path: root/toolkit/components/glean/tests/gtest/TestFog.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/glean/tests/gtest/TestFog.cpp')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/glean/tests/gtest/TestFog.cpp b/toolkit/components/glean/tests/gtest/TestFog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3dd1a7914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/glean/tests/gtest/TestFog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "FOGFixture.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
+#include "mozilla/glean/GleanPings.h"
+#include "mozilla/glean/fog_ffi_generated.h"
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+#include "mozilla/Result.h"
+#include "mozilla/ResultVariant.h"
+#include "mozilla/Tuple.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
+#include "nsString.h"
+#include "prtime.h"
+using mozilla::Preferences;
+using namespace mozilla::glean;
+using namespace mozilla::glean::impl;
+#define DATA_PREF "datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled"
+extern "C" {
+// This function is called by the rust code in if a non-fatal test
+// failure occurs.
+void GTest_FOG_ExpectFailure(const char* aMessage) {
+ EXPECT_STREQ(aMessage, "");
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, BuiltinPingsRegistered) {
+ Preferences::SetInt("telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port", -1);
+ nsAutoCString metricsPingName("metrics");
+ nsAutoCString baselinePingName("baseline");
+ nsAutoCString eventsPingName("events");
+ ASSERT_EQ(NS_OK, fog_submit_ping(&metricsPingName));
+ ASSERT_EQ(NS_OK, fog_submit_ping(&baselinePingName));
+ ASSERT_EQ(NS_OK, fog_submit_ping(&eventsPingName));
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppCounterWorks) {
+ mozilla::glean::test_only::bad_code.Add(42);
+ ASSERT_EQ(42, mozilla::glean::test_only::bad_code.TestGetValue("test-ping"_ns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .value());
+ // And test that the ping name's optional, while you're at it:
+ ASSERT_EQ(42, test_only::bad_code.TestGetValue().unwrap().value());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppStringWorks) {
+ auto kValue = "cheez!"_ns;
+ mozilla::glean::test_only::cheesy_string.Set(kValue);
+ ASSERT_STREQ(kValue.get(), mozilla::glean::test_only::cheesy_string
+ .TestGetValue("test-ping"_ns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .value()
+ .get());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppTimespanWorks) {
+ mozilla::glean::test_only::can_we_time_it.Start();
+ PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(10));
+ mozilla::glean::test_only::can_we_time_it.Stop();
+ mozilla::glean::test_only::can_we_time_it.TestGetValue("test-ping"_ns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .value() > 0);
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppUuidWorks) {
+ nsCString kTestUuid("decafdec-afde-cafd-ecaf-decafdecafde");
+ test_only::what_id_it.Set(kTestUuid);
+ ASSERT_STREQ(kTestUuid.get(),
+ test_only::what_id_it.TestGetValue("test-ping"_ns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .value()
+ .get());
+ test_only::what_id_it.GenerateAndSet();
+ // Since we generate v4 UUIDs, and the first character of the third group
+ // isn't 4, this won't ever collide with kTestUuid.
+ ASSERT_STRNE(kTestUuid.get(),
+ test_only::what_id_it.TestGetValue("test-ping"_ns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .value()
+ .get());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppBooleanWorks) {
+ mozilla::glean::test_only::can_we_flag_it.Set(false);
+ ASSERT_EQ(false, mozilla::glean::test_only::can_we_flag_it
+ .TestGetValue("test-ping"_ns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .value());
+MATCHER_P(BitEq, x, "bit equal") {
+ static_assert(sizeof(x) == sizeof(arg));
+ return std::memcmp(&arg, &x, sizeof(x)) == 0;
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppDatetimeWorks) {
+ PRExplodedTime date{0, 35, 10, 12, 6, 10, 2020, 0, 0, {5 * 60 * 60, 0}};
+ test_only::what_a_date.Set(&date);
+ auto received = test_only::what_a_date.TestGetValue("test-ping"_ns).unwrap();
+ ASSERT_THAT(received.value(), BitEq(date));
+using mozilla::MakeTuple;
+using mozilla::Some;
+using mozilla::Tuple;
+using mozilla::glean::test_only_ipc::AnEventExtra;
+using mozilla::glean::test_only_ipc::EventWithExtraExtra;
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppEventWorks) {
+ test_only_ipc::no_extra_event.Record();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_only_ipc::no_extra_event.TestGetValue("store1"_ns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .isSome());
+ AnEventExtra extra = {.extra1 = Some("can set extras"_ns)};
+ test_only_ipc::an_event.Record(Some(extra));
+ auto optEvents = test_only_ipc::an_event.TestGetValue("store1"_ns).unwrap();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(optEvents.isSome());
+ auto events = optEvents.extract();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1UL, events.Length());
+ ASSERT_STREQ("test_only.ipc", events[0].mCategory.get());
+ ASSERT_STREQ("an_event", events[0].mName.get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1UL, events[0].mExtra.Length());
+ ASSERT_STREQ("extra1", mozilla::Get<0>(events[0].mExtra[0]).get());
+ ASSERT_STREQ("can set extras", mozilla::Get<1>(events[0].mExtra[0]).get());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppEventsWithDifferentExtraTypes) {
+ EventWithExtraExtra extra = {.extra1 = Some("can set extras"_ns),
+ .extra2 = Some(37),
+ .extra3LongerName = Some(false)};
+ test_only_ipc::event_with_extra.Record(Some(extra));
+ auto optEvents =
+ test_only_ipc::event_with_extra.TestGetValue("store1"_ns).unwrap();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(optEvents.isSome());
+ auto events = optEvents.extract();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1UL, events.Length());
+ // The list of extra key/value pairs can be in any order.
+ ASSERT_EQ(3UL, events[0].mExtra.Length());
+ for (auto extra : events[0].mExtra) {
+ auto key = mozilla::Get<0>(extra);
+ auto value = mozilla::Get<1>(extra);
+ if (key == "extra1"_ns) {
+ ASSERT_STREQ("can set extras", value.get());
+ } else if (key == "extra2"_ns) {
+ ASSERT_STREQ("37", value.get());
+ } else if (key == "extra3_longer_name"_ns) {
+ ASSERT_STREQ("false", value.get());
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(false)
+ << "Invalid extra item recorded.";
+ }
+ }
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppMemoryDistWorks) {
+ test_only::do_you_remember.Accumulate(7);
+ test_only::do_you_remember.Accumulate(17);
+ DistributionData data =
+ test_only::do_you_remember.TestGetValue("test-ping"_ns).unwrap().ref();
+ // Sum is in bytes, test_only::do_you_remember is in megabytes. So
+ // multiplication ahoy!
+ ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, 24UL * 1024 * 1024);
+ for (const auto& entry : data.values) {
+ const uint64_t bucket = entry.GetKey();
+ const uint64_t count = entry.GetData();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(count == 0 ||
+ (count == 1 && (bucket == 17520006 || bucket == 7053950)))
+ << "Only two occupied buckets";
+ }
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppCustomDistWorks) {
+ test_only_ipc::a_custom_dist.AccumulateSamples({7, 268435458});
+ DistributionData data =
+ test_only_ipc::a_custom_dist.TestGetValue("store1"_ns).unwrap().ref();
+ ASSERT_EQ(data.sum, 7UL + 268435458);
+ for (const auto& entry : data.values) {
+ const uint64_t bucket = entry.GetKey();
+ const uint64_t count = entry.GetData();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(count == 0 ||
+ (count == 1 && (bucket == 1 || bucket == 268435456)))
+ << "Only two occupied buckets";
+ }
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppPings) {
+ test_only::one_ping_one_bool.Set(false);
+ const auto& ping = mozilla::glean_pings::OnePingOnly;
+ bool submitted = false;
+ ping.TestBeforeNextSubmit([&submitted](const nsACString& aReason) {
+ submitted = true;
+ ASSERT_EQ(false,
+ test_only::one_ping_one_bool.TestGetValue().unwrap().ref());
+ });
+ ping.Submit();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(submitted)
+ << "Must have actually called the lambda.";
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppStringLists) {
+ auto kValue = "cheez!"_ns;
+ auto kValue2 = "cheezier!"_ns;
+ auto kValue3 = "cheeziest."_ns;
+ nsTArray<nsCString> cheezList;
+ cheezList.EmplaceBack(kValue);
+ cheezList.EmplaceBack(kValue2);
+ test_only::cheesy_string_list.Set(cheezList);
+ auto val = test_only::cheesy_string_list.TestGetValue().unwrap().value();
+ // Note: This is fragile if the order is ever not preserved.
+ ASSERT_STREQ(kValue.get(), val[0].get());
+ ASSERT_STREQ(kValue2.get(), val[1].get());
+ test_only::cheesy_string_list.Add(kValue3);
+ val = test_only::cheesy_string_list.TestGetValue().unwrap().value();
+ ASSERT_STREQ(kValue3.get(), val[2].get());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppTimingDistWorks) {
+ auto id1 = test_only::what_time_is_it.Start();
+ auto id2 = test_only::what_time_is_it.Start();
+ PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(5));
+ auto id3 = test_only::what_time_is_it.Start();
+ test_only::what_time_is_it.Cancel(std::move(id1));
+ PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(5));
+ test_only::what_time_is_it.StopAndAccumulate(std::move(id2));
+ test_only::what_time_is_it.StopAndAccumulate(std::move(id3));
+ DistributionData data =
+ test_only::what_time_is_it.TestGetValue().unwrap().ref();
+ const uint64_t NANOS_IN_MILLIS = 1e6;
+ // bug 1701847 - Sleeps don't necessarily round up as you'd expect.
+ // Give ourselves a 40000ns (0.04ms) window to be off on fast machines.
+ const uint64_t EPSILON = 40000;
+ // We don't know exactly how long those sleeps took, only that it was at
+ // least 15ms total.
+ ASSERT_GT(data.sum, (uint64_t)(15 * NANOS_IN_MILLIS) - EPSILON);
+ // We also can't guarantee the buckets, but we can guarantee two samples.
+ uint64_t sampleCount = 0;
+ for (const auto& value : data.values.Values()) {
+ sampleCount += value;
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(sampleCount, (uint64_t)2);
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestLabeledBooleanWorks) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::Nothing(),
+ test_only::mabels_like_balloons.Get("hot_air"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap());
+ test_only::mabels_like_balloons.Get("hot_air"_ns).Set(true);
+ test_only::mabels_like_balloons.Get("helium"_ns).Set(false);
+ ASSERT_EQ(true, test_only::mabels_like_balloons.Get("hot_air"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap()
+ .ref());
+ ASSERT_EQ(false, test_only::mabels_like_balloons.Get("helium"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap()
+ .ref());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestLabeledCounterWorks) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::Nothing(),
+ test_only::mabels_kitchen_counters.Get("marble"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap());
+ test_only::mabels_kitchen_counters.Get("marble"_ns).Add(1);
+ test_only::mabels_kitchen_counters.Get("laminate"_ns).Add(2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, test_only::mabels_kitchen_counters.Get("marble"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap()
+ .ref());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, test_only::mabels_kitchen_counters.Get("laminate"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap()
+ .ref());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestLabeledStringWorks) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::Nothing(),
+ test_only::mabels_balloon_strings.Get("twine"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap());
+ test_only::mabels_balloon_strings.Get("twine"_ns).Set("seems acceptable"_ns);
+ test_only::mabels_balloon_strings.Get("parachute_cord"_ns)
+ .Set("preferred"_ns);
+ ASSERT_STREQ("seems acceptable",
+ test_only::mabels_balloon_strings.Get("twine"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap()
+ .ref()
+ .get());
+ ASSERT_STREQ("preferred",
+ test_only::mabels_balloon_strings.Get("parachute_cord"_ns)
+ .TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap()
+ .ref()
+ .get());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppQuantityWorks) {
+ // This joke only works in base 13.
+ const uint32_t kValue = 6 * 9;
+ mozilla::glean::test_only::meaning_of_life.Set(kValue);
+ ASSERT_EQ(kValue, mozilla::glean::test_only::meaning_of_life.TestGetValue()
+ .unwrap()
+ .value());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppRateWorks) {
+ // 1) Standard rate with internal denominator
+ const int32_t kNum = 22;
+ const int32_t kDen = 7; // because I like pi, even just approximately.
+ test_only_ipc::irate.AddToNumerator(kNum);
+ test_only_ipc::irate.AddToDenominator(kDen);
+ auto value = test_only_ipc::irate.TestGetValue().unwrap();
+ ASSERT_EQ(kNum, value.ref().first);
+ ASSERT_EQ(kDen, value.ref().second);
+ // 2) Rate with external denominator
+ test_only_ipc::rate_with_external_denominator.AddToNumerator(kNum);
+ test_only_ipc::an_external_denominator.Add(kDen);
+ value = test_only_ipc::rate_with_external_denominator.TestGetValue().unwrap();
+ ASSERT_EQ(kNum, value.ref().first);
+ ASSERT_EQ(kDen, value.ref().second);
+ kDen,
+ test_only_ipc::an_external_denominator.TestGetValue().unwrap().extract());
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestCppUrlWorks) {
+ auto kValue = ""_ns;
+ mozilla::glean::test_only_ipc::a_url.Set(kValue);
+ ASSERT_STREQ(kValue.get(),
+ mozilla::glean::test_only_ipc::a_url.TestGetValue("store1"_ns)
+ .unwrap()
+ .value()
+ .get());
+extern "C" void Rust_TestRustInGTest();
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestRustInGTest) { Rust_TestRustInGTest(); }
+extern "C" void Rust_TestJogfile();
+TEST_F(FOGFixture, TestJogfile) { Rust_TestJogfile(); }