path: root/browser/components/privatebrowsing/test/browser/browser_privatebrowsing_DownloadLastDirWithCPS.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/privatebrowsing/test/browser/browser_privatebrowsing_DownloadLastDirWithCPS.js')
1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/privatebrowsing/test/browser/browser_privatebrowsing_DownloadLastDirWithCPS.js b/browser/components/privatebrowsing/test/browser/browser_privatebrowsing_DownloadLastDirWithCPS.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67d99b2f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/privatebrowsing/test/browser/browser_privatebrowsing_DownloadLastDirWithCPS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+var gTests;
+function test() {
+ waitForExplicitFinish();
+ requestLongerTimeout(2);
+ runTest().catch(ex => ok(false, ex));
+ * ================
+ * Helper functions
+ * ================
+ */
+function createWindow(aOptions) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => whenNewWindowLoaded(aOptions, resolve));
+function getFile(downloadLastDir, aURI) {
+ return downloadLastDir.getFileAsync(aURI);
+function setFile(downloadLastDir, aURI, aValue) {
+ downloadLastDir.setFile(aURI, aValue);
+ return new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
+function clearHistoryAndWait() {
+ clearHistory();
+ return new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(_ => executeSoon(resolve)));
+ * ===================
+ * Function with tests
+ * ===================
+ */
+async function runTest() {
+ let { FileUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs"
+ );
+ let { DownloadLastDir } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
+ "resource://gre/modules/DownloadLastDir.sys.mjs"
+ );
+ let tmpDir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", [], true);
+ let dir1 = newDirectory();
+ let dir2 = newDirectory();
+ let dir3 = newDirectory();
+ let uri1 ="");
+ let uri2 ="");
+ let uri3 ="");
+ let uri4 ="");
+ // cleanup functions registration
+ registerCleanupFunction(function () {
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("");
+ [dir1, dir2, dir3].forEach(dir => dir.remove(true));
+ win.close();
+ pbWin.close();
+ });
+ function checkDownloadLastDir(gDownloadLastDir, aLastDir) {
+ is(
+ gDownloadLastDir.file.path,
+ aLastDir.path,
+ "gDownloadLastDir should point to the expected last directory"
+ );
+ return getFile(gDownloadLastDir, uri1);
+ }
+ function checkDownloadLastDirNull(gDownloadLastDir) {
+ is(gDownloadLastDir.file, null, "gDownloadLastDir should be null");
+ return getFile(gDownloadLastDir, uri1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * ================================
+ * Create a regular and a PB window
+ * ================================
+ */
+ let win = await createWindow({ private: false });
+ let pbWin = await createWindow({ private: true });
+ let downloadLastDir = new DownloadLastDir(win);
+ let pbDownloadLastDir = new DownloadLastDir(pbWin);
+ /*
+ * ==================
+ * Beginning of tests
+ * ==================
+ */
+ is(
+ typeof downloadLastDir,
+ "object",
+ "downloadLastDir should be a valid object"
+ );
+ is(downloadLastDir.file, null, "LastDir pref should be null to start with");
+ // set up last dir
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, null, tmpDir);
+ is(
+ downloadLastDir.file.path,
+ tmpDir.path,
+ "LastDir should point to the tmpDir"
+ );
+ isnot(
+ downloadLastDir.file,
+ tmpDir,
+ "downloadLastDir.file should not be pointing to tmpDir"
+ );
+ // set uri1 to dir1, all should now return dir1
+ // also check that a new object is returned
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri1, dir1);
+ is(
+ downloadLastDir.file.path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "downloadLastDir should return dir1"
+ );
+ isnot(
+ downloadLastDir.file,
+ dir1,
+ "downloadLastDir.file should not return dir1"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return dir1"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ isnot(
+ await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri1),
+ dir1,
+ "getFile on uri1 should not return dir1"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri2)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri2 should return dir1"
+ ); // fallback
+ isnot(
+ await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri2),
+ dir1,
+ "getFile on uri2 should not return dir1"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri3 should return dir1"
+ ); // fallback
+ isnot(
+ await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3),
+ dir1,
+ "getFile on uri3 should not return dir1"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri4)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri4 should return dir1"
+ ); // fallback
+ isnot(
+ await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri4),
+ dir1,
+ "getFile on uri4 should not return dir1"
+ );
+ // set uri2 to dir2, all except uri1 should now return dir2
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri2, dir2);
+ is(
+ downloadLastDir.file.path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "downloadLastDir should point to dir2"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return dir1"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri2)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri2 should return dir2"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri3 should return dir2"
+ ); // fallback
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri4)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri4 should return dir2"
+ ); // fallback
+ // set uri3 to dir3, all except uri1 and uri2 should now return dir3
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri3, dir3);
+ is(
+ downloadLastDir.file.path,
+ dir3.path,
+ "downloadLastDir should point to dir3"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return dir1"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri2)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri2 should return dir2"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3)).path,
+ dir3.path,
+ "uri3 should return dir3"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri4)).path,
+ dir3.path,
+ "uri4 should return dir4"
+ ); // fallback
+ // set uri1 to dir2, all except uri3 should now return dir2
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri1, dir2);
+ is(
+ downloadLastDir.file.path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "downloadLastDir should point to dir2"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri1)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri1 should return dir2"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri2)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri2 should return dir2"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3)).path,
+ dir3.path,
+ "uri3 should return dir3"
+ ); // set in CPS
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri4)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri4 should return dir2"
+ ); // fallback
+ await clearHistoryAndWait();
+ // check clearHistory removes all data
+ is(downloadLastDir.file, null, "clearHistory removes all data");
+ is(await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri1), null, "uri1 should point to null");
+ is(await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri2), null, "uri2 should point to null");
+ is(await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3), null, "uri3 should point to null");
+ is(await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri4), null, "uri4 should point to null");
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, null, tmpDir);
+ // check data set outside PB mode is remembered
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(pbDownloadLastDir, tmpDir)).path,
+ tmpDir.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(downloadLastDir, tmpDir)).path,
+ tmpDir.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ await clearHistoryAndWait();
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri1, dir1);
+ // check data set using CPS outside PB mode is remembered
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(pbDownloadLastDir, dir1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(downloadLastDir, dir1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ await clearHistoryAndWait();
+ // check data set inside PB mode is forgotten
+ await setFile(pbDownloadLastDir, null, tmpDir);
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(pbDownloadLastDir, tmpDir)).path,
+ tmpDir.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ is(
+ await checkDownloadLastDirNull(downloadLastDir),
+ null,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ await clearHistoryAndWait();
+ // check data set using CPS inside PB mode is forgotten
+ await setFile(pbDownloadLastDir, uri1, dir1);
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(pbDownloadLastDir, dir1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ is(
+ await checkDownloadLastDirNull(downloadLastDir),
+ null,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ // check data set outside PB mode but changed inside is remembered correctly
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri1, dir1);
+ await setFile(pbDownloadLastDir, uri1, dir2);
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(pbDownloadLastDir, dir2)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(downloadLastDir, dir1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ /*
+ * ====================
+ * Create new PB window
+ * ====================
+ */
+ // check that the last dir store got cleared in a new PB window
+ pbWin.close();
+ // And give it time to close
+ await new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
+ pbWin = await createWindow({ private: true });
+ pbDownloadLastDir = new DownloadLastDir(pbWin);
+ is(
+ (await checkDownloadLastDir(pbDownloadLastDir, dir1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ await clearHistoryAndWait();
+ // check clearHistory inside PB mode clears data outside PB mode
+ await setFile(pbDownloadLastDir, uri1, dir2);
+ await clearHistoryAndWait();
+ is(
+ await checkDownloadLastDirNull(downloadLastDir),
+ null,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ is(
+ await checkDownloadLastDirNull(pbDownloadLastDir),
+ null,
+ "uri1 should return the expected last directory"
+ );
+ // check that disabling CPS works
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("", false);
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri1, dir1);
+ is(downloadLastDir.file.path, dir1.path, "LastDir should be set to dir1");
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri1)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri1 should return dir1"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri2)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri2 should return dir1"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri3 should return dir1"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri4)).path,
+ dir1.path,
+ "uri4 should return dir1"
+ );
+ downloadLastDir.setFile(uri2, dir2);
+ is(downloadLastDir.file.path, dir2.path, "LastDir should be set to dir2");
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri1)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri1 should return dir2"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri2)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri2 should return dir2"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri3 should return dir2"
+ );
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri4)).path,
+ dir2.path,
+ "uri4 should return dir2"
+ );
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("");
+ // check that passing null to setFile clears the stored value
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri3, dir3);
+ is(
+ (await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3)).path,
+ dir3.path,
+ "LastDir should be set to dir3"
+ );
+ await setFile(downloadLastDir, uri3, null);
+ is(await getFile(downloadLastDir, uri3), null, "uri3 should return null");
+ await clearHistoryAndWait();
+ finish();