path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/rtc_base/containers/flat_map.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/rtc_base/containers/flat_map.h')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/rtc_base/containers/flat_map.h b/third_party/libwebrtc/rtc_base/containers/flat_map.h
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index 0000000000..1dfae51655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/rtc_base/containers/flat_map.h
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+ * Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+// This implementation is borrowed from Chromium.
+#include <functional>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
+#include "rtc_base/containers/flat_tree.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace flat_containers_internal {
+// An implementation of the flat_tree GetKeyFromValue template parameter that
+// extracts the key as the first element of a pair.
+struct GetFirst {
+ template <class Key, class Mapped>
+ constexpr const Key& operator()(const std::pair<Key, Mapped>& p) const {
+ return p.first;
+ }
+} // namespace flat_containers_internal
+// flat_map is a container with a std::map-like interface that stores its
+// contents in a sorted container, by default a vector.
+// Its implementation mostly tracks the corresponding standardization proposal
+//, except that the storage of keys and values is not
+// split.
+// PROS
+// - Good memory locality.
+// - Low overhead, especially for smaller maps.
+// - Performance is good for more workloads than you might expect (see
+// //base/containers/ in Chromium repository)
+// - Supports C++14 map interface.
+// CONS
+// - Inserts and removals are O(n).
+// - Iterators are invalidated across mutations. This means that the following
+// line of code has undefined behavior since adding a new element could
+// resize the container, invalidating all iterators:
+// container["new element"] = it.second;
+// - If possible, construct a flat_map in one operation by inserting into
+// a container and moving that container into the flat_map constructor.
+// Most of the core functionality is inherited from flat_tree. Please see
+// flat_tree.h for more details for most of these functions. As a quick
+// reference, the functions available are:
+// Constructors (inputs need not be sorted):
+// flat_map(const flat_map&);
+// flat_map(flat_map&&);
+// flat_map(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+// const Compare& compare = Compare());
+// flat_map(const container_type& items,
+// const Compare& compare = Compare());
+// flat_map(container_type&& items,
+// const Compare& compare = Compare()); // Re-use storage.
+// flat_map(std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist,
+// const Compare& comp = Compare());
+// Constructors (inputs need to be sorted):
+// flat_map(sorted_unique_t,
+// InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
+// const Compare& compare = Compare());
+// flat_map(sorted_unique_t,
+// const container_type& items,
+// const Compare& compare = Compare());
+// flat_map(sorted_unique_t,
+// container_type&& items,
+// const Compare& compare = Compare()); // Re-use storage.
+// flat_map(sorted_unique_t,
+// std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist,
+// const Compare& comp = Compare());
+// Assignment functions:
+// flat_map& operator=(const flat_map&);
+// flat_map& operator=(flat_map&&);
+// flat_map& operator=(initializer_list<value_type>);
+// Memory management functions:
+// void reserve(size_t);
+// size_t capacity() const;
+// void shrink_to_fit();
+// Size management functions:
+// void clear();
+// size_t size() const;
+// size_t max_size() const;
+// bool empty() const;
+// Iterator functions:
+// iterator begin();
+// const_iterator begin() const;
+// const_iterator cbegin() const;
+// iterator end();
+// const_iterator end() const;
+// const_iterator cend() const;
+// reverse_iterator rbegin();
+// const reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
+// const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const;
+// reverse_iterator rend();
+// const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
+// const_reverse_iterator crend() const;
+// Insert and accessor functions:
+// mapped_type& operator[](const key_type&);
+// mapped_type& operator[](key_type&&);
+// mapped_type& at(const K&);
+// const mapped_type& at(const K&) const;
+// pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type&);
+// pair<iterator, bool> insert(value_type&&);
+// iterator insert(const_iterator hint, const value_type&);
+// iterator insert(const_iterator hint, value_type&&);
+// void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
+// pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K&&, M&&);
+// iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, K&&, M&&);
+// pair<iterator, bool> emplace(Args&&...);
+// iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator, Args&&...);
+// pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(K&&, Args&&...);
+// iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, K&&, Args&&...);
+// Underlying type functions:
+// container_type extract() &&;
+// void replace(container_type&&);
+// Erase functions:
+// iterator erase(iterator);
+// iterator erase(const_iterator);
+// iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator& last);
+// template <class K> size_t erase(const K& key);
+// Comparators (see std::map documentation).
+// key_compare key_comp() const;
+// value_compare value_comp() const;
+// Search functions:
+// template <typename K> size_t count(const K&) const;
+// template <typename K> iterator find(const K&);
+// template <typename K> const_iterator find(const K&) const;
+// template <typename K> bool contains(const K&) const;
+// template <typename K> pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const K&);
+// template <typename K> iterator lower_bound(const K&);
+// template <typename K> const_iterator lower_bound(const K&) const;
+// template <typename K> iterator upper_bound(const K&);
+// template <typename K> const_iterator upper_bound(const K&) const;
+// General functions:
+// void swap(flat_map&);
+// Non-member operators:
+// bool operator==(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
+// bool operator!=(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
+// bool operator<(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
+// bool operator>(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
+// bool operator>=(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
+// bool operator<=(const flat_map&, const flat_map);
+template <class Key,
+ class Mapped,
+ class Compare = std::less<>,
+ class Container = std::vector<std::pair<Key, Mapped>>>
+class flat_map : public ::webrtc::flat_containers_internal::flat_tree<
+ Key,
+ flat_containers_internal::GetFirst,
+ Compare,
+ Container> {
+ private:
+ using tree = typename ::webrtc::flat_containers_internal::
+ flat_tree<Key, flat_containers_internal::GetFirst, Compare, Container>;
+ public:
+ using key_type = typename tree::key_type;
+ using mapped_type = Mapped;
+ using value_type = typename tree::value_type;
+ using reference = typename Container::reference;
+ using const_reference = typename Container::const_reference;
+ using size_type = typename Container::size_type;
+ using difference_type = typename Container::difference_type;
+ using iterator = typename tree::iterator;
+ using const_iterator = typename tree::const_iterator;
+ using reverse_iterator = typename tree::reverse_iterator;
+ using const_reverse_iterator = typename tree::const_reverse_iterator;
+ using container_type = typename tree::container_type;
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Lifetime and assignments.
+ //
+ // Note: we explicitly bring operator= in because otherwise
+ // flat_map<...> x;
+ // x = {...};
+ // Would first create a flat_map and then move assign it. This most likely
+ // would be optimized away but still affects our debug builds.
+ using tree::tree;
+ using tree::operator=;
+ // Out-of-bound calls to at() will CHECK.
+ template <class K>
+ mapped_type& at(const K& key);
+ template <class K>
+ const mapped_type& at(const K& key) const;
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Map-specific insert operations.
+ //
+ // Normal insert() functions are inherited from flat_tree.
+ //
+ // Assume that every operation invalidates iterators and references.
+ // Insertion of one element can take O(size).
+ mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& key);
+ mapped_type& operator[](key_type&& key);
+ template <class K, class M>
+ std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K&& key, M&& obj);
+ template <class K, class M>
+ iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, K&& key, M&& obj);
+ template <class K, class... Args>
+ std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<key_type, K&&>::value,
+ std::pair<iterator, bool>>
+ try_emplace(K&& key, Args&&... args);
+ template <class K, class... Args>
+ std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<key_type, K&&>::value, iterator>
+ try_emplace(const_iterator hint, K&& key, Args&&... args);
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // General operations.
+ //
+ // Assume that swap invalidates iterators and references.
+ void swap(flat_map& other) noexcept;
+ friend void swap(flat_map& lhs, flat_map& rhs) noexcept { lhs.swap(rhs); }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Lookups.
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+template <class K>
+auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::at(const K& key)
+ -> mapped_type& {
+ iterator found = tree::find(key);
+ RTC_CHECK(found != tree::end());
+ return found->second;
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+template <class K>
+auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::at(const K& key) const
+ -> const mapped_type& {
+ const_iterator found = tree::find(key);
+ RTC_CHECK(found != tree::cend());
+ return found->second;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Insert operations.
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::operator[](const key_type& key)
+ -> mapped_type& {
+ iterator found = tree::lower_bound(key);
+ if (found == tree::end() || tree::key_comp()(key, found->first))
+ found = tree::unsafe_emplace(found, key, mapped_type());
+ return found->second;
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::operator[](key_type&& key)
+ -> mapped_type& {
+ iterator found = tree::lower_bound(key);
+ if (found == tree::end() || tree::key_comp()(key, found->first))
+ found = tree::unsafe_emplace(found, std::move(key), mapped_type());
+ return found->second;
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+template <class K, class M>
+auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::insert_or_assign(K&& key,
+ M&& obj)
+ -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {
+ auto result =
+ tree::emplace_key_args(key, std::forward<K>(key), std::forward<M>(obj));
+ if (!result.second)
+ result.first->second = std::forward<M>(obj);
+ return result;
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+template <class K, class M>
+auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::insert_or_assign(
+ const_iterator hint,
+ K&& key,
+ M&& obj) -> iterator {
+ auto result = tree::emplace_hint_key_args(hint, key, std::forward<K>(key),
+ std::forward<M>(obj));
+ if (!result.second)
+ result.first->second = std::forward<M>(obj);
+ return result.first;
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+template <class K, class... Args>
+auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::try_emplace(K&& key,
+ Args&&... args)
+ -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<key_type, K&&>::value,
+ std::pair<iterator, bool>> {
+ return tree::emplace_key_args(
+ key, std::piecewise_construct,
+ std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<K>(key)),
+ std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+template <class K, class... Args>
+auto flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::try_emplace(const_iterator hint,
+ K&& key,
+ Args&&... args)
+ -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<key_type, K&&>::value, iterator> {
+ return tree::emplace_hint_key_args(
+ hint, key, std::piecewise_construct,
+ std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<K>(key)),
+ std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...))
+ .first;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// General operations.
+template <class Key, class Mapped, class Compare, class Container>
+void flat_map<Key, Mapped, Compare, Container>::swap(flat_map& other) noexcept {
+ tree::swap(other);
+// Erases all elements that match predicate. It has O(size) complexity.
+// flat_map<int, Timestamp> last_times;
+// ...
+// EraseIf(last_times,
+// [&](const auto& element) { return now - element.second > kLimit; });
+// NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-unused-using-decls)
+using ::webrtc::flat_containers_internal::EraseIf;
+} // namespace webrtc