path: root/third_party/rust/prost-derive/src/field/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/prost-derive/src/field/')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/prost-derive/src/field/ b/third_party/rust/prost-derive/src/field/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1228a6fae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/prost-derive/src/field/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+use anyhow::{bail, Error};
+use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
+use quote::quote;
+use syn::{Ident, Lit, Meta, MetaNameValue, NestedMeta};
+use crate::field::{scalar, set_option, tag_attr};
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub enum MapTy {
+ HashMap,
+ BTreeMap,
+impl MapTy {
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<MapTy> {
+ match s {
+ "map" | "hash_map" => Some(MapTy::HashMap),
+ "btree_map" => Some(MapTy::BTreeMap),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn module(&self) -> Ident {
+ match *self {
+ MapTy::HashMap => Ident::new("hash_map", Span::call_site()),
+ MapTy::BTreeMap => Ident::new("btree_map", Span::call_site()),
+ }
+ }
+ fn lib(&self) -> TokenStream {
+ match self {
+ MapTy::HashMap => quote! { std },
+ MapTy::BTreeMap => quote! { prost::alloc },
+ }
+ }
+fn fake_scalar(ty: scalar::Ty) -> scalar::Field {
+ let kind = scalar::Kind::Plain(scalar::DefaultValue::new(&ty));
+ scalar::Field {
+ ty,
+ kind,
+ tag: 0, // Not used here
+ }
+pub struct Field {
+ pub map_ty: MapTy,
+ pub key_ty: scalar::Ty,
+ pub value_ty: ValueTy,
+ pub tag: u32,
+impl Field {
+ pub fn new(attrs: &[Meta], inferred_tag: Option<u32>) -> Result<Option<Field>, Error> {
+ let mut types = None;
+ let mut tag = None;
+ for attr in attrs {
+ if let Some(t) = tag_attr(attr)? {
+ set_option(&mut tag, t, "duplicate tag attributes")?;
+ } else if let Some(map_ty) = attr
+ .path()
+ .get_ident()
+ .and_then(|i| MapTy::from_str(&i.to_string()))
+ {
+ let (k, v): (String, String) = match &*attr {
+ Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue {
+ lit: Lit::Str(lit), ..
+ }) => {
+ let items = lit.value();
+ let mut items = items.split(',').map(ToString::to_string);
+ let k =;
+ let v = match {
+ Some(k) => k,
+ None => bail!("invalid map attribute: must have key and value types"),
+ };
+ if {
+ bail!("invalid map attribute: {:?}", attr);
+ }
+ (k, v)
+ }
+ Meta::List(meta_list) => {
+ // TODO(rustlang/rust#23121): slice pattern matching would make this much nicer.
+ if meta_list.nested.len() != 2 {
+ bail!("invalid map attribute: must contain key and value types");
+ }
+ let k = match &meta_list.nested[0] {
+ NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(k)) if k.get_ident().is_some() => {
+ k.get_ident().unwrap().to_string()
+ }
+ _ => bail!("invalid map attribute: key must be an identifier"),
+ };
+ let v = match &meta_list.nested[1] {
+ NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(v)) if v.get_ident().is_some() => {
+ v.get_ident().unwrap().to_string()
+ }
+ _ => bail!("invalid map attribute: value must be an identifier"),
+ };
+ (k, v)
+ }
+ _ => return Ok(None),
+ };
+ set_option(
+ &mut types,
+ (map_ty, key_ty_from_str(&k)?, ValueTy::from_str(&v)?),
+ "duplicate map type attribute",
+ )?;
+ } else {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(match (types, tag.or(inferred_tag)) {
+ (Some((map_ty, key_ty, value_ty)), Some(tag)) => Some(Field {
+ map_ty,
+ key_ty,
+ value_ty,
+ tag,
+ }),
+ _ => None,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn new_oneof(attrs: &[Meta]) -> Result<Option<Field>, Error> {
+ Field::new(attrs, None)
+ }
+ /// Returns a statement which encodes the map field.
+ pub fn encode(&self, ident: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ let tag = self.tag;
+ let key_mod = self.key_ty.module();
+ let ke = quote!(::prost::encoding::#key_mod::encode);
+ let kl = quote!(::prost::encoding::#key_mod::encoded_len);
+ let module = self.map_ty.module();
+ match &self.value_ty {
+ ValueTy::Scalar(scalar::Ty::Enumeration(ty)) => {
+ let default = quote!(#ty::default() as i32);
+ quote! {
+ ::prost::encoding::#module::encode_with_default(
+ #ke,
+ #kl,
+ ::prost::encoding::int32::encode,
+ ::prost::encoding::int32::encoded_len,
+ &(#default),
+ #tag,
+ &#ident,
+ buf,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ ValueTy::Scalar(value_ty) => {
+ let val_mod = value_ty.module();
+ let ve = quote!(::prost::encoding::#val_mod::encode);
+ let vl = quote!(::prost::encoding::#val_mod::encoded_len);
+ quote! {
+ ::prost::encoding::#module::encode(
+ #ke,
+ #kl,
+ #ve,
+ #vl,
+ #tag,
+ &#ident,
+ buf,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ ValueTy::Message => quote! {
+ ::prost::encoding::#module::encode(
+ #ke,
+ #kl,
+ ::prost::encoding::message::encode,
+ ::prost::encoding::message::encoded_len,
+ #tag,
+ &#ident,
+ buf,
+ );
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns an expression which evaluates to the result of merging a decoded key value pair
+ /// into the map.
+ pub fn merge(&self, ident: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ let key_mod = self.key_ty.module();
+ let km = quote!(::prost::encoding::#key_mod::merge);
+ let module = self.map_ty.module();
+ match &self.value_ty {
+ ValueTy::Scalar(scalar::Ty::Enumeration(ty)) => {
+ let default = quote!(#ty::default() as i32);
+ quote! {
+ ::prost::encoding::#module::merge_with_default(
+ #km,
+ ::prost::encoding::int32::merge,
+ #default,
+ &mut #ident,
+ buf,
+ ctx,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ ValueTy::Scalar(value_ty) => {
+ let val_mod = value_ty.module();
+ let vm = quote!(::prost::encoding::#val_mod::merge);
+ quote!(::prost::encoding::#module::merge(#km, #vm, &mut #ident, buf, ctx))
+ }
+ ValueTy::Message => quote! {
+ ::prost::encoding::#module::merge(
+ #km,
+ ::prost::encoding::message::merge,
+ &mut #ident,
+ buf,
+ ctx,
+ )
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns an expression which evaluates to the encoded length of the map.
+ pub fn encoded_len(&self, ident: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ let tag = self.tag;
+ let key_mod = self.key_ty.module();
+ let kl = quote!(::prost::encoding::#key_mod::encoded_len);
+ let module = self.map_ty.module();
+ match &self.value_ty {
+ ValueTy::Scalar(scalar::Ty::Enumeration(ty)) => {
+ let default = quote!(#ty::default() as i32);
+ quote! {
+ ::prost::encoding::#module::encoded_len_with_default(
+ #kl,
+ ::prost::encoding::int32::encoded_len,
+ &(#default),
+ #tag,
+ &#ident,
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ ValueTy::Scalar(value_ty) => {
+ let val_mod = value_ty.module();
+ let vl = quote!(::prost::encoding::#val_mod::encoded_len);
+ quote!(::prost::encoding::#module::encoded_len(#kl, #vl, #tag, &#ident))
+ }
+ ValueTy::Message => quote! {
+ ::prost::encoding::#module::encoded_len(
+ #kl,
+ ::prost::encoding::message::encoded_len,
+ #tag,
+ &#ident,
+ )
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn clear(&self, ident: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ quote!(#ident.clear())
+ }
+ /// Returns methods to embed in the message.
+ pub fn methods(&self, ident: &Ident) -> Option<TokenStream> {
+ if let ValueTy::Scalar(scalar::Ty::Enumeration(ty)) = &self.value_ty {
+ let key_ty = self.key_ty.rust_type();
+ let key_ref_ty = self.key_ty.rust_ref_type();
+ let get = Ident::new(&format!("get_{}", ident), Span::call_site());
+ let insert = Ident::new(&format!("insert_{}", ident), Span::call_site());
+ let take_ref = if self.key_ty.is_numeric() {
+ quote!(&)
+ } else {
+ quote!()
+ };
+ let get_doc = format!(
+ "Returns the enum value for the corresponding key in `{}`, \
+ or `None` if the entry does not exist or it is not a valid enum value.",
+ ident,
+ );
+ let insert_doc = format!("Inserts a key value pair into `{}`.", ident);
+ Some(quote! {
+ #[doc=#get_doc]
+ pub fn #get(&self, key: #key_ref_ty) -> ::core::option::Option<#ty> {
+ self.#ident.get(#take_ref key).cloned().and_then(#ty::from_i32)
+ }
+ #[doc=#insert_doc]
+ pub fn #insert(&mut self, key: #key_ty, value: #ty) -> ::core::option::Option<#ty> {
+ self.#ident.insert(key, value as i32).and_then(#ty::from_i32)
+ }
+ })
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a newtype wrapper around the map, implementing nicer Debug
+ ///
+ /// The Debug tries to convert any enumerations met into the variants if possible, instead of
+ /// outputting the raw numbers.
+ pub fn debug(&self, wrapper_name: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+ let type_name = match self.map_ty {
+ MapTy::HashMap => Ident::new("HashMap", Span::call_site()),
+ MapTy::BTreeMap => Ident::new("BTreeMap", Span::call_site()),
+ };
+ // A fake field for generating the debug wrapper
+ let key_wrapper = fake_scalar(self.key_ty.clone()).debug(quote!(KeyWrapper));
+ let key = self.key_ty.rust_type();
+ let value_wrapper = self.value_ty.debug();
+ let libname = self.map_ty.lib();
+ let fmt = quote! {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
+ #key_wrapper
+ #value_wrapper
+ let mut builder = f.debug_map();
+ for (k, v) in self.0 {
+ builder.entry(&KeyWrapper(k), &ValueWrapper(v));
+ }
+ builder.finish()
+ }
+ };
+ match &self.value_ty {
+ ValueTy::Scalar(ty) => {
+ let value = ty.rust_type();
+ quote! {
+ struct #wrapper_name<'a>(&'a ::#libname::collections::#type_name<#key, #value>);
+ impl<'a> ::core::fmt::Debug for #wrapper_name<'a> {
+ #fmt
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ValueTy::Message => quote! {
+ struct #wrapper_name<'a, V: 'a>(&'a ::#libname::collections::#type_name<#key, V>);
+ impl<'a, V> ::core::fmt::Debug for #wrapper_name<'a, V>
+ where
+ V: ::core::fmt::Debug + 'a,
+ {
+ #fmt
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+fn key_ty_from_str(s: &str) -> Result<scalar::Ty, Error> {
+ let ty = scalar::Ty::from_str(s)?;
+ match ty {
+ scalar::Ty::Int32
+ | scalar::Ty::Int64
+ | scalar::Ty::Uint32
+ | scalar::Ty::Uint64
+ | scalar::Ty::Sint32
+ | scalar::Ty::Sint64
+ | scalar::Ty::Fixed32
+ | scalar::Ty::Fixed64
+ | scalar::Ty::Sfixed32
+ | scalar::Ty::Sfixed64
+ | scalar::Ty::Bool
+ | scalar::Ty::String => Ok(ty),
+ _ => bail!("invalid map key type: {}", s),
+ }
+/// A map value type.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum ValueTy {
+ Scalar(scalar::Ty),
+ Message,
+impl ValueTy {
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<ValueTy, Error> {
+ if let Ok(ty) = scalar::Ty::from_str(s) {
+ Ok(ValueTy::Scalar(ty))
+ } else if s.trim() == "message" {
+ Ok(ValueTy::Message)
+ } else {
+ bail!("invalid map value type: {}", s);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a newtype wrapper around the ValueTy for nicer debug.
+ ///
+ /// If the contained value is enumeration, it tries to convert it to the variant. If not, it
+ /// just forwards the implementation.
+ fn debug(&self) -> TokenStream {
+ match self {
+ ValueTy::Scalar(ty) => fake_scalar(ty.clone()).debug(quote!(ValueWrapper)),
+ ValueTy::Message => quote!(
+ fn ValueWrapper<T>(v: T) -> T {
+ v
+ }
+ ),
+ }
+ }