path: root/third_party/python/yarl/yarl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/yarl/yarl/')
1 files changed, 1144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/yarl/yarl/ b/third_party/python/yarl/yarl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99c424514a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/yarl/yarl/
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+import functools
+import sys
+import warnings
+from import Mapping, Sequence
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+from urllib.parse import SplitResult, parse_qsl, urljoin, urlsplit, urlunsplit, quote
+from multidict import MultiDict, MultiDictProxy
+import idna
+import math
+from ._quoting import _Quoter, _Unquoter
+DEFAULT_PORTS = {"http": 80, "https": 443, "ws": 80, "wss": 443}
+sentinel = object()
+def rewrite_module(obj: object) -> object:
+ obj.__module__ = "yarl"
+ return obj
+class cached_property:
+ """Use as a class method decorator. It operates almost exactly like
+ the Python `@property` decorator, but it puts the result of the
+ method it decorates into the instance dict after the first call,
+ effectively replacing the function it decorates with an instance
+ variable. It is, in Python parlance, a data descriptor.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, wrapped):
+ self.wrapped = wrapped
+ try:
+ self.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__
+ except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover
+ self.__doc__ = ""
+ = wrapped.__name__
+ def __get__(self, inst, owner, _sentinel=sentinel):
+ if inst is None:
+ return self
+ val = inst._cache.get(, _sentinel)
+ if val is not _sentinel:
+ return val
+ val = self.wrapped(inst)
+ inst._cache[] = val
+ return val
+ def __set__(self, inst, value):
+ raise AttributeError("cached property is read-only")
+class URL:
+ # Don't derive from str
+ # follow pathlib.Path design
+ # probably URL will not suffer from pathlib problems:
+ # it's intended for libraries like aiohttp,
+ # not to be passed into standard library functions like etc.
+ # URL grammar (RFC 3986)
+ # pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
+ # reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims
+ # gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"
+ # sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
+ # / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
+ # unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
+ # URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
+ # hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty
+ # / path-absolute
+ # / path-rootless
+ # / path-empty
+ # scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
+ # authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
+ # userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
+ # host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
+ # IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) "]"
+ # IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" )
+ # IPv6address = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32
+ # / "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
+ # / [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
+ # / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
+ # / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
+ # / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32
+ # / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32
+ # / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16
+ # / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
+ # ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
+ # ; least-significant 32 bits of address
+ # h16 = 1*4HEXDIG
+ # ; 16 bits of address represented in hexadecimal
+ # IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet
+ # dec-octet = DIGIT ; 0-9
+ # / %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99
+ # / "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199
+ # / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249
+ # / "25" %x30-35 ; 250-255
+ # reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims )
+ # port = *DIGIT
+ # path = path-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty
+ # / path-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//"
+ # / path-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon segment
+ # / path-rootless ; begins with a segment
+ # / path-empty ; zero characters
+ # path-abempty = *( "/" segment )
+ # path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ]
+ # path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment )
+ # path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment )
+ # path-empty = 0<pchar>
+ # segment = *pchar
+ # segment-nz = 1*pchar
+ # segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" )
+ # ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
+ # pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
+ # query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
+ # fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
+ # URI-reference = URI / relative-ref
+ # relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
+ # relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty
+ # / path-absolute
+ # / path-noscheme
+ # / path-empty
+ # absolute-URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ]
+ __slots__ = ("_cache", "_val")
+ _QUOTER = _Quoter(requote=False)
+ _REQUOTER = _Quoter()
+ _PATH_QUOTER = _Quoter(safe="@:", protected="/+", requote=False)
+ _PATH_REQUOTER = _Quoter(safe="@:", protected="/+")
+ _QUERY_QUOTER = _Quoter(safe="?/:@", protected="=+&;", qs=True, requote=False)
+ _QUERY_REQUOTER = _Quoter(safe="?/:@", protected="=+&;", qs=True)
+ _QUERY_PART_QUOTER = _Quoter(safe="?/:@", qs=True, requote=False)
+ _FRAGMENT_QUOTER = _Quoter(safe="?/:@", requote=False)
+ _FRAGMENT_REQUOTER = _Quoter(safe="?/:@")
+ _UNQUOTER = _Unquoter()
+ _PATH_UNQUOTER = _Unquoter(unsafe="+")
+ _QS_UNQUOTER = _Unquoter(qs=True)
+ def __new__(cls, val="", *, encoded=False, strict=None):
+ if strict is not None: # pragma: no cover
+ warnings.warn("strict parameter is ignored")
+ if type(val) is cls:
+ return val
+ if type(val) is str:
+ val = urlsplit(val)
+ elif type(val) is SplitResult:
+ if not encoded:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot apply decoding to SplitResult")
+ elif isinstance(val, str):
+ val = urlsplit(str(val))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Constructor parameter should be str")
+ if not encoded:
+ if not val[1]: # netloc
+ netloc = ""
+ host = ""
+ else:
+ host = val.hostname
+ if host is None:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid URL: host is required for absolute urls")
+ try:
+ port = val.port
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid URL: port can't be converted to integer"
+ ) from e
+ netloc = cls._make_netloc(
+ val.username, val.password, host, port, encode=True, requote=True
+ )
+ path = cls._PATH_REQUOTER(val[2])
+ if netloc:
+ path = cls._normalize_path(path)
+ cls._validate_authority_uri_abs_path(host=host, path=path)
+ query = cls._QUERY_REQUOTER(val[3])
+ fragment = cls._FRAGMENT_REQUOTER(val[4])
+ val = SplitResult(val[0], netloc, path, query, fragment)
+ self = object.__new__(cls)
+ self._val = val
+ self._cache = {}
+ return self
+ @classmethod
+ def build(
+ cls,
+ *,
+ scheme="",
+ authority="",
+ user=None,
+ password=None,
+ host="",
+ port=None,
+ path="",
+ query=None,
+ query_string="",
+ fragment="",
+ encoded=False
+ ):
+ """Creates and returns a new URL"""
+ if authority and (user or password or host or port):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Can\'t mix "authority" with "user", "password", "host" or "port".'
+ )
+ if port and not host:
+ raise ValueError('Can\'t build URL with "port" but without "host".')
+ if query and query_string:
+ raise ValueError('Only one of "query" or "query_string" should be passed')
+ if (
+ scheme is None
+ or authority is None
+ or path is None
+ or query_string is None
+ or fragment is None
+ ):
+ raise TypeError(
+ 'NoneType is illegal for "scheme", "authority", "path", '
+ '"query_string", and "fragment" args, use empty string instead.'
+ )
+ if authority:
+ if encoded:
+ netloc = authority
+ else:
+ tmp = SplitResult("", authority, "", "", "")
+ netloc = cls._make_netloc(
+ tmp.username, tmp.password, tmp.hostname, tmp.port, encode=True
+ )
+ elif not user and not password and not host and not port:
+ netloc = ""
+ else:
+ netloc = cls._make_netloc(
+ user, password, host, port, encode=not encoded, encode_host=not encoded
+ )
+ if not encoded:
+ path = cls._PATH_QUOTER(path)
+ if netloc:
+ path = cls._normalize_path(path)
+ cls._validate_authority_uri_abs_path(host=host, path=path)
+ query_string = cls._QUERY_QUOTER(query_string)
+ fragment = cls._FRAGMENT_QUOTER(fragment)
+ url = cls(
+ SplitResult(scheme, netloc, path, query_string, fragment), encoded=True
+ )
+ if query:
+ return url.with_query(query)
+ else:
+ return url
+ def __init_subclass__(cls):
+ raise TypeError("Inheritance a class {!r} from URL is forbidden".format(cls))
+ def __str__(self):
+ val = self._val
+ if not val.path and self.is_absolute() and (val.query or val.fragment):
+ val = val._replace(path="/")
+ return urlunsplit(val)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "{}('{}')".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not type(other) is URL:
+ return NotImplemented
+ val1 = self._val
+ if not val1.path and self.is_absolute():
+ val1 = val1._replace(path="/")
+ val2 = other._val
+ if not val2.path and other.is_absolute():
+ val2 = val2._replace(path="/")
+ return val1 == val2
+ def __hash__(self):
+ ret = self._cache.get("hash")
+ if ret is None:
+ val = self._val
+ if not val.path and self.is_absolute():
+ val = val._replace(path="/")
+ ret = self._cache["hash"] = hash(val)
+ return ret
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ if not type(other) is URL:
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._val <= other._val
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if not type(other) is URL:
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._val < other._val
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ if not type(other) is URL:
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._val >= other._val
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ if not type(other) is URL:
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._val > other._val
+ def __truediv__(self, name):
+ name = self._PATH_QUOTER(name)
+ if name.startswith("/"):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Appending path {!r} starting from slash is forbidden".format(name)
+ )
+ path = self._val.path
+ if path == "/":
+ new_path = "/" + name
+ elif not path and not self.is_absolute():
+ new_path = name
+ else:
+ parts = path.rstrip("/").split("/")
+ parts.append(name)
+ new_path = "/".join(parts)
+ if self.is_absolute():
+ new_path = self._normalize_path(new_path)
+ return URL(
+ self._val._replace(path=new_path, query="", fragment=""), encoded=True
+ )
+ def __mod__(self, query):
+ return self.update_query(query)
+ def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+ return bool(
+ self._val.netloc or self._val.path or self._val.query or self._val.fragment
+ )
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return (self._val,)
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ if state[0] is None and isinstance(state[1], dict):
+ # default style pickle
+ self._val = state[1]["_val"]
+ else:
+ self._val, *unused = state
+ self._cache = {}
+ def is_absolute(self):
+ """A check for absolute URLs.
+ Return True for absolute ones (having scheme or starting
+ with //), False otherwise.
+ """
+ return self.raw_host is not None
+ def is_default_port(self):
+ """A check for default port.
+ Return True if port is default for specified scheme,
+ e.g. '' or '', False
+ otherwise.
+ """
+ if self.port is None:
+ return False
+ default = DEFAULT_PORTS.get(self.scheme)
+ if default is None:
+ return False
+ return self.port == default
+ def origin(self):
+ """Return an URL with scheme, host and port parts only.
+ user, password, path, query and fragment are removed.
+ """
+ # TODO: add a keyword-only option for keeping user/pass maybe?
+ if not self.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError("URL should be absolute")
+ if not self._val.scheme:
+ raise ValueError("URL should have scheme")
+ v = self._val
+ netloc = self._make_netloc(None, None, v.hostname, v.port)
+ val = v._replace(netloc=netloc, path="", query="", fragment="")
+ return URL(val, encoded=True)
+ def relative(self):
+ """Return a relative part of the URL.
+ scheme, user, password, host and port are removed.
+ """
+ if not self.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError("URL should be absolute")
+ val = self._val._replace(scheme="", netloc="")
+ return URL(val, encoded=True)
+ @property
+ def scheme(self):
+ """Scheme for absolute URLs.
+ Empty string for relative URLs or URLs starting with //
+ """
+ return self._val.scheme
+ @property
+ def raw_authority(self):
+ """Encoded authority part of URL.
+ Empty string for relative URLs.
+ """
+ return self._val.netloc
+ @cached_property
+ def authority(self):
+ """Decoded authority part of URL.
+ Empty string for relative URLs.
+ """
+ return self._make_netloc(
+ self.user, self.password,, self.port, encode_host=False
+ )
+ @property
+ def raw_user(self):
+ """Encoded user part of URL.
+ None if user is missing.
+ """
+ # not .username
+ ret = self._val.username
+ if not ret:
+ return None
+ return ret
+ @cached_property
+ def user(self):
+ """Decoded user part of URL.
+ None if user is missing.
+ """
+ return self._UNQUOTER(self.raw_user)
+ @property
+ def raw_password(self):
+ """Encoded password part of URL.
+ None if password is missing.
+ """
+ return self._val.password
+ @cached_property
+ def password(self):
+ """Decoded password part of URL.
+ None if password is missing.
+ """
+ return self._UNQUOTER(self.raw_password)
+ @property
+ def raw_host(self):
+ """Encoded host part of URL.
+ None for relative URLs.
+ """
+ # Use host instead of hostname for sake of shortness
+ # May add .hostname prop later
+ return self._val.hostname
+ @cached_property
+ def host(self):
+ """Decoded host part of URL.
+ None for relative URLs.
+ """
+ raw = self.raw_host
+ if raw is None:
+ return None
+ if "%" in raw:
+ # Hack for scoped IPv6 addresses like
+ # fe80::2%Проверка
+ # presence of '%' sign means only IPv6 address, so idna is useless.
+ return raw
+ return _idna_decode(raw)
+ @property
+ def port(self):
+ """Port part of URL, with scheme-based fallback.
+ None for relative URLs or URLs without explicit port and
+ scheme without default port substitution.
+ """
+ return self._val.port or DEFAULT_PORTS.get(self._val.scheme)
+ @property
+ def explicit_port(self):
+ """Port part of URL, without scheme-based fallback.
+ None for relative URLs or URLs without explicit port.
+ """
+ return self._val.port
+ @property
+ def raw_path(self):
+ """Encoded path of URL.
+ / for absolute URLs without path part.
+ """
+ ret = self._val.path
+ if not ret and self.is_absolute():
+ ret = "/"
+ return ret
+ @cached_property
+ def path(self):
+ """Decoded path of URL.
+ / for absolute URLs without path part.
+ """
+ return self._PATH_UNQUOTER(self.raw_path)
+ @cached_property
+ def query(self):
+ """A MultiDictProxy representing parsed query parameters in decoded
+ representation.
+ Empty value if URL has no query part.
+ """
+ ret = MultiDict(parse_qsl(self.raw_query_string, keep_blank_values=True))
+ return MultiDictProxy(ret)
+ @property
+ def raw_query_string(self):
+ """Encoded query part of URL.
+ Empty string if query is missing.
+ """
+ return self._val.query
+ @cached_property
+ def query_string(self):
+ """Decoded query part of URL.
+ Empty string if query is missing.
+ """
+ return self._QS_UNQUOTER(self.raw_query_string)
+ @cached_property
+ def path_qs(self):
+ """Decoded path of URL with query."""
+ if not self.query_string:
+ return self.path
+ return "{}?{}".format(self.path, self.query_string)
+ @cached_property
+ def raw_path_qs(self):
+ """Encoded path of URL with query."""
+ if not self.raw_query_string:
+ return self.raw_path
+ return "{}?{}".format(self.raw_path, self.raw_query_string)
+ @property
+ def raw_fragment(self):
+ """Encoded fragment part of URL.
+ Empty string if fragment is missing.
+ """
+ return self._val.fragment
+ @cached_property
+ def fragment(self):
+ """Decoded fragment part of URL.
+ Empty string if fragment is missing.
+ """
+ return self._UNQUOTER(self.raw_fragment)
+ @cached_property
+ def raw_parts(self):
+ """A tuple containing encoded *path* parts.
+ ('/',) for absolute URLs if *path* is missing.
+ """
+ path = self._val.path
+ if self.is_absolute():
+ if not path:
+ parts = ["/"]
+ else:
+ parts = ["/"] + path[1:].split("/")
+ else:
+ if path.startswith("/"):
+ parts = ["/"] + path[1:].split("/")
+ else:
+ parts = path.split("/")
+ return tuple(parts)
+ @cached_property
+ def parts(self):
+ """A tuple containing decoded *path* parts.
+ ('/',) for absolute URLs if *path* is missing.
+ """
+ return tuple(self._UNQUOTER(part) for part in self.raw_parts)
+ @cached_property
+ def parent(self):
+ """A new URL with last part of path removed and cleaned up query and
+ fragment.
+ """
+ path = self.raw_path
+ if not path or path == "/":
+ if self.raw_fragment or self.raw_query_string:
+ return URL(self._val._replace(query="", fragment=""), encoded=True)
+ return self
+ parts = path.split("/")
+ val = self._val._replace(path="/".join(parts[:-1]), query="", fragment="")
+ return URL(val, encoded=True)
+ @cached_property
+ def raw_name(self):
+ """The last part of raw_parts."""
+ parts = self.raw_parts
+ if self.is_absolute():
+ parts = parts[1:]
+ if not parts:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return parts[-1]
+ else:
+ return parts[-1]
+ @cached_property
+ def name(self):
+ """The last part of parts."""
+ return self._UNQUOTER(self.raw_name)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _validate_authority_uri_abs_path(host, path):
+ """Ensure that path in URL with authority starts with a leading slash.
+ Raise ValueError if not.
+ """
+ if len(host) > 0 and len(path) > 0 and not path.startswith("/"):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Path in a URL with authority should start with a slash ('/') if set"
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def _normalize_path(cls, path):
+ # Drop '.' and '..' from path
+ segments = path.split("/")
+ resolved_path = []
+ for seg in segments:
+ if seg == "..":
+ try:
+ resolved_path.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ # ignore any .. segments that would otherwise cause an
+ # IndexError when popped from resolved_path if
+ # resolving for rfc3986
+ pass
+ elif seg == ".":
+ continue
+ else:
+ resolved_path.append(seg)
+ if segments[-1] in (".", ".."):
+ # do some post-processing here.
+ # if the last segment was a relative dir,
+ # then we need to append the trailing '/'
+ resolved_path.append("")
+ return "/".join(resolved_path)
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
+ @classmethod
+ def _encode_host(cls, host, human=False):
+ try:
+ ip, sep, zone = host.partition("%")
+ ip = ip_address(ip)
+ except ValueError:
+ host = host.lower()
+ # IDNA encoding is slow,
+ # skip it for ASCII-only strings
+ # Don't move the check into _idna_encode() helper
+ # to reduce the cache size
+ if human or host.isascii():
+ return host
+ host = _idna_encode(host)
+ else:
+ host = ip.compressed
+ if sep:
+ host += "%" + zone
+ if ip.version == 6:
+ host = "[" + host + "]"
+ return host
+ else:
+ # work around for missing str.isascii() in Python <= 3.6
+ @classmethod
+ def _encode_host(cls, host, human=False):
+ try:
+ ip, sep, zone = host.partition("%")
+ ip = ip_address(ip)
+ except ValueError:
+ host = host.lower()
+ if human:
+ return host
+ for char in host:
+ if char > "\x7f":
+ break
+ else:
+ return host
+ host = _idna_encode(host)
+ else:
+ host = ip.compressed
+ if sep:
+ host += "%" + zone
+ if ip.version == 6:
+ host = "[" + host + "]"
+ return host
+ @classmethod
+ def _make_netloc(
+ cls, user, password, host, port, encode=False, encode_host=True, requote=False
+ ):
+ quoter = cls._REQUOTER if requote else cls._QUOTER
+ if encode_host:
+ ret = cls._encode_host(host)
+ else:
+ ret = host
+ if port:
+ ret = ret + ":" + str(port)
+ if password is not None:
+ if not user:
+ user = ""
+ else:
+ if encode:
+ user = quoter(user)
+ if encode:
+ password = quoter(password)
+ user = user + ":" + password
+ elif user and encode:
+ user = quoter(user)
+ if user:
+ ret = user + "@" + ret
+ return ret
+ def with_scheme(self, scheme):
+ """Return a new URL with scheme replaced."""
+ # N.B. doesn't cleanup query/fragment
+ if not isinstance(scheme, str):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid scheme type")
+ if not self.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError("scheme replacement is not allowed for relative URLs")
+ return URL(self._val._replace(scheme=scheme.lower()), encoded=True)
+ def with_user(self, user):
+ """Return a new URL with user replaced.
+ Autoencode user if needed.
+ Clear user/password if user is None.
+ """
+ # N.B. doesn't cleanup query/fragment
+ val = self._val
+ if user is None:
+ password = None
+ elif isinstance(user, str):
+ user = self._QUOTER(user)
+ password = val.password
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Invalid user type")
+ if not self.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError("user replacement is not allowed for relative URLs")
+ return URL(
+ self._val._replace(
+ netloc=self._make_netloc(user, password, val.hostname, val.port)
+ ),
+ encoded=True,
+ )
+ def with_password(self, password):
+ """Return a new URL with password replaced.
+ Autoencode password if needed.
+ Clear password if argument is None.
+ """
+ # N.B. doesn't cleanup query/fragment
+ if password is None:
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(password, str):
+ password = self._QUOTER(password)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Invalid password type")
+ if not self.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError("password replacement is not allowed for relative URLs")
+ val = self._val
+ return URL(
+ self._val._replace(
+ netloc=self._make_netloc(val.username, password, val.hostname, val.port)
+ ),
+ encoded=True,
+ )
+ def with_host(self, host):
+ """Return a new URL with host replaced.
+ Autoencode host if needed.
+ Changing host for relative URLs is not allowed, use .join()
+ instead.
+ """
+ # N.B. doesn't cleanup query/fragment
+ if not isinstance(host, str):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid host type")
+ if not self.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError("host replacement is not allowed for relative URLs")
+ if not host:
+ raise ValueError("host removing is not allowed")
+ val = self._val
+ return URL(
+ self._val._replace(
+ netloc=self._make_netloc(val.username, val.password, host, val.port)
+ ),
+ encoded=True,
+ )
+ def with_port(self, port):
+ """Return a new URL with port replaced.
+ Clear port to default if None is passed.
+ """
+ # N.B. doesn't cleanup query/fragment
+ if port is not None and not isinstance(port, int):
+ raise TypeError("port should be int or None, got {}".format(type(port)))
+ if not self.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError("port replacement is not allowed for relative URLs")
+ val = self._val
+ return URL(
+ self._val._replace(
+ netloc=self._make_netloc(
+ val.username, val.password, val.hostname, port, encode=True
+ )
+ ),
+ encoded=True,
+ )
+ def with_path(self, path, *, encoded=False):
+ """Return a new URL with path replaced."""
+ if not encoded:
+ path = self._PATH_QUOTER(path)
+ if self.is_absolute():
+ path = self._normalize_path(path)
+ if len(path) > 0 and path[0] != "/":
+ path = "/" + path
+ return URL(self._val._replace(path=path, query="", fragment=""), encoded=True)
+ @classmethod
+ def _query_seq_pairs(cls, quoter, pairs):
+ for key, val in pairs:
+ if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
+ for v in val:
+ yield quoter(key) + "=" + quoter(cls._query_var(v))
+ else:
+ yield quoter(key) + "=" + quoter(cls._query_var(val))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _query_var(v):
+ cls = type(v)
+ if issubclass(cls, str):
+ return v
+ if issubclass(cls, float):
+ if math.isinf(v):
+ raise ValueError("float('inf') is not supported")
+ if math.isnan(v):
+ raise ValueError("float('nan') is not supported")
+ return str(float(v))
+ if issubclass(cls, int) and cls is not bool:
+ return str(int(v))
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid variable type: value "
+ "should be str, int or float, got {!r} "
+ "of type {}".format(v, cls)
+ )
+ def _get_str_query(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if kwargs:
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Either kwargs or single query parameter must be present"
+ )
+ query = kwargs
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ query = args[0]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Either kwargs or single query parameter must be present")
+ if query is None:
+ query = ""
+ elif isinstance(query, Mapping):
+ quoter = self._QUERY_PART_QUOTER
+ query = "&".join(self._query_seq_pairs(quoter, query.items()))
+ elif isinstance(query, str):
+ query = self._QUERY_QUOTER(query)
+ elif isinstance(query, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid query type: bytes, bytearray and memoryview are forbidden"
+ )
+ elif isinstance(query, Sequence):
+ quoter = self._QUERY_PART_QUOTER
+ # We don't expect sequence values if we're given a list of pairs
+ # already; only mappings like builtin `dict` which can't have the
+ # same key pointing to multiple values are allowed to use
+ # `_query_seq_pairs`.
+ query = "&".join(
+ quoter(k) + "=" + quoter(self._query_var(v)) for k, v in query
+ )
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Invalid query type: only str, mapping or "
+ "sequence of (key, value) pairs is allowed"
+ )
+ return query
+ def with_query(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Return a new URL with query part replaced.
+ Accepts any Mapping (e.g. dict, multidict.MultiDict instances)
+ or str, autoencode the argument if needed.
+ A sequence of (key, value) pairs is supported as well.
+ It also can take an arbitrary number of keyword arguments.
+ Clear query if None is passed.
+ """
+ # N.B. doesn't cleanup query/fragment
+ new_query = self._get_str_query(*args, **kwargs)
+ return URL(
+ self._val._replace(path=self._val.path, query=new_query), encoded=True
+ )
+ def update_query(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Return a new URL with query part updated."""
+ s = self._get_str_query(*args, **kwargs)
+ new_query = MultiDict(parse_qsl(s, keep_blank_values=True))
+ query = MultiDict(self.query)
+ query.update(new_query)
+ return URL(self._val._replace(query=self._get_str_query(query)), encoded=True)
+ def with_fragment(self, fragment):
+ """Return a new URL with fragment replaced.
+ Autoencode fragment if needed.
+ Clear fragment to default if None is passed.
+ """
+ # N.B. doesn't cleanup query/fragment
+ if fragment is None:
+ raw_fragment = ""
+ elif not isinstance(fragment, str):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid fragment type")
+ else:
+ raw_fragment = self._FRAGMENT_QUOTER(fragment)
+ if self.raw_fragment == raw_fragment:
+ return self
+ return URL(self._val._replace(fragment=raw_fragment), encoded=True)
+ def with_name(self, name):
+ """Return a new URL with name (last part of path) replaced.
+ Query and fragment parts are cleaned up.
+ Name is encoded if needed.
+ """
+ # N.B. DOES cleanup query/fragment
+ if not isinstance(name, str):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid name type")
+ if "/" in name:
+ raise ValueError("Slash in name is not allowed")
+ name = self._PATH_QUOTER(name)
+ if name in (".", ".."):
+ raise ValueError(". and .. values are forbidden")
+ parts = list(self.raw_parts)
+ if self.is_absolute():
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ parts.append(name)
+ else:
+ parts[-1] = name
+ parts[0] = "" # replace leading '/'
+ else:
+ parts[-1] = name
+ if parts[0] == "/":
+ parts[0] = "" # replace leading '/'
+ return URL(
+ self._val._replace(path="/".join(parts), query="", fragment=""),
+ encoded=True,
+ )
+ def join(self, url):
+ """Join URLs
+ Construct a full (“absolute”) URL by combining a “base URL”
+ (self) with another URL (url).
+ Informally, this uses components of the base URL, in
+ particular the addressing scheme, the network location and
+ (part of) the path, to provide missing components in the
+ relative URL.
+ """
+ # See docs for urllib.parse.urljoin
+ if not isinstance(url, URL):
+ raise TypeError("url should be URL")
+ return URL(urljoin(str(self), str(url)), encoded=True)
+ def human_repr(self):
+ """Return decoded human readable string for URL representation."""
+ user = _human_quote(self.user, "#/:?@")
+ password = _human_quote(self.password, "#/:?@")
+ host =
+ if host:
+ host = self._encode_host(, human=True)
+ path = _human_quote(self.path, "#?")
+ query_string = "&".join(
+ "{}={}".format(_human_quote(k, "#&+;="), _human_quote(v, "#&+;="))
+ for k, v in self.query.items()
+ )
+ fragment = _human_quote(self.fragment, "")
+ return urlunsplit(
+ SplitResult(
+ self.scheme,
+ self._make_netloc(
+ user,
+ password,
+ host,
+ self._val.port,
+ encode_host=False,
+ ),
+ path,
+ query_string,
+ fragment,
+ )
+ )
+def _human_quote(s, unsafe):
+ if not s:
+ return s
+ for c in "%" + unsafe:
+ if c in s:
+ s = s.replace(c, "%{:02X}".format(ord(c)))
+ if s.isprintable():
+ return s
+ return "".join(c if c.isprintable() else quote(c) for c in s)
+_MAXCACHE = 256
+def _idna_decode(raw):
+ try:
+ return idna.decode(raw.encode("ascii"))
+ except UnicodeError: # e.g. '::1'
+ return raw.encode("ascii").decode("idna")
+def _idna_encode(host):
+ try:
+ return idna.encode(host, uts46=True).decode("ascii")
+ except UnicodeError:
+ return host.encode("idna").decode("ascii")
+def cache_clear():
+ _idna_decode.cache_clear()
+ _idna_encode.cache_clear()
+def cache_info():
+ return {
+ "idna_encode": _idna_encode.cache_info(),
+ "idna_decode": _idna_decode.cache_info(),
+ }
+def cache_configure(*, idna_encode_size=_MAXCACHE, idna_decode_size=_MAXCACHE):
+ global _idna_decode, _idna_encode
+ _idna_encode = functools.lru_cache(idna_encode_size)(_idna_encode.__wrapped__)
+ _idna_decode = functools.lru_cache(idna_decode_size)(_idna_decode.__wrapped__)