path: root/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_rectangle.pxd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_rectangle.pxd')
1 files changed, 442 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_rectangle.pxd b/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_rectangle.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac18169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/cython/_cy_rectangle.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+from _common_decl cimport *
+from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
+from _cy_primitives cimport Point, cy_Point, wrap_Point
+from _cy_primitives cimport IntPoint, cy_IntPoint, wrap_IntPoint
+cdef extern from "2geom/affine.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Affine:
+ pass
+cdef extern from "2geom/cython-bindings/wrapped-pyobject.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass WrappedPyObject:
+ WrappedPyObject()
+ WrappedPyObject(object)
+ object getObj()
+ cdef cppclass PyPoint:
+ PyPoint()
+ PyPoint(WrappedPyObject, WrappedPyObject)
+ WrappedPyObject operator[](int)
+cdef extern from "2geom/generic-interval.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass GenericInterval[C]:
+ GenericInterval()
+ GenericInterval(C)
+ GenericInterval(C, C)
+ C min()
+ C max()
+ C extent()
+ C middle()
+ bint isSingular()
+ bint contains(C)
+ bint contains(GenericInterval[C] &)
+ bint intersects(GenericInterval[C] &)
+ void setMin(C)
+ void setMax(C)
+ void expandTo(C)
+ void expandBy(C)
+ void unionWith(GenericInterval[C] &)
+ GenericInterval[C] &operator+(C)
+ GenericInterval[C] &operator-(C)
+ GenericInterval[C] &operator-()
+ GenericInterval[C] &operator+(GenericInterval[C] &)
+ GenericInterval[C] &operator-(GenericInterval[C] &)
+ GenericInterval[C] &operator|(GenericInterval[C] &)
+ bint operator==(GenericInterval[C] &)
+ bint operator!=(GenericInterval[C] &)
+ cdef cppclass GenericOptInterval[C]:
+ GenericOptInterval()
+ GenericOptInterval(C)
+ GenericOptInterval(C, C)
+ GenericInterval get()
+ C min()
+ C max()
+ C extent()
+ C middle()
+ bint isEmpty()
+ bint isSingular()
+ bint contains(C)
+ bint contains(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ bint intersects(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ void setMin(C)
+ void setMax(C)
+ void expandTo(C)
+ void expandBy(C)
+ void unionWith(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ void intersectWith(GenericOptInterval &)
+ GenericOptInterval[C] &operator+(C)
+ GenericOptInterval[C] &operator-(C)
+ GenericOptInterval[C] &operator-()
+ GenericOptInterval[C] &operator+(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ GenericOptInterval[C] &operator-(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ GenericOptInterval[C] &operator|(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ GenericOptInterval[C] &operator&(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ bint operator==(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ bint operator!=(GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+cdef extern from "2geom/int-interval.h" namespace "Geom":
+ ctypedef GenericInterval[IntCoord] IntInterval
+ ctypedef GenericOptInterval[IntCoord] OptIntInterval
+#redeclaring inherited methods, other option is to cast all
+#pointers from Interval to GenericInterval[Coord] in extension class
+cdef extern from "2geom/interval.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Interval:
+ Interval()
+ Interval(Coord)
+ Interval(Coord, Coord)
+ Coord min()
+ Coord max()
+ Coord extent()
+ Coord middle()
+ bint isSingular()
+ bint contains(Coord)
+ bint contains(Interval &)
+ bint intersects(Interval &)
+ void setMin(Coord)
+ void setMax(Coord)
+ void expandTo(Coord)
+ void expandBy(Coord)
+ void unionWith(Interval &)
+ bint isFinite()
+ bint interiorContains(Coord)
+ bint interiorContains(Interval &)
+ bint interiorIntersects(Interval &)
+ Interval & operator*(Coord)
+ Interval & operator/(Coord)
+ Interval & operator*(Interval &)
+ bint operator==(IntInterval &)
+ bint operator==(Interval &)
+ bint operator!=(Interval &)
+ bint operator!=(IntInterval &)
+ Interval &operator+(Coord)
+ Interval &operator-(Coord)
+ Interval &operator-()
+ Interval &operator+(Interval &)
+ Interval &operator-(Interval &)
+ Interval &operator|(Interval &)
+ IntInterval roundOutwards()
+ OptIntInterval roundInwards()
+ cdef cppclass OptInterval:
+ OptInterval(OptInterval &)
+ OptInterval()
+ OptInterval(Interval &)
+ OptInterval(Coord)
+ OptInterval(Coord, Coord)
+ OptInterval(GenericOptInterval[double] &)
+ OptInterval(IntInterval &)
+ OptInterval(OptIntInterval &)
+ Interval get()
+ bint isEmpty()
+ void unionWith(OptInterval &)
+ void intersectWith(OptInterval &)
+ OptInterval &operator|(OptInterval &)
+ OptInterval &operator&(OptInterval &)
+cdef class cy_Interval:
+ cdef Interval* thisptr
+cdef cy_Interval wrap_Interval(Interval p)
+cdef class cy_OptInterval:
+ cdef OptInterval* thisptr
+cdef cy_OptInterval wrap_OptInterval(OptInterval p)
+cdef extern from "2geom/generic-rect.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass GenericRect[C]:
+ GenericRect()
+ GenericRect(GenericInterval[C] &, GenericInterval[C] &)
+ GenericRect(Point &, Point &)
+ GenericRect(PyPoint &, PyPoint &)
+ GenericRect(IntPoint &, IntPoint &)
+ GenericRect(C, C, C, C)
+ GenericInterval[C] & operator[](Dim2)
+ PyPoint min()
+ PyPoint max()
+ PyPoint corner(unsigned int)
+ IntPoint i_min "min" ()
+ IntPoint i_max "max" ()
+ IntPoint i_corner "corner" (unsigned int)
+ C top()
+ C bottom()
+ C left()
+ C right()
+ C width()
+ C height()
+ Coord aspectRatio()
+ PyPoint dimensions()
+ PyPoint midpoint()
+ IntPoint i_dimensions "dimensions" ()
+ IntPoint i_midpoint "midpoint" ()
+ C area()
+ bint hasZeroArea()
+ C maxExtent()
+ C minExtent()
+ bint intersects(GenericRect[C] &)
+ bint contains(GenericRect[C] &)
+ bint contains(PyPoint &)
+ bint contains(IntPoint &)
+ void setLeft(C)
+ void setRight(C)
+ void setTop(C)
+ void setBottom(C)
+ void setMin(PyPoint &)
+ void setMax(PyPoint &)
+ void expandTo(PyPoint &)
+ void setMin(IntPoint &)
+ void setMax(IntPoint &)
+ void expandTo(IntPoint &)
+ void unionWith(GenericRect[C] &)
+ void expandBy(C)
+ void expandBy(C, C)
+ void expandBy(PyPoint &)
+ void expandBy(IntPoint &)
+ GenericRect[C] & operator+(PyPoint &)
+ GenericRect[C] & operator+(IntPoint &)
+ GenericRect[C] & operator-(PyPoint &)
+ GenericRect[C] & operator-(IntPoint &)
+ GenericRect[C] & operator|(GenericRect[C] &)
+ bint operator==(GenericRect[C] &)
+ bint operator!=(GenericRect[C] &)
+ cdef cppclass GenericOptRect[C]:
+ GenericOptRect()
+ GenericOptRect(GenericRect[C] &)
+ GenericOptRect(C, C, C, C)
+ GenericOptRect(Point &, Point &)
+ GenericOptRect(GenericOptInterval[C] &, GenericOptInterval[C] &)
+ GenericRect[C] get()
+ bint isEmpty()
+ bint intersects(GenericRect[C] &)
+ bint contains(GenericRect[C] &)
+ bint intersects(GenericOptRect[C] &)
+ bint contains(GenericOptRect[C] &)
+ bint contains(Point &)
+ bint contains(IntPoint &)
+ void unionWith(GenericRect[C] &)
+ void unionWith(GenericOptRect[C] &)
+ void intersectWith(GenericRect[C] &)
+ void intersectWith(GenericOptRect[C] &)
+ void expandTo(Point &)
+ GenericOptRect[C] &operator|(GenericOptRect[C] &)
+ GenericOptRect[C] &operator&(GenericRect[C] &)
+ GenericOptRect[C] &operator&(GenericOptRect[C] &)
+ bint operator==(GenericOptRect[C] &)
+ bint operator==(GenericRect[C] &)
+ bint operator!=(GenericOptRect[C] &)
+ bint operator!=(GenericRect[C] &)
+cdef extern from "2geom/generic-rect.h" namespace "Geom::GenericRect<Geom::WrappedPyObject>":
+ GenericRect[WrappedPyObject] from_xywh(WrappedPyObject, WrappedPyObject, WrappedPyObject, WrappedPyObject)
+ GenericRect[WrappedPyObject] from_xywh(PyPoint &, PyPoint &)
+cdef extern from "2geom/int-rect.h" namespace "Geom":
+ ctypedef GenericRect[IntCoord] IntRect
+cdef extern from "2geom/rect.h" namespace "Geom":
+ cdef cppclass Rect:
+ Rect()
+ Rect(Interval &, Interval &)
+ Rect(Point &, Point &)
+ Rect(Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
+ Interval & operator[](Dim2)
+ Point min()
+ Point max()
+ Point corner(unsigned int)
+ Coord top()
+ Coord bottom()
+ Coord left()
+ Coord right()
+ Coord width()
+ Coord height()
+ Coord aspectRatio()
+ Point dimensions()
+ Point midpoint()
+ Coord area()
+ bint hasZeroArea()
+ Coord maxExtent()
+ Coord minExtent()
+ bint intersects(Rect &)
+ bint contains(Rect &)
+ bint contains(Point &)
+ void setLeft(Coord)
+ void setRight(Coord)
+ void setTop(Coord)
+ void setBottom(Coord)
+ void setMin(Point &)
+ void setMax(Point &)
+ void expandTo(Point &)
+ void unionWith(Rect &)
+ void expandBy(Coord)
+ void expandBy(Coord, Coord)
+ void expandBy(Point &)
+ Rect & operator+(Point &)
+ Rect & operator-(Point &)
+ Rect & operator|(Rect &)
+ bint operator==(Rect &)
+ bint operator!=(Rect &)
+ bint operator==(IntRect &)
+ bint operator!=(IntRect &)
+ bint hasZeroArea(Coord)
+ bint interiorIntersects(Rect &)
+ bint interiorContains(Point &)
+ bint interiorContains(Rect &)
+ bint interiorContains(OptRect &)
+ IntRect roundOutwards()
+ OptIntRect roundInwards()
+ Rect &operator*(Affine &)
+ Coord distanceSq(Point &, Rect &)
+ Coord distance(Point &, Rect &)
+ cdef cppclass OptRect:
+ OptRect()
+ OptRect(Rect &)
+ OptRect(Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
+ OptRect(Point &, Point &)
+ OptRect(OptInterval &, OptInterval &)
+ Rect get()
+ bint isEmpty()
+ bint intersects(Rect &)
+ bint contains(Rect &)
+ bint intersects(OptRect &)
+ bint contains(OptRect &)
+ bint contains(Point &)
+ void unionWith(Rect &)
+ void unionWith(OptRect &)
+ void intersectWith(Rect &)
+ void intersectWith(OptRect &)
+ void expandTo(Point &)
+ OptRect &operator|(OptRect &)
+ OptRect &operator&(Rect &)
+ OptRect &operator&(OptRect &)
+ bint operator==(OptRect &)
+ bint operator==(Rect &)
+ bint operator!=(OptRect &)
+ bint operator!=(Rect &)
+cdef extern from "2geom/rect.h" namespace "Geom::Rect":
+ Rect from_xywh(Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
+ Rect from_xywh(Point &, Point &)
+ Rect infinite()
+cdef class cy_Rect:
+ cdef Rect* thisptr
+cdef cy_Rect wrap_Rect(Rect p)
+cdef class cy_OptRect:
+ cdef OptRect* thisptr
+cdef cy_OptRect wrap_OptRect(OptRect p)
+cdef extern from "2geom/int-rect.h" namespace "Geom":
+ #redeclaring because cython complains about ambiguous overloading otherwise
+ cdef cppclass OptIntRect:
+ OptIntRect()
+ OptIntRect(IntRect &)
+ OptIntRect(IntCoord, IntCoord, IntCoord, IntCoord)
+ OptIntRect(IntPoint &, IntPoint &)
+ OptIntRect(OptIntInterval &, OptIntInterval &)
+ IntRect get()
+ bint isEmpty()
+ bint intersects(IntRect &)
+ bint contains(IntRect &)
+ bint intersects(OptIntRect &)
+ bint contains(OptIntRect &)
+ bint contains(Point &)
+ bint contains(IntPoint &)
+ void unionWith(IntRect &)
+ void unionWith(OptIntRect &)
+ void intersectWith(IntRect &)
+ void intersectWith(OptIntRect &)
+ void expandTo(IntPoint &)
+ OptIntRect &operator|(OptIntRect &)
+ OptIntRect &operator&(IntRect &)
+ OptIntRect &operator&(OptIntRect &)
+ bint operator==(OptIntRect &)
+ bint operator==(IntRect &)
+ bint operator!=(OptIntRect &)
+ bint operator!=(IntRect &)