path: root/xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 17:32:43 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 17:32:43 +0000
commit6bf0a5cb5034a7e684dcc3500e841785237ce2dd (patch)
treea68f146d7fa01f0134297619fbe7e33db084e0aa /xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:115.7.0.upstream/1%115.7.0upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros')
2 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros/Cargo.toml b/xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b5bcdc315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+name = "xpcom_macros"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Nika Layzell <>"]
+edition = "2018"
+license = "MPL-2.0"
+proc-macro = true
+syn = "1"
+quote = "1"
+proc-macro2 = "1"
+lazy_static = "1.0"
+mozbuild = "0.1"
diff --git a/xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros/src/ b/xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2511ba9103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpcom/rust/xpcom/xpcom_macros/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+//! This crate provides the `#[xpcom]` custom attribute. This custom attribute
+//! is used in order to implement [`xpcom`] interfaces.
+//! # Usage
+//! The easiest way to explain this crate is probably with a usage example. I'll
+//! show you the example, and then we'll destructure it and walk through what
+//! each component is doing.
+//! ```ignore
+//! // Declaring an XPCOM Struct
+//! #[xpcom(implement(nsIRunnable), atomic)]
+//! struct ImplRunnable {
+//! i: i32,
+//! }
+//! // Implementing methods on an XPCOM Struct
+//! impl ImplRunnable {
+//! unsafe fn Run(&self) -> nsresult {
+//! println!("{}", self.i);
+//! NS_OK
+//! }
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! ## Declaring an XPCOM Struct
+//! ```ignore
+//! // This derive should be placed on the initialization struct in order to
+//! // trigger the procedural macro.
+//! #[xpcom(
+//! // The implement argument should be passed the names of the IDL
+//! // interfaces which you want to implement. These can be separated by
+//! // commas if you want to implement multiple interfaces.
+//! //
+//! // Some methods use types which we cannot bind to in rust. Interfaces
+//! // like those cannot be implemented, and a compile-time error will occur
+//! // if they are listed in this attribute.
+//! implement(nsIRunnable),
+//! // The refcount kind can be specified as one of the following values:
+//! // * `atomic` == atomic reference count
+//! // * `nonatomic` == non atomic reference count
+//! // ~= NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS in C++
+//! atomic,
+//! )]
+//! // It is a compile time error to put the `#[xpcom]` attribute on
+//! // an enum, union, or tuple struct.
+//! //
+//! // The macro will generate both the named struct, as well as a version with
+//! // its name prefixed with `Init` which can be used to initialize the type.
+//! struct ImplRunnable {
+//! i: i32,
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! The above example will generate `ImplRunnable` and `InitImplRunnable`
+//! structs. The `ImplRunnable` struct will implement the [`nsIRunnable`] XPCOM
+//! interface, and cannot be constructed directly.
+//! The following methods will be automatically implemented on it:
+//! ```ignore
+//! // Automatic nsISupports implementation
+//! unsafe fn AddRef(&self) -> MozExternalRefCountType;
+//! unsafe fn Release(&self) -> MozExternalRefCountType;
+//! unsafe fn QueryInterface(&self, uuid: &nsIID, result: *mut *mut libc::c_void) -> nsresult;
+//! // Allocates and initializes a new instance of this type. The values will
+//! // be moved from the `Init` struct which is passed in.
+//! fn allocate(init: InitImplRunnable) -> RefPtr<Self>;
+//! // Helper for performing the `query_interface` operation to case to a
+//! // specific interface.
+//! fn query_interface<T: XpCom>(&self) -> Option<RefPtr<T>>;
+//! // Coerce function for cheaply casting to our base interfaces.
+//! fn coerce<T: ImplRunnableCoerce>(&self) -> &T;
+//! ```
+//! The [`RefCounted`] interface will also be implemented, so that the type can
+//! be used within the [`RefPtr`] type.
+//! The `coerce` and `query_interface` methods are backed by the generated
+//! `*Coerce` trait. This trait is impl-ed for every interface implemented by
+//! the trait. For example:
+//! ```ignore
+//! pub trait ImplRunnableCoerce {
+//! fn coerce_from(x: &ImplRunnable) -> &Self;
+//! }
+//! impl ImplRunnableCoerce for nsIRunnable { .. }
+//! impl ImplRunnableCoerce for nsISupports { .. }
+//! ```
+//! ## Implementing methods on an XPCOM Struct
+//! ```ignore
+//! // Methods should be implemented directly on the generated struct. All
+//! // methods other than `AddRef`, `Release`, and `QueryInterface` must be
+//! // implemented manually.
+//! impl ImplRunnable {
+//! // The method should have the same name as the corresponding C++ method.
+//! unsafe fn Run(&self) -> nsresult {
+//! // Fields defined on the template struct will be directly on the
+//! // generated struct.
+//! println!("{}", self.i);
+//! NS_OK
+//! }
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! XPCOM methods implemented in Rust have signatures similar to methods
+//! implemented in C++.
+//! ```ignore
+//! // nsISupports foo(in long long bar, in AString baz);
+//! unsafe fn Foo(&self, bar: i64, baz: *const nsAString,
+//! _retval: *mut *const nsISupports) -> nsresult;
+//! // AString qux(in nsISupports ham);
+//! unsafe fn Qux(&self, ham: *const nsISupports,
+//! _retval: *mut nsAString) -> nsresult;
+//! ```
+//! This is a little tedious, so the `xpcom_method!` macro provides a convenient
+//! way to generate wrappers around more idiomatic Rust methods.
+//! [`xpcom`]: ../xpcom/index.html
+//! [`nsIRunnable`]: ../xpcom/struct.nsIRunnable.html
+//! [`RefCounted`]: ../xpcom/struct.RefCounted.html
+//! [`RefPtr`]: ../xpcom/struct.RefPtr.html
+use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
+use quote::{format_ident, quote, ToTokens};
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
+use syn::{
+ parse_macro_input, parse_quote, AttributeArgs, Field, Fields, Ident, ItemStruct, Meta,
+ MetaList, NestedMeta, Path, Token, Type,
+macro_rules! bail {
+ (@($t:expr), $s:expr) => {
+ return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(&$t, &$s[..]))
+ };
+ (@($t:expr), $f:expr, $($e:expr),*) => {
+ return Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(&$t, &format!($f, $($e),*)[..]))
+ };
+ ($s:expr) => {
+ return Err(syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), &$s[..]))
+ };
+ ($f:expr, $($e:expr),*) => {
+ return Err(syn::Error::new(Span::call_site(), &format!($f, $($e),*)[..]))
+ };
+/* These are the structs generated by the script */
+/// A single parameter to an XPCOM method.
+struct Param {
+ name: &'static str,
+ ty: &'static str,
+/// A single method on an XPCOM interface.
+struct Method {
+ name: &'static str,
+ params: &'static [Param],
+ ret: &'static str,
+/// An XPCOM interface. `methods` will be `Err("reason")` if the interface
+/// cannot be implemented in rust code.
+struct Interface {
+ name: &'static str,
+ base: Option<&'static str>,
+ methods: Result<&'static [Method], &'static str>,
+impl Interface {
+ fn base(&self) -> Option<&'static Interface> {
+ Some(IFACES[self.base?])
+ }
+ fn methods(&self) -> Result<&'static [Method], syn::Error> {
+ match self.methods {
+ Ok(methods) => Ok(methods),
+ Err(reason) => Err(syn::Error::new(
+ Span::call_site(),
+ &format!(
+ "Interface {} cannot be implemented in rust \
+ because {} is not supported yet",
+, reason
+ ),
+ )),
+ }
+ }
+lazy_static! {
+ /// This item contains the information generated by the procedural macro in
+ /// the form of a `HashMap` from interface names to their descriptions.
+ static ref IFACES: HashMap<&'static str, &'static Interface> = {
+ let lists: &[&[Interface]] =
+ include!(mozbuild::objdir_path!("dist/xpcrs/bt/"));
+ let mut hm = HashMap::new();
+ for &list in lists {
+ for iface in list {
+ hm.insert(, iface);
+ }
+ }
+ hm
+ };
+/// The type of the reference count to use for the struct.
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
+enum RefcntKind {
+ Atomic,
+ NonAtomic,
+/// Produces the tokens for the type representation.
+impl ToTokens for RefcntKind {
+ fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
+ match *self {
+ RefcntKind::NonAtomic => quote!(xpcom::Refcnt).to_tokens(tokens),
+ RefcntKind::Atomic => quote!(xpcom::AtomicRefcnt).to_tokens(tokens),
+ }
+ }
+/// Extract the fields list from the input struct.
+fn get_fields(si: &ItemStruct) -> Result<&Punctuated<Field, Token![,]>, syn::Error> {
+ match si.fields {
+ Fields::Named(ref named) => Ok(&named.named),
+ _ => bail!(@(si), "The initializer struct must be a standard named \
+ value struct definition"),
+ }
+/// Takes the template struct in, and generates `ItemStruct` for the "real" and
+/// "init" structs.
+fn gen_structs(
+ template: &ItemStruct,
+ bases: &[&Interface],
+ refcnt_ty: RefcntKind,
+) -> Result<(ItemStruct, ItemStruct), syn::Error> {
+ let real_ident = &template.ident;
+ let init_ident = format_ident!("Init{}", real_ident);
+ let vis = &template.vis;
+ let bases = bases.iter().map(|base| {
+ let ident = format_ident!("__base_{}",;
+ let vtable = format_ident!("{}VTable",;
+ quote!(#ident : *const xpcom::interfaces::#vtable)
+ });
+ let fields = get_fields(template)?;
+ let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = template.generics.split_for_impl();
+ Ok((
+ parse_quote! {
+ #[repr(C)]
+ #vis struct #real_ident #impl_generics #where_clause {
+ #(#bases,)*
+ __refcnt: #refcnt_ty,
+ #fields
+ }
+ },
+ parse_quote! {
+ #vis struct #init_ident #impl_generics #where_clause {
+ #fields
+ }
+ },
+ ))
+/// Generates the `extern "system"` methods which are actually included in the
+/// VTable for the given interface.
+/// `idx` must be the offset in pointers of the pointer to this vtable in the
+/// struct `real`. This is soundness-critical, as it will be used to offset
+/// pointers received from xpcom back to the concrete implementation.
+fn gen_vtable_methods(
+ real: &ItemStruct,
+ iface: &Interface,
+ vtable_index: usize,
+) -> Result<TokenStream, syn::Error> {
+ let base_ty = format_ident!("{}",;
+ let base_methods = if let Some(base) = iface.base() {
+ gen_vtable_methods(real, base, vtable_index)?
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ };
+ let ty_name = &real.ident;
+ let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = real.generics.split_for_impl();
+ let mut method_defs = Vec::new();
+ for method in iface.methods()? {
+ let ret = syn::parse_str::<Type>(method.ret)?;
+ let mut params = Vec::new();
+ let mut args = Vec::new();
+ for param in method.params {
+ let name = format_ident!("{}",;
+ let ty = syn::parse_str::<Type>(param.ty)?;
+ params.push(quote! {#name : #ty,});
+ args.push(quote! {#name,});
+ }
+ let name = format_ident!("{}",;
+ method_defs.push(quote! {
+ unsafe extern "system" fn #name #impl_generics (
+ this: *const #base_ty, #(#params)*
+ ) -> #ret #where_clause {
+ let this: &#ty_name #ty_generics =
+ ::xpcom::reexports::transmute_from_vtable_ptr(&this, #vtable_index);
+ this.#name(#(#args)*)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(quote! {
+ #base_methods
+ #(#method_defs)*
+ })
+/// Generates the VTable for a given base interface. This assumes that the
+/// implementations of each of the `extern "system"` methods are in scope.
+fn gen_inner_vtable(real: &ItemStruct, iface: &Interface) -> Result<TokenStream, syn::Error> {
+ let vtable_ty = format_ident!("{}VTable",;
+ // Generate the vtable for the base interface.
+ let base_vtable = if let Some(base) = iface.base() {
+ let vt = gen_inner_vtable(real, base)?;
+ quote! {__base: #vt,}
+ } else {
+ quote! {}
+ };
+ // Include each of the method definitions for this interface.
+ let (_, ty_generics, _) = real.generics.split_for_impl();
+ let turbofish = ty_generics.as_turbofish();
+ let vtable_init = iface
+ .methods()?
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|method| {
+ let name = format_ident!("{}",;
+ quote! { #name : #name #turbofish, }
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ Ok(quote!(#vtable_ty {
+ #base_vtable
+ #(#vtable_init)*
+ }))
+fn gen_root_vtable(
+ real: &ItemStruct,
+ base: &Interface,
+ idx: usize,
+) -> Result<TokenStream, syn::Error> {
+ let field = format_ident!("__base_{}",;
+ let vtable_ty = format_ident!("{}VTable",;
+ let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = real.generics.split_for_impl();
+ let turbofish = ty_generics.as_turbofish();
+ let methods = gen_vtable_methods(real, base, idx)?;
+ let vtable = gen_inner_vtable(real, base)?;
+ // Define the `recover_self` method. This performs an offset calculation to
+ // recover a pointer to the original struct from a pointer to the given
+ // VTable field.
+ Ok(quote! {#field: {
+ // The method implementations which will be used to build the vtable.
+ #methods
+ // The actual VTable definition. This is in a separate method in order
+ // to allow it to be generic.
+ #[inline]
+ fn get_vtable #impl_generics () -> &'static ::xpcom::reexports::VTableExtra<#vtable_ty> #where_clause {
+ &::xpcom::reexports::VTableExtra {
+ #[cfg(not(windows))]
+ offset: {
+ // NOTE: workaround required to avoid depending on the
+ // unstable const expression feature `const {}`.
+ const OFFSET: isize = -((::std::mem::size_of::<usize>() * #idx) as isize);
+ },
+ #[cfg(not(windows))]
+ typeinfo: 0 as *const _,
+ vtable: #vtable,
+ }
+ }
+ &get_vtable #turbofish ().vtable
+ },})
+/// Generate the cast implementations. This generates the implementation details
+/// for the `Coerce` trait, and the `QueryInterface` method. The first return
+/// value is the `QueryInterface` implementation, and the second is the `Coerce`
+/// implementation.
+fn gen_casts(
+ seen: &mut HashSet<&'static str>,
+ iface: &Interface,
+ real: &ItemStruct,
+ coerce_name: &Ident,
+ vtable_field: &Ident,
+) -> Result<(TokenStream, TokenStream), syn::Error> {
+ if !seen.insert( {
+ return Ok((quote! {}, quote! {}));
+ }
+ // Generate the cast implementations for the base interfaces.
+ let (base_qi, base_coerce) = if let Some(base) = iface.base() {
+ gen_casts(seen, base, real, coerce_name, vtable_field)?
+ } else {
+ (quote! {}, quote! {})
+ };
+ // Add the if statment to QueryInterface for the base class.
+ let base_name = format_ident!("{}",;
+ let qi = quote! {
+ #base_qi
+ if *uuid == #base_name::IID {
+ // Implement QueryInterface in terms of coercions.
+ self.addref();
+ *result = self.coerce::<#base_name>()
+ as *const #base_name
+ as *const ::xpcom::reexports::libc::c_void
+ as *mut ::xpcom::reexports::libc::c_void;
+ return ::xpcom::reexports::NS_OK;
+ }
+ };
+ // Add an implementation of the `*Coerce` trait for the base interface.
+ let name = &real.ident;
+ let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = real.generics.split_for_impl();
+ let coerce = quote! {
+ #base_coerce
+ impl #impl_generics #coerce_name #ty_generics for ::xpcom::interfaces::#base_name #where_clause {
+ fn coerce_from(v: &#name #ty_generics) -> &Self {
+ unsafe {
+ // Get the address of the VTable field. This should be a
+ // pointer to a pointer to a vtable, which we can then cast
+ // into a pointer to our interface.
+ &*(&(v.#vtable_field)
+ as *const *const _
+ as *const ::xpcom::interfaces::#base_name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Ok((qi, coerce))
+fn check_generics(generics: &syn::Generics) -> Result<(), syn::Error> {
+ for param in &generics.params {
+ let tp = match param {
+ syn::GenericParam::Type(tp) => tp,
+ syn::GenericParam::Lifetime(lp) => bail!(
+ @(lp),
+ "Cannot use #[xpcom] on types with lifetime parameters. \
+ Implementors of XPCOM interfaces must not contain non-'static \
+ lifetimes.",
+ ),
+ // XXX: Once const generics become stable, it may be as simple as
+ // removing this bail! to support them.
+ syn::GenericParam::Const(cp) => {
+ bail!(@(cp), "Cannot use #[xpcom] on types with const generics.")
+ }
+ };
+ let mut static_lt = false;
+ for bound in &tp.bounds {
+ match bound {
+ syn::TypeParamBound::Lifetime(lt) if lt.ident == "static" => {
+ static_lt = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ if !static_lt {
+ bail!(
+ @(param),
+ "Every generic parameter for xpcom implementation must have a \
+ 'static lifetime bound declared in the generics. Implicit \
+ lifetime bounds or lifetime bounds in where clauses are not \
+ detected by the macro and will be ignored. \
+ Implementors of XPCOM interfaces must not contain non-'static \
+ lifetimes.",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+struct Options {
+ bases: Vec<&'static Interface>,
+ refcnt: Option<RefcntKind>,
+impl Options {
+ fn parse_path_arg(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<(), syn::Error> {
+ if path.is_ident("atomic") || path.is_ident("nonatomic") {
+ if self.refcnt.is_some() {
+ bail!(@(path), "Duplicate refcnt atomicity specifier");
+ }
+ self.refcnt = Some(if path.is_ident("atomic") {
+ RefcntKind::Atomic
+ } else {
+ RefcntKind::NonAtomic
+ });
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ bail!(@(path), "Unexpected path argument to #[xpcom]");
+ }
+ fn parse_list_arg(&mut self, list: &MetaList) -> Result<(), syn::Error> {
+ if list.path.is_ident("implement") {
+ for item in list.nested.iter() {
+ let iface = match *item {
+ NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::Path(ref iface)) => iface,
+ _ => bail!(@(item), "Expected interface name to implement"),
+ };
+ let ident = match iface.get_ident() {
+ Some(ref iface) => iface.to_string(),
+ _ => bail!(@(iface), "Interface name must be unqualified"),
+ };
+ if let Some(&iface) = IFACES.get(ident.as_str()) {
+ self.bases.push(iface);
+ } else {
+ bail!(@(item), "Invalid base interface `{}`", ident);
+ }
+ }
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ bail!(@(list), "Unexpected list argument to #[xpcom]");
+ }
+ fn parse(&mut self, args: &AttributeArgs) -> Result<(), syn::Error> {
+ for arg in args {
+ match arg {
+ NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(path)) => self.parse_path_arg(path)?,
+ NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::List(list)) => self.parse_list_arg(list)?,
+ NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(name_value)) => {
+ bail!(@(name_value), "Unexpected name-value argument to #[xpcom]")
+ }
+ NestedMeta::Lit(lit) => bail!(@(lit), "Unexpected literal argument to #[xpcom]"),
+ }
+ }
+ if self.bases.is_empty() {
+ bail!(
+ "Types with #[xpcom(..)] must implement at least one \
+ interface. Interfaces can be implemented by adding an \
+ implements(nsIFoo, nsIBar) parameter to the #[xpcom] attribute"
+ );
+ }
+ if self.refcnt.is_none() {
+ bail!("Must specify refcnt kind in #[xpcom] attribute");
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// The root xpcom procedural macro definition.
+fn xpcom_impl(args: AttributeArgs, template: ItemStruct) -> Result<TokenStream, syn::Error> {
+ let mut options = Options::default();
+ options.parse(&args)?;
+ check_generics(&template.generics)?;
+ let bases = options.bases;
+ // Ensure that all our base interface methods have unique names.
+ let mut method_names = HashMap::new();
+ for base in &bases {
+ for method in base.methods()? {
+ if let Some(existing) = method_names.insert(, {
+ bail!(
+ "The method `{0}` is declared on both `{1}` and `{2}`,
+ but a Rust type cannot implement two methods with the \
+ same name. You can add the `[binaryname(Renamed{0})]` \
+ XPIDL attribute to one of the declarations to rename it.",
+ existing,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Determine what reference count type to use, and generate the real struct.
+ let refcnt_ty = options.refcnt.unwrap();
+ let (real, init) = gen_structs(&template, &bases, refcnt_ty)?;
+ let name_init = &init.ident;
+ let name = &real.ident;
+ let coerce_name = format_ident!("{}Coerce", name);
+ // Generate a VTable for each of the base interfaces.
+ let mut vtables = Vec::new();
+ for (idx, base) in bases.iter().enumerate() {
+ vtables.push(gen_root_vtable(&real, base, idx)?);
+ }
+ // Generate the field initializers for the final struct, moving each field
+ // out of the original __init struct.
+ let inits = get_fields(&init)?.iter().map(|field| {
+ let id = &field.ident;
+ quote! { #id : __init.#id, }
+ });
+ let vis = &real.vis;
+ // Generate the implementation for QueryInterface and Coerce.
+ let mut seen = HashSet::new();
+ let mut qi_impl = Vec::new();
+ let mut coerce_impl = Vec::new();
+ for base in &bases {
+ let (qi, coerce) = gen_casts(
+ &mut seen,
+ base,
+ &real,
+ &coerce_name,
+ &format_ident!("__base_{}",,
+ )?;
+ qi_impl.push(qi);
+ coerce_impl.push(coerce);
+ }
+ let size_for_logs = if real.generics.params.is_empty() {
+ quote!(::std::mem::size_of::<Self>() as u32)
+ } else {
+ // Refcount logging requires all types with the same name to have the
+ // same size, and generics aren't taken into account when creating our
+ // name string, so we need to make sure that all possible instantiations
+ // report the same size. To do that, we fake a size based on the number
+ // of vtable pointers and the known refcount field.
+ let fake_size_npointers = bases.len() + 1;
+ quote!((::std::mem::size_of::<usize>() * #fake_size_npointers) as u32)
+ };
+ let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = real.generics.split_for_impl();
+ let name_for_logs = quote!(
+ concat!(module_path!(), "::", stringify!(#name #ty_generics), "\0").as_ptr()
+ as *const ::xpcom::reexports::libc::c_char
+ );
+ Ok(quote! {
+ #init
+ #real
+ impl #impl_generics #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
+ /// This method is used for
+ fn allocate(__init: #name_init #ty_generics) -> ::xpcom::RefPtr<Self> {
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use ::xpcom::*;
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use ::xpcom::interfaces::*;
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use ::xpcom::reexports::{
+ libc, nsACString, nsAString, nsCString, nsString, nsresult
+ };
+ // Helper for asserting that for all instantiations, this
+ // object has the 'static lifetime.
+ fn xpcom_types_must_be_static<T: 'static>(t: &T) {}
+ unsafe {
+ // NOTE: This is split into multiple lines to make the
+ // output more readable.
+ let value = #name {
+ #(#vtables)*
+ __refcnt: #refcnt_ty::new(),
+ #(#inits)*
+ };
+ let boxed = ::std::boxed::Box::new(value);
+ xpcom_types_must_be_static(&*boxed);
+ let raw = ::std::boxed::Box::into_raw(boxed);
+ ::xpcom::RefPtr::from_raw(raw).unwrap()
+ }
+ }
+ /// Automatically generated implementation of AddRef for nsISupports.
+ #vis unsafe fn AddRef(&self) -> ::xpcom::MozExternalRefCountType {
+ let new =;
+ ::xpcom::trace_refcnt::NS_LogAddRef(
+ self as *const _ as *mut ::xpcom::reexports::libc::c_void,
+ new as usize,
+ #name_for_logs,
+ #size_for_logs,
+ );
+ new
+ }
+ /// Automatically generated implementation of Release for nsISupports.
+ #vis unsafe fn Release(&self) -> ::xpcom::MozExternalRefCountType {
+ let new = self.__refcnt.dec();
+ ::xpcom::trace_refcnt::NS_LogRelease(
+ self as *const _ as *mut ::xpcom::reexports::libc::c_void,
+ new as usize,
+ #name_for_logs,
+ #size_for_logs,
+ );
+ if new == 0 {
+ // dealloc
+ ::std::mem::drop(::std::boxed::Box::from_raw(self as *const Self as *mut Self));
+ }
+ new
+ }
+ /// Automatically generated implementation of QueryInterface for
+ /// nsISupports.
+ #vis unsafe fn QueryInterface(&self,
+ uuid: *const ::xpcom::nsIID,
+ result: *mut *mut ::xpcom::reexports::libc::c_void)
+ -> ::xpcom::reexports::nsresult {
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use ::xpcom::*;
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use ::xpcom::interfaces::*;
+ #(#qi_impl)*
+ ::xpcom::reexports::NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE
+ }
+ /// Perform a QueryInterface call on this object, attempting to
+ /// dynamically cast it to the requested interface type. Returns
+ /// Some(RefPtr<T>) if the cast succeeded, and None otherwise.
+ #vis fn query_interface<XPCOM_InterfaceType: ::xpcom::XpCom>(&self)
+ -> ::std::option::Option<::xpcom::RefPtr<XPCOM_InterfaceType>>
+ {
+ let mut ga = ::xpcom::GetterAddrefs::<XPCOM_InterfaceType>::new();
+ unsafe {
+ if self.QueryInterface(&XPCOM_InterfaceType::IID, ga.void_ptr()).succeeded() {
+ ga.refptr()
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Coerce this type safely to any of the interfaces which it
+ /// implements without `AddRef`ing it.
+ #vis fn coerce<XPCOM_InterfaceType: #coerce_name #ty_generics>(&self) -> &XPCOM_InterfaceType {
+ XPCOM_InterfaceType::coerce_from(self)
+ }
+ }
+ /// This trait is implemented on the interface types which this
+ /// `#[xpcom]` type can be safely ane cheaply coerced to using the
+ /// `coerce` method.
+ ///
+ /// The trait and its method should usually not be used directly, but
+ /// rather acts as a trait bound and implementation for the `coerce`
+ /// methods.
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ #vis trait #coerce_name #impl_generics #where_clause {
+ /// Convert a value of the `#[xpcom]` type into the implementing
+ /// interface type.
+ fn coerce_from(v: &#name #ty_generics) -> &Self;
+ }
+ #(#coerce_impl)*
+ unsafe impl #impl_generics ::xpcom::RefCounted for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
+ unsafe fn addref(&self) {
+ self.AddRef();
+ }
+ unsafe fn release(&self) {
+ self.Release();
+ }
+ }
+ })
+pub fn xpcom(
+ args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
+ input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
+) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
+ let args = parse_macro_input!(args as AttributeArgs);
+ let input = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemStruct);
+ match xpcom_impl(args, input) {
+ Ok(ts) => ts.into(),
+ Err(err) => err.to_compile_error().into(),
+ }