path: root/t/021_pg_renamecluster.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/021_pg_renamecluster.t')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/021_pg_renamecluster.t b/t/021_pg_renamecluster.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e1cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/021_pg_renamecluster.t
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+use strict;
+use lib 't';
+use TestLib;
+use PgCommon;
+use Test::More tests => 20;
+my $v = $MAJORS[-1];
+# create cluster
+ok ((system "pg_createcluster $v main --start >/dev/null") == 0,
+ "pg_createcluster $v main");
+# test pg_renamecluster with a running cluster
+program_ok (0, "pg_renamecluster $v main donau");
+is_program_out 'postgres', 'psql -tAc "show data_directory"', 0,
+ "/var/lib/postgresql/$v/donau\n", 'cluster is running and data_directory was moved';
+is ((PgCommon::get_conf_value $v, 'donau', 'postgresql.conf', 'hba_file'),
+ "/etc/postgresql/$v/donau/pg_hba.conf", 'pg_hba.conf location updated');
+is ((PgCommon::get_conf_value $v, 'donau', 'postgresql.conf', 'ident_file'),
+ "/etc/postgresql/$v/donau/pg_ident.conf", 'pg_ident.conf location updated');
+is ((PgCommon::get_conf_value $v, 'donau', 'postgresql.conf', 'external_pid_file'),
+ "/var/run/postgresql/$", 'external_pid_file location updated');
+ok (-f "/var/run/postgresql/$", 'external_pid_file exists');
+SKIP: {
+ skip "no stats_temp_directory in $v", 2 if ($v < 8.4 or $v >= 15);
+ is ((PgCommon::get_conf_value $v, 'donau', 'postgresql.conf', 'stats_temp_directory'),
+ "/var/run/postgresql/$v-donau.pg_stat_tmp", 'stats_temp_directory location updated');
+ ok (-d "/var/run/postgresql/$v-donau.pg_stat_tmp", 'stats_temp_directory exists');
+SKIP: {
+ skip "cluster name not supported in $v", 1 if ($v < 9.5);
+ is (PgCommon::get_conf_value ($v, 'donau', 'postgresql.conf', 'cluster_name'), "$v/donau", "cluster_name is updated");
+# stop server, clean up, check for leftovers
+ok ((system "pg_dropcluster $v donau --stop") == 0,
+ 'pg_dropcluster removes cluster');
+# vim: filetype=perl