path: root/thunderbird-l10n/nl/localization/nl/messenger/about3Pane.ftl
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 17:32:43 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 17:32:43 +0000
commit6bf0a5cb5034a7e684dcc3500e841785237ce2dd (patch)
treea68f146d7fa01f0134297619fbe7e33db084e0aa /thunderbird-l10n/nl/localization/nl/messenger/about3Pane.ftl
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:115.7.0.upstream/1%115.7.0upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'thunderbird-l10n/nl/localization/nl/messenger/about3Pane.ftl')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thunderbird-l10n/nl/localization/nl/messenger/about3Pane.ftl b/thunderbird-l10n/nl/localization/nl/messenger/about3Pane.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74665c334a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thunderbird-l10n/nl/localization/nl/messenger/about3Pane.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Message List Header Bar
+quick-filter-button =
+ .title = De snelfilterbalk in-/uitschakelen
+quick-filter-button-label = Snelfilter
+thread-pane-header-display-button =
+ .title = Weergaveopties voor berichtenlijst
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of messages in this folder.
+thread-pane-folder-message-count =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { $count } bericht
+ *[other] { $count } berichten
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of messages currently selected.
+thread-pane-folder-selected-count =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { $count } geselecteerd
+ *[other] { $count } geselecteerd
+ }
+thread-pane-header-context-table-view =
+ .label = Tabelweergave
+thread-pane-header-context-cards-view =
+ .label = Kaartenweergave
+thread-pane-header-context-hide =
+ .label = Koptekst berichtenlijst verbergen
+## Quick Filter Bar
+# The tooltip to display when the user hovers over the sticky button
+# (currently displayed as a push-pin). When active, the sticky button
+# causes the current filter settings to be retained when the user changes
+# folders or opens new tabs. (When inactive, only the state of the text
+# filters are propagated between folder changes and when opening new tabs.)
+quick-filter-bar-sticky =
+ .title = Filters in stand houden bij het wisselen van mappen
+# The tooltip for the filter button that replaces the quick filter buttons with
+# a dropdown menu.
+quick-filter-bar-dropdown =
+ .title = Snelfiltermenu
+quick-filter-bar-dropdown-unread =
+ .label = Ongelezen
+quick-filter-bar-dropdown-starred =
+ .label = Met ster
+quick-filter-bar-dropdown-inaddrbook =
+ .label = Contact
+quick-filter-bar-dropdown-tags =
+ .label = Labels
+quick-filter-bar-dropdown-attachment =
+ .label = Bijlage
+# The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include unread messages.
+quick-filter-bar-unread =
+ .title = Alleen ongelezen berichten tonen
+# The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include unread messages.
+quick-filter-bar-unread-label = Ongelezen
+# The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include messages that have been starred/flagged.
+quick-filter-bar-starred =
+ .title = Alleen berichten met ster tonen
+# The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include messages that have been starred/flagged.
+quick-filter-bar-starred-label = Met ster
+# The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include messages from contacts in one of the user's non-remote address
+# books.
+quick-filter-bar-inaddrbook =
+ .title = Alleen berichten van personen in uw adresboek tonen
+# The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include messages from contacts in one of the user's non-remote address
+# books.
+quick-filter-bar-inaddrbook-label = Contact
+# The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include messages with at least one tag on them.
+quick-filter-bar-tags =
+ .title = Alleen berichten met labels tonen
+# The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include messages with at least one tag on them.
+quick-filter-bar-tags-label = Labels
+# The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include messages with attachments.
+quick-filter-bar-attachment =
+ .title = Alleen berichten met bijlagen tonen
+# The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only
+# include messages with attachments.
+quick-filter-bar-attachment-label = Bijlage
+# The contents of the results box when there is a filter active but there
+# are no messages matching the filter.
+quick-filter-bar-no-results = Geen resultaten
+# This is used to populate the results box; it either displays the
+# number of messages found using this string, that there are no messages
+# (using quick-filter-bar-no-results), or the box is hidden.
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - The number of messages that match selected filters.
+quick-filter-bar-results =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] { $count } bericht
+ *[other] { $count } berichten
+ }
+# Keyboard shortcut for the text search box.
+# This should match quick-filter-bar-show in messenger.ftl.
+quick-filter-bar-textbox-shortcut =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] ⇧ ⌘ K
+ *[other] Ctrl+Shift+K
+ }
+# This is the empty text for the text search box.
+# The goal is to convey to the user that typing in the box will filter
+# the messages and that there is a hotkey they can press to get to the
+# box faster.
+quick-filter-bar-textbox =
+ .placeholder = Deze berichten filteren <{ quick-filter-bar-textbox-shortcut }>
+quick-filter-bar-search =
+ .label = Berichten filteren:
+# Keyboard shortcut for the text search box.
+# This should match quick-filter-bar-show in messenger.ftl.
+quick-filter-bar-search-shortcut =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] <kbd>⇧</kbd> <kbd>⌘</kbd> <kbd>K</kbd>
+ *[other] <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>K</kbd>
+ }
+# This is the empty text for the text search box.
+# The goal is to convey to the user that typing in the box will filter the
+# messages and that there is a hotkey they can press to get to the box faster.
+quick-filter-bar-search-placeholder-with-key = Berichten filteren… { quick-filter-bar-search-shortcut }
+# Label of the search button in the quick filter bar text box. Clicking it will
+# launch a global search.
+quick-filter-bar-search-button =
+ .alt = Overal zoeken
+# Tooltip of the Any-of/All-of tagging mode selector.
+quick-filter-bar-boolean-mode =
+ .title = Labelfiltermodus
+# The Any-of tagging mode.
+quick-filter-bar-boolean-mode-any =
+ .label = Eén van
+ .title = Minstens een van de geselecteerde labelcriteria moet overeenkomen
+# The All-of tagging mode.
+quick-filter-bar-boolean-mode-all =
+ .label = Alle
+ .title = Alle geselecteerde labelcriteria moeten overeenkomen
+# This label explains what the sender/recipients/subject/body buttons do.
+# This string should ideally be kept short because the label and the text
+# filter buttons share their bar (that appears when there is text in the text
+# filter box) with the list of tags when the tag filter is active, and the
+# tag sub-bar wants as much space as possible. (Overflow is handled by an
+# arrow scroll box.)
+quick-filter-bar-text-filter-explanation = Berichten filteren op:
+# The button label that toggles whether the text filter searches the message
+# sender for the string.
+quick-filter-bar-text-filter-sender = Afzender
+# The button label that toggles whether the text filter searches the message
+# recipients (to, cc) for the string.
+quick-filter-bar-text-filter-recipients = Ontvangers
+# The button label that toggles whether the text filter searches the message
+# subject for the string.
+quick-filter-bar-text-filter-subject = Onderwerp
+# The button label that toggles whether the text filter searches the message
+# body for the string.
+quick-filter-bar-text-filter-body = Berichttekst
+# The first line of the panel popup that tells the user we found no matches
+# but we can convert to a global search for them.
+quick-filter-bar-gloda-upsell-line1 = Verder zoeken in alle mappen
+# The second line of the panel popup that tells the user we found no matches.
+# Variables:
+# $text (String) - What the user has typed so far.
+quick-filter-bar-gloda-upsell-line2 = Druk nogmaals op ‘Enter’ om verder te zoeken naar { $text }
+## Folder pane
+folder-pane-get-messages-button =
+ .title = Berichten ophalen
+folder-pane-get-all-messages-menuitem =
+ .label = Alle nieuwe berichten ophalen
+ .accesskey = A
+folder-pane-write-message-button = Nieuw bericht
+ .title = Een nieuw bericht opstellen
+folder-pane-more-menu-button =
+ .title = Mappenpaneelopties
+# Context menu item to show/hide different folder types in the folder pane
+folder-pane-header-folder-modes =
+ .label = Mapmodi
+# Context menu item to toggle display of "Get messages" button in folder pane header
+folder-pane-header-context-toggle-get-messages =
+ .label = ‘Berichten ophalen’ tonen
+# Context menu item to toggle display of "New Message" button in folder pane header
+folder-pane-header-context-toggle-new-message =
+ .label = ‘Nieuw bericht’ tonen
+folder-pane-header-context-hide =
+ .label = Koptekst mappenpaneel verbergen
+folder-pane-show-total-toggle =
+ .label = Toon het totaal aantal berichten
+# Context menu item to show or hide folder sizes
+folder-pane-header-toggle-folder-size =
+ .label = Mapgrootte tonen
+folder-pane-header-hide-local-folders =
+ .label = Lokale mappen verbergen
+folder-pane-mode-context-button =
+ .title = Opties voor mapmodus
+folder-pane-mode-context-toggle-compact-mode =
+ .label = Compacte weergave
+ .accesskey = C
+folder-pane-mode-move-up =
+ .label = Omhoog verplaatsen
+folder-pane-mode-move-down =
+ .label = Omlaag verplaatsen
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of unread messages.
+folder-pane-unread-aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] 1 ongelezen bericht
+ *[other] { $count } ongelezen berichten
+ }
+# Variables:
+# $count (Number) - Number of total messages.
+folder-pane-total-aria-label =
+ { $count ->
+ [one] totaal 1 bericht
+ *[other] totaal { $count } berichten
+ }
+## Message thread pane
+threadpane-column-header-select =
+ .title = Alle berichten selecteren/deselecteren
+threadpane-column-header-select-all =
+ .title = Alle berichten selecteren
+threadpane-column-header-deselect-all =
+ .title = Alle berichten deselecteren
+threadpane-column-label-select =
+ .label = Berichten selecteren
+threadpane-cell-select =
+ .aria-label = Bericht selecteren
+threadpane-column-header-thread =
+ .title = Berichtconversaties wisselen
+threadpane-column-label-thread =
+ .label = Conversatie
+threadpane-cell-thread =
+ .aria-label = Conversatiestatus
+threadpane-column-header-flagged =
+ .title = Sorteren op ster
+threadpane-column-label-flagged =
+ .label = Met ster
+threadpane-cell-flagged =
+ .aria-label = Met ster
+threadpane-flagged-cell-label = Met ster
+threadpane-column-header-attachments =
+ .title = Sorteren op bijlagen
+threadpane-column-label-attachments =
+ .label = Bijlagen
+threadpane-cell-attachments =
+ .aria-label = Bijlagen
+threadpane-attachments-cell-label = Bijlagen
+threadpane-column-header-spam =
+ .title = Sorteren op ongewenstberichtstatus
+threadpane-column-label-spam =
+ .label = Ongewenst
+threadpane-cell-spam =
+ .aria-label = Spamstatus
+threadpane-spam-cell-label = Spam
+threadpane-column-header-unread-button =
+ .title = Sorteren op leesstatus
+threadpane-column-label-unread-button =
+ .label = Leesstatus
+threadpane-cell-read-status =
+ .aria-label = Leesstatus
+threadpane-read-cell-label = Gelezen
+threadpane-unread-cell-label = Ongelezen
+threadpane-column-header-sender = Van
+ .title = Sorteren op van
+threadpane-column-label-sender =
+ .label = Van
+threadpane-cell-sender =
+ .aria-label = Van
+threadpane-column-header-recipient = Ontvanger
+ .title = Sorteren op ontvanger
+threadpane-column-label-recipient =
+ .label = Ontvanger
+threadpane-cell-recipient =
+ .aria-label = Ontvanger
+threadpane-column-header-correspondents = Correspondenten
+ .title = Sorteren op correspondenten
+threadpane-column-label-correspondents =
+ .label = Correspondenten
+threadpane-cell-correspondents =
+ .aria-label = Correspondenten
+threadpane-column-header-subject = Onderwerp
+ .title = Sorteren op onderwerp
+threadpane-column-label-subject =
+ .label = Onderwerp
+threadpane-cell-subject =
+ .aria-label = Onderwerp
+threadpane-column-header-date = Datum
+ .title = Sorteren op datum
+threadpane-column-label-date =
+ .label = Datum
+threadpane-cell-date =
+ .aria-label = Datum
+threadpane-column-header-received = Ontvangen
+ .title = Sorteren op ontvangstdatum
+threadpane-column-label-received =
+ .label = Ontvangen
+threadpane-cell-received =
+ .aria-label = Ontvangstdatum
+threadpane-column-header-status = Status
+ .title = Sorteren op status
+threadpane-column-label-status =
+ .label = Status
+threadpane-cell-status =
+ .aria-label = Status
+threadpane-column-header-size = Grootte
+ .title = Sorteren op grootte
+threadpane-column-label-size =
+ .label = Grootte
+threadpane-cell-size =
+ .aria-label = Grootte
+threadpane-column-header-tags = Labels
+ .title = Sorteren op labels
+threadpane-column-label-tags =
+ .label = Labels
+threadpane-cell-tags =
+ .aria-label = Labels
+threadpane-column-header-account = Account
+ .title = Sorteren op account
+threadpane-column-label-account =
+ .label = Account
+threadpane-cell-account =
+ .aria-label = Account
+threadpane-column-header-priority = Prioriteit
+ .title = Sorteren op prioriteit
+threadpane-column-label-priority =
+ .label = Prioriteit
+threadpane-cell-priority =
+ .aria-label = Prioriteit
+threadpane-column-header-unread = Ongelezen
+ .title = Aantal ongelezen berichten in conversatie
+threadpane-column-label-unread =
+ .label = Ongelezen
+threadpane-cell-unread =
+ .aria-label = Aantal ongelezen berichten
+threadpane-column-header-total = Totaal
+ .title = Totale aantal berichten in conversatie
+threadpane-column-label-total =
+ .label = Totaal
+threadpane-cell-total =
+ .aria-label = Totale aantal berichten
+threadpane-column-header-location = Locatie
+ .title = Sorteren op locatie
+threadpane-column-label-location =
+ .label = Locatie
+threadpane-cell-location =
+ .aria-label = Locatie
+threadpane-column-header-id = Volgorde van ontvangst
+ .title = Sorteren op volgorde van ontvangst
+threadpane-column-label-id =
+ .label = Volgorde van ontvangst
+threadpane-cell-id =
+ .aria-label = Volgorde van ontvangst
+threadpane-column-header-delete =
+ .title = Een bericht verwijderen
+threadpane-column-label-delete =
+ .label = Verwijderen
+threadpane-cell-delete =
+ .aria-label = Verwijderen
+## Message state variations
+threadpane-message-new =
+ .alt = Nieuw bericht-indicator
+ .title = Nieuw bericht
+threadpane-message-replied =
+ .alt = Beantwoord-indicator
+ .title = Bericht beantwoord
+threadpane-message-redirected =
+ .alt = Doorgeleid-indicator
+ .title = Bericht doorgeleid
+threadpane-message-forwarded =
+ .alt = Doorgestuurd-indicator
+ .title = Bericht doorgestuurd
+threadpane-message-replied-forwarded =
+ .alt = Beantwoord en doorgestuurd-indicator
+ .title = Bericht beantwoord en doorgestuurd
+threadpane-message-replied-redirected =
+ .alt = Beantwoord en doorgeleid-indicator
+ .title = Bericht beantwoord en doorgeleid
+threadpane-message-forwarded-redirected =
+ .alt = Doorgestuurd en doorgeleid-indicator
+ .title = Bericht doorgestuurd en doorgeleid
+threadpane-message-replied-forwarded-redirected =
+ .alt = Beantwoord, doorgestuurd en doorgeleid-indicator
+ .title = Bericht beantwoord, doorgestuurd en doorgeleid
+apply-columns-to-menu =
+ .label = Kolommen toepassen op…
+apply-current-view-to-menu =
+ .label = Huidige weergave toepassen op…
+apply-current-view-to-folder =
+ .label = Map…
+apply-current-view-to-folder-children =
+ .label = Map en submappen…
+## Apply columns confirmation dialog
+apply-changes-to-folder-title = Wijzigingen toepassen?
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the folder to apply to.
+apply-current-columns-to-folder-message = De huidige mapkolommen toepassen op { $name }?
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the folder to apply to.
+apply-current-columns-to-folder-with-children-message = De kolommen van de huidige map toepassen op { $name } en zijn submappen?
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the folder to apply to.
+apply-current-view-to-folder-message = De weergave van de huidige map toepassen op { $name }?
+# Variables:
+# $name (String): The name of the folder to apply to.
+apply-current-view-to-folder-with-children-message = De weergave van de huidige map toepassen op { $name } en de submappen?