path: root/bean/com/sun/star/comp/beans/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bean/com/sun/star/comp/beans/')
1 files changed, 1515 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..05b5288ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bean/com/sun/star/comp/beans/
@@ -0,0 +1,1515 @@
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+// @requirement FUNC.PERF.LRN/0.6
+// @requirement FUNC.PERF.LOC/0.6
+// @requirement FUNC.PERF.FIX/0.6
+// @requirement FUNC.RES.OTH/0.2
+// No other resources are needed yet.
+/** This is the basic JavaBean for all OOo application modules.
+ @since OOo 2.0.0
+ */
+public class OOoBean
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.VIEW/0.4
+ extends java.awt.Container
+ implements
+ // @requirement FUNC.PER/0.2
+ // timeout values (milli secs)
+ private int nOOoStartTimeOut = 60000;
+ private int nOOoCallTimeOut = 3000;
+ private int nOOoCheckCycle = 1000;
+ // This member contains the connection to an OOo instance if established.
+ private transient OfficeConnection iConnection;
+ private transient EventListener xConnectionListener;
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.VIEW/0.4
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.EDIT/0.4
+ // This member contains the OOo window if a connection is established.
+ // It is a child of the OOoBean canvas.
+ private OfficeWindow xFrameWindow;
+ // application environment
+ private transient xServiceFactory;
+ private transient xDesktop;
+ // document and frame
+ private transient Frame aFrame;
+ private transient Controller aController;
+ private transient OfficeDocument aDocument;
+ // slot command execution environment
+ private transient xURLTransformer;
+ // properties
+ private boolean bIgnoreVisibility = false; // to show even if already visible
+ private boolean bMenuBarVisible = true;
+ private boolean bStandardBarVisible = true;
+ private boolean bToolBarVisible = true;
+ private boolean bStatusBarVisible = true;
+ // debugging method
+ private void dbgPrint( String aMessage )
+ {
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.PER/0.2
+ // @internal
+ /**
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public void writeExternal( aObjOut )
+ {
+ // TBD
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.PER/0.2
+ // @internal
+ /**
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public void readExternal( aObjIn )
+ {
+ // TBD
+ }
+ /** Generic constructor of the OOoBean.
+ Neither a connection is established nor any document loaded.
+ */
+ public OOoBean()
+ {
+ setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.MULT/0.3
+ /** Constructor for an OOoBean which uses a specific office connection.
+ The connection must be established but no document is loaded.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if the connection is not established.
+ @deprecated Clients could use the getOOoConnection to obtain an OfficeConnection
+ and use it as argument in a constructor for another OOoBean instance. Calling
+ the dispose method of the OfficeConnection or the OOoBean's stopOOoConnection
+ method would make all instances of OOoBean stop working.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public OOoBean( OfficeConnection iConnection )
+ throws NoConnectionException
+ {
+ setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
+ try { setOOoConnection( iConnection ); }
+ catch ( HasConnectionException aExc )
+ { /* impossible here */ }
+ }
+ /** Sets the timeout for methods which launch OOo in milliseconds.
+ This method does not need a connection to an OOo instance.
+ */
+ public void setOOoStartTimeOut( int nMilliSecs )
+ {
+ nOOoStartTimeOut = nMilliSecs;
+ }
+ /** Sets the timeout for normal OOO methods calls in milliseconds.
+ This method does not need a connection to an OOo instance.
+ */
+ public void setOOoCallTimeOut( int nMilliSecs )
+ {
+ nOOoCallTimeOut = nMilliSecs;
+ }
+ /** Sets the period length in milliseconds to check the OOo connection.
+ This method does not need a connection to an OOo instance.
+ */
+ public void setOOoCheckCycle( int nMilliSecs )
+ {
+ nOOoCheckCycle = nMilliSecs;
+ }
+ // @internal
+ /** Sets a connection to an OOo instance.
+ */
+ private synchronized void setOOoConnection(OfficeConnection iNewConnection)
+ throws HasConnectionException, NoConnectionException {
+ // the connection cannot be exchanged
+ if (iConnection != null)
+ throw new HasConnectionException();
+ // is there a real connection, not just the proxy?
+ xComponentContext = null;
+ try {
+ xComponentContext = iNewConnection.getComponentContext();
+ } catch (java.lang.Throwable aExc) {
+ throw new NoConnectionException(aExc);
+ }
+ if (xComponentContext == null)
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ // set the connection
+ iConnection = iNewConnection;
+ // get notified when connection dies
+ if (xConnectionListener != null)
+ xConnectionListener.end();
+ xConnectionListener = EventListener("setOOoConnection");
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.STRT/0.4
+ /** Starts a connection to an OOo instance which is launched if not running.
+ @throws HasConnectionException
+ if a connection was already established.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if the specified connection cannot be established
+ */
+ public void startOOoConnection( String aConnectionURL )
+ throws,
+ HasConnectionException,
+ NoConnectionException
+ {
+ // create a new connection from the given connection URL
+ LocalOfficeConnection aConnection = new LocalOfficeConnection();
+ aConnection.setUnoUrl( aConnectionURL );
+ setOOoConnection( aConnection );
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.CHK/0.7
+ /** Returns true if this OOoBean is connected to an OOo instance,
+ false otherwise.
+ @deprecated This method is not useful in a multithreaded environment. Then
+ all threads accessing the instance would have to be synchronized in order to
+ make is method work. It is better to call OOoBean's methods and be prepared
+ to catch a NoConnectionException.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public boolean isOOoConnected()
+ {
+ return iConnection != null;
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.STOP/0.4
+ /** Disconnects from the connected OOo instance.
+ If there was no connection yet or anymore, this method can be called
+ anyway.
+ When the OOoBean is displayed in an applet by a web browser, then this
+ method must be called from within java.applet.Applet.stop.
+ */
+ public synchronized void stopOOoConnection()
+ {
+ // clear OOo document, frame etc.
+ clear();
+ // cut the connection
+ OfficeConnection iExConnection = iConnection;
+ if ( iConnection != null )
+ {
+ if ( xConnectionListener != null )
+ {
+ xConnectionListener.end();
+ }
+ iConnection = null;
+ iExConnection.dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.STOP/0.4 (via XComponent.dispose())
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.NTFY/0.4 (via XComponent.addEventListener())
+ /** Returns a connection to an OOo instance.
+ If no connection exists, a default connection will be created. An OfficeConnection
+ can be used to register listeners of type,
+ which are notified when the connection to the office dies. One should not call the
+ dispose method, because this may result in receiving
+ when calling {@link #stopOOoConnection stopOOoConnection} or other API methods. If other
+ instances share the same connection then they will stop function properly, because
+ they lose their connection as well. The recommended way to end the connection is by
+ calling {@link #stopOOoConnection stopOOoConnection}.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if no connection can be established
+ */
+ public synchronized OfficeConnection getOOoConnection()
+ throws NoConnectionException
+ {
+ if ( iConnection == null )
+ {
+ try { setOOoConnection( new LocalOfficeConnection() ); }
+ catch ( HasConnectionException aExc )
+ { /* impossible here */ }
+ }
+ if ( iConnection.getComponentContext() == null )
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ return iConnection;
+ }
+ /** Returns the service factory used by this OOoBean instance.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if no connection is established and no default connection can be established.
+ */
+ public synchronized getMultiServiceFactory()
+ throws NoConnectionException
+ {
+ if ( xServiceFactory == null )
+ {
+ // avoid concurrent access from multiple threads
+ final OfficeConnection iConn = getOOoConnection();
+ xComponentContext = iConn.getComponentContext();
+ if (xComponentContext == null)
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ Thread aConnectorThread = new Thread("getServiceManager") {
+ @Override
+ public void run()
+ {
+ aFactory =
+ xComponentContext.getServiceManager();
+ xServiceFactory = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, aFactory );
+ }
+ };
+ aConnectorThread.start();
+ try { aConnectorThread.join(nOOoStartTimeOut); }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ { throw new NoConnectionException(aExc); }
+ if ( xServiceFactory == null )
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ }
+ return xServiceFactory;
+ }
+ /** Returns the XDesktop interface of the OOo instance used by this OOoBean.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if no connection is established and no default connection can be established.
+ */
+ public synchronized getOOoDesktop()
+ throws NoConnectionException
+ {
+ if ( xDesktop == null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Object aObject = getMultiServiceFactory().createInstance( "");
+ xDesktop = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, aObject );
+ }
+ catch ( aExc )
+ {} // TBD: what if no connection exists?
+ }
+ return xDesktop;
+ }
+ /** Resets this bean to an empty document.
+ If a document is loaded and the content modified,
+ the changes are dismissed. Otherwise nothing happens.
+ This method is intended to be overridden in derived classes.
+ This implementation simply calls clear.
+ @param bClearStateToo
+ Not only the document content but also the state of the bean,
+ like visibility of child components is cleared.
+ @deprecated There is currently no way to dismiss changes, except for loading
+ of the unchanged initial document. Furthermore it is unclear how derived classes
+ handle this and what exactly their state is (e.g. what members make up their state).
+ Calling this method on a derived class requires knowledge about their implementation.
+ Therefore a deriving class should declare their own clearDocument if needed. Clients
+ should call the clearDocument of the deriving class or {@link #clear} which discards
+ the currently displayed document.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public synchronized void clearDocument( boolean bClearStateToo )
+ {
+ // TBD
+ clear();
+ }
+ /** Resets the OOoBean to an empty status.
+ Any loaded document is unloaded, no matter whether it is modified or not.
+ After calling this method, the OOoBean has no office document and no frame
+ anymore. The connection will stay, though.
+ This method works with or without an established connection.
+ */
+ public synchronized void clear()
+ {
+ dbgPrint( "clear()" );
+ try
+ {
+ CallWatchThread aCallWatchThread =
+ new CallWatchThread( nOOoCallTimeOut, "clear" );
+ // By closing the frame we avoid that dialogs are displayed, for example when
+ // the document is modified.
+ xCloseable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, aFrame );
+ if ( xCloseable != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ xCloseable.close(true);
+ }
+ catch ( exc)
+ { // a print job may be running
+ }
+ }
+ aDocument = null;
+ aFrame = null;
+ // clear xFrameWindow
+ if ( xFrameWindow != null )
+ {
+ try { releaseSystemWindow(); }
+ catch ( NoConnectionException aExc )
+ {} // ignore
+ catch ( SystemWindowException aExc )
+ {} // ignore
+ remove( xFrameWindow.getAWTComponent() );
+ xFrameWindow = null;
+ }
+ // clear xURTTransformer
+ if ( xURLTransformer != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ xComp = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, xURLTransformer );
+ if ( xComp != null )
+ xComp.dispose();
+ }
+ catch ( java.lang.Throwable aExc )
+ {} // ignore
+ xURLTransformer = null;
+ }
+ xDesktop = null;
+ xServiceFactory = null;
+ aCallWatchThread.cancel();
+ }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ { /* can be ignored */ }
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.PAR.LWP/0.4
+ /** This method causes the office window to be displayed.
+ If no document is loaded and the instance is added to a Java container that
+ is showing, then this method needs not to be called. If later one of the methods
+ {@link #loadFromURL loadFromURL}, {@link #loadFromStream loadFromStream1},
+ or {@link #loadFromByteArray loadFromByteArray}
+ is called, then the document is automatically displayed.
+ Should one of the load methods have been called before the Java container
+ was showing, then this method needs to be called after the container window
+ was made visible (java.lang.Component.setVisible(true)).
+ <p>
+ Another scenario is that an OOoBean contains a document and is removed
+ from a Java container and later added again. Then aquireSystemWindow needs
+ to be called after the container window is displayed.
+ <p>
+ @throws SystemWindowException
+ if no system window can be acquired.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if the connection is not established.
+ */
+ public synchronized void aquireSystemWindow()
+ throws
+ SystemWindowException,
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ NoConnectionException
+ {
+ if ( iConnection == null )
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ if ( !isShowing() )
+ throw new SystemWindowException();
+ if ( xFrameWindow != null )
+ xFrameWindow.getAWTComponent().setVisible(true);
+ doLayout();
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.PAR.RWL/0.4
+ // @estimation 16h
+ /** This method must be called when the OOoBean before the
+ system window may be released by its parent AWT/Swing component.
+ This is the case when java.awt.Component.isDisplayable() returns
+ true. This is definitely the case when the OOoBean is removed
+ from its parent container.
+ @throws SystemWindowException
+ if system window is not acquired.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if the connection is not established.
+ @deprecated When Component.removeNotify of the parent window of the actual
+ office window is called, then the actions are performed for which this method
+ needed to be called previously.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public synchronized void releaseSystemWindow()
+ throws
+ SystemWindowException,
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ NoConnectionException
+ {
+ if (iConnection == null)
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ try {
+ xFrameWindow.getAWTComponent().setVisible(false);
+ } catch ( aExc) {
+ throw new NoConnectionException(aExc);
+ }
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.LOAD/0.4
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.AUTO/0.3
+ /** Loads the bean from the given URL.
+ If a document is already loaded and the content modified,
+ the changes are dismissed.
+ If no connection exists, a default connection is established.
+ @throws IllegalArgumentException
+ if either of the arguments is out of the specified range.
+ @throws
+ if an IO error occurs reading the resource specified by the URL.
+ @throws
+ if no connection can be established.
+ @throws
+ if the currently displayed document cannot be closed because it is
+ still be used, for example it is printed.
+ */
+ public void loadFromURL(
+ final String aURL,
+ final aArguments[] )
+ throws
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ NoConnectionException,
+ {
+ dbgPrint( "loadFromURL()" );
+ // try loading
+ try
+ {
+ boolean bLoaded = false;
+ while ( !bLoaded )
+ {
+ // watch loading in a thread with a timeout (if OOo hangs)
+ CallWatchThread aCallWatchThread =
+ new CallWatchThread( nOOoStartTimeOut, "loadFromURL" );
+ try
+ {
+ // get window from OOo on demand
+ if ( xFrameWindow == null )
+ {
+ // Establish the connection by request of the ServiceFactory.
+ getMultiServiceFactory();
+ // remove existing child windows
+ removeAll();
+ // Create the OfficeWindow.
+ xFrameWindow = getOOoConnection().createOfficeWindow(OOoBean.this);
+ add( xFrameWindow.getAWTComponent() );
+ }
+ // create the document frame from UNO window.
+ if ( aFrame == null )
+ {
+ // create the frame
+ xWindow =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, xFrameWindow.getUNOWindowPeer());
+ Object xFrame = xServiceFactory.createInstance( "");
+ aFrame = new Frame( UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, xFrame ) );
+ aFrame.initialize( xWindow );
+ aFrame.setName( aFrame.toString() );
+ // register the frame at the desktop
+ xFrames =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, getOOoDesktop() ).getFrames();
+ xFrames.append( aFrame );
+ }
+ // Initializes the slot command execution environment.
+ xURLTransformer = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ xServiceFactory.createInstance( "") );
+ try
+ {
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, aFrame);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ /*ignore!*/
+ }
+ // get XComponentLoader from frame
+ xLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, aFrame );
+ if ( xLoader == null )
+ {
+ throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(
+ "" + aFrame +
+ ") without" );
+ }
+ // Avoid dialog 'Document changed' while reloading
+ if ( aDocument != null )
+ {
+ try {
+ aDocument.setModified(false);
+ } catch ( ep) {
+ // it doesn't make sense to throw the exception here. The interface does not
+ // offer a way to add/remove respective listeners.
+ } catch ( ed) {
+ // can be disposed if user closed document via UI
+ }
+ xOldController = null;
+ if ( aFrame != null )
+ xOldController = aFrame.getController();
+ try
+ {
+ if ( aFrame != null && xOldController != null )
+ if (!xOldController.suspend(true))
+ throw new
+ "Document is still being used and cannot be closed.", this);
+ }
+ catch (java.lang.IllegalStateException exp)
+ {}
+ }
+ // load the document.
+ aArgs[] =
+ addArgument( aArguments, new
+ "MacroExecutionMode", -1,
+ Short.valueOf( ),
+ ) );
+ xComponent = xLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
+ aURL, "_self", 0, aArgs );
+ // nothing loaded?
+ if ( xComponent == null && aDocument != null )
+ {
+ // reactivate old document
+ if ( aFrame != null && aFrame.getController() != null )
+ {
+ boolean bResult = aFrame.getController().suspend(false);
+ dbgPrint( "loadFromURL() .. suspend() -> " + bResult );
+ }
+ aDocument.setModified(true);
+ // throw exception
+ throw new
+ "Can not load a document: \"" + aURL + "\"");
+ }
+ // Get document's XModifiable interface if any.
+ aDocument = new OfficeDocument(
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, xComponent ) );
+ bLoaded = true;
+ }
+ catch ( NoConnectionException aExc )
+ {
+ // stop, clear and retry
+ stopOOoConnection();
+ }
+ catch ( aExc )
+ {
+ // stop, clear and retry
+ stopOOoConnection();
+ }
+ catch ( aExc )
+ {
+ // TDB: handling failure in createInstance
+ ex2 = new;
+ ex2.initCause(aExc);
+ throw ex2;
+ }
+ aCallWatchThread.cancel();
+ if ( xServiceFactory == null )
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ }
+ if ( iConnection == null )
+ {
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ }
+ applyToolVisibilities();
+ }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ {
+ throw new NoConnectionException(aExc);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Loads a document from a Java stream.
+ See loadFromURL() for further information.
+ */
+ public void loadFromStream(
+ final iInStream,
+ final aArguments[] )
+ throws
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ NoConnectionException,
+ {
+ // wrap Java stream into UNO stream
+ // copy stream...
+ int s = 4096;
+ int r=0 ,n = 0;
+ byte[] buffer = new byte[s];
+ byte[] newBuffer = null;
+ while ((r =, n, buffer.length-n))>0) {
+ n += r;
+ if (iInStream.available() > buffer.length - n) {
+ newBuffer = new byte[buffer.length*2];
+ System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, n);
+ buffer = newBuffer;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buffer.length != n) {
+ newBuffer = new byte[n];
+ System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, n);
+ buffer = newBuffer;
+ }
+ xStream =
+ new;
+ // add stream to arguments
+[] aExtendedArguments =
+ addArgument( aArguments, new
+ "InputStream", -1, xStream, ) );
+ // call normal load method
+ loadFromURL( "private:stream", aExtendedArguments );
+ }
+ /** Loads a document from a byte array.
+ See loadFromURL() for further information.
+ */
+ public void loadFromByteArray(
+ final byte aInBuffer[],
+ final aArguments[] )
+ throws
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ NoConnectionException,
+ {
+ // wrap byte array into UNO stream
+ xStream =
+ new
+ aInBuffer );
+ // add stream to arguments
+[] aExtendedArguments =
+ addArgument( aArguments, new
+ "InputStream", -1, xStream, ) );
+ // call normal load method
+ loadFromURL( "private:stream", aExtendedArguments );
+ }
+ /** Stores a document to the given URL.
+ <p>
+ Due due a bug (50651) calling this method may cause the office to crash,
+ when at the same time the office writes a backup of the document. This bug
+ also affects {@link #storeToByteArray storeToByteArray} and
+ {@link #storeToStream storeToStream}. The workaround
+ is to start the office with the option --norestore, which disables the automatic
+ backup and recovery mechanism. OOoBean offers currently no supported way of providing
+ startup options for OOo. But it is possible to set a Java property when starting
+ Java, which is examined by OOoBean:
+ <pre>
+ java ...
+ </pre>
+ It is planned to offer a way of specifying startup options in a future version.
+ The property can be used until then. When using this property only one option
+ can be provided.
+ @throws IllegalArgumentException
+ if either of the arguments is out of the specified range.
+ @throws
+ if an IO error occurs reading the resource specified by the URL.
+ @throws
+ if no connection is established.
+ @throws NoDocumentException
+ if no document is loaded
+ */
+ public void storeToURL(
+ final String aURL,
+ final aArguments[] )
+ throws
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ NoConnectionException,
+ NoDocumentException
+ {
+ // no document available?
+ if (aDocument == null)
+ throw new NoDocumentException();
+ try {
+ // start runtime timeout
+ CallWatchThread aCallWatchThread = new CallWatchThread(
+ nOOoCallTimeOut, "storeToURL");
+ // store the document
+ try {
+ aDocument.storeToURL(aURL, aArguments);
+ } catch ( aExc) {
+ ex2 = new;
+ ex2.initCause(aExc);
+ throw ex2;
+ }
+ // end runtime timeout
+ aCallWatchThread.cancel();
+ } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException aExc) {
+ throw new NoConnectionException(aExc);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Stores a document to a stream.
+ See {@link #storeToURL storeToURL} for further information.
+ @see #storeToURL storeToURL
+ */
+ public storeToStream(
+ aOutStream,
+ final aArguments[] )
+ throws
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ NoConnectionException,
+ NoDocumentException,
+ {
+ // wrap Java stream into UNO stream
+ aStream = new
+ aOutStream);
+ // add stream to arguments
+[] aExtendedArguments = addArgument(
+ aArguments, new
+ "OutputStream", -1, aStream,
+ // call normal store method
+ storeToURL("private:stream", aExtendedArguments);
+ // get byte array from document stream
+ try {
+ aStream.closeOutput();
+ } catch ( aExc) { /* TDB */
+ } catch ( aExc) { /* TDB */
+ } catch ( aExc) {
+ ex2 = new;
+ ex2.initCause(aExc);
+ throw ex2;
+ }
+ return aOutStream;
+ }
+ /** Stores a document to a byte array.
+ See {@link #storeToURL storeToURL} for further information.
+ @see #storeToURL storeToURL
+ */
+ public byte[] storeToByteArray(
+ byte aOutBuffer[],
+ final aArguments[] )
+ throws
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ NoConnectionException,
+ NoDocumentException,
+ {
+ // wrap byte array into UNO stream
+ aStream = new
+ aOutBuffer);
+ // add stream to arguments
+[] aExtendedArguments = addArgument(
+ aArguments, new
+ "OutputStream", -1, aStream,
+ // call normal store method
+ storeToURL("private:stream", aExtendedArguments);
+ // get byte array from document stream
+ try {
+ aStream.closeOutput();
+ } catch ( aExc) { /* TDB */
+ } catch ( aExc) { /* TDB */
+ } catch ( ex1) {
+ ex2 = new;
+ ex2.initCause(ex1);
+ throw ex2;
+ }
+ return aStream.getBuffer();
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.PROG/0.5
+ // @requirement API.SIM.SEAP/0.2
+ /** returns the com::sun::star::frame::Frame
+ of the bean.
+ @return
+ a Java class which implements all interfaces which the service
+ com::sun::star::frame::Frame implements.
+ Thus, methods can be called directly without queryInterface.
+ This feature might be implemented by UNO or explicitly coded.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if the connection is not established.
+ */
+ public Frame getFrame()
+ throws
+ NoConnectionException // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ {
+ if ( iConnection == null )
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ return aFrame;
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.PROG/0.5
+ // @requirement API.SIM.SEAP/0.2
+ /** returns the com::sun::star::frame::Controller of the bean.
+ @return
+ a Java class which implements all interfaces which the service
+ com::sun::star::frame::Controller implements.
+ Thus, methods can be called directly without queryInterface.
+ This feature might be implemented by UNO or explicitly coded.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if the connection is not established.
+ */
+ public Controller getController()
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ throws NoConnectionException
+ {
+ if ( iConnection == null )
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ if ( aController == null )
+ aController = new Controller( aFrame.getController() );
+ return aController;
+ }
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.PROG/0.5
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.STOR/0.4
+ // @requirement FUNC.BEAN.PRNT/0.4
+ // @requirement API.SIM.SEAP/0.2
+ /** returns the com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument
+ of the bean.
+ @return
+ a Java class which implements all interfaces which the service
+ com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument
+ implements.
+ Thus, methods can be called directly without queryInterface.
+ This feature might be implemented by UNO or explicitly coded.
+ @throws NoConnectionException
+ if the connection is not established.
+ */
+ public OfficeDocument getDocument()
+ // @requirement FUNC.CON.LOST/0.2
+ throws NoConnectionException
+ {
+ if ( iConnection == null )
+ throw new NoConnectionException();
+ return aDocument;
+ }
+ /** Sets visibility of all tool bars known by this OOoBean version.
+ Initially all tool bars are visible. By hiding all tool bars
+ utilizing this method, it is possible to turn just a subset of
+ toolbars on afterwards, no matter whether all available tool
+ bars are known or not.
+ <p>
+ If an older OOoBean instance is used with a newer OOo instance,
+ some tool bars might not be affected by this method.
+ <p>
+ If no connection is established or no document is loaded,
+ the setting is memorized until a document is loaded. Same
+ is valid when the connection dies within this function call.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. For example:
+ <pre> xPropSet =
+ ( UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, aFrame ); xLayoutManager =
+ ( UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue( "LayoutManager" ) );
+ </pre>
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public void setAllBarsVisible( boolean bVisible )
+ {
+ bIgnoreVisibility = true;
+ setMenuBarVisible( bVisible );
+ setStandardBarVisible( bVisible );
+ setToolBarVisible( bVisible );
+ setStatusBarVisible( bVisible );
+ bIgnoreVisibility = false;
+ }
+ /** Applies all tool visibilities to the real thing.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ protected void applyToolVisibilities()
+ {
+ bIgnoreVisibility = true;
+ setMenuBarVisible( bMenuBarVisible );
+ setStandardBarVisible( bStandardBarVisible );
+ setToolBarVisible( bToolBarVisible );
+ setStatusBarVisible( bStatusBarVisible );
+ bIgnoreVisibility = false;
+ }
+ /** Helper method to set tool bar visibility.
+ @param bNewValue
+ If false, the tool bar is disabled,
+ If true, the tool bar is visible.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ protected boolean setToolVisible( String aProperty, String aResourceURL,
+ boolean bOldValue, boolean bNewValue )
+ throws
+ InterruptedException
+ {
+ // start runtime timeout
+ CallWatchThread aCallWatchThread =
+ new CallWatchThread( nOOoCallTimeOut, "setToolVisible" );
+ // Does a frame exist?
+ if ( aFrame != null )
+ {
+ if ( bIgnoreVisibility || bOldValue != bNewValue )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ xPropSet =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+, aFrame );
+ xLayoutManager =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ xPropSet.getPropertyValue( "LayoutManager" ) );
+ if ( bNewValue )
+ xLayoutManager.showElement( aResourceURL );
+ else
+ xLayoutManager.hideElement( aResourceURL );
+ }
+ catch ( aExc )
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException( "not layout manager found", aExc );
+ }
+ catch ( aExc )
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException( "not layout manager found", aExc );
+ }
+ // notify change
+ firePropertyChange( aProperty, Boolean.valueOf(bOldValue), Boolean.valueOf(bNewValue) );
+ }
+ }
+ // end runtime timeout
+ aCallWatchThread.cancel();
+ // the new value will be stored by caller
+ return bNewValue;
+ }
+ /** Sets the visibility of the menu bar.
+ Initially the menu bar is visible.
+ <p>
+ If not connected or no document loaded, the value is stored
+ and automatically applied to the document after it is loaded.
+ Same is valid when the connection dies within this function call.
+ @param bVisible
+ If false, the menu bar is disabled,
+ If true, the menu bar is visible.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public void setMenuBarVisible(boolean bVisible)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ bMenuBarVisible = setToolVisible( "MenuBarVisible",
+ "private:resource/menubar/menubar", bMenuBarVisible, bVisible );
+ }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ {
+ bMenuBarVisible = bVisible;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns the visibility of the menu bar.
+ This method works independently from a connection or loaded document.
+ If no connection is established or no document is loaded,
+ this method just returns a memorized status.
+ @return
+ True if the menu bar is visible,
+ false if the menu bar is hidden.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public boolean isMenuBarVisible()
+ {
+ return bMenuBarVisible;
+ }
+ /** Sets the main function bar visibility.
+ Initially the standard bar is visible.
+ If not connected or no document loaded, the value is stored
+ and automatically applied to the document after it is loaded.
+ Same is valid when the connection dies within this function call.
+ @param bVisible
+ If false, the main function bar is disabled,
+ If true, the main function bar is visible.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public void setStandardBarVisible(boolean bVisible)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ bStandardBarVisible = setToolVisible( "StandardBarVisible",
+ "private:resource/toolbar/standardbar", bStandardBarVisible, bVisible );
+ }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ {
+ bMenuBarVisible = bVisible;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns the visibility of the main function bar.
+ This method works independently from a connection or loaded document.
+ If no connection is established or no document is loaded,
+ this method just returns a memorized status.
+ @return
+ True if the main function bar is visible,
+ false if the main function bar is hidden.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public boolean isStandardBarVisible()
+ {
+ return bStandardBarVisible;
+ }
+ /** Sets the tool function bar visibility.
+ Initially the tool bar is visible.
+ If not connected or no document loaded, the value is stored
+ and automatically applied to the document after it is loaded.
+ Same is valid when the connection dies within this function call.
+ @param bVisible
+ If false, the tool function bar is disabled,
+ If true, the tool function bar is visible.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public void setToolBarVisible(boolean bVisible)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ bToolBarVisible = setToolVisible( "ToolBarVisible",
+ "private:resource/toolbar/toolbar", bToolBarVisible, bVisible );
+ }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ {
+ bMenuBarVisible = bVisible;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns the visibility of the tool function bar.
+ This method works independently from a connection or loaded document.
+ If no connection is established or no document is loaded,
+ this method just returns a memorized status.
+ @return
+ True if the tool function bar is visible,
+ false if the tool function bar is hidden.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public boolean isToolBarVisible()
+ {
+ return bToolBarVisible;
+ }
+ /** Sets the status function bar visibility.
+ Initially the status bar is visible.
+ If not connected or no document loaded, the value is stored
+ and automatically applied to the document after it is loaded.
+ Same is valid when the connection dies within this function call.
+ @param bVisible
+ If false, the status function bar is disabled,
+ If true, the status function bar is visible.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public void setStatusBarVisible(boolean bVisible)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ bStatusBarVisible = setToolVisible( "StatusBarVisible",
+ "private:resource/statusbar/statusbar", bStatusBarVisible, bVisible );
+ }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ {
+ bMenuBarVisible = bVisible;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns the visibility of the status function bar.
+ This method works independently from a connection or loaded document.
+ If no connection is established or no document is loaded,
+ this method just returns a memorized status.
+ @return
+ True if the status function bar is visible,
+ false if the status function bar is hidden.
+ @deprecated Clients should use the service,
+ which can be obtained from a frame, to control toolbars. See also
+ {@link #setAllBarsVisible}.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public boolean isStatusBarVisible()
+ {
+ return bStatusBarVisible;
+ }
+ // Helper Methods / Internal Methods
+ @Deprecated
+ @Override
+ public void paint( java.awt.Graphics aGraphics )
+ {
+ }
+ /** Adds a single argument to an array of arguments.
+ If the argument by its name is already in aArguments
+ it is exchanged and aArguments is returned.
+ <p>
+ If the argument by its name is not yet in aArguments,
+ a new array is created, aArgument added and the new
+ array returned.
+ */
+ protected[] addArgument(
+ aArguments[],
+ final aArgument )
+ {
+ // get number of current arguments
+ int nNumArgs = 0;
+ if ( aArguments != null )
+ nNumArgs = aArguments.length;
+ // is new argument already set?
+ for ( int n = 0; n < nNumArgs; ++n )
+ {
+ if ( aArguments[n].Name.equals(aArgument.Name) )
+ {
+ // substitute this argument
+ aArguments[n] = aArgument;
+ // return current array
+ return aArguments;
+ }
+ }
+ // create extended arguments
+[] aExtendedArguments =
+ new[ nNumArgs + 1 ];
+ // copy current arguments
+ if (aArguments != null)
+ System.arraycopy(aArguments, 0, aExtendedArguments, 0, nNumArgs);
+ // add new argument
+ aExtendedArguments[ nNumArgs ] = aArgument;
+ // return new arguments
+ return aExtendedArguments;
+ }
+ // Helper Classes
+ // @internal
+ /** Helper class to listen on the connection to learn when it dies.
+ */
+ private class EventListener
+ extends Thread
+ implements
+ {
+ String aTag;
+ EventListener( String aTag )
+ throws NoConnectionException
+ {
+ // init members
+ this.aTag = aTag;
+ // listen on a dying connection
+ iConnection.addEventListener( this );
+ // listen on a terminating OOo
+ xDesktop = getOOoDesktop();
+ if (xDesktop != null)
+ xDesktop.addTerminateListener( this );
+ // start this thread as a daemon
+ setDaemon( true );
+ start();
+ }
+ public void end()
+ {
+ // do not listen on a dying connection anymore
+ try {
+ iConnection.removeEventListener( this );
+ }
+ catch ( Throwable aExc ) {}
+ // do not listen on a terminating OOo anymore
+ try {
+ xDesktop = getOOoDesktop();
+ if (xDesktop != null)
+ xDesktop.removeTerminateListener( this );
+ }
+ catch ( Throwable aExc ) {}
+ // stop thread
+ this.interrupt();
+ }
+ /// gets called when the connection dies
+ public void disposing( /*IN*/ Source )
+ {
+ // empty the OOoBean and cut the connection
+ stopOOoConnection();
+ }
+ /// gets called when the user wants to terminate OOo
+ public void queryTermination( /*IN*/ Event )
+ throws
+ {
+ // disallow termination of OOo while an OOoBean exists
+ throw new;
+ }
+ /// gets called when OOo terminates
+ public void notifyTermination( /*IN*/ Event )
+ {
+ // empty the OOoBean and cut the connection
+ stopOOoConnection();
+ }
+ /// watching the connection
+ @Override
+ public void run()
+ {
+ dbgPrint( "EventListener(" + aTag + ").run()" );
+ // remote call might hang => watch try
+ CallWatchThread aCallWatchThread =
+ new CallWatchThread( nOOoCallTimeOut, "EventListener(" + aTag + ")" );
+ // continue to trying to connect the OOo instance
+ long n = 0;
+ while ( !isInterrupted()
+ && iConnection != null
+ && iConnection.getComponentContext() != null )
+ {
+ dbgPrint( "EventListener(" + aTag + ").running() #" + ++n );
+ // still alive?
+ try
+ {
+ // an arbitrary (but cheap) call into OOo
+ iConnection.getComponentContext().getServiceManager();
+ // call successfully performed, restart watch for next loop
+ try
+ {
+ aCallWatchThread.restart();
+ }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ {
+ // ignore late interrupt
+ }
+ }
+ catch ( java.lang.RuntimeException aExc )
+ {
+ // hung
+ OfficeConnection iDeadConn = iConnection;
+ iConnection = null;
+ iDeadConn.dispose();
+ }
+ // sleep
+ try {
+ sleep(nOOoCheckCycle);
+ }
+ catch ( InterruptedException aExc )
+ {
+ dbgPrint("EventListener(" + aTag + ") interrupted.");
+ // thread can be ended by EvendListener.end();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }