path: root/third_party/rust/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/')
1 files changed, 475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/ b/third_party/rust/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a42359b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+mod backup;
+mod backup_stack;
+mod state;
+pub(crate) use self::backup::{Backup, BackupId};
+pub(crate) use self::backup_stack::MAX_BACKUP;
+pub(crate) use self::state::{Lifecycle, State, MAX_FUTURES};
+use self::backup::Handoff;
+use self::backup_stack::BackupStack;
+use config::Config;
+use shutdown::ShutdownTrigger;
+use task::{Blocking, Task};
+use worker::{self, Worker, WorkerId};
+use futures::Poll;
+use std::cell::Cell;
+use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
+use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hash, Hasher};
+use std::num::Wrapping;
+use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
+use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{AcqRel, Acquire};
+use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
+use std::thread;
+use crossbeam_deque::Injector;
+use crossbeam_utils::CachePadded;
+pub(crate) struct Pool {
+ // Tracks the state of the thread pool (running, shutting down, ...).
+ //
+ // While workers check this field as a hint to detect shutdown, it is
+ // **not** used as a primary point of coordination for workers. The sleep
+ // stack is used as the primary point of coordination for workers.
+ //
+ // The value of this atomic is deserialized into a `pool::State` instance.
+ // See comments for that type.
+ pub state: CachePadded<AtomicUsize>,
+ // Stack tracking sleeping workers.
+ sleep_stack: CachePadded<worker::Stack>,
+ // Worker state
+ //
+ // A worker is a thread that is processing the work queue and polling
+ // futures.
+ //
+ // The number of workers will *usually* be small.
+ pub workers: Arc<[worker::Entry]>,
+ // The global MPMC queue of tasks.
+ //
+ // Spawned tasks are pushed into this queue. Although worker threads have their own dedicated
+ // task queues, they periodically steal tasks from this global queue, too.
+ pub queue: Arc<Injector<Arc<Task>>>,
+ // Completes the shutdown process when the `ThreadPool` and all `Worker`s get dropped.
+ //
+ // When spawning a new `Worker`, this weak reference is upgraded and handed out to the new
+ // thread.
+ pub trigger: Weak<ShutdownTrigger>,
+ // Backup thread state
+ //
+ // In order to efficiently support `blocking`, a pool of backup threads is
+ // needed. These backup threads are ready to take over a worker if the
+ // future being processed requires blocking.
+ backup: Box<[Backup]>,
+ // Stack of sleeping backup threads
+ pub backup_stack: BackupStack,
+ // State regarding coordinating blocking sections and tracking tasks that
+ // are pending blocking capacity.
+ blocking: Blocking,
+ // Configuration
+ pub config: Config,
+impl Pool {
+ /// Create a new `Pool`
+ pub fn new(
+ workers: Arc<[worker::Entry]>,
+ trigger: Weak<ShutdownTrigger>,
+ max_blocking: usize,
+ config: Config,
+ queue: Arc<Injector<Arc<Task>>>,
+ ) -> Pool {
+ let pool_size = workers.len();
+ let total_size = max_blocking + pool_size;
+ // Create the set of backup entries
+ //
+ // This is `backup + pool_size` because the core thread pool running the
+ // workers is spawned from backup as well.
+ let backup = (0..total_size)
+ .map(|_| Backup::new())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .into_boxed_slice();
+ let backup_stack = BackupStack::new();
+ for i in (0..backup.len()).rev() {
+ backup_stack.push(&backup, BackupId(i)).unwrap();
+ }
+ // Initialize the blocking state
+ let blocking = Blocking::new(max_blocking);
+ let ret = Pool {
+ state: CachePadded::new(AtomicUsize::new(State::new().into())),
+ sleep_stack: CachePadded::new(worker::Stack::new()),
+ workers,
+ queue,
+ trigger,
+ backup,
+ backup_stack,
+ blocking,
+ config,
+ };
+ // Now, we prime the sleeper stack
+ for i in 0..pool_size {
+ ret.sleep_stack.push(&ret.workers, i).unwrap();
+ }
+ ret
+ }
+ /// Start shutting down the pool. This means that no new futures will be
+ /// accepted.
+ pub fn shutdown(&self, now: bool, purge_queue: bool) {
+ let mut state: State = self.state.load(Acquire).into();
+ trace!("shutdown; state={:?}", state);
+ // For now, this must be true
+ debug_assert!(!purge_queue || now);
+ // Start by setting the shutdown flag
+ loop {
+ let mut next = state;
+ let num_futures = next.num_futures();
+ if next.lifecycle() == Lifecycle::ShutdownNow {
+ // Already transitioned to shutting down state
+ if !purge_queue || num_futures == 0 {
+ // Nothing more to do
+ return;
+ }
+ // The queue must be purged
+ debug_assert!(purge_queue);
+ next.clear_num_futures();
+ } else {
+ next.set_lifecycle(if now || num_futures == 0 {
+ // If already idle, always transition to shutdown now.
+ Lifecycle::ShutdownNow
+ } else {
+ Lifecycle::ShutdownOnIdle
+ });
+ if purge_queue {
+ next.clear_num_futures();
+ }
+ }
+ let actual = self
+ .state
+ .compare_and_swap(state.into(), next.into(), AcqRel)
+ .into();
+ if state == actual {
+ state = next;
+ break;
+ }
+ state = actual;
+ }
+ trace!(" -> transitioned to shutdown");
+ // Only transition to terminate if there are no futures currently on the
+ // pool
+ if state.num_futures() != 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ self.terminate_sleeping_workers();
+ }
+ /// Called by `Worker` as it tries to enter a sleeping state. Before it
+ /// sleeps, it must push itself onto the sleep stack. This enables other
+ /// threads to see it when signaling work.
+ pub fn push_sleeper(&self, idx: usize) -> Result<(), ()> {
+ self.sleep_stack.push(&self.workers, idx)
+ }
+ pub fn terminate_sleeping_workers(&self) {
+ use worker::Lifecycle::Signaled;
+ trace!(" -> shutting down workers");
+ // Wakeup all sleeping workers. They will wake up, see the state
+ // transition, and terminate.
+ while let Some((idx, worker_state)) = self.sleep_stack.pop(&self.workers, Signaled, true) {
+ self.workers[idx].signal_stop(worker_state);
+ }
+ // Now terminate any backup threads
+ //
+ // The call to `pop` must be successful because shutting down the pool
+ // is coordinated and at this point, this is the only thread that will
+ // attempt to transition the backup stack to "terminated".
+ while let Ok(Some(backup_id)) = self.backup_stack.pop(&self.backup, true) {
+ self.backup[backup_id.0].signal_stop();
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn poll_blocking_capacity(&self, task: &Arc<Task>) -> Poll<(), ::BlockingError> {
+ self.blocking.poll_blocking_capacity(task)
+ }
+ /// Submit a task to the scheduler.
+ ///
+ /// Called from either inside or outside of the scheduler. If currently on
+ /// the scheduler, then a fast path is taken.
+ pub fn submit(&self, task: Arc<Task>, pool: &Arc<Pool>) {
+ debug_assert_eq!(*self, **pool);
+ Worker::with_current(|worker| {
+ if let Some(worker) = worker {
+ // If the worker is in blocking mode, then even though the
+ // thread-local variable is set, the current thread does not
+ // have ownership of that worker entry. This is because the
+ // worker entry has already been handed off to another thread.
+ //
+ // The second check handles the case where the current thread is
+ // part of a different threadpool than the one being submitted
+ // to.
+ if !worker.is_blocking() && *self == *worker.pool {
+ let idx =;
+ trace!(" -> submit internal; idx={}", idx);
+ worker.pool.workers[idx].submit_internal(task);
+ worker.pool.signal_work(pool);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ self.submit_external(task, pool);
+ });
+ }
+ /// Submit a task to the scheduler from off worker
+ ///
+ /// Called from outside of the scheduler, this function is how new tasks
+ /// enter the system.
+ pub fn submit_external(&self, task: Arc<Task>, pool: &Arc<Pool>) {
+ debug_assert_eq!(*self, **pool);
+ trace!(" -> submit external");
+ self.queue.push(task);
+ self.signal_work(pool);
+ }
+ pub fn release_backup(&self, backup_id: BackupId) -> Result<(), ()> {
+ // First update the state, this cannot fail because the caller must have
+ // exclusive access to the backup token.
+ self.backup[backup_id.0].release();
+ // Push the backup entry back on the stack
+ self.backup_stack.push(&self.backup, backup_id)
+ }
+ pub fn notify_blocking_task(&self, pool: &Arc<Pool>) {
+ debug_assert_eq!(*self, **pool);
+ self.blocking.notify_task(&pool);
+ }
+ /// Provision a thread to run a worker
+ pub fn spawn_thread(&self, id: WorkerId, pool: &Arc<Pool>) {
+ debug_assert_eq!(*self, **pool);
+ let backup_id = match self.backup_stack.pop(&self.backup, false) {
+ Ok(Some(backup_id)) => backup_id,
+ Ok(None) => panic!("no thread available"),
+ Err(_) => {
+ debug!("failed to spawn worker thread due to the thread pool shutting down");
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let need_spawn = self.backup[backup_id.0].worker_handoff(id.clone());
+ if !need_spawn {
+ return;
+ }
+ let trigger = match self.trigger.upgrade() {
+ None => {
+ // The pool is shutting down.
+ return;
+ }
+ Some(t) => t,
+ };
+ let mut th = thread::Builder::new();
+ if let Some(ref prefix) = pool.config.name_prefix {
+ th =!("{}{}", prefix, backup_id.0));
+ }
+ if let Some(stack) = pool.config.stack_size {
+ th = th.stack_size(stack);
+ }
+ let pool = pool.clone();
+ let res = th.spawn(move || {
+ if let Some(ref f) = pool.config.after_start {
+ f();
+ }
+ let mut worker_id = id;
+ pool.backup[backup_id.0].start(&worker_id);
+ loop {
+ // The backup token should be in the running state.
+ debug_assert!(pool.backup[backup_id.0].is_running());
+ // TODO: Avoid always cloning
+ let worker = Worker::new(worker_id, backup_id, pool.clone(), trigger.clone());
+ // Run the worker. If the worker transitioned to a "blocking"
+ // state, then `is_blocking` will be true.
+ if !worker.do_run() {
+ // The worker shutdown, so exit the thread.
+ break;
+ }
+ debug_assert!(!pool.backup[backup_id.0].is_pushed());
+ // Push the thread back onto the backup stack. This makes it
+ // available for future handoffs.
+ //
+ // This **must** happen before notifying the task.
+ let res = pool.backup_stack.push(&pool.backup, backup_id);
+ if res.is_err() {
+ // The pool is being shutdown.
+ break;
+ }
+ // The task switched the current thread to blocking mode.
+ // Now that the blocking task completed, any tasks
+ pool.notify_blocking_task(&pool);
+ debug_assert!(pool.backup[backup_id.0].is_running());
+ // Wait for a handoff
+ let handoff = pool.backup[backup_id.0].wait_for_handoff(pool.config.keep_alive);
+ match handoff {
+ Handoff::Worker(id) => {
+ debug_assert!(pool.backup[backup_id.0].is_running());
+ worker_id = id;
+ }
+ Handoff::Idle | Handoff::Terminated => {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref f) = pool.config.before_stop {
+ f();
+ }
+ });
+ if let Err(e) = res {
+ error!("failed to spawn worker thread; err={:?}", e);
+ panic!("failed to spawn worker thread: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ /// If there are any other workers currently relaxing, signal them that work
+ /// is available so that they can try to find more work to process.
+ pub fn signal_work(&self, pool: &Arc<Pool>) {
+ debug_assert_eq!(*self, **pool);
+ use worker::Lifecycle::Signaled;
+ if let Some((idx, worker_state)) = self.sleep_stack.pop(&self.workers, Signaled, false) {
+ let entry = &self.workers[idx];
+ debug_assert!(
+ worker_state.lifecycle() != Signaled,
+ "actual={:?}",
+ worker_state.lifecycle(),
+ );
+ trace!("signal_work -- notify; idx={}", idx);
+ if !entry.notify(worker_state) {
+ trace!("signal_work -- spawn; idx={}", idx);
+ self.spawn_thread(WorkerId(idx), pool);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Generates a random number
+ ///
+ /// Uses a thread-local random number generator based on XorShift.
+ pub fn rand_usize(&self) -> usize {
+ thread_local! {
+ static RNG: Cell<Wrapping<u32>> = Cell::new(Wrapping(prng_seed()));
+ }
+ RNG.with(|rng| {
+ // This is the 32-bit variant of Xorshift.
+ //
+ let mut x = rng.get();
+ x ^= x << 13;
+ x ^= x >> 17;
+ x ^= x << 5;
+ rng.set(x);
+ x.0 as usize
+ })
+ }
+impl PartialEq for Pool {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Pool) -> bool {
+ self as *const _ == other as *const _
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for Pool {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Pool {}
+// Return a thread-specific, 32-bit, non-zero seed value suitable for a 32-bit
+// PRNG. This uses one libstd RandomState for a default hasher and hashes on
+// the current thread ID to obtain an unpredictable, collision resistant seed.
+fn prng_seed() -> u32 {
+ // This obtains a small number of random bytes from the host system (for
+ // example, on unix via getrandom(2)) in order to seed an unpredictable and
+ // HashDoS resistant 64-bit hash function (currently: `SipHasher13` with
+ // 128-bit state). We only need one of these, to make the seeds for all
+ // process threads different via hashed IDs, collision resistant, and
+ // unpredictable.
+ lazy_static! {
+ static ref RND_STATE: RandomState = RandomState::new();
+ }
+ // Hash the current thread ID to produce a u32 value
+ let mut hasher = RND_STATE.build_hasher();
+ thread::current().id().hash(&mut hasher);
+ let hash: u64 = hasher.finish();
+ let seed = (hash as u32) ^ ((hash >> 32) as u32);
+ // Ensure non-zero seed (Xorshift yields only zero's for that seed)
+ if seed == 0 {
+ 0x9b4e_6d25 // misc bits, could be any non-zero
+ } else {
+ seed
+ }