path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/wai-aria/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/wai-aria/tools/')
1 files changed, 648 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/wai-aria/tools/ b/testing/web-platform/tests/wai-aria/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3415f2653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/wai-aria/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+# - Transform an old-style wiki into the new format
+# This script assumes that a wiki has testable statement entries
+# with varying lemgth lines. Those lines will be converted into
+# the format described by the specification at
+# usage: -f file | -w wiki_title -o outFile
+use strict;
+use IO::String ;
+use JSON ;
+use MediaWiki::API ;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my @apiNames = qw(UIA MSAA ATK IAccessible2 AXAPI);
+# dir is determined based upon the short name of the spec and is defined
+# by the input or on the command line
+my $file = undef ;
+my $spec = undef ;
+my $wiki_title = undef ;
+my $dir = undef;
+my $outFile = undef;
+my $result = GetOptions(
+ "f|file=s" => \$file,
+ "w|wiki=s" => \$wiki_title,
+ "s|spec=s" => \$spec,
+ "o|output=s" => \$outFile);
+my $wiki_config = {
+ "api_url" => ""
+my %specs = (
+ "aria11" => {
+ title => "ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements",
+ specURL => ""
+ },
+ "svg" => {
+ title => "SVG_Accessibility/Testing/Test_Assertions_with_Tables_for_ATTA",
+ specURL => ""
+ }
+my $io ;
+our $theSpecURL = "";
+if ($spec) {
+ $wiki_title = $specs{$spec}->{title};
+ $theSpecURL = $specs{$spec}->{specURL};
+if ($wiki_title) {
+ my $MW = MediaWiki::API->new( $wiki_config );
+ my $page = $MW->get_page( { title => $wiki_title } );
+ my $theContent = $page->{'*'};
+ $io = IO::String->new($theContent);
+} elsif ($file) {
+ open($io, "<", $file) || die("Failed to open $file: " . $@);
+} else {
+ usage() ;
+my $outH ;
+if (defined $outFile) {
+ open($outH, ">", $outFile) || die("Failed to create file $outFile: $@");
+} else {
+ $outH = new IO::Handle;
+ $outH->fdopen(fileno(STDOUT), "w");
+# Now let's walk through the content and spit it back out
+# transformed
+# iterate over the content
+# my $io ;
+# open($io, "<", "raw") ;
+my $state = 0; # between items
+my $theCode = "";
+my $theAttributes = {};
+my $theAsserts = {} ;
+my $theAssertCount = 0;
+my $theAPI = "";
+my $typeRows = 0;
+my $theType = "";
+my $theName = "";
+my $theRef = "";
+my $before = "" ;
+my $after = "" ;
+my @errors = () ;
+my $linecount = 0;
+while (<$io>) {
+ $linecount++;
+ # look for state
+ if ($state == 0) {
+ if (scalar(keys(%$theAsserts))) {
+ # we were in an item; dump it
+ print $outH dump_table($theAsserts) ;
+ $theAsserts = {};
+ }
+ print $outH $_;
+ }
+ if (m/^\{\|/) {
+ # table started
+ $state = 4;
+ $theAPI = "";
+ }
+ if ($state == 4) {
+ if (m/^\|-/) {
+ if ($theAPI
+ && exists($theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount])
+ && scalar(@{$theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount]})) {
+ $theAssertCount++;
+ }
+ # start of a table row
+ if ($theType ne "" && $typeRows) {
+ # we are still processing items for a type
+ $typeRows--;
+ # populate the first cell
+ $theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount] = [ $theType ] ;
+ } else {
+ $theType = "";
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^\|\}/) {
+ # ran out of table
+ $state = 0;
+ } elsif (m/^\|rowspan="*([0-9])"*\|(.*)$/) {
+ # someone put a rowspan in here.. is ht an API?
+ my $rows = $1;
+ my $theString = $2;
+ $theString =~ s/ +$//;
+ $theString =~ s/^ +//;
+ $theString = "IAccessible2" if ($theString eq "IA2") ;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $theString } @apiNames) {
+ $theAssertCount = 0;
+ # this is a new API section
+ $theAPI = $theString ;
+ $theAsserts->{$theAPI} = [ [] ] ;
+ $theType = "";
+ } else {
+ # nope, this is a multi-row type
+ $theType = $theString;
+ $typeRows = $rows;
+ $typeRows--;
+ # populate the first cell
+ if ($theAPI
+ && exists($theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount])
+ && scalar(@{$theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount]})) {
+ $theAssertCount++;
+ }
+ $theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount] = [ $theType ] ;
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^\|note/) {
+ # there is a note in the table... throw it out
+ # and the next line too
+ my $l = <$io>;
+ } elsif (m/^\|(MSAA|UIA|IA2|IAccessible2|ATK|AXAPI) *$/) {
+ # they FORGOT a rowspan on an API. That means there is only 1
+ # row
+ my $theString = $1;
+ $theString =~ s/ +$//;
+ $theString =~ s/^ +//;
+ $theString = "IAccessible2" if ($theString eq "IA2") ;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $theString } @apiNames) {
+ $theAssertCount = 0;
+ # this is a new API section
+ $theAPI = $theString ;
+ $theAsserts->{$theAPI} = [ [] ] ;
+ $theType = "";
+ } else {
+ push(@errors, "Bad API Name at $linecount: $theString");
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^\|(.*)$/) {
+ my $item = $1;
+ $item =~ s/^ *//;
+ $item =~ s/ *$//;
+ $item =~ s/^['"]//;
+ $item =~ s/['"]$//;
+ # add into the data structure for the API
+ if (!exists $theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount]) {
+ $theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount] = [ $item ] ;
+ } else {
+ push(@{$theAsserts->{$theAPI}->[$theAssertCount]}, $item);
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+if ($state == 0) {
+ if (scalar(keys(%$theAsserts))) {
+ # we were in an item; dump it
+ print $outH dump_table($theAsserts) ;
+ }
+if (@errors) {
+ print "There were the following errors:\n";
+ foreach my $err (@errors) {
+ print $err . "\n";
+ }
+exit 0;
+sub dump_table() {
+ my $asserts = shift;
+ if (!scalar(keys(%$asserts)) ) {
+ # no actual assertions
+ return "";
+ }
+ my $output = "" ;
+ my @keywords = qw(property result event);
+ foreach my $API (sort(keys(%$asserts))) {
+ # looking at each API in turn
+ my $ref = $asserts->{$API};
+ my $rowcount = scalar(@$ref) ;
+ # $output .= "|-\n|rowspan=$count|$API\n" ;
+ # now we are in the assertions; special case each API
+ my @conditions = @$ref;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@conditions); $i++) {
+ my (@new, @additional) ;
+ if ($i) {
+ $output .= "|-\n";
+ }
+ if ($API eq "ATK") {
+ my $start = 0;
+ my $assert = "is";
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[0] =~ m/^NOT/) {
+ $start = 1;
+ $assert = "isNot";
+ }
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^ROLE_/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "role";
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^xml-roles/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "role";
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^description/) {
+ my $id = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "description";
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $id;
+ push(@{$additional[0]}, ("relation", "RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY", $assert, $id));
+ push(@{$additional[1]}, ("relation", "RELATION_DESCRIPTION_FOR", $assert, "test"));
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/not in accessibility tree/i) {
+ @new = qw(property accessible exists false);
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^RELATION/) {
+ $new[0] = "relation";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/(.*) interface/i) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "interfaces";
+ $new[3] = $1;
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start+1] ne '<shown>'
+ && $conditions[$i]->[$start+1] !~ m/true/i ) {
+ $assert = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $assert = "contains";
+ }
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] eq "object" || $conditions[$i]->[$start] eq "attribute" ) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "objectAttributes";
+ my $val = $conditions[$i]->[2];
+ $val =~ s/"//g;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[1] . ":" . $val;
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[1] eq "not exposed"
+ || $conditions[$i]->[2] eq "false") {
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^STATE_/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "states";
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ if ($assert eq "true") {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ } else {
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^object attribute (.*)/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[0] = "objectAttributes";
+ my $val = $conditions[$i]->[1];
+ $val =~ s/"//g;
+ if ($val eq "not exposed" || $val eq "not mapped") {
+ $new[3] = $name;
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $new[3] = $name . ":" . $val;
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^name/) {
+ my $name = $conditions[$i]->[1];
+ my $cond = "is" ;
+ if ($name eq "<empty>" ) {
+ $cond = "empty";
+ $name = "true"
+ } elsif ($name eq "<not empty>") {
+ $cond = "empty";
+ $name = "false";
+ }
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "name";
+ $new[2] = $cond;
+ $new[3] = $name;
+ } else {
+ @new = @{$conditions[$i]};
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[2] eq '<shown>') {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ }
+ $conditions[$i] = \@new;
+ } elsif ($API eq "UIA") {
+ my $start = 0;
+ my $assert = "is";
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/\./) {
+ my $val = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ $val =~ s/"//g;
+ $val =~ s/'//g;
+ $new[0] = "result";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/not in accessibility tree/i) {
+ @new = qw(property accessible exists false);
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^(AriaProperties|Toggle|ExpandCollapse)/) {
+ my $name = $conditions[$i]->[1];
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = $1;
+ my $val = $conditions[$i]->[2];
+ $val =~ s/"//g;
+ if ($val eq "not exposed" || $val eq "not mapped") {
+ $new[3] = $name;
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $new[3] = $name . ":" . $val;
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^LabeledBy/i) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^Name/) {
+ my $name = $conditions[$i]->[1];
+ my $cond = "is" ;
+ if ($name eq "<empty>" ) {
+ $cond = "empty";
+ $name = "true"
+ } elsif ($name eq "<not empty>") {
+ $cond = "empty";
+ $name = "false";
+ }
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "Name";
+ $new[2] = $cond;
+ $new[3] = $name;
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^TBD/) {
+ $new[0] = "TBD";
+ $new[1] = $new[2] = $new[3] = "";
+ } else {
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[1] ne '<shown>'
+ && $conditions[$i]->[1] !~ m/true/i ) {
+ $assert = "isNot";
+ } else {
+ $assert = "is";
+ }
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ }
+ } elsif ($API eq "MSAA") {
+ my $start = 0;
+ my $assert = "is";
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[0] =~ m/^NOT/) {
+ $start = 1;
+ $assert = "isNot";
+ }
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^role/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "role";
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^xml-roles/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "role";
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/not in accessibility tree/i) {
+ @new = qw(property accessible exists false);
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^(accName|accDescription)/) {
+ my $name = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ my $cond = "is" ;
+ if ($name eq "<empty>" ) {
+ $cond = "empty";
+ $name = "true"
+ } elsif ($name eq "<not empty>") {
+ $cond = "empty";
+ $name = "false";
+ }
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ $new[2] = $cond;
+ $new[3] = $name;
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^ROLE_/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "role";
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^(STATE_.*) *([^ ]*)/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "states";
+ $new[3] = $1;
+ if ($2 && $2 eq "cleared") {
+ print "MATCHED $1, $2\n";
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^TBD/) {
+ $new[0] = "TBD";
+ $new[1] = $new[2] = $new[3] = "";
+ }
+ } elsif ($API eq "IAccessible2") {
+ my $start = 0;
+ my $assert = "is";
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[0] =~ m/^NOT/) {
+ $start = 1;
+ $assert = "isNot";
+ }
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^IA2_ROLE_/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "role";
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/not in accessibility tree/i) {
+ @new = qw(property accessible exists false);
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^IA2_RELATION_/) {
+ $new[0] = "relation";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^IA2_STATE_/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "states";
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ if ($assert eq "true") {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ } else {
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^IA2_/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "states";
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ if ($assert eq "true") {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ } else {
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/(IAccessibleTable2)/i) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "interfaces";
+ $new[3] = $1;
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start+1] ne '<shown>'
+ && $conditions[$i]->[$start+1] !~ m/true/i ) {
+ $assert = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $assert = "contains";
+ }
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/(.*) interface/i) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "interfaces";
+ $new[3] = $1;
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start+1] ne '<shown>'
+ && $conditions[$i]->[$start+1] !~ m/true/i ) {
+ $assert = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $assert = "contains";
+ }
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/(.*)\(\)/) {
+ $new[0] = "result";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ my $val = $conditions[$i]->[2];
+ $val =~ s/"//g;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[1] . ":" . $val;
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[1] eq "not exposed"
+ || $conditions[$i]->[2] eq "false") {
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/(.*localizedExtendedRole)/) {
+ $new[0] = "result";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ my $val = $conditions[$i]->[2];
+ $val =~ s/"//g;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[1] . ":" . $val;
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[1] eq "not exposed"
+ || $conditions[$i]->[2] eq "false") {
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] eq "object" || $conditions[$i]->[$start] eq "attribute" ) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "objectAttributes";
+ my $val = $conditions[$i]->[2];
+ $val =~ s/"//g;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[1] . ":" . $val;
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[1] eq "not exposed"
+ || $conditions[$i]->[2] eq "false") {
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^object attribute (.*)/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = "objectAttributes";
+ my $val = $conditions[$i]->[1];
+ $val =~ s/"//g;
+ if ($val eq "not exposed" || $val eq "not mapped") {
+ $new[3] = $name;
+ $new[2] = "doesNotContain";
+ } else {
+ $new[3] = $name . ":" . $val;
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ } else {
+ @new = @{$conditions[$i]};
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[2] eq '<shown>') {
+ $new[2] = "contains";
+ }
+ }
+ $conditions[$i] = \@new;
+ } elsif ($API eq "AXAPI") {
+ my $start = 0;
+ my $assert = "is";
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[0] =~ m/^NOT/) {
+ $start = 1;
+ $assert = "isNot";
+ }
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^AXElementBusy/) {
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[$start+1] =~ m/yes/i) {
+ $new[3] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $new[3] = "false";
+ }
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/not in accessibility tree/i) {
+ @new = qw(property accessible exists false);
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^AX/) {
+ $new[0] = "property";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[$start];
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = $conditions[$i]->[$start+1];
+ } elsif ($conditions[$i]->[$start] =~ m/^TBD/) {
+ $new[0] = "TBD";
+ $new[1] = $new[2] = $new[3] = "";
+ } else {
+ if ($conditions[$i]->[1] ne '<shown>'
+ && $conditions[$i]->[1] !~ m/true/i ) {
+ $assert = "isNot";
+ } else {
+ $assert = "is";
+ }
+ $new[0] = "result";
+ $new[1] = $conditions[$i]->[0];
+ $new[2] = $assert;
+ $new[3] = "true";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ if (scalar(@additional)) {
+ $rowcount += scalar(@additional);
+ }
+ $output .= "|-\n|rowspan=$rowcount|$API\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $row (@new) {
+ $output .= "|$row\n";
+ }
+ if (scalar(@additional)) {
+ foreach my $arow (@additional) {
+ $output .= "|-\n" ;
+ foreach my $aItem (@$arow) {
+ $output .= "|$aItem\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= "|}\n";
+ return $output;
+sub usage() {
+ print STDERR q(usage: -f file | -w wiki_title | -s spec [-n -v -d dir ]
+ -s specname - the name of a spec known to the system
+ -w wiki_title - the TITLE of a wiki page with testable statements
+ -f file - the file from which to read
+ -o outFile - the file to fill with the converted wiki; defaults to STDOUT
+ -n - do nothing
+ -v - be verbose
+ );
+ exit 1;
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 ai: