path: root/third_party/rust/bhttp/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/bhttp/src/')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/bhttp/src/ b/third_party/rust/bhttp/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b37fa88698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/bhttp/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+pub enum Error {
+ /// A request used the CONNECT method.
+ ConnectUnsupported,
+ /// A field contained invalid Unicode.
+ CharacterEncoding(std::string::FromUtf8Error),
+ /// A field contained an integer value that was out of range.
+ IntRange(std::num::TryFromIntError),
+ /// The mode of the message was invalid.
+ InvalidMode,
+ /// An IO error.
+ Io(std::io::Error),
+ /// A field or line was missing a necessary character.
+ Missing(u8),
+ /// A URL was missing a key component.
+ MissingUrlComponent,
+ /// An obs-fold line was the first line of a field section.
+ ObsFold,
+ /// A field contained a non-integer value.
+ ParseInt(std::num::ParseIntError),
+ /// A field was truncated.
+ Truncated,
+ /// A message included the Upgrade field.
+ UpgradeUnsupported,
+ /// A URL could not be parsed into components.
+ UrlParse(url::ParseError),
+macro_rules! forward_errors {
+ {$($(#[$a:meta])* $t:path => $v:ident),* $(,)?} => {
+ $(
+ impl From<$t> for Error {
+ fn from(e: $t) -> Self {
+ Self::$v(e)
+ }
+ }
+ )*
+ impl std::error::Error for Error {
+ fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
+ match self {
+ $( $(#[$a])* Self::$v(e) => Some(e), )*
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+forward_errors! {
+ std::io::Error => Io,
+ std::string::FromUtf8Error => CharacterEncoding,
+ std::num::ParseIntError => ParseInt,
+ std::num::TryFromIntError => IntRange,
+ url::ParseError => UrlParse,
+impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
+ write!(f, "{:?}", self)
+ }
+ feature = "read-http",
+ feature = "write-http",
+ feature = "read-bhttp",
+ feature = "write-bhttp"
+pub type Res<T> = Result<T, Error>;