path: root/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/topology.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/topology.cpp')
1 files changed, 668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/topology.cpp b/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/topology.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25830ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/2geom/src/toys/topology.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+#include <2geom/path.h>
+#include <2geom/svg-path-parser.h>
+#include <2geom/path-intersection.h>
+#include <2geom/basic-intersection.h>
+#include <2geom/pathvector.h>
+#include <2geom/exception.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "sweeper.cpp"
+Topology Class:
+This class mainly consists in 3 vectors: vertices, edges, and areas.
+-edges: have start/end, left/right pointing to vertices or areas.
+-vertices: have a "boundary"= the sequence of edges sorted in CCW order.
+-areas: have one outer "boundary" + a vector of inner boundaries, which are
+ sequence of edges.
+To build this data, the strategy is to let a line sweep the plane (from left
+to right, say) and consider the topology of what is on the left of the sweep line.
+Topology changes are called events, and we call an external "sweeper" to generate
+them for us.
+So we start with an empty data, and respond to events to always describe the
+topology of what is on the left of the sweep line. [more precisely, we start with
+one region that has empty boundary, and since the external sweeper knows how many
+edges we'll have at the end, so we create them from scratch, leaving their ends
+as "unknown"]
+Note: see the sweeper for more info about events; they are essentially generated
+when the sweep line crosses a vertex (which is in fact a box), but are in fact split
+into smaller events, one for each edge around the vertex...
+The code is using a lot of vectors: unsing pointers instead of vectors could speed
+things up (?), but vector indices are easier to debug than memory addresses.:P
+using namespace Geom;
+using namespace std;
+class Topology {
+ // -!- convention:
+ // In a boundary, reversed edges point away from the vertex or CW around the area.
+ struct OrientedEdge{
+ unsigned edge; //edge index.
+ bool reversed; //true if the intrinsic edge orientation points away (from vertex) or backward (along area boundary)
+ OrientedEdge(unsigned edge_idx, bool o){
+ edge = edge_idx;
+ reversed = o;
+ }
+ OrientedEdge(){
+ edge = NULL_IDX;
+ reversed = false;
+ }
+ bool operator == ( OrientedEdge const &other) const {
+ return (edge == other.edge && edge!=NULL_IDX && reversed == other.reversed);
+ }
+ };
+ class Boundary : public std::vector<OrientedEdge>{
+ public:
+ bool of_area;//true if this is the boundary of an area. Fix this with templates?
+ Boundary(bool area_type): of_area(area_type){}
+ };
+ class Vertex{
+ public:
+ Boundary boundary; // list of edges in CCW order around the vertex
+ Geom::Rect bounds;
+ Vertex():boundary(false){}
+ };
+ class Area {//an area is a connected comp of the complement of the graph. .
+ public:
+ Boundary boundary; // outermost boundary component, CCW oriented (i.e. area is on the left of the boundary).
+ std::vector<Boundary> inner_boundaries;//same conventions, area on the left, so this gives the CW orientation for inner components.
+ std::vector<int> windings;//one winding number for each input path.
+ Area(unsigned size): boundary(true), windings(size, 0){}
+ };
+ class Edge {
+ public:
+ unsigned left, right;// the indices of the areas on the left and on the right this edge.
+ unsigned start, end; // the indices of vertices at start and at end of this edge.
+ Geom::Interval portion;
+ unsigned path;
+ unsigned curve;
+ Edge(){
+ left = NULL_IDX;
+ right =NULL_IDX;
+ start = NULL_IDX;
+ end = NULL_IDX;
+ portion = Interval();
+ path = NULL_IDX;
+ curve = NULL_IDX;
+ }
+ };
+ vector<Area> areas;
+ vector<Edge> edges;
+ vector<Vertex> vertices;
+ PathVector input_paths;//we don't need our own copy...
+ cairo_t* cr;
+ //debug only!!
+ int steps_max;
+ //----------
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ //-- utils...
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ void printIdx(unsigned idx){ (idx == NULL_IDX)? std::printf("?") : std::printf("%u", idx); }
+ void printVertex(unsigned i){
+ std::printf("vertex %u: ", i);
+ printBoundary(vertices[i].boundary);
+ std::printf("\n");
+ }
+ void printEdge(unsigned i){
+ std::printf("edge %u: ", i);
+ printIdx(edges[i].start);
+ std::printf(" -> ");
+ printIdx(edges[i].end);
+ std::printf(" ^");
+ printIdx(edges[i].left);
+ std::printf(" _");
+ printIdx(edges[i].right);
+ std::printf("\n");
+ }
+ void printArea(unsigned i){
+ std::printf("area %u: ", i);
+ printBoundary(areas[i].boundary);
+ for (auto & inner_boundarie : areas[i].inner_boundaries){
+ std::printf(", ");
+ printBoundary(inner_boundarie);
+ }
+ std::printf("\n");
+ }
+ void printOrientedEdge(OrientedEdge const &f){
+ ( f.reversed ) ? std::printf("-") : std::printf("+");
+ printIdx(f.edge);
+ std::printf(" ");
+ }
+ void printBoundary(Boundary const &bndry){
+ (bndry.of_area) ? std::printf("[") : std::printf("<");
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<bndry.size(); i++){
+ printOrientedEdge(bndry[i]);
+ }
+ (bndry.of_area) ? std::printf("]") : std::printf(">");
+ }
+ void print(){
+ std::cout<<"\nCrossing Data:\n";
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<vertices.size(); i++){
+ printVertex(i);
+ }
+ std::cout<<"\n";
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<edges.size(); i++){
+ printEdge(i);
+ }
+ std::cout<<"\n";
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<areas.size(); i++){
+ printArea(i);
+ }
+ }
+ D2<SBasis> edgeAsSBasis(unsigned e){
+ //beurk! optimize me.
+ D2<SBasis> c = input_paths[edges[e].path][edges[e].curve].toSBasis();
+ return portion(c, edges[e].portion);
+ }
+ Path edgeToPath(Topology::OrientedEdge o_edge){
+ Topology::Edge e = edges[o_edge.edge];
+ D2<SBasis> p = input_paths[e.path][e.curve].toSBasis();
+ Interval dom = e.portion;
+ p = portion(p, dom);
+ if ( o_edge.reversed ){
+ p = compose( p, Linear(1.,0.) );
+ }
+ Path ret;
+ ret.setStitching(true);
+ Point center;
+ unsigned c_idx = source(o_edge, true);
+ if ( c_idx == NULL_IDX ){
+ ret.append(p);
+ }else{
+ center = vertices[c_idx].bounds.midpoint();
+ ret = Path(center);
+ ret.append(p);
+ }
+ c_idx = target(o_edge, true);
+ if ( c_idx == NULL_IDX ){
+ return ret;
+ }else{
+ center = vertices[c_idx].bounds.midpoint();
+ if ( center != p.at1() ) ret.appendNew<LineSegment>(center);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ Path boundaryToPath(Topology::Boundary b){
+ Point pt;
+ Path bndary;
+ bndary.setStitching(true);
+ if (b.size()==0){ return Path(); }
+ Topology::OrientedEdge o_edge = b.front();
+ unsigned first_v = source(o_edge, true);
+ if ( first_v != NULL_IDX ){
+ pt = vertices[first_v].bounds.midpoint();
+ bndary = Path(pt);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < b.size(); i++){
+ bndary.append( edgeToPath(b[i]));
+ }
+ bndary.close();
+ return bndary;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Boundary Navigation/Modification
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ //TODO: this should be an OrientedEdge method, be requires access to the edges.
+ unsigned source(OrientedEdge const &f, bool as_area_bndry){
+ unsigned prev;
+ if (f.reversed )
+ prev = (as_area_bndry)? edges[f.edge].end : edges[f.edge].right;
+ else
+ prev = (as_area_bndry)? edges[f.edge].start : edges[f.edge].left;
+ return prev;
+ }
+ unsigned target(OrientedEdge const &f, bool as_area_bndry){
+ unsigned prev;
+ if (f.reversed )
+ prev = (as_area_bndry)? edges[f.edge].start : edges[f.edge].left;
+ else
+ prev = (as_area_bndry)? edges[f.edge].end : edges[f.edge].right;
+ return prev;
+ }
+ //TODO: this should be a Boundary method, but access to the full data is required...
+ bool prolongate( Boundary &bndry, OrientedEdge const &f){
+ if ( bndry.empty() ){
+ bndry.push_back(f);
+ return true;
+ }
+ unsigned src = source(f, bndry.of_area);
+ if ( src == target( bndry.back(), bndry.of_area ) && src != NULL_IDX ){
+ bndry.push_back(f);
+ return true;
+ }
+ unsigned tgt = target( f, bndry.of_area );
+ if ( tgt == source( bndry.front(), bndry.of_area ) && tgt != NULL_IDX ){
+ bndry.insert( bndry.begin(), f);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool prolongate(Boundary &a, Boundary &b){
+ if (a.size()==0 || b.size()==0 || (a.of_area != b.of_area) ) return false;
+ unsigned src;
+ src = source(a.front(), a.of_area);
+// unsigned af = a.front().edge, as=source(a.front(), a.of_area), ab=a.back().edge, at=target(a.back(), a.of_area);
+// unsigned bf = b.front().edge, bs=source(b.front(), b.of_area), bb=b.back().edge, bt=target(b.back(), b.of_area);
+// std::printf("a=%u(%u)...(%u)%u\n", as, af,ab,at);
+// std::printf("b=%u(%u)...(%u)%u\n", bs, bf,bb,bt);
+// std::printf("%u == %u?\n", src, target( b.back(), b.of_area ));
+ if ( src == target( b.back(), b.of_area ) && src != NULL_IDX ){
+ a.insert( a.begin(), b.begin(), b.end() );
+// std::printf("boundaries fused!!\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ src = source(b.front(), b.of_area);
+ if ( src == target( a.back(), a.of_area ) && src != NULL_IDX ){
+ a.insert( a.end(), b.begin(), b.end() );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //TODO: this should be a Boundary or Area method, but requires access to the full data...
+ //TODO: systematically check for connected boundaries before returning?
+ void addAreaBoundaryPiece(unsigned a, OrientedEdge const &f){
+ if ( areas[a].boundary.size()>0 && prolongate( areas[a].boundary, f ) ) return;
+ for (auto & inner_boundarie : areas[a].inner_boundaries){
+// printBoundary(areas[a].inner_boundaries[i]);
+// printf(" matches ");
+// printOrientedEdge(f);
+// printf("?");
+ if ( inner_boundarie.size()>0 && prolongate( inner_boundarie, f) ) return;
+// printf("no. (%u vs %u)", target(areas[a].inner_boundaries[i].back(), true), source(f, true));
+ }
+ Boundary new_comp(true);
+ new_comp.push_back(f);
+ areas[a].inner_boundaries.push_back(new_comp);
+ }
+ bool fuseConnectedBoundaries(unsigned a){
+// std::printf(" fuseConnectedBoundaries %u\n",a);
+ bool ret = false;
+ if ( areas[a].boundary.size()>0 ){
+ for ( unsigned i=0; i<areas[a].inner_boundaries.size(); i++){
+ if ( prolongate( areas[a].boundary, areas[a].inner_boundaries[i] ) ){
+ areas[a].inner_boundaries.erase(areas[a].inner_boundaries.begin()+i);
+ i--;
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( unsigned i=0; i<areas[a].inner_boundaries.size(); i++){
+ for ( unsigned j=i+1; j<areas[a].inner_boundaries.size(); j++){
+ if ( prolongate( areas[a].inner_boundaries[i], areas[a].inner_boundaries[j] ) ){
+ areas[a].inner_boundaries.erase(areas[a].inner_boundaries.begin()+j);
+ j--;
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------
+ //-- Some basic area manipulation.
+ //-------------------------------
+ void renameArea(unsigned oldi, unsigned newi){
+ for (auto & edge : edges){
+ if ( edge.left == oldi ) edge.left = newi;
+ if ( edge.right == oldi ) edge.right = newi;
+ }
+ }
+ void deleteArea(unsigned a0){//ptrs would definitely be helpful here...
+ assert(a0<areas.size());
+ for (unsigned a=a0+1; a<areas.size(); a++){
+ renameArea(a,a-1);
+ }
+ areas.erase(areas.begin()+a0);
+ }
+ //fuse open(=not finished!) areas. The boundaries are supposed to match. true on success.
+ void fuseAreas(unsigned a, unsigned b){
+// std::printf("fuse Areas %u and %u\n", a, b);
+ if (a==b) return;
+ if (a>b) swap(a,b);//this is important to keep track of the outermost component!!
+ areas[a].inner_boundaries.push_back(areas[b].boundary);
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<areas[b].inner_boundaries.size(); i++){
+ areas[a].inner_boundaries.push_back(areas[b].inner_boundaries[i]);
+ }
+ renameArea(b,a);
+ deleteArea(b);
+ assert( fuseConnectedBoundaries(a) );
+ return;
+ }
+ PathVector areaToPath(unsigned a){
+ PathVector bndary;
+ if ( areas[a].boundary.size()!=0 ){//this is not the unbounded component...
+ bndary.push_back( boundaryToPath(areas[a].boundary ) );
+ }
+ for (auto & inner_boundarie : areas[a].inner_boundaries){
+ bndary.push_back( boundaryToPath(inner_boundarie) );
+ }
+ return bndary;
+ }
+ //DEBUG ONLY: we add a rect round the unbounded comp, and glue the bndries
+ //for easy drawing in the toys...
+ Path glued_areaToPath(unsigned a){
+ Path bndary;
+ if ( areas[a].boundary.size()==0 ){//this is the unbounded component...
+ OptRect bbox = bounds_fast( input_paths );
+ if (!bbox ){return Path();}//???
+ bbox->expandBy(50);
+ bndary = Path(bbox->corner(0));
+ bndary.appendNew<LineSegment>(bbox->corner(1));
+ bndary.appendNew<LineSegment>(bbox->corner(2));
+ bndary.appendNew<LineSegment>(bbox->corner(3));
+ bndary.appendNew<LineSegment>(bbox->corner(0));
+ }else{
+ bndary = boundaryToPath(areas[a].boundary);
+ }
+ for (auto & inner_boundarie : areas[a].inner_boundaries){
+ bndary.append( boundaryToPath(inner_boundarie));
+ bndary.appendNew<LineSegment>( bndary.initialPoint() );
+ }
+ bndary.close();
+ return bndary;
+ }
+ void drawAreas( cairo_t *cr, bool fill=true ){
+ //don't draw the first one...
+ for (unsigned a=0; a<areas.size(); a++){
+ drawArea(cr, a, fill);
+ }
+ }
+ void drawArea( cairo_t *cr, unsigned a, bool fill=true ){
+ if (a>=areas.size()) return;
+ Path bndary = glued_areaToPath(a);
+ cairo_path(cr, bndary);
+ if (fill){
+ cairo_fill(cr);
+ }else{
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
+ }
+ }
+ void highlightRay( cairo_t *cr, unsigned b, unsigned r ){
+ if (b>=vertices.size()) return;
+ if (r>=vertices[b].boundary.size()) return;
+ Rect box = vertices[b].bounds;
+ //box.expandBy(2);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, box);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 0., 0, 1.0);
+ cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
+ cairo_fill(cr);
+ unsigned eidx = vertices[b].boundary[r].edge;
+ Topology::Edge e = edges[eidx];
+ D2<SBasis> p = input_paths[e.path][e.curve].toSBasis();
+ Interval dom = e.portion;
+ if (vertices[b].boundary[r].reversed){
+ //dom[0] += e.portion.extent()*2./3;
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 1., 0., 1.0);
+ }else{
+ //dom[1] -= e.portion.extent()*2./3;
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0., 1., 1.0);
+ }
+ p = portion(p, dom);
+ cairo_d2_sb(cr, p);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 0., 0, 1.0);
+ cairo_set_line_width (cr, 5);
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
+ }
+ void drawEdge( cairo_t *cr, unsigned eidx ){
+ if (eidx>=edges.size()) return;
+ Topology::Edge e = edges[eidx];
+ D2<SBasis> p = input_paths[e.path][e.curve].toSBasis();
+ Interval dom = e.portion;
+ p = portion(p, dom);
+ cairo_d2_sb(cr, p);
+ if (e.start == NULL_IDX || e.end == NULL_IDX )
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 1., 0, 1.0);
+ else
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0., 0, 1.0);
+ cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
+ }
+ void drawEdges( cairo_t *cr){
+ for (unsigned e=0; e<edges.size(); e++){
+ drawEdge(cr, e);
+ }
+ }
+ void drawKnownEdges( cairo_t *cr){
+ for (auto & vertice : vertices){
+ for (unsigned e=0; e<vertice.boundary.size(); e++){
+ drawEdge(cr, vertice.boundary[e].edge);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void drawBox( cairo_t *cr, unsigned b ){
+ if (b>=vertices.size()) return;
+ Rect box = vertices[b].bounds;
+ //box.expandBy(5);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, box);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 0., 0, .5);
+ cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
+ cairo_stroke(cr);
+ cairo_rectangle(cr, box);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 0., 0, .2);
+ cairo_fill(cr);
+ }
+ void drawBoxes( cairo_t *cr){
+ for (unsigned b=0; b<vertices.size(); b++){
+ drawBox(cr, b);
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Fill data using a sweeper...
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ Topology(){}
+ ~Topology(){}
+ Topology(PathVector const &paths, cairo_t* cairo, double tol=EPSILON, int stepsmax=-1){
+// std::printf("\n---------------------\n---------------------\n---------------------\n");
+// std::printf("Topology creation\n");
+ cr = cairo;
+ //debug only:
+ steps_max = stepsmax;
+ //-------------
+ input_paths = paths;
+ vertices.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ areas.clear();
+ Area empty( input_paths.size() );
+ areas.push_back(empty);
+ Sweeper sweeper( paths, X, tol );
+ edges = std::vector<Edge>( sweeper.tiles_data.size(), Edge() );
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<edges.size(); i++){
+ edges[i].path = sweeper.tiles_data[i].path;
+ edges[i].curve = sweeper.tiles_data[i].curve;
+ edges[i].portion = Interval(sweeper.tiles_data[i].f, sweeper.tiles_data[i].t);
+ }
+ //std::printf("entering event loop:\n");
+ int step=0;
+ for(Sweeper::Event event = sweeper.getNextEvent(); ; event = sweeper.getNextEvent() ){
+// std::printf(" new event received: ");
+ //print();
+ //debug only!!!
+ if ( steps_max >= 0 && step > steps_max ){
+ break;
+ }else{
+ step++;
+ }
+ //---------
+ if (event.empty()){
+ //std::printf(" empty event received\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ //std::printf(" non empty event received:");
+ //sweeper.printEvent(event);
+ //is this a new event or the continuation of an old one?
+ unsigned v;
+ Rect r = sweeper.context.pending_vertex;
+ if (vertices.empty() || !r.intersects( vertices.back().bounds ) ){
+ v = vertices.size();
+ vertices.push_back(Vertex());
+ vertices[v].bounds = r;
+// std::printf(" new intersection created (%u).\n",v);
+ }else{
+ v = vertices.size()-1;
+// std::printf(" continue last intersection (%u).\n",v);
+ }
+ //--Closing an edge:-------------
+ if( !event.opening ){
+ unsigned e = event.tile, a, b;
+// std::printf(" closing edge %u\n", e);
+ bool reversed = sweeper.tiles_data[e].reversed;//Warning: true means v==e.start
+ if (reversed){
+ edges[e].start = v;
+ a = edges[e].right;
+ b = edges[e].left;
+ }else{
+ edges[e].end = v;
+ a = edges[e].left;
+ b = edges[e].right;
+ }
+ OrientedEdge vert_edge(e, reversed);
+ if (vertices[v].boundary.size()>0){//Make sure areas are compatible (only relevant if the last event was an opening).
+ fuseAreas ( a, target( vertices[v].boundary.back(), false ) );
+ }
+ assert( prolongate( vertices[v].boundary, vert_edge) );
+ fuseConnectedBoundaries(a);//there is no doing both: tests are performed twice but for 2 areas.
+ fuseConnectedBoundaries(b);//
+ }else{
+ //--Opening an edge:-------------
+ unsigned e = event.tile;
+// std::printf(" opening edge %u\n", e);
+ bool reversed = !sweeper.tiles_data[e].reversed;//Warning: true means v==start.
+ //--Find first and last area around this vertex:-------------
+ unsigned cur_a;
+ if ( vertices[v].boundary.size() > 0 ){
+ cur_a = target( vertices[v].boundary.back(), false );
+ }else{//this vertex is empty
+ if ( event.insert_at < sweeper.context.size() ){
+ unsigned upper_tile = sweeper.context[event.insert_at].first;
+ cur_a = (sweeper.tiles_data[upper_tile].reversed) ? edges[upper_tile].left : edges[upper_tile].right;
+ }else{
+ cur_a = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned new_a = areas.size();
+ Area new_area(paths.size());
+ new_area.boundary.push_back( OrientedEdge(e, !reversed ) );
+ new_area.windings = areas[cur_a].windings;//FIXME: escape boundary cases!!!
+ if ( input_paths[edges[e].path].closed() ){
+ new_area.windings[edges[e].path] += (reversed) ? +1 : -1;
+ }
+ areas.push_back(new_area);
+ //update edge
+ if (reversed){
+ edges[e].start = v;
+ edges[e].left = new_a;
+ edges[e].right = cur_a;
+ }else{
+ edges[e].end = v;
+ edges[e].left = cur_a;
+ edges[e].right = new_a;
+ }
+ //update vertex
+ OrientedEdge f(e, reversed);
+ assert( prolongate( vertices[v].boundary, f) );
+ addAreaBoundaryPiece(cur_a, OrientedEdge(e, reversed) );
+ }
+ if (!event.to_be_continued && vertices[v].boundary.size()>0){
+ unsigned first_a = source( vertices[v].boundary.front(), false );
+ unsigned last_a = target( vertices[v].boundary.back(), false );
+ fuseAreas(first_a, last_a);
+ }
+// this->print();
+// std::printf("----------------\n");
+ //std::printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ //-- done.
+ //----------------------------------------------------
+ Local Variables:
+ mode:c++
+ c-file-style:"stroustrup"
+ c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
+ indent-tabs-mode:nil
+ fill-column:99
+ End:
+// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :