ref.html" % mathvariant, "w")
+ source = '\
+<!DOCTYPE html>\n\
+<meta charset="utf-8"/>\n\
+ reftest.write(source % ("mathvariant %s" % mathvariant))
+ reftestReference.write(source % ("mathvariant %s (reference)" % mathvariant))
+ CSSreftest.write(source % ("text-transform math-%s" % mathvariant))
+ CSSreftestReference.write(source % ("text-transform math-%s (reference)" % mathvariant))
+ if mathvariant == "auto":
+ mathAssert = "Verify that a single-char <mi> is equivalent to an <mi> with the transformed italic unicode character."
+ mapping = "italic"
+ else:
+ mathAssert = "Verify that a single-char <mtext> with a %s mathvariant is equivalent to an <mtext> with the transformed unicode character." % mathvariant
+ mapping = mathvariant
+ source ='\
+<link rel="help" href="">\n\
+<link rel="help" href="">\n\
+<link rel="help" href="">\n\
+<link rel="help" href="">\n\
+<link rel="match" href="mathvariant-%s-ref.html"/>\n\
+<meta name="assert" content="%s">\n'
+ reftest.write(source % (mapping, mathvariant, mathAssert))
+ source = '\
+<link rel="help" href=""/>\n\
+<link rel="help" href="">\n\
+<link rel="help" href="">\n\
+<link rel="match" href="text-transform-math-%s-001.tentative-ref.html"/>\n\
+<meta name="assert" content="Verify that a character with \'text-transform: math-%s\' renders the same as the transformed unicode character.">\n'
+ CSSreftest.write(source % (mapping, mathvariant, mathvariant))
+ WOFFfont = "mathvariant-%s.woff" % mapping
+ source = '\
+ @font-face {\n\
+ font-family: TestFont;\n\
+ src: url("/fonts/math/%s");\n\
+ }\n\
+ body > span {\n\
+ padding: 10px;\n\
+ }\n\
+ span > span {\n\
+ font-family: monospace;\n\
+ font-size: 10px;\n\
+ }\n\
+ .testfont {\n\
+ font-family: TestFont;\n\
+ font-size: 10px;\n\
+ }\n\
+ <!-- Generated by mathml/tools/; DO NOT EDIT. -->\n\
+ <p>Test passes if all the equalities below are true.</p>\n' % WOFFfont
+ reftest.write(source)
+ reftestReference.write(source)
+ CSSreftest.write(source)
+ CSSreftestReference.write(source)
+ charIndex = 0
+ for baseChar in mathvariantTransforms[mathvariant]:
+ transformedChar = mathvariantTransforms[mathvariant][baseChar]
+ if mathvariant == "auto":
+ tokenTag = '<mi>&#x%0X;</mi>' % baseChar
+ tokenTagRef = '<mi>&#x%0X;</mi>' % transformedChar
+ else:
+ tokenTag = '<mtext mathvariant="%s">&#x%0X;</mtext>' % (mathvariant, baseChar)
+ tokenTagRef = '<mtext>&#x%0X;</mtext>' % transformedChar
+ reftest.write(' <span><math class="testfont">%s</math>=<span>%05X</span></span>' % (tokenTag, transformedChar))
+ reftestReference.write(' <span><math class="testfont">%s</math>=<span>%05X</span></span>' % (tokenTagRef, transformedChar))
+ CSSreftest.write(' <span><span class="testfont" style="text-transform: math-%s">&#x%0X;</span>=<span>%05X</span></span>' % (mathvariant, baseChar, transformedChar))
+ CSSreftestReference.write(' <span><span class="testfont">&#x%0X;</span>=<span>%05X</span></span>' % (transformedChar, transformedChar))
+ charIndex += 1
+ if charIndex % 10 == 0:
+ reftest.write('<br/>')
+ reftestReference.write('<br/>')
+ CSSreftest.write('<br/>')
+ CSSreftestReference.write('<br/>')
+ reftest.write('\n')
+ reftestReference.write('\n')
+ CSSreftest.write('\n')
+ CSSreftestReference.write('\n')
+ source = '</body>\n</html>\n'
+ reftest.write(source)
+ reftestReference.write(source)
+ CSSreftest.write(source)
+ CSSreftestReference.write(source)
+ reftest.close()
+ reftestReference.close()
+ CSSreftest.close()
+ CSSreftestReference.close()
+ print(" done.")