path: root/oox/source/drawingml/color.cxx
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:06:44 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:06:44 +0000
commited5640d8b587fbcfed7dd7967f3de04b37a76f26 (patch)
tree7a5f7c6c9d02226d7471cb3cc8fbbf631b415303 /oox/source/drawingml/color.cxx
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 4:7.4.7.upstream/4%7.4.7upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'oox/source/drawingml/color.cxx')
1 files changed, 873 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oox/source/drawingml/color.cxx b/oox/source/drawingml/color.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f810deecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oox/source/drawingml/color.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include <oox/drawingml/color.hxx>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <osl/diagnose.h>
+#include <sal/log.hxx>
+#include <oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx>
+#include <oox/helper/graphichelper.hxx>
+#include <oox/drawingml/drawingmltypes.hxx>
+#include <oox/token/namespaces.hxx>
+#include <oox/token/tokens.hxx>
+namespace oox::drawingml {
+namespace {
+/** Global storage for predefined color values used in OOXML file formats. */
+struct PresetColorsPool
+ typedef ::std::vector< ::Color > ColorVector;
+ ColorVector maDmlColors; /// Predefined colors in DrawingML, indexed by XML token.
+ ColorVector maVmlColors; /// Predefined colors in VML, indexed by XML token.
+ ColorVector maHighlightColors; /// Predefined colors in DrawingML for highlight, indexed by XML token.
+ explicit PresetColorsPool();
+PresetColorsPool::PresetColorsPool() :
+ maDmlColors( static_cast< size_t >( XML_TOKEN_COUNT ), API_RGB_TRANSPARENT ),
+ maVmlColors( static_cast< size_t >( XML_TOKEN_COUNT ), API_RGB_TRANSPARENT ),
+ maHighlightColors( static_cast<size_t>(XML_TOKEN_COUNT), API_RGB_TRANSPARENT )
+ // predefined colors in DrawingML (map XML token identifiers to RGB values)
+ static const std::pair<sal_Int32, ::Color> spnDmlColors[] =
+ {
+ {XML_aliceBlue, ::Color(0xF0F8FF)}, {XML_antiqueWhite, ::Color(0xFAEBD7)},
+ {XML_aqua, ::Color(0x00FFFF)}, {XML_aquamarine, ::Color(0x7FFFD4)},
+ {XML_azure, ::Color(0xF0FFFF)}, {XML_beige, ::Color(0xF5F5DC)},
+ {XML_bisque, ::Color(0xFFE4C4)}, {XML_black, ::Color(0x000000)},
+ {XML_blanchedAlmond, ::Color(0xFFEBCD)}, {XML_blue, ::Color(0x0000FF)},
+ {XML_blueViolet, ::Color(0x8A2BE2)}, {XML_brown, ::Color(0xA52A2A)},
+ {XML_burlyWood, ::Color(0xDEB887)}, {XML_cadetBlue, ::Color(0x5F9EA0)},
+ {XML_chartreuse, ::Color(0x7FFF00)}, {XML_chocolate, ::Color(0xD2691E)},
+ {XML_coral, ::Color(0xFF7F50)}, {XML_cornflowerBlue, ::Color(0x6495ED)},
+ {XML_cornsilk, ::Color(0xFFF8DC)}, {XML_crimson, ::Color(0xDC143C)},
+ {XML_cyan, ::Color(0x00FFFF)}, {XML_deepPink, ::Color(0xFF1493)},
+ {XML_deepSkyBlue, ::Color(0x00BFFF)}, {XML_dimGray, ::Color(0x696969)},
+ {XML_dkBlue, ::Color(0x00008B)}, {XML_dkCyan, ::Color(0x008B8B)},
+ {XML_dkGoldenrod, ::Color(0xB8860B)}, {XML_dkGray, ::Color(0xA9A9A9)},
+ {XML_dkGreen, ::Color(0x006400)}, {XML_dkKhaki, ::Color(0xBDB76B)},
+ {XML_dkMagenta, ::Color(0x8B008B)}, {XML_dkOliveGreen, ::Color(0x556B2F)},
+ {XML_dkOrange, ::Color(0xFF8C00)}, {XML_dkOrchid, ::Color(0x9932CC)},
+ {XML_dkRed, ::Color(0x8B0000)}, {XML_dkSalmon, ::Color(0xE9967A)},
+ {XML_dkSeaGreen, ::Color(0x8FBC8B)}, {XML_dkSlateBlue, ::Color(0x483D8B)},
+ {XML_dkSlateGray, ::Color(0x2F4F4F)}, {XML_dkTurquoise, ::Color(0x00CED1)},
+ {XML_dkViolet, ::Color(0x9400D3)}, {XML_dodgerBlue, ::Color(0x1E90FF)},
+ {XML_firebrick, ::Color(0xB22222)}, {XML_floralWhite, ::Color(0xFFFAF0)},
+ {XML_forestGreen, ::Color(0x228B22)}, {XML_fuchsia, ::Color(0xFF00FF)},
+ {XML_gainsboro, ::Color(0xDCDCDC)}, {XML_ghostWhite, ::Color(0xF8F8FF)},
+ {XML_gold, ::Color(0xFFD700)}, {XML_goldenrod, ::Color(0xDAA520)},
+ {XML_gray, ::Color(0x808080)}, {XML_green, ::Color(0x008000)},
+ {XML_greenYellow, ::Color(0xADFF2F)}, {XML_honeydew, ::Color(0xF0FFF0)},
+ {XML_hotPink, ::Color(0xFF69B4)}, {XML_indianRed, ::Color(0xCD5C5C)},
+ {XML_indigo, ::Color(0x4B0082)}, {XML_ivory, ::Color(0xFFFFF0)},
+ {XML_khaki, ::Color(0xF0E68C)}, {XML_lavender, ::Color(0xE6E6FA)},
+ {XML_lavenderBlush, ::Color(0xFFF0F5)}, {XML_lawnGreen, ::Color(0x7CFC00)},
+ {XML_lemonChiffon, ::Color(0xFFFACD)}, {XML_lime, ::Color(0x00FF00)},
+ {XML_limeGreen, ::Color(0x32CD32)}, {XML_linen, ::Color(0xFAF0E6)},
+ {XML_ltBlue, ::Color(0xADD8E6)}, {XML_ltCoral, ::Color(0xF08080)},
+ {XML_ltCyan, ::Color(0xE0FFFF)}, {XML_ltGoldenrodYellow, ::Color(0xFAFA78)},
+ {XML_ltGray, ::Color(0xD3D3D3)}, {XML_ltGreen, ::Color(0x90EE90)},
+ {XML_ltPink, ::Color(0xFFB6C1)}, {XML_ltSalmon, ::Color(0xFFA07A)},
+ {XML_ltSeaGreen, ::Color(0x20B2AA)}, {XML_ltSkyBlue, ::Color(0x87CEFA)},
+ {XML_ltSlateGray, ::Color(0x778899)}, {XML_ltSteelBlue, ::Color(0xB0C4DE)},
+ {XML_ltYellow, ::Color(0xFFFFE0)}, {XML_magenta, ::Color(0xFF00FF)},
+ {XML_maroon, ::Color(0x800000)}, {XML_medAquamarine, ::Color(0x66CDAA)},
+ {XML_medBlue, ::Color(0x0000CD)}, {XML_medOrchid, ::Color(0xBA55D3)},
+ {XML_medPurple, ::Color(0x9370DB)}, {XML_medSeaGreen, ::Color(0x3CB371)},
+ {XML_medSlateBlue, ::Color(0x7B68EE)}, {XML_medSpringGreen, ::Color(0x00FA9A)},
+ {XML_medTurquoise, ::Color(0x48D1CC)}, {XML_medVioletRed, ::Color(0xC71585)},
+ {XML_midnightBlue, ::Color(0x191970)}, {XML_mintCream, ::Color(0xF5FFFA)},
+ {XML_mistyRose, ::Color(0xFFE4E1)}, {XML_moccasin, ::Color(0xFFE4B5)},
+ {XML_navajoWhite, ::Color(0xFFDEAD)}, {XML_navy, ::Color(0x000080)},
+ {XML_oldLace, ::Color(0xFDF5E6)}, {XML_olive, ::Color(0x808000)},
+ {XML_oliveDrab, ::Color(0x6B8E23)}, {XML_orange, ::Color(0xFFA500)},
+ {XML_orangeRed, ::Color(0xFF4500)}, {XML_orchid, ::Color(0xDA70D6)},
+ {XML_paleGoldenrod, ::Color(0xEEE8AA)}, {XML_paleGreen, ::Color(0x98FB98)},
+ {XML_paleTurquoise, ::Color(0xAFEEEE)}, {XML_paleVioletRed, ::Color(0xDB7093)},
+ {XML_papayaWhip, ::Color(0xFFEFD5)}, {XML_peachPuff, ::Color(0xFFDAB9)},
+ {XML_peru, ::Color(0xCD853F)}, {XML_pink, ::Color(0xFFC0CB)},
+ {XML_plum, ::Color(0xDDA0DD)}, {XML_powderBlue, ::Color(0xB0E0E6)},
+ {XML_purple, ::Color(0x800080)}, {XML_red, ::Color(0xFF0000)},
+ {XML_rosyBrown, ::Color(0xBC8F8F)}, {XML_royalBlue, ::Color(0x4169E1)},
+ {XML_saddleBrown, ::Color(0x8B4513)}, {XML_salmon, ::Color(0xFA8072)},
+ {XML_sandyBrown, ::Color(0xF4A460)}, {XML_seaGreen, ::Color(0x2E8B57)},
+ {XML_seaShell, ::Color(0xFFF5EE)}, {XML_sienna, ::Color(0xA0522D)},
+ {XML_silver, ::Color(0xC0C0C0)}, {XML_skyBlue, ::Color(0x87CEEB)},
+ {XML_slateBlue, ::Color(0x6A5ACD)}, {XML_slateGray, ::Color(0x708090)},
+ {XML_snow, ::Color(0xFFFAFA)}, {XML_springGreen, ::Color(0x00FF7F)},
+ {XML_steelBlue, ::Color(0x4682B4)}, {XML_tan, ::Color(0xD2B48C)},
+ {XML_teal, ::Color(0x008080)}, {XML_thistle, ::Color(0xD8BFD8)},
+ {XML_tomato, ::Color(0xFF6347)}, {XML_turquoise, ::Color(0x40E0D0)},
+ {XML_violet, ::Color(0xEE82EE)}, {XML_wheat, ::Color(0xF5DEB3)},
+ {XML_white, ::Color(0xFFFFFF)}, {XML_whiteSmoke, ::Color(0xF5F5F5)},
+ {XML_yellow, ::Color(0xFFFF00)}, {XML_yellowGreen, ::Color(0x9ACD32)}
+ };
+ for(auto const& nEntry : spnDmlColors)
+ maDmlColors[ static_cast< size_t >(nEntry.first) ] = nEntry.second;
+ // predefined colors in VML (map XML token identifiers to RGB values)
+ static const std::pair<sal_Int32, ::Color> spnVmlColors[] =
+ {
+ {XML_aqua, ::Color(0x00FFFF)}, {XML_black, ::Color(0x000000)},
+ {XML_blue, ::Color(0x0000FF)}, {XML_fuchsia, ::Color(0xFF00FF)},
+ {XML_gray, ::Color(0x808080)}, {XML_green, ::Color(0x008000)},
+ {XML_lime, ::Color(0x00FF00)}, {XML_maroon, ::Color(0x800000)},
+ {XML_navy, ::Color(0x000080)}, {XML_olive, ::Color(0x808000)},
+ {XML_purple, ::Color(0x800080)}, {XML_red, ::Color(0xFF0000)},
+ {XML_silver, ::Color(0xC0C0C0)}, {XML_teal, ::Color(0x008080)},
+ {XML_white, ::Color(0xFFFFFF)}, {XML_yellow, ::Color(0xFFFF00)}
+ };
+ for(auto const& nEntry : spnVmlColors)
+ maVmlColors[ static_cast< size_t >(nEntry.first) ] = nEntry.second;
+ // predefined highlight colors in DML (map XML token identifiers to RGB values)
+ static const std::pair<sal_Int32, ::Color> spnHighlightColors[] =
+ {
+ // tdf#131841 Predefined color for OOXML highlight.
+ {XML_black, ::Color(0x000000)}, {XML_blue, ::Color(0x0000FF)},
+ {XML_cyan, ::Color(0x00FFFF)}, {XML_darkBlue, ::Color(0x00008B)},
+ {XML_darkCyan, ::Color(0x008B8B)}, {XML_darkGray, ::Color(0xA9A9A9)},
+ {XML_darkGreen, ::Color(0x006400)}, {XML_darkMagenta, ::Color(0x800080)},
+ {XML_darkRed, ::Color(0x8B0000)}, {XML_darkYellow, ::Color(0x808000)},
+ {XML_green, ::Color(0x00FF00)}, {XML_lightGray, ::Color(0xD3D3D3)},
+ {XML_magenta, ::Color(0xFF00FF)}, {XML_red, ::Color(0xFF0000)},
+ {XML_white, ::Color(0xFFFFFF)}, {XML_yellow, ::Color(0xFFFF00)}
+ };
+ for (auto const& nEntry : spnHighlightColors)
+ maHighlightColors[static_cast<size_t>(nEntry.first)] = nEntry.second;
+struct StaticPresetColorsPool : public ::rtl::Static< PresetColorsPool, StaticPresetColorsPool > {};
+const double DEC_GAMMA = 2.3;
+const double INC_GAMMA = 1.0 / DEC_GAMMA;
+void lclRgbToRgbComponents( sal_Int32& ornR, sal_Int32& ornG, sal_Int32& ornB, ::Color nRgb )
+ ornR = nRgb.GetRed();
+ ornG = nRgb.GetGreen();
+ ornB = nRgb.GetBlue();
+sal_Int32 lclRgbComponentsToRgb( sal_Int32 nR, sal_Int32 nG, sal_Int32 nB )
+ return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( (nR << 16) | (nG << 8) | nB );
+sal_Int32 lclRgbCompToCrgbComp( sal_Int32 nRgbComp )
+ return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nRgbComp * MAX_PERCENT / 255 );
+sal_Int32 lclCrgbCompToRgbComp( sal_Int32 nCrgbComp )
+ return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nCrgbComp * 255 / MAX_PERCENT );
+sal_Int32 lclGamma( sal_Int32 nComp, double fGamma )
+ return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( pow( static_cast< double >( nComp ) / MAX_PERCENT, fGamma ) * MAX_PERCENT + 0.5 );
+void lclSetValue( sal_Int32& ornValue, sal_Int32 nNew, sal_Int32 nMax = MAX_PERCENT )
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nNew) && (nNew <= nMax), "lclSetValue - invalid value" );
+ if( (0 <= nNew) && (nNew <= nMax) )
+ ornValue = nNew;
+void lclModValue( sal_Int32& ornValue, sal_Int32 nMod, sal_Int32 nMax = MAX_PERCENT )
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nMod), "lclModValue - invalid modificator" );
+ ornValue = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( static_cast< double >( ornValue ) * nMod / MAX_PERCENT, 0, nMax );
+void lclOffValue( sal_Int32& ornValue, sal_Int32 nOff, sal_Int32 nMax = MAX_PERCENT )
+ OSL_ENSURE( (-nMax <= nOff) && (nOff <= nMax), "lclOffValue - invalid offset" );
+ ornValue = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >( ornValue + nOff, 0, nMax );
+} // namespace
+Color::Color() :
+ meMode( COLOR_UNUSED ),
+ mnC1( 0 ),
+ mnC2( 0 ),
+ mnC3( 0 ),
+ mnAlpha( MAX_PERCENT )
+::Color Color::getDmlPresetColor( sal_Int32 nToken, ::Color nDefaultRgb )
+ /* Do not pass nDefaultRgb to ContainerHelper::getVectorElement(), to be
+ able to catch the existing vector entries without corresponding XML
+ token identifier. */
+ ::Color nRgbValue = ContainerHelper::getVectorElement( StaticPresetColorsPool::get().maDmlColors, nToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );
+ return (sal_Int32(nRgbValue) >= 0) ? nRgbValue : nDefaultRgb;
+::Color Color::getVmlPresetColor( sal_Int32 nToken, ::Color nDefaultRgb )
+ /* Do not pass nDefaultRgb to ContainerHelper::getVectorElement(), to be
+ able to catch the existing vector entries without corresponding XML
+ token identifier. */
+ ::Color nRgbValue = ContainerHelper::getVectorElement( StaticPresetColorsPool::get().maVmlColors, nToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );
+ return (sal_Int32(nRgbValue) >= 0) ? nRgbValue : nDefaultRgb;
+::Color Color::getHighlightColor(sal_Int32 nToken, ::Color nDefaultRgb)
+ /* Do not pass nDefaultRgb to ContainerHelper::getVectorElement(), to be
+ able to catch the existing vector entries without corresponding XML
+ token identifier. */
+ ::Color nRgbValue = ContainerHelper::getVectorElement( StaticPresetColorsPool::get().maHighlightColors, nToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );
+ return (sal_Int32(nRgbValue) >= 0) ? nRgbValue : nDefaultRgb;
+void Color::setUnused()
+ meMode = COLOR_UNUSED;
+void Color::setSrgbClr( ::Color nRgb )
+ setSrgbClr(sal_Int32(nRgb));
+void Color::setSrgbClr( sal_Int32 nRgb )
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nRgb) && (nRgb <= 0xFFFFFF), "Color::setSrgbClr - invalid RGB value" );
+ meMode = COLOR_RGB;
+ lclRgbToRgbComponents( mnC1, mnC2, mnC3, ::Color(ColorTransparency, nRgb) );
+void Color::setScrgbClr( sal_Int32 nR, sal_Int32 nG, sal_Int32 nB )
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nR) && (nR <= MAX_PERCENT), "Color::setScrgbClr - invalid red value" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nG) && (nG <= MAX_PERCENT), "Color::setScrgbClr - invalid green value" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nB) && (nB <= MAX_PERCENT), "Color::setScrgbClr - invalid blue value" );
+ meMode = COLOR_CRGB;
+ mnC1 = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >( nR, 0, MAX_PERCENT );
+ mnC2 = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >( nG, 0, MAX_PERCENT );
+ mnC3 = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >( nB, 0, MAX_PERCENT );
+void Color::setHslClr( sal_Int32 nHue, sal_Int32 nSat, sal_Int32 nLum )
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nHue) && (nHue <= MAX_DEGREE), "Color::setHslClr - invalid hue value" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nSat) && (nSat <= MAX_PERCENT), "Color::setHslClr - invalid saturation value" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= nLum) && (nLum <= MAX_PERCENT), "Color::setHslClr - invalid luminance value" );
+ meMode = COLOR_HSL;
+ mnC1 = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >( nHue, 0, MAX_DEGREE );
+ mnC2 = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >( nSat, 0, MAX_PERCENT );
+ mnC3 = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >( nLum, 0, MAX_PERCENT );
+void Color::setPrstClr( sal_Int32 nToken )
+ ::Color nRgbValue = getDmlPresetColor( nToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );
+ OSL_ENSURE( sal_Int32(nRgbValue) >= 0, "Color::setPrstClr - invalid preset color token" );
+ if( sal_Int32(nRgbValue) >= 0 )
+ setSrgbClr( nRgbValue );
+void Color::setHighlight(sal_Int32 nToken)
+ ::Color nRgbValue = getHighlightColor(nToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT);
+ OSL_ENSURE( sal_Int32(nRgbValue) >= 0, "Color::setPrstClr - invalid preset color token" );
+ if ( sal_Int32(nRgbValue) >= 0 )
+ setSrgbClr( nRgbValue );
+void Color::setSchemeClr( sal_Int32 nToken )
+ OSL_ENSURE( nToken != XML_TOKEN_INVALID, "Color::setSchemeClr - invalid color token" );
+ meMode = (nToken == XML_phClr) ? COLOR_PH : COLOR_SCHEME;
+ mnC1 = nToken;
+void Color::setPaletteClr( sal_Int32 nPaletteIdx )
+ OSL_ENSURE( nPaletteIdx >= 0, "Color::setPaletteClr - invalid palette index" );
+ mnC1 = nPaletteIdx;
+void Color::setSysClr( sal_Int32 nToken, sal_Int32 nLastRgb )
+ OSL_ENSURE( (-1 <= nLastRgb) && (nLastRgb <= 0xFFFFFF), "Color::setSysClr - invalid RGB value" );
+ meMode = COLOR_SYSTEM;
+ mnC1 = nToken;
+ mnC2 = nLastRgb;
+void Color::addTransformation( sal_Int32 nElement, sal_Int32 nValue )
+ /* Execute alpha transformations directly, store other transformations in
+ a vector, they may depend on a scheme base color which will be resolved
+ in Color::getColor(). */
+ sal_Int32 nToken = getBaseToken( nElement );
+ switch( nToken )
+ {
+ case XML_alpha: lclSetValue( mnAlpha, nValue ); break;
+ case XML_alphaMod: lclModValue( mnAlpha, nValue ); break;
+ case XML_alphaOff: lclOffValue( mnAlpha, nValue ); break;
+ default: maTransforms.emplace_back( nToken, nValue );
+ }
+ sal_Int32 nSize = maInteropTransformations.getLength();
+ maInteropTransformations.realloc(nSize + 1);
+ auto pInteropTransformations = maInteropTransformations.getArray();
+ pInteropTransformations[nSize].Name = getColorTransformationName( nToken );
+ pInteropTransformations[nSize].Value <<= nValue;
+void Color::addChartTintTransformation( double fTint )
+ sal_Int32 nValue = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( fTint * MAX_PERCENT + 0.5, -MAX_PERCENT, MAX_PERCENT );
+ if( nValue < 0 )
+ maTransforms.emplace_back( XML_shade, nValue + MAX_PERCENT );
+ else if( nValue > 0 )
+ maTransforms.emplace_back( XML_tint, MAX_PERCENT - nValue );
+void Color::addExcelTintTransformation( double fTint )
+ sal_Int32 nValue = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( fTint * MAX_PERCENT + 0.5, -MAX_PERCENT, MAX_PERCENT );
+ maTransforms.emplace_back( XLS_TOKEN( tint ), nValue );
+void Color::clearTransformations()
+ maTransforms.clear();
+ maInteropTransformations.realloc(0);
+ clearTransparence();
+OUString Color::getColorTransformationName( sal_Int32 nElement )
+ switch( nElement )
+ {
+ case XML_red: return "red";
+ case XML_redMod: return "redMod";
+ case XML_redOff: return "redOff";
+ case XML_green: return "green";
+ case XML_greenMod: return "greenMod";
+ case XML_greenOff: return "greenOff";
+ case XML_blue: return "blue";
+ case XML_blueMod: return "blueMod";
+ case XML_blueOff: return "blueOff";
+ case XML_alpha: return "alpha";
+ case XML_alphaMod: return "alphaMod";
+ case XML_alphaOff: return "alphaOff";
+ case XML_hue: return "hue";
+ case XML_hueMod: return "hueMod";
+ case XML_hueOff: return "hueOff";
+ case XML_sat: return "sat";
+ case XML_satMod: return "satMod";
+ case XML_satOff: return "satOff";
+ case XML_lum: return "lum";
+ case XML_lumMod: return "lumMod";
+ case XML_lumOff: return "lumOff";
+ case XML_shade: return "shade";
+ case XML_tint: return "tint";
+ case XML_gray: return "gray";
+ case XML_comp: return "comp";
+ case XML_inv: return "inv";
+ case XML_gamma: return "gamma";
+ case XML_invGamma: return "invGamma";
+ }
+ SAL_WARN( "oox.drawingml", "Color::getColorTransformationName - unexpected transformation type" );
+ return OUString();
+sal_Int32 Color::getColorTransformationToken( std::u16string_view sName )
+ if( sName == u"red" )
+ return XML_red;
+ else if( sName == u"redMod" )
+ return XML_redMod;
+ else if( sName == u"redOff" )
+ return XML_redOff;
+ else if( sName == u"green" )
+ return XML_green;
+ else if( sName == u"greenMod" )
+ return XML_greenMod;
+ else if( sName == u"greenOff" )
+ return XML_greenOff;
+ else if( sName == u"blue" )
+ return XML_blue;
+ else if( sName == u"blueMod" )
+ return XML_blueMod;
+ else if( sName == u"blueOff" )
+ return XML_blueOff;
+ else if( sName == u"alpha" )
+ return XML_alpha;
+ else if( sName == u"alphaMod" )
+ return XML_alphaMod;
+ else if( sName == u"alphaOff" )
+ return XML_alphaOff;
+ else if( sName == u"hue" )
+ return XML_hue;
+ else if( sName == u"hueMod" )
+ return XML_hueMod;
+ else if( sName == u"hueOff" )
+ return XML_hueOff;
+ else if( sName == u"sat" )
+ return XML_sat;
+ else if( sName == u"satMod" )
+ return XML_satMod;
+ else if( sName == u"satOff" )
+ return XML_satOff;
+ else if( sName == u"lum" )
+ return XML_lum;
+ else if( sName == u"lumMod" )
+ return XML_lumMod;
+ else if( sName == u"lumOff" )
+ return XML_lumOff;
+ else if( sName == u"shade" )
+ return XML_shade;
+ else if( sName == u"tint" )
+ return XML_tint;
+ else if( sName == u"gray" )
+ return XML_gray;
+ else if( sName == u"comp" )
+ return XML_comp;
+ else if( sName == u"inv" )
+ return XML_inv;
+ else if( sName == u"gamma" )
+ return XML_gamma;
+ else if( sName == u"invGamma" )
+ return XML_invGamma;
+ SAL_WARN( "oox.drawingml", "Color::getColorTransformationToken - unexpected transformation type" );
+bool Color::equals(const Color& rOther, const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper, ::Color nPhClr) const
+ if (getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr) != rOther.getColor(rGraphicHelper, nPhClr))
+ return false;
+ return getTransparency() == rOther.getTransparency();
+void Color::clearTransparence()
+ mnAlpha = MAX_PERCENT;
+sal_Int16 Color::getTintOrShade() const
+ for(auto const& aTransform : maTransforms)
+ {
+ switch(aTransform.mnToken)
+ {
+ case XML_tint:
+ // from 1000th percent to 100th percent...
+ return aTransform.mnValue/10;
+ case XML_shade:
+ // from 1000th percent to 100th percent...
+ return -aTransform.mnValue/10;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sal_Int16 Color::getLumMod() const
+ for (const auto& rTransform : maTransforms)
+ {
+ if (rTransform.mnToken != XML_lumMod)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // From 1000th percent to 100th percent.
+ return rTransform.mnValue / 10;
+ }
+ return 10000;
+sal_Int16 Color::getLumOff() const
+ for (const auto& rTransform : maTransforms)
+ {
+ if (rTransform.mnToken != XML_lumOff)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // From 1000th percent to 100th percent.
+ return rTransform.mnValue / 10;
+ }
+ return 0;
+::Color Color::getColor( const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper, ::Color nPhClr ) const
+ const sal_Int32 nTempC1 = mnC1;
+ const sal_Int32 nTempC2 = mnC2;
+ const sal_Int32 nTempC3 = mnC3;
+ const ColorMode eTempMode = meMode;
+ switch( meMode )
+ {
+ case COLOR_UNUSED: mnC1 = sal_Int32(API_RGB_TRANSPARENT); break;
+ case COLOR_RGB: break; // nothing to do
+ case COLOR_CRGB: break; // nothing to do
+ case COLOR_HSL: break; // nothing to do
+ case COLOR_SCHEME: setResolvedRgb( rGraphicHelper.getSchemeColor( mnC1 ) ); break;
+ case COLOR_PALETTE: setResolvedRgb( rGraphicHelper.getPaletteColor( mnC1 ) ); break;
+ case COLOR_SYSTEM: setResolvedRgb( rGraphicHelper.getSystemColor( mnC1, ::Color(ColorTransparency, mnC2) ) ); break;
+ case COLOR_PH: setResolvedRgb( nPhClr ); break;
+ case COLOR_FINAL: return ::Color(ColorTransparency, mnC1);
+ }
+ // if color is UNUSED or turns to UNUSED in setResolvedRgb, do not perform transformations
+ if( meMode != COLOR_UNUSED )
+ {
+ for (auto const& transform : maTransforms)
+ {
+ switch( transform.mnToken )
+ {
+ case XML_red: toCrgb(); lclSetValue( mnC1, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_redMod: toCrgb(); lclModValue( mnC1, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_redOff: toCrgb(); lclOffValue( mnC1, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_green: toCrgb(); lclSetValue( mnC2, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_greenMod: toCrgb(); lclModValue( mnC2, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_greenOff: toCrgb(); lclOffValue( mnC2, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_blue: toCrgb(); lclSetValue( mnC3, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_blueMod: toCrgb(); lclModValue( mnC3, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_blueOff: toCrgb(); lclOffValue( mnC3, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_hue: toHsl(); lclSetValue( mnC1, transform.mnValue, MAX_DEGREE ); break;
+ case XML_hueMod: toHsl(); lclModValue( mnC1, transform.mnValue, MAX_DEGREE ); break;
+ case XML_hueOff: toHsl(); lclOffValue( mnC1, transform.mnValue, MAX_DEGREE ); break;
+ case XML_sat: toHsl(); lclSetValue( mnC2, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_satMod: toHsl(); lclModValue( mnC2, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_satOff: toHsl(); lclOffValue( mnC2, transform.mnValue ); break;
+ case XML_lum:
+ toHsl();
+ lclSetValue( mnC3, transform.mnValue );
+ // if color changes to black or white, it will stay gray if luminance changes again
+ if( (mnC3 == 0) || (mnC3 == MAX_PERCENT) ) mnC2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case XML_lumMod:
+ toHsl();
+ lclModValue( mnC3, transform.mnValue );
+ // if color changes to black or white, it will stay gray if luminance changes again
+ if( (mnC3 == 0) || (mnC3 == MAX_PERCENT) ) mnC2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case XML_lumOff:
+ toHsl();
+ lclOffValue( mnC3, transform.mnValue );
+ // if color changes to black or white, it will stay gray if luminance changes again
+ if( (mnC3 == 0) || (mnC3 == MAX_PERCENT) ) mnC2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case XML_shade:
+ // shade: 0% = black, 100% = original color
+ toCrgb();
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= transform.mnValue) && (transform.mnValue <= MAX_PERCENT), "Color::getColor - invalid shade value" );
+ if( (0 <= transform.mnValue) && (transform.mnValue <= MAX_PERCENT) )
+ {
+ double fFactor = static_cast< double >( transform.mnValue ) / MAX_PERCENT;
+ mnC1 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( mnC1 * fFactor );
+ mnC2 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( mnC2 * fFactor );
+ mnC3 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( mnC3 * fFactor );
+ }
+ break;
+ case XML_tint:
+ // tint: 0% = white, 100% = original color
+ toCrgb();
+ OSL_ENSURE( (0 <= transform.mnValue) && (transform.mnValue <= MAX_PERCENT), "Color::getColor - invalid tint value" );
+ if( (0 <= transform.mnValue) && (transform.mnValue <= MAX_PERCENT) )
+ {
+ double fFactor = static_cast< double >( transform.mnValue ) / MAX_PERCENT;
+ mnC1 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( MAX_PERCENT - (MAX_PERCENT - mnC1) * fFactor );
+ mnC2 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( MAX_PERCENT - (MAX_PERCENT - mnC2) * fFactor );
+ mnC3 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( MAX_PERCENT - (MAX_PERCENT - mnC3) * fFactor );
+ }
+ break;
+ case XLS_TOKEN( tint ):
+ // Excel tint: move luminance relative to current value
+ toHsl();
+ OSL_ENSURE( (-MAX_PERCENT <= transform.mnValue) && (transform.mnValue <= MAX_PERCENT), "Color::getColor - invalid tint value" );
+ if( (-MAX_PERCENT <= transform.mnValue) && (transform.mnValue < 0) )
+ {
+ // negative: luminance towards 0% (black)
+ lclModValue( mnC3, transform.mnValue + MAX_PERCENT );
+ }
+ else if( (0 < transform.mnValue) && (transform.mnValue <= MAX_PERCENT) )
+ {
+ // positive: luminance towards 100% (white)
+ mnC3 = MAX_PERCENT - mnC3;
+ lclModValue( mnC3, MAX_PERCENT - transform.mnValue );
+ mnC3 = MAX_PERCENT - mnC3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case XML_gray:
+ // change color to gray, weighted RGB: 22% red, 72% green, 6% blue
+ toRgb();
+ mnC1 = mnC2 = mnC3 = (mnC1 * 22 + mnC2 * 72 + mnC3 * 6) / 100;
+ break;
+ case XML_comp:
+ // comp: rotate hue by 180 degrees, do not change lum/sat
+ toHsl();
+ mnC1 = (mnC1 + (180 * PER_DEGREE)) % MAX_DEGREE;
+ break;
+ case XML_inv:
+ // invert percentual RGB values
+ toCrgb();
+ mnC1 = MAX_PERCENT - mnC1;
+ mnC2 = MAX_PERCENT - mnC2;
+ mnC3 = MAX_PERCENT - mnC3;
+ break;
+ case XML_gamma:
+ // increase gamma of color
+ toCrgb();
+ mnC1 = lclGamma( mnC1, INC_GAMMA );
+ mnC2 = lclGamma( mnC2, INC_GAMMA );
+ mnC3 = lclGamma( mnC3, INC_GAMMA );
+ break;
+ case XML_invGamma:
+ // decrease gamma of color
+ toCrgb();
+ mnC1 = lclGamma( mnC1, DEC_GAMMA );
+ mnC2 = lclGamma( mnC2, DEC_GAMMA );
+ mnC3 = lclGamma( mnC3, DEC_GAMMA );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // store resulting RGB value in mnC1
+ toRgb();
+ mnC1 = lclRgbComponentsToRgb( mnC1, mnC2, mnC3 );
+ }
+ else // if( meMode != COLOR_UNUSED )
+ {
+ mnC1 = sal_Int32(API_RGB_TRANSPARENT);
+ }
+ sal_Int32 nRet = mnC1;
+ // Restore the original values when the color depends on one of the input
+ // parameters (rGraphicHelper or nPhClr)
+ if( eTempMode >= COLOR_SCHEME && eTempMode <= COLOR_PH )
+ {
+ mnC1 = nTempC1;
+ mnC2 = nTempC2;
+ mnC3 = nTempC3;
+ meMode = eTempMode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ meMode = COLOR_FINAL;
+ }
+ if( meMode == COLOR_FINAL )
+ maTransforms.clear();
+ return ::Color(ColorTransparency, nRet);
+bool Color::hasTransparency() const
+ return mnAlpha < MAX_PERCENT;
+sal_Int16 Color::getTransparency() const
+ return sal_Int16(std::round( (1.0 * (MAX_PERCENT - mnAlpha)) / PER_PERCENT) );
+sal_Int16 Color::getSchemeColorIndex() const
+ static std::map<OUString, sal_Int32> const aSchemeColorNameToIndex{
+ { "dk1", 0 }, { "lt1", 1 }, { "dk2", 2 }, { "lt2", 3 },
+ { "accent1", 4 }, { "accent2", 5 }, { "accent3", 6 }, { "accent4", 7 },
+ { "accent5", 8 }, { "accent6", 9 }, { "hlink", 10 }, { "folHlink", 11 }
+ };
+ auto aIt = aSchemeColorNameToIndex.find(msSchemeName);
+ if( aIt == aSchemeColorNameToIndex.end() )
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return aIt->second;
+// private --------------------------------------------------------------------
+void Color::setResolvedRgb( ::Color nRgb ) const
+ meMode = (sal_Int32(nRgb) < 0) ? COLOR_UNUSED : COLOR_RGB;
+ lclRgbToRgbComponents( mnC1, mnC2, mnC3, nRgb );
+void Color::toRgb() const
+ switch( meMode )
+ {
+ case COLOR_RGB:
+ // nothing to do
+ break;
+ case COLOR_CRGB:
+ meMode = COLOR_RGB;
+ mnC1 = lclCrgbCompToRgbComp( lclGamma( mnC1, INC_GAMMA ) );
+ mnC2 = lclCrgbCompToRgbComp( lclGamma( mnC2, INC_GAMMA ) );
+ mnC3 = lclCrgbCompToRgbComp( lclGamma( mnC3, INC_GAMMA ) );
+ break;
+ case COLOR_HSL:
+ {
+ meMode = COLOR_RGB;
+ double fR = 0.0, fG = 0.0, fB = 0.0;
+ if( (mnC2 == 0) || (mnC3 == MAX_PERCENT) )
+ {
+ fR = fG = fB = static_cast< double >( mnC3 ) / MAX_PERCENT;
+ }
+ else if( mnC3 > 0 )
+ {
+ // base color from hue
+ double fHue = static_cast< double >( mnC1 ) / MAX_DEGREE * 6.0; // interval [0.0, 6.0)
+ if( fHue <= 1.0 ) { fR = 1.0; fG = fHue; } // red...yellow
+ else if( fHue <= 2.0 ) { fR = 2.0 - fHue; fG = 1.0; } //
+ else if( fHue <= 3.0 ) { fG = 1.0; fB = fHue - 2.0; } // green...cyan
+ else if( fHue <= 4.0 ) { fG = 4.0 - fHue; fB = 1.0; } //
+ else if( fHue <= 5.0 ) { fR = fHue - 4.0; fB = 1.0; } // blue...magenta
+ else { fR = 1.0; fB = 6.0 - fHue; } //
+ // apply saturation
+ double fSat = static_cast< double >( mnC2 ) / MAX_PERCENT;
+ fR = (fR - 0.5) * fSat + 0.5;
+ fG = (fG - 0.5) * fSat + 0.5;
+ fB = (fB - 0.5) * fSat + 0.5;
+ // apply luminance
+ double fLum = 2.0 * static_cast< double >( mnC3 ) / MAX_PERCENT - 1.0; // interval [-1.0, 1.0]
+ if( fLum < 0.0 )
+ {
+ double fShade = fLum + 1.0; // interval [0.0, 1.0] (black...full color)
+ fR *= fShade;
+ fG *= fShade;
+ fB *= fShade;
+ }
+ else if( fLum > 0.0 )
+ {
+ double fTint = 1.0 - fLum; // interval [0.0, 1.0] (white...full color)
+ fR = 1.0 - ((1.0 - fR) * fTint);
+ fG = 1.0 - ((1.0 - fG) * fTint);
+ fB = 1.0 - ((1.0 - fB) * fTint);
+ }
+ }
+ mnC1 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fR * 255.0 + 0.5 );
+ mnC2 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fG * 255.0 + 0.5 );
+ mnC3 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fB * 255.0 + 0.5 );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ OSL_FAIL( "Color::toRgb - unexpected color mode" );
+ }
+void Color::toCrgb() const
+ switch( meMode )
+ {
+ case COLOR_HSL:
+ toRgb();
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case COLOR_RGB:
+ meMode = COLOR_CRGB;
+ mnC1 = lclGamma( lclRgbCompToCrgbComp( mnC1 ), DEC_GAMMA );
+ mnC2 = lclGamma( lclRgbCompToCrgbComp( mnC2 ), DEC_GAMMA );
+ mnC3 = lclGamma( lclRgbCompToCrgbComp( mnC3 ), DEC_GAMMA );
+ break;
+ case COLOR_CRGB:
+ // nothing to do
+ break;
+ default:
+ OSL_FAIL( "Color::toCrgb - unexpected color mode" );
+ }
+void Color::toHsl() const
+ switch( meMode )
+ {
+ case COLOR_CRGB:
+ toRgb();
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case COLOR_RGB:
+ {
+ meMode = COLOR_HSL;
+ double fR = static_cast< double >( mnC1 ) / 255.0; // red [0.0, 1.0]
+ double fG = static_cast< double >( mnC2 ) / 255.0; // green [0.0, 1.0]
+ double fB = static_cast< double >( mnC3 ) / 255.0; // blue [0.0, 1.0]
+ double fMin = ::std::min( ::std::min( fR, fG ), fB );
+ double fMax = ::std::max( ::std::max( fR, fG ), fB );
+ double fD = fMax - fMin;
+ using ::rtl::math::approxEqual;
+ // hue: 0deg = red, 120deg = green, 240deg = blue
+ if( fD == 0.0 ) // black/gray/white
+ mnC1 = 0;
+ else if( approxEqual(fMax, fR, 64) ) //
+ mnC1 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ((fG - fB) / fD * 60.0 + 360.0) * PER_DEGREE + 0.5 ) % MAX_DEGREE;
+ else if( approxEqual(fMax, fG, 64) ) //
+ mnC1 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ((fB - fR) / fD * 60.0 + 120.0) * PER_DEGREE + 0.5 );
+ else //
+ mnC1 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( ((fR - fG) / fD * 60.0 + 240.0) * PER_DEGREE + 0.5 );
+ // luminance: 0% = black, 50% = full color, 100% = white
+ mnC3 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( (fMin + fMax) / 2.0 * MAX_PERCENT + 0.5 );
+ // saturation: 0% = gray, 100% = full color
+ if( (mnC3 == 0) || (mnC3 == MAX_PERCENT) ) // black/white
+ mnC2 = 0;
+ else if( mnC3 <= 50 * PER_PERCENT ) // dark...full color
+ mnC2 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fD / (fMin + fMax) * MAX_PERCENT + 0.5 );
+ else // full color...light
+ mnC2 = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fD / (2.0 - fMax - fMin) * MAX_PERCENT + 0.5 );
+ }
+ break;
+ case COLOR_HSL:
+ // nothing to do
+ break;
+ default:
+ OSL_FAIL( "Color::toHsl - unexpected color mode" );
+ }
+} // namespace oox
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